Argan oil for the face. Home cosmetics with organ oil. Mascara with argan oil

There is not a single lady on the planet who would not take care of her hair and would not want it to look great. It just so happens that a chic head of hair is considered a huge advantage for a girl. Just a few smiles, a couple of strokes of hair - and the man you like will immediately be fascinated by you.

To make your hair look well-groomed and beautiful, you need to spend a lot of time on a variety of masks and lotions, which you need to use almost every day. If the hair is not very long, then this is still nothing. For girls with waist-length hair, hair care can turn into real torture. There are a lot of tools that will help make your hair as gorgeous as it is healthy. One such magical remedy is argan hair oil.

What is argan oil and how is it obtained?

Many of those who want to purchase argan oil for hair are faced with the fact that it is too expensive and is rarely sold in its pure form. Basically, it is simply added to cosmetics, but it does not bring less benefits from this. The fact is that argan trees can only be found in Morocco. Interestingly, the local law categorically prohibits the export of this plant abroad. This means that argan trees are highly valued and, accordingly, if this is the case, then argan hair oil simply cannot be cheap, because it is considered a rarity and is obtained with great difficulty.

Argan trees bear fruit infrequently - only once every two years. The fruits are not very large. Slightly larger than olives. Inside each fruit is a bone with a fairly hard shell. If the shell is broken, then several small nucleoli will fall out, resembling almonds in their shape. Argan seeds are carefully pressed so as not to lose a drop of this valuable product. Ripe fruits are carefully harvested. Then, they must be carefully cleaned of all unnecessary, without damaging either the seeds or the pulp. All this is done by people. The work is quite painstaking and monotonous. It takes a lot of effort to get to the seeds and squeeze them well. In order to obtain only 2 liters of pure argan oil, it is necessary to peel about 100 kilograms of fruits from argan trees and extract about 5 kilograms of seeds from them, which will eventually be pressed. That is why argan hair oil cannot be cheap.

The color of argan oil can be light golden or dark yellow. You should not pay special attention to this, because the quality of masa in no way depends on its color. If you smell the oil, you can immediately feel the pronounced nutty notes. The unpleasant smell of argan hair oil indicates that it has gone bad or is a fake.

The healing properties that argan oil has for hair:

No product can moisturize hair as well as argan hair oil, because it nourishes them along the entire length and saturates them with useful vitamins without missing a single centimeter of damaged hair;

It is able to restore any type of damage, which is very important, because modern girls quite often use hair straighteners and curling irons that violate their structure;

Helps to permanently get rid of annoying dandruff by constantly moisturizing the scalp;

Gives hair strength to fight the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;

Maximally strengthens the hair follicles so that the hair falls out less, but is thick and strong;

It will restore the lost shine to the hair and help restore the former splendor and density of your hair, emphasizing all the natural beauty of the hair.

How to use argan oil for hair?

Finding and purchasing this magical oil is only half the battle. It is very important that you know exactly how to apply it correctly so that the result does not make you wait too long and you are satisfied with it. I don't want to end up with a waste of money and time.

Take some argan hair oil and pour it into your palms. Slowly rub it into the scalp as if you were giving yourself a massage. There should be enough oil so that it can be evenly distributed through the hair without missing a single strand. Now you need to take polyethylene and wrap your hair with it in such a way that air cannot get under it. Hair should be completely saturated with argan oil and absorb all the most useful from it. Before wrapping your hair in plastic, make sure you spread the oil well through your hair.

It is very important that you correctly calculate its amount, because if there is too much oil, then it will flow down your neck for as long as you can withstand the argan oil mask on yourself. This will give you one discomfort. And pay attention to the fact that it is better to leave the mask not for an hour or two, but for the whole night. Or at least three hours. If you do not apply enough oil to your hair, then this is also not good. Then not all hair will receive a portion of vitamins and, accordingly, you will not get a good result. After keeping the mask on your hair for a sufficient amount of time, wash your hair using shampoo.

If you are one of those women who often have problems with the ends of their hair, then there is one effective way to help you solve them. Take some argan oil and apply it carefully to the ends of your hair. It should be noted that the hair must be clean and dry. You don't need to wet them first. Once the ends of your hair are well slathered with argan oil, dry and style as you like without rinsing off the oil. Being on the hair all day, the oil will be able to protect them from damage and give them the necessary elasticity so that the hairstyle does not lose its shape for as long as possible.

