Conspiracy from drunkenness on Talu water to read. Son's conspiracy from drunkenness - so as not to drink

Alcoholism is a terrible, dangerous and very common illness of modern society. People suffering from addiction deliver suffering not only to themselves, but also beloved people, a close surrounding. That is why in our days, conspiracies from drunkenness are particularly popular among ordinary people. Consequences, reviews about rituals, as well as the technique of their holding and a description of the necessary attributes - about this and will be discussed in the article below.

Features of rituals

Usually such rituals are women's hands. It is no secret that a loving spouse, looking at the torment of a beloved husband, ready for everything. Having tried various methods, the ladies steadily turn to magic. Conspiracy, they consider the last hope that will help break the spouse from the paws of a cunning "green snake," to bring him the taste for life and work. Any conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences is a delicate matter. Therefore, before proceeding with the ritual, it is tedious to take into account all its features, because you will contact the highest forces. And if they do not please, pour them out or divide the award, "rollback" will be strong and destructive for a conductive rite and of which it is dedicated to.

All the words of the conspiracy need to be pronounced clearly, confidently and correctly. No amateur! When it comes to a woman, the ritual is carried out on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the rite is directed to a man - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Among the main attributes should highlight candles, wax, water, photos. The choice of magical accessories depends on the personal preferences of a person who makes the rite.

Conspiracy on water

It is very easy to use, does not require additional costs. Therefore, women often choose this particular conspiracy from drunkenness. Reviews about it are the most positive: young ladies claim that he "works." To carry out the rite, you will need a standard glass: it is filled with water. You can take a fire fluid, but if there is no, the usual - plumbing will be used. Bulip the water into the container, utter words over it: "Water inside will quickly fall - alcohol addiction will immediately leave. And there is no refund back. Amen!" You need to repeat the spell three times.

Ritual is better to spend when at midnight. Posted water to the windowsill: there it is all night, after which it is necessary to add an alcoholic to the ease of alcoholic or give him just a drink. You can also stretch the glass for a whole week, giving a spouse to its contents in small portions. Dilute fluid can not. By the way, water can be soaked with a towel that the drinker uses. After a week, the subject of hygiene jump or burn.

Ritual with sacred water

Very effective consequences of which will be the most minimal. It is simply explained: in the rite is used by sanctified water, the one you bring from the church to the feast of the Lord Baptism - January 19. It has a special power. The conspiracy itself is also better to do on this day, immediately after visiting the temple. To do this, take out a regular small jar from the storage room, pour a miraculous liquid into it and find a word, lowly leaning over the container - so that the lips almost come into contact with the surface of the water. At the same time, you need to say the following: "As God, Jesus Christ, did not drink, Hop did not know and did not suffer without him, like the Virgin Mary and the worships of Holy Braga did not know, they did not touch her, they did not suffer, and you did not have a slave ( Name) From alcohol to refuse and never return to it. Amen!"

Conspiracy is read three times, after which the bank is sealing. It is possible to open it only to pour the spoken fluid in the food and a drink of a person suffering from alcoholism. Dishes must be prepared: boil and even heat the water is prohibited - so it loses its properties. If the case is very running, the ritual is carried out several times.

Conspiracy on the photo

Famous Siberian Healer Natalia Stepanova described in detail this conspiracy from drunkenness and its consequences: Ritual reviews are simply enthusiastic. Those people who spent it at home, they say that it almost always gives a positive result. During the ritual, you need to bow over a picture of your loved one and whisper a short prayer: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" It is necessary to think about the fact that the spouse is enough willpower and wisdom to refuse to eat alcohol. Imagine it with non-drinking, healthy and cheerful.

There is another popular ritual conducted on the photo. Having waited for midnight, over the image of the spouse you need to whisper: "The moon decreases, from the servant of God (name) forever retreats, completely leaves and does not return. I say - the moon does. Amen". Like the first and second rite, make a decreasing month. Your "rollback" has this conspiracy from drunkenness. And its consequences should be taken into account to protect themselves. Before the ritual and after it, go to the temple, pray and put candles.

