The purpose of the holiday evening to the Day of Libraries. "The best book exhibition to the All-Russian Day of Libraries." Library "Book Mountain", Holland

Despite the fact that the profession of the library, however, as the libraries themselves gradually die out, there were still people in our country, who will celebrate their professional holiday on May 27 - a librarian day.

history of the holiday

I found this holiday Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin back in 1995. According to the Declaration, the new holiday has become a worthy response to the contribution of the country's librarians in the development of cultural relations in Russian society. In his decision, the president was guided by another date, which happened a few centuries ago. On May 27, 1795, the first public library was founded in Russia. The range of the new institution was small, but everyone could get acquainted with the text. If, of course, he knew how to read.

The All-Russian Day of the librarian should be celebrated widely, in any case, it is said in recommendation to local governments. You should not ignore this urgent recommendation to avoid possible problems. Therefore, events, when the day of the librarian comes, a wide variety of are: meetings with well-known writers, seminars on literature and much more. What the authorities have enough desire and means.

The very first library

Officially, the first available library opened only at the end of the 18th century, however, according to the latest research of historians, the library worked at the time of Yaroslav wise, when it was not to read, and there was no books at all. Dated this event is 1037 year.

In the reading country in the world and the library were the best, large and beautiful. The huge books, as they were called on a stateless, official language, had all the cultural and historical heritage of Russia, and was constantly replenished with new, ideologically loyal texts folded into fat books. At first, the Bolsheviks took and robbed the looted, nationalizing all the royal libraries. In favor of the young Soviet state, private, home libraries were also retransled, the number of books in which there were more than 500 copies. In the USSR, everyone was read (again if possible), but Lenin's faithful girlfriend loved the book most of all - Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. She was not just fanatically predicted by books, but also in the literal sense obsessed with literature.

Book - Source of Life

The books in the USSR were treated as shrines, and libraries turned into temples. People walked there by crowds and sacrificed their free time, instead of taking all the necessary information, and at the same time a huge literary pleasure was obtained.


Today, the number of libraries in Russia is reduced, but their number is still incredibly large: 150 thousand libraries! A huge figure that again brings our country into the category of the most reading powers. Library Day is most widely celebrated in Moscow, where the largest number of so-called temples of literature is located.

Russian State Library

One of the largest libraries in the world is in Moscow. But it should be boasting at the moment can only with dimensions, alas, the inner decoration leaves much to be desired. With the development of the Internet, information on paper carriers is less or less in demand, and therefore the visitors in libraries are becoming less and less. And as a result - the financing of libraries is reduced. Government or private investors, rather, allocate money on digitizing existing copies, rather than will be built an additional storage corresponding to the temperature standards suitable for storing books.

Russian National Library

With the fact that the average manner spends less time to visit the library, this does not mean that they need to be abolished! Knowledge of history is one of the most important factors to avoid the mistakes of the past, and therefore for the future. RNB, which is located in St. Petersburg - one of these stores, the first book of which was open in 1795! Here are important documents of the Times of Catherine Great and Alexander the first.


All less often you can find people in transport, reading paper books and more and more often as a carrier of information, tablets, smartphones and e-books are used. The person reading the paper book is nonsense for Moscow, and more and more likely such people are called the anneamians. Yes, and contain a large analog domestic library much more appreciating than to felt the same amount of information on the flash drive.

Librarians will live forever

This in this case is not about a particular person, but about the profession. Only a qualified, the intelligent librarian will be able to help navigate in a huge stream of poor-quality literature and search for a real masterpiece. So, if you do not know what of the books to take in the very near future, and the Internet and friends do not advise anything sensitive, sign up in the old one of the nearest libraries and ask the Council.

When day librarian 2020

All-Russian Library Day is a professional holiday of library workers. All those associated with these institutions are related to the holiday: their employees, auxiliary staff. He is considered to be their employees of archives, teachers, students of specialized educational institutions. Take part in the event all those who received the appropriate education, their relatives, acquaintances, friends and relatives.