Cosmetologists are increasingly calling for the use of argan oil for hair, not only in its pure form, but also to use various products that are made on its basis. The fact is that the oil itself can be applied only 2-3 times a week, while cosmetics with this component can be used at least every day.

Argan oil for hair as part of masks

Mask to accelerate hair growth

The recipe is useful to all girls who are too impatient to wait for something for many months and want to become happy owners of lush and long hair as soon as possible. To prepare such a mask, you will need to take one teaspoon of argan and castor oil. Now pour all this into a separate container and add the contents of five ampoules of vitamin E, stirring everything thoroughly. With a pipette, measure out exactly ten drops of vitamin A, and also add to the container with everything else. Take one large lemon, cut it and squeeze out the juice. Add one small spoonful of juice to the rest of the mask ingredients. And, the finishing touch is a teaspoon of honey.

Stir again and your mask is completely ready. Apply it to your hair, wrap it in some kind of towel that you don’t feel sorry for, and warm it up with a hair dryer for a couple of minutes. Keep the mask on your hair for no more than two hours and rinse without using shampoo. This procedure should not be done more than once a week. After a month, you will already notice that your hair has grown noticeably. Argan oil for hair as part of this mask is a growth stimulator and strengthens hair follicles.

Mask for dry hair

Argan oil for hair promotes maximum hydration of the hair, saturating it with the necessary components. In order to prepare the mask, you need to take some almond, argan and burdock oil. Mix them in a separate container and heat for a couple of minutes. A mixture of these oils should be actively rubbed into the scalp and the roots themselves, after which you should wrap your head with a towel and soak for one hour. When the time is up, you can wash off the mask.

It is difficult to find a more beneficial hair product than argan oil. Yes, you will have to look for it well and you will need to get a little more from your wallet than it was originally intended, but believe me, the result will please you.

from the history …

Argon tree oil is extracted from the fruit of a plant with the same name, growing in Marocco . It is more valuable in order to maintain the beauty of the hair with the skin. Argon tree oil for the skin on the face can have a caring, healing effect on the surface of the skin, and also rejuvenates it.

The main secret of the women of Morocco is to use one of the most appreciated and loved beauty oils around the world. Most often, argan oil is used when it is necessary to return a healthy look to the hair, stop the process of hair loss and give it more shine, but for the face it brings no less benefits. Moroccan women use this product all the time to take care of their skin, nails and hair. Argon tree oil, in their opinion, is a great helper in delivering nutrients to the skin.

Components of argan oil.

The human body, as you know, cannot independently perform the synthesis of acids and fat cells necessary to maintain an ideal state of health and unsurpassed beauty, and in general, so that the skin can release fat correctly and in time. Therefore, the acids that are present in the argan product are necessary for proper functioning skin cells.

Prostaglandin is another component of this substance, which is a lipid, its synthesis takes place inside cells with the help of fatty acids, and is used as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

Carotenoids are the skin's defense against ultraviolet rays and free radicals. Also in the composition of this substance there are polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory properties used as an antiseptic and antioxidant.

Ferulic acid is a fairly new ingredient in cosmetics. It is considered a strong anti-aging agent for cells. Most often it is added to expensive cosmetic means , for example , in whey .

Vitamin E gives the skin more elasticity and combats the effects of aging.

What are the benefits of argan oil for the face?

With the help of argan oil, you can achieve a truly wonderful effect on the skin. It contains antioxidants and is used as a natural anti-aging agent. Argan oil helps to get rid of many skin diseases such as psoriasis. In addition, it helps in the treatment of acne and blemishes on the skin that are left after acne.

It also helps to reduce wrinkles, reduces the possibility of premature aging of the skin, contributes to the normalization of the secretion of the glands, in which it turns out to be useful for it, especially with a greasy and dry composition. It can heal its damaged cells, eliminate burn marks, as well as eczema and psoriasis.

Precisely because you can buy argan oil for your face, you have the opportunity to kill bacteria, prevent the possibility of various problems with your face, by getting rid of them. In addition, it is able to nourish the epidermis and neutralize without hindrance moving radicals, thereby rejuvenating the skin.

Argon tree oil for dry skin.

