And I love the military ... why cadets are considered enviable grooms. Marry Military: Pros and Cons

Officer families are called in military-rear. Everyone knows that the rear must be strong and reliable, but not everyone knows how to achieve it. Maybe someone reflections on this topic of the doctor of medical sciences, a psychiatrist doctor, a psychotherapist of the highest qualifying category of the Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service of Evgeny Zhovnelchuk help to find an answer to such a question.

Every year several thousand young officers are produced in the troops. Only a small part of them goes to the new place of service with the family - wife, and that and children. The main mass is bachelor. I would compare them with paratroopers, thrown over the enemy territory to conquer a bridgehead without the necessary stock of products and ammunition. The coolest and fighting paratrooper, who laid a bunch of enemies, without a reserves approach, the rear will still not last for a long time. Or he will perish - in our case, for example, from alcohol, or captures ... Random women. Such is the statistics and everyday practice. Like this heroic paratrooper, the officer-Bachelor will be disappeared sooner or later. After all, on statistics, bachers live less and get sick more often than married. And there is always a clear relationship between strong rear and career success. Therefore, the issue of creating a family for an officer is far from idle.

When time comes

Unfortunately, now the marriage of many seems to be unusable: Think, the problem is if you did not get enough, you can always disperse. But as a psychiatrist with great practice testifying: every divorce necessarily leaves a negative mark in the shower, injures the psyche. When is the officer, it is better to marry if he did not in the cadet?

The optimal period - for years to 30-35. If by this time an officer has not yet acquired a family, then he should think over this question in the most serious way. The reasons for this, of course, can be different, but we will highlight the main: medical, physiological, personal psychological. In most cases, if the officer did not marry, it is necessary to talk about this or that form of a mental deflection or personality disorder. It can fluctuate in the framework of the mental norm, but most likely will require a certain correction, that is, the intervention of a specialist.

When an officer or cadet comes to the thought of marriage, he involuntarily raises the question: what should officer wife, about which, among others, says a lot, written songs and poems, filmed films? Statistics show that pragmatic cadets are preferably married at medical school students or universities and future teachers. And not only because at one time there were the most common female professions, but also because of the easy job and the greatest demand of these professions in the army. But few of the cadets wondered about compatibility in marriage. After all, if there is no compatibility, then there is no joint life - that is, for what families are created: there is no happiness. And the family, as a rule, disintegrates. Most often, not understanding these subtleties, the spouses explain the cause of the divorce so - they did not compare the characters. Behind this streamlined wording is hidden, as I said incompatibility. It has been established that there are four types of compatibility between people.

The main compatibility is biological, when people are suitable or not to each other in physiological and psychophysiological parameters. Not only anthropometric data are important here: growth, weight, eye or hair color, but also hormonal background, metabolism, biological activity and other physiological data that attract or repel people from each other sometimes at an unconscious level. For example, the smell. This is one of the main factors. Here are also manners of behavior, habits, habits, such as adopting food. If something annoying, causes dislike in the candidate for spouses, do not think that over time it will pass: it is scorching. Rather, on the contrary: discontent, irritability will be copied, grow and, imposing on some problems, provoke scandals. Therefore, even if there is an attraction to a person - a candidate for spouses, it is not worth dishearting from these little things, they can later grow into serious problems. Especially this approach is characteristic of women. Today, they closed their eyes on an uncomfortable habit of their groom as an unimportant, and in the future it was she who could become basic to form serious claims to her husband and even become a reason for treason and divorce.

The candidate for spouses should be nice to be in the Biopol Selected, pull to him without tension. And if there is some tension, inner dislike, it is better not to experiment and postpone the decision about the wedding. In the modern world, the concept of biological compatibility went to the background, giving way to the settlement and pragmatism. And earlier, it is now possible to say in distant times, there was a concept of watch-walling. Then relatives of the bride and groom came out and acquainted. This was a certain meaning. After all, if there were interconnections from the relatives of the bride and groom, it gave more chances that newlyweds would be like such sympathies. Now, having lost the traditional ways to establish prebrid dating, recognizing each other, people do not have the opportunity to realize this important stage of their family life.

