Recovery of the body after a frozen pregnancy and cleansing: treatment, psychological rehabilitation. Recovery after a frozen pregnancy

About 16% of women face the disappointing news of a missed pregnancy every year. The fetus dies, but remains in the uterus, and the patient's ability to have children later depends on how skillfully and carefully it is removed. How to clean after a frozen pregnancy, we will tell in the article.

Ultrasound is today recognized as the most informative and reliable method for detecting pathology in early and late pregnancy. Alas, it is impossible to resuscitate and save the fetus, therefore, under the treatment of pathology, doctors mean the prompt deliverance of the patient from pregnancy.

How is cleaning during a frozen pregnancy

If the fetus has no signs of life, the doctor determines how to extract it:

  • through spontaneous abortion in the first weeks after conception, when the reproductive system itself gets rid of the clot of cells that has lost its viability and brings it out;
  • with medical help. If the pregnancy froze for a long time, you can’t hesitate - soon after the death of the fetus, decomposition products affect the mother’s body in the most detrimental way.

Cleansing with a frozen pregnancy through a miscarriage

If the fetus stops developing at the very beginning of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), then doctors prefer to remain inactive and observe the woman for 2 to 4 weeks. During this time, the amount of hCG falls, as a result of which the muscles of the uterus, under the influence of tone, push out unnecessary contents.

After that, a woman is prescribed an examination to determine the degree of cleansing of the uterine cavity. Timely removal of the remnants of the dead biomaterial with the help of curettage is the prevention of the development of an inflammatory reaction and infection. Self-cleansing of the uterus during an early missed pregnancy is the most favorable outcome for a woman's health.

Cleaning with a missed pregnancy by medical abortion

If the fetal egg died before the 8th week of its existence, medical cleansing of the dead pregnancy will help speed up the cleansing of the uterus from dying tissues. For this, the drugs Mifepristone and Misoprostol are used. The activity of the active components of these drugs is aimed at stimulating the contractility of the uterus and the development of miscarriage. As in the case of expectant management of pregnancy, the remains of the fetus (if any) after medical abortion are removed by curettage.

Cleaning with a frozen pregnancy by curettage

Very often, the consequences of a frozen pregnancy are eliminated with the help of curettage, or curettage. However, it cannot be said that this procedure is completely safe: during the operation, there is a high probability of tissue trauma and, accordingly, the development of complications.

Mechanical cleaning during a missed pregnancy takes place under general anesthesia: the uterus is opened with dilators and a special tool is inserted into its cavity through the cervical canal, which cleans the functional upper mucous layer from the inner surface of the organ. After the completion of the surgical abortion, the patient is injected with Oxytocin to speed up the process of returning the uterus to its previous shape and condition.

Cleaning with a frozen pregnancy by vacuum aspiration

Vacuum aspiration is performed both under general and local anesthesia. The fertilized egg is removed from the uterus by vacuum suction. It is possible to carry out the operation "blindly" or accompanied by ultrasound. In the second case, the procedure is more efficient. After completion of vacuum aspiration, the patient rests lying on her stomach for 1 hour under the supervision of a physician.

Among the advantages of this method of cleaning can be noted a small trauma to the internal genital organs and the ability to avoid general anesthesia. However, the procedure also has disadvantages in the form of incomplete abortion and a number of complications:

  • through damage to the cervix or body of the uterus;
  • inflammatory response;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • significant disorder of the monthly cycle;
  • secondary infertility.

Cleaning with a frozen pregnancy through childbirth

Most cases of missed pregnancy are fixed in the early stages, but it also happens that the fetus dies in the second and even in the third trimester. Terminating a frozen pregnancy for a long time is a serious psychological test for a woman.

Doctors generally refuse to remove the fetus by caesarean section due to the fact that dead tissue can become infected. In addition, a woman may subsequently have problems with gestation and natural delivery. To terminate a non-developing pregnancy for a long time, artificial labor induction is carried out.

The woman is admitted to the hospital the day before the procedure. To conduct an emergency birth, doctors act as follows:

  • 24 hours before delivery, kelp sticks are inserted into the cervical canal of a pregnant woman. The substance swells and thus gradually and gently expands the cervical canal;
  • to stimulate uterine contractions, the patient is given an injection of Oxytocin or prostaglandins are administered by one of the available routes: intravaginally, into the uterus or into the amniotic fluid. Labor activity will gain momentum gradually, because the woman's body simply was not ready for it. Sometimes this process stretches for several days;
  • when the time is right, the woman brings forth the fetus;
  • if during the examination the remains of dead tissues are found in the uterus, the organ cavity is finally cleaned by scraping or vacuum aspiration.