Due to the fact that this tool is universal, it can be used for different skin types, but you need to know how to use it, no matter what harm you do. But , nevertheless , it is worth knowing that it can also be used for faces with dry skin .

To obtain the best effect, proceed in this way: do not wash your face with a simple harsh soap. Before take advantage argan oil, remember that you need to wash your face properly. You need to wash your face in such a way that you wipe your face with a special cloth, so that moisture remains on the surface of the skin. Apply the required amount of the product to the epidermis. Experts suggest using the argon tree product twice a day.

Argan oil for oily skin.

Most women with oily skin most often assume that the skin requires less moisture and do not take it into account, but the surface of the skin, which secretes a lot of oil, cannot compensate for the insufficient amount of moisture in the epidermis layer and thus protect it from unfavorable environmental impact . Argon tree oil is used not only as a moisturizer of natural origin, but also as a fat regulator.

In this way, when the skin receives sufficient moisture, the secretion of fat can be regulated.

Three times a week, you should use a scrub to clean the pores and remove dead cells. After that, it is necessary to apply oil. At night, oil should be applied in large volumes so that the skin can receive the necessary amount of moisture. If the skin is oily, then the required amount should be chosen independently, but in such a way that in the morning the skin does not have a greasy sheen.

How to use argan oil for face?

If you buy argan oil for the face, then it can be used as a regular cosmetic product. It is also worth noting that it can be used in its pure form. The main thing is that it should always be fresh, because spoiled can be harmful. Please note that it should not be stored in a warm place such as a bathroom.

Argan oil for face

Argan oil, whose properties are unique, is the main component in the manufacture of cosmetics aimed at rejuvenating the skin and preserving its youth. Due to its component composition and ease of use, argan oil can be used to prepare cosmetics with your own hands. Before using, it is necessary to study in detail its composition and properties in order to be sure that the cosmetics will turn out to be useful and will not cause allergic reactions.

Composition features

Argan oil has a unique composition, thanks to which it has become the main component of many anti-aging and antiseptic creams. The oil contains important vitamins and acids:

  • Oligo-linoleic acid - has protective properties, prevents premature aging of the skin;
  • Tocopherol. Vitamin E has unique properties, it helps to remove toxins from the skin, normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, brightens age spots, and reduces age-related manifestations of hydrophilicity. Tocopherol stabilizes the half-life of vitamins A and C, which allows you to use the beneficial properties of these vitamins as efficiently as possible;
  • Polyphenol - has anti-cancer properties. Polyphenol creams reduce the risk of skin cancers. In addition, it increases the protective properties of the skin, accelerates cell renewal and helps maintain water balance;
  • Sterol is one of the most powerful natural antiseptics, which has desensitizing properties, that is, it reduces the sensitivity of the skin to external harmful factors;
  • Vitamin A - used in cosmetology for rejuvenation, restoration of elasticity, for moisturizing, as well as in the fight against problem areas of the skin;
  • Vitamin C - activates collagen synthesis, which leads to rejuvenation and restoration of the natural radiance of the skin.

Advice! Before you start using cosmetics with argan oil, you need to check for allergies to its main components.

Useful cosmetic properties

Cosmetics must be chosen not only on the basis of properties, but also taking into account your age group.

Argan oil has unique anti-aging properties that make it the main component of many cosmetic products aimed at maintaining youthful skin.

Useful properties for the skin

The main useful properties include:

  • restoration of the natural protection of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • deep nutrition of cells at the level of the dermis;
  • visual reduction of mimic wrinkles;
  • restoration of skin elasticity;
  • smoothing deep wrinkles;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • normalization of water exchange;
  • reduction of pigmentation;
  • alignment of skin color;
  • stabilization of vitamins A and C.
Advice! In winter, argan oil can be used to prevent frost damage to the skin. To do this, it is enough, before going outside, to apply a thin layer of oil on the face and hands.

Useful properties for hair

The beauty of a Russian woman in her luxurious braid!

Argan oil is an indispensable assistant in restoring the structure of the hair. In cosmetology, it is used as the main component in therapeutic shampoos and masks.

With oily hair, the use of oil eliminates shine and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which leads to the restoration of the structure of the hair follicles.

In cases where the hair has suffered from low-quality dye or drug treatment, argan oil will help restore its structure and restore a healthy glow.

