What to drink for fever during pregnancy. We bring down the temperature with non-drug means. Safe drugs to lower the temperature of a pregnant woman


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The period of pregnancy is not only beautiful, but also exciting, because a woman is worried that her child will fully develop in the womb and be completely healthy. The slightest deterioration in well-being can unbalance even the calmest person. The temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester should not be ignored, because it can be caused by serious violations. Let's figure out which ones.

Features of the second trimester

The second trimester is the quietest period for a pregnant woman. This period of time begins with and ends at 24. The woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, she does not experience dizziness and headache. The belly is already noticeably rounded, but not yet to such an extent that it feels awkward. This is a great time for outdoor walks, exercise for pregnant women, or swimming.

At this stage, the formation of the internal organs of the child takes place. The brain is already fully developed, the baby is showing motor ability and sensitivity.

When the deadline is reached, the placenta is already fully formed. The barrier saturates the fetus with oxygen and all the necessary substances, and also protects the baby from infections and other harmful factors.

The female body cannot but respond to such processes, which can be manifested by an increase in temperature in the second trimester.

What is the norm and deviation

The normal temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is from 36 to 37 degrees. But the indicators can increase up to 37.5 degrees, which is not a deviation without any other manifestations. At this time, the placental barrier actively produces the hormone progesterone, as a result of which there may be subfebrile condition. Throughout the entire period of gestation, the level of progesterone rises regularly, and its decrease is observed immediately before the birth of the child.

When the thermometer values ​​rise slightly, and the woman's general well-being does not suffer, you should not be very upset. It is necessary to be seriously concerned in the following situations:

  • Feeling of discomfort and soreness in the lower abdomen. The condition requires an urgent visit to a doctor who will examine and give a referral for an ultrasound scan. In some cases, a temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester can be a signal of an ectopic pregnancy.
  • When there is a stable febrile temperature that is no longer accompanied by any symptoms. This is a signal of the existing pathology: kidney inflammation, tuberculosis, and more. The patient should urgently consult a doctor, because a few days of high temperature in the 2nd trimester is an extremely dangerous condition for the baby.
  • If there is a fever, fever, or other signs of viral pathology, no need to worry. This condition is characterized by low-grade fever, which is not dangerous to the fetus. But you still need to come to the doctor. The specialist will prescribe a course of therapy that will help eliminate the appearance of negative consequences.
  • If the mark of the thermometer has exceeded 38 degrees, it is imperative to undergo a course of medication. Even a common cold can end in serious consequences, not to mention other pathologies. A high fever can be caused by inflammation of the ovaries, herpes, and other serious conditions.

Never ignore any temperature shifts. It is important to find out the reason for this phenomenon and prevent the development of serious complications.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

Before starting treatment, you need to know the true cause of the rise in temperature in the second trimester. The most common culprit for this phenomenon is the common cold. The fetus is protected by the placental barrier, but the emergence and development of viral pathologies can have irreparable complications.

Inflammation that occurs in the body of a pregnant woman can cause oxygen starvation, as well as miscarriage.

Quite often, fever occurs under the influence of infections, the load on the kidneys increases.

An ectopic pregnancy is unlikely, since it is detected in the early stages, but it is better to play it safe once again, that is, get checked.

Often, the value on the thermometer 37 indicates a banal overheating in the summer season. To solve this problem, it is necessary to avoid large crowds of people, as well as stuffy rooms. Always carry a still water bottle with you.

Basal temperature in the 2nd trimester

Usually, expectant mothers monitor the values ​​of rectal temperature in order to find out the most successful days of conception. But as soon as the goal is achieved, fertilization occurs, women immediately stop taking measurements. Do I need to continue to measure basal temperature during gestation?

Doctors advise future women in labor to measure BT. Such actions will help to identify hormonal disorders in a timely manner. Any deviation from the norm serves as a serious reason for an unscheduled examination. It makes sense to once again play it safe and pass all the necessary tests

Basal temperature in the second trimester of pregnancy should not be less than 37 ° C. If a similar phenomenon is observed, it may indicate a threat of miscarriage or a frozen pregnancy.

