What a hnu is used. Video: Elena Malysheva about safe hair paint. What amount of henna is necessary for full overlapping of any tone

Her Majesty Hens

treatise about Hne

Let's talk a little about Hne. It seems that everything is already known about her, and everything has been said long ago. But, if you dug deep, you begin to understand that everything that is said about it - does not reflect all the henna is actually.What do you know about her? It is paint from some plants, paints hair in red color, it still seems to be colorless; In the mixture with Basma, it paints black, and Basma itself (and what is it, does anyone know?) - Coloring in green ...

Let's in order: what plants are used traditionally in the east in this capacity?

The only real henna - Lovevony (Lausonia) is unclear(Lawsonia inermis) - Pretty high shrub family
Bean, a height of about 2 meters, which grows in the zones of hot and dry climate. At night, he highlights a specific aroma. Distributed in many countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Grown in North Africa, Middle and Middle East. The leaves are traditionally used as a dye for hair and leather - the upper sheets for mehendi, the bottom and coarse - for the hair.Lovevony, forcedly devoid of pigment in the process of processing, is called "colorless henna", we will talk about it especially.

But there are several more plants with unique properties, has long been used in the East as everyday means of rehabilitation and hair, and skin:

Cassia Tupoliste(Cassia. obtussifoliae.new. Senna Tora (L.) - shrub of the family of legumes, meter in height, half the meter inwidth. It is grown as a garden culture in the countries of the Middle East, the fruits are used in the treatment of constipation and in general, with the illness of the abdomen, as well as skin and hair improvement. Frequently confused with a Chinese corticle ( CINNAMOMUM AROMATICUM),which is also called Cassia, but these are completely different plants.

Cassia - Ostroland (Senna Alexandrina, Cassia Acutifolia Del. , Senna Alexandria, Cassia African, Egyptian Senna) and Nickname(Sassia Angustifillia) - the genus of perennial shrubs or small trees (0.5-1.5 m high), family legumes. Widely cultivated as a medicinal plant.The leaves and fruits used in drugs are obtained from both types of cassia. The Motherland of Cassia - Somalia and Arabia, cultivate it in South India. Complex leaves have one species of 5-8 leaves and at the end a short spift, and another Complex leaves consist of 4-5 leaves and roughly twice in short. Cassia is common in Sudan and further to West Africa. In the wild form grows in Asian and African deserts. As a valuable medicinal plant Cassiaostroland Cultivated in India, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan. Anas Ibn Malik told that the Prophet said: "In three things you will find treatment from many diseases," among which the plant has mentioned and the Cassia plant.

ZIZIIFUS. (Ziziphus spina-christi, zizyphus jujuba, prickly prickly ziziphus, thorns of Christ, Christ, Yuyuba, Chinese, French plum, chest berry, chilon, ber) - sparkled tree to 7 meters in diameter, with leathery leaves and delicious useful fruits . He is an excellent honey. The leaves are traditionally used in facial, hair and body care.

Indigofer crispy(Indigofera Tinctoria,Basma) - The plant of the bean family, the type of Indigofer originating from India and cultivated in many tropical countries for the sake of obtaining blue paint. An adorable view of a bush with cider leaves blooms bright pink inflorescences, spreading a pleasant fragrance.

Since time immemorial, wood powder, branches, lower leaves and indigofer roots were used to obtain blue paint - indigo. While the young leaves, crushed to the powder, were used for hair color in black and became known as the "Basma".In the mixture with henna gives hair different shades of brown.

High-quality bass from delicate foliage does not give any blue or green - only deep black. But she is quite a road in production and due to frequent fakes discredited itself, giving her hair blue, then the green shade. Choose bass only proven manufacturers and you will not have such problems.

ANDso, Henacalled:

  • Henna for painting hair - Traditional powdered hair care products from lavstical leaves, for their coloring in the desired color, as well as for painting on the skin.
  • Colorless hen. - This is a lavesence, devoid of pigment, is used to treat hair and rejuvenation and cleansing the skin of the face and body. It has all the benefits of natural henna, but without a coloring effect.
  • Basma- Separate, legendary view of hair paint, famous millennium! With the stretch, we will take it to Henna: The name "Black Henna" is firmly included in the source, although the Indigofer is a beautiful Indigofer has more in common with the Cassia than with Lovevonia. Basma is a powder of the upper gentle leaves of Indigofera Tinctoria.

It is interesting: Henna in the east can be called all powdered masks, funds, facilities for the care of face, hair and body - and no henna in them may not even be close. Hence such a misunderstanding and divergence of compositions when translating. Unfair, or sometimes just not knowingthe essence of the botanical value of plant species Sellers, passionately want to sell their goods in the bazaars of the East, they call henna all that may be called. And sometimes these names germinate in the tradition and present in the names of traditional funds! Typical example of such a means - In which there is no henna, or Basma - "Black Henna", or some "herbal henna" of various purposes.

Henna painting (Lovevony) contains two natural coloring substances, due to which hair and skin staining occurs. It - green chlorophyll and lavson. It is important to know that Henna also contains a large number of tannins and polysaccharides, also in its composition is an important place occupy resinous substances. A separate line occupy fatty components and organic acids, including rare gallic acid. A large amount of vitamin C and K, vitamins of group B, as well as essential oil.

For the quality of the huhu (raw materials - pure lavsonium) are divided into 3 categories: low quality, average quality and higher quality and this division is associated with painting substances contained in Henna and the useful substances concentration.

Henna of low quality It is made of lavsmon stems with a small admixture of powder from the leaves. The percentage of Lavson's content in such a raw material is very low 1-2%, it is also poor as resinous substances, tannins and essential components. Vitamins in it an order of magnitude less than the raw material of a higher category.

Henna of average quality It is made from the lower leaves of Lavsonia. The percentage of Lavson's content in them is already more than 2-3%. This Henna is already more saturated with resin valuables, the content of tannins is high and essential components are also at a high level. Also, this category is rich in vitamins.

Henna of the highest qualityThe best henna, with the maximum content of Lavson from 5 to 7%. She brings hair better and gives deeper and beautiful shades. Staining with such a henna most resistant.

As a rule, all 3 quality categories are presented on the market, they differ in the price of raw materials.

It is worthwhile to fear of particularly cheap types of henna, which is packaged not in the areas of growing raw materials, because after pure even high-quality raw materials were sent for further packaging, it passes through 2-3 mediator, where it is precisely diluted with lower categories of raw materials. Sometimes it is already sent not in the capacity in which a quality product must be presented. All this affects the range of prices in the market and of course on consumer quality products.

So, all that is written below about the beneficial properties and the use of natural henna concerns the rest of the plants - Basmas, Cassia, Zizyfus.