To treat dry hair, you can use a very simple nourishing mask:

  • Heat 50 ml of cold-pressed argan oil in a water bath, add 50 ml of mineral water, mix thoroughly and remove from the bath.
  • Let the mixture cool down a bit. Apply evenly to hair and scalp.
  • Then wrap your head in cling film. Keep for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm running water.

Advice! After applying the mask, it is not recommended to use cosmetic shampoos for 3 hours, as they will wash away the beneficial substances obtained during the procedure.

To achieve a lasting result, it is necessary to make a mask 2 times a week for 1–1.5 months.


Argan oil is considered hypoallergenic, so there are no obvious contraindications for its use. However, despite the absence of restrictions for use, it should be used carefully.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, with frequent use, the oil can provoke the development of allergic reactions and the appearance of urticaria.

Advice! Before using argan oil or cosmetics containing it, conduct a test: apply a small amount of oil or preparation on your wrist and wait 20 minutes. If the place of application is reddened, then it is necessary to choose another cosmetic product.

Many women believe that allergies can only occur through contact with strong household chemicals or when eating allergens. However, this is not the case, human skin has conductive properties, all the nutrients that are applied to it, through the cells and pores, enter the body. Therefore, if one of the components of cosmetics is intolerant, its use can cause anaphylactic shock.

Home cosmetics with organ oil

The best cosmetics are those that are made with your own hands!

Argan oil is available to everyone, it can be purchased at a pharmacy or a specialty store. Due to this accessibility and ease of use, it can be used as the main component for the preparation of home cosmetics.

homemade soap

Doing it yourself, you always know what's inside.

Depending on the type of skin and the desired result, various variations of soap can be prepared, which will have the desired therapeutic effect.

Soap recipe "away from greasy shine"

Soap "away from oily sheen" is suitable for young problem skin. Its use normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, reduces pores and reduces redness.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • 150 grams of transparent soap base (if there is no special base, you can use shavings of laundry soap)

Advice! For soap chips, you need to use the most ordinary soap, without additives. Best suited for children's or household.

  • 1 teaspoon argan oil;
  • 4 drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • 2 drops of lemon essential oil;
  • 2 drops of chamomile essential oil.

Melt the soap base or shavings in a water bath or in the microwave, add the oils, in the order indicated in the recipe, and mix. In cases where a microwave oven is used, after stirring, put the mixture in it for 20 seconds, at a minimum temperature. If the soap was heated in a water bath, the mixture, after mixing, must be put back for 2 minutes. Do not bring the resulting mixture to a boil, this will deprive the soap of many of its useful properties.

After the mixture warms up, it must be poured into molds and allowed to harden.

Advice! Do not put the resulting soap in the refrigerator, it should harden gradually at room temperature.

This soap should be used daily in the morning and evening. With constant use, a lasting improvement in the structure of the skin is achieved within 2 months.

Face masks

The mask is the best way to restore the structure of the skin.

Many women are very worried about black circles under the eyes, which take a lot of time and effort to mask. It is quite difficult, expensive and time-consuming to deal with the reasons why they arise. However, you always want to look good.

In order to prevent dark circles and puffiness from clouding life in the morning, you can use a simple mask with argan oil, which is easy to prepare at home.

This will require:

  • 10 drops of argan oil;
  • 5 drops of almond oil;
  • 4 drops of olive oil;
  • 1 drop of rosemary essential oil.

The preparation of the mask is very simple: mix all the ingredients and warm the resulting mixture a little.

It is best to heat the mixture in a refractory dish on a burner or the flame of a large candle. It is difficult to heat small volumes of mixtures in a water bath.
Apply a warm mixture to the area around the eyes with a cotton swab for 25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, wipe off the remnants of the unabsorbed mask with a napkin.

Advice! After applying the mask, it is not recommended to use cleansers on the same day, as they will wash out the nutrients.

Body Scrub

When using a scrub, microcracks remain on the skin, into which the nutrients contained in the oil can easily get.

To make a scrub you will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of argan oil;
  • 4 teaspoons finely ground coffee;
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil or wheat germ oil
  • 200 ml, liquid soap base. If there is no base, it can be replaced with baby shower gel, which does not contain perfume additives.

