World Traumatologist's Day (traumatologist day). What is the holiday World Traumatologist and when he is celebrated? Traumatologist Day Holiday History

Every year, on May 20, the Doctors of all over the world, specializing in traumatology and orthopedics, celebrate their professional holiday. Traumatology is one of the most ancient sections of clinical medicine, whose history has many centuries. After all, injuries and various injuries man received at all times. It is the principles, fundamentals and practical knowledge of traumatology are postulates for all other surgical specialties.

The profession of a traumatologist is worthy of great respect and is truly a vocation. She simply obliges to be a careful person, a specialist in his case, be able to quickly and weigly take a responsible decision, have high qualifications and experience, constantly self-improvement. Often, not only the health of the patient depends on the knowledge and skillful hands of the patient's health, but also his life.

Traumatologist - the best,
The most necessary doctor in the world!
He always helps in trouble,
Only hear crying.

If wrote wrist
Or suddenly broke the thigh,
Who will impose a plaster?
And no one except him!

Traumatologist celebrating his day,
Rest from all worries.
It happens that
Only once for all year round!

Traumatologists today congratulations
And for all thanks, say,
We are your work insanely respect
After all, for us it is necessary!

If the leg suddenly has fallenly broke,
Or dislocated her hand - not trouble!
Traumatologists always helped everyone,
And now will help without difficulty!

You wish you a sea of \u200b\u200bjoyful moments
So that the soul from happiness bloomed,
And more grateful patients
So that work in pleasure was!

If anyone breaks the leg
Or dislocate a little bit
The path to the hospital is underlying
Here you will help, traumatologist!

And for your work Thank you.
Be cheerful and happy
Let your salary grow
To become you, a doctor rich!

Fractures and bruises
We go to whom to treat?
Doctor - Savior - Traumatologist,
Even can resurrect!

Etiquette norma,
He is serious, business,
He is always in good shape
With the patient he is simple!

On this day, professions are difficult
We want to wish you
Do not get sick, smile,
You decide the fate of people!

With professional holiday you,
Traumatologist, you are from God
And this is accurate, no doubt.

You are respecting you patients
Colleagues appreciate, worship,
And at this festive moment
We wish you victories.

We wish good health,
We wish you happiness and love,
To always be sober your mind.
Great in life you way.

Congratulations on the soul,
Nice traumatologist
You are excellent, nice doctor,
Your work is your way.

In your holiday, I wish
Joy and happiness
Help, save, leach,
Take the misfortune.

Good doctor traumatologist
He treats those who do not eat cottage cheese,
Who breaks often bones -
He comes to visit him.

Through the injuries will let
Side chase sadness!
And for your hard work
Let you decide with adequate.

Happy traumatologist! Happy moments
Let them fill an amazing life.
Only grateful everything will be patients,
And from sadness and from sadness to refuse!

Let every moment brings you only joy
And gives meetings - those that are waiting for a long time ago
To care for the worries and missing
Lives, as in the book or joyful movie!

Jaw will eat, broken his nose,
Insert and correct
Here is still the crust here,
Can you fix it?

Kostoprav you at least where
Strict and dangerous.
What happens if trouble
All agree with you!

Congratulations take
Fabulous wizard
Traumatologist - oh yeah ah
The doctor is great!

Good health,
Bones so that they grow up.
Joy, rest
So that dreams come true!

Thanks for work
Courage and patience
Fears all your go away
Happiness and luck!

For your hard work
Thanks not to say.
Not worried to dislocate us any
And even a fracture.

Day of traumatologist
Today we celebrate.
Health strong
And you wish you happiness!

Congratulations: 44 in verse.

Traumatologist is one of the most ancient professions, since the traumatology itself is one of the first sections of clinical medicine. Fractures of bones, dislocations of the joints and other damage falls the most "popular" herbs, a rare person manages to avoid them, and therefore many are doomed to a meeting with traumatologists, if not all. People of this profession are endowed with the resistance of the Spirit, a cold mind and determination. After all, often the doctor has to do with the patient hurts so that as a result everything is safely healed, but not every person will decide on such a bold step. Therefore, in the profession only confident in themselves, but not deprived of the good heart.

Holiday dedicated to traumatologists is celebrated on May 20. On this day, every grateful patient can say thanks to his doctor for the valuable work he does. After all, there are dozens of people every day in his office, which by negligence or unhappy accidents were injured and the specialist should not only arise or regret the patient, but also to provide him with qualified assistance.

Traumatologist Day 2019 - Congratulations

Injuries often happened -
Here is such a life with us!
Only quickly turns out
Suddenly fix everything with you!

The fact is that there is no doubt
In case - professional!
Wish I want luck
To this holiday be

Bright, light, wonderful,
Happiness to you on the light!
Rest you diligently
In a traumatologist Denek!

On the day of the traumatologist, take
You congratulations from me!
Always you happily live
I sincerely wish you!

People save tirelessly
Treat injury to bang!
I in the situation to you this
I wish you joy, good.

And let the success await you
And waiting for a confession ahead!
I wish the health of strong
Forward confidently go!

