Express face masks: fast and high-quality resuscitation of tired skin. Mask for oily skin. Potato mask

Express face mask at home is a quick and economical way to tidy up dull, dehydrated, sallow or overly oily skin. The procedure takes a minimum of time, the face after it looks more well-groomed and beautiful.

Instant beauty: what does it take

Homemade masks can be made from any products available in the kitchen. For oily, lethargic and porous skin, sour berries, vegetables and fruits are suitable: tomatoes, strawberries, black or red currants, gooseberries or cherries.

They exfoliate dead cells, cleanse and slightly tighten pores, refresh the complexion and remove excess fat from its surface. Dry skin needs nourishing and regenerating substances. It is worth trying warm oil masks, procedures using egg yolk, curdled milk, fresh whey. These products effectively remove peeling, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

A dehydrated face needs urgent hydration. Watery vegetables and fruits will help with this: cucumbers, watermelons, melons, grapes. Fresh milk has good moisturizing properties. Fading skin can be quickly tightened with a mask of egg white, yeast, honey.

Express face mask can be combined with eye care. Before the procedure, 2 tea bags should be brewed by pouring boiling water over them. Then the bags should be slightly squeezed and briefly placed in the refrigerator. Cool tea compresses will relieve swelling, eyes will shine, eyelashes will darken.

Instant face mask: the best recipes

Quick homemade masks can be made in 10-15 minutes. Those who can set aside time for complete relaxation should lie down with a pillow or a blanket under their feet. If there is no opportunity for a good rest, you should not refuse the procedure. It is enough to apply a mask on the face, and then calmly do household chores. It is important that the ingredients are liquid and do not slip off the skin. This procedure is convenient to do with fruit juices, liquid honey, milk.

An express protein face mask will help against skin fatigue. Beat the white of one egg into a light foam, adding a few drops of lemon juice. Then the mixture is distributed over the face and upper neck, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. The mask is kept on the skin until completely dry, and then thoroughly washed off with cool water.

Express face masks can significantly improve its color.

For those who dream of tanned skin, a refreshing treatment with carrot juice is suitable. Juicy sweet carrots (150-200 g) must be passed through a juicer. The resulting juice is wiped on the face, as it dries, you can apply a second and even a third layer. After a quarter of an hour, the skin should be thoroughly rinsed. Such masks are best done in courses of 5-7 procedures. They not only give the face a healthy color, but also heal the skin, removing small pimples.

A quick aspirin mask can tidy up inflamed skin with acne. The tablet must be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water. The resulting paste is applied to the affected areas for half an hour. The mask gently dries inflammation, relieves itching and pain. Aspirin can be replaced with mint toothpaste. It dries the skin more intensely, so the mixture should only be applied to the affected areas.

The original mask for quick skin refreshment is made from sauerkraut. A layer of finely chopped cabbage is applied to the skin that has been previously cleaned and steamed with a warm compress and covered with a piece of gauze. For those who cannot lie with a mask on their face for a long time, you can limit yourself to cabbage pickle, soaking a cotton swab in it and applying the liquid liberally to your face and neck. After 15 minutes, the mask should be thoroughly washed off. The procedures are carried out in courses of 7-10 masks every other day.

Quick recovery for dry skin

Dry skin can be saved with the help of various oils. For the procedure, you need to heat a tablespoon of refined sunflower, olive or almond oil. With a cotton swab, the product is applied to the cleansed skin of the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. You can lightly lubricate the lips, the oil compress will benefit them. After 15-20 minutes, the skin should be wiped with strong warm tea or pre-brewed and strained chamomile infusion. This procedure removes fine wrinkles, age spots become lighter, cosmetics lie more evenly. The mask is recommended to be done in the first half of the day. If it is carried out before going to bed, swelling may appear on the face.

Before a responsible event or celebration, every woman wants to look stunning. Therefore, she uses all the secrets of the "home" beautician. Express masks require special attention. Express face mask is a cosmetic procedure that can eliminate both external and internal skin problems in a short period of time.

Often, the components of such products are able to quickly eliminate redness, remove skin peeling, and reduce inflammation.

How does the express mask affect the skin

No matter how strange it may sound, cosmetologists do not recommend doing this procedure more often than once a week. It's all because of the fact that this quick method only affects the superficial layers of the skin.
Having made such a mask before the holiday, a woman will get an instant effect. Express cosmetology quickly copes with such problems:

  • oily sheen,
  • peeling,
  • redness,
  • skin aging,
  • the skin has a dull appearance,
  • slight pigmentation,
  • yellowness,
  • edema.

