Baby swimming time. The first bathing of the kid: do everything right! The initial stage of bathing

Not all parents understand that they need to bathe babies not only for them to be clean. Moreover, in the first year of life, the baby washing and bathing have a fundamentally different meaning for him. How to bathe the newborn and the baby older, and why do it in principle to do? Let's tell!

Bathing kid is a special procedure that, in addition to some minor hassle, delivers parents and baby a lot of joy and benefit. Of course, if parents fit this "warm" event with a "cold" head ...

Swimming and hygiene: What is the connection?

No! Baby bathing does not have a baby's hygiene. Unless water is involved in both rituals, but only. You wash you baby (or, wash Karapuz, wash it from time to the whole, etc.) with one sole purpose - to make it cleaner.

This is usually required: running water or special wet wipes, delicate baby soap (better in liquid form) and about 5 minutes of time.

But swimming is the process longer, creative and useful. You are bathing and a newborn, and the baby is older to:

  • take him a feeling of pleasure and psychological comfort (after all, he still remembers how the mother was swimming in the mob);
  • provide him with some necessary physical exertion;
  • develop communicative, tactile and emotional baby skills;
  • awaken appetite in it;
  • finally, swimming is an excellent procedure for hardening and preventing colds.

How to bathe newborn in the first two weeks of life

We will define the concepts: I can wash the baby in hygienic purposes from the first day of his birth. But to swim in a large bath and in conventional water tap water until it is contraindicated.

The umbilical wound heals completely in about 10-15 days after the birth of the child. Therefore, for the next two weeks after discharge from the hospital, parents have 2 adequate embodiments of the hygienic procedure for the newborn crumbs:

  • 1 newborn baby can be bathed in a small children's bath using exceptionally boiled water. In the Western tradition, it is customary to bathe a newborn baby with a tiny soft towel - so he has a more believable association with the maternal urob. But from a medical point of view there is no arguments nor "for", nor "against" - want, bathe with a towel, you want - without.

Swimming a newborn in a diaper or a small towel gives him a feeling of "intrauterine comfort" - so affirm children's psychologists and neonatologists.

  • 2 newborn baby The first two weeks can not be bathed in water, but simply wipe with special wet napkins.

As for the first time, bathe newborn in tap water

Finally, the umbilical wound at the kid completely healed, and this means that a newborn child can now be bathed in conventional water. Repeat: not just wash, namely - to bathe! How to do it so that the child and parents receive a maximum of pleasure and benefit from the battery process? So, you need to bathe a child:

In a large bath. The big bath for the baby is almost a sea-ocean: he can gladly joke his legs and hands, follow the toys or grab them. Water in a large bath is slower than cooling and swimming is quite possible "stretch" to 20-30 minutes. And it is batheing in a large bath, the baby spends a large amount of energy that allows him to sleep hard until the morning, gaining strength. This physical energy exchange is extremely important: it normalizes the metabolism, stimulates the work of muscles and internal organs.

Another important argument in favor of bathing in a large bath: When the baby's chest is immersed entirely into the water (that is, the kid bathes entirely and outwardly "sticking out" only his head), then the mechanism of the respiratory process becomes fundamentally different. In the water, the kid spends exactly so many forces on the breath and exhale, as always, but his lungs at the same time are revealed much more. And therefore, they contain more oxygen than "on land". And accordingly, more oxygen will come from the lungs in all corners of the body, which will provide him with faster and prosperous development and growth.

In pure water. There is no need to boil water for swimming after healed the umbilical wound - now it is unreasonable, it is inconvenient and does not make sense. Nevertheless, the water in which you plan to bathe baby must be as clean as possible. Do not trust the water purification system in your city - put a special cleaning filter on your crane.

In a pleasant and interesting setting. If it is difficult for you to constantly maintain the baby in the water with your hands, then you can easily translate it to the "free swimming" mode. For this, today there are plenty of devices, like special swimming circles for babies and hats with foam inserts. These useful inventions reliably hold the head of the child "afloat", but at the same time they allow his body to fully immerse itself into the water without any support. Hang on the edge of the bath Mobile with music and toys - yes so that the baby has learned gradually to reach them, and everybody swimming will become a real symbiosis of such a "Disneyland" and SPA - and exciting, and useful!

Special inflatable circles and hats with foam inserts are real "rescuers" of parental lower back. Agree - even in the name of the ideal and prolonged children's swimming, it is very difficult and risky in half an hour and more ...

At what temperature to bathe newborn and the baby older

The temperature of water for swimming is changing somewhat depending on the aircraft. At the very beginning - barely only the navel from the kid helated and you prepared an ordinary "adult" bath for him, the optimal water temperature to start the procedure is 33-34 ° C.

We pay special attention - this temperature regime is suitable for a large amount of water and space - when the child has the opportunity to actively move in the water, move the handles and legs, "swim" on the hands of the parents.

If Karapuza was put in a small children's bath, where and finger there is no possibility, then the water temperature for swimming should be about 36 ° C. However - no more than 37 ° C is a temperature "ceiling" for water in which you bathe baby.

