Boarding school for difficult teenagers. Special school for difficult teenagers

Hello. I want to put boys with deviant behavior. Who can help with this?

How to get a difficult child into the cadet corps or the Suvorov School? Tell me, please, I need URGENT help! The situation is this, a friend's child (12 years old), after being raised by his father, is completely uncontrollable and physically dangerous for the family. He lies, steals, physically offends the infirm old people, sets fire to the house. In short, having taken the child from the father, they do not know how to save both him and themselves. The question is where to turn for help in this matter, is it possible to arrange a child in a cadet corps or Suvorovskoe ...

In which city is your institution located and what is needed to identify a 12-year-old child to you and how to contact you? Tel .: 89530902408. Abinsky district, pos. Akhtyrsky.

Hello. We have the following situation. Many years ago, my parents took the boy from an orphanage, he was 2.6 years old, at the age of 3 he had had meningitis. Before school, we learned that this disease caused complications in sight and hearing. We put him in a school for the visually impaired. He is now 13 years old. The child is not controllable, does what he pleases, gets into a fight with dad and stepmother, does not listen to anyone at all. Everyone at school complains. Now she is in grade 5, but does not even know the alphabet and numbers from 10 ...

My son is 16 years old, he was asked to leave school in the 9th grade, he entered the school and also does not go. Disappears all day long, does not say where and with whom. You start a conversation, and he shouts, sends. Please help me, I'm afraid of losing my child, but I can't do anything. Tel .: +79787483153.

I love my son very much, made many mistakes in upbringing, the child grew up selfish, loving only himself. It is my fault that I could not cultivate any human qualities in him. We are registered, addicted to drugs, drink, do not spend the night at home. I cannot pull him out of the clutches of a bad company, I live like hell, the eternal fear of losing him. Psychologists ask to let him go, but how? The police are talking about a closed school, what is there? Help!

Help me please! My sister is missing, she is 15 years old, in January 16. She does not want to study at all, she may not appear at home for weeks, I just feel sorry for my mother, she exhausted all her nerves.

What documents are needed to get to you. Natalia, tel .: 89851502263.

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st. Krasnogvardeyskaya 3rd, 4

Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Ostrovityanova, 5, building 3

Children's health centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

Yaroslavskoe sh., 44

Novinsky blvd., 25, building 1

Yoga for kids, Children's health centers, Children's rehabilitation centers, Fitness clubs for children

Brodnikov per., 7

Leningradskiy prospect, 64, building 3

Children's rehabilitation centers

Khoroshevskoe highway, 38k1

Children's rehabilitation centers

Palikha street, 13/1

Children's diagnostic centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Bolshaya Polyanka, 22

Children's hospitals, Children's ambulance, Children's rehabilitation centers

Bolshoi Rzhevsky lane, 8

Children's development centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

Timur Frunze, 11, building 2

Children's clinics and medical centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

st. Pervomayskaya, 58b

Children's rehabilitation centers

October lane, 11

Children's rehabilitation centers

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Children's diagnostic centers, Children's health centers, Children's rehabilitation centers

Dosflot passage, 2/4

Children's rehabilitation centers

Talalikhina street, 26а

Children's rehabilitation centers

Children's rehabilitation centers

Children's rehabilitation centers are, as a rule, social institutions, the main functions of which include the provision of a range of activities and services to children, adolescents and their families. Such centers exist in order to help children after their long-term illnesses, children with disabilities and children with disabilities to socially rehabilitate. Also, rehabilitation centers, together with parents and social workers, provide a range of social services to achieve the maximum effect in the socialization of the child and his integration into society.

Children's rehabilitation centers in Moscow carry out comprehensive rehabilitation of children and adolescents under 18 years of age, and perform the following tasks:

1.Thanks to the introduction of new technologies and techniques, they help children with disabilities;

2. during the rehabilitation process include the parents of the child and other family members;

3. develop and implement individual programs of social rehabilitation;

4. create optimal conditions for high-quality rehabilitation.

Currently, children's rehabilitation centers in Moscow, according to parents' feedback, are a close-knit team of professional specialists who know and love their job, ready to lend a helping hand to everyone at any moment. Here human life is valued and respected, promoted to the development of the child and created the necessary conditions for his maximum independence.

Children's portal - to parents about children. Moscow | 2014 - 2017

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Special boarding schools for difficult teenagers: features, program, reviews

Adolescence begins when the child crosses the border of ten or eleven years, and lasts until 15-16 years. A child in this period begins to perceive the world as an adult, to model the behavior of elders, to draw conclusions on his own. The child has a personal opinion, he is looking for his place in society. Interest in the inner world is also growing. A teenager knows how to set goals and achieve them.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes occur during this period of time: the child grows rapidly, secondary sexual characteristics appear, hormonal levels change, and so on.