With all these problems, express masks are struggling quite effectively and quickly. One has only to know what components must be added in order to eliminate this or that defect.

What are the main components of express masks?

These masks may include:

  • vegetables,
  • fruits,
  • dairy products,
  • starch,
  • egg white,
  • oatmeal,
  • gelatin,
  • honey, etc.

But before you start preparing the mask, you need to know what ingredients help fight, for example, oiliness, dull complexion or puffiness.

List of skin friendly products

  1. Freshly grated potatoes, cucumber, tomato quickly help to remove dull skin color, they instantly eliminate yellowness and fine pigmentation.
  2. Acids found in apple, strawberry, orange, lemon, sauerkraut quickly relieve inflammation and redness on the skin.
  3. Oat flakes, starch, wheat flour, cosmetic clays, baking soda effectively remove impurities and excess fat from the skin, remove oily sheen, give dullness and elasticity.
  4. Dairy products, olive and essential oils, honey are powerful moisturizers for dry skin. All of these ingredients perfectly eliminate peeling.

Refreshing mask

The proposed recipe is universal, as it is suitable for all skin types. Its cost is quite low, and the cooking process is elementary. To prepare this miracle remedy at home, you need:

  • 40 grams of cucumber pulp,
  • 20 g light honey
  • 2-3 drops tea tree or almond oil
  • 20 grams of low-fat kefir.

All components must be mixed until smooth. Apply the mask on a washed face. The skin should be clean, free of make-up and impurities. For a more visible effect, the face can be steamed with chamomile decoction.

To prepare it, you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers into 300 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes. When the skin of the face is steamed, and the pores become open, then you can apply the express mask for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to wash off with a cooled chamomile decoction.

Apple-oatmeal mask

If a woman suffers from oily sheen, then she needs to use masks, which include fruit acids and oatmeal. Apple and oatmeal perfectly narrow pores, reduce the production of skin secretions.

To create this recipe, you need to mix 20 grams of applesauce, 20 grams of oatmeal and 2-3 teaspoons of green tea. Apply to entire face for 10 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Refreshing honey-based mask

If the face has lost its blush, and the skin color has become dull, then honey will come to the rescue. Bee nectar perfectly tones and nourishes the skin, restores blood circulation and removes fine wrinkles. To get such a remedy at home, you need to mix:

  • 20 grams of liquid light honey,
  • 1 yolk,
  • 2-3 teaspoons of starch.

Apply the prepared mixture on the washed face. 10-15 minutes will be enough for all components to "work". You can wash it off with warm water.

Express mask for problem skin

To quickly remove inflammation or reduce rashes, it is necessary to resort to radical means. Just such are sea salt, oatmeal and chicken raw protein.
All these components perfectly eliminate inflammatory processes on the skin. To prepare this miracle remedy, you need to take:

  • 20 grams of oatmeal,
  • 1 egg white
  • half teaspoon finely ground sea salt
  • 1-2 teaspoons of warm water.

Mix all ingredients until uniform. Apply the mask with a cosmetic brush or sponge. Large pimples or pustules under the influence of sea salt can become inflamed, so this mask is best used for those who have minor rashes or irritations. This express method quickly removes dead skin cells and eliminates oily sheen. Wash off the rest of the cosmetic composition after 10 minutes.

An effective anti-wrinkle mask

To smooth fine wrinkles, it is not necessary to buy expensive creams. An express starch-based mask can also do this. It includes:

  • 40 grams of potato starch,
  • 20 ml low-fat kefir,
  • 10 ml lemon juice
  • 2-3 drops of olive oil.

Mix everything to get a creamy consistency. Apply to a steamed face for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Vitaminized fruit mask

This recipe is suitable for those women who want to see young and radiant skin in the mirror. To create the proposed tool, you need to connect:

  • 20 ml orange juice
  • 20 g banana pulp,
  • 2 teaspoons of oatmeal.

Fruit acids found in fruits will quickly restore the acid-base balance. Oatmeal will help clear and tighten sagging skin. All components must be mixed and applied for 10-15 minutes on the face. Beauticians recommend washing off the product with green tea.