Now again about those lucky to whom the parents allow you to swim in the "adult" bath. You can start a bathing from a temperature of 33-34 ° C, but gradually it makes sense to lower a little. Namely - every week you can reduce the temperature of the water to 1 degree. For a child, it is absolutely safe, but the prevention of respiratory diseases is the most reliable.

Gradually, the water temperature for swimming can be brought to 28-30 ° C, and in such conditions the baby will be able to be completely comfortable for half a year and with health benefits for 30-40 minutes. After a long bathing in cool water, the tired and well-fed, the baby is practically guaranteed tightly shipped until the morning.

When best bathe baby

If we speak exactly the procedure of bathing, and not washing - that is, about a more or less long (15-30 minute or more) finding a baby in water, it is best to spend this event exactly before evening feeding and sleep.

The fact is that swimming, as a rather active kind of "sport", affordable to a small crumb, takes a lot of strength from him - about the same as you take a 40-minute aerobic occupation in the fitness room. And just like you, after such a load, the baby, as a rule, is experiencing only two needs - to eat "from the nearest" and sleep.

Right and reasonably organized bathing of the baby can provide a strong healthy sleep for the whole night not only the most baby, but also his loved ones.

Already at the age of 4-5 months, during the mode of the annoyless long bathing (repeat: 20-30 minutes) and thoroughly sowed before bedtime, the child is capable of sleeping hard all night, without waking up for night feeding. What inevitably makes everyone without exception of parents twice as luck.

Is it possible to dive in the bathroom?

Newborn children have such a wonderful reflex - when water gets into the respiratory tract, there is a spasm in them, they overlap and choke a child in the water cannot actually. Of course, if it is immersed in water for a long time, it can die from the lack of oxygen - that is, in fact, the KaraPuza threatens to suffocate from the lack of air, but not to choke from the abundance of water.

Simply put - no need to be afraid if the baby accidentally turned over and "hooked" under the water, there is nothing fundamentally dangerous in it. If you promptly lift his head over the water and he can, coughing out (if there is a need for this), breathe fluidly, then such a "dive" is considered quite physiological and ordinary. Moreover, many progressive schools and courses for young moms and dads specially teach parents, as they dip their babies with their heads, so that the child does not lose this valuable reflex - an automatic breathing delay when water gets into the respiratory tract. As a rule, children whom Sysmanship Thus "teach" freely stay on the water and without panic to behave under water, very quickly learn to swim and extremely rarely sick respiratory diseases.

Does it take time from time to time the baby during bathing or not - parents themselves decide. If this is pleasant and useful (with proper control of adults!) For a child, it only sorts about a heart attack at mom - it is better not to dive at all. To prohibit something one or promotion another here will not take a single pediatrician. The style of domestic bathing is exclusively at the discretion of the family. The main thing is that the baby, and the parent, during the procedure, felt comfortable and enjoyed swimming a child.

If the baby never dives during swimming, the respiratory delay reflex fuses completely in about 2-2.5 months after the child's birth.

What to add to the water when bathing

By and large, you can add anything. Child of infant age is quite successful you can bathe in conventional water tap water, provided that it is more or less clean. But if it still really wants at least somehow water for swimming "twisted" - then it is best to use a black blade. Why not manganese and not allegedly calming?

Manganese. Favorite substance every grandmother. But if for the ablution of newborn kids, she can also come in handy, then for swimming a baby in a large mangalling bathing bath is ineffective: if it is breeding to a gentle pink color, then its anti-inflammatory properties are extremely small, and if we breed in concentrated form - that is, the risk of "burning »Tender mucous eye.

Herbal soothing fees. As Dr. Komarovsky is often joking, such fees love to prescribe children's neurologists to prescribe young mothers. They tell them that these herbs calm the children before bedtime, but in fact, thereby give a reason for complacency ... Mama themselves! E.O. Komarovsky: "If the child has problems on the neurological part - then no herbs, alas, will not help, even if it is" ringed "in them the clock. And if there are no problems as such - then there are no more fees for anything. " Anyway - not yet a single serious study confirming that some grass added to the water to calmly brings really tangible results.

Truck. Perhaps this is the most useful for infant bathing "seasoning". It has a certain antibacterial and healing effect, but at the same time completely safe for gentle mucous kids. And if it makes sense to add something to the water before bathing the baby, then it is the brawl of a turn.

How to brew a series of swimming:

  • 1 In the morning a glass of dry grass (sold in bundles in any pharmacy) flooded into a liter container for hot, the easiest way is to a glass jar.
  • 2 Pour boiling water to the top (that is, it will be 1 liter of liquid). And let it be brewed until the evening.
  • 3 Before bathing, through the gauze, pour the decoction into the bath with water. And now you can "run" in such a baby's water. Rinsing the baby after swimming in the brave is not necessarily, but also does not yet be reborn. Baths with a series makes sense to practice approximately in the first 2-3 months after birth.

