How to better teach a child to the pot. Too strong interest in parents. The child does not fit on the pot - what to do

Many modern parents face such a problem in the upbringing of the baby, as an inability teach a child to a pot. In general, addictive to the pot can be a very difficult matter and for the child and for the mother, especially if it is very cut and impatient. First, you need to wait for the child to have learned steadily and confidently sit. Secondly, it is necessary to determine how many times a day and what time the child has a chair. Well, the third, perhaps, the most important thing is to evaluate whether the child is ready to cooperate with parents in the process of addictive to the pot. If your baby does not have a chair at the same time, he usually makes a grimace or voice to understand what he wants to ease, this is enough to the parents to understand his intentions and have time to bring the pot. Important - in no case to force a child. Parents should only help the baby get used to the pot when he is ready for this. Only in this case all the tips, how to teach a child to the pot, will help you.

The pot should choose from plastic, but not from metal, since such a pot is cold and your child will be unpleasantly sitting on it, it can scare the child. The pot should always be clean and warm, put it better in the nursery, where and the temperature is higher than say in the hallway.

How to quickly teach a child to the pot

Quickly teach a child to a pot It is usually necessary in cases where the baby urgently needs to be given to the nursery or kindergarten. Do not torfer events. Your croche will learn to go to the toilet "Adult" when will be ready for this. The addictive process can take from 3 to 6 months or more. At this stage, do not sit the child forcibly, except for protests and aggression on his part, you will not achieve anything. Does not want a kid to sit on a pot - do not insist. Nowadays, when the kids from the first days of life are "uniform" in diapers, teach the pots you need to remove this convenient modern device in the afternoon, about three months before sitting on the pot.

If you plan in the near future to send the child to a kindergarten, then begin to teach it to the pot in advance.

How to teach a child to the pot

While addictive to the baby to the pot, only a soft and unobtrusive approach will allow you to get closer to victory. If something does not work in the first stage, it is not necessary to perceive it painfully.

  • To acquaint crook with a pot, it is recommended gradually. Try to do it in a game form.
  • You purchase a comfortable beautiful, preferably bright attractive colors, a pot - chairs and sit the baby from time to time.
  • With a successful attempt, be sure to praise the child.
  • If the process of addictive is delayed, do not panic and do not be nervous, your mood is transmitted by crumb, and it will only aggravate the position.

The process of removing the diaper, as a rule, causes the Association's child - he flooded - wet, unpleasant. It is impossible to scold for wet pants, you can only "surprise" with the child: ah, like a wet, who did it? If you notice a change in the behavior of the baby, it shows various grimaces and puffs, showing that something is wrong, try to put it on a pot, without pressure and pressure.

What time to teach a child to the pot

The question that worries almost all of the parents without exception. After a year or from six months? Do not forget that every baby is individual, and an approach to breaking to a pot to each different. To begin with, the child must begin to realize the feeling of the fullness of the bladder and needs to cope. It starts to manifest it from 1.3-2 years. However, it's not necessary to wait for your child from this age on a pot. Pre-for this child must be prepared. In any case, the baby will give to know when will be ready.

Perhaps the most effective option for teaching the pot is the adolation of the collective skill. It happens, as a rule, in kindergartens. There, children are rapidly getting used to walking on a pot, as if copying each other.

It happens that children accustomed to the pot (What happens for several months), suddenly, cease to use this device overnight. In no case can you blame them or scold, they do it not from evil intent. The reasons for such a change can be several: poisoning or diarrhea, cold pot and other factors contributing to the reluctance to go to the pot. Anger and pressure on the baby will not bring benefits, now it will be necessary for several weeks or months to restore this habit.

At night, the situation is somewhat different. In a dream, kids can be written up to 5 years. If you are very bothering you, put the diaper on the child overnight. If you have the opportunity to keep track when the baby wants to go to the toilet at night and reduce it (provided that it will easily fall asleep), it's just wonderful.

The question is when you need to teach a child to the pot and how, gets up in front of the parents, as a rule, when the child begins to sit down and get up.
Begins long tracking mom's slightest signs when the baby wants to in the toilet. But is it so early? Or wait for the kid himself will begin to understand and asks?

When should I take a child to a pot?

There is no only correct answer.
For each parent will be your truth. Someone believes that the sooner, the better, it does not matter what methods, and someone prefers to wait for a softer and natural addiction.