Express face mask for aging skin

Fatty cream, honey and cucumber pulp will help in the fight against aging skin. They quickly enough help to restore the tone of the face, smooth wrinkles and restore blood circulation.
To create this tool you need:

  • 20 ml cream
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 20 grams of cucumber mass.

All components must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency. Apply to cleansed face for 10 minutes. Residues must be removed with water. This recipe can be used both for express methods and for permanent procedures, which are recommended to be done within 1 one month. If you do this mask 1-2 times a week, you can achieve impressive and tangible results in improving skin condition.

The express mask is able to restore the color, firmness and elasticity of the skin in a short period of time, remove small rashes and wrinkles. But do not neglect the advice of experienced cosmetologists, as they say that express masks are not a panacea. Only proper systematic facial skin care can overcome existing problems.

If you need to create a real miracle and transform your skin in a minimum amount of time before an important event or date, express face masks are the perfect solution in the most hopeless situations. They will quickly relieve fatigue and refresh the most withered skin in a matter of minutes.

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of panic that occurs when there is no time to get together for an important meeting, a crowded event or a romantic date. To appear in front of a crowd or the right person, unkempt, with an extinct look and untidy hair - what could be worse! No even the most skillful make-up and the most expensive luxurious dress can save the situation if the skin looks tired, problematic and dull. In order not to succumb to this panic fear and unnecessary complexes, it is enough to know the little secrets of home cosmetology. In the arsenal of every beauty there should be express face masks, that transform the skin in minutes . A quarter of an hour after using such products, the face will shine with youth, beauty and freshness. Learn how to cook them - and at any social event or romantic (business) meeting, you will look well-groomed and dignified, spending a minimum of time on this.

Benefits of express masks

Why do they act so quickly and instantly? Is there any catch in such speed? In fact, the mechanism of their action is easy to explain: the ingredients of these homemade masks include a lot of biologically active substances. They penetrate the skin instantly and put things in order from the inside (accelerate metabolic processes at the cellular level) and outside (eliminate minor defects in the upper layer of the epidermis).

  • Color : provide a rush of blood to the skin, which in the shortest possible time improves the complexion: yellowness, excessive pallor, grayness disappear, a healthy, natural blush begins to play on the cheeks;
  • Purity : quickly exfoliate dead cells from the upper layer of the epidermis, destroy sebaceous plugs and deposits, cleanse the upper floors of the pores, as a result, the skin looks renewed and fresh even without global cleansing;
  • Smoothness : smooth out roughness and unevenness, thereby leveling the relief and texture of the skin;
  • skin type : eliminate greasy shine with oily skin type and soften dryness and flaky spots on the face;
  • wrinkles : smooth out the smallest, shallow and small wrinkles;
  • Pigmentation : slightly lighten too bright age spots;
  • Moisturizing : moisturizing, allowing you to keep precious moisture inside the cells for several hours.

The result of such a complex effect will be noticeable immediately, as soon as you wash off the express mask from your face, that is, after 15 minutes. At the event you are going to, it will be impossible to look away from you: the game of blush on the cheeks, smoothed wrinkles, even and smooth skin, the absence of any irregularities - it will be impossible not to notice this. The advantages of express masks over other home remedies are that they do not need to be done regularly, spending a lot of time and money on them. Ease of preparation and speed of action - these are the two main principles on which they work. However, all modern Cinderellas need to know about one nuance.

Remember: the magical effect of miraculous masks lasts only about 5 (rarely 6) hours. So you need to be ready for this and expect about such a period of time in order to shine at the event.

Express face masks: indications

What can serve as a signal that you urgently need an express mask? Take a good look in the mirror before you rush to put on your makeup before going to a party. If you are not satisfied with your own skin, if you see its defects and problems with the naked eye, be sure that everyone else will notice this without fail. And no thick layers of foundation and powder will hide this. Despite the fact that express face masks cannot be done often, since their effect on the skin is too superficial and does not affect the subcutaneous deep processes, they can eliminate visible defects of the epidermis in 15 minutes. Indications for their home use can be:

  • bad complexion (yellowness, grayness, excessive pallor), if it is not caused by years of smoking, alcoholism and serious internal diseases (heart or kidney failure, for example);
  • clogged pores , which manifest themselves in the form of all kinds of white and black dots, which, in principle, need to be disposed of by regular cleansing of the skin;
  • tired, sleepy look when there are dark circles or bags under the eyes, the corners of the lips are lowered, the skin itself looks wrinkled and stale;
  • mesh of small mobile wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, lips, nose also appears as a result of a long stressful day, due to the abundance of emotions, each of which is reflected on the face;
  • numerous inflammatory rashes in the form of blackheads and pimples: many make a gross mistake, starting to crush them before going out and cover them with a thick layer of concealers - this only worsens their condition and looks terrible;
  • a few too bright age spots (including freckles) can not always be an adornment of a woman's face, but few people know that in 15 minutes at home for 3-4 hours they can be lightened and made less noticeable with improvised means, without the use of foundation;
  • oily sheen if the sebaceous glands do not work properly: you cannot put up with this defect of your skin type, especially at a social event, where bright lighting and fairly high temperatures are expected due to a large crowd of people - all this will provoke the release of additional portions of subcutaneous fat, so take care of it need in advance;
  • dryness epidermis, tightness, flaky red spots - all this can be quickly masked for several hours with express masks, most of which have a quick moisturizing effect.

All these problems seem to be global, if in an hour you need to be at a party, and all these defects spoil your mood and you don’t want to go anywhere. Calm yourself internally: now you can get rid of all these shortcomings in just a quarter of an hour and fully enjoy a pleasant company, solve business issues, without thinking about how good your skin looks. How to create such a cosmetic miracle with your own hands?

Rules for the use of express masks

The preparation and application of express face masks are good because they take a minimum of time and do not involve many preliminary preparatory procedures. Everything happens quickly and as simply as possible. Negative reviews about funds of this type are most often dictated by elementary ignorance of the usual rules and recommendations for their use.

  1. In the presence of a large number of indications, express masks also have contraindications. It is impossible to refresh the face in this way if it has open wounds (even if they are very small), open acne, bruises, recently stitched stitches, as well as with rosacea and sensitive skin type. The active components of the mask act quite aggressively (otherwise there would be no quick effect), therefore, with such problems, serious complications and side effects can arise that will ruin the whole holiday.
  2. Do not waste time on steam baths: express masks affect only the surface layer of the epidermis. Therefore, it will be enough to wash with warm water with foam or gel, since the skin must be cleaned of makeup.
  3. There is no time to spend the usual testing of a mask for allergies, so it is advisable to select a couple of recipes in advance from those products that you have already used in home cosmetics without harming the health of your skin.
  4. Beat all mixtures with a blender : there is no time to manually interfere with them, and the lumps will interfere with the uniform distribution of the mask over the skin.
  5. If you think that while the express mask is on your face, you will have time to do your hair, iron your dress or collect your handbag, you are deeply mistaken. There will be no effect from the remedy, since the skin at this moment should be in a state of absolute rest. And if the liquid mass from the face drops onto your luxurious outfit, the mood will be irrevocably spoiled. Allow yourself a quarter of an hour to relax and lie on the couch : it will have a positive effect on your rested and refreshed skin.
  6. Action time - from 10 to 20 minutes.
  7. Rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water, especially in the creases near the nose and along the edge of the scalp, as the solidified mixture can get stuck there and spoil the chic look.
  8. After the mask, be sure to treat your face with a protective cream. , since you will have to go outside, and this can be a serious stress for the skin.
  9. If you consider the use of concealing cosmetics necessary (foundation, powder, corrector, etc.), apply them last, just before leaving the house. And don't overdo it. Nothing spoils a woman like a thick layer of makeup on her face.

Do not make common mistakes and do not spoil the action of the express face mask: only in this case you can achieve an excellent effect and go to the event beautiful and radiant. Much will depend on which recipe you choose.

Recipes for the best express masks

When choosing a recipe for an express mask, focus on such points as the availability of products, the speed of preparation, and the type of skin for which it is intended. The ingredients of the product should be known to you and your skin and be at your fingertips.

  • For any type

Finely grind the kernels of five walnuts (you can quickly do this in a coffee grinder), mix them with a tablespoon of warm butter, one teaspoon of honey and an egg. If you have a little more time, you can separate the yolk from the protein and use only it in the mask. You can make other masks out of it.

  • For oily

One tablespoon of fresh sauerkraut juice pour one teaspoon of fresh yeast. Add to this mixture a little camphor oil (slightly less than a teaspoon).

  • For eyes

Used tea bags (every woman should always have them on hand, as this is a very effective express help for the skin around the eyes) in the freezer for 5 minutes, and then apply to the eyes. You can use black and green varieties. Red and white are undesirable.