Teenage problems

Problems arise in adolescents for various reasons. But the following internal conflicts can be used as a basis:

  1. The desire to become an adult, while denying the value orientations that adults live by.
  2. Feeling yourself in the center of the Universe and rejection of it from others.
  3. Puberty and fear of a new self.
  4. Attraction to adolescents of the opposite sex and inability to build relationships with peers.

As a result, it is difficult for a teenager to cope with new violent emotions, and parents should always be ready to support the child or give advice on time. If, in adolescence, in addition to the difficulties with changing the body, others are piled on him, for example, the low culture of the parents, alcoholism in the family, the busyness of the parents with their own affairs or work, then such a person can fall into the category of “difficult”. For such there are boarding schools for difficult teenagers.

How is the educational process in boarding schools organized?

Usually in special boarding schools for difficult teenagers there are children with big learning difficulties or those who have broken the law not for the first time. It is difficult to cope with special children, therefore, teachers with extensive experience, defectologists and psychologists carry out their activities in these educational institutions.

Often, there are also people with medical education on the staff of teaching staff. Iron discipline is the basis of upbringing in a boarding school for difficult teenagers. The main goal is to return the child to a normal outlook and life.

First, the pupils' level of knowledge and intellectual abilities are checked. Verification takes place in the form of testing. If, according to its results, a developmental lag is revealed, a young man or girl can even be taught the primary school curriculum.

The behavior of difficult adolescents is based on psychological development disorders, so students from the boarding school for difficult children constantly communicate with a psychologist. These conversations take place individually. Based on the results, the specialist tries to find the basis - the reason for this behavior of the pupil.

In the boarding school for difficult teenagers, all children are constantly under the supervision of a teacher, and on Saturday and Sunday they have the right to go to their parents, although some stay for the weekend.

Closed and open boarding schools

The named establishments are open and closed. The first of them are similar to cadet corps or Suvorov schools. There is discipline and a daily routine, but children study according to the standard school curriculum (of course, adjusted for mental abilities), and on weekends they can go to their parents. In closed boarding schools, everything is much more serious - there is a checkpoint, and walking in formation, and regular classes with a psychologist. Some pupils in such institutions do not go home on weekends, but parents can visit them on the territory of the boarding school.

Reasons to send a teenager to a boarding school for difficult children

The reasons for sending a child to a special school are as follows:

  • the commission of a crime if the age does not correspond to the onset of criminal liability;
  • age corresponds to criminal responsibility, but the child lags behind in mental development;
  • a teenager was convicted under articles providing for a crime of average gravity, but released from punishment under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code Russian Federation.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs requests the court to send the offender to a special boarding school for difficult teenagers. Before the case is considered in court, the minor is given a medical examination and referred to a psychiatrist. If the parents do not agree to these measures, all procedures are carried out by court order.

Temporary detention centers

Before the court hearing, the child may be sent to a temporary detention center for up to 30 days. This happens in the following cases:

  • when the life or health of the adolescent should be protected;
  • a repeated socially dangerous act must be prevented;
  • if the child has nowhere to live;
  • the offender evades the appearance in court or does not undergo a medical examination.

Boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow

The most famous boarding school for difficult teenagers (St. Petersburg) is a closed school No. 1. The institution traces its history back to 1965. It is located on Akkuratova Street at number 11. This is a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers, which means that children come here by court order. There is iron discipline, movement around the perimeter and checkpoints at the entrance.

There is a boarding school for difficult teenagers in Moscow. Institution No. 9 is located along Zhigulenkov Boris Street in house 15, building 1. Unlike the St. Petersburg one, this boarding school is of an open type. Children with deviant behavior can also get here by the decision of their parents or the recommendation of a special commission. The rules here are not as strict as in closed institutions.

Can Difficult Teens Reeducate?

I must say that the problems of each difficult teenager are different. Sometimes it takes only one month to teach a child to take responsibility for his actions, and sometimes it takes a teenager six months to adapt. Much depends on what psychological problems the boy or girl is experiencing at the moment.

Now teachers are arguing about whether work in boarding schools for difficult teenagers gives results. At the moment, about seventy percent of students in such institutions are significantly improving their knowledge of school subjects. In addition, in such institutions, pupils not only study, but also spend the rest of the time. Thus, problem children create a new circle of friends and socialize more successfully in society.

What should parents of difficult teenagers look for?

During adolescence, children defend their independence. This phenomenon affects the child, and it seems that he is acting strange and unpredictable. Be that as it may, this condition is considered absolutely normal and characterizes the transitional age.

There are signs to show that your child is difficult. They are listed below:

  1. Change in appearance. Unjustified weight gain or loss, self-harm.
  2. Frequent quarrels, fights, complaints.
  3. Poor academic performance, sleep disturbances, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  4. The use of drugs, alcohol.
  5. A sharp change in the circle of communication, refusal to follow certain rules, lies, and so on.