Method of preparation: in a water bath, heat the liquid base or shower gel, add oils and mix thoroughly. Remove the mixture from the water bath, add coffee to it, mix thoroughly and let cool. Transfer the cooled mixture to a jar with a tight lid.

It is necessary to use a scrub 3-4 times a week on problem areas.

Using a scrub with argan oil will reduce the visual manifestations of cellulite, restore skin elasticity and put lipid metabolism in order.

Its use in various home cosmetics will help restore the natural shine of the skin and hair, restore elasticity to the upper layer of the epithelium and nourish the dermis with vitamins.

However, it is worth remembering that even the most useful substances in the body should be in moderation. Do not abuse argan oil, using it in all cosmetics. An excess of components can lead to a serious allergic reaction and increase the oiliness of the skin.

A beautiful woman is like the sun - she wants to shine on everyone

Argan oil for the face: home treatment for problem skin

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If you are the owner of problematic and sensitive skin, which reacts to many factors with redness and rashes, purchase cosmetic argan oil for the face - an exotic product that has pronounced anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating properties.

Argan oil is a unique remedy produced from the seeds of the argan tree, a tree native to Morocco. With it, you can make various homemade cosmetic masks for skin of any type. No wonder this oil is called “liquid Moroccan gold” and has long been used in expensive creams from the most branded manufacturers. Use argan oil for the face as part of all kinds of masks and compresses designed to eliminate acne and rashes of any kind, as well as to smooth and smooth wrinkles. Pronounced anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties make this remedy indispensable for problematic, dry and aging skin.

Useful properties of argan oil

Argan oil is considered one of the rarest, and therefore expensive cosmetic oils, since the halo of growth of the "iron tree", from the seeds of which it is produced, is limited and protected by law from being cut down. The high price is also due to the extraordinary beneficial properties of this miracle remedy. It contains substances that have a therapeutic and cosmetic effect on the skin at the same time:

  • tocopherol (this is vit. E) prevents early cell aging, prolonging youth and preserving beauty for many years: it activates the production of collagen and elastin in cells, the presence of which guarantees skin elasticity, firmness, smoothness;
  • polyphenols (plant pigments) are powerful antioxidants of natural origin, flavonoids, which also effectively make skin cells function in full, without premature fading: they smooth wrinkles, tighten the facial contour, and protect against cancer;
  • organic acids : lilac, vanillin, ferulic - make argan oil masks ideal for acne, as they have an anti-inflammatory effect, block inflammation, soothe irritated skin, promote rapid healing of tissues and microdamages on the skin;
  • fatty acid : stearic, linoleic, oleic, palmitic - have a protective effect that repels, like a shield, attacks from ultraviolet and low temperatures, toxin contamination and addiction to decorative cosmetics based on synthetic derivatives: thanks to these substances, argan oil is recommended to be used as a protective cosmetic product when tanning in summer, when going outside in winter, when working in hazardous chemical production and when using a large amount of decorative cosmetics.

If you use argan oil for the face regularly (not more than 2 times a week, but not less than 1 time in 10 days), after 5-6 procedures, you can notice the first lasting results.

After the first application, the rash will begin to dry out, the complexion will improve, the skin texture will become slightly smoother. But after a number of masks in the mirror, you will see that the contour of the face has become beautifully defined, even, without a double chin and jowls. Wrinkles will begin to smooth out, new ones will stop appearing. There will be less acne, they will no longer form again and again. Comprehensive, magical skin care, which is provided by the use of argan oil for the face, will give excellent results with the proper use of such a useful and expensive product.

Application of argan oil for the face

Home use of argan oil should not meet any obstacles in its path. It is quite light in consistency, has a pleasant smell, successfully contacts with various ingredients, and rarely causes allergic skin reactions. However, this oil (its fatty composition) scares away many beauties who are afraid that after such procedures a greasy film will remain on their faces. Compliance with certain how to use argan oil for face will avoid various troubles.