Rite of alcohol

No less effective conspiracy from drunkenness, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant. A ritual is carried out with the help of a cemetery, therefore requires additional preparation. But first things first. To begin with, you need to take a bottle of alcohol, to which a husband is usually applied, go to the graveyard and find a dyed grave in which the deceased person must be buried. Stand and wait for the dead man. After the funeral, when the relatives will disperse, check the bottle near his grave and tell me: "With the news about you, the newly promoted slave of God (name). Here is a gift from the slave of God (the name of the drunkard). Looking his filing as it rest. Let not be drunk, will restrain and become a tary trustee. As you (the name of the dead) hands to the bottle do not pull, so I would not drink a bitter drunk, did not sleep and remained with a clear mind until the end of my century. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

Bottle Leave near the grave under the guard of the dead man. Like all cemetery rituals, this is dangerous. After him, it is necessary to go to the church, order a service for a deceased person who disturbed, put candles for rest and forty times to read the prayer "Our Father ...".

Ritual on her husband

This rite is doing on a regular castle, which in front of this is buying in the store. It must be purchased on Friday, while the thing should be large, strong and reliable. Wait for midnight and pour the remnants of the alcohol in the well, which left after your husband. Better if they are fresh, as a last resort, you can use alcohol in advance. After that, close the lock on the key, saying: "You, Libele and Bitter drunk, let you until the end of life stay closed on the castle of the bottle and Kabaki, like this castle."

The conspiracy from drunkenness of her husband will act as long as the castle remains closed. So try to hide the key away: throw it away into the flow river. The castle can be buried: Being in the power of different elements, two parts of one whole will become inaccessible for each other, while the rite will become stronger. The ritual is held on the old moon. Heavenly luminaries during this period loses strength, together with which various misfortunes, trouble, problems and illnesses are receded.

Conspiracy on the Son.

Agree, Mother is much larger to watch a drinking heir than his husband's wife. Native blood for which huge hopes were laid, instead of becoming a support, rolls on the very bottom. In addition, the power of maternal love is much stronger than married. Therefore, any words that have been told from the mouth of the parents are in one way or another magical strength. If a woman has a good mother-in-law, and she gets fine with her, you can use it. Double force will be possessing such a conspiracy from drunkenness, and its consequences will be collapsed by a crushing blow on alcoholism.

What do we have to do? In pure Thursday, the day before Easter Mother must wash in the apartment where the son lives, all the windows. The work is carried out by the usual scheme, that's just the last water that is used when cleaning, you need to pour into the bank. Then the parent call the heir and pours it with this fluid to his back, finding such words: "As I gave birth to you, I fed up with milk, I raised and raised, so would you have a slave (name) Vodka did not drink, to blaming did not touch. The windows are washed, and you are clean. May it be so".

A strong conspiracy

It can become very effective. Such conspiracies are endowed with double power: a person understands the problem, aware that he needs help. If there is a desire to get rid of addiction, it will not only make rituals, but also will try to undergo a course of treatment. In tandem, these methods will help to start a new life, in which there will no longer be alcohol. To carry out the ritual, wait for the moon. In the apartment you must be alone, as a last resort, close in a separate room, so that no one prevents you.

The rite requires preliminary training. A week before him, start a strict post, to keep which needed to the day of the ritual. When it comes, go to the bath and be sure to wear clean linen. Then, returning home, go to any flow source and type water. Having come to the apartment, wait for the midnight and whisper the words above the liquid: "Alcohol addiction is retreating - a place for a new life is inferior. There is no more green snake in it. I am clean like this water. " Imagine how you leave the harmful habit. Conspiracy three times, and drink water.