Palette shades

Traditionally it is believed that it can be painted hair and skin only in orange-copper colors, and that to achieve other shades is required to add other ingredients to the powder. This statement is rooted incorrectly. There are many subspecies of Lavsonian shrub, the leaves from which can be painted in bright yellowish colors, and can both in brown. It depends on the set of factors. In particular, from the place of growth and the compositions of the soil. Even if during the year the amount of precipitation is changed, the color is familiar to the color of the leaves from the same bush can be different.

Also, Henna may contain a small amount of metals characteristic of the land of growth, but Henna does not accumulate heavy metals! Usually, in places of high copper content, Henna gives the brightest red color when painting. Not in vain Henna has a subsequently greater diversity of red shades than henna, because almost all the territories of India and Pakistan copper is contained in the ground in a considerable amount.

Henna, collected in different locals, can differ significantly from each other in a dry form - from light gray-green, to a saturated emerald. As a rule, Henna, the most light in dry, gives darker and calm shades, and brighter - more redhead, with orange subtock.

Henna effect on hair

Hair-colored hair becomes shiny, elastic, and resistant to aggressive impact of weather, detergents and styling, noticeable Thickened. This is due to the fact that when the henna is brewed with water together with a molding pigment, the resin is affected in the leaves. This resin envelops hair outside, filling the emptiness between scales, and aligning the surface. It is on this painting that henna is comparable to the lamination effect, only, in contrast to lamination, Henna also feeds and supports hair health, not only while you are painted, but for a long time after you stopped using it.

It is believed that frequent hair painting is harmful. This is another misconception (or malicious chicken manufacturers of chemical paints), which is refuted by the condition of the hair of those women who paint hair with a frequency once a week, once every 10 days. The more often you paint the hair, the better the condition of the scalp and the quality of the hair becomes. Distribution disappears, the hair begins to grow faster, new hairs appear where they were not, the thickness of the hairproke rises. The main thing is to withstand the formulation of the composition.

Procedure of coloring

If you decide to stain in the henna or bass, you need to be prepared for the fact that it is not so easy to wash off, even after the first application, and sometimes it is simply impossible.Especially if the painting was carried out in all the rules, and Henna was a good quality and fresh.

The leaves of the Lavsonia actively release their coloring pigment at the level of pH 5.5, that is, a slightly acidic environment. When exposed to lemon juice diluted in water to the desired acidity level, acidic environmentfully looks up the painting of the surnu-tannic acid molecules, which is just painting the hair and the skin. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to add to the lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons.

When preparing a mixture, it is not recommended to use metal objects, especially aluminum, it can affect the final color. You can use enamel dishes, plastic and wooden. It is possible to breed the henna powder with water, the temperature is not higher than 70-80 o with degrees. When breastged boiling water, henna loses part of the coloring and protective properties, the final color can become inexpressive, give rust.

In order not to keep Heno on the hair for a long time, it must be insisted before applying and heat in the water bath. The bath does not give such a temperature so that the hen is welded, and the coloring pigment releases already in the process of preparation of the mixture. Thus, the prepared Henna gives a brighter shade, it retains freshness longer and is not washed away.

When painting henna, if the hair is very dry, it is worth adding to a mixture of oil in small quantities to avoid dryness and give hair additional elasticity. Only one must not forget that the oils inhibit the process of color, so it is necessary, or increase the time of exposure to the mixture on the hair, or participate the staining procedure.

There is also the opinion that to activate the color you need not to wash the head shampoo 1 day, washing the composition with hair only with water. This is partly the truth. Pigment is fixed on her hair with oxygen, penetrating deep into the hair and, oxidizing, becomes darker. Therefore, after staining, it makes sense to wash off the hen with a simple water, and wash his head in a day.

It is practically impossible to wash off the hu. When first staining, it is possible to wash the pigment a little, making an oil mask for hair or a kefir mask. It also helps a little wash the color of the hair wash with soap. After several staining, wash the pigment is no longer possible.

Henna and Sedina

Now about Henne and gray. Quite often, women who have enough gray hair refuse to paint henna on the basis of only one information that Henna seeding does not paint. Or paints, but in a terrible orange color. Nothing like this. Henna not only paints gray, but also gives almost no distinctive color on its and gray hair. Again, with the correct henn and the correct color process. If they regularly tangle the roots of the hair, then the difference is not just not noticeable, it really is not.

Painting henna on chemical paint

Another very important question that will ask those who want to paint henna - is it possible to paint hair after the use of chemical paints? Yes, of course, you can.
Just need to remember that the henna can paint in a darker color than you expected. And certainly will not make hair lighter.

If you are a chemical blonde, then paint in any color henna is not a problem. Now, if the hair color is much darker than the one you want to get with the help of henna, then the result will have to achieve in stages, first making a wash (you can do without chemical plates, folk remedies are very well wash off the paint). At the same time, if the color procedure is properly correct, the result will be predictable. Henna without bass does not give green, blue, purple and other shades, of course, if it is natural henna, without chemical additives. So it is not threatened to be green when using Henna on a chemical paint.

If your original hair color is very different from the painted chemistry, then first it is worth painting only the roots, and in a few days the entire length is already the difference between the native and painted color will be minimal.

And of course, everyone knows that painting the hair with chemical dyes is impossible after the painting of the henna. Why? Henna fills the structure of the hair, hair ceases to be porous and the chemical paint simply cannot penetrate it. That is, the hair becomes "extra-healthy". That's all.

In general, to start staining henna is not worthwhile to those who do not like difficulty and excessive time, because the color can take from the pair to 10-12 hours. And the preparation of mixtures requires a creative approach, time and strength. From the first time it may not work - the result may often depend on the water, the composition of the mixture, dishes, the original color of the hair and their state, the cycle of the woman (it is known for example that when the henna does not take hair at all), hormonal balance, mood, pressure, press Weather, lunar cycle, temperature ... in general - almost unknown from what.

But if this thing is fond of you, you like experiments and want to have amazing hair if you love variety - Henna is exactly what you need.

Black Henna - Basma

Indigofer Tinctoria - IndigoFera Tinctoriaonly from the upper gentle top leaves of this plant make a real bass, which paints the hair into a deep black color.

There is a stunning myth in its resilience, which in pure form gives green or blue. Is it so? Of course not. In the pure form of painting good and high-quality bass gives hair and skin deep black shade. Where did this information about the "mermaids from the hairdresser"?