  • My opinion on this subject: children from birth should be periodically left without diapers. It will be useful for the baby, since his skin will breathe and give less chances from diapers.
  • Another reason does not delay it cystitis. Fikals in diapers are distributed over the body and getting into the urinary paths cause inflammation of the bladder. More exposed to this, girls because of their anatomical structure.
  • To do it more often, gradually completely excluding "armor" from life. Even if no wet pants are not terrible in this, but the baby will feel the processes with him, and will learn how to control his urge, and will even begin to inform you about what he wants to in the toilet.
  • More often, ask whether the child wants to the toilet, planted on a pot more often and necessarily after eating, before bedtime and after. But if he opposes, it is worth postponing a teaching, otherwise he can hold back the urge and will lead to a psychological constation.
  • After two, three days of frequent planning, decide on the frequency when the child goes to the pot and satisfy it for a certain time.
  • If the kid learned himself to ask for no reminder, they still control the time and remind him if he did not use the pot for more than three hours.
  • When you need to teach the child to the pot - the optimal age of 7-8 months, but it will not be aware of what is happening. It is believed that the older, the easier it is to teach him to the pot. But, nevertheless, I believe that it makes no sense to pull up to 3-4 years, the most reasonable to teach to the pot from 14 to 24 months.

In no case do not stimulate urinate with sounds, such as pouring water. Such a method forms an incorrect reflex: first the pot, then calling, and it is necessary to turn around the opposite first, then the pot.

How to understand that the child is ready for the pot.

  1. Karapuz can shoot and dress pants, panties, socks. Without certain self-service skills, the teaching to the pot will be useless.
  2. After a moon sleep, the baby remains dry, it suggests that he can control his bladder.
  3. He knows what the parts of the body are called and can show them.
  4. Maybe a few minutes looking at the book or toy.
  5. The baby feels when it is necessary to go to the big, he subsides and focuses.
  6. Understands speech and performs some instructions, this kid easier to explain what they want from him.
  7. He is discomfort in dirty and raw clothes.

Sequence of teaching.

  • The first thing to be done when teaching the child to the pot is to wean the crumb from diapers at home, gradually planting on a pot in the afternoon, just even sit down, sit down, to consider everything around.
  • The second, when it is achieved, you need to teach asking to the toilet on the street.
  • And the most difficult for many children and parents teach a child to get up in the toilet at night.

And now, how to teach a child to the pot:

  1. Carefully choose this item. It must be comfortable to the baby, cause pleasant emotions. It is better if he has a handle, a cover, for boys, the serving part is ahead. I do not advise you to buy musical, singing pots. Still, the child must understand why this thing is needed, and all distracting moments for nothing.
  2. The pot should not be cold, it will cause negative emotions and the refusal to sit on it, so give preference to plastic models.
  3. Decide with the words that will be called actions associated with the pot: "Ka-ka", "Pi-Pi" and others.
  4. It should always be within reach for the baby.
  5. If the baby is boring to sit on a pot, then just offer to take a favorite toy or book to consider pictures.
  6. Let us get used to, explain why it is needed, let the child sit on it, without removing the pants, will study it from all sides.
  7. Only after you gave the opportunity to sit weathered several times, you can start learning. Do not hurry to do it in one day, let me understand what happens to him.
  8. It is necessary to purchase pants and panties that are easily removed and dressed, as well as short T-shirts so that they should not be raised when you sit down.
  9. As soon as the baby went to the toilet in the diamess, put it after that the pot. Do at the first stage it is 2-3 times a day. Each time, explain why it is needed. Throw a dirty pampers for clarity.
  10. Very good if there are senior brothers or sisters that can demonstrate the purpose of this item.
  11. If they are not, then there are dolls that can not only eat, but also go to the toilet than the whole process will show. By the way, thanks to such a doll, Kroch can learn very quickly.
  12. When the kid got used to the pot, catch the moment. Sit after sleep, after eating, before bedtime. To make the process faster, put the pot in the bathroom and turn on the water. As it is known, the sound of flowing water causes a calling to urination.
  13. If it did not help, or you can't "drive" your freedom to the pot, then connect its favorite toys to the process. It is unlikely that the child will fall, if his favorite bear or bunny will be offered to the pot.
  14. It is clear that at all previous stages, adults helped the child. But after the baby traveled to the pot, it is important to teach it to use it yourself, shoot pants, sit down, pour out. But do not hurry, act gradually, all this will be, but over time.

Tips parents, how to teach a child to the pot?

The main advice, how to teach a child to the pot, do not impose and do not hold the crumb to walk on the pot of power. This can lead to reverse reaction, rejection and protest.