How to handle the skin baby after bathing

It is the opinion that the daily swimming in the tap water strongly overcourses the skin of the child. In fact, it is not. The most cunning enemy of the skin is a dry and hot climate, because as a reinforced work of the sweat glands is the main cause of dry skin. But the blackberry bathing not only does not harm, but, on the contrary, it is useful for the health of the baby in general, and for its skin in particular.

After bathing, the baby needs to be lined with a towel (do not wipe and rub, namely neatly and gently miss), then put on a changing table and inspect. If no visible problems on the skin are present, the crumb can be provided with a diaper, wear and finally allow to feed.

And if problem areas are observed on the skin, the principle of courtship is reduced by them to the following:

If on the skin there are risen areas - They must be moistened. For this, special cream, baby oil or boiled vegetable oil are often used. It is best about these funds to consult from the leading pediatrician.

If, on the contrary, the skin "Moknet" - These sites must be dried. Similarly, with the help of special means of children's cosmetics, sprinkle, etc., before buying which it makes sense to talk to the doctor.

When the baby appears in the house, the parents have many questions related to the bathing of the child.

Why buy a baby? Do not just wash sufficiently?

Most parents are confident that you need to bathe a child, first of all, for cleanliness. However, in addition to the hygienic role, regular water procedures have a wide impact on the body and psycho-emotional state of the kid.

Bathing kid is useful because:

  1. During swimming, the child is hardened. Since the thermal conductivity of water is 30 times higher than thermal conductivity of air, even small, 1-2 ° C, the difference between body temperature and water is enough to achieve a powerful hardware effect exceeding such from hardening by air baths. This effect will increase when the baby is poured at the end of the procedure with cool water with a temperature of several degrees below the one in which the bath took.
  2. The batting of the child has a positive effect on the child's nervous system and his psycho-emotional development.Moving from the air to the water and back leads to stimulation of a plurality of nerve receptors that are in the skin. At the same time, there is a training and regulation of the activities of various parts of the nervous system, a certain equilibrium is achieved and their optimization of their work. In addition, bathing provides a child with a child of bright emotions and impressions, which positively affects his intellectual development. The use of various toys in the age of baby and short classes with them in water enhance this effect.
  3. The movements of the child are improved. In water, it is harder to move than in air, due to its increased resistance. Bully handles and legs, crumb strengthens their muscles and trains a heart. The greatest effect can be achieved when bathing a baby in an "adult" bath, where it can move more freely with handles and legs and change body position. It is very useful to perform with the infant small complexes of water gym.
  4. Helps improve the condition of the baby.Finding in water reduces or completely relieves pain, which helps to reassure the child, for example, when it is tormented.
  5. Bathing for the baby is communication and valuable experience. In the process of bathing, the baby occurs an emotional contact between the child and adults, which has a positive effect on the development of the relationship between the baby and the surrounding close people.

Bathing of a newborn: parents' questions

It would seem that there is a difficult thing - to bathe a child? However, many young parents fear this simple procedure, afraid to do something wrong, because the newborn baby is so tiny and defenseless. We have collected the most popular questions that the parents ask for swimming.

When should begin to bathe a newborn?

According to the recommendations of domestic pediatricians, you can bathe newborn already on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital - if the BCG vaccination was made on the eve, or the next day - if the BCG was made on the day of discharge. Up to this point, the child is simply shaped several times a day after each chair. Bathing is contraindicated with any acute diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature, as well as in the presence of rotten lesions of the skin.

What time is it better to choose baby for swimming?

The answer to this question depends on both the characteristics of the child and the rhythm of the life of the whole family. As a rule, children calm down and sound well after water procedures, and therefore swimming is often carried out before one of the evening feedings. For those kids on which bathing actor actively, the time of receiving the bath can be transferred to day and even morning clock. It is important that the procedure begins not earlier than an hour after eating and no later than 30-40 minutes before the next feeding.

How to prepare a room and bath for water procedures?

It is convenient to bathe a child directly in the bathroom. The optimal temperature in the room where water procedures pass are 24-26 ° C. On a slippery tiled floor, it is better to lay a rubber rug in advance, and on the shelf within visibility to set the clock to navigate time.

The location of the children's bath must be primarily convenient for parents. It should be noted that at present there are many different models of bathing for bathing - for every taste and wallet. For example, children's baths with double walls provide long-term maintenance of water temperature at the initial level, and the built-in thermal sensors help to monitor its level. "Gorki" are designed to help keep the child in the bath, they are built-in or removable. It may be convenient to be the presence of a drain hose in the bath, thanks to which it will not be necessary to turn it over to pour water, it's easy enough to open the drain. There are even changing tables or dressers in which the bathing container is built. In order for an adult during the procedure, there was no half-bent position, special supports under the baths are invented. Some of them are installed on the floor, while the bath is approximately at the level of the adult belt. Others are placed on the side of the adult bath. In both cases, you need to make sure that the bath is firmly fixed on the stand.