Congratulations take
Let you be lucky in your life!
You always succeed
Let the best go to you!

And then go ahead,
Let a success accompanize
Correct your business
It does not keep interference!

Let any expectant
Just benefit you!
Let it be rewarded for the steel,
And always good luck!

Postcard for Traumatologist Day 2019

Click on the repost to copy to social. net

Because of the hurry, negligence and the fault of accidents, people are also victims of all sorts of damage to bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. All this can be called in one word "injury." Of course, in a situation of receiving such a person turns into traumatology, where he will be the first help of physicians. Well, after, if it turns out that the injury is too serious, you will have to give a visit to a traumatologist, and not one ... On May 20, the planet celebrates the World Traumatologist's Day. This holiday is an excellent opportunity to express your respect and appreciation to those who correct the shamelessness of human health.

general information

Traumatology can be safely attributed to the oldest industries of human body. This term comes from the Greek word "injury", meaning "wound, integrity violation". That is, traumatology is a science, the subject of studying of which is various wounds and damage to the tissues, their treatment and preventive measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of such anatomical troubles.

The voiced discipline has a close relationship with numerous medicine regions. It all depends on what exactly affected the injury and in which portion of the body it is localized. First of all, it should be mentioned about surgery that happens purulent, burn, septic, etc. In addition, hematology, neurosurgery and phlebology are directly related to traumatology. Of course, these areas of medicine associated with traumatology are not limited, but listed are the most basic.

If you take into account the point of view of the usual mortal, that is, the average citizen of any of the existing states, the word "injury" is associated in consciousness, first of all, with damage to the musculoskeletal system. And indeed, the visitors of standard training grounds most often become persons affected by bruises, stretching ligaments, fractures, dislocate, which they acquired as a result of strong drops or shocks. Based on this, it is possible to make a logical conclusion: traumatology has the greatest connection with a discipline called orthopedics. Even there is such a medical specialty: an orthopedist traumatologist. A person belonging to this profession specializes in the treatment of deformation, mechanical damage and chronic diseases of the components of the musculoskeletal system.

Historical reference

As mentioned above, traumatology goes its roots in deep antiquity. So argue scientists who made archaeological excavations and found signs of fractures in the Mummies in ancient Egypt and soldiers of the Roman Empire. In another part of the world - on the American continent - the Indians also practitioned therapy for the injuries of bones and joints. In addition, they even made amputation of seriously damaged limbs.

Modern traumatology would never have formed in a separate developed medical field if it were not for a solid foundation that laid a well-known antique thinker and a scientist Hippocrat in this regard. His Peru owns specific writings "On the joints" and "On fractures". In these medical treatises, the great philosopher and the doctor of antiquity outlined its view on the methods of treating such damage. In today's medicine, still doctors use the term "refueling the dislocation according to the hypocratic method". Among other things, Hippocrates distinguished himself in the field of orthopedics, making not one successful attempt to correct the curvature of the spine.

There were other scientists who made an invaluable contribution to the development of traumatology. This is Celsis Avl Cornelius, who studied fractures and dislocations. This is G.I. The tourner who became the first one who opened the specialized orthopedic clinic. Especially worth noting N.I. Pirogov, who informed the planet with the whole how to solve the problem of open fractures. The innovations developed by this scientist in the field of traumatology entered such a familiar gypsum bandage today. Certain merits belong to researchers Polenov, Volkov, Sitty.

On World Traumatologist Day, it is impossible not to mention the famous Avicenna, which created "Canon Medicine". In this text, more precisely, in the fourth volume "Canon" - the East doctor described, among other things, bone diseases, fractures and dislocations, as well as the method of their treatment. In the era of the Renaissance, the name of Ambruza pair - a talented French surgeon, which was given the title "Father of Modern Surgery" on our days. He became the author of such works as "a way to treat firearms, as well as wounds applied by arrows, spears, etc." (1545), the doctrine of stopping bleeding and amputation. In them, the pair described all the nuances of therapy for listed damage and defects, and orthopedic devices and prostheses.

As for our country, the Kostopravum was published in Russia. The first certificate of their activities was documented in the spring of 1655 and refers to the period of the Russian-Polish war. The paper is mentioned in the name of the Kostoprava Perviska Petrova, who served in the royal camp, in the pharmacy order, which speaks of the great skill of the specified person. In 1654, the first Moscow Medical School appeared in the capital. First, in the walls of the institution, medical scientific students were taught by foreign doctors. The school had two compartments: dwelling and wonderful. Persons who serve in the second provided assistance in damage to the bones. The then Kostoprava, no doubt, deserve to wear the title of the Rodonarchists of Domestic Orthopedic Traumatologists.

Tramistry Profession

In this spring holiday, World Traumatologist will be appropriate to say a few words about the profession of traumatologist.

To become a traumatologist in our country, it is necessary to complete the Medical Institute at the corresponding department. The duration of training is 6 years and another 1 year a graduate should be departed in the internship. Knowledge of the traumatologist must be deep and very specific. To do this, it is necessary to have excellent memory and sincere interest in the information received, because the cavernu does not help here. Specific knowledge in the field of traumatology should be attributed:

  • the structure and features of the musculoskeletal system;
  • varieties and classification of damage;
  • methods for diagnosing injuries;
  • injury therapy;
  • nuances of rehabilitation.