In Russia, the All-Russian Library Day in 2020 is celebrated on May 27 and takes place at the official level 26 times.

Meaning: The holiday is timed to the 200-year anniversary of the foundation of the Imperial Public Library.

Solemn events are timed to the holiday, on which library workers take congratulations. Distinguished employees are handed to letters and premiums. Library teams arrange a feast, trips to nature.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

Modern custom to celebrate the day of the librarian in Russia takes on May 27, 1995. The presidential decree secured the date in the list of memorable events of the state. It is confined to the 200th anniversary of the foundation of the Imperial Public Library in 1795. The event was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 27.05.1995 "On the establishment of the All-Russian Library Day". The document was signed by B. Yeltsin.

This institution was first in his own way. The wide range of residents had access to his storage. The first person's document of the Russian state recommends the authorities and local self-government to hold activities aimed at supporting and popularizing libraries. They should pay attention to the role of the book in the processes of development of society, science, culture. Celebrations are widespread only in a professional environment.

Traditions of the holiday

The day of the librarian 2020 in the Russian Federation marks the feasts in a circle of colleagues, relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people. There are congratulations, wishes of health and success, toasts are completed by ringing glasses. The gathered at the event discusses the news, tell stories from life, labor everydays, share their impressions and plans for the future. Management performs with speeches, gives honor of honor, as a sign of gratitude for labor. Gifts are awarded, one of the most desirable and common of which are rare books.

On this day, it is customary to visit cultural events: concerts of dance, songs teams, film images, performances, exhibitions. Another popular tradition is to leave for nature. Here are preparing dishes on open fire and leisure under the open sky. Often in the news releases of radio stations and television talks about a commemorative date, the transmissions dedicated to professions and related subjects are broadcast. All-Russian Library Day is a tribute to respect and recognize the importance of the labor of everyone who dedicated themselves to the industry.

Task for a day

Make a list of books that you plan to read throughout the year. Then go to the library and take the book that is in your list in the first place.


"Dear librarians and just connoisseurs of literature, congratulate you with the All-Russian Day Libraries. Thanks to these institutions, the relationship between man and book is still alive, although it is displaced by modern technologies. We wish that more and more people attend reading rooms and started subscription cards in libraries. Support domestic authors and meet overseas. Remember that the book is the best interlocutor, the adviser and friend. "

"Dear and expensive staff of libraries, writers, poets and all lovers of books! With joy, congratulate you today with the All-Russian Day Libraries! We wish you all interesting discoveries, useful knowledge, wonderful events in life. Let the constant satellites always and everywhere will be surprisingly interesting and exciting novels, poems, instructive stories, beautiful poems and artworks of beautiful authors. "

"The librarian is the keeper of the book church. You save the knowledge accumulated by centuries. In your card files, we can find ancient books. Let me congratulate you on the holiday from the bottom of my heart. Let the fun, bright and complete will be all your life. Never lose, do not fall in spirit. Let you be the selected road will be straight and clean, let the work brings only inspiration. Happiness, peace, good and smiles to you.


Gift Certificate. A gift certificate in the bookstore will serve as a pleasant presentation that will allow you to choose a book that will have to do.

Subscribe to the magazine. An annual subscription to a favorite magazine or newspaper will become thematic and practical.

Notebook. A nominal notebook in leather binding will be the original presentation, which will make notes and keep the desired entries at hand.


Literary crocodile
Before holding the competition, it is necessary to prepare phantas in advance with the names of famous literary characters: Anna Karenina, Evgeny Onegin, Harry Potter, Quasimodo and others. The first participant in the competition is chosen by Phanta and without words trying to portray the said character. Who first will correctly name the name of the hero, next to the game.

Write your story
The presenter makes some famous fairy tale. For example, the "Red Cap" or "Kolobok". Then the participants of the competition are made by literary genres: detective, comedy, drama, horror, epic. Then each contestant must retell a fairy tale in accordance with the stamped style. Wins the most resourceful narrator.