The bath in which the crumb is bathed, you need to wash hot water with soap directly in front of each procedure. If the child bathes in an adult bath, it is recommended to clean it with soda. In the process of bathing, the door to the bathroom can be kept slightly ajar, of course, in the absence of a draft, so much a couple will accumulate in the bathroom. Then the subsequent transition of the child from the bathroom into the corridor will not be very sharp.

Boil water for swimming?

Currently, subject to the presence of centralized water supply, there is no need to boil water for swimming infants. However, if you live outside the city and water is not delivered from centralized sources, boiling water is required at least in the first month of the child's life.

How to disinfect water?

The minimum water disinfection is recommended until the umbilical wound will not be completely lit, and the crust does not disappear: as a rule, this happens to the 2-3rd week of the baby. For disinfection, a solution of potassium permanganate is usually used. Magnantages are divorced in a separate container to obtain a saturated solution, which is then filled with a three-layer gauze to avoid the increasing crystals on the skin of the crumbs, which can lead to a chemical burn. The leaky solution is added to the bath with water until the pale pink shade is obtained.

Bathing infants with the addition of manganese causes dry skin, so it cease to add, as soon as the umbilical wound will heal, and the crust will disappear.

Also brands are also used as disinfecting drugs - calendulas, turns, chamomile. For the preparation of infusion, a glass of dry grass is filled with a liter of steep boiling water, after which it is insisted for 3-4 hours. Then the resulting decoction is filtered through a three-layer gauze and add to the bath. Apply antiseptic herbs decractions are recommended when the child or diaper dermatitis appears on the skin. If the skin of the baby is healthy, in the addition of herbs there is no need.

What should be the temperature of the water for swimming a baby?

The optimal water temperature for a newborn bathing is 36-37 ° C. To measure the water temperature, it is recommended to use a thermometer. The so-called elbow method, that is, lowering the elbow of the adult to the water - while the water temperature should virtually different from the body temperature, is inaccurate due to the difference of subjective sensations when the air temperature changes and humidity changes.

In the "adult" bath water cools pretty slowly. And when using a children's bath, it is better to control the water temperature with a thermometer throughout the process and, if necessary, add warm water. To obtain the hardening effect, the water temperature for swimming can be reduced by one degree within 7-10 days to 32-33 ° C.

To complete the bathing of the kid is useful to velvet with cool water from the jug, the bucket, etc. The water temperature should be a couple of degrees below the one in which the child was bought: for example, 34-35 ° C if the bathing occurred at a temperature of 37 ° C.

What should be the duration of water procedures?

The most first bathing of the baby should not take more than 5-7 minutes. By 2-3 months this time increases to 15 minutes, and by half - until 20 minutes.

How often do you need to bathe baby?

For normal psycho-emotional and motor development and to strengthen the health of the child of the breast, it is necessary to bathe daily. In the hot season of the year, water procedures can be carried out twice a day to prevent overheating of the organism and the prevention of the Pader.

What detergents are better to apply when bathing a child and how often can I use them?

When bathing a baby, it is better to use detergents intended for breast kids - there should be a corresponding mark on the label. List some of them:

The soap is children's - liquid, in the form of a gel or solid. Its main differences from ordinary soap varieties is the minimum alkali content - pH neutrality. In this regard, baby soap does not cause undesirable drying and irritation of the skin. Bathtub newborn should be used more often than 1 time per week, not counting regular rejunctions. In the second half of life, when the child begins to actively crawl around the apartment, you may have to bathe it with detergent more often.

Children's shampoo. Used from 2-4 weeks to washing the child's hair, as a rule, no more than 1 time per week. It should be noted that it is possible to wash the skin of the child's head and with the help of children's soap or bathing gel. For softening and removing gneis - seborrheic crust on the skin of the head - you can use any natural vegetable oil before applying a children's shampoo.

How to bathe baby?

The battery process in a child should cause positive emotions: only in this case all the positive effects are achieved about which we spoke at the beginning. If the baby does not like something, then, first of all, the adults themselves must be tailed to the positive and analyze the entire battlefield, trying to find out what frustrating the crumb. Maybe the child does not suit the time of the procedure or the water temperature, it bothers it too bright light or scares the noise of water from the crane. It is necessary to figure it out and create for the kid suitable for functions of bathing.

The newborn hygiene is the mandatory and necessary procedure, on which the baby's health depends, the condition of the skin, immunity. To correctly know how to bathe a newborn in the bath, without causing it harm, you should consider the recommendations for choosing a children's bath, appliances to it, as well as comply with the rules for conducting the procedure itself.

When it is better to bathe baby

Bathing time is better to determine in their preference, taking into account the rhythm of the remaining family members. It is not so important in which you will bathe the child, the main thing is to do it at the same time, for example, before feeding and bed. Most mothers find comfortable to bathe baby in front of the last feeding and night bed, since water treatments allow the baby to sleep better at night.

Necessary subjects

Today there is a rich selection of objects and cosmetics for evening hygiene of the child. What kind of firm prefer, solve parents, but you should think about high-quality, non-toxic materials. What bathing accessories need to prepare for water procedures with a crumb you will learn from the table. Do not forget that many mothers use to distract the baby and make the process as interesting as possible.

