What can be made from unnecessary tights. Amazing soft dachshund. Rag for cleaning and polishing shoes

Useful advice

Just bought tights and arrow. Nolescence, yes. But do not hurry to throw them out. You can give the second life to the second life and find useful use them.

4. For drying shoes

Good opportunity to dry your wet shoes. If you pour a filler for a cat toilet into stockings and put it inside the wet shoes, it will dry much faster. At the same time, the unpleasant smell will eliminate.

5. Sasha (bag with dry flavors)

From the categorous stocking you can make Sasha. Fill stockings with different dry, fragrant herbs and put in the wardrobe or car.

6. Case for the brush

Use old tights as covers for painting brushes. After you clean your brushes, wrap them with a nap, so that they remain clean and soft.

7. Garting for plants

Capron is very durable and soft material, and with it you can easily and firmly tie the seedlings and plants.

8. Paint eggs for Easter

To create a beautiful drawing on Easter eggs, you can use the Kapron stocking. To do this, it is necessary to attach the selected leaf of the plant, cover the egg by the head, lock the knot and omit into the dye or cook in the onion husk.

9. Filter for paint

With old tights, you can make a filter for paint. Tension to the jar of tights and pour paint on the mesh surface, thereby allowing the purified paint to merge into a new container.

10. For packing suitcases

Going on the trip you can save the suitcase economically. Fold neatly things into the golf or tights. It may see the things packed in this way and will be slightly funny, but it will save a lot of space in a suitcase or bag.

11. For drying things

Fixed knitted things are difficult to dry on her shoulders so that there are no traces. Use old tights instead of the shoulders. Throw tights through the sleeves and no traces on the shoulders.

Toys from pantyhotok

12. Herbalist

Now on sale you can find a variety of toys with growing grass. But you can make such toys themselves. Cut the pantyhose part and make a bag that fill the lawn or edible grass seeds. Touch the bag and make eyes, spout and mouth. Then put on the pallet and water. Over time, the seeds will germinate and the grass can be cut, giving it a funny look.

You can also make from tights all sorts of crafts, toys, mats, insulation for windows. If the kneaders remained, collect them and make it in the Kapron stockings. So you can use them without a residue. From the pantyhoth, you can even make a sponge for washing dishes - Capron does not rot. Turn on the fantasy and maybe you will find even more applications such a simple thing.

Almost every woman for the season accumulates a huge number of kapron tights that came into disrepair. They are very easy to rush, so you have to buy new ones all the time. But you do not need to rush to throw out your products, they will still be useful to you. In this article you will find out what you can do from old tights to bring you the maximum amount of benefit.

Why do you need old kapron tights?

There is nothing surprising that real hostesses have already long used by the headquarters who have come into disrete. We use them in the kitchen, summer or garden plot and even sew from them various useful products. They can be useful to you when performing repair in the apartment, an unexpected breakage of the car, and for still so many purposes.

With your own hands, from old kapron tights you can make a huge number of useful things:

  1. Capacity for storage of garlic and onions. Products from synthetics are perfectly passed by air, do not rot and do not accumulate moisture.
  2. Ragged for washing of glasses and mirrors. Roll the tights into a neat square, and then accurately take them around the perimeter. You will have a great sponge with excellent abrasive properties.
  3. You can make flavored pillows from old tights. It is necessary to sew neat envelopes, fill them with various fragrant herbs or orange crusts. These items will keep a fresh pleasant fragrance in the house.
  4. Means from moth. If you sew neat bags from tights and fill them with dried lavender, they will be able to protect your things from moths.
  5. In order to get the effect of fog effect, this kind of linen will be as impossible by the way. If you cover the camera lens with dark tights from Capron, you can get mysterious and unusual pictures.
  6. Unusual and original doll. Body-colored Capron tights fill with syntheps, and we get a very realistic doll.
  7. Strong heels. Threads made from panties can be strengthened by the sole, only the heel or sock. The fortified products will serve much longer than the usual.
  8. Ropes for tapping plants. The garter material made from old-caps, not rotting from dampness and much stronger than ordinary ropes.
  9. Pouch for staining eggs. In order for the painting of Easter eggs, the applications do not dug, each egg should be put in the heading product and tighten the tight.
  10. Behind the absence of a sintebuppon with a paddling of soft toys, you can use the caps.
  11. Various minor items from the floor or beads can be collected, dressed as a category on the brush of the vacuum cleaner.
  12. It is easily polished furniture can be cut on strips with stockings, of which were tied up.
  13. If there is a need to check for the smoothness of any surface, you just need to carry out by the surface of its surface by pantyhose. If there are no fumes, it is without defects.
  14. You can glue the darling or porous materials using a molten capron. But it is worth considering that it melts and freezes it very quickly.
  15. A jar with butterflies and other insects can be covered with pantyhose. Air will be penetrated through them, they will not die and will not be able to fly away.
  16. It is easily saving someone's life can harness made from old Krononic tights. They can suspend bleeding or fix the fracture.
  17. The broken belt of the generator can be temporarily replaced with old piping pantyhose, which are highly resistant to mechanical breaks.
  18. If lumps appeared in the paint, then it can be simply strain through a stocking or slightly to peck his piece in the bank. Applying such methods, you can avoid the appearance of irregularities when painting walls and other surfaces.

Important! In order for old categorous tights to do not occupy a lot of space, you need to cut them with strips of 2-3 centimeters wide, and then wind into the ball.

How to apply children's tights?

Winter, when the weather does not allow for a long time to stay outside, - the best time for making something with your own hands along with the child. For example:

  • From old children's tights, you can make a lot of funny toys, dolls for theater or floric.
  • From the rods chopped on the strips, some needlewomen knit multicolored mats.
  • You can also cut a lot of pretty rags for wiping dust.

Flor Guard Master Class

Floar is a fun grassy toy that will fit perfectly into the interior of the children's room. Such crafts from old tights with their own hands are easy enough at home.


To do this, you will need the following materials:

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Cut a piece of a 20-25 cm stock rug long, fill it on ⅓ sawdust.
  2. The remaining free place fill with seeds mixed with the soil, sew.
  3. Toy give the shape of the hedgehog, we sew your eyes from the beads on the front part, embroider nose and pour out well.

Important! Seeds after some time will be sprout and the hedgehog will have a bright green fur coat.

What to do from old tights for household?

If any small thing lost in the room, it is possible to find it with a vacuum cleaner. It is only necessary to make the simplest filter from a piece of Capron from old tights, fixing it on a vacuum cleaner tube. He will delay the lost thing and will not give her to get into the bag with garbage.

Important! The same method can be applied when the water is replaced in the aquarium. This filter will help to avoid the ingress of the soil and small pebbles into the washing vacuum cleaner.

By the way, if your vacuum cleaner provides for the use of a reusable filter, it can be successfully replaced by part of the Kapron Tights.

For farm

Also from old tights with their own hands, you can make the following things for the household:

  1. Products from Capron are very convenient to use for cleaning shoes to shine. Your promotional shoes dry much faster if it is put in it from the headbands filled with sand for cats. In addition, it will not be an unpleasant smell from it.
  2. Kapron tights will help the owners to preserve in perfectly the remaining pieces of wallpaper after repair.
  3. If you decide to remove the blankets on the summer storage, then you can swinging them in a tight roll, package in kapron stockings.
  4. Collecting a suitcase for a trip, things gently fold into several golf or a kapron stocking. This will allow economically useful place in the bag.
  5. Capron is a very durable material that allows you to use products from it to bind things when moving. You can freely include old stockings in the list of things needed to move.
  6. The antimol stored in the bags from Capron will help avoid the appearance in moth cabinets. An identical bag can serve as a basis for creating an aromatic sachet.
  7. The thing laid in the Kapron stocking can avoid accidental damage when washing in a washing machine. To avoid losses, a large number of small things, too, erase by a bone stocking.
  8. If you have a little pastie, which are inconvenient to use, fold them in a kapron sock and tie it. Thus, it will be possible to use small kneaders for a long time.