    1. Indications : aging, mature, wrinkled skin with premature signs of aging; problematic, inflamed, irritated skin with profuse rashes of blackheads and pimples; dry skin with scaly patches.
    2. Contraindications : , open wounds, fresh injuries on the face, individual intolerance.
    3. When buying for such a considerable amount, beware of buying a fake: discard any cheap options and dubious sales points right away. Also check the manufacturers whose oil you plan to use for cosmetic purposes: negative reviews about them will help protect you from buying a low-quality product.
    4. Store the purchased oil in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, but before preparing the masks, take it out 2 hours in advance so that it becomes at room temperature.
    5. If this is your first time using argan oil as a beauty product, be sure to check if your skin is allergic to it. To do this, it is enough to lubricate the wrist with a small amount of oil, rinse after 10-15 minutes and listen to your own feelings. If the treated area does not itch or turn red in the next 3-4 hours, argan oil can be safely used to prepare miraculous homemade face masks.
    6. Before use, argan oil can be slightly warmed in a water bath, like the rest of the cosmetic oils in the mask. But their temperature should not exceed 35–40°C if eggs or esters are also used in the process.
    7. Prepare masks in ceramic or glass containers so that the metal does not oxidize and spoil the product. Accordingly, it is better to mix the ingredients with each other with a wooden or plastic spoon (fork, whisk).
    8. The mask should be thick enough to not run off your face, so make sure it contains solid foods.
    9. Before the procedure, prepare a decoction of herbs. For aging skin, linden will be especially useful, for problematic skin - chamomile or calendula. Dissolve a glass of such a decoction in a liter of hot (almost boiling water) and. It will allow the pores to open up, which can absorb more vitamins and other beneficial substances from the mask.
  1. The mask can be applied to the face with fingertips or a special cosmetic brush. It is better to do this along the massage lines.
  2. For the duration of the mask, you need to relax and lie down quietly. Usually, such funds act within 15-20 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to wash them off with warm water (milk, any decoction of herbs).
  4. After that, a daily cream is applied to the skin.
  5. If there are a lot of acne and rashes, argan oil masks can be done 2 p. in Week. If the skin is moderately problematic, 1 p. will be sufficient. To smooth wrinkles and moisturize dry skin, also adhere to the frequency of 1 time per week. To nourish normal skin and prevent premature aging of the skin, such masks can be made 1 p. in 10 days.

Strict adherence to such rules and recommendations will allow you not to use argan in vain, but to get the maximum benefit from it for the health of your skin. To transform your face with yellow Moroccan gold, be sure to purchase this unique product. Do not spare money, because all expenses will pay off in the very near future with a shiny and radiant appearance of your skin. Various recipes for products based on argan oil will allow you to choose the best option and enjoy its effectiveness.

Argan Oil Recipes

Argan oil for the face can be used both in its pure form and as part of masks and compresses. The main thing is to pick up a recipe and use it for the whole course. After 10-15 masks, it is better to change the composition so that the skin does not get used to the same components. After a while, it will be possible to return to argan oil again (literally in 3-4 weeks). Choose, try, enjoy.

  • Rubbing

Warm up the argan oil, soak a cotton pad in it, lubricate the face with a thin layer, remove the remnants of the product from the skin after half an hour.

  • Adding to other cosmetics

Argan oil (3 drops) dissolved in 1 table. a spoonful of any cream, tonic, lotion, mask.

  • Applications

Warm up the argan oil, moisten a piece of gauze in it, fix it with a band-aid on the problem area (a maturing pimple, for example), keep it all night.

  • Compress

Warm up argan oil, moisten gauze folded in 2-3 layers in it, apply it on the face. From above, the gauze is covered with a cellophane (polyethylene) bag and covered with a thick layer of cotton wool for insulation. For more than 10 minutes, such a compress on the face does not hold.

  • massage tool

Warm up the argan oil, moisten the fingertips in it and do a self-massage of the face.

  • Rejuvenating mask

In one container, heat argan oil and honey (1 teaspoon each) in a water bath, then add oatmeal (1 teaspoon), peach puree (2 tablespoons) to them. At the very last turn, the esters of rose and incense are launched into the mask (2 drops each).

In one container, heat argan oil and honey (1 tablespoon each) in a water bath, then add natural, without dyes and additives yogurt (3 tablespoons) to them.

  • Moisturizing mask for dry skin

In one container, heat argan oil and honey (1 tablespoon each) in a water bath, then add natural, without dyes and additives yogurt and fresh avocado puree (1 tablespoon each).

  • Anti-inflammatory mask against acne

In one container, heat argan and almond oils in a water bath (1 tablespoon each), then add cosmetic blue clay diluted with water to a creamy state (1 tablespoon).