Artificial childbirth during a missed pregnancy is associated with several difficult moments for a woman in labor:

  • the procedure can take up to several days;
  • the opening of the uterus delivers severe pain, which is not eliminated by painkillers, so as not to reduce the intensity of contractions;
  • for the same reason, a woman in labor is not given anesthesia, and she is forced to give birth to a dead child on her own.

Recovery after cleaning a missed pregnancy

If the treatment of a missed pregnancy was led by an experienced specialist, there will be no negative consequences for the reproductive system and the health of the patient, and the woman will face only temporary inconvenience.

However, complications occur after all types of cleansing. The most common of them:

  • the occurrence of bleeding of varying intensity;
  • inflammatory response;
  • hormonal imbalance.

In particular, after cleansing the uterus with various instruments, the following complications are possible:

  • development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • perforation of the uterus or its cervix with an instrument or part of the fetal bone;
  • scarring of the inner surface of the uterus.

How many lie in the hospital after cleaning a missed pregnancy

The length of a woman's stay in the hospital after surgery depends on the procedure chosen:

  1. When cleaning with pills, a woman is usually not left in the hospital, so she can be free within a few hours after taking the medicine.
  2. Vacuum aspiration is considered a low-traumatic operation, and if the doctor is satisfied with the results of the procedure, he will let the patient go home on the same day.
  3. After scraping with a curette, the woman remains under medical supervision for one day.
  4. The elimination of the consequences of a missed pregnancy for a long time requires a competent approach and accuracy from specialists, so the patient will be detained in the hospital for at least 1 week.

Stomach hurts after cleaning a dead pregnancy

After an operation to remove a dead fetal egg / fetus, a woman may be disturbed by a pulling and quite pronounced pain in the lower abdomen. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • the uterus contracts, returning to its previous size;
  • pain occurs due to the fact that the mucous membrane of the endometrium of the uterus was mechanically damaged during the operation;
  • a complication arose - which one, only a doctor can diagnose.

Discharge after cleaning a missed pregnancy

In most cases, against the background of pain after cleaning a frozen pregnancy, a woman is concerned about discharge. This is an essential sign of recovery after surgery, and here the doctor should draw the patient's attention to several important points:

  • nothing can be used to collect secretions, except for sanitary pads;
  • discharge looks like bloody or bloody-blood clots. At first they are red, then darken after a while, become brownish, then gradually subside until they stop completely;
  • you need to urgently consult a doctor if the discharge has a yellowish or greenish tint, an unpleasant odor comes from them;
  • some time after the extraction of the embryo or fetus from the uterus, blood should flow. If there is little or no discharge at all, the cervix may have closed ahead of time, which is considered a deviation from the norm.

The method of cleaning also affects the duration of discharge from the genital tract:

  • if a woman got rid of a frozen pregnancy with the help of special medicines, she will notice a discharge after the second pill. They look like heavy periods, which become more scanty after a few days. Blood after cleaning frozen pregnancy with pharmaceuticals leaves 2 weeks after the last pill;
  • after the vacuum aspiration procedure, the discharge persists for 7 days;
  • after scraping, the discharge is very profuse and lasts about 5 days. Subsequently, their intensity decreases and the spotting discharge persists on average for another 14 days after surgery;
  • on the first day after artificial stimulation of labor, the discharge is very abundant, with an admixture of clots. Gradually, they decrease and completely disappear after 6 to 8 weeks after the uterus is cleared.

Temperature after cleaning a frozen pregnancy

High body temperature on the first day after the operation to extract the dead embryo (fetus) is considered a normal reaction of the body to what is happening. However, there are nuances here too. So, if the thermometer reached 39 degrees or the temperature did not stabilize on the second or third day after cleaning, you should not hesitate to see a doctor.

Domestic medicine practices the treatment of women with antibiotics after the termination of a missed pregnancy, while in a similar situation, foreign doctors prescribe antibacterial drugs to their patients only if there are direct indications.

Menstruation after cleaning a missed pregnancy

What you need to know about the restoration of the menstrual cycle after the completion of a pathological pregnancy:

  • the beginning of the monthly cycle is conditionally taken as the day of extraction of the dead fetal egg or fetus from the uterus;
  • the active components of the cleaning tablets do not affect the inner mucous surface of the uterus, so the next menstruation begins at a natural time;
  • during curettage or vacuum cleaning during a missed pregnancy, the active layer of the endometrium is scraped off, so menstruation resumes on average 1 to 2 months after the operation;
  • if a cleaning was carried out during a long-term missed pregnancy, menstruation comes on average 6 to 8 weeks after the operation;
  • If your period has acquired specific characteristics (for example, a strange color or smell) or the menstrual cycle has not returned to normal within 6 months, you need to make an appointment with a doctor.

