What can be done with broken pencils. Bright do-it-yourself pencil crafts: photos and master classes. Cats and caterpillars - pencil and paper crafts

Pencil holders are a necessary and useful item for a written interior. Manufacturers offer us a huge good range of pencil holders and that's good. However, manual work has its advantages. You can create an even better pencil box to your taste in an exclusive version with your own hands. In this article we will look at: how to make original pencil boxes with your own hands.

You will need: toilet paper sleeves, colored corrugated paper, scissors, glue, a simple pencil ruler.

Master Class

Salt dough pencil

You will need: water, flour, extra salt, a cardboard jar for the frame, PVA glue, scissors, a piece of decorative cord or corrugated paper, gouache, a brush, a button, stacks, acrylic varnish for crafts, a toothbrush.

Master Class

  1. Knead the salty dough in this way: pour a glass of flour, a glass of salt, add water, then knead to the desired consistency of modeling. Separate part of the dough, add beige gouache, then knead.
  2. Roll out the cake with a thickness of 10-15 mm.

  3. Apply PVA glue to the outer rim of the jar and wrap with dough. Cut off the excess with a stack, and smooth the joints with a damp brush.
  4. Create a small dotted texture with a toothbrush on the surface of the dough.
  5. Knead the brown dough, roll it into a cake 10-15mm thick.

  6. Cut a 2" wide strip of brown dough and glue it to the bottom of the jar.
  7. Make 2 large bases for owl eyes from white dough, then glue them.
  8. Make a beak from brown dough and glue it.
  9. Blind eyes from turquoise dough and glue them.
  10. Roll up 8 strips of pink dough, twist 4 flagella from them and make a bow, then leave it to dry for 2 hours.
  11. Form owl wings with brown dough drops, then glue them on.

  12. Weave bundles of beige dough and glue on the neck of the jar.
  13. Roll up a sausage from white dough, draw a lace texture with a stack and glue it as a collar under the beak.
  14. Put the craft in a warm place for a day.
  15. Paint the lower part and wings with brown gouache and decorate with white dots.

  16. Draw pupils and eyelashes with black gouache, wait until the paint dries, then draw white highlights on the eyes.
  17. Glue a pink bow over the wing.
  18. glue a button with a bow from a corrugated strip onto the lace.
  19. Cover the craft with varnish and wait until it dries completely.

Salt dough pencil is ready!

original pencil case

You will need: tin can, white and green fleece fabric, green felt, scissors, synthetic winterizer, glue gun, thread, needle, centimeter, pencil, plastic eyes for toys.

Master Class

  1. Measure the height, bottom diameter and circumference of the can.
  2. Cut out 2 pieces from white and green fleece according to the dimensions (can height + 0.5 cm allowance and circumference + allowance).

  3. Sew the pieces together with a back seam with a needle, or use a sewing machine. You should get 2 blanks, as shown in the picture - one green, the second white.
  4. Turn the white piece inside out and set the cylinders aside.
  5. Make 18 paired parts (muzzles with ears) and sew them together, leaving a hole for stuffing. You should get 9 muzzles.
  6. Mark the place for attaching the eyes.

  7. Stuff the muzzles with padding polyester and sew up the hole.
  8. Glue plastic eyes to the marked places.
  9. Wrap the jar with synthetic winterizer and sew the edges, then sew the bottom of the synthetic winterizer.
  10. Put a green fleece piece on the jar.
  11. Glue the synthetic winterizer to the bottom of the jar.

  12. Apply glue to the bottom of the jar and glue the white fleece part, and sew the edges of the white and green fleece together with a blind seam.
  13. Glue the faces of the animals.
  14. Cut out leaves from felt and glue them on.

Apple pencil

You will need: oval-shaped plastic bottle, red liquid acrylic paint, golden cord, artificial leaf, glue gun, plate, nail file.

Master Class

  1. Pour the paint into the bottle and shake well so that the entire inside of the bottle is painted.
  2. Drain off any remaining paint.
  3. Put the bottle on a plate and wait until it dries completely.
  4. File the edges of the neck, if necessary, removing excess paint.
  5. Wrap the neck with a golden cord and glue the leaf.

