Hair blonding is a radical procedure in the fight for color. Features of blonding hair


The harsh war of blondes and brunettes is unlikely to ever reach the end. The opinion that blondes are dumber and do not understand jokes no longer has the same force as before. Now girls are happy to paint natural dark chestnut in a platinum blond - and it doesn't matter what color their eyes and skin are.

But before you achieve the beautiful desired shade of blond, the master in the salon will have to work hard with your hair. This technique, despite its apparent simplicity, implies a fairly strong effect on the hair, which is achieved by lightening their natural pigment, and therefore does not tolerate an amateur approach. The stylists of the beauty salon "Aesthetics" know, if not everything, then a lot about how to correctly turn you into a gentle and stylish blonde.

Blonding procedure is the process of complete elimination of hair pigment, that is, their discoloration. Blonding hair allows you to quickly and radically change your appearance, change your image or give your look a novelty. In addition, it is blonding that is the initial stage in a radical change in hair color.

Best suited for blonding are those hairs that naturally have little pigment. In other words, getting rid of natural blond pigment is much easier and faster than doing it with natural chestnut color. In general, the color of blon is quite insidious. For example, warm (golden, caramel, honey, etc.) tones look best on dark skin; ashen favorably set off light skin and blue or gray eyes; ultra-white color or complete bleaching of hair is most often chosen by bold and courageous fans of creative coloring, original highlighting and other non-standard solutions made by the method of shatush, balayazh, ombre or other complex techniques.

If we talk about the technology for performing blonding hair, then today beauty salons offer a choice of several ways to eliminate pigment. One of them is the so-called Scandinavian point, in which the hair roots at the crown are colored in a cold light tone, and the ends remain darker.

Another method of blonding is platyphysis, which gives the hair a platinum or silver tint as the main one. There are many other methods of lightening, for example, when the blond strands do not have clear boundaries, but are, as it were, spread throughout the head. This method is achieved by winding special cords on the head, on which strips with a thick brightening agent are applied. The peroxide solution can be applied to the crown of the head, after which it is covered with a powder clarifier, again with peroxide and finally with toner. This blonding results in a very beautiful play of light on the hair.

Blonding is considered one of the most harmful procedures for hair, so you should prepare for further hair care using various masks, balms and serums, shampoos and serums with blue pigments to eliminate unwanted yellowness.

If bleached hair is not carefully cared for, its appearance will leave a lot to be desired.

The blonding procedure has several limitations, which our masters definitely warn about:

  • unsatisfactory hair condition, inflamed scalp or its hypersensitivity;
  • recently carried out perm; it is better to wait 2-3 weeks or even more before blonding;
  • hair coloring, especially henna - otherwise the result is unpredictable;

The guarantee of the expected result can be ensured if the blonding procedure is carried out by an experienced master in a beauty salon.

NameTime, minPrice,
1.1 Blonding L'OREAL Platinium roots 90 5100
1.2 Blonding L'OREAL Platinium short hair 120 5900
1.3 Blonding L'OREAL Platinium medium hair 120 6900
1.4 Blonding L'OREAL Platinium long hair 120 7500
2.1 Blonding Lebel roots 90 5000
2.2 Blond Lebel short hair 120 5200
2.3 Blond Lebel Medium Hair 120 5700
2.4 Blond Lebel Long Hair 120 6000

Short hair - 5-10 cm
Medium hair - 10-20 cm (shoulder length)
Long hair - 20-40 cm (up to the shoulder blades)

The technique of blonding is nothing more than lightening the hair with subsequent dyeing. For the procedure, professional lightening powders (blondorans), oxidizers based on hydrogen peroxide and unstable toning paints are used. Blonding is performed on light, red and dark hair. After dyeing, you can get almost any color: from dark to platinum blonde. Naturally, with a few caveats.

The easiest way to blonde is hair that is naturally light or has already been bleached during previous dyeing. You can give them the desired shade in just one procedure. In this case, you do not even have to resort to a strong percentage of the oxidizing agent, which means that the hair itself will practically not suffer.

The hardest part is with hair tinted or with natural red, brown and black shades. At the first clarification, they become reddish, so you have to either repeat the washing procedure, or use a higher concentration of the oxidizing agent.

