39 weeks old baby is very active. Development of organs and systems

Closer to childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes less and less, although they still renew every three hours and will do so even when labor begins. You don't have to put on weight anymore, but the baby continues to grow. At 39 weeks, it weighs an average of 3300 g and reaches over 50 cm in length.

Fetus at 39 weeks gestation: perturbations

And, since the baby is already very large and already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, he already has nowhere to move especially. Accordingly, if before that you could observe the periodic "dancing" of the crumbs in the tummy, now it will only push you from time to time from the inside.

Although he already has nowhere to move, the baby, nevertheless, tries to move. Moreover, through movements, the child trains coordination and gradually builds up muscle strength. The intensity and nature of the movements should be monitored further: during the day, the masik should respond about 10-12 times. If the child is excessively active, pushes hard and often, or, on the contrary, his movements are felt weakly and rarely, immediately inform the doctor about this: a change in the nature and frequency of movements in one direction or another indicates trouble.

Baby at 39 weeks pregnant Heart, lungs, intestines, kidneys - everything is ready to support the life of the baby outside the womb. However, the processes of development and improvement do not stop, and will continue after birth. In particular, the central nervous system develops unevenly.

The pancreas has begun to produce enzymes that will break down food entering the baby's stomach. But beneficial bacteria will begin to colonize the intestines only after tasting - now it is sterile.

In most cases, immediately after birth, the intestines of the newborn are emptied by the original feces with meconium. But it often happens that this happens even in the womb before the onset of the labor process (most often the reason is a lack of oxygen in the last stages of pregnancy). In such cases, the doctors and obstetricians attending childbirth perform a special procedure to cleanse the bronchi called lavage. As before, all nutrients reach the baby through. But in the last weeks, she begins to age: her service life is coming to an end. The umbilical cord will only be cut after childbirth when it stops pulsing. And only then the child's place is born - the last third.

Future mom

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the baby is already completely ready for independent existence, but ideally, the pregnancy should still last this and the next week. But you should have been completely ready for childbirth a few weeks ago. Although this does not mean at all that the expectant mother is obliged to lose peace and stay in constant anticipation of the onset of contractions.

If the bags are collected at the hospital, and you are psychologically ready for the events awaiting you, then everything should be okay for you. But it's easy to say and difficult to do, right? Some anxiety and nervousness are still present. The main thing is to listen to the baby, talk to him, calm him down before giving birth, but ask him not to linger - the time is approaching.

You will certainly understand that “it has begun”: cramps will appear in the lower abdomen, repeating 5 times an hour, and then more often; feel a pulling pain in the lumbar region; it is possible that water will go away and spotting will appear. In the initial period of childbirth, the mother may wake up appetite - prepare yourself some kind of light, low-fat snack in advance.

Childbirth at 39 weeks gestation: harbingers

In the meantime, it has not "begun", listen to yourself and track possible changes that will tell you about the imminent onset of childbirth. Shortly before the start of labor, a woman learns about her approach by changes in appetite - it significantly decreases. The weight of a pregnant woman can also decrease: many successful mothers say that the weight at the end of pregnancy, if it does not stop, then decreases by 1-2 kg.

False contractions, which until that time were painless and infrequent, now become more intense, palpable. In addition to the fact that contractions begin to appear more often, they occur against the background of a pulling abdomen and lower back: pulling pain, ringing the lower abdomen and lumbar region, is another of the harbingers of childbirth. You can distinguish false contractions from real ones - and many expectant mothers are very afraid to confuse them - by changing the position of the body. Do you think that you are giving birth? Get up, walk around the apartment, sit down on the chair again. If, with a change in body position and type of activity, the contractions have passed, then it is too early to go to the hospital.

The mucus that appears in the vaginal discharge will tell you about the approach of childbirth - it can be either transparent or pinkish, brown. An admixture of mucus is particles of a mucous plug that closes the entrance to the uterus. Now the cervix is ​​gradually softening and contracting, preparing for childbirth, so the cork particles come out. But you can see the mucous plug itself in the form of a lump of mucus, possibly with streaks of blood, the volume of which is approximately 2 tablespoons. Discharge of the mucous plug is another signal that labor is about to begin.