Previously, in Soviet times, and even more so in the perestroika, in the stores I did not understand that under the guise of hair paints (remember also "12 chairs"). And yet no one has checked what is in packages with "natural dyes". And if Henna is indifferent enough to the "thickening" additives of unknown origin - it will only be worse than painting - then Basma is able to respond to such blasphemy and give an indecent result. In addition, bass is initially more expensive raw materials and, respectively, more often formed - added to the powder of gentle top leaves powder of lower old leaves, as well as branches or roots (branches, roots and leaves of indigofers are used in the painting of tissues in blue color).

When trying to wash the bass, a blue or greenish subtle will also appear.

That is why the selection of the brand and manufacturer should be most serious. The rest of the staining of the Basma is identical to the painting of the henna - the same principles and technologies.

In its pure form from Basma, you will get the black hair color and all the advantages of a natural dye. In the mixture with the henna bass gives the chestnut color of different depths and intensity, depending on the proportions and type of henna. Here everything is individually, although there are some proportions that allow you to get the desired shade of chestnut tone.

There is one nuance: it is best to paint "Basma on Hub". Apply Henna for 1 hour - this is a preparatory stage. Next, apply Basma for 1 hour. Hair will get a great black natural color. Next, you can use a pure bass.

Basma brew is best boiled water - so she better gives the pigment. Dark film should appear on the surface.

All colors of Rainbow

From the henna you can get completely all natural shades of hair. Case in proportions, the form of henna, staining technology, additives, hair type, the bottom of the moon cycle, the hormonal background of the person ... is difficult? It is possible for a creative person. In addition, after having studied the principle of staining and determining its indicators, it is easily possible to receive the desired shade constantly and regularly, making his recipe. In a reward you will be a stunning view of the hair, the quality of the hairstyle and the indescribable liveliness and the color game.

When preparing mixtures with henna, you can use oily oils, dry herbs and infancy, essential oils, tea, coffee, and just sometimes the products from the refrigerator.

A little recipes:

Chamomile, added to Hona instead of water, gives a golden, honey-yellow shade.

Tea brew It gives hair a brownish-reddish tone.

Lemon juice Makes the color of the henna very light, yellowish-golden.

Beet It can give both red and eggplant shade.

Golden yellow shade will give dry white rhubarb. On a bottle of white wine - 200 grams of rhubarb stems, boil before evaporation at half (can be just with water). Use Henna Dilution Liquid.

Decoration of Shafran Gives the color of old gold hair.

Three spoons cocoa powder In the composition for coloring will give the color of the mahogany.

Strengthening red shade will give the root of the garnet is beautiful. Boil 2 spoons of dry root in a glass of water, brew huhu.

Saturated chestnut sampling husky coffee In mass for staining or strong black coffee cup.

Chocolate color will give walnut leaves. 1 tbsp. Leaves on a glass, boil.

Cinnamine - walnut Shell. It must be boiled for a long time, about 2 hours, pouring water.

Colorless hen.

For those who want to get all the advantages of natural hair care with henna, but does not want to paint hair, there is a special kind of henna - "". Colorless Henna (Henna) - Lavsonian shrub powder (Lawsonia inermis), devoid of painting pigment processing.

Colorless Henna is suitable for those who want to test the healing properties of Lavsonia, but would not want to change the color of the hair. Since it does not have colorful properties, it does not give hair no shades, but at the same time he treats and restores hair in the same way as painting henna. On the properties of these 2 types of plant products - lavsonia painting and lavsonia without coloring pigment (colorless Henna), you can talk for hours, they are great and priceless!

What is lavsonia without pigment? Some sources say that this is a particular type of lavsonia. In fact, everything is much and easier, and more difficult. In the extraction process, from dry whole leaves of lavsonia using an extractant - lemon juice - color pigment is removed. This is done by flushing leaves in an acidic lemon juice with pH from 5.5, and further with the help of an automatic liquid extractor, which includes a special dividing funnel with the function of draining the lower fluid,the mass removes the liquid with a dissolved pigment. After such a procedure, the leaves are deprived of the coloring pigment, fully preserving its natural unique properties and composition. Next, they take drying and grinding. This unique technology of extraction of substances from dry raw materials was invented in 1830 and for the first time began to be widely used in the cosmetology and pharmaceutical sphere since 1912. Now, of course, this is done on modern electrical equipment, but the principle of work is the same.

According to the properties, colorless Henna is identical to classical Henne (which is natural, because this is the same plant - lavesence) containing pigments and famous for its hair-reinforcing hair. But she does not paint hair.And the colorless henna can be as incompatible with synthetic hair colors, as well as color - precisely because of polishing and caring effect on the hair. Therefore, before and after the use of chemical paints, it is preferably to abandon the masks with a colorless henna for some time, in order to avoid uneven dyeing of the hair, or the unstable color.

Do not confuse "White Henna" with a colorless henna. White henna - chemical paint (clarifier) \u200b\u200bfor hair discoloration or their removal. With natural vegetable henna, nothing in common has nothing.

Colorless henna powder is used not only for hair, but also for the skin. This is a real salvation for unclean and oily skin, applied in the form of masks and baths. Also, it is glad to add to various means of hair and body with a strengthening and careful effect.Apply it in a similar scheme, as for staining or masks for the skin. And also add to any cosmetic products - both for the skin, and for hair.

Properties and scope of colorless henna (Lavsonia):

  • Apply a colorless henna better twice a month, and with overly sensitive hair once every 3-4 weeks, more frequent use can lead to loss of moisture in her hair
  • With dry skin of the head, you should use Henna with the addition of different
  • Colorless Henna "Sleeps," smoking hair scales. Several wraps (2-3 sessions) with a colorless henna, tablespoon of oil and chicken yolk gives the effect of bio-laminating hair
  • Colorless henna can serve as a carrier - it can be mixed with other ingredients of folk recipes for hair - with herbs, for example with a chamomile, nettle or burdock
  • It is possible to add oils, essences, extracts. Depending on the type of hair, the composition of nutrient components and henna is selected
  • You can add a few drops of any essential oil. For example, rosewood essential oil - for tone and skin lifting; Patchouli, Sandala, Veiver - from wrinkles, tea tree - with inflammation and unclean skin (acne rash, black dots)
  • To brighten the freckles and give the face of a matte tint, use colorless huu with the infusion of boric acid (2-3 drops)
  • Colorless Henna, as the usual, has oxidant properties - when it is used, it is impossible to use metal dishes.
  • colorless Henna can also be as incompatible with synthetic hair colors, like color. Therefore, before and after the use of chemical paints, it is preferably to abandon the masks with a colorless henna for some time, in order to avoid uneven dyeing of the hair, or the unstable color.

But it is not necessary to bypass the properties of plants that, by mistake, are hidden under the curtain of myths!

Many manufacturers are mistakenly called colorless henna such plants like Cassia Tupoliste (Cassia Obovata), or Plant ZIZIIFUS. , or Senna.