The following type of compatibility can be conventionally called spiritual compatibility. What are the vital spiritual and aesthetic principles laid down in both halves who have decided to connect? It means not only the attitude towards faith, religion, but also a look at the various moral and moral side of life. For example, one considers to be normal to take bribes, and for the other it is unacceptable or one gives the other, and the other is a fundamental opponent to support Nishchensky Mafia. One loves to spend evenings with a book in hand, and the other - on the night disco. But if both think and are ready to act in this situation equally, we can talk about spiritual proximity and compatibility.

The third type of compatibility is social. Here we are talking primarily about the social origin of candidates for spouses. It is clear that it is easier to adapt to each other to people from close social layers: citizens with citizens or, for example, from a close professional environment: Dr. and nurser. And much more chances are that the marriage will fall apart from rich and poor: the son of a millionaire and the daughter of the worker.

The latest type of compatibility is psychological. In simple language, there are people driven and leading. And if the pair happens, there is a leader and there is someone who goes behind him, then we can talk about psychological compatibility. And on the contrary - if in a pair, two leaders or two led, then nothing good will fail. It's not so easy here as it may seem. The officer may be in the service of a volitional and decisive commander, and in the family prefers to give the initiative to his wife. And that, on the contrary, at work - a gray mouse, some imperceptible "office plankton", and at home the leader's deposits are wanted. Such a pair, it can be quite successful with the coincidence of other types of compatibility.

Some types of incompatibility in the presence of other similarities of characters and views can be endured, that is, they are less significant and will not play a provocating role in divorce. And some types of incompatibility, which are as if basic to conclude marriage cannot be ignored. But here there can be no single formula, mandatory for all: how many people will be so different and significant types of compatibility will be. However, there are certain patterns. If, for example, spouses are only social compatibility in the absence of others, the marriage will disintegrate. Or, in addition to socially present and spiritual compatibility - there are common interests, and otherwise, in a biological and psychological plan, they cannot get along, the probability of the disintegration of the Union is also very large. A prosperous marriage can only exist with at least two types of compatibility, one of which is necessarily biological as basic.

Look at the mother-in-law

It is important to remind such a factor as gender heredity. Girls, as a rule, inherit the maternal type of behavior in the family, and sons - father's. Therefore, it is desirable before making an offer to visit your chosen one, to get acquainted with parents, to watch the family relationships are built. The likely probability is that exactly how the potential mother-in-law behaves with the test, and the bride will behave, becoming his wife.

It is also extremely important before the creation of a family to decide on the roles of her husband and wife. This is relevant, because in our time gender relationships are very mobile and exposed to revisions. I mean primarily transseks, homosexuals or feminists, whose views, no doubt, undermine the traditional foundations of society, which were gained by humanity. And the task of the family is to understand correctly, assess their importance as a benchmark and a guarantee of the normal construction of family relations. From these positions, little has changed with the so-called Stone Age, when the husband was a preservation of food, and the wife is a keeper of a homely hearth. Those who adhere to this "obsolete design" are laid in the foundation of family relations solid foundation. After all, a person walks face forward, which is natural and convenient, but if necessary, it can go backwards. But it is impossible to conclude from this that it is old-fashioned to walk normally, but the back is relevant to the back! What and to whom from this use, because at least injuries will increase. So in family gender relations - everyone has a function laid by nature and it performs that he is originally destined with its floors. Although, of course, there are exceptions associated with the individual features of spouses who need to be considered personally with the help of specialists: psychotherapists, sexologists, etc.

Attempting to rethink and reinstate the sex orientation under the guise of equality of rights was made, for example, in the first years of Soviet power, when women first wanted to publicize, then they were planted for a tractor, then called for a plane, even somewhere, and the family, children remained unreleased, The essence is abandoned, which caused a burst of divorces. Today, similar times - the times are not socio-political, but rather socio-gender experiments. But I want to believe that the minds prevails and the views of supporters of non-traditional family relations, as a dead-end branch of mankind, dismissed. Well, homosexual couples can give birth to children - it is rejected by nature itself.