If you decide on a similar rite, you have one unaccompaning truth on your nose: to break the harmony in the family is able to consultation from drunkenness. And its consequences should be considered by conducting a ritual. It is better to seek help to experienced magicians and healers. If you want to do everything yourself, strictly follow the following rules:

  • All rites from alcoholism are carried out on a decreasing moon.
  • Representatives of the strong floor treat "Men's" days, the ladies - in "female".
  • It is forbidden to head on Sunday Days, post and time of church celebrations.
  • You need to read a conspiracy with a whisper, believing that say, and from the soul wants to quickly come true. When you are confident and calm, sincerely believe and hope, the action will be more efficient.
  • In no case can interrupt the rite, so choose the time when you are alone and are not engaged in unauthorized affairs.

Observing these conditions, you will successfully spend any conspiracy from drunkenness on alcohol, photograph or water.


If something went wrong, then you will get a strong "rollback". How does it manifest? First, when non-compliance with the basic rules, a person can put even more. Secondly, your gross mistakes will lead to the fact that the negative will affect your health or loved ones. Especially when the rite was held on the cemetery: here you ask for help from the otherworldly forces, and they can be angry and send you a solid dose of problems. Remember that magic, even white, is a serious thing. Therefore, it requires a competent approach, accuracy of execution and compliance with all conditions.

What will happen if "rollback" is not, instead of the expected result? At first, the person will be difficult without the usual dose of alcohol. He can become nervous, irritable, fall into depression. Your support is very important here: without unnecessary reproaches, offended and anger. Do not remember the past, and start life from a new sheet.

Now you know how to spend conspiracies from drunkenness. Consequences, reviews about them and other interesting details you could read in our review. Let peace and peace come to your home, and in life the era of harmony and well-being will come.

Alcoholism is a terrible disease that causes the patient and the people around him. Drunkenness does not give a person to be a full-fledged member of society, prevents him from building healthy relations and careers. In order to deliver a loved one from addiction, women go on a lot: medicines, coding, hypnosis, scandals and hysterics. When nothing helps and even conspiracies for love are powerless, other good methods come to the rescue. These are effective conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism that you can spend yourself. In this article, we collected the best, reviews of users, rituals.

Conspiracies from drunkenness are prayers or appeals to the highest forces with a request to save a person from a detrimental habit. In order for them to affect quickly and efficiently, you need to pronounce them very seriously and correctly. In no case cannot be conspired for laughter or entertainment. For women, a conspiracy against drunkenness is read on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, and for men - on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Conspiracies from drunkenness and alcoholism are very different. There are conspiracies for wax, water, in the photo, cemetery conspiracies and rituals from the drunkenness of her husband. You just have to choose the one to which the soul will fall and thoughtfully spend the ritual. So, here are the main plots against drunkenness that will help you and your family again to gain peace and peace.

Conspiracy from drunkenness

Best of all, when a person dependent on alcohol is aware of his dependence and wants to be treated himself. In this case, treatment is more efficient, and conspiracies act faster. If you are faced with the problem of alcoholism, then you can speak yourself from drunkenness. To do this, you need to observe the post for several days, then be sure to go to the bath and wear clean linen. Take pure non-off-water water (well, if it is water from the stream or spring). Then read the conspiracy three times over it and drink, at the same time, how your destructive habit goes from you:


A very strong conspiracy from drunkenness to the water must be made on the 19th of any month. For this, the following text should be pronounced above the water tank:

This water then need to pour into tea, coffee, compote, soup and any other liquid dishes. Such a plot can affect immediately, and it may be necessary for some time and several tanks with conspiracted water.

Another conspiracy of water from drunkenness will suit mothers who want to help their sons get rid of alcohol dependence at home. In pure Thursday you need to wash windows with clean water, and then this water seven times pour your son on my back with the words:

Conspiracy on water from female drunkenness.
Read over the water, which is drinking a woman alcoholic. In addition, you can read over food or other liquids (not above alcohol).