With constant control of BT, it is possible to suspect deviations even before the onset of characteristic symptoms, and therefore, to seek medical help on time.

High temperature: what is the danger

Seeing a mark over 37 degrees on the thermometer, any woman will become worried, and will ask a completely adequate question to her attending physician: how does the temperature affect the fetus during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester? The very fact of an increase in temperature is not dangerous, unless, of course, on the thermometer it is not higher than 38. But this is just a symptom that may indicate the presence of many diseases, including life-threatening ones.

Usually the culprit for this condition is a respiratory viral infection. SARS and flu at this stage of gestation, with timely and proper treatment, are not dangerous to the health of the baby. In this case, the likelihood of complications is very small, and usually occurs with untimely therapy.

An extremely undesirable and unfavorable phenomenon in the second trimester is a high stable temperature without additional symptoms. The patient must undergo a series of laboratory tests to find out the true cause of the fever. Quite often, temperature readings increase with a herpesvirus infection or kidney inflammation. These conditions require urgent treatment, otherwise the consequences are inevitable.

Do not stay idle if the fever is accompanied by nausea, fever, vomiting, or pain. Call an ambulance.

What to do is categorically unacceptable

Unfortunately, some women believe that the problem can be solved by applying a heating pad to their feet. However, you do not need to do this. Such manipulations will only aggravate the condition. Soaring legs for pregnant women is completely contraindicated. You can wrap your feet in a warm blanket or wear socks.

Even basic rubbing with vinegar or alcohol is not allowed during gestation. These methods only help if you are not expecting a baby. All the poisonous components contained in rubbing liquids enter the female body through the skin and negatively affect the development of the fetus.

We bring down the temperature without drugs

If the expectant mother fell ill with a viral illness, and because of this, she had a fever, then the problem should be solved non-drug.

Prolonged runny nose contributes to oxygen deficiency in the fetus, and cough stimulates uterine tone. Naturally, this is fraught with the most undesirable consequences. Nasal medications and other medications can only harm, but you do not need to be inactive either. Here, the old proven methods will be relevant as never before.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester without drugs:

  • Drink enough warm liquid. Raspberry tea is recommended, as well as rose hips. You need to choose fresh frozen fruits or in your own juice.
  • Gargle. What is in every home, salt, honey, soda, chamomile, will do. Just dissolve a spoonful of your chosen product in a glass of hot water.
  • Rinsing the nasopharynx with a solution of salt. You will need one spoonful of table salt per liter of warm water.

Permitted medications

If the temperature begins to rise rapidly upward along the thermometer, it is necessary to take antipyretic drugs. One of the most effective and safe drugs is paracetamol during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester of temperature.

Do not forget that most pills for fever during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester are prohibited from taking. You need to exclude the use of drugs such as analgin, nurofen, and those containing acetylsalicylic acid. The latter is fraught with the development of uterine bleeding and miscarriage.

Analgin has a negative effect on the state of the cardiovascular system, and nurofen provokes excessive contractility of the uterus.

Fever during pregnancy is an unpleasant symptom. Fever can be difficult for the expectant mother and harm the health of the baby. Do I need to bring down the temperature when carrying a baby? Or is it better to allow the body to cope with the disease itself?

Danger of fever

Why is fever dangerous during pregnancy? It depends on the term:

  1. In the first trimester, there is an intensive laying of all organs and systems of the fetus. An increase in the mother's body temperature can lead to a violation of this process. The consequences in this case are difficult to predict. The loss of even a few cells at the stage of organ formation can lead to a serious defect in the future. Therefore, treatment for fever during pregnancy is imperative.
  2. In the second trimester, the fetus is less vulnerable to heat exposure, but its organs continue to develop and differentiate, it is not worth risking without treatment.
  3. The third trimester is the period when the baby is almost fully formed. The elevated temperature cannot seriously harm him. But the state of health may well worsen. The same is true for a pregnant woman. Fever combined with increased weight, fatigue and edema is difficult at any age. That is why this condition requires treatment, regardless of the reasons that caused it.