The apple pencil is ready!

creative pencil box

You will need: glass jar, yellow liquid acrylic paint, black permanent marker, nail file.

Master Class

  1. Pour the paint into the jar, close the lid and shake well to evenly color the inside of the jar.
  2. Drain off any remaining paint.
  3. Wait for complete drying.
  4. File the edges of the neck of the jar, removing excess paint if necessary.
  5. Draw a funny face with a permanent marker.

minion pencil holder

You will need: superglue, hole punch, scissors, EVA polymer material (bathroom rugs are made from it) in blue, white, black, gray, brown, wooden skewer, black and blue felt-tip pen, simple pencil, template printout.

Master Class

Plastic bottle pencils

You will need: 3 plastic bottles (for example, from shampoo), photo frame, glue gun, scissors, acrylic paints.

Master Class

  1. Cut off the neck and cut out the front top as shown in the photo for each bottle.
  2. Color the bottles to your liking.
  3. Glue the bottles to the frame.

Plastic bottle pencils are ready!

Cheerful pencil box

You will need: plastic shampoo bottle, scissors, stationery knife, glue, colored paper, pencil, double-sided tape.

Master Class

  1. Cut off the top of the bottle.
  2. Draw the desired shape with a pencil, such as a crown or horns, then cut it out.
  3. Cut the paws out of plastic and glue them on.
  4. Cut out eyes, teeth, tummy from paper and glue on a pencil holder.
  5. Attach the pencil holder to the wall using double sided tape.

book pencil

You will need: thick paperback book, pencil, cardboard, scissors, white acrylic paint, glue, clips.

Master Class

  1. Divide the pages of the book into 5 equal parts and secure with clips.
  2. Glue the pencil to the side of the book.
  3. Wrap the pencil around the book so that it is in the center.
  4. Form the petals and secure with glue.
  5. Paint the top of the petals with white acrylic paint, thus priming the pages so that they do not separate.
  6. Trace the bottom of the pencil case onto heavy card stock, then cut out.
  7. Glue the cardboard bottom and wait for it to dry.

pencil case

A pencil is one of the useful attributes on the desktop, which helps us keep our workplace in order and quickly find writing utensils. Quartblog has prepared for you some simple ideas on how to make pencil boxes with your own hands from what is usually available in the house. In addition, these crafts can be made with the child. Let the original pencil holders become an additional decorative element in your interior!

From jars

This is the most popular way to make pencil cases. Jars can be any: glass, plastic, tin. They can be pasted over with multi-colored paper, fabric, braid, ribbon, lace, painted with acrylics - it all depends on your imagination!

From cardboard and paper

Another easy way to make a pencil holder is cardboard or colored paper. You can use cardboard toilet paper rolls, shoe wrappers, old magazines or newspapers.

From plastic bottles

Use plastic bottles for shampoo, cream and other cosmetics. For example, funny monsters can be cut out of multi-colored bottles.

From natural materials

More precisely, from logs and twigs. Here you will need a man's help to cut out a suitable stump and drill holes in it for pencils. You can also take several branches of the same height and tie them with twine around the base.


Clay is a fertile material for creating pencil holders. You can either take self-hardeningpolymer clay and wrap it around some kind of base, or come up with an original design and mold it from sculptural clay or plasticine, and then paint it with paints.

From pencils

From papier-mâché

The papier-mache technique allows you to create three-dimensional figures from shredded paper mixed with glue: use newsprint, and then color the pencil box with paints.

Crochet or knit

If you know how to knit, and even try to introduce a child to knitting, then you can easily tie a warm multi-colored cover onto a base jar.

Sew from fleece or fabric

Soft and cozy pencil cases can also be made from fleece and fabric. Attach eyes, nose and ears to such coasters - you will get funny pencil animals for the children's room.

Decorate with twine, thread

Decorate with beads, buttons

If you like small and painstaking work, you can glue the pencil holder with small beads, pebbles, buttons.

Every child loves to draw. And this means that in every house where there is a child, there is also a bunch of colored pencils. Sometimes our kids draw so much and often that the pencils are quickly used up, but their small “stubs” still remain. Do not rush to throw these leftovers in the trash. We will show you how they can be very well exploited, and even keep the child interesting at the same time. Let's watch.

