A woman should not be easily accessible. Why do men prefer to love the unreachable

Inaccessible girls attract those men who have been spoiled by female attention since childhood. This is due to the fact that they no longer see the excitement in predictable victories. They are more interested when a girl refuses various invitations, for example, to the cinema, cafe or restaurant. This surprises the man very much, and he tries to do everything to win her attention. And it all starts with the fact that a man simply cannot realize that the girl was able to refuse him.

It must be remembered that womanizers are not courting out of serious motives, it usually happens that after he achieves a girl, she becomes uninteresting to him.

Another reason why men like inaccessible girls is that the girls themselves scare away with their desire to get married as soon as possible. Of course, men know that women dream of their own family hearth. If a girl at the beginning of a relationship puts pressure on a man by wanting a white dress, a wedding, then such a relationship is unlikely to be lasting. This is due to the fact that a man thinks that everything happens over time and you should not rush, especially with a wedding. If the girl insists, then the man may be disappointed in her. And in the future he will be interested in those girls who will behave independently and not want to get married.

Not every man can cope with the independent behavior of a girl. Most likely, such a relationship will be doomed to failure.

Some girls try to hide that they want to get married, but not everyone can do it. On the other hand, if a girl does not talk about the wedding at all, it seems strange to a man and he begins to wonder why she does not want and does not think about marriage. He begins to slowly wonder if she likes him? Thoughts begin to oppress the young man. If he offers a girl to marry him and she refuses, this means that she is not yet ready for family life. Therefore, in the future, he will seek her until she agrees.

What kind of men like inaccessible girls

The inaccessible are loved by those men who have met easily accessible girls in their lives, capable of anything for them. Not all men are ready to appreciate it. Unfortunately, men love those women who repel them. If a woman tells a man every day that she loves him, over time, the man ceases to rejoice at these words. Therefore, it is recommended that a girl remain a mystery to her man in any situation.


  • Men don't like weak women

Love is unpredictable. It comes sometimes when even thinking about it seems stupid. Sometimes girls they light up with a fiery feeling for guys who do not notice them at all, but sometimes remain cold to those who are not indifferent to them. However, there are ways to win the love of a woman.


If you are thinking how to conquer, then you probably have a lady in mind whose love you dream of. Very good if so. You can think over the tactics of behavior, taking into account what kind of person she is, what she is interested in, what she values ​​\u200b\u200bmost in people. Find what suits you. It can be life goals, musical preferences, character traits. Remember that opposites do not always attract, and it is better to build relationships on some basis.

Don't be banal. Girls appreciate originality in guys, the ability to go against the crowd in something. If you can afford to keep your individuality, then you have a strong character. Understand that a woman sees in everyone a potential partner for creating a family, and it makes sense to combine with the bonds of marriage only with a strong person, otherwise you will have to answer for everything yourself.

Watch your appearance. Girls like clean and pleasantly smelling men in neat clothes - the rest depends on the tastes of a particular young lady. Inadvertently take an interest in what external characteristics of a man are distinguished by a woman you like. If possible, you can get closer to her ideal.

Let the young lady know that you can rely on. If you promised to fix her laptop or help with a project, keep your promise, even if you yourself have to call the master. In turn, do not hesitate to periodically ask the lady for help. People tend to value what they put their time and effort into.

There is a chance that, despite all your efforts, the girl will remain cold to you. If the efforts do not bring results, and you can’t win the girl’s favor in any way, be able to stop in time, survive the heart drama and turn your attention to other young ladies.

On the one hand, this state of affairs can be considered somewhat childish: when children see a bright toy that is not available to them, they begin to fight for it and cry if they do not get what they want. Perhaps it is not for nothing that men are called big children. The desire to possess the object of desire is the higher, the more unapproachable this object is.

However, on the other hand, such behavior is quite justified. Initially, a man was assigned the role of a hunter in society. Going hunting, a man is accustomed to achieve his goal, that is, to win prey, otherwise his community and family could be left without food and die. He embodies the same principle of behavior in relations with a woman: a man needs to win his goal. Without struggle and manifestation of strength, he does not feel his masculinity.

Therefore, women who need to fight for other men, inaccessible in their beauty, attract them especially strongly. If a woman agrees to everything and literally falls into the arms of a man, it is, of course, convenient for him. Perhaps he will even start a fairly close relationship with her. But initially, she no longer satisfied him - he could not win her, be the only strong and beautiful who achieved this particular woman. Though not immediately, but this fact can negatively affect relations in the future.