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy?

Treatment methods

Do I need to lower my body temperature as soon as the thermometer reaches 37 degrees? Or is it worth waiting a bit until the body begins to develop defense against infection or inflammation?

During pregnancy, you need to be very careful when choosing treatment tactics. On the one hand, delay threatens the development of complications. But on the other hand, the less medicines the expectant mother will drink, the better for her baby.

During the gestation period, an increase in temperature above 37.5 ° is considered dangerous. Such a fever must be treated immediately. How to lower the temperature during pregnancy?

There are three main ways:

  • Physical methods.
  • Folk remedies.
  • Medication.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, they can be used in combination or alternately.

Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the fever.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, viruses become the culprit for fever in this period. Much less often, the cause of fever is a bacterial infection or a specific inflammatory process. Such situations require the use of serious medications, which are prescribed only by a doctor.

Physical methods

How to bring down the temperature during pregnancy if the disease is just beginning? We need to remember the basics of physics. Fever is an increase in heat production and a decrease in its return. So, you need to undress and increase the heat dissipation. This is not always easy to do, as the fever is sometimes accompanied by chills and a desire to cover up with a few blankets. But this can cause overheating of the body and greatly aggravate the situation.

You can use a cool compress - a bandage moistened with warm water on your forehead and temples.

If the temperature rises rapidly, and there is no way to drink the medicine, or the pills have not yet begun to work, wiping will help. It is important to remember that you can only wipe with warm water! Cold will cause vasospasm and heat transfer is blocked. There are recommendations for wiping with vodka, semi-alcohol, vinegar solutions. Indeed, alcohol evaporates from the surface of the skin faster and more effectively cools it. But, in addition, it can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream. Alcohol intoxication can have an adverse effect on the baby.

Physical methods can be used without restriction in any trimester. Their effect may be short-lived, so the temperature will have to be measured regularly. But this is their only drawback. Physical methods are devoid of side effects and effects on the child, therefore, they are preferable to combat fever in the first trimester.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a variety of herbal teas and herbal teas to fight fever. However, even harmless sage can be extremely dangerous during pregnancy. Therefore, doctors recommend using only proven and safe means:

  1. Raspberries have a moderate antipyretic effect. It can be eaten fresh, as jam or mashed with sugar.
  2. Linden tea is an excellent antipyretic agent, it can be drunk at any time. In addition, this drink tastes good, especially if you add a little honey to it.
  3. Of the herbs in any trimester of pregnancy, chamomile is allowed. Chamomile tea has a mild anti-inflammatory effect, and the warm liquid accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body. Thus, chamomile has an indirect antipyretic effect in viral infections.

Drug treatment

What if physical methods and folk remedies are ineffective? Some viral infections occur with a significant rise in temperature, this is especially true for influenza. In such a situation, decoctions of herbs and abundant drinking will not work, and rubdowns simply will not have time to reduce the temperature to acceptable figures.

If the temperature continues to rise despite the measures taken, the condition should be treated with medication. What drugs can lower the temperature during pregnancy? Are there any restrictions on taking medications depending on the trimester?

Yes, early pregnancy significantly narrows the choice of medication, but during the third trimester, it is not much easier to deal with fever.

A doctor should select therapy for a pregnant woman, therefore it is very advisable to contact him at the first signs of illness. But if a cold starts suddenly or there is no way to see a doctor, you should know the main drugs that can treat fever in different trimesters of pregnancy.

First trimester

In the first trimester, the rule is: the less drugs the expectant mother receives, the safer it is for her pregnancy. You should use other methods to the maximum and switch to pills, only if they are ineffective.

If the temperature rises slowly and does not exceed 37.5–38 °, you can start with Viburkol. It is a mild antispasmodic and antipyretic drug. It is approved for use in children and pregnant women. Does not have a negative effect on the fetus, does not threaten bearing. But the effectiveness of Viburcol is weaker in comparison with other drugs. It is produced in candlelight.

If Viburcol does not help, you should switch to other drugs.