Conspiracies from drunkenness by photography

Popular conspiracies from drunkenness by photography are also very effective. In this case, conspiracies and prayers from drunkenness are not pronounced over water. They are read on photography of a person who needs to get rid of the ailment.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness in photography is pronounced at a decreasing moon. Over the photo of the patient you need to say:

There are other conspiracies from drunkenness by photo. Over a photo of an alcoholic need to read three times

"In the name of the Father and Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Hop and wine aughing from the slave of God (name) into dark forests, where people do not go and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly. "

Below are other effective conspiracies from alcoholism. Before committing them, you need to take a shower or bath, and best - go to the bath. In addition, you need to follow the post for several days (it is also relevant and to perform a conspiracy for the sale of an apartment).

Conspiracy on food

Pronounce over any food, the main thing is not to talk about the perfect plot for whom it is committed.

Conspiracy on fire

In an odd number, you need to collect a brushwood in the forest, ignite the fire from it and outline around the campfire. Then to sit behind this circle and read a plot, do not bring eyes off the fire. Speaking tears, too, can not wipe.

Conspiracy from drinking Natalia Stepanova

Pronounced alcoholic beverages that drink alcoholic. Usually, after a person drinks a conspiracted alcohol three times, alcoholism disappears without a trace. Conspire text:

Conspiracy on the wax

It is necessary to make a dusting man bit a piece of wax when it will drink or eat. Then this piece is taken and the conspiracy is honored. After that, a piece of wax sew alcoholic into clothing. Conspire text:

Conspiracy on the ring

Complex for execution, but a very effective conspiracy on the Widow Ring. You need to take a wedding ring of a woman who buried her husband no more than a month ago. On the descending Moon, the ring is put into the water and speak it. This ritual must be done three times, after that, a man will pass for drunkenness.

At midnight you need to speak three times, vodka or any other alcoholic drink, which drinks your close person.

"Like the dead man from the coffin does not get up, Zelen's wines do not drink, and you, the Slave of God (name), do not drink anyone in the morning, or at night for the night. Amen."

Conspiracy from alcoholism on a towel

This conspiracy is read over a clean new towel, which is then given to use a drinking person. It is important that a person does not know that this was conspired by the Towel.

Starus Conspiracy

Starus conspiracy from excessive passionate alcohol. With the help of this prayer, alcoholics were treated in ancient Russia and, I must say quite successfully. To fulfill the ritual, buy an ordinary castle. It is necessary to do it on Friday to a decreasing moon. Take a gland from which the man saw the man you want to speak. It should remain at least a couple of drops of alcohol after he drank. Pour these residues into the locking well, talked to:

"You, (human name), Libele and drunkard. As this castle is closed, so that you always have the beer doors closed. "

After that, the castle must be closed on two turns and hide well so that no one has found it and did not see.

Cemetery Conspiracy

You need to take a bottle of alcoholic beverage, which is usually drinking a man and go to her cemetery. There are getting at the gate and wait until the funeral procession is passed by you. As soon as you see people who go to bury the dead man, rightly utter words:

"As the dead man does not live among us, and the slave (name) does not drink a crunch. Amen"

At home, put a conspiracy bottle there, where it will see a drinking person, but do not offer him to drink it. When he himself sees a bottle, climbs out and drinks - the plot will begin to act.

It happens that the drinker categorically refuses to be treated and becomes very aggressive when you start the topic of its bad habit and treatment. In this case, the ritual of the conspiracy from it is best to hide. Go to the grove, forest or garden and collect a broom of trees and herbs. For the heading of a woman in a broom must be plants with the names of the female kind (Kalina, Rowan, Birch, Mint). And for the heading of a man - plants with the names of a male family (Klyon, Oak, ash, St. John's wort). Come home, wash all the corners in the house with this broom, reading the prayer:

After all the angles are revoked, having to have a hole behind the house, in which your broom will fit, and scream it. By the time the broom is increasing, the patient should abandon alcohol. After that, you may need a conspiracy to work.