Weather in the house

Another role and value of the family: the presence of a spouse for an officer is a kind of psychological rehabilitation. Disconnect from work, from accumulated problems in different ways, but the most correct and reasonable - to do it through the family: wife, children. This, naturally, if there is a necessary compatibility between the spouses, harmony. If the wife does not understand this feature or evade her, then for her husband and family it is fraught with serious consequences. For its many years of experience in the army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I can confirm that most men (about 95 percent) have become alcoholics for this reason - through misunderstanding of wives, unwillingness or refusal to participate in their rehabilitation. Not uncommon for the same reason suicide or murder. During my service in the Air Force, I conducted the corresponding observation, statistics and I can say that most of the plane crash committed because of the so-called human factor actually had a prolonged family and consumer conflict. Although it is natural that when compiling the Commission of the appropriate act, which established the cause of the accident, this parameter was not indicated as it is difficult. An experienced doctor in the flight part is late in the evening, paying around the town, paying attention to which windows burning to the morning before flying the attention to those who did not sleep until late at night, and most often the reason was family quarrels.

Of course, those families who live in large cities are easier. At least there can always be counting on the help of specialists. But let's consider an example when a family officer serves on a remote point, outpost, in a closed military town, abroad, where there is no opportunity to realize yourself, diversify leisure. In this case, even in the family it is very difficult for him to find a support, since the wife, the children themselves need it, and the family often experiences a crisis. Its feature is that not to consult, there is no place to find support: thousands of kilometers around there are no various family advisory centers, specialists.

In such situations, the natural and only right decision will combine their efforts to solve accumulated problems. For example, you can create public advice on family issues, which will first include the wives of officers, the doctor - Nachmed, a psychologist, deputy commander for educational work, deputy for the rear, priest. This advice will be as the lowest stage of the public councils created now under the Council of the Federation or at the Ministry of Defense. They do not cancel, do not replace others, already existing public organizations: female, the Council of the military team, the officer assembly, but only consider the problems that are not within the competence of existing ones. And this body, in my opinion, will be able to solve many issues due to special powers in connection with the remoteness from the Big Earth and its closedness. At least this advice, closing, as it should be in the army, on the commander, is fully able to consider the problems of the moral appearance of officers or their wives, dietary drunkenness, debauchery.

Other forms of work, aimed at supporting and strengthening officer families who need to protect the state are possible. I did not make a reservation, care about officer families - the problem is really a state scale, since the psychological state of the Defender of the Fatherland directly affects the combat readiness of the army, and therefore the security of the state. I hope that my short story will help young officers in such an important issue as a choice of life companions.

The officer's wife is a special breed of women who did in his century and seeks a lot. How to be a military wife? Very not sweet, however, those who are accustomed to hiking life appear their motives for joy. For example, such families are very rarely disintegrated, because the institution of marriage for an officer means a lot.

And will it agree to each follow him across the country, most of the time being in solitude, therefore their husbands are appreciated for devotion, which is worthy of medals. It is impossible to lose sight of the fact that the privileges in families of employees in the army are even debt. And yet, to be or not to be an officer's wife?

This is your voluntary choice.

Before connecting your life with a professional military, you simply must fold all the positive aspects of this solution and deduct all negative. Otherwise, then it will be too late to make "break from the hook".

First, see the personal qualities of your chosen. If in ordinary life you can put up with many features of the character of a husband, with his lifestyle, then where there will be no friends, nor relatives, you will be torn off from around the world and experience all the hiking life, only a husband will be able to brighten up your life . Therefore, if you already notice the features that are unpleasant, do not make a decision to marry an officer too hastily.

Find a universal way to earn

According to statistical data, about 40% of the officers can not find themselves use in the part, because of which they become housewives. And this means that you will have to live from salary to the salary of your husband, albeit quite high, and every time you ask him money for personal needs. Yes, and sit all my life without a case in four walls of the hostel is not very sweet.

Therefore, if you do not have a popular profession in those places where the will of the fate will challenge you, there are only two options, both related to work at home. First - Needlework, Second - Freilance. And in that, and in another case, you can succeed, there would be a desire.