Sex after cleaning a missed pregnancy

Sex is the best antidepressant, so for many women the question is when it is possible to resume intimate life after cleaning a missed pregnancy. Let's highlight the most important points:

  • after spontaneous abortion of a frozen fetus or treatment of pathology with pills, it is allowed to return to sexual activity immediately after the completion of bloody discharge from the uterus, which averages 2 weeks;
  • the vacuum aspiration procedure imposes a taboo on sex for about 3 weeks after the intervention;
  • after mechanical scraping, it is safest to resume intimate relationships after 1 month;
  • artificial childbirth is a good reason for sexual abstinence for 6 to 8 weeks.

Treatment after cleaning a missed pregnancy

Missed pregnancy most often occurs due to spontaneous genetic “breakdowns” in the fetus, so the percentage of development of a similar situation during the next attempt to bear a child is extremely small.

  • consultation with a gynecologist 14 days after the elimination of a missed pregnancy;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • analysis for TORCH infection;
  • blood test for TSH.

Planning for a baby after cleaning a missed pregnancy

If we turn to the experience of foreign medicine, then you can “work” in the direction of the next pregnancy after cleansing immediately after the restoration and stabilization of the monthly cycle. At the same time, doctors recommend drinking folic acid every day.

Domestic experts are less radical in this matter and advise the woman to rest for at least six months after the incident. A patient who has experienced a frozen pregnancy is certainly prescribed a COC.

Fetal fading is one of the reasons for not carrying a pregnancy in women, regardless of their socio-economic level and lifestyle. The danger is that it manifests itself only after the death of the fetal egg.

Sudden spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a stress for the body, a psychological trauma for a woman and her family members. Hope for the future - planning a new conception, the success of which determines the quality of treatment andrehabilitation after a missed pregnancy.

It is impossible to revive a dead fetal egg. It gradually decomposes, over time, an infection begins to develop in it, which causes intoxication and can end in sepsis.

Therefore, the treatment is aimed at removing the fetus from the uterine cavity without a trace, and restoring the woman's body after that. The choice of technique depends on her state of health, the duration and development of pregnancy until the moment of fading.

The following removal methods are used:

  1. Spontaneous miscarriage.
  2. Vacuum aspiration (mini abortion).
  3. Medical (tablet, pharmaceutical) abortion.
  4. Curettage (cleaning) of the uterine cavity.

More often prescribed method of pill abortion, curettage, mini-abortion, less often - miscarriage. With the fading of the fetus in the later stages, an artificial birth is performed.

Use of spontaneous miscarriage and vacuum aspiration

The fading of pregnancy is accompanied by a decrease in the concentration of a specific hormone in the woman's body - human chorionic gonadotropin. The uterus reacts to this with contractions, rejection of the dead fetus and pushing it through the ajar neck. The method is prescribed in the absence of symptoms of inflammation in a woman.

A complete miscarriage without complications is confirmed by an ultrasound study. If fetal remains are found in the uterus, a vacuum or curettage is performed.

The first week after a miscarriage may be accompanied by slight pain in the lower abdomen and discharge with a small amount of blood. After a few weeks, the woman's body is restored, a month later, menstruation begins. The method is used in the absence of signs of inflammation and intoxication in the body of a woman.

If the fetus is frozen for a period of 5-6 weeks, a vacuum aspiration of the contents from the uterine cavity is prescribed using an inserted catheter. In this case, only the upper layer of the mucous membrane is removed and the embryo is removed. Control ultrasound is performed.

The found remains of the fetus in the uterus are sucked off with a vacuum again, or a mechanical curettage is performed. 2 weeks after the mini-abortion, the woman's body is restored, menstruation appears on the 35th - 40th day.

Medical abortion - rehabilitation

Tableted removal of a frozen fetus is performed during the period of embryonic development - no later than 7 weeks of pregnancy.

A woman in two stages according to the scheme takes drugs that block the action of progesterone - Mifepristone, Mifegin. Their properties are enhanced by misoprostol. Under the influence of drugs, the uterus actively contracts, rejects and pushes the embryo out with bleeding. After its release, the release of blood gradually stops, but it is smeared for several more weeks.