So, from the remnants of pencils, you can easily make: interesting bracelets, colored earrings, photo frames, and just various geometric figures (they, by the way, can be used as coasters for cups).


To make bracelets from the remains of pencils, we will need to file them, and then make holes (so that each such piece can then be easily strung on a thread). Your husband can help you with this, or you can do it yourself, it's not difficult. The main thing is to have the necessary tools at hand.

You can also make bracelets or beads from the front of the pencils. Like this.

From the same front parts, you will get excellent earrings if you buy special hooks for earrings (earrings) in needlework stores. They cost literally pennies.

Well, if you just cut the remnants of pencils into even particles, you can make coasters for cups or a teapot. These are the bright charms you can get.

Your child loves to draw and has already “worn off” pencils to “stubs”? Or do you have ancient specimens lying around in your household, with which the past generation painted? Practice shows that among office supplies you can often find something that is already inconvenient to use: either the pencils are so short that it is already inconvenient to sharpen them, or they have dried out, and the lead crumbles and falls out all the time. The first thought is to get rid of this rubbish, but do not rush.

At a minimum, wooden pencils can be recycled along with paper, and at a maximum, use them without a trace to create interesting gizmos and crafts. At the same time, teach your child to think “green” and explain the need to give things a “second life”.

Chip applications

Even when you're just sharpening good pencils, take a closer look at the shavings - it's a great material for appliqués and other crafts! Such creativity develops abstract and spatial thinking, artistic abilities, fine motor skills of hands and accuracy. All that is needed for work is thick paper, glue and a sharpener, and the plots will come by themselves: animals and birds, plants and flowers, or just outfits for drawn people.

But you don't think that these applications are just child's play for the little ones, or what good, unpromising and waste of time? The best example to refute this claim is a series of stunning realistic colored pencil shaving portraits by Kyle Bean, one of the most creative and recognized masters of modern fine art. Looks promising, doesn't it?

And also tell your child the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating different figures from plasticine, decorated with pencil shavings: it will cope with the role of bird feathers, and fish scales, and hedgehog thorns, and rose petals - there are actually a lot of options! And if, upon completion of the “project”, it is also painted with paints, you will get toys that any little sculptor can be proud of.

In addition to cellulose lace, slate chips are also formed - colors can be mixed to obtain different shades, and then create beautiful pastel backgrounds for children's drawings by rubbing the powder with your fingers. If you use paper or any other stencils at the same time, you can easily get elegant patterns and “shadow” illustrations on whatman paper - they will be good on wall newspapers and on greeting cards. Gray shavings from a simple pencil can be used to draw fingerprints.

DIY jewelry

And why not turn the leftover pencils into wooden beads and make elegant jewelry out of them? Necklaces, brooches, bracelets or earrings can be worn both when going to school and going to a creative party for adults. For work, in addition to the pencils themselves (hexagonal or round in cut, or sharpened pencil tips), you will need fine sandpaper, a fine-toothed sharp hacksaw; additionally for a necklace or bracelet - threads, a drill and thin drills, for brooches - superglue and a pin, for earrings - base studs.

The work ahead is simple: first you need to cut the pencils into pieces 6-7 centimeters long. The main thing - do not rush and do not put pressure on the pencils, so as not to damage the paint on the outside of the pencil. Not everyone is very experienced with cutting pencils - it's okay if the cuts aren't particularly neat. Just for this, we stocked up with sandpaper - we fix it on a flat surface, and already three multi-colored beads about it.

We drill a small hole in the side of each bead - now you can string them on a thread and turn them into bouzes, pendant earrings or bracelets. You will probably guess what to do with superglue yourself - put together various compositions from beads until you want to immortalize one of them in a pretty colorful brooch.

decorative vase

To do this, we need long pencils and any object with flat edges (any jar, glass, plastic bottle tray with smooth edges), as well as glue. The essence of the work is simple: we glue the base with evenly cut or, conversely, sharpened pencils, around the entire perimeter. Colors can be alternated contrasting or folded like a rainbow - this is a matter of taste. It remains only to wait until the structure dries, and tie it with a colored ribbon for decoration. Depending on what the base of our original vase is made of, you can put various interesting things, dried flowers or even fresh flowers into it. However, who will stop us from decorating a pot for indoor plants in this way?

