American Bulldog fighting dog. The strongest dog in the world

Breeds that are used in combat belong to a category called fighting dog breeds. There are approximately twenty breeds in the world that take part in these kind of competitions. It should be noted that none of the International Cynological Organizations recognizes the category of fighting dogs. For them, this concept defines the profession, but not the breed of the dog.

The category of fighters has a number of common features: a large head, a well-developed jaw, a massive body and a very formidable bark. A number of Molossians are classified in this category: Alabai, Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Bull Terriers and some varieties of Great Danes.

Alabai. A breed endowed with a complex psyche and a unique character. The use of Alabai as fighting dogs in Turkmenistan is a tribute to centuries-old traditions. The only breed that will never finish off the enemy, but retreat at the first screech. And, along with this, Alabai is surprisingly gentle and caring towards his own and human children. The main job of this devoted creature is to guard the peace of his master in any weather and protect his property.

Takes its roots from the English Bulldog. Dogs with a powerful jaw and an iron grip. Initially, they were used for baiting a bull, and later - in battles against other dogs. Since the qualities of a fighter in dogs of this breed were not enough, they began to cross with various kinds of terriers. As a result of this work, a number of new breeds appeared, but not all of them inherited fighting qualities. And the American Bulldog himself has long forgotten his fighting past.

Due to the negative outpouring of the media towards this breed, the pit bull was called a fiend of evil and an idol among fighting dog breeds, which has become the most dangerous creature in the eyes of the public.

In fact, this is one of the most cheerful, devoted and loving breeds on the planet. It simply contains an indomitable desire to please its owner in everything. This is the only breed in which the feeling of love for a person is so great that she does not even notice the strong smell of alcohol, although almost all breeds simply cannot stand it.

American Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Another, so colorfully painted by the media, the monster of the dog world. We only note that due to painstaking selection, the staff has lost its aggression towards living beings.

There are no dangerous breeds! There are very irresponsible owners. By letting education take its course, without training, you will definitely get a stubborn, unbalanced and naughty dog. A dangerous dog becomes only in indifferent owners.

Representatives of the breed

    Akita Inu is the hallmark of the Land of the Rising Sun. This is the most famous breed in Japan and is considered the oldest in the world. They say that the first dog tamed by man was the Akita Inu.
    20-35 thousand rubles per puppy

    The American Akita is an offshoot of the Akita Inu breed, and the American Akita is descended from the ancient Akita Inu dogs.
    From 700 to 100 US dollars.

    The American Bulldog breed has been known since the 19th century. During its existence, this breed was called the "Old English Bulldog", "Rural Bulldog", etc., but it is this breed of dog that is the closest in kinship to the English Bulldogs.
    From 350 to 850 US dollars.

    The American Pit Bull Terrier breed has been known for a long time, engravings depicting these dogs date back to the 15th-16th century. Initially, the breed was bred for dog fighting.
    200-400 USD.

    The American Staffordshire Terrier breed has been known for a long time. These dogs appeared as a result of crossing Bull Terriers with Pit Bull Terriers.
    From 150 to 1000 USD

    The English Bulldog belongs to the group of Great Dane dogs, their ancestors were the fighting dogs of Ancient Rome. Also, these dogs were used for baiting bulls. In the last century, English Bulldogs have become pets and companion dogs.
    From 500 to 1000 US dollars.

    The first Bull Terriers of the modern type appeared in Great Britain in 1895. Nowadays, these dogs are popular among breeders around the world, they have established themselves as excellent pets, protectors and friends of man.

    This breed is used in a variety of types of work. They rescue and protect, guard livestock and serve. He acts well as a shepherd, can be an excellent watchman or lifeguard.

    Cane Corso is considered one of the most ancient representatives of the mollus group (great dogs). There is evidence that the ancestors of the Cane Corso Italiano were the ancient Roman fighting mastiffs, which were used at that distant time as dogs for
    15,000 - 20,000 rubles per puppy

    Pit Bull Terrier means combat bull terrier. Pit bull terriers are often referred to as pit bulls for short. But this is not true, as pit bull means fighting bull.