On the first day, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, which is relieved with the help of an antispasmodic - No-shpy. Pain medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of such drugs significantly weakens the immune system.

The menstrual cycle is counted from the onset of bleeding after taking the pills. Within 2 - 3 months, it is normalized. The first menstruation lasts up to 2 weeks.

2 weeks after the abortion, ultrasound scans the remains of the fetus in the uterine cavity. During this time, it should be completely cleared. If this does not happen, vacuum aspiration or curettage is performed.

Rehabilitation after medical termination of pregnancycomes down to the implementation of a number of doctor's recommendations that contribute to the restoration of the woman's body. He reviews the patient's diet, helps to balance it, include vegetables and fruits in the menu.

To strengthen the immune system, the doctor prescribes a vitamin complex. It also recommends following simple rules:

  • avoid psycho-emotional stresses, learn to manage them;
  • exclude any physical activity;
  • include in the daily routine rest, walks in the fresh air;
  • give up smoking, alcohol, strong coffee;
  • to exclude the reception of water procedures in baths, saunas, baths, swimming in pools, reservoirs;
  • monitor the restoration of the menstrual cycle, the nature of vaginal discharge after an abortion;
  • begin sexual activity after the end of the first menstruation;
  • it is necessary to protect yourself from pregnancy for the first 6 months, coordinate the means of contraception with your doctor.

Every woman after an abortion thinks abouthow to recover quicklyand conceive a child again. This should not be allowed until the body is fully restored. This can negatively affect pregnancy.

The pharmacist method is the simplest and most affordable, it is easily tolerated by women. But it should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and under his control.

Mechanical cleaning, restoration

Curettage of the uterine cavity is prescribed in cases of fetal death at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy and later. Before the operation, the woman is examined, special training is carried out. Cleaning is performed in a hospital, under anesthesia (general or local), with the expansion of the cervix.

Scraped with a special tool (curette). The upper layer of the mucosa is cleaned and removed along with all the contents of the uterine cavity. Cleaning materials are sent for histological examination to determine the cause of fetal death.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy and curettagebegin during the operation - drugs are administered to quickly contract the uterus (Oxytocin, Pituitrin).

Rehabilitation after curettage of a missed pregnancy

The complex of therapeutic and restorative measures after the surgical removal of a frozen fetus includes:

  • antibacterial drugs that prevent the development of infection in the uterine cavity (Ceftriaxone, Metronidazole, Gentamicin);
  • contraceptive hormonal drugs that prevent pregnancy and restore the hormonal background in a woman's body (Regulon, Marvelon);
  • vitamin complexes to support immunity;
  • proper nutrition with the inclusion in the menu of meat, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, juices;
  • conducting a control ultrasound to detect fetal remains in the uterine cavity.

Incomplete curettage is an indication for re-cleaning. If you experience severe pain after surgery, your doctor may prescribe painkillers.

Menstruation starts 2-8 weeks after surgery. If the menstrual cycle is not restored, hormonal drugs are prescribed - analogues of progesterone (Dufaston, Utrozhestan).

The next pregnancy can be planned no earlier than 6 months from the date of the curettage. The favorable period is 9-12 months after the operation. During this timerecovery after curettage of a missed pregnancycompleted, its causes established.

At the first fading of pregnancy, the doctor, most often, finds them in violations of the woman's health in the first trimester. Additional studies are not carried out.

The histology of curettage materials gives an answer about the reasons for the repeated fading of the fetus. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive examination of both spouses. After that, if necessary, perform treatment.

Psychological recovery of a woman

A sudden frozen pregnancy is a psychological trauma for a woman and develops into depression. She blames herself for the death of the fetus. Therefore, the gynecologist refers each patient to a psychologist for professional help.

It is important for relatives, especially her husband, to surround her with care and attention, to be patient. The woman is depressed, loses interest in life, is indifferent to everything, cries. She must be convinced that motherhood will be, but for this it is necessary to recover.

It is more correct to speak this topic, and not to feel sorry for the woman. During this period, it is better to protect her from contact with young children and pregnant women.

Communication with family and friends, doing your favorite hobbies, meditation, walking will help you find peace of mind and confidence in future motherhood. This takes 1-2 months. Protracted depression can last up to 6 months.

In this case, to restore the woman, a psychiatrist is involved, who prescribes medication with the use of antidepressants, tranquilizers. The heartache subsides, life goes on, and the family is planning a pregnancy again.

The success of re-conception depends on the fulfillment of all prescriptions and recommendations of the attending physician, compliance with the deadlinesrecovery after cleansing. A healthy lifestyle, a good family climate, harmony in family relationships and observation by a gynecologist will help you safely endure the next pregnancy.