Before giving birth, many women have a nesting instinct: from nowhere there are strengths and an irresistible desire to prettify the house, making it as comfortable as possible. Do not deny yourself such pleasure, but entrust the hard physical work to assistants. Save your energy for the most important event in your life.

In the last days before childbirth, a woman may also notice disorders in the digestive system. Diarrhea, nausea, indigestion, possibly even vomiting - all of these symptoms may well precede the onset of labor. Well, in the meantime, the tummy is calm, provide the crumbs with a sufficient supply of oxygen - go for a walk. But do not go far and be sure to take it with you.

Belly at 39 weeks of gestation: pulls, hurts, sags

Abdominal prolapse is another sign by which you know about the imminent onset of childbirth. In theory, the belly drops between 36 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, but this can happen now. Or not at all - some women do not observe a sagging abdomen until the onset of labor. If your stomach sank, you will definitely feel relief: breathing becomes easier, hateful heartburn recedes. Instead, there is a need for more frequent urination: the uterus presses on the bladder, which means that the need for more frequent emptying increases.

Do not be alarmed if you suddenly find soreness in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back. Pulling pain with a localization of the lower abdomen-lower back at 39 weeks of gestation is one of the variants of the norm, indicating the approach of childbirth.

Pain at 39 weeks gestation

So, we already know about the nature of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back - these are the consequences of preparing the body for the upcoming childbirth and its attempt to tell the woman about their inevitable approach.

Again, due to the preparation of the body for an imminent birth, you now probably feel pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubis. The body actively produces the hormone relaxin, the main task of which is to soften and relax the ligaments and bones. Plus, the softened pelvic bones at this stage gradually diverge, preparing the baby the most favorable conditions for traveling through the birth canal. So mommy has to endure pain caused by such changes in the body, and expect childbirth, after which the pain will go away on its own.

Surely you are already familiar with pain in the sacrum, in the back, in the spine. This is the result of a mixture of the center of gravity and increased loads. For the same reason, leg pain is common. In addition: due to squeezing of the femoral nerve, you can feel a shooting, aching pain in the back of the leg, sometimes reaching the knee. Recommendations for minimizing pain in the back, legs, sacrum are the same: regular unloading, sleeping in the correct position, good rest, wearing a prenatal bandage.

By the way, by this time you may feel that your chest hurts. Do not be surprised or alarmed: the breasts have now noticeably increased and become heavier, very soon they will be needed to feed the baby. In the meantime, you patiently remove colostrum from the nipples and endure the usual pain and heaviness in the chest.

Discharge at 39 weeks gestation

An important moment of this week is vaginal discharge: normally they should have a light milky color, a uniform consistency and a slight smell of kefir. Do not be surprised to notice a slight increase in discharge from the genital tract - this is a normal symptom of 39 weeks of pregnancy. Also, you should not be scared by the presence of mucus impurities in the discharge: transparent, possibly with a shade of pink, brown, beige, mucus is particles of a mucous plug, which today closes the cervix.

But here - mucopurulent discharge, cheesy or flocculent, discharge of green or yellow color should become an obligatory reason for going to the doctor. Changes in discharge in this direction clearly indicate the development of any of the genital infections, and while there is still little time left, it is imperative to undergo treatment. After all, if this is not done and the infection remains with the mother, the woman will surely "share" this very infection when the baby travels through the birth canal.

Do not postpone a visit to the hospital if you notice even small amounts of amniotic fluid. You will recognize the amniotic fluid by finding liquid, watery discharge, possibly a slightly yellowish tint. Outpouring of amniotic fluid is a sure sign that labor will begin in the very near future. At the same time, the waters cannot always be poured out immediately, in one stream: it is possible to discharge the amniotic fluid in small portions. This happens when the membranes are worn out or damaged, and poses a certain danger to the child - if the integrity of the membranes is violated, he becomes vulnerable to infections. This is why the appearance of amniotic fluid cannot be ignored anyway.