Bathochka Plastic children's bath oval shape will provide security and convenience of the procedure.
Thermometer (water) To control the water temperature, it is better to choose a digital or alcohol basis. For swimming baby, you can purchase thermometers in the form of animals or ships.
Sponge, urhal For swimming, the crumbs are recommended to purchase a soft, delicate sponge made of vegetable fibers, such as plants such as algae, korzak, but you can use a terry mitten.
Plastic jug It is useful for rinsing a baby's body with clean water after swimming.
Towel terry with a hood He will warm the baby after the bath, absorb water from the body of a child.
Cotton wands, discs Welcome to the nose and ears of the newborn.

The terry towel hooded will warm and dry the skin of the baby after swimming

The first 5-6 months, while the child does not sit, it is not recommended to use anatomical baths. They perfectly help your mother to free your hands, but while the spine is not a child, do not leave a child without supporting the head.

How to choose a bath

The extensive range of children's baths for swimming allows parents to make the choice of the most convenient model. The most popular models of fixtures are:

  • Classic. It is usually an oval form, it can be installed not only in a large, family bath, but also on a table or chair. Traditional models are distinguished by dimensions, design and color decision. The only negative, swimming a child in such a bath, the need for an assistant, while mommy does not catch it to do this itself;
  • Anatomical. A classical oval bath with special bulbs on the bottom, repeating the anatomical contours of the child's body. The convex bottom of the bath does not give the baby to slip, helps hold the body in the same position. Suitable for very little children. In such a bath it is impossible to swim, and it will be uncomfortable to swim sitting a little grazing baby;
  • Inflatable. It is useful for trips or as a pool. At home to inflate her daily - the business is troublesome, but if there is no free space for the storage of a nursery bath, then the inflatable capacity will be excellent output. For safety, the crumbs can not be worried because the spontaneous air outlet from the inflatable product is excluded due to the annular structure and safe valves;
  • Installed on the edge of the bath. Such baths have a small capacity, designed for very little kids;
  • Built in the changing table. This is the most modern model in which water drains and wheels are provided.

Classic Bath for Newborn

Baby Bath Bath Bath

Inflatable Baby Bath

Bath for a newborn, installed on the edge of the bath

Bathing bath, built into a changing table

When choosing a children's bath, size is important than longer you are going to bathe newborn in a small bath, the more it should be. Pay attention to the quality of the material, stability and hygiene (the possibility of easy cleaning). To understand what is suitable better, we recommend you to familiarize yourself with our advice.

Bathing process

After discharge from the maternity hospital, a young mother does not know how to bathe her first tiny child. The lack of experience should not scare, these tips will help to do everything correctly:

  • The first bathing (usually on the second day after the discharge) with the non-healing navel is carried out only with boiled water and manganese, then you can use "raw" water. With mangartee, you should be careful, the water must be a little pink, otherwise it will dry the kid's skin;
  • The optimal water temperature is 36.6.6-36.8 ° C, but if you need to cheer up a child, you can make it more thunder to calm down - warmer. It is not necessary to have a thermometer to determine the water temperature, you can try its elbow. If you lowered the elbow in the bath with water and did not feel any cold, no heat, then the temperature of the water is correct, you can start swimming the kid;
  • In order not to shine a child, the air temperature in the bathing room should be 22-24 ° C. It is advisable to leave the door of the bathroom open, but it is impossible to allow drafts, for example, to close the hood or window;
  • The immersion of the child in the water should be gradual, starting with the legs, sharp movements can scare it and cause persistent dislike to water procedures;
  • After bathing, it is not necessary to rub the gentle skin of the child with a towel, it is enough just to get into the water droplets by a diaper, paying special attention to the folds.

If the places in the bathroom are not enough for the hygienic procedure, after swimming, you can make a baby wrapped in a towel in the kitchen or a room where to get into the skin towel. The main thing is that in the room it was warm and not "walked" drafts.

It should not be very often bathed with a newborn entirely. Experts recommend to bathe a newborn baby 2-3 times a week, so as not to deprive the skin of the natural protective layer. But the face, hands, intimate places need to be cleaned daily.

Each mother is experiencing that water will fall into the ears of the crude and will pick up some disease, for example, otitis. There is nothing to fear, Otitis causes an infection that falls out of the nasopharynx, and not with tap water, especially if it is boiled.


In the first months of life, many doctors do not recommend using soap, gels while swimming the kid. The reason for this is a valuable substance that envelops the child's skin before birth and a few months after. Finally, it disappears after the complete adaptation of the child to the outside world, the epidermis code will become thicker. Since breast kids are practically not dirty, they do not need additional hygiene tools. It is better to add a little manganese or chamomile to the water, chamomile. It can be found an alternative - natural cosmetics, not containing in its composition of allergens, dyes, flavors.