The darker the original color, the more difficult it is to achieve a pure blonde. Most often, at the first blonding, the masters warn such clients that only warm shades can be achieved at a time: golden, slightly reddish. To go light, ultra light and platinum blonde, you have to wait. This is possible, but only after repeated blonding sessions. If everything is done during one procedure, the hair will turn into burnt tow or even begin to break off along its entire length.

Ash blond

Golden blond

Platinum blonde

Blonding technique

It is safest to perform blonding with professional cosmetics. It bleaches well, does an excellent job of neutralizing unwanted shades and is gentle on the hair and scalp. Among professional products, the lines ESTEL Professional, Wella Professional and Londa Professional are especially popular.

If you decide to carry out blonding hair at home, then you will need to purchase a powder or cream-clarifier, an oxidizing agent and an unstable tinting paint. When choosing a paint, buy one that is lighter by 2-3 tones of the desired shade.

If we take Wella as an example, then you need to buy Wella BLONDOR brightening cream, Welloxon Perfect Wella 6% oxidizer and Wella KOLESTON Perfect paint.

  1. In a non-metallic bowl, dilute the clarifier with an oxidizing agent in a ratio of 1: 1 (for light) or 1: 2 (for dark).
  2. Starting from the back of the head and moving away from the roots about 3 cm, apply the mixture over the entire length of the hair. Wait 20 minutes and process the roots. The root zone is processed at the final stage, because the rate of lightening near the scalp is faster due to the heat generated by it. After applying to the roots, the product must be kept for about 10-20 minutes. Over time, you need to decide on your own, focusing on how quickly the hair is lightened. The total holding time of the clarifier should not exceed 50 minutes.
  3. Wash off the brightening agent with shampoo.
  4. Dilute the paint with an oxidizing agent 1: 1. Apply to hair and soak for the time indicated in the instructions. The toning stage is a must in the blonding process. During bleaching, the pigment is washed out of the hair, their structure is disturbed and becomes porous. To restore them, it is necessary to fill the voids with new pigment, which is contained in the tinting paint.
  5. After removing the paint, apply a regenerating mask to the hair.
  6. A month later, when the roots grow back, blonding must be repeated, but only in the root zone.
19 Sep 2013

Sooner or later, every woman asks the question why men prefer fair-haired women over brunettes or redheads. And in order to get an answer to this question or just feel themselves in a new guise, they think about how to dye your hair blonde.
Thanks to blonde hair, every woman will become noticeable and attractive in the eyes of men. Natural blonde hair is best suited to this procedure. Blonding dark hair is difficult, since such hair is difficult to dye in a light tone, but maybe.

Varieties and technology of blonding hair

Consider the varieties of the blonding procedure:

  • blonding Platifiz
  • scandinavian point
  • blonding methods "Strainer", "lace", "zig-zag"

Scandinavian point represents dyeing the hair on the crown in a cold light tone, and the ends in a darker one.

In the blonding procedure Platinum silver is considered to be the main shade.

In turn, blonding of "Laces" is a method of staining, in which the brightened places do not have clear contours, but are "scattered" randomly. To create this effect, strands of hair are wrapped around cords or cotton strips are applied to them with a creamy clarifier that lightens only the top layer.

Blond technology according to the "Strainer" method is to create the effect of the play of light. Peroxide and powdered clarifier are applied to the crown of the head, followed by toner and peroxide.
At blonding according to the "Zig-zag" method hair is twisted on large and small curlers in a checkerboard pattern, coloring them with light and dark dyes.

Photo gallery of blonde hair - photo

Most of the blonde photos in our photo gallery are courtesy of Bianca Lux.

Hair blonding prices

Note: The information is not official or promotional. The prices of beauty salons may not be relevant at the time of viewing. The data was obtained by random analysis of the price lists of ten beauty salons in Moscow to provide general information on how much the service costs.

Hair blonding at home

At home, you should not carry out the procedure for blonding hair., since it should be carried out only by a qualified master who knows all the subtleties of coloring (several coloring compositions are used).