Contact the ambulance operator immediately if you find you have spotting. Blood from the genital tract is a sign of detachment of a normally located placenta, a serious pathology that threatens the life and health of the baby. True, vaginal spotting may also indicate placenta previa, but doctors have probably already excluded this condition by preliminary multiple examinations.


An ultrasound scan at 39 weeks gestation is usually not required, however, there may be individual indications for a repeat ultrasound scan. As before, during an ultrasound scan, the doctor examines the baby, its size, and determines the degree of development.

Again, the state of the uterus, its size, and the degree of cervical maturity will be assessed. An important criterion is also the assessment of the quality and quantity of amniotic fluid. The degree of maturity of the placenta will definitely be established: at 39 weeks of gestation, the placenta is more often in the third degree of maturity. The higher the maturity of the placenta, the greater the degree of wear and tear. But for now, the placenta continues to serve as a good service - through it, antibodies are supplied to the baby from the mother, which take part in the formation of the immune system.

An ultrasound scan at 39 weeks of gestation will also give an idea of ​​the location of the umbilical cord, eliminate the risk of entanglement with the umbilical cord of the fetus. Keep in mind that the umbilical cord entanglement is not an unambiguous contraindication for natural childbirth: the umbilical cord is 55-65 cm long, which makes it possible for a woman to give birth on her own, and the umbilical cord itself is removed from the baby's head immediately after birth. But, even if the umbilical cord is short and the loop on the neck is tightened at the moment the baby passes the birth canal, doctors, when observing and controlling the birth process, react quickly and can decide to carry out delivery by caesarean section.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

If the baby moves a lot at 39 weeks, this may indicate the approach of labor. To determine what caused the activity of the fetus, you can use ultrasound and CTG. Sometimes active movements can be a symptom of pathological processes.

Pregnancy 39 weeks

Most expectant mothers note that with an increase in the term, children become more mobile. Especially the number of movements increases at night. The reason may be that during the day the woman does not notice the activity due to her own affairs. When she is about to go to bed, the movements become especially pronounced.

For many women, the baby becomes very active shortly before giving birth. At 39 weeks, the baby is already full-term and may well be born. The change in activity occurs several days or hours before an important event. If your stomach hurts during movement, you should definitely inform your doctor about it.

For several months before birth, the embryo trains the respiratory system. He swallows amniotic fluid, resulting in an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm. The expectant mother at this moment notices that the child is hiccuping. This is normal and should not be a cause for concern.

Pathological causes of increased activity

Increased swarming and movement in the lower abdomen may indicate a lack of oxygen. With early aging of the placenta or its insufficiency, the process of transporting nutrients from mother to child is disrupted. There is a hypothesis that with increased motor activity, the fetus massages the placenta and stimulates its work. If frequent movements cause anxiety and discomfort, it is necessary to tell the gynecologist about them.

As the embryo develops, body weight gains, an increase in body fat and muscle growth occur. By 39 weeks, the average fetal weight is 2.5-4 kg. Therefore, the woman may feel that the movements have become strong.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother is looking forward to the onset of movements, and then constantly monitors the child's physical activity. Before childbirth, their strength and number usually change noticeably - some children begin to push harder, while others, on the contrary, subside.

What does this mean, and what can mean active fetal movements at 39 weeks of gestation? Let's find out!

What does active perturbation mean at week 39?

First of all, it should be noted that for such a long period of time, there is not enough room for the baby in the uterus, so his movements will not be as violent as before. However, the child himself is already quite strong, he is ready for birth, and therefore the expectant mother feels his activity very well, he sometimes pushes so hard.

If your baby begins to behave more calmly after 36-37 weeks, but he has peaks of activity - this is absolutely normal. Strong perturbations at 39 weeks can speak volumes. This may be the baby's dissatisfaction with the forced position in an already cramped space or preparation for childbirth, which, for its part, is led by the child. He makes rotational-translational movements, dropping his head into the mother's pelvis - outwardly it looks as if the belly of a pregnant woman has become lower, "sank".