Do not look back on others. That is, for example, a neighbor's child has been going to the toilet for 10 months, and your child still carries a diaper and does not ask for a toilet. Remember all different, look only on your child. Watch out for his behavior, he will tell you when "it's time."

Do not punish it for going to the toilet past a pot, as well as try to intercept for success, for example, reinforcing it to buy a gift. All this can lead to subsequent gifting expectations for the slightest correct actions. If it happened to go to the toilet, just tick it, and tell me affectionate words.

Another advice, how to teach the child to the pot, do not stand over the soul from him, even despite the fact that the child is small, it can be difficult to do his "deeds" under your sensitive gaze. Perhaps you will need to put a pot into a secluded place.

Take care, the process of teaching, as a rule, not one day and even the week, exceptions can be, except - visual examples in the form of older children or dolls. In this case, teach a child to the pot very quickly.

If the child is accustomed to the pot in the afternoon at home, then go to the second stage of teaching on the street. It is better to do it in the summer, taking with me spare clothes, and offering to go to the toilet before leaving.

Do not listen to other people's advice when and how to teach a child to the pot. This is an individual process and should be based on your observations.

Night teaching from diaper can be the longest, as a rule, only by 3-4 years old, the child is able to control his urge at night. Do not give a lot of drink overnight, and as soon as the diaper for several days after the night will remain dry can be concluded, he learned to control himself in a dream.

Babying a child to the pot is one of the most difficult tasks for any parent. When should I start "Training"? What pot needs to choose? What time do you need to plant a kid? These and many, many other questions today, the editors of will be happy to answer you.

To begin with, I would like to mention several important points:

1. Do not be nervous and not panic. Each child develops in its own way, and therefore should not blame himself and even more so in the "pots" failures. Better thank diapers, napkins and chamomile tea.

2. Do not worry about the timing. On average, children learn to feel the filling of the rectum to the first year of life, and the bladder is at all for the first two years.

3. The easiest way to "learn" is the easiest:

  • after sleep;
  • two hours after the last trip to the toilet;
  • based on the physiological habits of the kid (in most cases they go to the toilet at the same time).

4. Read the baby tale tale about teaching a pot.

5. Give your child panties with your favorite heroes that it will sorry to spine.

How to understand that the child is physically ready for learning?

  • The kid bends without any problems, sitting down and gets up;
  • Can express the desire to go to the toilet;
  • Understands what you tell him and explain;
  • It remains dry around two hours during wakefulness;
  • Does not love wet, wet pants.

And now, when we discussed the preparatory moments, it's time to start step-by-step actions.

1. Choose the right pot - with a back, non-slip, convenient for baby and without unnecessary prints. It is necessary that the child is comfortable and he did not perceive the pot as a toy. Try to choose one place for a pot, for example, in the bathroom or children's, most importantly, so that it is within the reach of the child.

2. Take a baby to gestures. If he still can not fully express his desires, try to develop a system of signs that will tell you that the child wants to in the toilet.

3. Explain the baby what a pot is and why it is needed. Here will come in handy books about going to the toilet.

4. Play your mother's daughter. If there is such an opportunity, show the child a doll that can write. It is not necessary to buy expensive pups, just enough toys with a hole.

5. Teach the baby to sit on the pot. If you seriously intend to move from the diapers to the pot, for the beginning, pour diaper panties to make it more comfortable and easier to pull and wear them. Help the baby to go to the pot correctly.

6. Get the system. As we have already written above. Many kids have their time intervals to which they go to the toilet. Try to plant a child on a pot at that time. Then add a pot to the tube to the toilet schedule to and after walks, after half an hour after meals and before bedtime.

7. Gradually refuse diapers. To start - at home. It is advisable to monitor the baby at first and pick it up at the right moment. At night and during day sleep, you can leave diapers. A little later, when the kid gets used to, already abandon them while walking. When he feels comfortable without "insurance", you can try a daytime sleep without diapers.

8. If you have passed all the above stages, feel free to try to leave the baby for the night in some panties.

Olesya Maevskaya

Good day, my dear readers! Have you already had time to face the problem of wet puddles on the floor? I think every mom has experienced it or worries.

Just managed the karapuz to get out of the pellery and start studying the house, first climb, then with the help of the first steps. Yes, not easy. And how do you explain the one-year-old child, what is it not good? You say, how about the wall peas! And it seems he hears you already, but the process will not work in any way.

In search of successful techniques, I wondered the Internet, studied the influence of physiology. And here are my results that take it off.

A person lives with reflexes. The fact is established, and if you understand, fully responsible for the question: "When a child to teach a pot."