Cheerful frame for a picture or photo

It is not necessary to disassemble the computer keyboard into buttons - after all, we are interested in the photo frame on the right. Somehow you don’t need to present it especially - you just need to find or make a rectangular base yourself, and stick the remnants of pencils to it in any order. A bright interior accent for a young artist is ready!

Interior and furniture decor

Here are some easy ideas for inspiration, in case grown-ups want to make something out of old pencils too.

Young children often perceive wallpapers as a place for creativity and paint them with pencils (if not felt-tip pens!) Now adults have also taken up pencils - only instead of painting with them they decorate the walls. This optimistic entry is the winner of a competition from the design company Social Designer, which wanted to draw attention to the release of a huge set of pencils in 500 colors. The advantage of such an interior solution is that it can be changed at will, grouped by shades. Most likely, you will not find special racks for five hundred pencils at home - but they can be pasted over, for example, a self-made shelf for children's books or toys.

This pink miracle Yudo called "Pencil Bench" is the creation of the British design studio "Boex 3D Creative Solutions". It was created from 1,600 ordinary pencils with erasers and demonstrated at Cornish Design Week in 2007. Not everyone dares to acquire such furniture for the home, but it certainly suggests the idea of ​​​​doing yoga.

How about a minimalist vase like this? Michael Cornelisen created it with 36 interchangeable colored pencils. In fact, this is a fruit bowl, stand and pencil sharpener at the same time. At home, it is not easy to achieve such functionality, but with a plastic bottle and a piece of plasticine, you can achieve the same decorative effect.

Used in children's and adult art. With their help, even a non-professional artist can create vivid drawings. Have you ever tried to make crafts from pencils? Creative ideas and useful tips especially for you in our article.

Vases and coasters made of pencils

Vases made of colored pencils look very original. Even a small child can make such a craft.

Choose a cylindrical container of the right size. A simple way to make a vase is to line the inner jar or glass with pencils and secure with an elastic band. You can disguise the fixing element by tying a bright ribbon or decorative braid on top. Do-it-yourself pencil crafts using the described technique can be made more durable. Use transparent glue to fix on the base. Additionally, you can cover the vase with colorless varnish.

Photo frames and colorful boxes

In the process of drawing, waste is often formed - heavily worn pencil stubs. Do not rush to throw them away, try to collect this waste material at first glance in a separate box.

What crafts can be made from pencil cores? Try to decorate them with any flat surface using the mosaic technique. The most interesting thing is to decorate photo frames and boxes of simple shapes. Take pencil cores no longer than 5 cm, sharpen them carefully and sharply enough. Glue the resulting blanks to the base in random order. A bright element for decorating the interior of a creative person is ready!

Jewelry for creative people

Amazing colored pencil crafts are bright jewelry. Small pencil cores can be used as pendants. Drill holes for hanging with a drill with a thin drill. Using the simplest fittings, wire rings and earrings, you can make a pendant and earrings.

Beads can be made from ordinary pencils. Using a thin hacksaw or jigsaw, cut your art supplies into 5-8mm pieces. Sand the edges of each blank with sandpaper. Now it remains only to make holes with an awl. Finished beads can be strung on a thread or cord to form a necklace or bracelet. If desired, it is easy to make a pendant, for this, glue together an arbitrary number of sawn blanks from pencils.

What else can be done with pencils?

Simple pencil crafts that everyone can make with their own hands are decorative table coasters. The simplest method of manufacture involves the use of sufficiently long drawing utensils.

Glue pencils of different colors together and let them dry. The craft will look interesting if you place the drawing accessories in a checkerboard pattern, alternating the sharpened tip and the blunt part. The resulting stand can only be used as decoration. It is not suitable for hot dishes, because when heated, the paintwork of the pencils can be damaged.

If desired, in a similar technique, you can create a creative wall panel of any size. Fairly simple crafts made from pencils are children's toys. We attach a small figure to one end of the pencil, it can be an animal or a fairy-tale character. Use the opposite end as a pen. It is especially convenient to use such figurines "on sticks" for playing theater.

If the child is still small enough and just learning colors, try to make each figurine a certain shade. The result is an interactive tutorial for learning and playing.