But if you still decide to paint at home, then:

  1. Prepare the dye composition by mixing the dye with the clarifier (there are two bottles in the box)
  2. Apply two-thirds of the liquid evenly to unwashed, dry hair. Moreover, be sure to process them along the entire length of the hair, and leave the root part intact for now.
  3. Then leave the dye on your hair: the duration depends, first of all, on the desired degree of lightening ( 15 to 30 minutes)
  4. Apply the remaining third of the composition to the untreated root part of the hair. Spread the coloring compound evenly over the entire length of the hair and leave for 20 minutes
  5. Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water

Hair blonding video

After 4-6 weeks, your hair will grow back 1-2 cm and the roots will become more noticeable.... Therefore, additional blonding of the hair (roots) will be required. To do this, apply the dye evenly to the root part (mix the dye with the clarifier). The exposure time directly depends on the desired result and is from 10 to 40 minutes... Then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water.

Thus, the procedure for blonding hair allows you to perfectly lighten hair for 2-4 tones and will take from you from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours... This procedure can be repeated after 1.5 months.

Tools, which is used for the hair blonding procedure:

  • comb-ponytail, which is designed to separate strands
  • effect-stanler - a special brush designed for coloring strands
  • brush required for hair coloring
To dye your hair you will need the following fixtures - bowl, short peignoir, measuring cup, gloves and hair clips.
  • bowl for hair dyeing - if a professional bowl is not available, then use a glass
  • short peignoir made of polyethylene
  • measuring cup made of glass or plastic, preferably 10 ml
  • gloves and hair clips ("ducks" and "crabs")

After the hair blonding procedure, you need to carefully care for your hair using special preparations and masks.
Because blonde hair is one of the harshest ways, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to take care of your hair for a long time. Otherwise, the condition of your hair will be unsatisfactory.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Can I expect that after the blonding procedure I will become a blonde?
Not always. The result of dyeing, first of all, will depend on the natural color of your hair. If your natural hair color is too dark, then the blonding procedure will need to be repeated, because the hair does not lighten the way you want the first time.

How long does the hair blonde procedure take?
On average, a hair blonding procedure takes 1.5 hours. Everything will depend on the condition of your hair.

Can I use conditioner before blonding my hair?
You just need to rinse your hair with shampoo. The fact is that free radicals, such as grease and dirt, should not be present on your hair before the blonding procedure.

How serious is this procedure for hair?
In fact, the modern paint that is used in salons is quite delicate and therefore does not harm your hair, unless you only dye it every week. A number of dyes include conditioner that will make your hair more manageable.

For many stars, blonde hair has become a business card and a real formula for success. It is enough to remember the amazing Normu Jeane who, having discolored her hair, turned into a sex symbol of the 20th century - Marilyn Monroe and also a gorgeous brown-haired woman Louise Veronica Ciccone who became a pop star Madonna.

Contraindications for blonding hair

There are no special contraindications, except for allergies to the components of hair dyes. But there are a number of reasons that can affect the result of the hair blonde procedure. Firstly, do not lighten depleted hair: dull, split ends, weak, lifeless, burned out preceding or. Secondly, on the traces of the former, highlighting or simply unsuccessful staining, the new blond simply will not look, if he can take it at all.

Blond hair is a great way to change your look

Thanks to blonde hair, every woman can become blonde. With the right care, your hair will become manageable, soft and shiny.

This procedure needs to be done only in beauty salons., because it is there that you can get a complete consultation on hair care and answers to all your questions.
A qualified master will never begin the procedure for blonding hair until he carefully examines the hair and scalp. If the hair is in a weakened state or the scalp is inflamed, then an experienced master will offer hair care, after which he will already carry out blonding of the hair.

A professional will never perform this procedure on dyed hair, as well as after a perm, so as not to completely ruin the hair.

While blonding hair at home can not only spoil the appearance, but also have a significant negative effect on the very structure of the hair. Therefore, do not experiment, female beauty is the work of only professionals. But, despite all the shortcomings and subtleties of this procedure, blonde hair is a great way to change your image and become attractive, charming and charming!

Light color is a fashion trend that has kept its relevance over the years. If you want to follow the example of the stars who changed their image by dyeing their hair blonde, this article will tell you about basic hair blonde, which can radically change the image.

What is blonding

The blonding process resembles washing off the natural pigment from the hair, creating shades of light tones. The resulting color depends on the exposure time of the substance on the hair, as well as on the natural pigment. If you have painted before, this will affect the result.

Harm or benefit

Lightening affects the health of the strands, as the dye eats up the natural pigment. After applying the composition, they become dryish, so they will have to be very carefully looked after, making natural masks and using professional cosmetics.