In the first trimester, the expectant mother can use the following medicines:

  • Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol). Paracetamol is considered one of the safest antipyretic drugs. However, this statement is questionable. Even it has a toxic effect on the kidneys and can cause the development of nephritis. However, this complication is quite rare. Paracetamol is well tolerated, does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract too much, rarely provokes allergic reactions. Its antipyretic effect is less than that of ibuprofen.
  • Ibuprofen (Nurofen). Ibuprofen can be taken in combination with paracetamol to enhance the action. The drugs are alternated, the intervals between taking the pills should be at least 4-6 hours.

Second trimester

As in the first trimester, overuse of drugs for the expectant mother is unacceptable. What pills and syrups can be taken during this period?

In the second trimester, the following are allowed to fight fever:

  • Viburkol.
  • Paracetamol.
  • Nurofen.
  • Aspirin.
  • Nimesulide.
  • Diclofenac.

However, there are strict restrictions on the last three drugs. Some studies have shown an increased risk of miscarriage when taking aspirin, nimesulide, diclofenac in the first trimesters of pregnancy. The negative effect on the uterus and embryo is associated with the dose of the drug received. Therefore, these funds are prescribed only in case of ineffectiveness of other drugs, in the shortest course and in the minimum dose.

Third trimester

This trimester is the most difficult period for fighting fever. At this time, almost all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited. What are the reasons for these restrictions?

Anti-inflammatory drugs in the third trimester have the following negative effects:

  • They inhibit the contractility of the uterus and lead to prolonged pregnancy.
  • Increases the risk of bleeding.
  • Cause premature closure of the embryonic ductus arteriosus.
  • Show cardiopulmonary toxicity.
  • Negatively affect the kidneys of the fetus.

How to deal with fever in the third trimester? You can use Viburcol and paracetamol-based drugs, be sure to combine them with physical methods and folk remedies.

Fever during pregnancy is not a cause for panic. But you can’t self-medicate! It is important to start therapy in a timely manner in order to avoid the development of complications.

Pregnancy conceals many surprises, including both pleasant moments associated with anticipation and bright thoughts, and unpleasant ones caused by discomfort and poor health. It is known that the immunity of the expectant mother needs constant replenishment, since the baby, developing in the womb, takes away many nutrients from the body, increasing the woman's chances of catching any infection.

It is completely undesirable, since taking antipyretic medications, and other medications, can adversely affect the development of the fetus. But what if the temperature is high, what to do?

Why does the temperature rise in pregnant women?

The first reason is the most obvious - a cold, one of the main symptoms of which is an increase in body temperature, which occurs against the background of general weakness, drowsiness, cough, runny nose, sore throat, etc. You can catch an infection anywhere, sometimes a couple of minutes spent in a draft is enough. Therefore, expectant mothers are advised not to neglect warm clothes and make sure that their feet are always warm, since a lot depends on them.

Another reason for fever during pregnancy in the first trimester is reaction to an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood, therefore, if others are absent, do not rush and take any medications.

An increase in temperature in late pregnancy is less dangerous than at the beginning of the term, since by the third trimester all vital organs and systems have long been formed, which means that taking pills will not be able to significantly affect the development of the fetus. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to take care of yourself.

It is believed that if there is no cough, sore throat, runny nose and other manifestations, but there is only an increased body temperature (up to 38 degrees), there is no need to take medicine. Perhaps the reason lies in an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood or banal fatigue. If you have all the symptoms of a viral disease on your face, you should never self-medicate! Immediately call a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medications and specify the dosage for each drug.

Antipyretic medicines:

The only drug weighed out when carrying a fetus, and even breastfeeding, is considered in small quantities (the dosage is specified by a specialist after examining the patient). Same way you can replace it with medicines, where paracetamol is the basis. Will fit:

  • Panadol,
  • Efferalgan,
  • Paracetamol Extra.

Non-drug methods

It is believed that it is necessary to try all non-drug methods of lowering the temperature during pregnancy and only with a negative result take up the first-aid kit.