    The breed comes from Germany, from the city of Rottweil, which is located in the South of this country. There is a version that the Rottweilers trace their history back to the times of the Roman Empire, where they were fighting and racing dogs.
    From $300 to $500.

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, French Bulldogs were bred by poor peasants as light fighting dogs (medium-sized). This breed is descended from the Spanish Bulldogs - Alans (an extinct breed).
    over 15 thousand rubles.

Fighting or fighting dog, regardless of breed, can be any dog ​​that takes part in fights. But breeders brought out several varieties in which they specially brought up the necessary qualities. Such dogs participated not only in battles with relatives, but were also used to bait large and small game, and also accompanied their owners in military campaigns and wars.

To date, some breeds are banned in certain countries, while others require a special certificate to breed them, allowing them to be kept. Nevertheless, fighting animals are still quite common to this day, despite the fact that dog fights are illegal. Representatives of these breeds can become loyal and friendly companions, but their upbringing will take the owners much more time and effort.

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    Terrier group

    All of the following dogs belong to the terrier group. Some of the breed dogs were purposefully bred by breeders to participate in dog fights, while others were used for baiting big game.

    The list of fighting dogs that belong to this group is as follows:

    Breed name Description Photos of animals
    bull terrierThe most controversial breed, which is called a dog with a rat face. Some consider Bull Terriers to be similar to pigs. Some breeders characterize a dog with a shark face, slightly humpbacked, large nose and narrow eyes as one of the most bloodthirsty and evil, while others characterize it as a peaceful and friendly companion. These fighting dogs are friendly and not naturally prone to displaying unreasonable aggression. Cowardly and angry puppies are culled from breeding
    American pit bull terrier (pit bull)This breed is considered the best among fighting. The dog does not have a killer instinct, fights for the sake of excitement and rarely injures an opponent. This breed is also great for keeping at home. With timely socialization and proper training, the dog becomes a friendly four-legged pet that loves children.
    staffordshire bull terrierThe breed was bred in England in the 17th century. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a cross between a Bulldog and an English Terrier. The dog was used for baiting small rodents. The Irish working line of Staffords was used as fighting. Now the dog is a companion. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is very loyal to its owner and not aggressive towards other dogs.

    Fighting Molossians

    The ancestors of fighting dogs belonging to the Molossian group are ancient fighting dogs that took part in battles and persecution of wild animals in the arena of Ancient Rome, Egypt and Assyria. All representatives are distinguished by a large physique, well-developed muscles, high growth (up to 95 cm) and a sense of territory.

    The Molossian group includes the following breeds:

    Breed name Description Photos of animals
    english mastiffThe English Mastiff is the largest of the Mastiffs. These large dogs from Great Britain participated in bear and gladiatorial fights. Over the years, breeders have managed to significantly adjust the nature of the dogs, so the bloodthirsty, aggressive dogs have become friendly and balanced pets. Mastiffs love to play with children and forgive them for any pranks. Dogs rarely bark and prefer to avoid conflict. However, pets are excellent guards.
    Ca-de-bo (Majorcan Mastiff)Mallorcan mastiffs are mistakenly classified as bulldogs. Despite the fact that bulldogs were used during the restoration of the breed in the 20th century, mastiffs are the progenitors of the ca-de-bo. Strong dogs of medium height are excellent watchmen. They are easy to train, have an extraordinary mind and get along well with children.
    Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Neapolitano)Mastiffs were previously used to participate in bloody battles, and now they serve as guards. Representatives of this breed are friendly and adore their owners. Since dogs are very jealous, it is not recommended to have them in families with children under 12 years old. Mastino jealousy often shows aggressive behavior
    Bully Kuta (Pakistani Mastiff)The Bully Cut has a complex character and is not recommended for inexperienced owners. It is difficult to train a dog, the owner must be responsible and strong-willed in order to curb it. These dogs are great for guarding country houses. It is impossible to keep them in an apartment with small children and other animals. They are very aggressive towards pets.
    South African BoerboelThe breed is one of the most ancient. Its representatives have an instant reaction, strength and incredible endurance. Dogs require daily exercise and long walks. Ignoring the loads threatens that the dog will show unreasonable aggression towards strangers and even towards the owner. Boerboels are very stubborn, they need a responsible, strong-willed owner, whom the pet will respect
    Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)Modern representatives of this breed are focused on the protection and protection of the territory. Powerful, elegant dogs with pronounced muscles and strong bones lend themselves well to training and have an innate protective reflex. The Cane Corso has a highly developed intuition. Thanks to her and her extraordinary mind, dogs can easily distinguish a real threat from a game, and make decisions on their own. Without a good reason or command of the owner, they do not attack. They try to make friends with households and other pets, they love small children
    Dogo Argentino (Argentine Mastiff, Dogo Argentino)It is the only officially registered dog breed bred in Argentina. Despite the fact that dogs are considered guards and companions, in battles with their brethren, they defeated dogs such as the Staffordshire and the pit bull. Great Danes have a calm disposition, but need early socialization. Other animals may be perceived as prey. They like to spend time with the owner and treat all household members equally well.
    Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff)In the past, Dogue de Bordeaux were fighters, and now they are devoted companions. Dogs are distinguished by poise, endurance and stubbornness. However, they are inactive. They get along well with other pets, but only on the condition that they were brought up with them from an early age under the same roof.