All guests of the competition can take part in the competition. The presenter gives the task to come up with congratulations in alphabetical order. Each participant speaks a short phrase, which begins on the corresponding letter of the alphabet.

  • The largest library in the world - a library of Congress in Washington, in which there are 75 million different names of books, including audio and video recordings, photos.
  • Bibleokletomania is a disease that is characterized by excessive love for books and the desire to assign library specimens. Stephen Bloomberg, who suffered from this disease, kidnapped about 23 thousand books from 268 libraries in different countries of the world.
  • From public libraries most often steal the Guinness Book of Records.
  • In the library of Harvard University there is a collection of books from human skin.
  • In medieval Europe in public libraries, books were attached to racks using chains. The length of the chain gave the opportunity to remove the book from the shelf and read, but did not allow it to be out of the building. This rule was due to the high cost of books.
  • In the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, there was a rule according to which all ships that came to the port were obliged to take on board the books for copying.

About profession

Annually growing the volume of knowledge created by humanity in its livelihoods. One of the most common carriers of information over the centuries are paper. Special institutions have been created for their universal access - libraries.

Experts keep service readers who want to get or used in their activities the knowledge contained in the Library Fund. Employees provide adequate storage, accounting and replenishment of the property of the institution. Institutions may have a social and industry orientation. The latter refers to a highly specialized area representing a certain circle of professions.

The librarian becomes after receiving specialized education in the middle or higher educational institution. It acquires the necessary knowledge to maintain further activities. These include the ability to work not only with the material foundation, but also with electronic databases, catalogs, taking into account automation means.

This holiday in other countries

In many countries of the world, World Library Day is celebrated on the last Monday of October.

Researchers believe that the first book service in Russia appeared very, very long ago - in 1037 under Yaroslav wise. Ekaterina II in 1795 issued a decree on the establishment of the State Library in St. Petersburg - the Imperial Public Library. It was the first library available to everyone. Later, in 1995, Russian President issued a decree on the celebration of the All-Russian Library Day and timed him to the date of publication of the Dectery Catherine - May 27.

Modern libraries, according to some specialists, are experiencing a decline stage. An increasing distribution of the Internet and the presence in the network of almost any information significantly reduces the popularity of the ancient "book printing". However, the forecasts for the future are optimistic: yes, there are plenty of problems, with premises, lack of proper financing, problems of a legal nature, but libraries are more than just a warehouse of books.

Today is the day of libraries,
And the book is now not forgotten,
After all, knowledge will not give the Internet,
And the library door is always open!

Only in the book Knica, in the book Life,
And in the books wisdom generations.
And let the library hurry
Readers of all ages and generations.

Librarians today congratulations
Thank you for your hard work,
We appreciate you and read books,
Let the library with the new force revive.

Each profession the smell has its own.
The smell of books on the shelves soul is heating,
Wisdom you are human faithful to
Speak people: "Wash everything!".

In this day we wish you to live a little longer
And the library is given every day.
Let health enough for years on a hundred,
Let always worry the words witchcraft!

Let you love you very much, appreciate and gentle,
Prizes do not regret expensive awards!
Happiness to you people. What else to wish?
No trouble, nor grief you wobbly!

Happy holiday of all librarians congratulations! Creative lifting, inspiration and good luck in all endeavors! Health, changes for the better and desire to be better. Let all your weekdays become productive and successful.

Books - Wisdom, Knowledge Stage -
Knows every person.
So let's remember
We are about the day of libraries!

Smell and pages of Shurshan
Does not replace the Internet.
Let them live libraries
Give us teaching light!

Happy Library Day
I congratulate you sincerely
More good, smart books
I wish you to meet in life.

Good to you, happiness and love,
Successes and victories in work,
Let the days with interest flow
In decent, significant concerns.

Let work give wisdom
Let the world be manitis,
Let energy rages
Let him give joy every moment.