Increase stress resistance

Life burden on suitcases, the absence of relatives nearby, an evil husband, who is not annoyed by you, and with his subordinates, all this requires an incomplete officer's officer's wife. Always remember that the husband also tries as it can, it is simply sometimes not able to restrain. Do not take it to your account. In order not to close the family and not to be offended by a husband for any reason, find yourself a passion, and better - a few.

In the development of stress resistance you will be helped by sports, fresh air, meditation, as well as simple everyday wisdom, which is often gained only after many years of marriage. Over time, learn how to determine when your husband is not in the spirit, but when you can talk to him.

In many cases, you will help you a sense of humor. For example, find the charter of the officer's wife, who invented students of one of the military schools. In the text, in a light humorous form, it is shown that the military waiting for his faithful and that she will receive in return if the charter will be holy. In order not to remain one on one with your problems, register on the forums of the same as you yourself and share your experiences.

We bring to your attention a military test compiled at the request of the Military Internet with the famous St. Petersburg realist Evgeny Kruzhenstern. The test is recommended to all women, regardless of age and marital status.

Absolutely all women in the world (even frantic pacifists) can become an officer's wife. But not everyone is ready for such a gift of fate. Check and you yourself.

A - 0 points, b - 1 point, B - 2 points.

1. Are you a officer's wife?
but. Yes.
b. I would like to.
in. No, just did not sleep.

2. In the army, the most beautiful, strong and kind men?
but. Yes of course.
b. I think, yes.
in. Yes, probably.

3. Who is older in the rank?
but. Colonel.
b. Lieutenant colonel.
in. Adaptestation.

4. What fashion designer is not in fashion from officers?
but. Valentin Yudashkin.
b. Domenico Dolce.
in. George Armani.

5. Do I need to return to the army of ensigns?
but. Need to.
b. Not necessary.
in. And where did they go?

6. Which of the listed is the usual day:
but. The 14th of February.
b. The 4th of October.
in. August 2.

7. How fast can you collect things?
but. In an hour.
b. Per day.
in. Which things? Where to? What for? And hairdryer to take?

8. Who will not fly on?
but. "Side" on "Crocodile".
b. "Polcan" on the "goat".
in. "Cap-time" on "Sukhar".

9. Where are you used to spending your vacation?
but. Waiting for money.
b. At the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory.
in. Abroad.

10. How to call the situation when a woman has no chance on a career?
but. Fate.
b. Happiness.
in. Tragedy.

11. Can you get a gasket on the gas-52 engine at night? Without money and phone.
but. And what's the catch?
b. I do not know.
in. I understood! This is the plot of the horror movie!

12. Do you remember the school curriculum?
but. Not bad.
b. If necessary, I will remember.
in. Only by singing and drawing.

13. Which posts are the captainskaya?
but. Commander company.
b. Commander battalion.
in. Platoon commander.

14. Are you owl or larks?
but. Lark.
b. Owl.
in. I am a swallow.

15. What is a house?
but. Place where sneakers.
b. Construction of walls and roofs.
in. Cognitive Realistic Show on TV

16. Where is the place of a woman in the army?
but. At home.
b. In the headquarters.
in. Everywhere.

17. Theaters, cinema and large shopping centers are ...
but. Harmful excesses.
b. Waste of time.
in. Necessity.

18. What movie is right:
but. "Officers".
b. "Anchor! More Anchor. "
in. "Taiga novel."

19. What is "glass"?
but. Shape with the addition of synthetics.
b. The house of officers from glass and concrete.
in. Decoration, which is incomprehensible.

20. Can you live without abroad?
but. Easily!
b. And Turkey is also considered?
in. How many days do you need?

21. Imagine your husband came from work drunk ... Your thoughts?
but. The salary? Prize?
b. With Mishka? With Pasha?
in. Everything is over? Divorce?