From a botanical point of view, these plants are not henna (Lovevonia), they have their own unique composition, and especially recommended for use for the treatment of hair and scalp with many treatises of Eastern medicine. The unique properties of each of these plants should be considered separately, since the composition of each plant is really amazing.

For example, a natural chrysophanic acid is contained in the ZIZIFUS, Chrysophanic ACID, which copes with even strong damage to the keratin layer, polishing and restoring the hair structure to the mirror glitter. Cassius is unique with its enveloping properties, this is a reliable assistant for people who often use styling agents or cosmetics with hair retainers for a long time in the sun, in the pool, or live in large megalopolis with aggressive external factors. Senna is valuable by their knitting, tonic and disinfectant properties. It removes dandruff better, like nothing else, contributing to the acquisition of the volume and density of the hair structure.

Apply them as a powder mask for leather and hair, similar to colorless hne. The whole lineup of the finished compositions of East Nights with these unique plants has already appeared.

Henna oil

Lavsonian leaves mined . It is used as hair and body oil, it is added to cosmetics and compositions for hair dyeing. The oil retains all the beneficial properties of the powder and is very convenient in use. Ideal for Dark Vline - it gives a deep color, brightness and color game, and also contributes to the preservation of the shade of painted hair. For light hair and bright blond perfectly suitable. This oil is also well suited for adding henna to hair painting.

Coloring of hly eyebrows and eyelashes

Henna and Basma can also be painted eyebrows and eyelashes. This procedure greatly strengthens the bulbs of hairs, contributes to their growth - eyelashes are becoming longer. Restores the line of eyebrows. In addition, Basma gives them a dark, saturated color without cosmetics! Ideal result 24 hours a day.

The coloring procedure is a bit troublesome, but the award will be an expressive look and the progressive growth of eyelashes. The effect of the tattoo, when not only the hairs are scored, but also the skin between them (therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe the eyebrow shape) - therefore, even with insufficient growth, the eyebrows will be an excellent result. Almost everyone who tried the painting of henna's eyebrows - do it constantly, as such eyebrows look extremely beautiful and naturally without additional cosmetics.

You will need:

  • pinch of the henna + 2 pins of bass, or 3-4 pinchs of natural for painting eyebrows and eyelashes
  • hot water (not boiling)
  • glass or Ceramic Capacity
  • bowl with boiling water
  • brush
  • fat cream or oil;
  • dry and wet wipes, paper mugs, cotton wands and cotton woved discs

Henna and Basma Mix or Color Henu Pour the Handy Water Spoon, add 1-2 drops of oil. Put a container with a mixture in a bowl of hot water and mix thoroughly. Add water if necessary, if liquid - wait a little or glue the pinch of bass.

Consistency - the mixture should "smear", goodplaying the hairs, at the same time, it should not flow, drip from tassels.

When the mixture was prepared, you need to apply a fat cream on the skin around the eyes and eyebrows or oily, forming an eyebrow cutting circuit and protecting the skin.
First, we paint the upper eyelashes, ranging from the base to the tips from the bottom, following the tassel there were not large lumps and drops of liquid. On the cheeks under the lower eyelashes, you can glue semicircle paper.

Then we paint the lower eyelashes on the upper side, again from the base to the tips. What is waving, remove the corner of the napkin or cotton disk or
wand. When eyelashes are ready, painted eyebrows.

We are waiting for 90 minutes. After the expiration of time, you need to moisten the eyelashes and eyebrows with water to blend the mixture. Then carefully, without strong friction, the mixture is washed off until the water becomes transparent, and there will be no lumps on the eyelashes and in the corners.
In order for the eyelashes from purchased a rich black color and were attacked to the most tips, it is advisable to spend three procedures within 2-3 weeks.

Henna therapeutic properties

Yes, and modern medicine does not bypass Lovevonia:

  • Henna (outer) gives a sedative effect with acute inflammation and sharp abscesses. And in the back pain, the mixture obtained from rosium oil, natural wax and hat powder in oil is very efficient.
  • A scientifically proven fact is that if the pasta from Mehddi leaves is applied to a man's ulcers with a windmill or smallpox, they will quickly dry out (and it will also protect the eyes of the patient with these diseases).
  • If Henna's powder is to keep in clothes (in a closet with clothes, etc.), this perfectly scares insects.
  • If Henna's paste apply to the nails, it will give them a shine, and if you apply to your feet and, in particular, on the feet feet, it will save from the "burning" foot syndrome ", the application of Henna also gives soft skin feet.
  • If, after the nail infection, the nail is crumpled (disfigured, etc.), it is recommended to apply Henne, mixed with apple vinegar to bring the old look to the nail. Chenna paste is very effective for burning (harmful elements). If you apply a huhu collapsed with water, a high healing effect will be visible with yases on the head.
  • And the headache was filmed inhalation of the smell of Henna flowers.
  • Oil made of olives and Henna leaves is very effective with muscle rigidity.
  • If the Khenna leaves are soaked in sufficient water (under the word "sufficient" most likely mean that water covers the leaves completely), and leave (clumsy) overnight, then such a leak water is recommended to drink in the morning, as it is effective in the treatment of jaundice and splenomegaly (increasing spleen).


Henna is one of the most ancient colors used by man. The scope of its use is very wide. In addition, Henna has not only painting, but also other useful and therapeutic properties. What is so valuable that it is grown by hectares and sell thousands of tons per year?

Characteristics of the plant "Lovevony Nobolith"

Powder "Henna" is mined from the dried leaves of Lavsonia. This plant is a shrub height of 1.5-3 meters. In this case, individual plants reach up to 6 meters under favorable conditions. Shrub grows only in hot and dry climate conditions. Actively grown in Iran, India, Sudan and Egypt.

The plant has a quadruple stem, very hard and with many branches. Leaves are oblong, pointed, 1,5-2.5 cm wide, bright green. The shrub has small flowers, diameter up to 1 cm. Flowers are collected in inflorescences. Each flower has four petals. Fruit of plants - seed box. Seeds small, brown color.

The powder from the henna makes the collection of leaves, their drying and grinding to the state of the powder. This powder turns out green. Leaves for powder are necessarily collected by young. In addition to the powder, the colors of this plant produce essential oil.

The coloring properties of the henna are due to the chemical composition of its leaves. They contain green chlorophyll and yellow-red Lavson. Lavson's leaves contain 1-4% of the junior-tannic acid. In addition, Henna contains resinous substances, vitamins C and K, polysaccharides and fatty substances, organic acids, a slight amount of essential oil.

