If a boy is in love, how does he behave. Passionate long kisses. He talks about the future and you are there

Hello! I am sincerely glad that you do not forget to read new articles on my blog. I assure you, this time will be no less interesting.

I'm sure you know firsthand that women are more likely to explicitly express feelings and emotions. Men prefer to show their love in a slightly different way - with the help.

How to understand that a man is in love and does not hide it?

When he kisses you, when he hugs you, when he looks at you - most often with all this he tries to say that he loves you. It is believed that men are straightforward creatures. But there are also more complex and, moreover, ambiguous moments that are not always noticeable and understandable.

So that you don't have to guess what your man's actions mean, I will tell you about 15 subtle signs that he is showing his love for you.

  1. Passionate long kisses

When he becomes the initiator of kisses and at the same time every time you feel passion, this definitely indicates the presence of romantic feelings for you.

If, however, when he kisses you, it seems that for him this is akin to duty (after all, he is your boyfriend), it is worth doubting the presence of feelings.

  1. His friends love you

By the company of your man's friends, you can always understand how he treats you.

If you feel that you are an object of adoration for them, it means that he tells them only good things about you.

Naturally, this forms an extremely positive attitude towards a woman who makes their friend happy.

  1. He is always happy for your presence

I'm sure you know how unnerving it is sometimes when someone whose personality you don't particularly care for "wanders" into your personal space.

This feeling is exactly the opposite of what you feel when a loved one is on “your territory”.

Now remember how he reacts when you "impose" your presence? For example, when he is doing something of his own, like playing a video game console, rummaging around in the garage, or even just reading a book. Does he gladly accept your presence, or does he irritably let you know that it would be nice for you to go do something?

  1. A man in love smiles after a kiss

When your partner has real feelings for you, every time after kissing a smile in one form or another (from a smirk to a beaming smile “from ear to ear”) will be present on his face.

This is due to the fact that kissing is associated with pleasure, which makes you a little happier.

  1. A man in love listens attentively

While he may not speak out loud about his feelings often, the fact that he listens carefully when you speak is incredibly significant.

He can lean closer, periodically nod, in general, express in every possible way that your words do not fly into one ear and fly out into the other.

  1. A man in love has a proud profile

No matter how strange it may sound, but a good posture and straightened shoulders in a man is a clear sign of having feelings for a woman who is next to him. Because that's how he tries to impress her. And quite often this happens unconsciously.

Admit it, you would like your boyfriend a little less slouched.

  1. Hand in hand

Even if he does not like kissing and hugging in public, there is always the opportunity to hold hands.

This is the best way to silently and imperceptibly for others to say "".

If he calls for no reason, writes SMS or messages through social networks during the day, then he constantly thinks about you.

Of course, not all lovers behave this way. A significant part, but not all. Therefore, you should not assume that he is not interested in you if he does not do this. Before drawing conclusions, pay attention to other signals.

If a man does not overwhelm you with a stream of SMS and calls - perhaps he))

  1. He likes to work together

Has it ever happened that your man "tagged" you when you go shopping?

Usually men don't like it. But romantic feelings "make" fall in love with absolutely any activity that will give him the opportunity to spend some more time with you.

Cooking dinner together, cleaning the house, working in the garden, during which a happy and contented expression does not leave his face - all these are clear signs that he really enjoys being around you.

  1. visual contact

Does he often look into your eyes? If often, and in different settings (both in private and in society), then this type of contact is important to him, as another way to communicate his feelings.

Well, if your views almost never meet - write wasted 🙂

  1. A man often runs his hand through his hair

This action has two explanations.

First, he instinctively tries to look his best in front of you and therefore simply fixes his hair.

Second, romantic moments, especially in "fresh" relationships, are often accompanied by nervousness. In this case, he can unconsciously run his hand through his hair - at the behest of his nerves.

In any case, this gesture is .

  1. Mirror behavior

Does he have a tendency to order the same thing in a cafe as you? Does he bite a sandwich at the same time as you, while looking into your eyes? Have there been elements in his behavior that are usually characteristic of you? Do you sometimes say the same phrases?

Unconscious copying of behavior, speech, mannerisms and facial expressions is a psychological phenomenon called isopraxism and often manifests itself in lovers.