The presence of problems in a teenager is the first signal that you need to establish contact with him. Your son or daughter should feel supported, understand that his parents love and accept him in any case. It is important to find common topics of conversation, encourage exercise, and limit TV viewing and computer use. Give your child advice, listen to him, do not show aggression. If you have not coped, seek help from specialists.

Difficult teenagers are now talked about everywhere, and psychologists regularly sound the alarm because of the psychological problems that arise in such children. How does a school for difficult teenagers function, and can a child receive a full-fledged education there?

The main features of the school for difficult teenagers

A boarding school for troubled teenagers is a special organization for children who have serious learning difficulties or who have faced repeated violations of the law. Many children studying here suffer from serious psychological problems, from unjustified aggression towards others.

Of course, teaching such adolescents is not easy, because they are strongly opposed to learning new knowledge. That is why only experienced teachers work in the school for difficult teenagers, those who can cope with the character of their pupils. An iron discipline is characteristic of such institutions, since it is this discipline that helps to educate obedience in children. Here, children are monitored not only during lessons, but also in the process of everyday rest. The task of teachers is to try to correct the behavior of a teenager, returning him to a normal life in society.

They end up in such a specialized school, mainly by a court order due to serious misconduct of a student. That is why the local atmosphere cannot be called truly complacent. At the same time, the teachers working in the school for difficult teenagers do not show aggression and do not engage in assault. Education here is the same as in a regular school, but under great supervision and supervision of adults.

The first thing that teachers do when a new student enters them is to check the level of his knowledge and intellectual abilities. To do this, the child is given a series of tests that clearly demonstrate his student skills. Sometimes it happens that children who had a hard time in life simply could not pay enough attention to learning. That is why the level of their intellectual skills is poor. In special boarding schools for difficult teenagers, teachers individually approach the skills and abilities of each child. That is why a teenager can be taught a junior school program if special tests have shown a significant lag in the level of intellectual development.

Another important aspect of studying at such a school is constant consultations with a psychologist. It has long been noticed that most difficult teenagers have very serious psychological problems that affect both their academic performance and their behavior. The task of educational institutions for difficult children is precisely to correct such problems in terms of psychological development, which is why consultations with a psychologist play such an important role in normalizing the state of a teenager. Usually, consultations with a psychologist take place individually, and at each of them the specialist tries to get to the bottom of the true source of the teenager's problems.

Education in such schools takes place in the same subjects as in ordinary ones. educational institutions... Attention is paid to standard academic subjects, as well as physical education and labor classes. Usually, training takes place in a boarding school format, that is, children remain under the supervision of teachers throughout the day, but on weekends they can visit their parents. Such a learning system helps adults not only to control children, but also to become close friends to them. After a difficult period of adaptation, the teenager begins to get used to teachers, and established friendships help the child get out of a difficult life situation.

Can a boarding school reeducate a difficult teenager?

It should be noted that the level of development of problems for each difficult teenager is different. Sometimes it takes a child 2-3 weeks to get back on track and begin to control their actions, and sometimes it takes them several months just to adapt. Of course, everything here is individual and depends on the degree of development of psychological problems in the child.

Now teachers across Russia are actively discussing whether the work of such schools is productive for difficult teenagers, and whether they can return the child to a normal life. The statistician is relentless: more than 70% of all pupils of such boarding schools begin to do better in school subjects, and their level of aggression noticeably decreases. Due to the constant control of experienced teachers and the individual selection of the training system, children begin to better assimilate school material. In addition, in such institutions, children do not just study, but spend almost all their free time here. Gradually, they make new friends, communication with peers becomes a powerful incentive to change their behavior patterns.

Extracurricular activities with a teacher are becoming an important point in the re-education of a difficult teenager. In these additional activities, teachers try to awaken in children the foundations of moral and correct ethical behavior. So, in boarding schools, additional classroom hours are often held on the topic of patriotism, respect for the world around them and for elders. The more varied the pedagogical approaches of a professional to work on such electives, the more successfully the children will assimilate the social and social norms discussed in the lesson.

In the process of working with difficult teenagers, not only the activities of teachers and psychologists are important, but also the correct behavior of parents. So, for example, if adults support their child in every possible way, try to prove to him their love and the need to change their behavior, then children have much more incentives to improve their academic performance. Many teachers who work with difficult adolescents hold special conversations with their parents, explaining how they should behave so that the child's aggression will become a thing of the past. As mentioned above, many schools operate like boarding schools, and children stay in them throughout the week, except on weekends. When a student arrives home for the weekend, parents should do whatever it takes to protect their teenager from the temptations of the old way of life.