The urinary bubble filling calls us to the toilet. We understand it, but there is no infant. Imagine, up to 18 months kids produce it uncontrollably! In other words, they do not notice this filling, for them there is no border between the filled - PHID. And this border is just called reflex.

Many specialists say that for each detached crumbs, this period comes at different times. And if your neighbor with a satisfied grimace argues that her Chado at 8 months crawls crawling straight to the toilet and produces necessary actions in there - delight. But then after 6 - 8 months will sympathize with it. Because she will begin again. Like the child and never seen this subject.

Remember, if the baby began to walk in your Pi-Pi call before the year, he simply fulfills a request. This is not addictive and especially neither understanding of the toilet. To two years he will have to learn again!

Best time

Perhaps the most burning question when you can start?

An impatient parents bite their elbows - buy accessories for "Poppers" and "Pide". And granny grabbed grandchildren on their hands and keep over the sink in painful expectations.

The painting is interesting, but unsterspring.

In addition to hysterics, adults and children's tears will not achieve anything. Well, there will be no kroch at your request to do what does not want. Here you need to be patient, wait for 1.5 years at least. It is at this age that the child begins to understand what they speak to a serious topic. Yes, months in 9, he is capable of being able to make a toy type, too, call mom. But this is another.

The son has learned the day. He was then 1 year and 9 months. Prior to this, the consciousness of the crumbs did not perceive the accessory for the popist. And closer to 2 years they planted, and near the operator. The opener did not work, and the Dominic showed how it is necessary. And from that day the problem was solved.

It turns out that age from 1.5, up to 2 years is optimal. Fidget recognizes the writer reflexes (which are rooted in 3 years), while he is able to listen to adult.

Contribute to this several factors:

  • strengthening the nervous system, of course, at the child;
  • organs are developing - bladder and intestines;
  • the observation of relatives behind the baby, more precisely, for his psychological readiness.

Attention, determine the readiness of the karapus

What to hide, we really want these cunning wet puddles as soon as possible. But earlier than the Torvan himself will come to this, it will not work anyway. Therefore, either tolerate, without hysterics, or dress up in diapers. And a year to 2 breathe!

You see, after 2 years you will spend a couple of weeks for training. And earlier acquaintance with the toilet takes not less than six months. And how many lost nerves. So you can instill in the chast of the hatching hatred of this thing.

How to determine the degree of readiness of the baby? I answer:

  1. The period between urination is 1.5 - 2 hours.
  2. Pooks at a certain time. According to the schedule, so to speak.
  3. Trying to remove panties yourself. And good if we wear too.
  4. Shows that uncomfortable when the pants are described.

Here, my good, you can act. Throw the mops, grab the painter and forward for fidget.


Stores offer the widest choice of vessels for recolving needs.

Musical, in the form of machines, singing. What just does not go to the manufacturer!

Every time I am amazed with tireless fantasy. But the main point when choosing is convenience. Only. No melody will force the child to send your needs correctly. Such accessories are not recommended.

Imagine, hear the Ceradushko familiar melody and inflates in an unexpected place and in an inconvenient time.

  1. Children's pots for girls have a rounded shape, and for boys stretched out.
  2. Focus on the baby's package. For larger, take a larger diameter immediately.
  3. Do not prefer additional functions than easier, the better.
  4. The seating area should be wide.
  5. Refuse iron models, only plastic. He is warmer.

I did not forced children, patiently expected the moment of ripening. I know some who are trying to keep strength or toys. I believe that the kids immediately need to show that it is not for a fun pastime. Put, then got fun.

Method 3 days

Those who began to train to go to the toilet crumbutul deep up to the year will not believe, but there is a real technique for 3 days! I already wrote that my son was taught the day. My daughter is only 1 year and 8. From diapers did not completely refuse. But also asks already.

I saw several techniques where the most important thought is that the Torvan must mature! When the degree of readiness is determined, the accessory is selected, begin! The best time is summer. We have it turned out. Clothes are less, it's not scary to go out on the street without a diaper.

How to teach quickly?

The first day

We travel from the diaper. We leave only for sleep. On this day, it is also permissible to the street. At home you can put the crumb naked. And you will postpone your homework problems, and walk in the footsteps ... when the child begins to sleep or write the vessel. If everything happened, praise. But do not capture.

Kids love to join adults. Ask to bring together the products of life, pour and wash in the toilet. He should like. When he wants again, it goes down for its intended purpose. Some, we are among them, buy special nozzles for children to the toilet. And steps. And the kids go reluctantly.