For women

Each fair floor representative can maximally extend the life of its torn caprochy tights:

  1. If you are a happy owner of long hair, then beautiful hair gums can be obtained from the Kapron Tights. Especially if the tights were colored, then one of them will turn out beautiful and funny jewelry.
  2. Also, products from kapron materials will help quickly and conveniently remove the varnish from the surface of the nails.
  3. To obtain a herbal or citrus bath, you need a handful of grass, peel from oranges or lemons to tie into the categorous golf, and omit in hot water. After 20 minutes you can plunge into a useful and pleasant smelling bath.

For kitchen

  • Of course, you are already familiar with the way of storing garlic and onions with the help of kapron stockings. In the tights, garlic or onions fall asleep, and all this is stored in a suspended state.

Important! When loading vegetables for the convenience of accessing them when filling tights, make nodules between a certain amount of bulbs. This is done for the convenience of taking the desired number of onions, not unleashing the whole ligament.

  • Urban for dishes can successfully replace categories. To do this, it is necessary to twist the product in a lump and tight it with the same categorous material.
  • If you pour a handful of flour in a small piece from the Capron Tights, then with the help of such a nodule it will be very convenient to sprinkle a baking sheet or a table with flour. It should also be borne in mind that the dough during the rolling will not pester the rope on which a thin kapron is stretched.
  • You will be able to fix the packages on the bucket for garbage, if you make a large gum from old tights, suitable for the garbage bucket. They will not subscribe, and they will not need to be corrected every time.
  • When we were small, the juicers were not many, so people adapted to squeeze the juice with the help of kapron tights. Also, such things can be used as a fine sieve for filtering or sieving.
  • In this article, we shared with you practical and original ideas, which can be made of old kapron tights so that they bring you benefit for a long time.

03/21/2018 1 764 0 Anya

Skillful handles

Women's tights can not be called the most durable thing. Many beautiful sex representatives are very upset because of the next couple who came into disrepair. Others do not fall into panic, as they know what can be made of old tights. We will teach you to apply to the second category of women and use the Capron with the mind, in parallel, saving the budget.


Why can you use old kapron tights?

Our grandmothers knew better how to use an old kapron material. And what was previously considered ordinary work is now called Lifehaki.

We present you a list of old and new tips on the use of tights.

  1. Threads from tights are intertwined with conventional knitted threads when it comes to socks. After all, such a foot will be stronger, and it means that you can wear them longer.

  2. So that nails in the wall kept better, plug inside the hole that you made a drill, pieces of Capron. Next, heat the nail lighter and paste there. You can also enroll with the screw.

  3. From scratched vases and openwork pantyhotes, you can make quite pretty new vases. A jar of an unusual form can also be wrapped with a beautiful trap and use on a cosmetic table.

  4. To the note with photographers: it is recommended to wear stocking on the lens and get mysterious foggy photos.

  5. Using at least once a kapron for washing the glasses, any hostess will be delighted with the result - the contamination is cleaned, and the divorces will not remain.

  6. Having in arsenal tights with a print or pattern, you can decorate wine or other bottles with alcoholic beverages.

  7. Furniture from wood is well cleaned and polished with old tights.

  8. Some skillful needlewomen sew unusual dolls from a panty.

  9. If you wish, you can decorate the interior with beautiful sophisticated colors.

  10. Having lost, for example, a small earrings, you can put a stocking on the pipe of the vacuum cleaner, and then we spend the same territory where the loss is suspected. Stocking will not give to fly to small objects in the garbage bag, but it will be delayed with ease.

  11. Shoes also like the touch of a kapron material. After such a cleaning, your favorite shoes will glisten and get almost a new look.