22. How many girlfriends do you have?
but. More than five.
b. One.
in. All fools and envious.

23. Discipline is ...
but. Mother order.
b. Something from the science area.
in. The enemy of creativity.

24. What is your education?
but. Medical.
b. Pedagogical.
in. Creative Space Promotion Specialist (SEO, SMM, SMO)

25. After 45 life ...
but. Begins!
b. Continues.
in. I do not even want to think about it ...

0-14 points. Congratulations! You are the perfect wife of the officer (and there is a suspicion that the officer's daughter)! You are familiar with the match, and with the terminology - the combat readiness is excellent. Due to the life experience, the warehouse of the mind or natural intuition - but you will be able not just to survive in the far garrison, do not lose yourself in a military town, but also find a meaning and happiness in this strange life. You will be able to take a command of the family on yourself when the husband leaves for shooting, and protect his money from being confirmed from friendly invaders. You set the order and discipline and build a system for the education of children, yourself and husband on this. You can make friends with anyone, and this is a great advantage for the army - it has long been known that while the wives of officers are friends, the husbands serve easier and more pleasant. You will not consider your life to be sacrificed, to kill due to the lack of a gloss of army life and rig about the closed border due to a stupid tolerance on the first form. You know: everything will end (even a military mortgage), the stock will come and then you are - Wow!

15-34 points. Cituit, yes, you have several misty ideas about the armed forces. However, it is fixable. The main thing - internally you are ready to become an officer wife. You have enough understanding and patience, tricks and organizational skills to cope with this difficult mission. And let the emancipated empires in you are still fighting for the right to live in a big city, work in a big boss, to dangle the world, in fact she, this person, has already thrown out the white flag. The natural selection won, which suggests where to look for strong men for a strong family. And to distinguish the Polkan from the underground, the officer from the double bass, suspected the lubricant telecommunications in the field souses, scold portites and socks, boots and beris, Serdyukov and Shoigu, be able to collect all your seven suitcases in two hours and equip any angle, even the red - will teach everything Your life.

35-50 points. If you become an officer's wife, then he should immediately give an order "for courage." Or the hero star. Because any servant is naming with you. You do not tolerate discipline, consider the army atavism, you are generally for peace, love and rock and roll. In your world, consisting of outsourcing, crowdfunding, crossposting, marsh space, Christmas sales and early booking, there is no room for gross army being and consciousness. You can not watch for a long time even on a frowning aunt in a passport desk, not to mention the constant set of multiplicate officer wives in the garrison. And also they say, the military drink like horses! Even, they say, the technical alcohol through the filter is connable to clean and drink! And there is nothing to do there with a graduate cultureologist! The only thing that can shake your settings is love. Where are you going to go then.

Good afternoon, Pandokovka! It is very interesting to read the blogs about a family life, because each it is full of surprises, joys, experiences and laughter. He read posts about the wife of a football player, an athlete and decided to write about his personal experience. I am an officer's wife. It sounds proudly and beautiful, but also requires considerable effort to adequately justify this status.

I will start with the fact that I got married in June 2013, my future husband met at a distance of about six months, while they were friends and communicated as friends during the year. They say the best friend is your spouse, and my mother in his own example taught building trust and friendly relations with her husband.

But I would never think that fate prepares me to be an officer's wife. There are no military in my family, so patience lessons and skills wait Were ahead.

It was not easy to meet at a distance, I studied at the 3rd year of the faculty of journalism, the husband has already graduated from the Military Institute, and worked as an officer for communication. We saw each month once, meetings at the station passage for 15 minutes during the polygons and exercises, endless conversations on the phone ... this was catastrophically not enough.

At a distance, it is hard to meet, although at first glance as romantic! It seems that the feelings are stronger, meetings are on the weight of gold, expectations ... This is the only thing that heats the soul, when he wants to throw everything and start crying from rare meetings and dates.

Half of the year was enough to realize that this is my man and future husband. He is smart, caring, and most importantly, we love and appreciate each other. Sincere love without feeling something to embellish, without a sense of dependence and sick jealousy, the love you know gradually ... You come to her over the years, and maybe we are still on the way ...