It is the availability of a woman that can be assessed negatively by a man, especially if he is serious about relationships. What is easily acquired is usually not appreciated. If a man does not respect a woman, he can leave her as quickly as he received. A real woman, mysterious, mysterious, will respect herself first of all. She will not agree to the persuasion of the first man she meets, she will carefully choose her future partner, help him to see himself and learn from all sides. She will give him the opportunity to show himself, to achieve it, so that both the man and the woman appreciate this union and can treat each other with respect and trust.

Almost any free man is a hunter. Moreover, a hunter with a scent for easy prey. Inappropriately rude and emotionally “deaf” in long-term relationships, when released, such men are transformed and become almost their own opposite. They read us as if they knew all their lives, and our timid attempts to hide in the "Trojan horse" of mystery and inaccessibility only fuel their interest and desire. Warm up to get "desired" and the realization that easy accessibility goes hand in hand with unreliability, disposability and mediocrity. And in this they are wrong. Often. Making mistakes and leaving us without understanding, they offend and underestimate our often already low self-esteem. Unpleasant, agree! And instructive. Here, from my own experience, I can name at least eleven reasons because of which, at one time or another, I could be mistaken for a dummy girl from a pickup truck manual.

11 Reasons Why I Was Considered Easily Accessible

1. I didn't mind having sex on the first date.

Men want the impossible from us. Give them both openness with honesty and mystery with a slight hint of understatement; and "impregnability" and willingness to "continue" at home. The key to resolving this contradiction is gradualism. Yes, there is a category of men who give everything at once. But even they often "pass" when everything develops rapidly and without deviating from their wildest expectations. If you don’t want to scare a man away with your straightforwardness, simplicity and overly calm attitude to intimacy, give up sex on the first date.

2. I loved revealing outfits.

“Why not wear this little red short dress today, the one in the mesh tomorrow, and that one, translucent, wait, wait, I was in it yesterday!” - here are my thoughts at the moment when I choose what to wear on a date. Noticed the trick? Aha! I, like many other girls, deliberately reject the option of dressing modestly and not defiantly. And in vain. Attracting attention with defiant outfits and bareness of certain areas of the body, at the end I get attention only to these very areas and nothing more. But I didn't want that! So I advise you not to repeat my mistakes and not expect that the guy who “pecked” at your charms in the future is obliged to consider a beautiful soul behind them.

3. I didn't always make sure my thongs weren't peeking out of my pants.

Everything is simple here. Thongs are good. Thongs plus low-waisted trousers are at your own risk. Do not provoke a man if you are not ready to respond to his provocations.

4. I blabbed the nuances of my sex life to my friends.

No matter how reliable your best friends and girlfriends seem to you, remember that they are people too, with all the weaknesses and negative qualities. Spoiled - be prepared that tomorrow, in a week or a month there will be common acquaintances who, by a "strange" coincidence, will "grease up", mistaking you for a trouble-free young lady.

5. I answered directly about the number of sexual partners.

Some girls go to any lengths to hide the number of their sexual partners. Some, like me, don't. Who is right? Hard to say. It is only important to remember that speaking openly about such things, we ourselves provoke the conservative mindset of guys into a frivolous and squeamish attitude towards us.

6. I got drunk too fast

For some girls, one glass of wine is enough for the evening. For others, even three per minute is not enough. What do you think, which of them cause unhealthy interest among lovers of one-time love affairs?

7. I used to flirt a lot.

Changing in her face, manners and habits only at the sight of a man, the girl herself gives him a sign - “it is not necessary to try, you see, you just looked at me, and I have already adjusted to you.”

8. I didn’t know how to say “no”

Many girls are too afraid to touch other people's feelings and boundaries of comfort, trying to please everyone and in everything. This gives others a sort of "automatic" advantage in anything other than what is important to the girls themselves. Learn to refuse, and the problems of being mistaken for a “girl for one time” will disappear by themselves.

9. I was too polite and courteous towards those who went too far.

The girls are arguing. They swear. Often they are even ready to pull out each other's hair for the "truth". But not in my case! In the past, I was willing to pull out a tuft of my own hair just so as not to aggravate any conflict that I happened to be a participant in or a witness to. Naturally, such a “weakness” did not go unnoticed by random people present of the opposite sex. The guys quickly noticed this, became impudent and acted differently than they would have done, not knowing for sure that I am a soft and non-confrontational person.