  12. In the absence of a special grid for washing, no one forbids immersing things into stockings.

  13. Compactly pack things in the bag will help you again stockings. It is only before it to twist clothes. The same applies to the blankets. If, for example, summer time has come and you do not need warm blankets, then fold and see them in pantyhose prettier, then remove where you want to place them. By this, you will very much space.

  14. If you like to take a bath and believe in the miraculous forces of citrus fruits, then put them on the housing in stockings, leave in the water for 15-20 minutes, and then enjoy the useful and fragrant bathroom.

  15. Gardeners-gardeners have long been known for the tricks of the trimming of all growing crops with old tights. After all, they are elastic and soft, and, therefore, they will not damage the plants and perfectly keep them in the right position.

  16. Store onions and garlic in pantyhose - right. The air penetrates between the heads of the plants, without giving to do it in the middle. Having hinged such a bag and tolding several harnesses between the layers, you can cut off several things in a cold time to not unleash completely.

  17. Mosquito net can be patched with a segment from the stocking, so as not to give insect to penetrate the dwelling.

  18. The tidy kind of broom can keep the stocking on it for a long time.

  19. If you have kept the paint for a while, and then we decided to use it, then push the banking stocking into the bank, and then pick up the paint through it with a tassel. The lumps will not be touched by you, and the surface will become smooth and smooth.

  20. Old, but postiprated tights are suitable in order to fill their own sewn soft toys.

Application of children's pantymas

Old tights of the son or daughter can also compete in utility with female.

Master class from old tights

№ 1

Florials have now become very popular. They make parents for their children. Such cute toys refresh the interior. They are left or in a nursery or in the kitchen.

To please your child, cook before starting work:

  • old children's tights;
  • scissors;
  • needle, thread;
  • tray and dish;
  • earth with special impurities for home plants;
  • grass seeds for lawns;
  • fiberglass or beads;
  • wood chips.

Completing of the work:

  1. From children's tights, cut up to 30 cm. (Measure from the bottom);
  2. The third fill with wooden chips;
  3. In the ground, put the seeds, mix, patch to chips and squeeze;
  4. Hands form a torso, like hedgehog;
  5. Surret of eyes and spout;
  6. Purchase on the dish and water with water.

Tip! Do not forget to water regularly so that green "needles" rose faster on the hedgehog.

№ 2

Funny and funny dog-toy resembles a breed of a dachshund. From the appearance of her in the house, children will come delight. So why not use old tights to see children's smiles once again?

Prepare a lot of colored pantyhose, which are small or for some reason, do not come. In addition, find multicolored segments of fabric, scissors, needle and threads. For the muzzle, find beads and buttons. For the internships - old clean piping tights.

So, first of all, you should cut off the bunch of all the prepared pantyhounds, the area where heels, too.

On the one hand, the hole of the squeeze, afterverting inside. After turning on the outside again, in the middle, put the old headband tights in the middle (you can passolyon or syntheps) and sink. Then squeeze the rest.

Now the turn of the peephole and the spout is the trick of beads and buttons. The bottom heel part is sliced \u200b\u200bfrom the panty. Use for the ears of the dog. From another bright material, make a collar. Also sew your paws and tail, which can be attached to the body of glue, and you can sew.

№ 3

The bathroom mat is good and practical use of old tights. Such mats dry quickly and do not conduct an electric current.

Prepare for work:

  • Kapron tights or children's. It can be combined if it allows coloring;
  • Scissors;
  • A big needle and dense threads, different in color.

Running rug:

  1. Cut all the tights for 2 halves (doit all the protruding parts so that the rug thickness is the same, and the product itself has a neat look);
  2. Connect the socks from the 3rd tapes and the trigger;
  3. Gossip them into the pigtail;
  4. For the remaining 3rd ends, the following tapes and braid again. Such actions repeat until the material is over.

Tip! So that the pigtail did not interfere with you and could not get confused, gradually twist it into the ram.