Henna's use history

Almost all nations used different types of dyes to change the color of the hair, nails, the application of a temporary tattoo and distinctive tribal signs. It is one of the most long-known dyes mankind. In addition, more ancient peoples noticed her useful and healing properties.

The first proof of the use of Henna was found on Egyptian mums. Accordingly, we can assume that Henna was used in 1200 before our era. The Egyptians stained the nails in red, it was considered beautiful. Henna was especially popular to the 630s before our era in Saudi Arabia. At that time, all men stained their hair and henna beard. At the same time, Muslim women painted his henna and arms. There is a version that this popularity is due to the fact that henna used the prophet Magomet.

Henna was especially popular in India, where she moved from Egypt. The first Indian Queen, in honor of which the Taj Mahal was built, was also a fan of henna. She did pictures on her body with the help of this dye.

Since the henna grows in hot and dry regions, the inhabitants of these expanses quickly discovered such a beneficial property of henna, as the ability to protect against heat, cooling the body. From the leaf of Hnna, they did a paste, in which the hands and legs lowered, which brought the cooling effect. The cross-applied layer of henna prevents overheating.

To this day, Henna did not lose its popularity, despite the fact that there are many alternative options for dyes. All this is due to its useful and cosmetic properties.

Henna properties:

  • strengthening hair, preventing their loss, growth stimulation;
  • fight against dandruff and seborrhea;
  • coloring properties, the ability to give red, chestnut, red shades;
  • giving shine hair;
  • cleansing, antiseptic properties.

The plant of henna and powder from its leaves is used in various ways:

  • making paint for hair and eyebrows;
  • strengthening hair products (colorless Henna);
  • healing agents for hair;
  • means for painting by the body - Mehendi;
  • making essential oil from lavstone colors, which is used for perfumes and lipped lipsticks.

The most common use of henna is hair coloring. This agent gives the hair a special shine, strengthens them, gives volume and does not harm. With the help of such paint achieve the preparation of red, red and chestnut shades.

Since the benefits of haze hair is so tempting, but not everyone wants to change the available hair color, they use a colorless hu. It provides the same positive results as the usual henna, but not reflected on. Such henna is actively used in the composition of masks and therapeutic hair for hair, because it is healing hair and strengthens them.

Since now there is a trend on the active care of the eyebrows, Henna found its application here. It is incredibly popular, because it is painless and effectively. The result from such a procedure is preserved for several weeks, while the effect is visible immediately, and the color obtained after the procedure will remain, without the risk of any deformation of the shade or form of eyebrows.

Any painting of curls in one degree or another violates the structure of hair rods. This will be possible to avoid if you take natural funds for the procedure. Many women practice hair staining, because it gives the televir the desired shade and treats strands. The color will not necessarily be a red - you can choose brown, golden or reddish tones. Henna's combination with other natural components is another way to diversify the palette of healthy dyes. To successfully choose a kel, it is necessary to correctly paint at home and consolidate the result for a long time, you need to carefully examine the features of the plant and all the nuances of its use on examples with photos and videos.

What is hena, as applied

Homeland natural raw materials are the countries of the Central East and the North of Africa. It is there that there is a two-meter flowering shrub with a specific smell of Lovevonia, which is from whose leaf leaves is a greenish powder.

He gives curls a bright shade and contributes to their recovery, because It has a rich composition, which includes:

  • chlorophyll - antioxidant, positively affects the condition of the skin;
  • polysaccharides - moisturize the skin and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands;
  • resin - give hair shine and silkiness;
  • hennitaninic acid - It has an antibacterial effect, relieves inflammation, removes dandruff and strengthens the roots. Responsible for the brightness of the shade;
  • pectina - reduce fatness, envelop the hair rods, visually making the lap thick, absorb toxins;
  • esters, vitamins - Improve blood circulation, tone the skin.

Henu for hair is obtained from the lower sheets of shrub. The top is also erased into powder, but it is used to create a temporary tattoo on the skin and staining fabrics.

Unlike chemical dyes, Henna has a fully natural composition, does not harm strands and even strengthens the hair, activates their growth. Due to this, the plant component is used for painting not only curls, but also eyelashes, eyebrows, men - beard. Many salons offer such a service, you can also perform the procedure yourself.

Important!Staining with Henna requires careful preparation and longer exposure time than when using permanent paint.

Henna species

Depending on the manufacturer and variety of natural paint options there are several shades of haze for hair.


Allows you to get a rich red color. Perfectly combined with other natural components to obtain a variety of gamma: From caramel to chocolate. To do this, you can mix the dye with coffee, turmeric, chicory, essential oils and grasses champs.

A residents of Iran are mandatory combine Henu with the ether to restore the strands, to quit them, strengthen, and also give shine.


Greenish powder under the name for dyeing hair in the salon or houses are brought from Saudi Arabia. His Used to produce a copper shade, which is characterized by persistence and saturation.

Often, Sudanese henna is combined with Basma. You can connect them in one container and get a warm reddish, chestnut kel. Another option is to consistently paint the hair in two stages (the henna must be the first). As a result of the shevo, it will acquire a cold ash tone.


It has a rich palette presented by five colors. Natural paint happens:

  • golden;
  • brown (chestnut);
  • burgund;
  • mahagon;
  • black, which is more like a shade of bitter chocolate.

The Indian Powder Option from Lavsonia is widely used for therapeutic purposes: against hair loss, to combat dandruff to restore hair after exposure to chemical paint or curling. Such a huna can also be combined with the rest of the varieties of plant dye, other natural components (turmeric, tea, coffee, wine, beet juice, others).


It is applied in cases when the hair color is suitable, and their condition is not.

This variant of natural raw materials are obtained from lavsmon stems, which lained painting pigments, but they have a complete range of beneficial substances.

Colorless henna use for:

  • imparting elasticity, gloss, elasticity;
  • dandruff elimination;
  • strengthening follicles;
  • stimulation of growth of strands;
  • solving problems with excessive hair fatty.


As a result of the use of such a drug, the curls will be lighter by several tones, and on the assurances of some manufacturers - and at all will acquire a snow-white shade.

Remember: It is impossible to achieve such an effect at a time with natural dyes, especially if such experiments spend brown or brunette. In a mixture, called white henna, really enters the plant ingredient, but in small quantities. Everything else is synthetic additives that aggressively affect the structure of strands just as the clarifier makes it.

The tool is inexpensive and, with proper use, it does not harm the hair. But, of course, it does not have healing effects on curls like other types of plant dye.

Council. Perform similar manipulations at home almost impossible. If you want to learn how to paint your hair after henna, contact the wizard in the cabin.