Bed rest and drinking plenty of fluids will help you feel better. However, you should be careful about decoctions of chamomile and calendula, they can adversely affect the development of the fetus. It is best to drink warm tea and compote.

All kinds of rubbing with alcohol and vinegar are also contraindicated, despite the fact that they are considered a sure way to reduce fever, since harmful substances containing in solutions can be absorbed through the skin and harm the unborn baby.

It is also contraindicated as an antipyretic, since acetylsalicylic acid can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages, and during the third trimester, lead to profuse bleeding and complications during childbirth.

Read also

The answer to this question can be found in the instructions for any medication, since the column "contraindications" always prescribes situations in which it is better not to use it or a preliminary consultation with a specialist, a sensitivity test is required.

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Any increase in temperature in the body has its own reasons, including during pregnancy. Among these, a change in the hormonal background, as well as thermoregulation, which occurs as a reaction to pregnancy, should be distinguished. In this case, an increase in temperature indicates only a new position of a woman and is not a threat. Therefore, unless there are other reasons for the rise in temperature, you have nothing to worry about.

However, the reason for the increase in temperature may be inflammation in the body of a pregnant woman. This can be found out for sure with the help of a lot of analyzes. Most of the fever during pregnancy indicates acute respiratory infections. In this case, you cannot avoid consulting a doctor who will both diagnose and prescribe treatment. Self-medication will be inappropriate, because during pregnancy, the use of drugs in itself is undesirable and only a doctor can determine possible threats to the fetus. In case of a low rise in temperature, it will be enough for you to do with non-drug treatment, because staying in a polyclinic among sick people can increase the chances of illness for a pregnant woman.

Non-drug treatment during pregnancy

First of all, drinking plenty of fluids can help in such a situation. Drink as much as possible, but be careful as excess fluid can cause swelling in the later stages of pregnancy. In the first trimester, you will not have to limit yourself to drinking. As this, use the sweet hour with the addition of lemon, a decoction of chamomile and linden, all kinds of fruit drinks. Milk with honey can help. An important condition should be remembered: any drink should be warm, but not hot.

In case the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher, you should brew herbal tea with the addition of raspberries in the amount of 2 tablespoons, as well as the leaves of coltsfoot from plantains. Taking such tea will be appropriate 4 times a day, 1 tablespoon. You can use another recipe: pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of willow bark, previously chopped up, and then cool. You need to drink such a tincture 1 tablespoon four times a day. You can also resort to preparing a coniferous cocktail based on fir sprouts (100 g) and raspberry roots (50 g). After grinding these components, you need to put them in a glass jar, and then pour in 100 g of sugar. Next, add a tablespoon of boiling water to this mixture and leave to infuse for a day, after which, for about 6-8 hours, warm it up in a water bath. Now let it brew for 2 days and drain the bright raspberry juice that should appear. Store the tincture in a cool place, and take 1 tablespoon four times a day before meals.

It is highly recommended to use cold water rubdowns and apply cold compresses to the forehead. Do not wrap yourself up, because this will lead to overheating of the body. You should control your body temperature very carefully, because this indicator predetermines a lot. It is undesirable to lower it with the help of drugs, because this will pose a threat to the fetus. If the temperature has increased only slightly, then the funds mentioned above will be sufficient. It will not create threats to the baby and a short-term increase in temperature by 1-1.5 degrees.

When to bring down the temperature during pregnancy

The temperature does not go astray with the help of folk methods for a long enough time
There is an increase in body temperature indicators without the use of drugs
The cause of the temperature is angina (in this case, intoxication can occur, which is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus)
The temperature rises to 38 degrees
Temperature reaches 37.5 degrees in late pregnancy

Danger of high fever during pregnancy

Intoxication of the body with harmful substances may occur
Prolonged high temperature provokes a change in protein synthesis
The quality of the placenta deteriorates, which provokes premature birth
Disorders in the development of fetal organs or systems may occur

Remember that temperatures starting at 37.8 degrees are considered dangerous. When it reaches 38 degrees, there is an effect on the child's nervous system, which will affect his mental abilities.