Conspiracy from children's alcoholism

Unfortunately, recently, the trend of regular use of alcohol among children and adolescents is rapidly developing. Looking at adults, they begin to adopt their habits, including very harmful. In order to save your child from alcoholism for all times, you need to buy a cow's colostrum. Now it is easy to get it in any village or in the market. Over the colostrum on Wednesday, the prayer of the Mother of God first is read on Wednesday. It can be read before the icon "Inspromanding Bowl", which is considered an assistant with alcoholism. Then they read this plot:

This colosure is given to eat a drinking child or adolescence. It happens that this conspiracy helps and adults, but this happens extremely rarely. We very much hope that you will never use conspiracies from alcohol and drunkenness. But if your family overtook such a nuisance - use consistencies With the mind, execute everything accurately and without errors. Remember that games with magic do not finish well and the effect of conspiracy can be completely opposite.

Relatives suffering from human alcoholism by any paths are trying to help him. They resort to coding, hysterics, fights and scandals, to hypnosis and medicinal treatment. If nothing else helps, then various conspiracies can be used to heal a close person. In this way, each can take advantage of each, because the ritual can be carried out even at home. The only thing that will be needed is faith in your strength and that the plot will work.

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      Treating your own spirit

      It will be much easier to achieve the desired result if the patient understands the whole danger of the disease and wants to get rid of him himself. Part of people immediately runs to grandmothers-launches and Sadharikov, but you can spend the ritual yourself at home. Not impudent at the same time the situation in the family and not attracting outsiders.

      • To obtain a good result, you must comply with all the subtleties of the ritual. For 4-6 days before the rite must adhere to the strictest post. In addition, you will need to visit the bath and then put on new and clean things. At the next stage, the alcoholic must score clean water (from under the water tap, spring, from the stream) into a transparent vessel, read three times over it the words of the conspiracy and drink this water.

        It is important that in the process of conducting a ritual, it is necessary to present it every second that alcohol addiction goes.

        Water alcohol

        One of the best ways to get rid of dependence is a water consumption. It is definitely unknown who he was created, but suggest that this is a certain Siberian healer.

        The rite is held at night, before departing to sleep. For this you need:

        • glass with holy water to put on the table;
        • set fire to the church candle;
        • take a candle in the right hand;
        • crighten the glass filled with water, uttering the words of prayer.

        Water needs to drink, cross and go to bed.

        Conspiracy on the photo

        Many plots provide for the presence of a photo of a person who is directed to the impact. If the "Doctor" has a photo, then we can assume that it is half added. Dumping a close person from alcohol will be easier. Increase chances will help the correct conspiracy.

        The magic rite provides for pronouncing the magical words of the conspiracy or prayer over the photograph of a person dependent on alcohol. The ritual is carried out exclusively on a decreasing moon. Prayer or conspiracy is read exactly three times in memory. The rite is carried out with the light of the church candle, which should be exhausted to the end. If you do not comply with all the requirements, it can only be worse.

        Any prayer is pronounced, such as ours.

        Some pre-trial actions will help achieve additional positive effects:

        • go to the church to the service, during which it is necessary to pray for an alcoholic;
        • buy church candles;
        • go to the bath;
        • wear clean things.

        Only after that you can hold a rite.

        Plot Natalia Stepanova

        People cured of a detrimental habit, advise the conspiracle of this Siberian healer. Natalia Stepanova has developed a variety of conspiracies against alcoholism, but the next conspiracy is the most effective and simple.

        During the ritual, it is necessary to think about the person who needs to be cured all the time. Representing how a person is addicted to the mind, the strength of spirit and will, wisdom. It is necessary to represent a person completely healthy and full forces. Conspiracy does not provide for the mandatory presence of photography of the patient. The ritual is carried out on a decreasing moon after midnight.

        The words of the conspiracy are pronounced three times in memory.

        Strong conspiracy of Vangi.

        In a difficult situation associated with the alcohol addiction of a loved one, a strong conspiracy of Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga will help. This prayer will help any relatives of the male and female.

        Most strongly affects the son or daughter.

        To carry out the rite, it is necessary to pour water, it is desirable to spring, in a transparent jug, whispering a conspiracy over it:

        Copying water is necessary for about a week imperceptibly pouring into food, drink a person with alcohol addiction. For seven days, the addiction should go.