  1. Before buying, check the shelf life of the product. Do not take an overdue and too cheap product: its quality will be doubtful.
  2. For the preparation of the composition do not take metal dishes. Replace its glass (ceramics or plastic can be painted).
  3. Hanu should be brewed immediately in the right amount. In the refrigerator she will not stand.
  4. It is impossible to brew dry remedy with boiling water. It is permissible to use hot water, the temperature of which fluctuates at 70-80 ° C.
  5. Holders of thin strands better replace water with kefir. Before breeding a natural coloring component, warm the fermented milk product, delivering it in advance from the refrigerator.
  6. The optimal amount of henna for hair up to 10 centimeters is about 100 grams, for Kare - 200 grams. If the curls reach the shoulders, you will need 300 grams, to the waist - 0.5 kilograms. This is an exemplary reference point regarding whether you want to paint gray or you wish to completely change the kel of the chapels.
  7. Please note that the resulting composition should resemble a thick sour cream or crawl. Liquid will flow through hair, clothes.
  8. Going to dilute the dye, prepare a water bath for him. It will not give the drug to cool, as it is necessary to apply hen in a hot. Use to warm up the microwave is impossible!
  9. Before painting the hair completely, first toned 1-2 thin curls to predict the result.
  10. Distribute the coloring substance for clean curls, starting with the nape: this area is scored worse than everything.
  11. Gray strands processed first.
  12. Exposure time depends on the desired result. If you want to get a light shade effect, it is enough for 5-30 minutes, for a full painting you need 30-120 minutes. The minimum time is indicated for thin and light hair.
  13. Wash off the henu preferably without shampoo, but sometimes it is impossible to do it qualitatively. Use the detergent if necessary.

Council.Before staining henna, make a moisturizing mask.

Technique coloring

Before proceeding with the painting of the henna in the home atmosphere, prepare materials and tools:

  • cape and gloves to protect clothing and leather;
  • cap for shower or plastic bag, food film;
  • hairbrush to divide hair on strands;
  • clips or crab hairpins;
  • tassel for staining;
  • fat cream or vaseline, oil;
  • dishes in which you will prepare the composition;
  • spoon or sticking wand;
  • old towel.

Step-by-step process how to paint henna hair at home:

  1. Prepare the solution, bay the required amount of dye with water. If you are going to make a change in the color of dry curls, add a tablespoon of cream to Cashitz or a few drops of oil (the main thing is to be unrefined).
  2. Leave the dye on the water bath.
  3. Put the cape, gloves.
  4. Lubricate hair growth line with fatty cream. The head of the head can be treated with oil so that the composition does not leave the traces on it.
  5. Divide dry or slightly wet lap on 4 parts: headlock, whiskey, top.
  6. From each to form a few strands and consistently paint them, starting with the roots.
  7. Breaks Painted curls, go to the next zone. Move from the bottom up and work quickly, but carefully.
  8. Fully distributing the composition on the hair, massage the hair and seite the ridge.
  9. Wrap your head with a film or put on a bathing cap / package. Top - towel.
  10. Waving the laid time, remove the insulation and wash the head with warm water.
  11. If necessary, use the air conditioner and dry strands with a hairdryer or natural way.

By the way.Many girls do not know what hair needs to be applied: dirty or clean. Both options are possible. It is better to wash your head right before the procedure if you are going to treat strands, or do it 2-3 days before dyeing at home, if you intend to get only uniform color.

Recipes of coloring compositions

With kefir.

More suited to the owners of dry, long, curly from the nature of the hair.If the strands are normal or prone to rapid pollution, the difference will be in the fat content of the dairy product (no more than 1% versus 2.5% and higher for brittle curls experiencing moisture deficit).

How to cook hair for hair in this case:

  • mix the powder with kefir. The advantage of the recipe is that the natural dye will need less than when diluting with water;
  • if you wish, add coffee, cocoa, bass or several drops of your favorite ether (before applying);
  • the resulting Cashitz gently warm on a water bath. Many girls are advised to ensure that the mixture does not curl;
  • distribute the hair of the hair, then act on the usual instruction.

The acidic medium is optimal for painting powder. As a result, the color will come out brighter, golden, without a pronounced red pigment, and the hair will receive additional food.

For chocolate color

How to brew a cold for deep, saturated chocolate color? There are several options.

Recipe number 1.Composition with natural coffee:

  • fill 50 grams of ground drink 150 milliliters of hot water;
  • bring to a boil and turn off;
  • leave it, but make sure that the temperature does not fall below 40 ° C;
  • stodite 2 pieces of tiled henna on a shallow grater;
  • couple with coffee and stir;
  • if it turned out very thick - dilute with hot water;
  • heat in a water bath and use for destination.

Recipe number 2.To strengthen the hair and give them a lightweight coffee tint, you can use colorless huu and thick from under drink. Mix them in equal shares (2 tablespoons), pre-diluting the powder with a small amount of water. Locks will become soft, silky, healthier.

Recipe number 3. Another way to get a beautiful brown color is to connect in an equal amount of dry dye and ground cinnamon. If you take a colorless huhu and spice, it will be possible to slightly clarify the dark hair, moisten and focus them.

The ratio of ingredients - 30 grams of powder from the stalks of Lavsonia + 40-50 grams of cinnamon + 100 milliliters of hot water. First dissolve the hu, and then the fragrant spice is added to it. Exposure time on the head - 4-6 hours.

For golden shade

Those who want to achieve a golden shade will use such recipes:

  • a tablespoon of dry chamomile colors with 50 milliliters boiling water, leave half an hour. Dilute the dye with this infusion (you can not filter);
  • or dilute dry huhu for painting with turmeric hair (alternative - saffron). Proportion - 1: 1. Then make a mixture with water.

By the way. To obtain intensive red-made color, mix such ingredients: 3 parts of the vegetable powder and 1 pieces of cinnamon, turmeric and ginger. Strengthen the saturation of the kolator will help welding tea instead of water.

For red shade

How to brew huhu, to give hair a red shade? There are several ways:

  1. Connect it in equal shares from cocoa, and then diluted with water according to the instructions. The ratio of dry ingredients - 1: 1.
  2. Use for dissolving powder in the infusion of tea carcade, taking a saturated, strong welding.
  3. Add to dry preparation cranberry or beet juice, red wine (quantity, see Henna's consistency).

Some girls manage to perform at home by ombre henna, using the recipes of clarifying compositions for painting hair tips.

How to fix the hat on the hair

How much does the resulting result of staining, depends on the structure, hair type. According to reviews, this period is from 2-3 weeks to 2-3 months.Of course, with a longer effect, it is necessary to periodically update the tips.