The library is a miracle,
Like high-speed express.
Here by opening any book,
Find miracles in the world.

You get the sea knowledge
And friends get
It is impossible to forget this world
Happy Library Days, Friends.

Congratulations on the day of the library!
From the soul we want to wish you
Strong health, more money
Yes, less at work to get tired.
Diffanery Foundation Evidence,
And readers are chamfering, kind.
In any case, we wish you good luck,
From her and the heart of the fun.
To new knowledge to keep children!
Please give new people!
Success, and to him the road straight!

How many different secrets lurks
On the magical durable pages,
Lucky you are incomprehensible
In the kingdom of books to stay constantly.

In this holiday you will wish you -
Let the work not bother
Will bring a lot of new knowledge,
Warm meetings, kindness and attention!

With the All-Russian Day Libraries!
I wish prosperity and growth.
Let the electronic and swift our eyelids
Do not defeat readers of perseverance.

Not to win all those who love the rustle of books,
Who appreciates books and is in love with their smell from childhood.
Libraries laid the enlightenment path
And enlightenment is the best inheritance.

Let the technique only be to you a servant,
Let the readers do not weaken the flow.
Health and good librarians,
Let reading the favorite books of the heart warm up.

Take congratulations today
All those who love books and read.
After all, the books offer secrets,
How to live, love, learn and dream!

In the All-Russian Day Library
We wish you all success, kindness.
Reading interesting and beautiful
Plots about love and beauty!

Warehouse library workers
Today, congratulations from the soul.
We wish the life of full positive,
So that you are beautiful, good!
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http: //syt/cards/prazdniki/den-bibliotek.gif.

The All-Russian Library Day is celebrated on May 27. This is a holiday not only professional librarians, but also all people who love books and understand their huge role in the cultural and public life of society. Even a small library is an invaluable clay of wisdom, which humanity has accumulated centuries. What to talk about such famous libraries of the world as a library of Congress in the United States, Central Library Seattle, Russian State Library in Moscow and many others. All of them carefully keep books covering the crowded path of human development and are the most vivid testimonies of all those historical stages that society passed in the process of their formation.

First libraries

Public libraries were still in ancient times. Historical documents describe in detail the libraries of ancient Greece, Rome, Assyrian kingdom, Egypt. The right to call itself the first library of the world belongs to the temple in Nippure, the ancient city, which was considered the center of Sumerian culture.

The first public library in Russia appeared in the famous Sofia Cathedral in Kiev. He founded it in 1037 the Grand Duke Kiev Yaroslav Wise, one of the most famous Old Russian princes.

History of All-Russian Library Day

Professional holiday All-Russian Library Day was established in 1995, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. Date on May 27 was chosen in honor of the foundation on May 27, 1795 in St. Petersburg of the Imperial Library, which became the first state public library of Russia. Decree of its opening personally signed Empress Catherine II.

This magnificent library complex works in our day. The Russian National Library is one of the world's largest storage facilities and the European-level cultural center.

Traditions of the holiday

All-Russian Library Day is a professional holiday of library workers and all Russian readers. Every year on May 27 in the libraries of the country there are solemn events, book exhibitions and fairs, meetings with well-known writers, critics and literary critics. The librarian day is also celebrated at the government level: the best employees are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

Everyone meets your professional holiday in different ways. However, everyone wants him to go through successfully and left only warm memories. The librarians of our system this year, the year of culture, took an active part in the competition of book exhibitions about the librarian and library"The best book exhibition to the All-Russian Day of Libraries."

We bring to your attention the Plaria of these wonderful creations, maybe they will once again cause pride for our library work, browsing them will deliver pleasant moments, and perhaps some of the ideas will get further incarnation in your activities.

Books are forced to stop near them, climbing away from pleasure, as you burn, looking at the sun to look at the eyes again.