        It is forbidden to pour conspiracted water into alcoholic beverages, it can only aggravate the situation.

        Pussy from drunkenness on soap

        The author of this conspiracy against alcoholism on soap is also the Bulgarian Providian Vanga. He will help wean a person from the bottle. To carry out the ritual, it will be necessary to prepare a small piece of soap, which dependent on alcohol relative will use when washing hands. The church candle is lit at night, necessarily during a decreasing moon. The following words are read exactly nine times:

        Soap after a conspiracy put in the bathroom on the washbasin. It is desirable that close as possible was washed with this soap. This conspiracy is rather strong, so it is impossible to use it more often than two weeks. If the soap is over, we buy a new one and speak new.

        Conspiracy on the ice

        An excellent way to help in the fight against alcoholism is a plot of ice. It is necessary to read it on a decreasing moon. The ice prepared in advance is put into any capacity and put on the windowsill so that the moonlight falls on it. Outlook, when the ice melts, it is necessary to speak over the water plot:

        These words are read three times at night for one week. When the eighth day comes, you can start pouring a patient conspiracted in food and drink. It is better to use all the water in one day.


        The burial places of people or animals for a long time were considered rather strong in the energy plan. In the modern world, such a place is a cemetery. The cemetery was often considered a place for various witches and sorcerers, unclean and other dark entities. It is in the cemetery there are various rituals, including on withdrawal from alcoholic beverages. Such a ritual is carried out strictly without the knowledge of the dependent.

        For ritual it is necessary:

        • come on a cemetery with a cacular vodka;
        • find an abandoned grave;
        • put a bottle on it.

        Cross over three times and say the words of the conspiracy out loud:

        Such a conspiracy is very strong and almost in all cases is triggered. However, it is and dangerous. If the rite is incorrectly held, the situation can only be aggravated and the person will not be saved.


        Rituals on getting rid of alcohol addiction can be made without the desire of the patient. Everyone can do quietly and calmly without a person's knowledge, while he sleeps. The conspiracy, written below, will help desperate relatives to save a close person from a detrimental habit. To do this, make sure that the patient is tightly sleeping, to pronounce a conspiracy from drunkenness:

        The deeper and stronger sleep, the stronger the spell action. And the most important thing is the faith of the pronouncement of the conspiracy. It must be exclusively a loving and close person, grandmother lead in this case can not help in this case. It is love and the desire of loved ones who play a big role in this ritual.

        After the ritual, it remains to wait for positive results, which should show themselves in the near future.

        There is another version of the conspiracy from drunkenness, which is pronounced over a sleeping person. This conspiracy is very old and has been tested by a large number of people. This ritual was usually carried out in small villages. The result of the conspiracy more than satisfied everyone.

        In order for the plot to work, it is necessary to fulfill all its subtleties true. The words of the conspiracy should utter someone from close relatives, better so that it was a wife. The ritual is carried out in the period from 3 to 4 o'clock in the morning, at the time of the greatest activity of various creatures and magical forces. Read the conspiracy must be carefully so that the dependent does not wake up. Conspiracy is pronounced eight times in a semi-rider. You need to sit next to your loved ones, put your hand on his shoulder and pronounce a plot:

        The conspiracy action should begin in a week. Previously, drinking will begin to occur to alcohol, every day it will only grow.

        Against drunkenness on the towel

        Another effective way to get rid of alcohol addiction is a conspiracy on a towel. For this ritual, a new hand towel will be required, a conspiracy will be read on it. After midnight, it is necessary to light the church candle and pronounce the following words over a towel:

        Now it is important to trace the close person with a dependency wiped your hand with this towel. After that, immediately need to tie a towel to a strong knot and pronounce it:

        "May I want! "

        The towel is removed in an inaccessible place. The node cannot be unleashed, other people touch him too. About the ritual should not know anyone else.

