Birthday girl in the style of a ladybug. Birthday script with ladybug. The main characters of the holiday


Birthday "Ladybug"- a great theme for celebrating a girl's birthday. You will learn how to organize a Ladybug birthday party, choose a script, games, costumes, decorate a room, a festive table and much more on this selection page.

Games and entertainment for the birthday "Ladybug"

Festive decoration for the birthday "Ladybug"

Paper pompoms in red and black colors or with funny faces (figurines) of ladybugs...

Serving and decoration of the table for the birthday "Ladybug"

Cover the festive table with a plain tablecloth in bright pink or purple colors. You can decorate the center of the table with a bouquet of flowers, any compositions using ladybugs, butterflies and other insects are perfect. If there is a chandelier above the table, hang it on thin threads or fishing line ladybug pendants .

Gifts and souvenirs for the birthday "Ladybug"

For gifts, select or make bags (boxes, bags) with images of flowers, butterflies or other insects.

A thematic holiday dedicated to the birthday of a child is a very good way to please the baby with an unusual event with funny contests and bright surprises. Ladybug-themed birthday parties are also possible for the little ones, just parents will have to be a little more active and participate in the fun with their crumbs.

We take into account all the nuances

From 5 to 10 people of approximate age from 2 to 6 years can be invited to the holiday. It is permissible to arrange a birthday both in an apartment and in a cafe, kindergarten, school, on an open-air site. The approximate duration of the event is 1.5 hours.

Decorate the place of celebration

The room must be decorated using the following colors: red, black, white. Balloons, paper garlands and pompoms, images of ladybugs, fresh flowers, green foliage, fabrics that can be used to drape furniture - with the help of this list of props, it is easy to create the atmosphere of a real holiday.

We're setting the table

From red berries and fruits, such as strawberries and apples, and chocolate, you can create cute ladybugs. To do this, the halves are dipped into melted dark chocolate on only one side to make an insect head, then spots are made on the “back” with droplets.

You can also serve on the tables: marshmallows, marshmallows, chocolate cookies, fruits, vegetables, yogurts. If you plan not only a sweet table, then simple dishes familiar to children will do: mashed potatoes, chicken chops, boiled vegetables. A festive cake can be made in the form of a ladybug, or a green meadow on which cute insects sit.

For older children, you can cook baderbrodiki and decorate them with ladybugs. They are made very simply from halves of small tomatoes and black olives.

game program

For Ladybug-style birthday script contests, you need to prepare:

  1. Image of a ladybug, but without dots on the back, black paper circles.
  2. Cardboard sheet with holes, felt bags in the form of ladybugs.
  3. Red and black pebbles (you can use beans), tongs, spoons.
  4. Pebbles, pieces of wood or cardboard, painted in the color of ladybugs and beetles.
  5. Five meters of light green fabric.
  6. Large sheet of drawing paper, pencils.
  7. Red balls with black dots glued on them.

Ladybug birthday script

presenter: Hello, dear guests! Today we celebrate the birthday of a wonderful girl. She is so bright, beautiful, smart that we just want to rejoice and have fun! Let your laughter never stop, and for this I have prepared a few contests. Do you want to participate in them?

Children shout: "Yes!".

presenter: Oh, look, a ladybug is sitting on the wall. Only she is somehow sad and does not look like herself. Children, what happened to her, who will tell me?

The kids should answer that she lost her points, because there is not a poster of a ladybug with white spots on the back on the wall in front of them.

presenter: Aya-yay-yay! We need to help this beauty. Come on, stand one by one, we will return the dots to their place.

The children are blindfolded in turn and offered to attach a circle of black paper to where the dots should be.

presenter: Quite another matter, and our ladybug has become real! Now she can fly home. This one is so great! And what needs to be done so that there are many, many strengths to grow big, be brave and easily cope with difficulties? You won't guess anything! And all you need to do is eat well. And now we will feed the ladybugs with juicy green foliage.

You will need a large cardboard sheet with holes and felt pads that are made in the form of ladybugs. The task for children is to try to get the bags into the holes on the leaf.

presenter: Of course, you already remember what colors the ladybug is painted in. Well, repeat.

Children: "Black, red."

presenter: That's right, now let's practice separating one color from another. I will give you colored stones and ask you to sort them.

The children are given a bowl of stones and empty bowls in which to put black stones. You can do this with your hands (for the smallest), spoons (for older children), or tongs.

presenter: Wow, how clever you are! What about ingenuity? Do you like to solve riddles? I will now describe to you a few ladybug friends, and you will try to tell me who they are.


  1. The green man lives among the grass, he chirps midnight and sings songs. (Grasshopper)
  2. A string sticks out of the ground - don't touch it, because now it will crawl along its own path. (Worm)
  3. It spreads its bright beautiful wings and flies into the sonorous, happy sun. (Butterfly)
  4. He drags huge chips, sticks into his house, and it doesn’t matter that he himself is small in size. (Ant)
  5. He wove a large, terrible net in the corner, fly away from here, fly, otherwise they will grab it. (Spider)
  6. She sits on a flower and buzzes quietly, soon there will be honey, just wait. (Bee)

presenter: Well, great! You guessed everything. And now we will play tic-tac-toe, the fight is called "Bugs vs ladybugs."

A grid for playing tic-tac-toe is drawn on the sheet. We need pebbles, or cardboard boxes, decorated in the form of green beetles and red cows. The rules are standard. Parents help kids.

presenter: And now let's move a little. Imagine that you are little ladybugs, there is a big green grass around, you need to get home, but then a strong wind starts to blow. The foliage sways and it is so difficult to run under it.