  1. Dilute the remedy in the acidic area - kefir, sour cream, rhubarb brand. You can add lemon juice (additionally brighten the hair).
  2. The first 2-3 days after painting, avoid washing the head shampoo and balm, because at this time the manifestation of the pigment continues.
  3. After the procedure for color change, rinse the hair with decoction of rosehip, sage or vinegar (tablespoon of any ingredient per liter of cold water). Use the recipe after each channel washing.
  4. Use shampoos to save color. They should not contain silicones or targeted to get rid of dandruff.
  5. Moisturize the hair after staining hair, but do not take natural oils for this.
  6. Less often bathe in chlorinated water and go to the sun.
  7. Buy sample shampoos for maintaining a flaker (there are such that contain a hnu).

Natural components - a find for beauty and hair health, especially if these substances also make it possible to experiment with new color. Henna of various shades in this regard is very popular, despite the ongoing disputes, which is more in it: pros, or minuses, benefits or harm. With competent use, the tool perfectly paints curls, as well as gray.

If you do not abuse the natural dye, adhere to the rules of application and do not forget about the additional nutrition of the hair, the result will please you. After all, if you believe feedback, some women are painted strands for several years in a row, and all this time remains satisfied with natural coloring powder from the eastern countries.

Useful videos

My hair color. Staining henna.

Staining henna. Master Class.

What henna And what useful properties it possesses, as well, my personal, proven method of brewing the henna, which does not dry the hair.

The first time I painted the hair henna, when I was 18 years old. And no, then I have not thought about my health, just as a simple student - it was much cheaper than ordinary chemical paints.

My natural hair color is probably what is called mouse. Dark blonde and some kind of inanimate.

I always really liked and I'm still crazy about red hair. There is something in it mystical, which always attracted me. Nature I did not give me a redhead, so I decided to take everything into my hands.

For more than 13 years - I am red. Shades changed - from very light, reddish blond to a dark, reddish shade. For myself, I already know that the redhead is my color, this is how I feel from the inside.

Previously, I constantly used the recipe, where Henna was simply mixed with water. I applied for a couple of hours, washed off the shampoo and that's it!

5 years ago I read on one of the forums about natural beauty that the color will be deeper and bright if the Henna is mixed with some kind of acidic medium - type of vinegar, lemon or orange juice.

Color and truth was brighter, but the problem was that Henna dried very much my hair, as a result of which they began to go.

About a year ago, I met a girl from India, who had gorgeous black hair with reddish glare. Honestly, all Indian girls are very beautiful, super thick hair.

We talked where I said that Henna is a permanent friend of my hair, and I really like the result, that's just very dried hair. To which she told me that Henna - herself will dry, and even with lemon juice.

So she shared her recipe with me, which does not dry her hair, gives them a reddish color, nourishes, gives volume and thickens hair. I still use this recipe.

More henna does not overheat my hair, but makes them volumetric, strong, shiny and healthy. I do not redeemed!

In the photo, this post is seen how my hair looks before and after henna. And if the color was not particularly changed (probably, for so many years of use, Henna firmly entered into my hair), the changes in the structure and smoothness of the hair are visible to the naked eye.

What is henna?

This is a greenish color powder, obtained by grinding Lawsonia inermis shrub leaf. The leaves of this shrub contain a beautiful element - Lawsone, at the expense of which henna and stains not only hair, but also the skin in red-orange color.

Cultivated in the warm tropical climate of North Africa and North and West Asia.

Humanity began to use henna a few millennia ago. Some scientists argue that even Cleopatra and Nefertiti used it to maintain hair beauty.

What is the henna better normal hair paint?

I understand very well that not all, like me, in love with the red hair color, but now there are many different types of henna with an admixture of a variety of herbs that will help achieve a wide variety of hair shades, of course, depending on the natural, original hair color.

It is important to understand that Henna is not capable of lightening the hair, as it is necessary to discolored the hair pigment.

  • it closes the hair cuticle, attaching to the human protein and does not penetrate the hair cuticle, and envelops it, while the usual paint penetrates the hair rod.
  • absolutely natural and if you choose high-quality hnu - does not contain chemical components that can be absorbed into the blood when applied to the scalp.
  • safe and does not cause allergic reactions, in contrast to the paints.
  • it gives an incomparable shine, smoothness and strength to your hair, making each individual hair rod noticeably thicker. Hair looks thick and volume.
  • it has antifungal action and can be used to combat dandruff, unlike chemical dyes that can provoke this very dandruff.

Henna Indian

And who, no matter how to know about Henne, applying it in their culture not only for hair coloring, but also for Mehendi - Mehndi (the traditional application of the henna on the skin is imidable intricate patterns).

Here, how I cook Henu:

1. Henna, powder: quantity depending on the length and thickness of the hair. My hot-long to the middle of the back hair leaves somewhere 3/4 cup.

Note: Henna is different. And not only the final result depends on its quality, but also your health. It was scary to find out that unscrupulous companies add heavy metal impurities to henna. Therefore, choose quality, not quantity.

2. Strong black tea solution. In a small saucepan, I boil water (I take 2 glasses just in case) and as soon as she boats - add 4 tablespoons of black tea there. And on slow fire, sometimes stirring, brewing it.

Note: I am a big smoothie of turmeric (a very strong antioxidant with anti-inflammatory effect) and try to put it not only in food and morning smoothie, but also in Henna. Even once put in the homely coffee scrub, but then walked in the yellow stains of turmeric strengthens the hair and prevents their falling out.

My henna also contains chili pepper, which expands blood vessels and improves blood circulation, creates a sense of heat, which helps even better entry the color.

Spices (1 teaspoon) I add with tea and boiling.

3. Then I lament the hen by this tea solution to the consistency of the fat yogurt. I cover and clean it in a warm place for 2 days to appease.

Note: Henna does not like metal, so do not use metal dishes for its brewing, only ceramics or glass. Stir it with a wooden or plastic blade or spoon.

4. Before applying henna, I my hair, as it is better fixed on clean hair. I nano henna on dry hair, she begins to flow on wet and creates a mess.

I always add a pair of olive oil spoons, shea oil and argan oil and a couple of drops of soul and orange essential oils.

Note: You can add any oils. Oil is necessary, not only to feed the hair, but also prevent their dryness. I already know the method of trial and error, the olive and butter is best suited to my hair.

I add an orange essential oil just for smell. And the soul is for its antifungal properties. It will help those who have health problems of the scalp or dandruff.

5. Well mix the resulting mixture with a wooden spatula. I nano for samples on the roots with the help of a brush, pre-well combing hair. And then with hands for the entire length of the hair.

Note:henna stains the skin, so I advise you to wear rubber gloves, if you do not want to have yellow palms

6. Having finished to apply henna, I am a couple of minutes by massaging the scalp. Then collect your hair into a bundle and put plastic bags on my head. Whole 2! And then I also bite your head with a towel. Henna loves warmth!