In addition to all this, a traumatologist must know well and understand in anatomy, physiology, morphology, as well as to have X-ray reading skills. Here is theoretical and practical minimum that is necessary for successful implementation in the profession of traumatologist.

Where do the doctors of this specialization work? In ramparticles, ordinary hospitals and clinics. As for the increase in professional status, career growth is possible in two directions: obtaining the post of chief physician and the head of the department. In addition, a good doctor can conduct private practice, issuing IP or replenishing the staff of a paid clinic. Another way of development: Scientific activities.

We cordially congratulate all traumatologists on May 20, with the World Traumatologist Day!

May 17, 2017 at 15.00 in the audience number 2 of the Advisory-Administrative Corps Clinic Samgm took events within the framework of the educational week and World orthopedic traumatologist on the topic "Treatment and rehabilitation of patients after limb ammputations". The conference was accredited in the system of continuous professional development.

In the lecture audience gathered traumatura-orthopedists, Samara and Samara region, interns, residents of the 1st and 2nd and 2nd year, graduate students in the specialty "Traumatology and orthopedics", teachers of the department of traumatology, orthopedics and extreme surgery. Academician A.F. Krasnova and the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Polyclinic Surgery IPO Samara State Medical University, surgeon doctors, neurologist doctors.

Rector Samgum, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Winner of the State Prize of the Russian Federation and twice the winner of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Chief Traumatologist-orthopedist Samara Region, Professor P.Koteelnikov He opened the event and congratulated the gathered with a professional holiday.

The chairman of the Samara regional branch of the All-Russian Association of Orthopedov Traumatologists, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, was addressed with a welcoming speech. S.N.Ismalkov.

As part of the event, the following reports were performed on the subject of the Conference:
Amputations in traumatology and orthopedics: a modern question of the question, speaker O.M. Semenkin - Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Polyclinic Surgery IPO FGBOU in the Samgum Ministry of Health of Russia.
Putty phantom painful syndrome. Prevention and treatment, Rapporteur I.E.Peverennova - D.M., Professor, Head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of FGBOU in the Samgum of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
Principles of limb prosthetics in modern conditions. Prosthetics development prospects, Rapporteur A.Yu. Lishkin - Head of the Department of Ambulatory Reception of FSUE "Samara Prosthetic-Orthopedic Enterprise" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.
Complex and atypical types of prosthetics and their implementation in the Samara region, Rapporteur N.E. Peresoglyad - Head of the hospital and atypical prosthetics of FSUE "Samara Prosthetic and orthopedic enterprise" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.
Actual issues of medical and social expertise with limb amputations, speaker K.A.Borisov - Head of Expert Composition No. 6 FCU "GB ITU in the Samara Region" of the Ministry of Labor of Russia.
Rehabilitation and abillation issues with limb amputations, speaker S.V.Trekin - Deputy Head of Organizational and Methodological Work, Doctor of Medical and Social Expertise FCU "GB ITU in the Samara Region" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

After completion of the speeches, there was a discussion of reports and summarizing the work of the conference. Rector Samgm, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor G.P. Kotelnikov and Professor S.N.Ismalkov made a final word and thanked all those who gathered for participation.

Arthroscopic operation in the center of traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery

Today World Traumatologist Day

Every year, on May 20, the Doctors of all over the world, specializing in traumatology and orthopedics, celebrate their professional holiday. Traumatology is one of the most ancient sections of clinical medicine, whose history has many centuries. After all, injuries and various injuries man received at all times.

The profession of a traumatologist is worthy of great respect and is truly a vocation. She simply obliges to be a careful person, a specialist in his case, be able to quickly and weigly take a responsible decision, have a high qualification, constantly self-improvement. Often, not only the health of the patient depends on the knowledge and skillful hands of the patient's health, but also his life.

In our region, the main institution of traumatuary-orthopedic profile is the center of traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery. In its structure, 22 compartments and 17 operating rooms are functioning.

In the hospital of the institution annually receive specialized and high-tech medical care in emergency and emergency forms of more than 13,200 patients, about 12,900 operational interventions are performed. In the clinic per day it turns out primary specialized medical care to 800 patients.

In the center, primary specialized and high-tech medical care is found by patients not only from Kirov, the Kirov region, but also to residents of other regions of Russia. These are patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system, spine, central and peripheral nerve systems, thermal lesions. So in 2015, 1,948 patients from other regions of Russia were treated in the clinic, in the first quarter of 2016 - 717 people.

The center of traumatology, orthopedics and neurosurgery is a clinic of modern medical technologies. The team is constantly improving and trying to use the latest medical advances with proven effectiveness for the treatment of patients with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Due to the equipping of modern medical equipment, the new medical technologies used provide a high level of medical care. The institution has a license to provide high-tech medical care for traumatology and orthopedics, neurosurgery, combstiology, thoracic surgery. For 2015, 1808 high-tech operations were completed in the clinic, in the 1st quarter of 2016 - 543.