  • For dry

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with an egg (again: if you have a little more time, you can separate the yolk from the protein and use only it in the mask). Add two tablespoons of orange (only the freshest) juice.

  • For the tired

(you can directly with the skin and seeds) grate on a coarse grater or cut into layers and apply on the face.

  • For the fading

Mix two tablespoons of heavy cream with a tablespoon of cucumber grated on a fine grater and a teaspoon of honey.

  • For wrinkled

Two tablespoons of grated raw mix with a tablespoon of olive oil and one teaspoon of medium-fat sour cream.

  • To cleanse clogged pores and whiten age spots

In a glass of non-carbonated mineral water, dissolve one teaspoon of sea or ordinary table salt, add one tablespoon of lemon juice. In the resulting solution, moisten a cloth and apply to the face.

  • For any type Express face masks: fast and high-quality resuscitation of tired skin4 /5 - Ratings: 81

Every woman knows that feeling of panic when you need to get together for an important meeting and appear before many eyes in all its splendor, and at your disposal - an insignificant amount of time. No, even the most skillful make-up and the most amazing dress will not look if the skin is tired and problematic.

To correct this situation, there is an express face mask that transforms the skin: it gives it tone, freshness and a healthy glow. Every secular beauty in the arsenal of beauty should have a couple of recipes for such masks in reserve.

The main composition of home cosmetic masks requires regular care, as their active substances act on cells slowly and gradually. At the heart of express face masks A there are such components that instantly penetrate the skin and quickly put things in order both outside and inside:

  • improve blood circulation, as a result of which they improve the complexion: they remove yellowness, grayness and pallor, give the skin a natural, healthy glow;
  • exfoliate dead cells, thereby cleansing the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • even out the relief of the skin, smoothing out all its irregularities and roughness;
  • smooth out small, small wrinkles;
  • remove oily sheen;
  • many masks lighten excessively bright pigmentation;
  • effectively moisturize and help cells retain moisture for several hours.

As a result of such a complex effect, the skin begins to shine in the literal sense of the word: a natural blush will play on the cheeks, wrinkles will not be so clearly defined, the skin will even out, bumps will disappear. And all this - in just 20 minutes of action. However, all Cinderellas should take into account that such an action will last only 5-6 hours, or even less. Therefore, count on just such a period of time for all your events. So, if you do not succumb to a feeling of panic, but quickly prepare one of these express masks, after 20 minutes, rinsing your face from it, you can enjoy the radiant look of your skin.

Express face masks: indications

  • bad complexion;
  • clogged pores;
  • tired, sleepy look;
  • small wrinkles;
  • rashes;
  • too bright pigmentation;
  • oily sheen due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • dryness and peeling.

If one of these cases is just yours, then take the pre-stored recipe and go to the kitchen to quickly and pleasantly return the lost radiance to the skin.

The best recipes for express face masks

When choosing a recipe, keep in mind that quick-acting homemade masks require products that are always on hand.

  • 1. Express lifting honey mask for any skin type

Grind walnut kernels (5 pieces), add pre-melted butter (a teaspoon), yolk and honey (a teaspoon) to them.

  • 2. Yeast mask for oily skin

Dilute fresh yeast (a teaspoon) with fresh juice from sauerkraut (a tablespoon), add camphor oil (half a teaspoon).

  • 3. Tea express eye mask

Pour boiling water over the tea bags, leave for 5 minutes, cool in the freezer (another 2-3 minutes), apply to the eyes.

  • 4. Vitamin mask for dry skin

Mix olive oil (a tablespoon) with the yolk, add orange juice (two tablespoons).

  • 5. Cucumber mask for tired skin

Peel the cucumber from the peel, grate.

  • 6. Creamy mask for aging skin

Mix heavy cream (2 tablespoons) in a blender with cucumber mass and honey (1 teaspoon each).

  • 7. Potato mask

Grate raw potatoes (2 tablespoons), add olive oil (a teaspoon) or sour cream (the same amount).

  • 8. Refreshing salt mask

In mineral water without gas (a glass), dissolve sea or ordinary salt (a teaspoon), add lemon juice (a tablespoon). Soak a washcloth in the solution and apply to the face.

  • 9. Oatmeal Purifying Mask

Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder (two tablespoons), pour milk at room temperature (a tablespoon).