Before coloring your hair, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications:

  • If you are allergic to a dye;
  • Coloring is contraindicated for girls suffering from psoriasis, seborrhea, etc.
  • It is not recommended to do staining if you have sensitive skin or have wounds and abrasions;
  • If you have recently done a perm, wait two weeks before blonding, or better - a month;
  • If you used henna or basma, this staining is undesirable, as green strands may turn out. In addition, vegetable dyes are a strong pigment that is difficult to get rid of. Read how to lighten hair after henna.

Features of the procedure

Blonding in the salon is a long process that takes at least one and a half hours. It is better to carry out lightening on an unwashed head, since sebum, which creates a film on the scalp, can protect the strand from irritation and depletion.

Before the procedure, the master assesses the condition of the curls and trims the tips. Next, the blonde is diluted with 1.5 or 3% oxygen.

The mixture is applied to the strands, to speed up the process, they are wrapped in foil. Washing can last from 15 minutes to 45, it depends on the color and structure of the hair.

After washing off with a blonde, the head is washed with a special shampoo with a balm - a color stabilizer that removes yellowness. After washing, the curls are tinted with paint with a small content of an oxidant.

Price overview

The approximate cost of services in beauty salons ranges from 500 to 1,500 rubles in the regions and from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles in Moscow and large cities. The price depends on the length of your curls:

  • long - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles
  • medium length - from 700 to 3,500 rubles
  • short - from 500 to 3,000 rubles

Types of blonding


This process involves lightening the hair a few tones above the original. The classic is made in two ways: paint or special brightening agents. After the strands are tinted to obtain the desired result. This technique will emphasize light hair tones, while brown-haired women and brunettes need stronger coloring if dark-haired girls want to become dazzling blondes. Although the warm and muted tones obtained after blonding dark strands look good.


A radical look suggests complete discoloration. The method is suitable for healthy hair, which after this procedure will need careful care.

Coloring brown-haired women and brunettes

Blonding on dark hair is a complex process. If you want to become an ash blonde, then this procedure will need to be repeated many times, at intervals from two weeks to a month. A wash is first done on dark hair, since the paint is suitable only for light and light brown curls.

Those who want to radically change their image turn to radical lightening, but it is better to carry out the procedure in a beauty salon.

Photo of blonding on dark hair

Photo blonding on light brown hair

Short hair

The most profitable transformation into a blond is for a short haircut, since the ends do not split, and it is much easier to care for a short hair.
The staining of individual strands in ashy colors looks beautiful. This gives a significant volume to the hairstyle, and such coloring can also refresh the image, making the owner of the hair younger.

Useful video - professional hair blonding at home:


Scandinavian point

A special technique, thanks to which the crown is painted in lighter shades, while the ends should be darker.

Platinum blonde (Platyfize)

The name of this technique speaks for itself: using it, you can get an ash-silver shade. It is worth remembering that platinum blonde is difficult to obtain, especially on dark and red hair. Looks good on short haircuts.


Hair after Californian blonde gives the impression of naturally burnt strands, like the residents of sunny California, whose favorite vacation spot is the radiant American beach. With this style, the roots remain dark, and the strands will gradually lighten towards the ends. In addition, it is impossible to see the boundaries where the dark color ends and the white begins.


Such coloring creates a visual play with light: peroxide and a blond agent are applied to the strands, and different products are applied to the root zone and to the ends. The master carefully selects the strands for lightening, which are then painted in the chosen shade. This technique looks aesthetically pleasing and creates the effect of vivid color and volume.

Zig-zag technique

Suitable for those who want to create original overflows that will add volume to the curls. Before dyeing, the hairdresser winds the strands on different curlers and paints them in different shades: cold and warm.


The master winds the curls on threads with a dyeing shade, creating a visual blurring of the borders. The method looks impressive and, moreover, is safe for the health of the strands.

With the effect of regrown roots

If earlier the grown roots of blondes were considered unacceptable, now it is a real squeak of fashion! First, the roots are dyed dark chocolate, and then the hair is lightened along the entire length.
Blonding at home

If you decide on home procedures, you need to do it with high quality. Do not forget to test for an allergic reaction before coloring. Use gloves and special non-metallic utensils to dilute the composition.