Which is usually conducted starting from the 28th week, will help you in determining the reason for such a violent behavior of the crumbs. At 39 weeks of gestation, the minimum number of movements per day is three. On average, the baby is normally active about ten times in a six-hour period. Keep in mind: if you feel much more tremors, this is a reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor, since an excessive number of them may indicate intrauterine

It is 39 weeks of pregnancy. The kid has become big, he, like his mother, has a need for change. He may well be born this week.

What the baby has become in 37 embryonic weeks (and this is 39 obstetric weeks), we will tell in this article.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Height and weight

The woman has been pregnant for 8 months and three weeks. During this time, from a microscopic set of cells, the baby has become a big and strong man, ready for an independent life outside the mother's abdomen. This week his height and weight are very individual and depend on hereditary factors. and how well the pregnancy proceeded during all the previous months.

The baby's weight this week in most cases has overcome the psychological mark of 3 kilograms.

The minimum average value for this period is considered to be an estimated weight of 2900 grams, and a large child can weigh all 4 kilograms.

The more complete the nutrition of the pregnant woman was, the easier the gestation period was, the more chances of giving birth to a "hero". Heredity is also of great importance - large mums and dads usually give birth to large babies, and thin parents of short stature "receive" a crumb with less impressive parameters in the maternity hospital.

The growth of the baby at 39 weeks is more than 50 centimeters, but even here it cannot do without individual genetic "corrections".

If childbirth does not begin this week, the baby will grow up and gain a little weight, but not more than 50-100 grams. The baby's growth rate slows down in the last weeks of pregnancy.

Fetometry norms

The norms for fetometry, which are calculated by measurements on ultrasound, at this time no longer have such a great diagnostic value as before, because now children have individual sizes.

They are more needed in order to predict the weight of the fetus and plan the tactics of childbirth.

On average, the norm for the main dimensions is as follows:

  • biparietal head size(BPR) - 94-95 mm (a value from 86 to 102 mm is also considered normal);
  • frontal-occipital head size(LZR) - 119 mm (also permissible from 108 to 129 mm);
  • femur length(DBK) - 73-74 mm (fluctuations from 68 to 79 mm are not excluded);
  • shin bone length(DKG) - 65-66 mm (normally it can be from 61 to 71 mm);
  • humerus length(WPC) - 64-65 mm (also permissible from 60 to 70 mm);
  • length of forearm bones(DCT) - 56-57 mm (normally the size can range from 51 to 60 mm);
  • tummy circumference(Coolant) - 336-342 mm.


The subcutaneous fat layer, which the baby “built up” throughout the third trimester of pregnancy, gives the baby a special charm at 39 weeks. The baby no longer looks thin, all wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, the skin became a normal pink color, because the vascular network and capillaries, which gave the child a red and even lilac hue, no longer appear through the skin.

The downy hair that covered the child's body is now missing. The skin became smooth and tender. The original white grease that covered the baby's body earlier also disappeared. Only a small amount of it has survived where it is needed now - in the folds on the arms and legs, the neck and in the groin area, where, despite the aquatic environment in which the fetus is located, mechanical rubbing is not excluded.

The baby's head can be covered with hair, and the baby can also be completely bald with small light and sparse hairs. This is also a personality trait.

The genitals are fully formed. In 9 out of 10 boys, the testicles have already descended into the scrotum, and in girls, the labia majora cover the small... Due to the action of the mother's sex hormones, the external genitals of babies may look somewhat edematous, like the nipples. But this phenomenon is temporary, after birth, during the first months, everything will return to normal.

Development of organs and systems

A child at this time is considered fully term. If childbirth occurs in the coming days, the baby is completely ready for life outside the mother's womb.... His heart works smoothly and without interruption, his heart rate (HR) is approximately 157 beats per minute.

Boys have a slightly slower heart rate than girls. The baby's lungs are ready to open after the first breath. They have accumulated a sufficient concentration of a substance for this - a surfactant, thanks to which the lungs will not stick together, and spontaneous breathing will become possible.