  1. A man in love gives meaningful gifts

By this word, I do not mean expensive gifts. It means that he spends his time and energy trying to find a gift that really suits your desires and interests.

In addition, this is a continuation of paragraph 5 that he listens carefully - he also remembers what you are talking about, so that later he can use this information when choosing a gift.

  1. A man in love often laughs

Does he think you're funny and can't help but giggle when you do something stupid?

Oddly enough, but the more often he laughs and shows that he has fun with you, the more serious the level of his interest in your person.

  1. Spontaneous touches

Does he touch you when you are in a public place? He holds his hand, hugs his waist, strokes his head.

Such casual touches usually show that, even without sexual overtones.

Signs of a man in love

I hope now it will be much easier for you to “unravel” your man.

By the way, you can help expand this list by describing in the comments your own observations that led to the conclusion about the presence (or absence) of feelings in your partner.

With faith in you and your success,

Yaroslav Samoilov.

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After my article about the hunter-prey myth, it became clear from the reaction of the girls that most simply do not know the truth about how men fall in love.

Interestingly, the comments from women who are already married are strikingly different from the messages of girls who cannot find a husband in any way.

  • Married ladies agree with me that leaving all the work to a man is unlikely to get married.
  • Unmarried people shout out loud that in no case should you do anything yourself, otherwise the representatives of the stronger sex will be “not interested” and they will not “appreciate” her.

My dears, the feeling of a man that his girlfriend is the best in the world and he does not want to lose her for anything does not come from the torment that he had to endure in order to “win” her. This feeling comes from lightness and joy when he is next to her. Hard work correlates with the concept of “mountain from the shoulders”, and not at all with the joyful realization of “I am terribly lucky”. A man falls in love because he enjoys being with you, not hard.

In addition, by bullying a suitor at the courtship stage, you give him the moral right to mock you when he “wins” you. Any action creates a reaction.

How do men fall in love?

Men and women fall in love differently and at different speeds. By following the “hunter” scheme, on the contrary, you reduce your chances of attracting a partner for a long time. Only by ceasing to be “prey”, you get a chance for a serious relationship. To do this, you need to understand how men fall in love.

Stage 1: I like you

For men, it all starts with physical attractiveness. If a woman can still fall in love with a guy who is not physically attractive to her because she “respects” him, this is completely impossible for a man.

Recently, an experiment was conducted in America: a nice guy and a girl put great photos on a dating site, but went on a date in a special make-up and suit, in which it seemed that they were seriously overweight.

  • All the guys who came on a date with a suddenly “fat” (compared to her photo on the site) girl almost immediately asked a question about her weight and left.
  • The girls, however, who discovered a more complete guy, allowed him to kiss and hug themselves on the cheek at a meeting and parting, and spent the whole meeting with him, that is, they treated him much softer.

After a divorce, many Western women who have gained weight begin to exercise and lose weight, after which they quickly find themselves a new partner. For ladies, this is elementary: if you are slim and don’t “compost men’s brains”, you will easily find a partner for yourself.

Therefore, remember: men are initially attracted to your physical body.. If you think that the guy approached you because he likes your character, you are cruelly deceiving yourself.

What exactly a man likes about your appearance may differ. There are those who adore large or, conversely, small breasts, thin ankles, long fingers or long straight (or curly) hair. Some people like steep hips, while others like narrow ones. Every man has his own "type" that he likes. Many will not even be able to say what exactly attracts them, but this feature still exists.

A man sees his "type" in a woman and begins to feel that "he likes her." But so far this guy hasn't fallen in love at all.

Stage 2: Exploration

Most men are constantly attracted to several women, they “like” several girls. So they do "reconnaissance" to see who will respond to his initial advances. That is, at any time, they try to conduct intelligence on several women. Only seeing the reciprocal interest, the guy begins to concentrate his efforts on one girl.

These advances are very minimal, it's not even flirting or courtship. A man just needs to understand that if he starts courting you, something can happen. At this stage, even if he likes the girl, he still doesn’t care if she rejects him or accepts courtship. If she rejects him, he will start courting another without any problems. Naturally, there are exceptions (anxious ones who go crazy), but most normal men feel this way.

Stage 3: Persecution

This is what you love so much, girls, right? The man is following you.