Modern schools for troubled teenagers appear all over the country, but one of the best institutions of this type was founded in Moscow in 2012. In addition to modern equipment and highly qualified personnel, children here have the opportunity to develop their creative abilities in every possible way. Teenagers in such a school can attend drawing classes, can actively play sports or dance. All this helps not only to improve the child's behavior, but also to expand the sphere of his interests. Gradually, the adolescent's love for science and new hobbies will replace the desire to get involved in fights and break the law.

Such an educational institution can help not only in improving academic performance, but also in the difficult getting rid of bad habits. In schools for difficult teenagers, special attention is paid to combating nicotine and alcohol addiction. They are trying to wean children from smoking by all available means, explaining the consequences of bad habits for the body. Nowadays, many children experiencing serious psychological problems associated with adolescence are trying to find a kind of outlet in bad habits, not even suspecting how badly it harms their health.

It is not worth expecting that a difficult teenager will be re-educated in 2-3 days, since this difficult process sometimes takes months, and sometimes years. Thanks to a clear daily routine and a properly compiled class schedule for each teenager, the student learns to control his life.

Often, the character of a difficult teenager changes so much that only a professional in special institutions can help him. Constant consultations with a psychologist and regular electives - all this helps the teenager to get rid of outbursts of anger and fits of rage, returning to normal life in society and to studying in a regular school.

Not sure what to do with your teenager?

What problems to us

do parents come most often?

lingers after school and

cases of drunkenness of your

at home and appears through

money and valuables

money to anyone

help or for other needs

Gerda is a unique project that has no analogues in Russia. The center conducts comprehensive rehabilitation from alcohol addiction.

Rehabilitation of adolescents from alcoholism has little to do with rehabilitation of adults. This is largely due to the young healthy body of a teenager, whose resources are large and the harmful effect of alcohol is felt many times weaker than in adults.

For the rehabilitation of adolescents, methods of psycho-correction, occupational therapy, and trainings are used. Also, in our center, a teenager learns vital skills and receives an education.

During the entire course of rehabilitation, we create a unique environment in which adolescents find themselves and their meaning in life, and come out physically, psychologically and socially healthy individuals.

We guarantee your privacy. Moreover, unlike state centers, a teenager is not registered with a drug dispensary and therefore in the future he will not have any problems with obtaining a driver's license and getting a job.

Full course of psycho-correction,

rehabilitation and adaptation

Schedule an interview

1. Working in groups

Group work helps to adapt and learn to exist in society, to accept general rules and follow them. Group work is the only quality way to recover from alcohol addiction. This is the case when individual work is not just less effective, but not effective in principle.

2. Specialization in adolescents

The rehabilitation of adolescents is fundamentally different from the rehabilitation of adults. Here and value differences and age, and most importantly "the lack of bottom." This is how experts call the high resource of the adolescent organism, which helps children to easily endure the negative consequences of alcohol consumption. When adolescents are placed in adult rehabilitation centers, a rather low percentage of positive results is observed. ... This is due precisely to the lack of a group corresponding to age and values, which allows the mechanisms of recovery to be activated. After all, the guys think, "Where am I, and where is this man an alcoholic", "This never threatens me."

3. Support and constant supervision of several specialists at once

Narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, and motivational trainers work with adolescents. A multifaceted approach allows you to look at the problem holistically and solve it at different psychological levels.

Parents about changes in their children

what will happen if you delay?

  • Crimes
  • Prison
  • Missing
  • Death
  • Intoxication
  • Escape from home

The crippled life of a teenager!

Education - higher: teacher of history and history of religion, KSPU, 1 & 99g .; teacher-psychologist, KSPU, 2005

The results of our work turn out to be positive in 85% of cases. But failures also happen, in which case a month of re-rehabilitation will cost you absolutely free!

The project employs a team of professionals who are not indifferent to their work, providing care and support for your child around the clock.

We apply the experience of foreign psychologists and narcologists, we use experimental methods in difficult situations, and we achieve results!

What changes will happen in the teenager?

  • Self-confidence and self-confidence
  • Purposefulness
  • Responsibility for your actions
  • Communication on an equal footing with peers
  • Ability to interact with adults
  • Respect for parents
  • Self-discipline
  • Self service
  • Getting rid of fears and complexes

We will help you solve your problem!

Your privacy is guaranteed

questions we are often asked

1. Will I be able to see my son?

Precisely not earlier than in 3-4 months and this is best case... Isolating a teenager from their usual environment is an absolutely necessary stage in recovery.

2. Nothing helps us, why does it help?

You need to understand that it is impossible to solve this problem on your own. Especially when the teenager himself is not aware of the problem. The only way to save a teenager is to isolate him from his familiar environment and conduct a powerful rehabilitation program with him, in our or another rehabilitation center. There is simply no other way out.