Ways to lower the temperature during pregnancy

The main thing to remember is that Aspirin is strictly prohibited, especially in the early stages, because it can provoke an abortion. In addition, this drug can cause fetal malformations. If there is an urgent need for drug treatment, it is better to take drugs based on Paracetamol. It can be Paracet, Panadol, Tylenol or Efferalgan. Metindol, Vramed and Indomethacin-Darnitsa are also allowed. However, only the minimum dose is always used and only in extreme cases, because Paracetamol can theoretically disrupt liver function and honor. Be sure to consult with your doctor about the choice of the drug and its dosage, otherwise you can harm the child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev

The common cold is a collective concept of all lungs, but infectious viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Among the infectious diseases, which are usually called colds, include acute respiratory infections, ARVI (influenza, parainfluenza and other viral infections) and their complications - tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis), rhinitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, otitis media, meningitis, pneumonia, etc.

Interestingly, a cold is caused not by freezing, as our grandmothers believed, but by viruses and harmful microbes. Hypothermia of the body only reduces human immunity, and it becomes easier to catch the virus.

Everyone knows the symptoms of a cold: fever, headache, chills, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat and sore throat, cough, body aches, dizziness, nausea and general weakness.

Cold treatment is reduced to suppressing the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors allow the use of Grippferon (spray or drops) or Viferon (rectal suppositories) in combination with other cold medications.

The composition of these funds includes alpha-interferon - a natural protein that is produced by the defense system when a virus enters the human body, and Viferon also contains vitamins C and E to maintain the immune system, and protect antiviral drugs from destruction by free radicals, which are always are formed during inflammatory processes in the human body.

This combination of components of the drug contributes to the fastest recovery, it is allowed to use it from the first days of a child's life, during pregnancy (from the 14th week of pregnancy) and lactation, in order to avoid complications after a cold.

Throughout pregnancy, for the treatment of colds, you can take Oscillococcinum at the 1st dose 2-3 times a day with an interval between doses of 6 hours. It is recommended to use this drug from the moment you feel the first symptoms of a cold (fever, chills, headache , body aches).

Even if this condition is not caused by a cold, taking the drug will not harm the expectant mother and her unborn baby in any way, since during pregnancy it is recommended to use Oscillococcinum once a week to prevent colds in the cold period of the year, because it is better to prevent an ailment than to treat a neglected one later. form of SARS and worry about the effect of the disease and its treatment on the child.

How to bring down the temperature for a cold during pregnancy?

Most often, with a cold, a person's temperature rises from 37 ºС or more. In women during pregnancy, the normal body temperature is slightly higher than usual in humans, therefore, during pregnancy, an elevated temperature is considered when you see a mark more than 37.8 ºС on the thermometer.

Please note that the normal body temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy is 37.2 - 37.4 ºС.

This is explained, firstly, by the increased production of the "pregnancy hormone", which affects the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for thermoregulation of the body.

And secondly, the peculiarity of the body to independently lower its immune system so that the “foreign object”, that is, the fetus, can take root inside the body of the expectant mother, otherwise it will be perceived by the body's defenses as a harmful object and then the pregnancy will be terminated.

In the second and third trimester, the normal body temperature is less than 37 ºС, usually 36.6 -36.8 ºС, but it can rise to 37-37.4 ºС, especially in the evening, which is within normal limits.

How to bring down an elevated body temperature with vinegar rub?

Pour half a liter of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, into an enamel stainless bowl, and add 1-2 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar or apple cider vinegar to it.

Strip to your underwear, pull your hair into a bun. Take a piece of soft, preferably natural (such as cotton) fabric and soak the patch in a solution of water and vinegar.

Squeeze the tissue and with light movements, without much pressure, as if blot the body with vinegar water, paying special attention to the areas of the body where the vascular bundles are concentrated, namely the armpits and folds under the knees, in the elbows and on the wrists.

Repeat the procedure several times on the forehead, arms and legs. You can also apply a vinegar compress to your forehead and temples. In any case, the duration of the procedure should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

Vinegar, rapidly evaporating from the skin, will cool it down, lowering the temperature of the whole body.