  • 10. Protein mask for problem skin

Beat the egg white, add wheat flour (a teaspoon), dilute with milk to the desired consistency.

Now it will not be a problem for you to get together for any event quickly and without panic. With express masks for face freshness, you can shine with beauty and youth at any reception or party.

Quite often, a woman simply does not have enough time for full-fledged personal care. She devotes all her attention to work, family, study and a lot of everyday affairs. What if an important event takes place in a few hours, and the complexion leaves much to be desired? There are many ways to quickly restore the skin to a fresh and healthy look, for example, make a tonic mask.

Ideally, you should use masks regularly, but you can also go through this procedure just before leaving the house. The task is quite solvable, even if there is no suitable store-bought cosmetics at hand: a face mask is easy to prepare at home using ordinary products. But before you try a new recipe, you need to make sure that none of the ingredients cause an allergic reaction. Otherwise, new and more serious problems will be added to the existing problems.

Facial cleansing methods

Before proceeding with the application of the mask, the face must be thoroughly cleansed. Peeling, for example, lemon, works very well with this: you need to squeeze out a little juice, wipe the skin with light movements, then rinse with water. Do not get carried away with this method, since exposure to acid can lead to excessive dryness.

Another peeling is based on cottage cheese, two tablespoons of which must be mixed with a teaspoon of buckwheat flour and five drops of olive oil. The mixture is lightly rubbed into the skin and washed off with warm water. So the face will best perceive the action of the mask and will look rested.

Express face mask before the holiday

To make an express mask suitable for any skin type, you need to use the following ingredients: egg yolk, one teaspoon of cosmetic oil, honey (preferably melted), alcohol tincture of calendula or cognac. Everything is well mixed and left on the face for 15 minutes until dry, then removed with warm water. This amount of products is enough for several times, so the remains of the mask can be stored in the refrigerator in sealed packaging for no more than a week.

The mint mask, which has not only cosmetic, but also healing properties, invigorates the skin well. Two tablespoons of dried or fresh mint should be crushed and poured into granular cottage cheese mixed with sparse honey (one spoon each). Spread the mixture evenly on the face and keep for 20 minutes. At this time, it is better to lie down and relax. After washing, the face will noticeably tighten and acquire a pleasant color. It is better to repeat the procedure twice a week and at night.

Pre-holiday face mask for oily skin

The following composition favorably affects oily skin. In the same proportion, low-fat cottage cheese and chopped cabbage leaf are taken, both products are mixed. To them should be added a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of honey. You need to keep the mask for no more than 15 minutes, and rinse with cold water. With regular use, normalization of the sebaceous glands is noted.

The mixture of fat-free kefir with a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice has the same effect. You can not apply it to the skin around the eyes, but otherwise - no restrictions.

Carrot mask for dry skin

Grated carrots with a teaspoon of flour and a few drops of olive oil are a good remedy for dryness. The mixture must be applied for 20 minutes and removed with warm water, then the skin tone will become more attractive, peeling will stop and wrinkles will smooth out.

Refreshing face masks

The refreshing category includes a cranberry mask, which includes 2 tablespoons of berries, a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of olive oil. This composition also rejuvenates the skin, saturates it with moisture.

Refreshes and nourishes with vitamins a fruit mixture led by an orange, freshly squeezed juice of which in the amount of three spoons is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and half a banana. Having achieved uniformity, you should apply the mass on the face for 20 minutes.

Next on this list is a cucumber mask, which not only gives freshness, but also improves tone, prevents acne and brightens the skin. Cucumber puree pour boiling water and leave for 20 minutes under the lid, then add a teaspoon of honey. Put the mixture on gauze and keep it on your face for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water.

You can also prepare a quick mask based on yogurt, preferably without additives. To do this, mix crushed calendula flowers with yogurt in a ratio of 3: 2 and drip a little lemon juice. The skin will shine after several applications, the main thing is to wash off the mask no earlier than in half an hour.

Compresses for the face before the holiday

In addition to masks, various compresses perfectly tidy up the skin. You can use a solution of sea salt (a teaspoon per glass) or heated castor oil. In these liquids, it is necessary to moisten the gauze and apply to the face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse as usual.

We must not forget that after all these procedures, the person does not cease to need food. To do this, you should use a cream suitable for your skin type, and in the cold season it should be more oily. Comprehensive care will keep the skin in good shape and avoid overdrying, as well as the harmful effects of weather.

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