3. In what conditions will the teenager be?

The rehabilitation center is a country house located in an ecologically clean area, with all amenities, recreation rooms, a gym, classrooms and a large fenced area.

"Teenage rehabilitation center" Gerda "Kazan

rehabilitation of difficult teenagers

We work all over Russia.

We will call you back and answer your questions

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Special boarding schools for difficult teenagers: features, program, reviews

Adolescence begins when the child crosses the border of ten or eleven years, and lasts until 15-16 years. A child in this period begins to perceive the world as an adult, to model the behavior of elders, to draw conclusions on his own. The child has a personal opinion, he is looking for his place in society. Interest in the inner world is also growing. A teenager knows how to set goals and achieve them.

In addition to psychological changes, physiological changes occur during this period of time: the child grows rapidly, secondary sexual characteristics appear, hormonal levels change, and so on.

Teenage problems

Problems arise in adolescents for various reasons. But the following internal conflicts can be used as a basis:

  1. The desire to become an adult, while denying the value orientations that adults live by.
  2. Feeling yourself in the center of the Universe and rejection of it from others.
  3. Puberty and fear of a new self.
  4. Attraction to adolescents of the opposite sex and inability to build relationships with peers.

As a result, it is difficult for a teenager to cope with new violent emotions, and parents should always be ready to support the child or give advice on time. If, in adolescence, in addition to the difficulties with changing the body, others are piled on him, for example, the low culture of the parents, alcoholism in the family, the busyness of the parents with their own affairs or work, then such a person can fall into the category of “difficult”. For such there are boarding schools for difficult teenagers.

How is the educational process in boarding schools organized?

Usually in special boarding schools for difficult teenagers there are children with big learning difficulties or those who have broken the law not for the first time. It is difficult to cope with special children, therefore, teachers with extensive experience, defectologists and psychologists carry out their activities in these educational institutions.

Often, there are also people with medical education on the staff of teaching staff. Iron discipline is the basis of upbringing in a boarding school for difficult teenagers. The main goal is to return the child to a normal outlook and life.

First, the pupils' level of knowledge and intellectual abilities are checked. Verification takes place in the form of testing. If, according to its results, a developmental lag is revealed, a young man or girl can even be taught the primary school curriculum.

The behavior of difficult adolescents is based on psychological development disorders, so students from the boarding school for difficult children constantly communicate with a psychologist. These conversations take place individually. Based on the results, the specialist tries to find the basis - the reason for this behavior of the pupil.

In the boarding school for difficult teenagers, all children are constantly under the supervision of a teacher, and on Saturday and Sunday they have the right to go to their parents, although some stay for the weekend.

Closed and open boarding schools

The named establishments are open and closed. The first of them are similar to cadet corps or Suvorov schools. There is discipline and a daily routine, but children study according to the standard school curriculum (of course, adjusted for mental abilities), and on weekends they can go to their parents. In closed boarding schools, everything is much more serious - there is a checkpoint, and walking in formation, and regular classes with a psychologist. Some pupils in such institutions do not go home on weekends, but parents can visit them on the territory of the boarding school.

Reasons to send a teenager to a boarding school for difficult children

The reasons for sending a child to a special school are as follows:

  • the commission of a crime if the age does not correspond to the onset of criminal liability;
  • age corresponds to criminal responsibility, but the child lags behind in mental development;
  • the teenager was convicted under articles providing for a crime of average gravity, but released from punishment under the relevant articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The Commission on Juvenile Affairs requests the court to send the offender to a special boarding school for difficult teenagers. Before the case is considered in court, the minor is given a medical examination and referred to a psychiatrist. If the parents do not agree to these measures, all procedures are carried out by court order.

Temporary detention centers

Before the court hearing, the child may be sent to a temporary detention center for up to 30 days. This happens in the following cases:

  • when the life or health of the adolescent should be protected;
  • a repeated socially dangerous act must be prevented;
  • if the child has nowhere to live;
  • the offender evades the appearance in court or does not undergo a medical examination.

Boarding schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow

The most famous boarding school for difficult teenagers (St. Petersburg) is a closed school No. 1. The institution traces its history back to 1965. It is located on Akkuratova Street at number 11. This is a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers, which means that children come here by court order. There is iron discipline, movement around the perimeter and checkpoints at the entrance.

There is a boarding school for difficult teenagers in Moscow. Institution No. 9 is located along Zhigulenkov Boris Street in house 15, building 1. Unlike the St. Petersburg one, this boarding school is of an open type. Children with deviant behavior can also get here by the decision of their parents or the recommendation of a special commission. The rules here are not as strict as in closed institutions.

Can Difficult Teens Reeducate?

I must say that the problems of each difficult teenager are different. Sometimes it takes only one month to teach a child to take responsibility for his actions, and sometimes it takes a teenager six months to adapt. Much depends on what psychological problems the boy or girl is experiencing at the moment.