It will be more convenient if a beloved man or mother helps the pregnant woman, because unnecessary movements during self-rubbing, on the contrary, accelerate the blood and increase the body temperature.

After wiping down, go to bed, but do not cover yourself with a warm blanket, it is better to cover yourself with a sheet or a duvet cover (as is usually done in summer, when it is hot to sleep under the covers).

Cabbage compress at elevated body temperature

Disassemble the white cabbage into leaves. Dip each leaf in boiling water for a few seconds, then place them on a cutting board and beat lightly on the inside with a kitchen hammer to let the cabbage juice flow through the leaves.

Place the kale leaves on your back and chest for 20 minutes. If there is no allergy, then you can first grease the cabbage leaves with honey on the inside.

Wrap yourself in a towel or plastic (loosely, just so that the cabbage juice is not absorbed into the clothes) and wrap yourself in a warm robe or jacket. Change the sheets 3-4 times, and check the temperature every 30-40 minutes.

Cabbage leaves "take away" the heat, and vegetable juice, absorbed into the skin, enriches the body with vitamins necessary to fight the disease.

Cabbage compress with honey or castor oil will also help with coughing, it helps to improve expectoration and speedy recovery, and will improve the patient's well-being at the initial stage of mastitis.

Recommendation 2. With a significant increase in temperature (38 ºС and more), it is necessary to use medications. Antipyretic drugs approved during pregnancy include Paracetamol, Panadol and other analogues.

Take ½ - 1 tablet of Paracetamol, and if the temperature could not be brought down with a single dose of the drug, then re-drink the tablet of Paracetamol, but with an interval of 4 hours between doses and no more than 3 times a day.

Nasal congestion or runny nose: how to treat?

If you have a runny nose, try to blow your nose more often; nasal mucus contains a large number of viruses and bacteria. If the nasal mucus (talk, snot) is thick or swelling of the nasal passages is observed, then a drug on a natural basis - Sinupred will help (it is allowed to take during pregnancy only in the form of pills, tablets).

Flush your sinuses several times a day with a weak saline solution or use special harmless medicines for this purpose - Aqua Maris Plus or Aqualor Forte.

Aqua Maris Strong will also help with nasal congestion. Perform 1-2 injections into each nasal passage 3-4 times a day.

From the recipes of traditional medicine for a cold, it is recommended to bury beet or carrot juice, 5-6 drops in each nostril about 6-7 times a day. You can also instill a few drops in each nostril of aloe juice 2-3 times a day.

Inhalation with the use of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile) can alleviate the patient's condition with a cold, it is also recommended to add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to the decoction for inhalation. It is necessary to inhale vapors through the nose for 7-10 minutes (the frequency of this procedure is 2-3 times a day).

Cough and sore throat during pregnancy: what to do?

In a pharmacy, a pharmacist can offer many drugs for cough and sore throat that are approved for use during pregnancy, all that remains is to choose a dosage form that is convenient for you.

  1. Lozenges (Lizobact, Faringosept). They will also help with angina, gingivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other infectious diseases of the respiratory tract.
    Lozenges must be slowly dissolve (do not chew or swallow) without swallowing saliva that contains the melted drug until the tablet has completely melted. The drug should be used 20-30 minutes after a meal, 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, and it is advisable not to drink or eat after the tablet is completely dissolved for the next 2-3 hours.
  2. Spray or aerosol (Tantum verde, Hexasprey, Strepsils plus spray). It is necessary to spray the throat 3 times a day with an interval of 3 hours. One dose of irrigation at a time is 2 clicks on the sprayer. When injecting, hold your breath so that the spray solution does not enter the respiratory tract.
  3. Throat gargle solution (Stopangin (allowed from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy), Eludril).
    It is necessary to gargle the throat for 30 seconds 2 times a day after eating, taking a tablespoon of undiluted liquid into your mouth - for Stopangin, and in the case of Eludril - mix 2-3 teaspoons of liquid with half a glass of warm boiled water, and gargle with this mixture. Be careful not to swallow the solution!