Having finished weave, enter the tips to each other. So that the threads are not visible outside.

If you chose tights not only different colors, but also of different textures, it can make a rug unevenly convex, which is very useful for all receptors that are in the footsteps and stimulating all internal human internal organs.

Old tights do not necessarily be sent to the landfill. Skillful hands can find this secondary material incredible amount of useful applications. What exactly can I come up here - we look at the new review. Definitely collected here the tips can be useful to everyone.

1. Artificial fog

Nading is a thin caprochy stocking on the camera lens, you can get original pictures with the effect of fog. Such a trick is necessary to take note of all novice photographers and fans of experiments.

2. Charming toys

From old torn or unnecessary tights, you can make it easy to make unique toys that will become an original home decoration or gifts for loved ones.

3. Artificial flowers

Crafts and needlewomen can use thin dumping tights to create stunning artificial colors.

4. Channel for nails and screws

Trimming of unnecessary stockings, socks and tights from Capron can be used to strengthen spilled screws in old furniture or to strengthen nails walls. To do this, the drilled hole must be fill with the string of stockings, stick there a hot nail rolled down and immediately pull out. In the resulting molten channel, you can drive the nail, screw the screw or bolt.

5. Rag for glasses

Old kapron products can be turned into a rag for efficient glass washing. Due to its abrasive properties, such rags are perfectly coping with any pollution and do not leave fibers.

6. Rag for cleaning and polishing shoes

Trimming unnecessary cape pantyhose can be used to clean and polishing shoes.

7. Urinary washware

Torn tights can be turned into a washcloth washup. To do this, cut the pre-selected tights on thin strips and with the help of the hook, tie the washings of them, which will cope with fat and dried food residues are not worse than purchased.

8. Polishing furniture

Capron has a soft abrasive property and well removes dirt and dust from polished and lacquered surfaces. So that just crush the holey tights and wipe the wooden furniture.

9. Protection of massage comb

Clean heading sock or trim stocking can be put on a comb so that the cloves stick out. It will protect the comb from dandruff residues, skin salary and will allow you to clean it from the hair and dirt at any time, simply by removing it all with the head.

10. Saccha

Capron is a sufficiently durable material, so old tights can be used to create a stitch for fishing, or a fixture for cleaning the pool.

11. Washing

To not spoil the delicate thing during machine washing, place it in the heading stocking. Also in kapron stockings or pantyhose you can wash small things so that they do not lose in the typewriter.

12. Lacquer removal

Use an unnecessary dumping stocking to erase the old varnish from the nails, if there is no wool at hand.

13. Capron in a flower pot

Before planting the plant, place a piece of picron panty on the bottom to protect the soil from leaching when watering.

14. Perfect paint

Capron tights for drying shoes.

Old categories can be used for drying shoe. In trimming of unnecessary pantyms, put a little filler for a cat toilet, tie and place in wet shoes. In addition to moisture, there are also unpleasant silent bags.

Video Bonus:

In continuation of the topic on their own.

Do not throw old tights. There are many ideas of applying old tights in everyday life - both for women, and for men, and even for gardeners!

For home, for family:

1. Filter for vacuum cleaner. To do this, pull tights on the suction hole and spend the place of the presumptive loss of the disappearance. At the same time, all the dust is somewhat, and small things delay on the fabric. The situation is familiar to all the ladies when the earrings falling on the floor rolled behind the chair or under the bed. Speaching in the place where the earrings should be allegedly. All the dust will be drawn into the vacuum cleaner, and the earrings will simply be attracted, but it will not fall inside.

2. Owners of vacuum cleaners with reusable filters. We cut off the upper (femoral) part of the stocking, a wide end typing the node or intercepting a strong elastic band, the resulting chalk wepen on the nozzle inside the dust collector, fix the rubber ring there. All! .. By filling the bag, throw it along with the garbage.