If a woman gives a guy even the weakest positive signal in response to his advances (someone needs a stronger signal), he will begin to pursue. Sometimes a man can even imagine a positive response.

A guy who thinks he likes a girl goes into action trying to get her attention. At this stage, the man is trying to make you notice him and understand that he likes you. Some women are already falling in love by this point, seeing the attention of a man. If you give him a positive response (for example, agreeing to a date or replying to a message), it will move to the next stage.

Stage 4: Making an impression

At this stage, many women are already beginning to fall in love, but the man did not even think about his feelings. For now, he just wants to impress you by trying to show that he is a worthy partner. A man plans dates, gives you gifts, and generally tries to make you happy. If you haven't “gone up” by now, it will usually happen at this stage.

Stage 5: Winning your love

After all his investment, a man wants you to love him now. To receive your love is an achievement for him. Instead of falling in love with you, he only cares if he succeeded in getting you to love him. The man may even demonstrate his ability to be in a serious relationship so you can see that he has the potential to be a great long-term partner. You are probably already seriously in love, but he is not yet.

Stage 6: Decision

If a man gets to this stage, which doesn't always happen, it means that you have already made your feelings explicit about him and he knows that you love him and want a serious relationship. What you don't know is that for your "hunter", this was all just a preliminary game to get yourself proof that he is the man you are looking for.

In addition, there are small problems:

  • Until now, your admirer has not been himself. Therefore, the guy you fell in love with is not at all what he really is.
  • He never wondered if you were the right person for him in the long run. Everything that has happened up to this point has happened purely on the basis of his physical attraction.

It is at this point in the relationship that the man who “won” you begins to wonder if he needs this relationship at all. He begins to look at your human qualities and what, in general, you are able to offer in this department.

Your lover begins to ask himself:

  • Do I love her?
  • Do I want to be with her?
  • Will I be happy with her?
  • Is this the woman I really want?

Interestingly, if you believe in the myth of the hunter, chances are you haven't been yourself all this time either! You, too, diligently pretended. Therefore, you may well have behaved in such a way that your partner will not answer positively to all these questions.

It is at this stage that a young man may decide to end the relationship for “completely no reason” or for a reason that seems to you made up (quite possibly it is). Men who easily follow their impulse to “conquer” are easily ready to give up a woman at this stage, unless she is his ideal in everything. Why not? He knows that he is able to conquer a woman.

Stage 7: Love

If a man, after analyzing your relationship and his feelings, makes a positive decision, he is ready to fall in love with you and surrender to his feelings. The next 2-3 months will be wonderful and wonderful. You will notice that your partner cares about you and truly loves you. Everything, your man fell in love.

Very often, in adulthood, people suddenly find out that someone - a good and kind person - was in love with him in his youth. But it didn't work out. Why?

Yes, because elementary love went unnoticed. But guess about other people's feelings earlier, everything could have turned out differently, perhaps much more successfully. But how to understand that a guy is in love with you when you are not dating him yet? Of course, there are no exact recipes here, but several general provisions can be deduced.

1. A person in love has a dramatic change in behavior. The constrained and shy can suddenly become cheeky and impudent, and the impudent and cynical, on the contrary, turn into a shy and insecure person. Moreover, the behavior of a guy in love differs from the usual only in the presence of the subject of his sighs. When the girl he loves is not around, he behaves in the most usual way for him.

2. A guy in love often stealthily looks at the object of his dreams, and when he meets his eyes, he quickly looks away. Sometimes he can even blush at this moment, as if he was caught in the act. Since it is quite easy to understand that a guy is in love at this moment, a girl should look the guys in the eyes more often.

3. A guy who is secretly in love with a girl tries to meet her as often as possible, so he constantly gets in her way, it turns out, as if by chance, in those places where there is a charmer dear to his heart.

From time immemorial, it was believed that the first step towards a relationship should be taken by a boy. However, practice proves otherwise. Representatives of the stronger sex are most often lost when the first feeling comes to them. That is why the girl should help the lover a little to overcome this psychological barrier.

No one says that a girl should come up and get acquainted herself, make a date or offer friendship. But to create a situation where it is appropriate to take the first step towards rapprochement, it is quite within its power. And it is precisely this first step that will allow the girl to draw the right conclusions about the true feelings of the young man.