Two adults pull a piece of fabric across the room and begin to “wave” it. The kids should try to run across to the other side and so several times back and forth.

presenter: Let's have a rest, perhaps, because you have traveled such a path, and even against the wind. I give you a task - to draw a large congratulatory poster for our birthday girl.

Children are given a large blank sheet of paper, pencils. You need to draw ladybugs, green leaves and everything that children only want. If someone already knows how to write, you can sketch out a small congratulation, and the parents present can help with this.

Ideas for decorating a holiday for a girl with your own hands!

A children's holiday is an important and responsible event that will turn into pleasant chores if you arm yourself with a few simple ideas and bright themed paper decor.

1. Bright colors like red, white, green - the color of grass, and yellow - the color of the sun and flowers, as well as small black polka dots on a white or red background are suitable for the Ladybug theme.

Bright congratulatory banners with inscriptions, garlands, balloons, paper pompoms, colored paper tassels and other paper decor in selected colors and the image of a Ladybug will help to decorate a children's room, hall, a festive area in a cafe or an outdoor picnic.

2. Preparation for the holiday. Prepare invitations for guests in advance. You can buy ready-made invitations, but if you have the time and desire, you can make original invitations for guests with your own hands using scissors and paper. Invitations can be simple in the form of a postcard or curly with an appliqué or pattern. It all depends on the imagination and the available materials for creativity.

3. Holiday decorations and table setting in the style of a ladybug.
Now that the guests are invited, we recommend that you consider decorating the table and photo zone. You can choose a tablecloth in plain color or with a pattern, for example, polka dots. Disposable paper tableware will save a lot of time and effort, and it is also practical and safe to use even for babies. Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of plain and themed disposable tableware, this allows you to decorate the festive table and make it spectacular and elegant.

4. For guests, you can prepare themed holiday caps, headbands or other decorative items that will help transform and create high spirits. Guests will be pleased to take themed accessories and festive caps with them as a keepsake. You can also prepare small surprises - compliments for guests and pack them in stylized bags or boxes.

Birthday "Ladybug" is a great theme for celebrating a girl's birthday. You will learn how to organize a Ladybug birthday party, choose a script, games, costumes, decorate a room, a festive table and much more on this selection page.

Birthday "Ladybug" can be combined with a birthday, and / or arrange Insect Ball. Birthday celebrations can be arranged both indoors and outdoors.


The main colors that should be used at the birthday party are red, black. You can dilute it with white. Of the patterns, polka dots are perfect.

Use these colors in balloons and compositions from them, in paper garlands, streamers and banners.

Polka dots, lawn background is perfect as a background. On the background, it will be possible to place the rest of the elements of decorations, large figures of ladybugs, flowers to imitate the lawn. A poster with a ladybug or a poster-figure decorated with it will be relevant.

Ladybugs and other insects, drawn or printed, are perfect for decorating doors, walls, and, of course, for a themed photo zone.
Additional decor can be foil balloons, figures from balloons or a piñata in the form of a ladybug and / or with its image.

birthday ladybug

birthday ladybug

birthday ladybug

birthday ladybug

birthday ladybug

We propose to arrange a festive menu

birthday ladybug

Real experience birthday in the style of ladybug from our subscribers. Here you can find interesting design ideas, as well as look at already assembled sets for the holiday (paper candy bar), if it was used. For your convenience, links to printed materials have been added to the photo reports. I thank all the authors of the photos for the photos from the bottom of my heart!

So we were expecting kids.

here are the first guests, the first gifts

and there inside plasticine with molds

neighbors gave us flowers and a book

“I swear on this day to be cheerful, not to refuse to be asked and under no circumstances shout “I don’t play like that” and “what kind of kindergarten”. In the name of a pacifier, toys and delicious porridge

So the second year hit!

Someone might say: "not enough"

But really knows

How not enough - only mom!

How much to become that mother!

The most tender and beloved

The most important, the most-most!

Become strong and vulnerable!

Like tired at the crib

Be happy, cry quietly

From what is in the world

The one who matters more than life!

The one who hugs for the first time

Smile cleanly, cleanly,

Say something wonderfully "MAMA"

Second year of my life!

Here comes the second year!

Still, there wasn't much in it.

Only knows for sure

Only mom! Only mom!

according to the plan, I hid all the toys in advance so as not to distract the attention of the children. When the children gathered, I told them that BC flew to us at night to play with Masha in her DR, but upon arriving I saw that all the toys had been taken away by a black raven !!! and she promised to help us find them.

BK also saw that the raven erased the spots from her girlfriends and we need to help make them spots. And we began to sculpt

And I also wiped off all the paint from other girlfriends - and we began to color

Then she invited the children to learn the saying about BC

Then they wanted to sing a loaf, but the kids didn’t want to and fled :)

Showed the kids a puppet theater

then she got toys for the children - and chaos began :) They ate, and they began to play whatever they wanted. Everyone ran like ants :)

Well, some pics

I made this headband myself

Played a game with mothers

titled "What does the child think of you?". Our Masha has been looking at you for 2 years and now we will find out what she thinks about you (we take an envelope in which there are pieces of paper with phrases and each guest takes it in turn and reads it aloud).

Each guest pulls out a piece of paper on which is written the "thought" machine about you!












I also wanted a contest of fairy tales - shifters, but I forgot :)

all the guests were given a gift box containing BK soap

and for children pencil boxes and photo albums

and also made props for photos.

scribbled a bit :)
I'm tired, of course, terribly, but it turned out to be fun :)