Additional devices

They greatly facilitate parents to carry out hygienic procedures in the bathroom, help get a newborn maximum swimming pleasure, but when choosing the child's age and its weight should be considered. For example, in a hammachka, up to four months will be perfectly feeling a small crumb, a more fastening child will be more comfortable on the hill. What bathing devices are and what they represent:

  • Inflatable mattress. The anatomical design of the bathing device is designed so that the body of the crumbs is in water, and the head was on the surface;
  • Pillow. This is a kind of lock for the head, which is attached by special belts to the waist;
  • Inflatable circle on the neck. Helps the child get rid of anxiety during the mandatory evening ritual, relax, enjoy the stay in the water;
  • Hood with foam blocks. It has small foam blocks fixed on a conventional tissue cap, holds the child's head on the surface of the water. By the way, such a device can be made independently;
  • Plastic slide. So that the baby does not slip off from it, you should be covered with a flannel diaper. The use of such a device is recommended after 5-6 months, when the child will begin to sit down;
  • Hammock. A good alternative to a hill, the device is made of fabric, which, with the help of special fasteners, is installed to the sides. Placeing the baby in the hammock, you can be sure that his caller is fully recorded, and it will not turn out of it.

Inflatable mattress for bathing newborn

Pillow for bathing

Inflatable circle for bathing kid in the bathroom

Swimming in a hat with foam blocks

Bathing baby with help plastic slide

Hammock for bathing a newborn in a bath

Bathing in a large bath

It is believed that the newborn can not be bathed in a large bath, because in the first days of life his skin is very susceptible to microbes and various microorganisms. This is partly true for those cases until healed the navel (10-14 days after birth). Therefore, for such purposes invented, which has a number of advantages. The main thing is to clean the bath and the hygienic procedure only the advantages for health:

  • give the baby more freedom to move the handles and nights, which is important for his motility, strengthening muscles and thinking, as well as healthy sleep and good appetite;
  • it will extend a pleasant procedure due to the fact that the water cools in a large bath slower than small.

By the way, boiling water for bathing a newborn is very optional, if it is not the first bathing after discharge from the maternity hospital. It is enough to scream with a bath boiling water and release water into the sewer. Thus, disinfection and heating of the container occurs. And carefully clean the skin of the baby from thenels and other contaminants will help brands mint, needles, chamomiles, a turn.

Finding into a comfortable and comfortable children's bath, the crumb calms down and relaxes, because he developed his first 9 months of life in the conditions of the aquatic environment. A pleasant procedure contributes to the purification of the pores from dirt, the elimination of colic, and also helps to alleviate the symptoms of the muscle hypertonus. Contact with water is conducive to obtaining environmental information. Usually, on such a solemn ceremony, like swimming, they want to visit all family members, so this procedure helps to strengthen the family.

Bathing of a newborn is not only a hygienic procedure, as it may seem at first glance. This is a whole event in the life of a child filled with emotions. If parents manage to properly plan the swimming process, it will give a lot of positive emotions to the child. How to properly organize bathing?

Bathing use

Swimming is a procedure that has a lot of advantages. Running in spacious tank, baby spends a lot of energy. After the procedure, the infants have a great appetite, soon he sleeps hard all night. Swimming baby. To do this, it is necessary to gradually reduce water temperature. As a result, the baby will not be terrible.

Many mothers are interested in the question: when can you start batting a child? Pediatricians recommend bathing the baby in the bath only after it will completely heal, it should happen to the second-third week of life. The fact is that an unexplored navel is in its essence wound, through which bacteria from water can enter the body. Before healing the umbilical wounds, it is enough to wipe the skin of a newborn wet sponge, avoiding the navel area.

We recommend reading:

Preparation for water procedures

Bathing the baby is better in a room specially intended for this - bathroom. The air temperature in the room must be within 22-24 degrees of heat. Immediately during swimming, the door should be open, it will warn the sharp difference of air temperature when leaving the bathroom.

In the bathroom it is necessary to put a towel in which the mother will bunch the baby after swimming. In another room you need to cook in advance, the sliders, a hat, here the mother will die the baby.

What to bathe baby? Pediatricians are increasingly inclined to be the belonging that baby bathing is better to use a large portable bath or even a stationary adult bath. Before bathing, the capacitance needs to be rinsed with boiling water. If the baby bathes in a stationary bathroom and besides him, adults use it - you need to process the surface of the container with soda and hot water in front of each bathing.

Next to the bathroom you need to put such items:

  • Thermometer for measuring water temperature;
  • Baby soap;
  • Soft sponge;
  • Jug for pouring;
  • Clock to control the duration of the procedure.

Go to bathing

When all preparatory activities are implemented - it's time to start directly to swimming. First of all, you need to fill the bath with water. Bathing newborns is better in boiled water. You can add a black brawl in the bath. This plant has disinfecting and anti-inflammatory action. Preparing is very simple. To do this, you need to pour a glass of grass into a liter jar and pour boiling water to the edge, cover the lid and set back the dishes aside. After a few hours, the broth will be ready, it is necessary to strain and pour out the infusion directly into the bathroom. These proportions are suitable for a large bathroom. Older kids can be broken in running water.