10. I put on too much makeup.

Girls who hide themselves behind makeup have one very vulnerable spot - self-esteem. I hid the real me behind a ton of make-up just to live up to the vast human expectations. Can you imagine? People's expectations were enough to induce me to act in a way that was not convenient for me. What will happen if a “knowledgeable” person puts pressure on this weak spot? What if someone compliments me while I'm not wearing makeup? Right! I will not be able to refuse such a "wonderful" person anything. Easily accessible? Maybe.

11. I lived surrounded by easily accessible girlfriends.

Tell me who your friend is and so on. And indeed. It is foolish to condemn people for judging us by who we surround ourselves with. Let people make mistakes, but we can only prove it by actions. In the event that you are surrounded by people with whom no one wants to have a serious relationship, the matter most often will not come to proof.

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Announcement: Not free, but available.

Didn't get to meet. She says: “Shall we go to me or to you?”

- Yah you. You are problematic!

Men often miss the decent, picking up the available.

Aphorisms about men

An easily accessible woman Ease of accessibility as a quality of personality - the tendency not to be distinguished by the severity of morals (about a woman).

A prostitute during sex says to the client: - I am an accessible woman. For reference: I have a dachshund - five rubles there, five back. He: - And I only have five ...

What does a hen think about when she runs away from a rooster? Am I running too fast?

In contrast to accessibility, the ease of accessibility of a woman has a completely different social color - vicious.

Ease of access is when a woman has a password 1,2,3,4 in the causal place. A motorist would say, "The front seal is leaking." Women speak even harder: - Weak on the front. An easily accessible woman looks at sexual relations like a frivolous man. In sexual intimacy, she sees no reason for dating.

The trouble is that a woman becomes what a man wants to see her. Such is female nature, her psychology. The less chivalry, that is, nobility, generosity, honor and dignity, in relations, the more accessible women become. The degradation of men pushes women to fall.

What wants to see a woman degradant? Always available to him, undemanding, inclined to forgive him everything, weak-willed and wordless. Responsibility for the state of accessibility of women lies with men. A man in the context of a life goal is always a leader for a woman. The higher his goals, the higher the culture and loyalty of a woman. A woman often becomes easily accessible in the company of an unmotivated man. A woman cannot be faithful to someone who does not believe in anyone or anything, whom she does not value in anything.

Ease of access, as a rule, is corruptible. She is ready to go with anyone, at his first whim, as long as the wallet is full. Even the ancients noticed: “For the sake of a moment of pleasant possession of someone else's body, the hunter enters into relations with easily accessible women and is now forced to support them, and at the same time their relatives, who often insult and humiliate him. It happens that he will bribe a woman with his prey, but another more dexterous hunter will lure her away. In order to taste a drop of honey, the pleasure hunter has to endure the stings of a whole swarm of bees.

Ease of access is a complete disregard for all stages of the development of relations between a man and a woman, even the candy-bouquet stage is out of work. That is, acquaintance is a hat. Why know who he is, what his name is, what he does? Enough to know drove. Uncertainty is on the side. A woman does not ask herself the question: - Do I need to enter into a relationship with him? There is no such psychological problem easily accessible. Revealing your best qualities is also useless: - Take off your pants - we will get to know each other. That's all disclosure.

Writer Yuri Polyakov in Sky of the Fallen tells how his hero visited easily accessible women in the institute hostel: “There is some senior student who has already managed to get married, give birth, divorce and send the child to her mother in her native Gadyukinsk, pour me vodka, feed me scrambled eggs with coarsely chopped sausage, and then, if the neighbors are gone, we will creak a little on a narrow government-owned bed: I will patiently chase an orgasm through the back streets of my irrevocable body after alcohol, and she will passionately whisper in my ear: “Not in me! Just not to me!!” The women of my youth were divided into the sane and the insane.

According to Vladimir Kolechitsky, “A woman is similar to the Arctic: she also has a pole of relative inaccessibility.” Ease of access - a planet without poles of inaccessibility. Just as a line is the shortest distance between two points, so is easy access the shortest time between exchanging glances and somersaulting in bed.

Ease of access signals itself so clearly that the male subconscious is rarely mistaken about it. How do men scan for ease of accessibility? Vulgar, too revealing outfit, excessive body exposure, obsession and importunity in all manifestations, non-verbal unambiguous signals of sexual hunger. When a woman, especially a married woman, laughs loudly, men get the impression that she is easily accessible.

Where benevolent traditions collapse, women become easily accessible. Loyalty must be earned. Loyalty as a quality of a person is the ability to once decide on an object and, on the basis of one’s choice, without any doubt, show steadfastness and immutability to it in one’s feelings, relationships, in the performance of duties and duty.