    wolfhound class

    Initially, the breed dogs of the wolfhound class listed below were intended to protect the territory and were often used as shepherd dogs. But due to the popularity of dog fighting, these dogs were used to participate in bloody battles with relatives. They attracted the attention of people involved in their organization, their impressive size and physical strength. Now, when bloody spectacles are prohibited by law, dogs are again used for their intended purpose.

    Fighting dogs include the following representatives from the class of wolfhounds:

    Breed name Description Photos of animals
    Gampr (Armenian wolfhound)Aboriginal breed of dogs, practically not subjected to selection. In weight, these large dogs reach about 60-70 kg. The gamprs have well-developed working qualities, which allows them to be used to protect the territory and herd. Dogs are distinguished by independence and strong attachment to the owner. Dogs consider themselves full members of the family, especially if they live under the same roof with the owner.
    Alabai (Central Asian Shepherd Dog, CAO, Turkmen Alabai)The well-known breed of shepherd dogs was bred to guard and drive cattle, but was also used to participate in battles. The dog has stamina and masterful character. He needs an experienced owner who will understand the specifics of the breed. Training requires professional skills, since an individual approach is necessary for the Alabai. With the right upbringing, the dog will become an excellent guard of the territory, not showing unreasonable aggression.
    Caucasian Shepherd Dog (KO)Shepherd and guard dog breed used in underground dog fights. According to the type of coat, KOs are divided into 3 types - with long hair, intermediate and short. The dog is distinguished by poise and determination. Its main purpose is to protect the territory; it is highly not recommended to keep it in an apartment. A dog can also become a bodyguard, but in this case, it needs special training.
    Kangal Karabash (Turkish Kangal, Turkish Cattle Dog, Turkish Wolfhound)One of the oldest herding breeds. They tried to use the dogs as fighting dogs, but they did not show themselves properly. Unlike its fighting relatives, the Karabash has a calmer disposition. The dog can be a great companion and protector.

    Fighting Bulldogs

    This fighting dog breed has been known since the end of the 19th century. American Bulldogs are one of the closest relatives of the Old English Bulldogs. This breed was practically not subjected to selection. Muscular dogs of medium height are distinguished by a high level of intelligence and well-developed security qualities. Initially, it was used as a fighting, and later - as a watchman. The Bulldog is highly trainable, but can be stubborn. He loves children and is reserved towards strangers.

    Representatives of this breed hardly get along with their relatives and show dominant behavior. Owners are encouraged to socialize their puppy and introduce it to other animals from an early age.

    One of the smallest fighting dogs is the French Bulldog. Their progenitors were also English bulldogs. The description of the breed is as follows:

    • proportional, stocky physique;
    • short muzzle and flat nose;
    • erect ears;
    • short coat;
    • naturally shortened tail.