You can also use recipes for alternative medicine, using decoctions of herbs (chamomile, sage, etc.) or solutions of baking soda and sea salt as a means to rinse a sore throat.

Method for preparing a solution of soda and salt for gargling: pour half a teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt into a glass of warm boiled water.

Gargle for 3 minutes 3-4 times a day.

If there is no soda, you can make a saline solution by stirring 1 teaspoon of kitchen or sea salt in a glass of boiled water.

It is necessary to gargle the throat after eating and for 30 minutes after gargling try not to eat or drink anything, otherwise the therapeutic effect will be reduced.

Rinsing with a soda-saline solution will reduce the laryngeal edema, cleanse of purulent formations and disinfect the surface of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, if there are wounds, cracks or erosion, then the solution will heal them.

Hot milk with a lump of butter and a teaspoon of honey will also help soften the throat. Wait for the butter and honey to melt and sip on this healthy cocktail.

As for the cough, it can be dry and wet, so the treatment will be different in either case.

With a dry cough the doctor will prescribe drugs that suppress the cough center of the brain - Tusuprex, and with a wet cough drugs that improve sputum discharge - Mukaltin (take 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, preferably after dissolving the tablet in a small amount of water, for example, in a tablespoon, if you wish, you can add a little sugar syrup).

Burned sugar lozenges can help reduce the incidence of dry coughs. To prepare them, you will need a large kitchen spoon, sugar and some water.

Pour in 1 teaspoon of sugar (without a slide) and add half a teaspoon of water, stir the mixture to make a rare gruel and bring a spoon to the burner fire. Sugar can crack and fly out when heated, so try not to fill the spoon with sugar nectar to the top.

Hold the spoon over the fire until the sugar bubbles around the rim begin to brown, as soon as the sugar syrup turns light brown, remove the spoon from the heat and let the syrup cool, you can dip the bottom of the spoon in cold water or run a piece of ice over it. Once the syrup has cooled, start licking the caramel off the spoon by dipping it into your mouth.

You can make "healthy candy" in an old frying pan, increasing the proportions so that the sugar syrup fills half of the frying pan, add butter at the end of the sugar burning, it will lubricate the irritated throat. After making the caramel, let it cool and gently chop it into pieces with a knife. Suck in a bite if you have a dry cough.

Preventing colds

Prevent hypothermia of the body, especially make sure that the lumbar region is "insulated", and also protect your legs and knees from the cold.

When you come into contact with a sick person or when visiting crowded places (hospitals, kindergartens, supermarkets, etc.) during seasons with an increased incidence of influenza, do not neglect to wear a sterile face bandage.

If you feel that you are frozen, do a rubbing massage of your feet using lamb fat, and if you have a runny nose, massage Doctor Mom ointment on the wings of the nose.

An excellent folk remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds is black radish. Cut off the cap from the radish and make a blind indentation in the root crop. Pour sugar in the middle, but not to the top, cover the recess with a hat. After a few hours, the radish will start juice. Open the lid and drink the sugar syrup that has been saturated with the radish juice. Repeat the procedure. Take radish juice 1-2 times a day.

Also try to keep the air humidity in the apartment at around 60-70%. A special humidifier will help you with this. With the birth of a child, this device will also be useful, since dry air is undesirable for a baby.

If it is not possible to purchase a humidifier, then we recommend ventilating and wet cleaning the room more often.

It is forbidden to float legs and apply mustard plasters during pregnancy, since such "thermal procedures" promote the outflow of blood from the uterus and its inflow to warmed parts of the body. In the early stages, this can lead to spontaneous miscarriage, fetal hypoxia, and in late pregnancy - to premature birth.

Active treatment with raspberries and honey is also discouraged, as this can lead to uterine tone.

Drinking too much "loads" the kidneys, promotes the formation of edema, so do not overdo it with fluid intake.

Do not overuse citrus fruits and various tablets containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid). An excess of vitamins is just as dangerous, especially during pregnancy, as is their lack.