There is a causal relationship between a wife's easy accessibility and her husband's disbelief and lack of purpose. A woman can be faithful and devoted only to the man she respects. She becomes easily accessible if she sees that he does not strive for anything, does not set high goals for himself, does not believe in anyone or anything. The duty of a man is not only to provide physical, material and emotional protection for a woman, but also to lead her spiritually. If he turns into an animal in front of a woman, preoccupied only with food, copulation, sleep and self-defense, she loses respect for him, becomes rude and cynical - easy prey for other men.

Anecdotes on the subject. The guy invited the girl to ride a boat. Having sailed not far from the shore, he says: - Of course, I don’t really like easily accessible girls, but keep in mind that I hired a boat for only an hour.

An easily accessible woman returns from a summer holiday. He sits on the plane, looks at his knees and says: - Finally, you are together!

The husband leaves to rest and asks the neighbor to look after his wife: - If he goes on a spree, give a telegram: “The wife is dead”, and I will understand. A week later, such a telegram arrives, but the man was not in the room. Compassionate friends give a response telegram: "Tell me when the funeral is." The neighbor received such an answer and writes: “I don’t know when the funeral is, but access to the body continues.”

Petr Kovalev

In a small town, the notoriety of girls who, “yes, we know, slept with half the district,” spreads faster than the wind. And often outwardly they do not at all look like prostitutes, as everyone imagines them to be. They look quite neat, speak competently and behave decently in society. But even if no one says “anything like that”, then by indirect signs it is still possible to calculate them. What kind of girls are definitely not worth building a serious relationship with? We find out in the new rating.

She has an exorbitant number of friends and idiotic relationship quotes on social media.

Of course, more male audience. And, of course, there is no time to communicate with everyone. The main thing is the feeling of an army of fans. Only she rolls to receive dozens of "likes" under snotty reposts from the groups "Women's Secrets" and "Appreciate my feelings." Either he really believes in their wise sense, or he thinks that this is all “with subtext”. Like, to whom it is given, he will understand.

And half naked pictures. Caught a fish!

Stretch out on the bed, bend over on the couch and lift the T-shirt - yes please! Our heroine posts such photos with popular tracks or phrases about “good morning”.

Every week she's in the club like she's on duty

How he manages to “burn through life” if there is always emptiness in his wallet is a mystery. Or not. But she never pays for herself and considers this the norm. Each report on the party will have her photo, and she will make sure that no one catches in the same dress. In the pictures, he either cheerfully and drunkenly hugs someone, or languidly does not look into the frame and portrays a femme fatale.

She is not averse to drinking, but when sober she is sad and capricious.

He gets drunk quickly and deftly, but rarely gets drunk to hellish mist. Alcohol makes her more charming (she thinks so), sobriety can make her depressed. Then he will bury himself in the phone, and remember your name.

A capricious children's voice is her feature

Such a voice in the spirit of “I am innocence itself” can purr the whole evening, but anger her, and with the same tone she will drive her crazy! And this voice eliminates the need to conduct a serious conversation. Who discusses literature and politics like that?

First he takes a selfie and a couple of photos of the table, then he eats

When you order everything and leave her at the table for a second to answer the call, she will have time to do a million things at once: a selfie, a photo of a salad and an interior, a couple of posts on Instagram, a redesign of hair and makeup, and a tour of the hall (suddenly there are a couple more hiding there). candidates for princes). Then you can eat. Just a little - that's how princesses are taught.

Gifts and flowers are also sure to fix. The more expensive and famous the brand, the larger it is in the frame

These posts will be between quotes and naked photos. If expensive gifts are not presented, she will find pictures on the net and attach enthusiastic emoticons to them. The main thing is that the names should be better known.

Takes care of himself, walks with a good manicure, but he can buy clothes in a cheap store

And most importantly, he is terribly shy about it. He will make his way to such a store by vegetable gardens, and then he will cut off the tags and burn them on a moonlit night. And he keeps himself in shape - yes, you can’t argue.

Knows all the bartenders, security guards, guard friends, famous city characters and their friends

With half of them she twisted novels. The men left, but the gossip remained. You can always get the latest news from her about where Petya went and about whom Masha became pregnant.

She will not tell anything about herself and will agree with you in everything until you treat her to coffee or a cocktail

Ready to talk about everything and everyone except yourself. No, no, this is not modesty, she loves herself and oh how! But she's mysterious. And you haven't even bought her champagne yet. How did it happen?