  • Nourishing mask for normal (combination) skin

Heat argan oil (2 tablespoons), add a beaten egg to it. Sometimes honey melted on fire (1 tablespoon) is also added to this mask.

  • Makeup remover

Warm up argan oil, moisten a cotton pad in it, wipe the eyelids and face skin - there will be no trace of decorative cosmetics.

  • Lip compress

If you lubricate your lips with warm argan oil daily, they will become softer and more tender. If you make such a mask half an hour before going outside, no chapping will threaten your lips.

  • Acne mask

In a water bath, heat argan oil (1 tablespoon), add tea tree ether (4 drops). Both components of the mask have excellent anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Mask for problem skin

In a water bath, heat argan oil (1 tablespoon), add 2 proteins. The tool has an excellent drying effect.

  • Mask for the skin around the eyes

Mix and heat in one container in equal proportions three oils - argan, olive and almond. This mask can be done for the skin around the eyes daily. After a week, "crow's feet" will become less noticeable, dark circles and puffiness will disappear, the skin will smooth out.

The abundance of recipes allows you to choose the most effective remedy in the fight against acne and wrinkles.

Argan oil will be equally useful for both young teenage beauties and mature ladies of Balzac age.

Be sure to use it as a cosmetic product for aging or problematic skin to restore its health and blooming appearance.

Argan oil is obtained from a Moroccan shrub. It is rare and belongs to the category of expensive and valuable medicinal oils. It has been used since ancient times to treat burnt, chapped skin. Argan oil for acne is used with great success for problem skin. It can be added to food, cosmetics and perfumes.

Argan oil - benefits

Argan oil is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic massage for muscle pain and impaired joint mobility. In cosmetology, argan oil, whose properties restore, moisturize, tone the skin, is used to treat dryness, stretch marks, and get rid of wrinkles. Argan is good for hair, gives beauty to eyebrows, eyelashes and nails. Argan oil restores blood vessels in atherosclerosis, hypertension. The cleansing properties make it curative for the prevention of cancer, obesity, and infectious diseases.

Argan oil - composition

Its valuable properties are manifested due to the presence of PUFAs omega-6, omega-9 and linoleic acid. These acids normalize the metabolism of fats and clear the lumen of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. A high percentage of vitamin E, polyphenols, squalene and ferulic acid give argan oil both protective and antioxidant properties. When ingested, you need to remember that natural argan oil has a calorie content of 830 kcal, which limits its use in food for those who want to lose weight.

Argan oil in cosmetology

When carrying out cosmetic procedures, it can be used for almost all existing skin types. It is applied both in its natural form and mixed with balms, creams, masks, sunscreens and esters. Before using argan oil, the skin must be cleaned of the remnants of makeup and cosmetics, moisturize well before application. It is able to restore overdried, burned and weathered skin and give elasticity and healthy color to the skin with the presence of age-related changes.

Argan oil for hair

This remedy restores the scalp after aggressive dyes, shampoos and styling products. With frequent use - gives the hair elasticity, strength and smoothness. To prevent hair loss, it is rubbed into the roots and left as a mask for an hour. To prevent brittleness and overdrying of hair, apply it to the ends after washing. Before using argan oil for hair, they need to be cleaned of varnish and styling foam, and when applied to the roots, it is optimal to carry out salt peeling before that.

To quickly restore damaged hair after dyeing or exposure to sea water and the sun, you can use an effective oil mask that is easy to prepare at home. The use of such a cosmetic product will help restore beauty, shine and a healthy look to the hair in a very short period of time, without much effort and cost.


  • argan ether - a teaspoon;
  • olive oil - a tablespoon;
  • clary sage and lavender oil - 7 drops each;
  • egg yolk.


  1. Mix all the ingredients and rub into the basal areas of the hair.
  2. After a few minutes, comb thoroughly.
  3. Wash off the applied product after 30 minutes.

Argan oil for face

For facial skin care, the unique properties of argan are excellent. It is recommended to be used for:

  1. Rejuvenation and getting rid of wrinkles, both facial and age.
  2. Gives the skin a beautiful, healthy and even color.
  3. Softening and moisturizing with overdrying or weathering.
  4. Reduction of tightness, peeling and irritation after washing.
  5. Treatment of acne and other rashes.
  6. Healing of abrasions, burns and wounds.
  7. Prevention of scar formation.