        Conspiracy on hair

        To carry out a ritual, you need to get several hairs of the person who must be heal from alcoholism. The hair is placed in a handkerchief or a tissue napkin, which enjoyed the patient. The handkerchief bursts with the words:

        Salt dependence

        To carry out this conspiracy, the salt and pouch will be needed. It is advisable to sew a bag with your own hands. Iodized or sea salt falls asleep in the bag. When a person dependent on alcohol will fall asleep, you can spend a ritual.

        To do this, you need to read a plot of the bag with salt and hide it under the pillow. If there is a fear of being disclosed, then you can put it under the mattress. In the morning, get the salt and sprinkle with it raw meat. A piece of meat rape a dog or a cat. The remaining salt is burned in the yard. Conspiracy is read in the evening or at night.

        Before holding a ritual, you must fast for several days - it allows you to cleanse spiritually. It is advisable to go to the bath and clean the body. And the rite itself should be carried out in a clean night shirt. Pronounce words:

        Voodoo method

        To save a person from alcohol addiction, you can use the ritual according to the Voodoo method, which is called "sky". The ritual can even conduct a person who is not associated with magic. For the rite you will need a set of the following items:

    1. 1. 8 small potatoes.
    2. 2. Powder of vegetable broth.
    3. 3. Coconut chips.
    4. 4. New lace.

    Potatoes need to boil to the state of the puree, add one teaspoon of a powder of a vegetable puree to it, also grate several coke spoons. All this is mixed to get a similarity of the test. From this substance form eight balls of the same size. Balls to fold on the lace, and after reading the conspiracy, tie it up:

    During the Hope to represent how words penetrate the balls and remain there. On Sunday take the knot and attribute to the nearest park.

    Conspiracy under Christmas

    Often get rid of diseases during the period of christmas holidays. Such an alternative people find people when medicine cannot help. Almost all conspiracies under Christmas against drunkenness are carried out using holy water and lit candles. With the light of the candle, it is necessary to sprinkle things and bed linen of a person, all the time saying the words of the conspiracy.

    You can spend a special rite of Christmas night. To do this, you need to light three candles, and inside to put a glass, from which an alcoholic usually drinks. Above this glass to pronounce the words of the conspiracy, and after crossing it.

    Ritual at a distance

    At the distance will help appeal to God and the Holy. The following prayers are among the most effective and strong. Their sending is sent to the famous healer of the Blessed Starrice Matrona Moscow. It reads with the light of church candles on the water, which will be imperceptible to rush into alcohol.

    No less effective and the following prayer. Let me save a husband from alcohol addiction as soon as possible. This prayer needs to be read not unite, but every time the drinker will start drinking vodka, wine or other alcohol. It is necessary to read at some distance from the person you need to cure. It is possible to stop reading a prayer when the husband has a strong disgust for alcoholic beverages.

    All conspiracies and prayers are read so that the patient does not see this and did not know about it. It is desirable that this takes place at a considerable distance. You can ask for a girlfriend or a good acquaintance and imperceptibly say the words of prayer at her at home. You can and do not hide it from a friend, but the rite is needed alone with you.

    Each person himself chooses the ways to he under power. With confidence, which will not cause harm drizzling. And also with the hope that the native person will stop climbing booins and go into pie.

    Estimated consequences

    Alcohol addiction is a disease. It is necessary to try to get rid of it with a medical path, only then resort to magical methods. Such interventions as conspiracy, prayers do not always act as I would like. First, the disease exacerbates and becomes stronger, only after a while the disease begins to pass. The dependence is adjusted from the inside, destroying itself. It is like an antibiotic action: microbes are first activated, and after dying.

    Conspiracy and magic are not a joke, you need to be very careful during rites and rituals. Even one incorrectly said word can aggravate the situation and bring the patient to a suicide state.

    In cases more serious you need to immediately contact professionals. A person who knows and understanding this will conduct the necessary energy cleaning and the ritual himself. It is necessary so that the body of a long-drinker has become perceived by magic promises.

    If the magic ritual is carried out in accordance with all the requirements, then the patient will begin to decline for alcohol. But it is important to understand that this will not happen immediately. At first, a person will feel strong fatigue, weakness in the whole body, it will be sluggish and dull. Even sharp mood differences are possible, sometimes a person can fall into the state of depression. After a while, everything will start to improve, the desire will come back and the desire to drink will come back.