I hold I hen 2 hours. I used to try to do overnight, but it was very hard and uncomfortable to sleep.

7. I wash off the hnu first simply warm water. Then we nano air conditioner and massaging the scalp and the hair yourself. I wash off. Nano air conditioner again, waiting for a couple of minutes and washed until the water becomes transparent. I do not recommend fling off the fuck shampoo, it can lead to a strongly confusing hair and not such a bright color.

After that, I rinse my hair with vinegar, I already wrote about this method , What not only gives shine, but also fixes the hu.

Note: A couple of days the hair will smell henna. But this smell is absolutely not annoying me.

Also, I'm trying not to wash your hair after staining henna, at least 3 days. So that the color is not flushed and preserved longer.

I use it some time in 3 months. I buy this natural, without impurities.

It has the ability to accumulate in hair and with each application the color of your hair will look deeper and rich.

Nature did not give me a gorgeous hair and I can't boast dense hair, but Henna gives my hair the thickness and the amount they need. Hair look well-kept, smooth and shiny.

Henna is a natural, time-tested, the way of care of hair, which not only paints hair, but also takes care of their appearance and health.

And what way do you paint the hair henna? And how do your hair look after that?

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Posted in.


On the agenda - Henna for hair

What do you think it is possible to paint hair without harm to them?

Is it possible to paint them, at the same time causing them, so as to feed them, protect, strengthen?

I was lucky, I always knew that it was possible!

Because I was literally my mother with my childhood, so that I my hair would always take care of them and did not paint as much as possible (it was meant, did not paint with chemical paints).

Mom always painted only henna, adding all sorts of additional natural components to it in order to give hair various shades.

I follow my mother's advice and I do that too. For me, Henna for hair is the best dye in the world, which can only be!

From this article you will learn:

Henna for hair- useful properties and methods of application

What is henna?

Henna is a powder of dried leaves of the plant called Lovevonia.

What is useful for hair for hair?

Consider the basic properties of human henna:

  • It contains in its composition, tanning substances and many other components that are useful for hair health.
  • In addition to the painting effect, the leaves of this plant strengthen the roots, restore the hair structure affected by chemical dyes, improper care.
  • Regular use will help protect strands from the harmful effects of too intense sunlight, dried sea water, strong wind, prevent falling out, get rid of.
  • In the east, even men use it in order to prevent early baldness!
  • It is known that all the store paints contain many chemistry. And this is very harmful to the whole body as a whole !!!
  • And henna is 100% natural paint, without ammonia, carcinogens, oxidants, etc., which will give your hair a saturated beautiful color, luxurious glitter, make it more thick, lush.
  • When used, it envelops the hair, thickens it, strengthens, lines its structure. At the same time, it does not destroy the natural pigment, does not have a destructive chemical impact.
  • This natural vegetable powder, in contrast to the paints, does not cause any harm, creating a kind of protective protective layer.
  • Unlike chemical paint, it is not flushed completely, holds over a long time.
  • Hair after staining is absolutely not fade into the sun, and do not spoil from sea water. At the same time, they begin to grow faster!

How to paint hair henna?

Recipe for the preparation of the coloring solution from henna:

  1. Pour the required amount of this herbal powder is very hot water - 80-90 degrees. But not boiling water !!!
  2. Stir.
  3. Cool to warm.
  4. Apply on the roots of the hair and over the entire length, comb.
  5. Wear a polyethylene cap and insulate a towel
  6. Leave on hair at least 1 hour.
  7. Wash hair thoroughly with water.

How to use hair for hair right?

First of all, I must say that it is necessary to use it only on those hair, on which there is no chemical paint. And then you can get "as a gift" a very unexpected color ☺

  • Before staining, you need to wear rubber gloves on your arms.
  • Apply the coloring solution is only in a good warm form, on clean, wet hair, with a painting brush, dividing them on the probes and moving from the roots to the tips.
  • The top is insulated with a polyethylene cap and a thick terry towel.
  • The head of the head through the hair growth line must be protected, rubbed vegetable oil.
  • On the shoulders throw a protective cape.
  • Flush it is necessary in conventional water.
  • You can wash shampoo only in three days. During these three days, the active effect of the coloring solution continues, and the final color will manifest only by the end of the third day!
  • A variety of useful additives can be added to the solution. These are essential oils, vegetable, decoctions of therapeutic herbs. But even without them there will be excellent beneficial effective impact!

The most popular colors and hues

With this natural dye, you can achieve such colors of strands: blond, chestnut, brown, black.

It depends on the additives that are added to the solution:

  • black is a mixture of henna and bass;
  • red - pure henna;
  • brown - a mixture of red, black henna and ground coffee;
  • chestnut - red, black henna, infusion of herbs, ground coffee;
  • chocolate color - thanks to the infusion of walnut leaves;
  • color "Red Tree" - due to the addition of cocoa;
  • color "Eggplant" - thanks to beet juice.

Henna for hair - aesthetic opportunities, advantages, benefits

The secret of a beautiful resistant color is achieved by a gradual saturation of hair henna:

  • This is a wide shade palette without damage.
  • This is a density, the volume of hairstyles due to the thickening of the hair.
  • This is the density, elasticity of curls, lightness in laying, chic alive shine.
  • This is 100% painting seeds !!!
  • Exceptional naturalness, harmlessness.
  • Improving the structure of the hair, its thickening.
  • Strengthening hair bulbs.
  • Nutrition of the scalp, active hair growth, vitality and shine.
  • This is a natural antiseptic that will save you from dandruff.
  • It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • It holds for a long time, without clutching, unlike chemical paints.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Available at a price.

What is the hair henna?

There are Iranian and Indian Henna.

What better to choose a hat for hair color?

On your own experience I can say that Indian is better.

She has more petty, it is more comfortable when painting. Hair after it is softer than after Iranian.

It also seems to me that she keeps longer.

In general, when I tried Indian, I no longer want to return to Iranian

My personal use recipe

I have dark hair

I am preparing a staining mixture:

  1. I use when staining the huhu and bass in proportion of 1: 3. Brewing not with water, and hot infant of herbs.
  2. For informing Sage, birch leaves, chamomile, burdock root, hops, nettle, birch kidneys, calendula, etc.
  3. After applying instead. I hold a few hours. How much the opportunity is. The bigger, the better.

Recently, I use the real organic henna here this brand I like it very much. I recommend !!! I really like the effect!

And what do you use when painting hair? Have you tried to use it for this? How do you like?

With you was Alain Yasnev, all healthy, luxurious hair!