3. Hygiene massage brush. Tension tights or stockings on a massage brush or combing so that the teeth stick out (not closed with pantyhose). Then such a comb can be suitable and tights to remove. The combing herself will remain clean. It will not be neither hair, nor dandruff, not lenses of skin saline, etc. Hair and all dirt will remain in stocking.

4. For cleaning and polishing furniture. Dark tights - the more denser, the better - very good for wiping furniture from dust. Woolen tights perfectly suggest glitter on glass surfaces and, especially, mirrors. Use old tights to polish furniture. Combate them and rub the wooden surfaces: the Capron has a soft abrasive property and well removes dirt from polished and lacquered surfaces. And they can be cleaned with shoes.

5. For cleaning and polishing shoes. Pieces of kapron tissue will restore the shine of your shoes better than a shoe brush: apply cream to your shoes and polish the cligs cut from a panty. Special synthetic threads are added to modern tights, which are very well cleaned and polished shoes.

6. For aromatization. In pantyhose (absolutely clean, of course) you can put dried orange peels and hang in any imperceptible place in the bathroom. Each time the bathroom will be filled with steam, orange peels will be fragrant and flavory bathroom. And you can still fill lavender tights. Using the bottom of the tights, put a few handful salt for the baths and place them in the bath: while the salt will be dissolved evenly and it will not crumble.

7. Pillows from moths. Thoughtful hostesses make the pillows from the old tights that fill the lavender and put in the cabinets. This method has double benefits: and mole distinguishes, and the aroma is pleasant.

8. Folded several times stocking about the neck cross will increase or around the perimeter, and you get a rag for washing the mirror, tiles, dishes and window glass.

9. Toys for children. Putting tights with pieces of old fabrics or simply newspapers you can get some similarity of animals or dolls for the puppet theater. And from the tights, a great tail is obtained for a masquerade costume of the cat.

10. Put the first aid tights. Strong stockings are very good to drag and tangle people who have received injuries.

11. For heating hands. Woolen stockings can be put on hands, hiding them from prying eyes under the sleeves. They will retain your hands warm.

12. Use them as a storage packaging. Old tights are beautiful bags for storing old drawings, posters or wallpaper rolls.

13. In tights to store vegetables well. The fact is that the fabric, from which they are made, allows air to pass well through them. Place the vegetables, such as onions and potatoes, in tights or stockings, tie a node from above and hang on the wall in a well-ventilated place.

14. Accumulated dirt on the blinds and mosquito nets is also well removed using nylon tissue lump - old tights.

15. Place the remnants from soap pieces in old tights and use them for cleaning the kitchen or bathroom.

16. Using the bottom of the tights, put a few handful salt for the baths and place them in the bath: while the salt will be dissolved evenly and it will not crumble.

17. Wrap the rolling pin to a piece from pantyhose so that the dough does not stick to her surface.

18. To clean the accumulated dust in the high and inaccessible part of your home, "wear" pantyhose, for example, on the mop and turn them into a cleaning tool: Capron and nylon creates static electricity and captures dust.

19. Place a piece of fabric from tights on the bottom of the flower pot to avoid leaching the soil when watering plants.

20. Together with the child, you can make Floring - a funny plant figure. From the bottom of the tights, cut the workpiece of the desired size, on 2/3 tightly by sawdust, on 1/3 - the seeds of the lawn grass and firmly tie. With the help of thread, needles and waterproof paints, make a lotus or cube figure for example. Then 10 hours immerse in the water room temperature, and then put it on the saucer in a bright place. Water twice a day, do not allow drying and convergence. Soon the green fur coat, which your child can cut as they grow up on Florika.

21. Place a few handful sand for feline toilets in a piece of nylon fabric and use it for floting wet spots, since this sand absorbs fluid well.

22. Dressing material. When wound, fracture limbs, women's tights can be successfully used as a harness or fixing bandage. For men, it can also be a good painkillers: the view of a woman hastily tearing off the tights, quickly makes you forget about pain.