    French Bulldogs are known for their poise and intelligence. Dogs are friendly to strangers. They do not always find a common language with other animals and may show aggression towards them. Early socialization will help correct their behavior.

    american akita

    The large Japanese dog (American Akita) was brought to the United States from Japan. The heavy-boned dog was originally used for hunting as a pickle.

    The animal is friendly to households and strangers. The owner of the American Akita is very loyal and can play the role of a companion or guide. She never attacks first and enters the fray if she or the owner is in real danger. The dog is silent, good-natured. She gets along well with other pets and does not harm children.


    The American bandog was originally bred specifically to participate in battles, but later it was retrained as a watchman. Breeders got the dog as a result of crossing the Neapolitan Mastiff with the Staffordshire Terrier. Literally, the name of the breed is translated as "chain dog".

    The height of the dog at the withers is no more than 73 cm. The physique is muscular, strong. Bandogs have a wayward character. If the pet is not in the mood, then he will not allow the household to play with him. He treats family members with restraint and recognizes only the owner. She will not forgive pranks for children, therefore it is highly recommended not to keep him in the house where the kids live.

    In battles, the dog showed rapid fatigue, which is why it was almost immediately ceased to be used as a fighting dog. A feature of this breed dog is that during a walk he may have a desire to protect the strangers around him.


    One of the most unusual and rare breeds is the Brindisian fighting dog, or Brindisian. The dog was bred for dog fighting by crossing the American Pit Bull Terrier, Rottweiler and Neapolitan Mastiff. In some countries, due to its aggressiveness, this breed is prohibited for import and breeding.

Fighting dogs are those breeds of dogs that were bred specifically to participate in competitive fights. However, one should definitely distinguish between the meaning of the phrase "fighting dog breed" and "fighting dog". Because representatives of these breeds are not born as fighting dogs themselves, they become them as a result of intensive training. Initially, this type of pet was bred for tournaments and shows. Now more and more representatives from the list of dogs of fighting breeds have begun to be used as an exterior decoration or a family heirloom, which, in essence, is not a good indicator. Often, all the features and needs of the nature of the animal are not taken into account, which in turn leads to negative consequences.

Very often we hear from media representatives that the best fighting dog breeds are very cruel and poorly controlled by nature. This is pure myth. If the animal is properly educated and given enough attention, you can grow a wonderful tolerant protector. You may be surprised, but according to the International Canine Federation, as a result of studies conducted from 2000 to 2005, the most frequent cases of aggression towards the owners were observed from such a seemingly peaceful breed as the poodle.

Below is a list of the top ten fighting dog breeds.

Rating of fighting dog breeds

  1. In tenth place in the ranking of fighting dog breeds is staffordshire terrier. This is an American dog breed that is distinguished by courage and determination. It was originally bred for baiting large game, which was facilitated by a wide chest. He loves his loved ones very much.
  2. pit bull. Experts consider pit bulls a wonderful breed. In fact, they are very friendly towards the family and her friends. But at the same time, they are quite bloodthirsty in relation to prey and danger.
  3. The next number on the list of fighting dog breeds is tosa inu. They are of Japanese origin, aggressive towards their relatives. Never attack first.
  4. Central asian shepherd dog(alabay). Ancient breed. For many years she was engaged in the protection of pastures and trade caravans. Very hardy and fearless. Known for their fights in the CIS.
  5. The sixth number in the ranking of fighting dog breeds is. Extremely friendly pets. With their help, mental and neurotic disorders are treated. However, in the face of danger, she is merciless, light weight and small body size helps in this.
  6. Fila brazileiro(Brazilian Fila). In the list of fighting dog breeds, it takes 5th place, an excellent hunter. Taking into account the large size and habits, it is advisable to keep in a country house or cottage.
  7. perro de presa canario. Excellent hunter of livestock and wild animals. Strangles the victim, pinching the throat with jaws. In the Canary Islands, there was once a law prohibiting the possession of such a breed by ordinary people, only butchers and hunters.
  8. . In cruel hands, this breed becomes a dangerous weapon. Main characteristics: strength, subordination, hunter instinct, powerful jaws. One bite can break the skull.
  9. bull terrier. Years of selection have given this one of the best fighting dog breeds an unusual appearance. For a long time among students and teachers at Oxford it was considered prestigious to have such a four-legged friend. It consists of 40% jaws, which it uses very well.
  10. The first place in the ranking of fighting dog breeds is kangal. Hardier and stronger Alabai. The huge size inspires horror and makes the animal an excellent guard. Not picky about content.