Now teachers are arguing about whether work in boarding schools for difficult teenagers gives results. At the moment, about seventy percent of students in such institutions are significantly improving their knowledge of school subjects. In addition, in such institutions, pupils not only study, but also spend the rest of the time. Thus, problem children create a new circle of friends and socialize more successfully in society.

What should parents of difficult teenagers look for?

During adolescence, children defend their independence. This phenomenon affects the child, and it seems that he is acting strange and unpredictable. Be that as it may, this condition is considered absolutely normal and characterizes the transitional age.

There are signs to show that your child is difficult. They are listed below:

  1. Change in appearance. Unjustified weight gain or loss, self-harm.
  2. Frequent quarrels, fights, complaints.
  3. Poor academic performance, sleep disturbances, depression, suicidal thoughts.
  4. The use of drugs, alcohol.
  5. A sharp change in the circle of communication, refusal to follow certain rules, lies, and so on.

The presence of problems in a teenager is the first signal that you need to establish contact with him. Your son or daughter should feel supported, understand that his parents love and accept him in any case. It is important to find common topics of conversation, encourage exercise, and limit TV viewing and computer use. Give your child advice, listen to him, do not show aggression. If you have not coped, seek help from specialists.

"Chance" is the only Moscow school for teenagers convicted on criminal charges. Children live and study at school five days a week - they are allowed to go home on weekends. Now there are students there, convicted of theft, robbery, drug dealing and murder. The Village wanted to prepare material about this educational institution for the general graduation of the 11th graders, but they could not get permission to communicate with the students. A month later, an employee of Chance, who wished to remain anonymous, turned to the editorial office for another reason. He said that there have been riots in the institution lately. Two pupils keep the rest of the children in fear, beat them and extort money. The staff of the institution and the parents of the students are aware of the situation, but they are silent - the aggressors threaten them with violence and refer to contacts in the department of social protection. The Investigative Committee and the Human Rights Council have already taken up the problem, but everything is kept secret.

The Village figured out how closed schools for teenage crime are arranged and why this situation became possible.

"Pahan Misha Alekseev"

In June, four employees of the Chance School wrote a collective letter called "A cry for help!" (at the disposal of the editors). It states that the new director of Chance, Kirill Kubarev, rarely visits the building, and “in fact, the school is run by one of the underage students.” Mikhail Alekseev (the name has been changed. - Ed.) together with another student Andrey Karpin (the name has been changed. - Ed.) beat other children and extort money.

A Chance specialist, who recently quit his job, says Alekseev is "a very angry boy who can send, humiliate and insult anyone." According to him, the teenager became the leader of the team after graduation in June, when the older children left school. Alekseev himself is less than 18 years old, he has been studying at "Chance" since 2015. What article he got there is not reported, but it is known that soon he should be released on parole. His accomplice, Karpin, is described by a former employee as a good boy who fell under the influence of Alekseev: “In a closed school you have nowhere to go: you are either under Alekseev or against him and you get it. Moreover, Karpin has recently lived with him in the same room. "

Only boys aged 11 to 18 can study in a closed school; you can stay here for at least a year and no more than three years. Now the school has 14 children. It simply won't fit anymore: the school grounds are a small two-story building and 300 square meters of yard. Perhaps that is why teenagers study in a different building on the second shift. They are taken by bus to school 196 on the next street. There they study three or four people per class.

All students are allowed to go to their families for the weekend, and if, when they return, they do not bring gifts or money to Alekseev and Karpin, they will be beaten. For example, in order for the "godfather" to allow the use of mobile phones, students pay him a thousand rubles. “At the graduation, my son came up to me and asked me to lend him a loan, otherwise he’s kapets,” says Elena, the mother of one of the students (the name was changed at the request of the heroine. - Ed.). From March to June, Elena regularly transfers money to Alekseev and Karpin so that her son will be left alone. In total, she has already given them more than 10 thousand rubles.

According to Elena, over the past three months, 12 students of the school received 17 serious injuries. Another source from The Village talks about 15 injuries during this time and talks about two of the most notable ones: “Yartsev Mikhail (names of students have been changed. - Ed.), 17 years old, - broke the eardrum and caused many injuries. Kazakov Roman, 16 years old, - the bones of the skull and nose were broken. I need an operation. Both were in the Morozov hospital. "

A former employee of the reintegration department at Chance says that all 12 teenagers were afraid of Alekseev: “He could not even say anything, he just entered the room, and the state of the guys immediately changed. I heard that two boys were in the hospital, but I didn’t know the details - I quit already then. ” The specialist has repeatedly seen bruises on teenagers.