K.A. Fled

So, Meet:

It is no secret that many exhibitions were named "Library - Wise House of Soul" But you see how they are individual, despite the general heading!
Head of Ilmen library №7 MBC "CBS" (0.5 bets)

Exhibition sections:
Ilmenskaya - 2 libraries - 40 years
Best Friends Library
And book open the door to a big life

History of the best events

A.De Monzy
Fr. Minister

Collective Bolshov library№33 MJ "CBS" (1.5 bets) to80th anniversary of its foundationlibraries in 3 sections

1. If the library is alive - the village will also live!

2.Mudry books keeper eternal.

3. Bill and reader: faceto face.

References for the exhibition:

Blinova, A. Prince of Olya Iriskina in the book state: Scenario of a tetralized game program / A.Brinova // How to entertain guests.-2011.-№12.-C.26-30.

Buyanova, E.E.P.Borotnia: Poems about the Bolshov Library / E.E.Boyanova // Bibli-Tek-Pharmacy for the Soul: Album.-2009.-C.1-2.

For promotion in collective farms and MTS books about advanced experience in agriculture: from the experience of the Bolzovsky rural library of the Mikhailovsky district.-Volgograd:

Volgograd truth, 1965.-35c.

Kitov D.V. End with the collective farm: from the experience of the Bolzovsky rural library. - M: Book, 1961.-50s.

Kramov V.V.Tvoy Shartsky Cathedral: adolescent about the choice of professions / V.V. Kramov.-M: Education, 1979.-205c.

Sidorova S.I. Bolshovskaya Rural Library // on the kindness of spiritual: essays, poems, stories. - Mikhailovka, 2008.-C.226-228.

Wrakova O.Ma Poets themselves, compose with us, or welcome to Rhyme-hail!: Traveling game in the library / O. Yurrakova // Scenario and Repertoire.-2009.-


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the book exhibition: time periodexhibition works - 1 month. This time is morefifty visitors had our exhibition: 14 times book was issued"Together with the collective farm"former librarianD.V. Kitova (from experiencein the 60s) .ee read ataman of our farm O.L. Makarichin (there is a material about his ancestors), the widow of the participant of the Stalingrad battleKhulavaova A.E., Khuthorianki-Markova N.E., Pozikikova V.I., Trubitsyn A.T., Belyakova TA And many others - they have read everythingshe fell into her youth ... I.T.D. Many visitors of different agesconsidered albums - "Mass work of the Bolzovskayalibraries. Nowadays". Some teenage girls were interestedbooks about professionlibrarian.

Conclusions and prospectsfurther use of the materials of the exhibition:

The exhibition materials will not lose their relevance and later - this is the history of the foundation of our library, the work of our "focus of culture" in various periods of its existence, and finally the life of the population of the farmfor many years.

Output: Libraries lived, live and live!

Catamon Library No. 35 mBeech "CBS" (rate) Catalog of the exhibition

Title of the exhibition"Pharmacy for the Soul"

Structure of the book exhibition:

-Sections "Medicines for every taste"

"Current from boredom - creativity"

"Vitamins - Aminkable" (funny books for children) "Gratitude of healed patients"

- Quotes

"A library is better than a pharmacy

From spiritual adversity heales.

From Handers and separation.

I read - nothing hurts "

Yu.A. Orlova

"What bliss in bed lie

I read a familiar prose a hundred times,

And all you are new - thanks to sclerosis "

- illustrative material Presentation "Book - Lebel"

Images of medicinal bottles with stickers: Drops "Antigrustine", medicine from Handra, "love decoction", tincture "adrenaline", "balm for mental wounds." Books are kept in "Hands" these bottles.

- stillock figures and bunny on a children's shelf

List of references to the exhibition:

1. Balashova M. Ya. Knitting: Secrets of magical patterns / M. Ya. Balashova. - Minsk: Harvest, 2010. - 255 p.: Il.

2. Knitting, cutting and sewing / auth. - Sost. V. Nesadin. - Minsk: Harvest, 2009. - 479 p. - (Full Directory).