In the winter of 2013, the offer to become family, be together once and for all. I was confident in feelings, and agreed. I do not regret any minute. Girlfriends in the barebird wanted one: "Being tolerant", the life of the military is not like civil, permanent fees, exercises, polygons, an abnormal official day. To this day, I teach myself to be wise and patient.

The best month was June. Kyz Uzatu, the wedding, a new home, a small honeymoon in Borov ... It seemed like little necessary for happiness ... We arrived in families at the end of July, because it was time to go back to work, stayed together for two weeks, and again a landfill ... Separation for useful two months ...

I thought that when I was married, finally we defeat the distance, but the tests for strength only had to be. I returned to Almaty, because I had to finish the 4th year of the faculty of journalism, and again half a year I am in my house ... (because his parents in Aktobe). Again, student weekdays, talk on the phone, expectations of meetings ... I learned that in the position, which we were very happy, but I spent most of the term of pregnancy without a husband. Of course, we met, I went for a week to my husband, he came on a business trip, but only three or four days ... I arranged hysteries because of the lack of attention, or hormone boosts and sensitivity, but we all overcame all this;) Right, now we are a family, and must decide everything together.

"When I will live a family life, wait from work, cook borsch and give birth to children," I thought at night, sometimes without holding away tears, but I knew perfectly well that all we were doing, we were doing our future.

Half a year in the native walls passed unnoticed, the session was successfully closed, now the meeting with a diploma only in spring .... And to celebrate the new 2014 year we went to my whole "Italian" family to her husband. I am very pleased that now, I can definitely devote myself to my husband and the birth of our baby. The new, quiet city, no acquaintances, no freelance work of the journalist, and the usual student life ... But the expectation of the evening and dinner with my beloved justified everything. I became the oven and cook, read and walk in the fresh air ... All day one, but late evenings with my husband were the warmest ....

When I was angry, why so late, in the yard 12 o'clock in the morning, why not let go, the husband calmly said: "I'm not at work, I am in service." At this very moment, I understand that the work is not from the lungs, nervous, requires constant discipline, and orders are not discussed ... holiday, birthday, new year ... My husband does not know, it will be resting or not. Joint trips can also be planned, at any time they can call.

During the battle preparations and exercises, come quite normal at two o'clock in the morning. We are tired that there is no strength to even dine, and only the warmth and comfort of the home of the hearth gives rise to shine in the eyes of the military. Once every two weeks from the officers of the outfit or duty, so I'm alone at night ... I know that not only I am waiting for a whole day of my husband, there are wives, whose husbands on business trips for months ... And here, wives are required only one thing - to understand and wait, meet with smile and warm dinner to always man wanted to go home.

Of course, a woman should have their own space, time, hobby. The officers' wives devote themselves to family, children. And here, spring, and I am again in Almaty. It is necessary to protect the diploma, become a caring mom, while the daddy protects his homeland. He is at the landfill. Well, we will wait and love it with the future kid more. Now we are three, and we will be able to overcome all distances. After all, we love.

About how my pregnancy passed and passes, and at a distance with him, in the next post;)

In Russian military universities, a set of girls is open only by certain specialties that are not related to intensive physical exertion, harmful to women's health. What are these universities and what specialty can get girls in them? You can learn about this from this article in which we will also touch on the topic of advantages and disadvantages of service in the army for women.

In the Soviet Union become professional military Could only representatives of a strong floor. Women, if they became military personnel, only in the case of receipt to the service in the army on quite "civil" specialties (such as an accountant, cook, nurse, etc.). In modern Russia, the situation has changed radically: women can not only enter the army under the contract and on a par with men to bear military service, but also graduate from one of the military universities who take on the training of female representatives, and thereby become a professional military.

True, in Russian military universities, a set of girls is open only by certain specialties that are not associated with intense physical exertion, harmful to women's health. What are these universities and what specialty can get girls in them? You can learn about this from this article in which we will also touch on the topic of advantages and disadvantages of service in the army for women.

Military universities receiving girls for training

Like any other civilian higher education institution, military universities for girls are primarily a source of professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, the requirements for the assimilation of information and its use in practice are no different from those that are extended in the civil university (often they are even higher). Teachers do not refer to cadet girls only because they are "weak" gender or for other reasons that do not concern the "military" reasons. As a result, only those girls and women who truly dream of a military career come to military universities.