Articles on this topic:

If we talk about a potential threat, then which dog would not be - the strongest in the world or not, but it can bite. Of course, proper upbringing can make any dog ​​a true friend, but cynologists have noticed that many pets become more aggressive in the process of honing their skills. And after the research, we found out which fighting dogs are the strongest. More precisely, the list of the strongest includes ten breeds.

No. 1. Alabai

The first place is occupied by a large, but very friendly animal. He is an excellent watchman, he copes with his service perfectly both in winter, in the most terrible cold, and in summer.

Alabai makes a wonderful big game hunter. In addition, this breed of dog has excellent fighting abilities. And remembering such features of the dog, taking a puppy for education, try to socialize it. Otherwise, he will be aggressive towards all “strangers”, especially dogs.

No. 2. Akita inu

Second place goes to the Akita Inu. In the Land of the Rising Sun, this breed is considered the most devoted. But the fighting past of the dog is great. After all, it was used in bear hunting and fighting with dogs. Fights have not sunk into oblivion. Although a self-respecting breeder will never put a dog in a fighting arena to ruin a dog. But when purchasing this handsome man from your hands, pay attention to his behavior. As a result of bloody battles, his psyche may be disturbed.

No. 3. american bulldog

The American Bulldog is only in third place in the list of the strongest dogs. In England, bulldogs served as cattle drivers. The dog has one of the strongest bites - she calmly brought down the bull so that a person could stab him.

The custom of “boule baiting” was especially brutal, when the bulldog set on a bull that was tied and limited in actions, grabbed it by the muzzle and held it until the exhausted animal sank to the ground. But not always the duel remained with the dog. Many dogs have died.

No. 4. pit bull terrier

The Pit Bull Terrier is a cross between a bulldog and a terrier. So dog fighting lovers wanted to get the strength and agility of two breeds in one dog.

But with due, you will not see a more calm, loving and devoted friend than a pit bull terrier.

No. 5. english mastiff

The English Mastiff occupies the fifth position. This is the largest breed of dog on earth, whose ancestors had a rich fighting past. But today, the caring hands of the breeder erase all traces of the fighting character of this huge dog. Now it is an excellent watchdog, which is distinguished by a special attachment to the owner and love for children.

No. 6. Dogue de Bordeaux

The ancestors of the Dogue de Bordeaux once took part in gladiator fights, poisoned a large beast. Until now, the poor animal is used in illegal dog fights. Fortunately, there are more and more families who, having surrounded the beast with warmth and care, suppress this desire to fight. The main thing is that there is no threat to loved ones, otherwise the dog cannot be kept.

No. 7. Brindese fighting dog

The Brindese fighting dog is practically not found in Russia. Her past is very rich in participation in battles and the service of the mafia. Therefore, when purchasing a puppy, get ready to go through a difficult path of training to extinguish the fighting qualities of a dog.

No. 8. bully kutta

Bulli kutta in India has now become an excellent friend and guard for their owners. But in Pakistan, the fate of the dog was very bad - it is mainly used there in fierce battles.

No. 9. bull terrier

The Bull Terrier is, of course, a fighting dog in the past, but very kind. She loves people and will never touch anyone without a clear threat.

No. 10. Bandog

Bandog is the last on the list. It is unclear as to whom he was bred. Either for protection, or for fighting. But be that as it may, this dog is a vivid example of how in loving hands you can turn from an aggressive breed into a normal and controlled dog - a favorite of the whole family.

As such, there is no fighting dog category in any cynological organization today. This type of competition, according to experts, is abnormal. Nevertheless, they are held regularly and strong representatives of the animal world participate in them, and we will talk about them in this article.