For a restorative, tightening and nourishing mask, you need to take argan ether, honey and oatmeal in equal amounts. Mix, apply on clean face skin, previously steamed with a hot compress with chamomile decoction. After 20 minutes, you can wash off. After the mask, the face acquires a healthy color, wrinkles are smoothed out, puffiness decreases.

In addition, argan oil is used in medicine for the face in the treatment of skin diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis. Good effects were obtained in the treatment of fungal skin lesions, allergic diseases. To prevent damage during prolonged exposure to the sun, you can apply a few drops of ether to your face. This reduces the risk of burns and prevents skin aging.

Argan oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Argan oil is used to give eyelashes, eyebrows density and rich color. For application, you can use a cotton applicator or a mascara brush. Argan oil is applied to the eyebrows at night, and removed from the eyelashes after two hours with a napkin. Even if it gets into the eyes, the product does not irritate. Before applying, it is recommended to slightly warm it up by placing it in a container of hot water for 15 minutes. The minimum course of application should be at least two weeks. Procedures are recommended to be carried out in the morning and in the evening.

Argan oil for nails

Cosmetic argan oil is shown to give the nail plate density, from dryness and delamination. It is applied with a brush after manicure, carefully rubbing into the nail and surrounding skin. Oil baths are also carried out from a mixture of argan and hazelnut oils. Immerse your hands in the warm mixture for 10 minutes. This mixture can be reused. This prevents dryness of the cuticle, relieves burrs, inflammation and cracks, maintains a well-groomed appearance of the nails. You can use it in more serious cases - the treatment of infection of the periungual tissues (panaritium).

Argan body oil

The versatility of application makes argan oil for the skin a valuable cosmetic product that can replace a whole arsenal of creams and balms. Body massage with its addition improves lymph flow, blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue. Such massages are used to reduce the manifestations of cellulite, with swelling of the skin. This amazing stretch mark remedy is used during pregnancy or periods of rapid growth. If you regularly rub it after taking a bath or shower, the skin becomes moisturized. At the same time, allergic reactions are very rarely observed when using it.

Healing properties of argan oil

The use of argan oil is not limited to cosmetics. When used internally, argan oil exhibits the following actions:

  1. Normal blood pressure is restored.
  2. Reduces cholesterol and high-density fats.
  3. Improves blood composition and viscosity.
  4. It has a bactericidal, antifungal effect.
  5. The risk of oncological diseases of the breast and intestines is reduced.
  6. The body's defenses are increased.
  7. Improves hormonal metabolism during menopause.
  8. Increased visual acuity.
  9. Promotes the activation of the pancreas and liver.
  10. When taken orally, due to the content of antioxidants, squalene and beneficial fatty acids, the aging process is slowed down, tone is increased and recovery after illnesses or surgical interventions occurs. Improves exercise tolerance.
  11. For greater effectiveness, it is taken for medicinal purposes on an empty stomach, a tablespoon once a day.

Argan oil for psoriasis

An excellent cure for psoriasis is natural argan oil. When treating skin areas affected by rashes, inflammation, peeling and itching of the skin are eliminated. Metabolic processes, capillary circulation and texture are restored in the skin. The foci of inflammation should be lubricated daily with a light massage for 20 days. Then they take a break for a week and, if necessary, the course can be repeated. In such cases, it is recommended to simultaneously take the oil inside. On an empty stomach, drink a tablespoon of argan oily liquid.

Argan oil in gynecology

The internal use of this unique essential remedy normalizes the menstrual cycle and is used for painful or irregular periods, infertility and mastopathy. During menopause, its intake stabilizes the hormonal background, reduces hot flashes. Before applying this treatment option, it is necessary to conduct an examination with a gynecologist. They treat them and - for this they use tampons moistened with argan ether for the night.

Argan oil - contraindications

Many years of experience in the use of argan oil has not revealed any particular contraindications to its use. The only exception may be individual intolerance and the harm that may occur if the product is a fake. To prevent allergic reactions in people prone to such phenomena, tests are usually carried out. For this purpose, it is recommended to apply a few drops to the elbow bend. After twelve hours, evaluate the result. In the absence of redness of the rashes, you can use a natural remedy without fear.