So how do you know if a guy is in love? A girl sometimes has a wrong opinion about the feelings experienced by a young man. It seems to her that he avoids her, even sometimes unreasonably rude, demonstrates his superiority. But, at the same time, she sees that with others he is completely different. So an experiment needs to be done.

You can turn to him with any request: fix the computer, walk through the yard in the evening, explain difficult educational material. The main thing here is that there should be no witnesses during the conversation.

It is far from a fact that the young man immediately after the request will “melt” and rush to fulfill the request, although it happens like that. But sometimes, even in private, a guy will refuse the one that he really likes. Maybe even laugh or be rude. But it must be remembered that for a girl it is not the help itself that is important, but something else - an understanding of the situation. A truly attentive person will unravel the soul of a person in love with her.

So, how to understand that a guy is in love by asking him for help? You should very carefully observe his reaction at the time of pronouncing the words of the request. It will cost a lot of work for a young man in love to stay free and at ease at this time. Reddened ears and cheeks, not knowing what to do with hands, marking time - this is not a complete list of signs of excitement and, as a conclusion, his falling in love.

There is another way to understand that a guy is in love. True, for this it is necessary to play a small performance. It is necessary to artificially create a twisted leg, “lose” the keys to the apartment, or imagine something else, but it would be impossible to refuse help to the young man, and there would be too little time for reflection. Usually, a lover at this moment does what his heart tells him, instantly rushing to help.

Perhaps later he will turn his impulse into something ordinary, trivial, perhaps he will talk about this incident with irony. But the very fact that the young man immediately rushed to help, save, speaks volumes.

It is very important to know if a young man is in love or if elementary flirting is included in his plans. Knowing how to understand what a guy wants, a girl will be able to draw the right conclusions, make the right decision, and not break her fate.

Men and women differ not only in appearance, but also in the perception of the world around them. A woman is open in her emotions, she does not hide her feelings. Girls are sentimental, romantic. They plunge into a new relationship with a sense of awe, sympathy.

Men often do not show what is in their hearts, their emotions cannot be read on their faces. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to understand that he is in love with a girl. To understand the degree of affection of a guy for a lady, you should know the main signs of a man falling in love.

Stages of falling in love

But many girls are concerned about the question of why men are so secretive in their feelings. According to psychologists, the secrecy of a man is a defensive reaction, because a man belongs to a polygamous species.

He tends to conquer, to achieve a lady, to demonstrate indifference. Guys are vulnerable, their heart is easy to break. Therefore, they prefer to hide their intentions for a girl for a long time, so as not to be rejected once again.

Psychologists distinguish 7 stages of male love:

  1. The first stage is called evaluation. Initially, the guy evaluates the external data of the female representative, analyzes, draws the appropriate conclusions. Initially, men fall in love with their eyes. For them, an attractive appearance of the second half is important.
  2. The second stage is called interest. After evaluating external data, the stronger sex has an interest in communicating with a girl. They think about building relationships.
  3. The third stage is called attraction. At this stage courtship begins. If the lady answers them, then the guy has an attraction to her, a desire to continue communication.
  4. The fourth stage is "impression". At this stage, the stronger sex makes an impression, presents itself in the best light. He wants to please the girl, to hook her heart.
  5. At the fifth stage, "persuasion", the guy is convinced that sympathy is getting stronger, his thoughts are occupied by the chosen person. For self-defense, the guy takes all measures in order to finally fall in love with the lady.
  6. The sixth degree is "repeated persuasion". After the measures taken, the stronger sex feels like a winner: he managed to fall in love with a lady, win her heart. At this stage, guys seriously think about creating a relationship.
  7. The last stage of "falling in love" comes with the firm intention of the stronger sex to create a strong, serious relationship.


Psychologists have deduced the behavior of a man in love:

  1. He becomes affectionate, gentle, supple.
  2. The timbre of the voice becomes softer.
  3. Behavior changes: he flirts with a lady, cares, helps, respects, does not turn his back.
  4. The gaze changes, the lover does not take his eyes off the chosen one, catches every word she says, stares intently, notices the details in the change in image.
  5. Representatives of the stronger sex are nervous: they begin to stutter, sweat, fiddle with objects in their hands, speak absurdities, and become very embarrassed.
  6. Interested in the lady's life, her interests, hobbies, work, family.
  7. Repeats facial expressions of the chosen one. Often this behavior occurs on a first date.
  8. Says compliments.