Important! In the Soviet times, the babies were bathing in water with the addition of potassium permanganate. Now, many pediatricians do not recommend using manganese, since its undisputed crystals can cause a burn of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye and gentle skin.

Before bathing, it is necessary to measure the water temperature. Optimal water temperature in a small bath 36-37 degrees. In a large bath, this indicator may be less: 33-34 degrees, because in high tank water cools longer.

Bath procedures need to be carried out no earlier than an hour after feeding or forty-fifty minutes to feeding. In addition, you need to take into account the time of waste to sleep. Bathing the newborn should be in an hour and a half to sleep. In the future, parents need to be in batting at the same time, so the baby will produce its own day of the day. Pediatricians recommend conducting banner procedures in the evening, since the water is remarkably relaxed and the newborn can then sleep tight all night. However, there is a small percentage of children in which the BANDENT procedures act otherwise - cause an increase in activity. There are better batches such children in the morning.

The first bathing for a newborn is something in a row, the child can be frightened. Therefore, before the procedure, parents should talk to the child, try to calm down.

You can bathe newborn in one or two. You need to immerse the baby in the water very slowly. One hand (more often used left) you need to hold the baby behind your head and neck. Optimally positioned the palm so that the thumb lay on the shoulder of the baby, and the rest in the axillary depression from the same side. Holding the baby in this way his head and the neck will be conveniently located on the forearm of the adult. With free hand you can rinse the water of the child.

First, wash your baby's face, then skin folds and the whole body. One or twice a week you can use baby soap and shampoo. Soap is applied to a soft sponge and carefully, but thoroughly wipes skin folds. Shampoo need to emulsify with water in their palm, and then foam to the head of the baby.

Note!Despite the fact that modern shampoos on the application of manufacturers "do not pinch eyes, you need to try to make it at all in the eye.

Lastly, the crotch area was smelled. When bathing girls, it is necessary to blast the genitals in the direction of the navel to the rear pass.

Important! The first bathing of the newborn should last no more than three minutes.Gradually, the swimming time of children in the first months of life increases to five to ten minutes. Children over six months can increase the duration of the procedure up to twenty-thirty minutes.

Upon completion, the kid procedure is removed from the bath and poured with water from the jug. Water should be one or two degrees cooler than in the bathroom. After that, the baby is quickly wrapped in a pre-cooked towel. It is not necessary to rub the skin, it is enough to grow it enough.

Bathing newborns follows daily, and children older than six months later. Although such recommendations are rather conditional and if the child like water procedures, you can continue to bathe every day.

A lot of useful information about the rules of swimming breasts you will get, looking at the video review of Dr. Komarovsky:

After water procedures

Parents who had a defeated baby are put in another room, where things were prepared in advance. The baby is placed on a changing table or on a bed lung with a pure diaper, and unfold. For the prevention of diaperkeys, skin folds can be treated with a cotton swab dipped into sterile vegetable oil.

Before putting on the diaper you need to wipe the folds and sprinkle with them with Talc. After all this, the newborn is dressed in a sprawling, diapers and a hat. It is worth refraining from the sweltering - the kid must move free to handles and legs. As a rule, after water procedures, infants wake up appetite. Therefore, soon my mother will need to feed the child, and then put it to sleep.

Bathing with the right organization can give a large number of bonuses. This is a good sleep, and the health promotion of the baby. Bathroom procedures are also a pleasant way to hold a joint leisure mom and child.

G. Valeria, Medical Observer

The content of the article:

In this article we will answer all questions about the first bathing of the newborn. Let us consider in detail the step-by-step algorithm of the first bathing of a newborn baby, features and difficulties that may arise in this process.

The first days of the newborn home is the time to adapt to you and the home setting, and for the parents of this period of developing a new life regime. The procedure for the first self-bathing of a child causes a lot of questions and fears from young parents. First of all, they are interested in information about the organization of the process, for example:

1. How to prepare a place for swimming?

2. What accompanying items should be available?

3. How warm should water should be?

4. Do I need to add herbs or manganese to the water?

5. When follows the first time after discharge from the maternity hospital, pay the baby?

6. How to do it right?

7. What is the duration of the procedure?

Parents have a certain fear that they can pick up a child.
In fact, everything is not as scary, the main thing is to be confident in yourself and clearly follow the recommendations described below.

Place for bathing

While mom and child are in the maternity hospital, the family must prepare everything that is necessary for organizing hygienic care for the newborn. It is advisable to highlight in the bathroom a place to store children's bathing facilities. Naturally, to bring order in it.

Children's bath is one of the essential items that need to be thoroughly washed with soap and hot water.

Related objects

In order for the procedure for swimming a newborn, the nervous voltage of parents must prepare such objects in advance as:

Bath for the baby (the best anatomical, but it is expensive, and you quickly "grow up");

Stand for the bath;

Rinsing bucket;

Basic or other capacity for clean water;

Thermometer for measuring water in the bath;

Manganese or decoction of medical herbs;

Big diaper;

Baby soap.