23. The broom very well feels in a cover from the Kapron stocking. Why lives longer, and looks prettier, and works carefully.

24. You can knit crocheted floor mats.

25. Make a bed for a dog. The devices love to fit to sleep on the bed of their owners. If you look like me, then sleep in the same posture as a dog that feels very comfortable. Remove it from your bed, and to her to be comfortable, make her own laying. Take a piece of fabric suitable for a dog, and give her any form as you like. Leave one side unimposed so that you can fill the laying with old pantyhose. Then squeeze this side. Put alongside her favorite toy and show the dog her new bed so that she knew her place.

26. We make a leash for a little dog. This is not for those dogs that are more than a cat! Tie a strongest one end stocking from old tights to the collar and ahead!

27. Watch Gift Easter Eggs. I adore painting Easter eggs and turn them into real works of art! I know people who write entire pictures on them and show them at the spring exhibition in Easter. Beautiful Easter eggs can be a good gift to the hostess, to which you go to the Easter lunch, or those guests who come to celebrate Easter to you. Carefully wrap the fragile eggs into the flap from white tights and top tie a cooler with a pretty ribbon.

For gardeners:

1. For gardeners, it is possible to advise such a way of using kapron tights, as a binding of the shafts of young fruit trees. If you have a young garden, wrap the trunks of trees with tights on a height of 70-80 cm. It will save them from rodents. We need to tidy the trunk by spiral, leaving the gap between the turns at least 5 mm.

2. Strengthening plants. Elastic pantyhose or their slices are well tied up branches and plants stems. Soft tights will not cause such harm to the plant as the usual rope.

3. Plant protection. Plants can be protected by tights from animals, insects or curious children. Cutties can be cut both separate plants and small beds. Cut the top of the tights, you will have two stockings. From everyone cut the spiral strip. It will turn out long enough, then it can be cut on parts of the desired length and use to trim tomatoes, beans, etc.

4. But, perhaps, the most original use of rowers found rowers. They use them for planting potatoes. Potato, put in stockings and bury in the ground. The main thing is that the top edge of the stocking remains above the ground. Potato threatens sprouts through a fairly large grid of tights, hesitates the roots and grows up with young tubers. But the most pleasant thing is that all these young tubers grow in ... Stockka. Therefore, in the fall, the gardener does not need to dig a potato for a long time, but it is enough just to pull the stocking with harvest for the edge left above.

For men:

1. In pantyhose, you can store used painting brushes to reduce the risk of pollution and flaws.

2. If you use sandpaper to clean the wooden surface, you can check the quality of the stripping, putting on the hand tights and spending it on the surface: if there is a defect, the tissue will be a tightening.

3. Alternative to the belt of the generator, pump or GUR. While foreign drivers - bourgeois, when the belt breaks, will stand for hours, scratching, waiting for the arrival of the evacuation service, the Russian man in such a situation will simply ask his wife to lend himself for long tights, which will successfully replace the ill-fated belt and will help reach the nearest auto repair .

4. Pantyhose as a filter. Through thick tights, it is good to filter technical fluids, such as paint. Everyone who at least once kept the brush in his hands, it can easily guess, for the second time the remaining and repurchased paint will have to be polished. The resulting film with pillast dust interfere with work. Cover the jar of a piece of stocking and dial the paint on the brush directly through this "reverse" sieve.

5. Reinforcing material. Folk crafts use tights when gluing wooden skis - for reinforcement. They say tights for these purposes are best suited.

6. In the bathroom opened a flow? .. Free the siphon connections with a fan pipe. Check on the water to the delicate of the cement handy. Pretty stocking in this juicy stocking in this albeit, wrap it with a victim. Overlapping a dressing without folds, tight and not tight. Balance the residues of the solution. When the "coupling" lights up slightly, go through it with a wet brush or cloth - for beauty. The connection will be durable.

7. During the refrigerator? Wrap in one turn of the engine of the refrigerator by pantyhose, the ends are diverting and secure in the tension on the case ..