Men under 30 are more shy. They look closely, look after, analyze the lady for a long time. Younger guys are more romantic. They make surprises for the chosen ones, write poems, conquer the ladies with words and confessions.

An adult man behaves differently. He takes the situation into his own hands: he invites you on a date, offers to get married, start a life together.

An adult man does not stop even if his chosen one has a family. If he falls in love with a married woman, he will do everything in order to recapture his beloved from another.

Gestures and facial expressions that determine sympathy:

  1. Loud laughter that attracts female attention.
  2. Embarrassment.
  3. Nasal sinuses swell.
  4. He puts his clothes in order when he notices his beloved.
  5. When talking, he touches his own face, pulls his stubble.
  6. Keeps arms folded.

How different zodiac signs fall in love

You can tell if a guy is in love with his zodiac sign.

Table: signs of sympathy for zodiac signs

How to understand by (zodiac sign) Signs, behaviors that determine the presence of sympathy
Aries 1. Aries falls in love instantly.
2. Achieves the chosen one, gives gifts, showers with compliments.
3. Constantly calls, controls, accompanies the lady.
4. Takes the first step.
Taurus 1. Taurus seeks the chosen one to the last.
2. Meets you from work, gives gifts, fulfills the wishes of your beloved, prepares romantic meetings.
3. Taurus is romantic by nature. They are not in a hurry. Their actions are measured and deliberate.
Gemini 1. The nature of the twins is stubborn.
2. As he falls in love, he is completely immersed in this feeling: he abandons his affairs, friends, he is only interested in the chosen one.
3. Often calls, writes letters.
Raku 1. Not pushy.
2. Cancer has a constant fear of making a mistake, offending a lady.
3. Surrounds with care.
lion 1. He will ask the lady to introduce her to her family.
2. Gallantly looks after.
Virgo 1. Hide feelings for a long time.
2. They study the chosen one for a long time.
3. They strive for a long time in all sorts of ways.
Scorpio 1. Scorpios are assertive individuals.
2. The first to offer to go on a date, kiss goodbye.
3. Take the initiative first.
Sagittarius 1. Sagittarius does not back down even if the lady refuses.
Capricorn 1. Keep your distance.
2. They take care, give love and care.
Aquarius 1. Aquarius is a romantic by nature.
2. Makes pleasant surprises, showers your soulmate with gifts, compliments.
Fish 1. Pisces are indecisive, they think for a long time how to approach a lady.
2. Write anonymous letters.
Libra 1. Libra is an unstable zodiac sign. It's impossible to predict it.
2. Rarely come first.

It is possible to determine whether sympathy is present by the elements based on the zodiac sign:

  • Water.
  • Fire.
  • Earth.
  • Air.

The water element includes:

  • Rakov.
  • Scorpions.

Fire elements include:

  • Aries.
  • Lions.
  • Sagittarius.

The elements of earth include:

  • Capricorns.
  • Taurus.
  • Virgin.

The elements of air include:

  • Scales.
  • Aquarius.
  • Twins.

Each of the elements has its own manners of behavior, habits and outlook on life.

Water element:

  • Water signs fall in love at first sight.
  • They are shy, romantic, timid, vulnerable personalities.

Element fire:

  • Fire signs are quick-tempered, energetic.
  • They take the initiative into their own hands, achieve the lady by any means and methods.
  • They flaunt their worth in front of women.
  • They are not shy and are not embarrassed in front of the ladies. Trying to get their attention.

Element earth:

  • The signs of this element are reasonable, thrifty, pedantic, rational.
  • They do their best to win the attention of the chosen one.
  • Give gifts, love to communicate.
  • Jealous.

Element Air:

  • Signs of the elements air are self-confident, adamant.
  • They like to amuse their chosen ones, give them surprises, shower them with compliments, and surround them with care.


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The strong half of humanity does not shout about their feelings at every corner. It's a pity, because girls just love with their ears. No one wants to guess and wonder if a guy likes you or is it just a deceptive impression.

But in fact, everything is not so bad. No matter how hard the guys try to hide their sympathy, there will always be several signs that would point to it.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about the behavior of a guy in love and ways to “expose” his feelings.