Stand for the bath is a very convenient device, you can bathe a child not in the bathroom, there is usually a little space, especially for two, but in the kitchen. And she is good for nothing to be tilted, you can adjust the height of yourself.

Pediatrician pediatricians when bathing the baby advise to use soap, and not a special children's shampoo. This is due to the fact that it actually does not cause allergic manifestations.

How often a newborn bathe

Pediatrician's opinion disagrees about when and how often to bathe newborns. Some advise to bathe newborns only after 1-2 weeks after birth, when the umbilical wound will be formed, but the experience shows that the bathing not only does not harm the process of healing, but the opposite contributes. Therefore, most pediatricians advise to bathe a newborn immediately after discharge from the hospital. The baby must be bathed daily up to 6 months, except for days after vaccination and during illness.

Water bathing newborn

During the first two or three weeks of the child's life, it bathe in boiled water. The reason for this is an unenplained umbilical wound, to which it is necessary to take care of. Water boiled to avoid its infection. For the procedure will need:

Boil the desired amount of water for the bath, so that the newborn is completely in the water;

Cool it to a temperature of 37 °;

Check the temperature with a water thermometer, if not, then with the help of lowering the elbow, as the skin on them is most sensitive;

Manganese can dissolve in a separate dish, using gauze strain it and add to the water for swimming. The solution should not be saturated;

Instead of mangartee, you can use the lessed decoction of medical grasses, they do not dry the skin. Their name will be prompted by a pediatrician, for example: chamomile, a series, sage;

Prepare a bucket with pure boiled water for rinsing.

What should be the temperature in the room when bathing a newborn

The temperature in the room where the newborn baby swims should be higher than in the rest of the house, it should be in the range of 24-26 degrees Celsius. Therefore, before swimming a bathroom or a room where the newborn is going to bathe.

The procedure is usually held before evening feeding and night sleep, as the baby falls asleep better. But there are kids who, on the contrary, become cheerful after swimming and difficult to go to bed, then the procedure is better transferred to daytime, for example, after a walk.

The parents of the newborn, the first bathing causes severe excitement, especially if they have no experience and no one to help. The first time more convenient to bathe babies together - one holds it, the second washes.

Important: You need to keep the child in the bath, the head should always be over the water, the baby is kept for the opposite hand from myself (as in the photo).

Once a week, the infants bathe with the use of baby soap, the soap does not use the other days. Children's shampoo can be used from 3-6 months, it is also used 1-2 times a week.

Do not be nervous, you need to "get together" and act in stages:

1. On the changing table, put the baby on the diaper and cover it on both sides. In principle, you can do without a diaper, but inexperienced parents with it are somehow easier.

2. Carefully, in a diaper, completely omitted in a prepared bath with a child's water.

3. Sneakfully deploy the baby so that it does not experience discomfort and remove the diaper.

4. Alternately wash your hands, legs, torso, the head of the head (wash one handle and omit into the water, then wash the other, etc.). My face is only from the bucket with clean water without soap, pour yourself in your hand and wipe.

5. If the kid does not cry during swimming, then you can allow him to lie down in the water for 3-5 minutes, while it is worth stroking and talk to him. In the future, if the child likes to swim, the time of receiving the bath can be gradually increased to 30 minutes.

6. Raise your "treasure" and rinse with water from the bucket, which we take from a basin or other dishes with boiled water (one holds for the opposite leg from myself while the head lies on the elbow bending, the other is rinsed).

7. Wrap in a towel and attributed to the place of swelnia.

8. Gentle movements, drying the baby's body towel.

9. Conduct a newborn toilet: treat the umbilical wreck; Lubricate with cream all the folds on the skin.

10. Dress, fed and put sleep.

Important! Do not allow water to fall into ears, eyes, nose and newborn mouth.
When bathing should be paid to the folds on the skin of the child (behind the ears, on the neck, the armpits, buttocks and inguinal folds, palms and between fingers and legs), rinse them well, since these places are most susceptible to pollution. First time you can wash the baby just with hand, and then it is better to use a baby washcloth or a mittens.

Boiling water for swimming will be required until the full healing of the umbilical wound (this is somewhere 2-3 weeks), and then you can use water from under the tap. At the same time, do not forget to check its temperature.

Bath coasters are better not to use, they do not allow to completely lower the newborn in the water, it turns out no bathing with the stand, but the baby kneading. In addition, due to temperature drops, since the child is not completely placed in the water, it can freeze and disperse.

When the baby grows up to 3-4 months, it can be bathed in an ordinary large bath. Special devices may need, such as children's circles for swimming, chair, or bathing hill, rug. We advise you to sign up in the clinic on the baby swimming, which is carried out in the Polyclinic itself in a large bathroom or you can invite a nurse to the house. She will teach you the technique of bathing the baby and teach it to swim and dive. Water procedures will bring you and your baby even greater pleasure.