The first in the top ranking of the best fighting. This pet is characterized by high intelligence, brilliant mind and excellent fighting characteristics. By the way, in some countries of Central Asia, competitions are still held in which these fighting dogs participate.

It should be noted that a real alabai will never finish off his opponent, even if he, already exhausted, attempts to attack. By their nature, Alabais are generally aggressive towards other animals, plus they are a very strong dog, so it is better to take this into account when buying a puppy. But if the dog is trained specifically to participate in battles or protect the territory, then aggression will certainly be present in his character.

bull terrier

The next step in the top rating is the bull terrier. Often, from inexperienced dog breeders who have encountered bull terriers only on the street, one can hear about the evil nature of these animals. However, in fact, the Bull Terrier has a loving and kind temperament, he is always devoted to a person.

Of course, they can be very aggressive if necessary, and in the past these fighting dogs were used for baiting fights and were among the best in dog fights. But today these times are over and breeders have been working for a long time to bring out mentally healthy descendants of these dogs. In part, they succeed, but it should be borne in mind that negative character traits can only appear in ill-mannered dogs.


Some of the best in the world and our top list are bandogs. Seeing this pet on the street, you are unlikely to want to mess with him. As can be seen from the photo and video, this type of fighting variety has a frightening appearance. Today, these fighting dog breeds are not common. But if you need a calm and balanced dog, then the bandog is the best candidate in the world.

These dogs do an excellent job of guarding the house and protecting the owners. They are not particularly demanding in care and can live both in an apartment and in an aviary on the street in a private house. If you are a family man, then from childhood, start teaching your puppy to follow your commands. Otherwise, a naughty dog ​​can grow out of it, and in combination with excellent fighting qualities, this can be dangerous.

american bulldog

The English Mastiff is characterized by large dimensions. This species is considered one of the most ancient, it appeared as a result of selection specifically to help people in hunting. In ancient Rome, dogs were dressed in armor, they also participated in gladiator fights. As a rule, the largest dogs in the world fought with bears and tigers.

The next place in the top list is occupied. Thanks to excellent fighting characteristics, this Great Dane is an excellent guard. Dogues of Bordeaux were bred to participate in hunting and gladiator fights. As a rule, during the fight, the dog can fight very aggressively, but usually never kills his opponent. He can only do this if he feels a threat to his life.

In life, these animals are very devoted, they are characterized by outbursts of affection. The dog will get along without problems with all family members and even other animals until they try to declare their dominance. As is the case with other breeds, these pets need to be raised from an early age so that there are no problems later. There are also no problems with care, it is only necessary to periodically clean the folds on the pet's body, ears and eyes.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

The place of honor in the top list is occupied by and. Dogs of this breed were also faithful hunting assistants in their time, but many breeders know about the fighting characteristics of these animals. Such a pet can easily knock down his enemy and make him immobile in a short time. However, their protection qualities are more in demand.

Our top list does not list all fighting varieties, but only some of the most popular and well-known. But there are many more species in the world, bred specifically for participation in battles. Remember that a good dog breeder and owner will never give his pet to participate in such an event. Don't let the menacing look scare you - these dogs get along well with both people and other animals. But never forget about education, this is the basis of a good character.

Character and intelligence of fighting dogs

Many people today believe that all fighting animals without exception should be at least aggressive towards other animals and people in particular. However, we hasten to report that this is fundamentally not the case. Long gone are the days when fighting animals were used for their intended purpose, as well as for hunting bears or baiting bulls. Of course, at that time such pets were characterized by anger, aggressive character and hatred towards their opponent.

However, today these qualities in a dog can manifest themselves only if it is necessary to protect its owner, his family members, or the territory that. Also, in any case, the dog will show aggression if he realizes that something threatens his life. Naturally, several breeds can still be added to the list of natural aggressors.

But instinctive behavior must also be taken into account. That is, if the animal falls into the hands of an abnormal person who will beat his pet and mock him, then this is another matter. Then, with absolute certainty, we can say that at the first opportunity, the dog will rebuff the flayer. And if this happens on a systematic basis, then the animal will simply become dangerous to the people around it over time. Therefore, even when starting a fighting dog, think several times before offending it.