Strict discipline, high demands on the assimilation of information, as well as the full dedication of cadets leads to the fact that the level of training and working-capacity of women officers at the end of the military university is much higher than those who consider any university only as the possibility of obtaining higher education.

Unfortunately, today far from all military universities take on training women and girls, so this opportunity needs to be clarified in advance. Among those universities and academies who are willing to devote representatives of the beautiful half of humanity in wisdom military caseEspecially popular among applicants are universities such as:

  • - Specializes in the preparation of highly qualified professionals in the field of telecommunications and automation for the army and specialized departments / ministries. Lifetime - 5 years. After graduates were completed, graduates issued diplomas of the state sample and the title "Lieutenant" is assigned.
  • - It is engaged in the preparation of military doctors in such specialties as "medical and prophylactic business" and "therapeutic business" (term of study - 6 years), as well as "pharmacy" and "dentistry" (the term of study - 5 years). At the end of the university, graduates are issued a state diploma and a specialist certificate, and the title "Senior Lieutenant of Medical Service" is given.
  • - Female representatives enroll in the specialty "Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems". Lifetime - 5 years. Cadets, which successfully completed training, is issued a diploma of a state sample on obtaining a specialty "Application of the Airborne Communications Divisions" and assigned the title "Lieutenant".
  • - He is engaged in the training of officers (including women officers) with higher military education in such areas such as psychology, journalism, social work, prosecutorial and investigative actions, linguistics and translation. Lifetime - 5 years. Graduates of the university issued a diploma of the state sample and is assigned the title "Lieutenant".
  • - It is engaged in the preparation of highly qualified personnel for the units of air-space defense and other genera of troops and species of the Armed Forces on 39 military specialties (including the "Meteorology of Special Forces" and "Military Cartography"). Lifetime - 5 years. Graduates of the Academy assigned the title "Lieutenant" and issued a diploma diploma in the specialty of training.

Advantages and disadvantages of service in the army for women

Estimation of centuries Military case was prerogative of men. Women are invariably associated with the custodian of the family hearth, the mother and decoration of our life. In modern society, everything turned upside down literally on the head: Men often lead a household and raise children, and women are mastering the "men's" professions, including and military specialty.

What makes the "weak floor" enter the military academies or the service in the army under the contract? First of all, the fact that today women are more active, self-confident and ambitious, and also distinguished by an increased desire for equality. In addition, they are attracted by a number of advantages that the army of military experts gives:

  • personal implementation - military service - this is one of those few spheres of life, which allows without huge investments and "useful" dating to get a decent education, to advance through the career staircase and contain their family;
  • stability - whatever economic cataclysms were shaking the country, military specialists will always be in demand;
  • the solution of housing problems - in the first five years of military service, women-officers and their families are provided service housing. When serving more than 5 years, a serviceman receives housing on the general reasons (with the impossibility of allocation of housing, monetary compensation is paid);
  • early pension - military specialists are retired at the age of 40-50, which allows them to live not only retire (which, by the way, is quite large). They can easily get a job both in the state and in the municipal structure and receive quite a decent salary.

It is noteworthy that many women do not stop the obvious flaws service in the armyTo which you can attribute:

  • psychological loads - the army - a serious school of life, which is doing a strong person even stronger, but a weak person can easily "break";
  • a real danger to life - no one knows where you have to serve and will not begin the war tomorrow;
  • the need to unquestionably obey orders - for many women who for the most part have their own opinion on everything and all, it is this factor that is the most difficult in military service;
  • the lack of a full-fledged weekend and the non-normalized work schedule - the very concept of "weekend" at the military is very conditional, as they live directly on the territory of the garrison, and therefore resting "without separation from production";
  • restricting movement - leave the garrison or military town limits only with the permission of the command.

Agree that all the above disadvantages do not go into any comparison with the material and social guarantees, the feeling of their own importance and usefulness of society. Well, the most important thing girl in uniform Russian armed forces are just beautiful.