    All conspiracies are effective only if they are held with faith and love for a patient with alcoholism. All requirements in rituals need to be carried out uncorrectly and according to the instructions. If everything was done correctly, there should not be negative consequences. If something went wrong, then you need to contact a professional who will try to fix everything.

Alcohol is the Beach of Modern Society. Alcohol is a cheap and affordable drug, to escape from reality. The thoughtless consumption of alcohol-containing products creates the dependence on which not only the alcoholic itself suffers, but also the people around him. House, family, work - depart into the background.

Treatment of drunkenness - the process is complex and time consuming. Means of traditional and traditional medicine are used. Separately there is a magic ritual - a plot.

Conspiracy from drunkenness. Rules of behavior

Any strong magic ritual must be carried out according to the rules.

  • Using a calendar. For men, you can spend a plot on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays. For women, this is a medium, Friday or Saturday.
  • Phase moon. The conspiracy will be as effective as possible when full moon or a decreasing moon.
  • Faith in the action of the ritual.
  • Secret. And alcoholic, and others do not need to know that the rite was held.

Ritual with photography

With the use of photos, a large number of ritual actions are carried out. Especially since getting the photo of the son, father or husband is easy. In addition to the snapshot, you will need holy water and 3 candles.

In the evening at sunset, the candles should be lit. Put the photo of the patient on the table and sprink it with holy water.

Read the conspiracy: "Lord, help a servant of your own (name)! I want to wean from the drunkenness of the slave of God (name)! So that he could not drink, so that vodka his taste is. To shut it in a throat pouring! My prayer is strong, my word let him be the law of slave God (name)! Amen!"

You need to repeat the words of the rite 3 times, hide the snapshot. If during the month in the behavior of an alcoholic, nothing has changed, you should again spend the ritual.

Conspiracy on water

For magical actions, water can be used. It is better to take natural from the spring or well. And if the natural source is not easy to find?

Water from the tap should be withstanding the week in a dark place, and then use for the rite.

Over the prepared water, read the prayer: "As the Lord God, our Jesus Alcohol not drinking and Virgin Mary Vottupka is not
I knew so let the slave of God (name) does not know and does not drink! Let only the water clean, spring, cold drinks! And about the fault and vodka will forget the eternal! Amen!"

This is a very strong ritual from drunkenness. Copying water should be given a drink alcoholic.

Rite on soap

We use the detergent constantly. Bulgarian healer of Vanga from drunkenness recommended using soap.

You need to repeat these words 9 times. This is an effective rite from drunkenness. The soap bar should be put on the washbasin so that the patient can use it every day. If there is no result, repeat the words of prayer after 14 days. It is advisable to title the same piece if it is not yet used.

Ritual from drunkenness with a towel

Kazan Icon of God's Mother helps women from all troubles

If the Son or Husband suffers from addiction, then a towel can be used for conspiracy. The rite is carried out in full moon. The towel must be new.

"I ask you a Towel new and clean! Hanging hands Slave God (name)! Forget about vodka nasty! Let your thoughts and desires be clean! "

Put the conspiracy thing to the washbasin, make sure that the sick wipe their hands. Then you should tie a towel to the node and hide away. No one else can use it. Store and never unleash the node.

Conspiracy on alcohol

For this rite, any alcoholic drink is used, which loves a close person.

"As a fish does not go like a bird, vodka does not drink and the slave of God, forget about vodka damned! Do not drink in the morning, nor a clear afternoon, nor dark in the evening! Amen!"

Prayer words are pronounced 3 times, then give a drink to a conspiracy alcohol with her husband or son.

Magic rituals are pretty effective from drunkenness. Despite numerous skeptical reviews, the rites helped many alcoholics, a lot of families saved. It is important to believe in your strength, in your love for a near person, to fulfill all the recommendations. Only so you can save the drunkenness to you.