The digestive organs have already completely "rehearsed" the interaction with each other... The stomach can digest the amniotic fluid that has entered it. The baby belches up the excess of the swallowed - this is how the hiccups are obtained, which the mother feels as uniform rhythmic tremors at one point of her abdomen. The baby hiccups often.

The inner walls of the intestine have sensitive villi through which the absorption of nutrients will pass. Already, meconium has accumulated in the intestines - the original green feces, with which the baby first goes to the toilet "in a big way" on the first day after birth.

The kidneys, bladder, urethra and ureters are working in full force. In the body, the crumbs produce their own hormones and enzymes, the liver, spleen, pancreas, and gallbladder are formed and function.

The fetal nervous system is still in its infancy... And this will continue after birth. New neural connections appear every day, the brain "learns" to coordinate all processes in a small organism.

But even now the baby has achieved tremendous success - he already has more than 70 reflex automatic movements at his disposal, which help a person to survive.

The strongest are sucking, swallowing, breathing and grasping reflexes.

What does the baby feel?

The baby's senses are well developed. He hears perfectly- how much amniotic fluid allows him, the thickness of the mother's abdominal wall and noises inside it: palpitations, the rumble of blood in the arteries, the "rumbling" of the intestines. But even such a soundtrack does not prevent the baby from recognizing her mother's voice, familiar sounds.

Many women notice that an active baby, when the alarm rings suddenly or the door slams, calms down or, conversely, begins to "rampage".

The eyesight of the crumbs is still "tuned"... Now he can distinguish between light and darkness, the intrauterine world is seen by him as an accumulation of spots of different intensity of color and size. After birth, he will quickly learn to focus his gaze, and then distinguish colors. The child now does not smell the smell, but perfectly captures the taste nuances thanks to the developed taste buds on the tongue and the inner surface of the cheeks.


The baby becomes cramped and uncomfortable in the uterus. It takes up all the free space in it, so active fetal movements at 39 weeks are rarely observed. Most pregnant women at this time claim that the baby is quiet, moves a little. However, the crumbs continue to maintain a special, individual regime, in which periods of activity are replaced by periods of rest.

Some babies move a lot at night, others sleep with their mother at night and indicate their presence with movements only during the day. Many expectant mothers say that babies for a long time actively move in the morning and evening. Whatever the mode of activity, there must still be at least 10 motor episodes in 12 hours.

Against the background of a visible decrease in the activity of stirring this week, they can begin to deliver unpleasant painful sensations to the expectant mother.

They are associated with the size of the fetus, as well as a decrease in the amount of amniotic fluid, which is quite natural at this time.


Most often, babies at 39 weeks take the pose of athletes, ready to start. Most babies are head down, this week it is pressed against the exit of the pelvis. The fetus presses the chin tightly against the chest to facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

If at 39 weeks the location of the baby in the uterus is not the head, then the likelihood that he will turn to childbirth correctly is almost nonexistent, as well as free space for baby coups and maneuvers.

Breech presentation, in which the baby is located to the small pelvis, as well as a rather rare transverse presentation, in which the baby lies across, are the reasons for prescribing a planned cesarean section. It is being held this week or next.

Possible problems

Childbirth this week is a frequent occurrence: about 40% of women give birth at 39 weeks. Abnormal onset, for example, leakage of amniotic fluid, can become a problem.

If a watery liquid discharge appears, you should definitely visit a doctor unscheduled.... He will be able to establish whether the water is leaking, how much is left, how the child is feeling.

To establish the amount of fluid in the fetal bladder, the amniotic fluid index is measured on an ultrasound scan, and an unscheduled CTG will be done to determine the baby's condition.

So the time has come when you can turn from a future mother into a real one any day. Naturally, such an expectation unbalances even a woman who is not becoming a mother for the first time. And those who for the first time experience the feeling of motherhood experience a special excitement that cannot be conveyed in words.