Such an unforeseen and terrible event as a frozen pregnancy plunges any woman into shock. The body is experiencing a colossal hormonal shock - all its organs and systems were already tuned to bear a fetus, and suddenly something went wrong. The restoration of the body after a frozen pregnancy has both quite understandable physiological aspects, and psychological ones, no less important.

It will take time to adjust to normal, pre-pregnancy hormone levels, to return to the usual menstrual cycle and, most importantly, to acquire a normal psychological state. How recovery occurs after a frozen pregnancy, how long it will last and how to restore peace of mind, you will learn in our article.

Physiological recovery after a missed pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy ends either in a miscarriage, or, which happens even more often, in the so-called purge - surgical curettage of the uterus. It should be understood that in both cases, what happened is a huge stress for the body.

Miscarriage during a missed pregnancy is a relatively better outcome. The body itself (or medication) gets rid of the non-viable fetus. Curettage, on the other hand, becomes a forced measure, which has to be applied after the discovery of a missed pregnancy during the next examination by a doctor. Cleaning is a serious surgical intervention that injures the cervix and its internal cavity.

Recovery after cleaning will certainly take some time: according to the recommendations of doctors, between curettage or miscarriage during a missed pregnancy and the next conception should pass at least 3 months . And this is the minimum threshold - for a full recovery after curettage, 6-12 months are needed.

The uterine cavity after a frozen pregnancy and curettage is a damaged, injured surface. It takes about six months to fully restore the endometrium. After this period need to visit a gynecologist , which will assess the condition of the cervix, which is extremely sensitive to mechanical stress and is at risk of erosion after curettage.

The next physiological aspect of rehabilitation after a missed pregnancy is restoration of the monthly cycle: ovulation and menstruation . It happens that menstruation begins already 1-1.5 months after a miscarriage or curettage, and conception after a missed pregnancy may well happen in the next cycle.

However, many women complain about hormonal disbalance after a missed pregnancy, usually expressed in a delay in menstruation. It should be noted that often it is the existing imbalance of hormones that causes miscarriage. And cycle disorders after a frozen pregnancy have obvious reasons - the body has experienced serious stress, because during the onset and course of pregnancy, the level of basic female hormones changes radically, and interrupting it becomes a shock that needs to be overcome as soon as possible. Delayed menstruation up to 45 days is considered the norm. Give the body time to heal itself or take hormonal drugs - the decision is yours. It is best if it is taken after consultation with a doctor you trust. There may also be other reasons for the delay in menstruation after a frozen pregnancy - the occurrence of internal inflammation (it often manifests itself as yellow or brown discharge) or the presence of remnants of the fetal egg in the uterus. Therefore, 10 days after curettage, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound scan.

sex life after a miscarriage, you can start 2 weeks after a natural or medical abortion, as well as after removing the fetus under vacuum; if the period was longer and cleaning was carried out, it is advisable to refrain from vaginal contacts for about a month. Sex can be painful at first. You should start about six months after visiting your observant gynecologist.

Psychological rehabilitation after a missed pregnancy

Relatives and friends, of course, are very sympathetic to you, but those who have not experienced this will never be able to fully understand this. And yet - do not withdraw into yourself, in such a situation, the support of a husband, mother or sister is extremely important. Psychological rehabilitation after a missed pregnancy should include acceptance of the situation (discussion with loved ones about what happened will help here) and getting rid of guilt. Analyzes and examinations will give an answer to the question that torments you about the cause of a missed pregnancy and will prevent a repetition of the tragedy next time.

The next step in psychological rehabilitation will be a return to normal life. Fill it to the maximum with useful and enjoyable activities that make you happier. Listen to your favorite music, watch good movies with a good ending, go out more often and meet friends. Sports after a frozen pregnancy can also be a great way to distract yourself from bad thoughts, and in addition, improve your overall health. You can do jogging, yoga, fitness within a couple of weeks after cleansing. Even simple morning exercises refresh your mind and help you not dwell on what happened.

Many women can’t move away from what happened, repeating “I’m afraid to get pregnant” after a missed pregnancy. Having passed all the tests, having identified and solved all the existing problems, they understand with their minds that the next pregnancy after the dead one will most likely not be a repetition of the previous one, but fear does not let them go. Of course, in this case, there is no need to rush, because planning a pregnancy after a missed pregnancy is a largely psychological process. Give yourself time.

Health to you and a speedy recovery!