The publication failed to talk with the students of the school. Children do not even discuss what is happening with their parents. School staff say that the students do not complain, because “these guys have their own ideas” and so it is not accepted. “The guys say they hit the refrigerator or fell off the bunk bed. But they don't fall like that! Their arms and legs are injured, and children’s teeth are flying out, ”says Elena.

One of Chance's students is 13 years old and convicted of murder. “He's not a sociopath, he killed a man in a state of passion. With a height of 190 centimeters and a weight of more than 90 kilograms, he is so afraid of those guys that he sleeps with a stick under his pillow, ”the source said. Adolescents threaten adults too: Alekseev and Karpin told the mother of one of the students that it was better for her to shut up, otherwise she would remain disabled for the rest of her life. The woman told the editorial office that she had filed a statement with the police about the threats.

With a height of 190 centimeters and a weight of more than 90 kilograms, he so afraid of those guys that he sleeps with a stick under his pillow

"Roof from the Department"

The school's teachers, doctors and psychologists know about beatings and extortion of money, but “they are silent because they are afraid,” says Elena. The former school teacher confirms that the school staff knew about the conflict situation.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Misha allegedly has a cover in the leadership of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. As stated in the collective letter, “if one of the adults makes a remark to Misha, then he threatens to call Petrosyan (Vladimir Arshakovich Petrosyan- Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. - Approx. ed.) and Barsukova (Tatiana Mitrofanovna Barsukova- Deputy Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. - Approx. ed.) and he will dismiss, as he has already dismissed several people: an educator on false charges, a regime officer and a director. "

A former school employee says the school was affected by the dismissal of the previous principal in March. (In December 2016, school students protest against the brutal treatment of the guards in the office. As a result, the school director, Natalia Weisner, who had been running the school for three years, was fired. - Ed.). Then "the management of the Department of Social Security shook hands with the boys and said: 'Guys, stick to this strategy, if any of the employees offend you, we will fire them." One employee did not want to work with Alekseev and asked to be assigned to another child, but was refused. After that she quit her job. “I was afraid of Alekseev, it was uncomfortable for me to be alone with him. I didn’t come to work in prison, ”the teacher recalls.

In a conversation with The Village, the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection Vladimir Petrosyan said that children cannot force someone to quit: “And if they can, then the person has confessed to his own powerlessness, and he is so weak that he quits without telling anyone, that the children forced him. "

In March, Kirill Kubarev was appointed to the place of the previous director, who previously worked as deputy director for educational and methodological work at the Economic and Technological College No. 22. Kubarev is an economist and mathematician by education, and he also studied to be a master of business administration at the Synergy Institute. In 2002, the director of "Chance" became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, however, according to the website of the Moscow Department of Education, Kubarev does not have pedagogical education.

In June, the school staff wrote a collective letter - to the Investigative Committee, the Human Rights Council and the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova. It states that on June 19, Kubarev, together with a certain guest, left his office drunk and began to communicate with the students: “The staff tried to take him away from the children, but he was excited, cheerful, joking, gesticulating, then he went to talk with the pupil Bandorin, right in this form, drunk as a lord! " According to the authors of the letter, the director's behavior was recorded on CCTV cameras. A former Chance employee who spoke with The Village did not catch the episode. However, she noted that Kubarev spent little time in a closed-type department: “I didn’t see that the control over the children was strengthened or any special work was carried out. As everything was, it remains. I can’t say that Kubarev looked closely at this conflict ”.

"Guys, stick to this strategy, if any of the employees offend you, we will fire them "

"The situation is always under the control of the department."

After the collective letter, they came to the school with a search. An anonymous source claims that a meeting was held at the Human Rights Council, which was attended by "people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs", school staff and parents of students. Advisor to the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Maxim Ladzin confirmed this information to The Village and added that several meetings were held at the HRC. Ladzin declined to comment, as "the parents of the students do not want media coverage of the problem."

The Village asked five current school staff for official comment, but they all declined to speak. The nurse of "Chance" was at the Investigative Committee at the time of the correspondent's call and answered that she could not disclose confidential information. The school's doctor Anton Kondratenko said that during the investigation he was forbidden to disseminate any information, since the school employees are being prosecuted as witnesses. After the situation at the school reached the HRC and the Investigative Committee, Kondratenko resigned from the school - he told the Village correspondent about this. An anonymous source said that psychologist Marina Gudzenko also left Chance. Gudzenko herself declined to comment.

Kirill Kubarev

director of the school "Chance"

School "Chance" works in a normal, usual mode, nothing [unusual] happens. All other information - in the press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. I am not authorized to make any comments.

Vladimir Petrosyan

Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow

The case is being dealt with by the Investigative Committee, but no criminal case has been initiated. None of the boys confirmed either the beatings or the fact of extortion of money. Let the police and investigators deal with this. I have not seen the letter of the school staff, no one has shown it to me. I haven’t talked to the teachers yet, because only yesterday (The conversation was recorded on July 13th. - Ed.) came out of vacation. The teachers and psychologists who went to Fedotov call the students irreparable criminals. This is not normal, so they confess their complete impotence. Yes, these are juvenile criminals, but they cannot be branded for life, you need to work with them.