They are frightened at 39 weeks by too active movements. And although, what should they be? You are worried, but your worries are also transmitted to the child. So he arranges heel fights for you. You will see - you will calm down, your baby will also calm down.

Although in the last weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements may seem more active than it was before. This is natural. The baby is gaining in height and weight every day. As they say - "it grows by leaps and bounds." His tummy is cramped. And it seems to you that his every movement is very intense. However, such sensations can seem very unpleasant.

Your belly has dropped significantly, so strong movements at 39 weeks of gestation will be felt. At this time, the baby's head is attached to the birth canal, and with his legs he can kick and rest with his elbows. The center of gravity in the stomach has shifted, and you are not yet used to this position.

Every time, as soon as the stomach begins to turn to stone, the expectant mother thinks that childbirth will begin now. Take it easy. The harbinger of childbirth is not only a sagging belly - you must still have a cork and amniotic fluid.

The main sign that the cork has come off is a beige discharge with mucus. And you will see for yourself how the waters begin to drain. You will notice such a flow even while standing in the shower. Until this happens, the movements of the baby at 39 weeks of gestation, even the most active ones, should not cause you anxiety.

The activity of the fetus can be caused by the fact that the mother leads an active lifestyle, moves a lot. Therefore, the baby in his movements does not lag behind his mother.

If the baby does not have enough oxygen, he will also begin to move more actively. Try going for a walk in the fresh air. And if you just lie down and take a nap, then the baby is likely to calm down and fall asleep.

Very often a woman notices a strange phenomenon that happens to her tummy - it seems to shudder. No, this is not fetal movement at 39 weeks, this is the baby hiccups. Moreover, hiccups can attack him very often. You might think that the baby is short of air? Not at all. This is how breathing training takes place. Instead of air, the child inhales anatomical fluid. Therefore, you feel strong jolts that have nothing to do with wiggling.

Meanwhile, your baby is already quite big - about 50 cm, and the weight can be from 3,000 g. And, of course, the movement of such a hero is hard not to notice. At an earlier date, the child also moved actively. You just didn’t notice it and didn’t feel it. There was a lot of space, and each of his somersaults passed unnoticed.

Stirring at 39 weeks can be felt because the baby often presses against the fetal membrane. Children generally like to snuggle up to something soft. And the wall of the uterus is too hard for them.

Sometimes the baby begins to move actively after the mother eats. The baby immediately gains energy to increase activity. Mothers, who suddenly noticed that their little one has calmed down and has not moved for a long time, eat a piece of chocolate, lie on their left side. The result is not long in coming. Somewhere, in half an hour, the baby will show itself with active movements.

The expectant mother should be alarmed by rare movements at the 39th week of pregnancy. The baby should move actively, but more gently than before. But rare movements may indicate the development of some kind of health problem for the baby. And if you notice such a decrease in activity, immediately contact your doctor.

At this time, the baby already reacts to bright light. Therefore, if you move the flashlight over the tummy, the baby will begin to actively move. External loud sounds cause a similar reaction in the baby. If you do not have this, then also notify the doctor about this.

Of course, all kids are different. Someone is too active, and someone behaves calmly even inside their mother's tummy. But the 39th week of pregnancy - fetal movements in 12 hours should be quantitatively at least 24 times. If your figure is significantly lower, then there is a serious cause for concern. And the sooner you notify the doctor about this, the less serious the consequences will be.

Your baby is already completely ready for life outside of mom's tummy. He is quite developed, his organs can work independently without mother's help. Even the digestive tract is ready to process food. Therefore, if the baby is born right now, then he will not have problems with the beginning of an independent life.

Of course, the fewer days left before birth, the more worried the mom becomes. What movements should be at 39 weeks pregnant - you know. And we hope we have calmed you down a bit. In general, keeping calm during this period of anxious expectation of the baby's birth becomes paramount for a woman. Mom needs to get enough sleep, have a good rest in order to gain strength before such a responsible mission that nature gave her.

And a positive attitude towards easy childbirth is also important. When a mother is full of strength and she is in a good mood, then her baby will be born strong, healthy and happy.