Important! At home, it is better not to do radical blonding, but to do with lightening in several tones. For a more comfortable and even application, seek help from someone.

Brightening paint "Wellaton"

Such a complex procedure as blonding can be done at home using Wellaton paint which is a great budget option. The package includes: a sachet with a blonde agent, a bottle with a development, a pair of gloves, an instruction.

The paint is applied quickly and easily. It will be more convenient to use a special paint brush.


Consider the most popular shades:

  1. Honey- a beautiful color with a golden sheen that suits almost every type: light or warm skin tones and any eye color.
  2. Pearl- the most popular shade that suits women from 35 to 45 years old with fair skin and light eyes.
  3. Wheat- a natural and warm shade that will suit both older women and young women of fashion.

Care after blonding

Important! Hair that has been lightened becomes dry and brittle, especially if you have resorted to a radical method. Masks for bleached hair will help to restore their beauty and strength.

To restore curls, use natural masks and oils for split ends. It is not recommended to resort to constant heat treatment of the strands: try to dry the hair naturally or use a heat protection spray.

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Photo gallery: All about blonding dark and light brown hair

Every brown-haired woman or brunette at least once in her life thought about turning into a blonde. But many are frightened by the possible negative result: a straw-yellow vulgar shade and extremely dry hair. Meanwhile, technologies do not stand still, today in a beauty salon you will be offered a technique of blonding, which will allow you to quickly lighten dark hair, while the tone will turn out to be multifaceted and natural. If you want to know what hair blonde is, see photos before and after the procedure, then this article is for you.

What is hair blonde, photo

So, the procedure of blonding, or, as it is also called, washes, is a process in which special chemical preparations destroy the natural pigment of your hair. As you understand, regardless of the desired result, the blonde contains an oxidizing agent, only its percentage varies from 1-2% for light blonde up to 12% if you want to turn from a brunette to a blonde in one go. There are several blonding technologies:

The most popular and demanded light shades are:

Hair blonding, photos before and after the procedure

The blonding procedure is one of the most radical, so carefully study all the pros and cons. Feel free to go to the salon if you want to lighten your hair one or more tones, while looking natural. The best effect is achieved on light or blond hair.

Blonding is not suitable for those who have thin, weakened hair, have recently undergone a perm or other coloring. Blonding will also not help to cope with the problem of seeding. Brunettes should be especially careful. Their shade may turn out to be reddish, and the procedure will have to be repeated several times in a row.

Check out the before and after photos of blonde dark hair.

Hair wash, before and after photos

Blonding dark hair, before and after photos

Blonding on light brown hair, before and after photos

Hair blonding, reviews

Reviews about the procedure are completely different. Someone gets the desired shade on the first try, while someone has to go to the salon several times. It is worth remembering that the procedure is quite lengthy - so please be patient. In addition, in the salon it is far from cheap: from 1,500 rubles. for short hair up to 4000 rubles. for long. The color will need to be constantly maintained and visited by the hairdresser at least once a month.

Blonding at home

If you want to lighten a couple of tones, then blonding can be done at home. Beforehand, we recommend watching a training video, for example, this one.

Required materials and tools

Choose only professional dye, with a maximum content of natural ingredients. In addition, it is worth preparing:

  • a bowl for preparing a mixture;
  • comb with a sharp tail;
  • paint brush;
  • peignoir;
  • hair clips;
  • shampoo and special conditioner for colored hair.

In no case should you wash your hair before the procedure!

Step-by-step instruction

  1. The first step is to mix the dye with the oxidizing agent. The choice of the percentage of the latter depends on the color of your hair, their condition, the desired shade. We advise you to use the most gentle option at home.
  2. Step back a little from the roots, apply the composition along the entire length of the hair and leave it on for about 20 minutes. Monitor the result and, depending on it, vary the time.
  3. Color the roots, hold for another 15 minutes.
  4. Thoroughly wash your hair and use conditioner Blond hair is complete.

Hair care after blonding

If you want your hair to remain beautiful, well-groomed and silky, then do not neglect special care after dyeing. Choose a special shampoo and conditioner, preferably containing natural ingredients.

Moisturizing masks will not only provide nourishment, but also allow the color to maintain its brightness for longer.

Do not forget about folk recipes. Rinsing with water and lemon juice will provide shine to blonde hair, and oil and honey masks will nourish.