It is the first time in my life that I hear about the director's alcoholic intoxication. By the way, under the previous director, the children confessed to me that there had been beatings and so on. As a result, it all turned into a riot, and we fired the director. But none of the teachers complained about him. And for some reason they complain about a new one who is interested in the fate and study of each child. In general, the situation in "Chance" is always under the control of the department.

Andrey Babushkin

Member of the Expert Council under the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

I was at Chance just yesterday. The instigators, whom everyone complained about, were not at school. One of them was taken into custody on suspicion of committing a crime (I do not know which one), and the other is at home under recognizance not to leave. I'll go to these guys again.

There were 11 or 12 people at the meeting with me - I gave them a lecture. I know about injuries in children, but I did not notice anything myself. The children were liberated, they communicated with me freely, without impudence and made an impression of self-confident people.

Of course, the director is aware of all the problems, he worries and is ready to fight for each child as for his own. For him, this is a difficult situation, and he expected support from the teaching staff, but only complaints were received against him. For him, this was a blow, he is somewhat discouraged by these showdowns. Probably, the teachers who wrote the complaint are somewhere right and fair, and somewhere their behavior is dictated by some personal grievances.

The conflicts that take place in this school are conflicts on a submarine, that is, in a confined space where it is impossible to spread your arms. The smaller the team, the more complex the relationship in it. I also noticed that children live and study in a very cramped environment. For them to feel comfortable, the yard should be at least twice as large. "

A source from The Village claims that one of Chance's students, Andrei Karpin, is currently in jail, and Mikhail Alekseev is “on the run”. Children's Ombudsman of Moscow Yevgeny Bunimovich declined to comment on this information.

How it works

In Russia, children convicted under criminal offenses are sent to a juvenile colony, or, if the term is conditional, they are assigned to stay at home. According to those who have served time in educational colonies, there will be prison laws, violence and hazing for children. The Moscow closed-type school "Chance" in Yuzhny Butovo is a cross between these two options. Children leave her not after the usual graduation, but after the expiration of the sentence.

As stated on the institution's website, the basic principles of its work are "an individual approach, a family type of upbringing, support and restoration of family ties, interdepartmental interaction." In "Chance" there is a reintegration department that works with students and graduates of educational colonies, convicted teenagers who are not deprived of their freedom, and with students of a closed school.

"Chance" is supervised by the Department of Education and Social Protection of the Moscow Population. The decision to enroll in a closed school is made by the court. Parental consent is also required. It is not known why the majority of convicted children end up in juvenile colonies, and some of them are sent to "Chance" by the court. Some Moscow courts send teenagers there more often, others less often. According to the Children's Ombudsman of Moscow Yevgeny Bunimovich, everything depends on the personality of the judge - “there is no good, well-oiled system here”.

Evgeny Bunimovich

Children's Ombudsman in Moscow

It would be wonderful and strange if such conflicts did not occur in closed schools. In general, the peculiarity of "Chance" is such that its students are periodically under investigation. I have been working with this school for a long time, and this is not the first showdown of this kind.

In theory, such schools should take adolescents out of the criminal environment, but now the school is ineffective. The percentage of repeated crimes among graduates of such schools is higher than we would like. It’s bad that after “Chance” children find themselves back in their usual environment and the effect of re-education is often lost. Some students perceive this school as a sanatorium. They live in conditions much better than at home, they are taken on excursions and organized sports competitions. But you need not only to entertain and educate, you need to prepare for future professions.

I like the positive experience of other countries, for example England, where convicted teenagers are placed in police families. On the one hand, children are punished, and on the other, they are in a family environment among trained police officers with a pedagogical education.

Vadim Tulegenov

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Researcher of the Problems of the Criminal Subculture

The situation when a leader appears in a community who dominates the rest can arise everywhere, even at Moscow State University. Another thing is that people with rich life experience, with a certain authority and a good salary should work with convicted children. It all depends on the teaching staff, which must resolve such conflicts. The more professional the team, the less conflicts there will be. And children, naturally, enjoy their rights, which they have more than teachers, or the fact that a school employee cannot cope with the work.

In any case, educators cannot look after students 24 hours a day. The teacher turned away, and the child stuck a compass into the fifth point of the neighbor. There are also restrooms, which teachers cannot enter, and there is also night time.

Yes, special schools and prisons are bad, but they must be, this is a severe necessity. In any society there will be people who have not found a place for themselves in life. And in adolescence there are more such people than in any other. A special school is the penultimate chance, if not the last chance for a child to change his mind and start living a normal life.