And if he does not hide love?

Despite the stereotypes of guys full of determination, girls often have to take matters into their own hands and be the first to take the initiative. What to do if the girl herself is not ready to step over her shyness and take the first step? It remains only to carefully observe and try to understand whether it is worth hoping for something more and making far-reaching plans. Because we girls love plans very much, and we don’t want them to end up as ordinary castles in the air. Let's answer together the question of how a guy in love behaves, and try to figure out all of his hidden signals.

First, let's talk about the most obvious and most noticeable signs that guys give us - yes, not only girls trade in this occupation. The only difference is that we do it consciously, and sometimes men do not even control their actions in relation to the fair sex, which is what they give themselves away. Think well, maybe everything is clear no hidden signs? If a guy devotes a lot of time to you, is always there, starts a conversation and makes a lot of compliments These are obvious signs of sympathy. It seems that there is nothing easier? But no: many girls simply cannot immediately accept such luck, therefore they do not take signs of sympathy seriously. But if everything is not so obvious, the next part of the article is for you.

Signs that are easy to spot

We started talking about manifestations of interest that guys go for consciously, so we will consider them in more detail and further.

  • One of the following main features - They are gifts. No, we are not talking about diamond jewelry and expensive dresses. Even if he “accidentally” has an extra chocolate bar in his pocket, you can be sure that you can’t even talk about sympathy here.
  • The next important point is its full availability for you. If a guy is ready to talk to you at any time: in the early morning, during class, on the way home or in a noisy company - this is one of the main signs of attention. The male sex does not like to waste time on nonsense, therefore, with such behavior, he will try to show what are you really for him very important.
  • Do not forget what a guy in love must try to control his behavior- so he shows you all his best sides. This will concern such obvious things as, for example, speech.
  • He is sure will consider every word and will not allow rude expressions, and even more so undisguised mat. How else does a guy in love behave if he allows himself to show some feelings? It is unlikely that he will criticize you or openly express their dissatisfaction with something.
  • The guy's interest is usually seen in the fact that he trying to help you listen and be sure to support in any difficult situation.

But all these signs are also quite obvious. What if the guy intentionally hides his feelings?

Is he cold? Maybe just shy

Some guys are so insecure that they try not to show their feelings. Below we will talk about how you can notice them, but first, think about this. Maybe you are able to help him in the manifestation of feelings?

Shyness and secrecy these are not purely female character traits. If you can guess that it's the shyness, try to push it a little. Be warmer and friendlier, let the guy understand that next to you he can always feel absolutely free. Maybe then you won't have to guess on camomile, because he will relax and will take the first step.

A pretense can also talk about constraint. At first glance, an absolutely indifferent guy inside himself can experience such a storm of feelings that you don’t even think about. This is how it all happens: in first grade they pull your pigtails, and a few years later they try to express their “independence” in such a strange way. The way out of the situation is to be as friendly and open as possible. Even the most shy and cold boy will thaw after such an attitude towards himself and change communication tactics. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine how a guy in love behaves - behavior can be completely unpredictable.

Pay close attention to his body language

We have already talked about how to see the obvious signs of attention and recognize the love of a completely closed guy. But what if he behaves quite normally: he does not reveal his cards to you, but he does not mask his feelings with all caution? This is the most difficult case when you have to be as attentive as possible and catch all the signals coming from him, even if he did not try to send them.

Without exception, all the guys, like the girls, subconsciously signal their sympathy for a person. This includes involuntary timid looks that you throw at each other against your own will. Trembling in the knees and slurring speech, a thick blush on the cheeks ... But there are less obvious signs that also apply to body language.

If a guy likes you he will subconsciously reveal all my movements towards you. Imagine that you are communicating in a large lively company: no matter who he talks to and who he addresses, if there is sympathy, the toes of his shoes will definitely be turned in your direction. This applies not only to shoes, but to hands and posture in general - she will be directed at you as if inviting an open conversation.

Besides, a guy in love is always unknowingly repeats the facial expressions of his object of desire- smiles, frowns, bites his lip and so on. But even if you have not noticed any of the signs described in the article, do not despair: all the guys are different, they also show their feelings in different ways. One day you will definitely notice something that will lay the foundation for a sincere and trusting relationship between you.

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