Second day

There is still steady work ahead. We are going with the Spirit and take the Karapuza to the street without underwear. Be sure to be armed with spare pants, shorts, socks. You can grab both the "magic vessel", if the mailer is so more comfortable. This is another plus of the summer period for teaching. And also follow the heels. If the cub described, do not scold. Patiently explain how correctly. I understand that the nerves can pass, but we were once the same.

Third day

A little complicating the task, asking for a fruit to pee before walk, after lunch, after sleep. It is good to develop a habit, so there will be less risk to wet my pants on the street and during sleep.

For the night it is better to leave "insurance". We did not shoot a couple of months. This is stress for crumbotone. Many raise every 2 - 3 hours sleeping child. But at this time, the day of Kroch himself should feel the need to rise. It is clear that the first time will have to do with wet sheets, but still. The sooner it happens, the better.

Well stimulate baby. To get acquainted a few days before the expected date of learning. Buy some interesting panties. Plant your favorite toys. And everything will turn out!

Methods of one day

There is such. She is invented by the American. I'll tell you immediately, I do not agree with these items. But suddenly you are interested, so I'll tell you. The whole essence is preserved.

You observe 24 hours and do not move away from the chap. But breakfast should be very dense. What is the connection, ask? And such that when urination will be made on purpose, it is recommended to actively encourage the baby. Candy, sweets, cakes. This point I do not support. Although it is developed by a psychologist, but so load the stomach of a gentle creature ... We got out without such victims.

Yes, and prepare the soil!

  1. Right accessory
  2. I know the tutor with him for a week
  3. We organize the game on the example of dolls

So quickly it really do. Better stock patience for a few days than to worry about weeks.

Errors of parents

No matter how cool, but the main mistake is the impression of parents. How do you want the moment of addictive to the toilet coincided with the moment of the first steps ... and here adults begins to bear not in the other side. Sometimes not always.

We will analyze the most typical blunders:

  1. Put the babies with a hail and hold there.
  2. While sits, read books, passion games.
  3. Apply power impact.
  4. Punish, including a strap or simply on the pope to sprawl. Shout. Gross mistake. You can earn it only hostility to your parent.
  5. Hold over a sink with requests "Pi-Pi". I do not know, did you meet this option?

Such methods can be achieved by cappuza to the subject for the popist and punching. At what age you decide to teach, one of the main points. Try to the onset of the psychological maturity of the baby.

Why the child is afraid of pot

Some kids are afraid of a waste town or from the very beginning, or then they simply cease to ask. What is the reason? In some cases, it follows from the above. I am a small list of possible fears:

  1. New item. Therefore, the little man should be acquainted with this accessory.
  2. If adults are squeezed by a molly, the unfortunate little creature also arises of fear.
  3. Some kids begin to go to the destination, but suddenly fails. This may be when visiting guests or kindergarten, where there is no other place. So, there is a risk of earning and psychological constipation. Then the crumbotone will already be afraid of pain. Heavy process.
  4. Elementary, child can be shy. Even in 3 years. This justifies the individuality of each baby. Provide a comfortable place and create the appropriate situation and the problem will be solved.
  5. And, of course, the age stage. And girls and boys do not need to terrorize this subject ahead of time.
  6. Disease, perhaps teething, strong colds can also be caused. Load and do not press for the child.

We had a senior problem. At one time he stopped caught on the pot. But I continued to write. Although we did not scold him and did not punish any way. He refused even in diapers. And then he began to do it at night. Well, at least so. What is the reason, I still do not know. Thied, soothered and no noise for it. Restored by itself.

We sleep without accidents

Suppose the Karapuz is accustomed to write and chat where necessary. But how to be at night? Are you afraid of confusion? So everyone, believe me. But if the path to "Trone" is pretty, time for sleep, not the reason to dwell on the achieved!

Of course, not immediately. Let the baby be more chained by a cloudless sleep, not overwhelmed puddles. I note that first the intestine is accustomed to sleeping mode. The bladder on the second line. In many ways, this is also determined by the readiness of the cub himself.

We have a Dominic shortly with insurance. And one familiar daughter laid about a year in the diaper. Although the girl fluently regulated the work of the blade when he was awake. Pulled what is called, to the last! I felt a bit about it after, because there was a teaching gradually. The child was also not clear to the child why she was laid without a safety net, and the store was brought to her. And at night, too, it is allowed to sick without lifting.

Look at the point of child, and by how the kid perceives it and understands.

The main thing is not swearing for misses. After all, you do not shout when a little creature falls, learning to walk. How does this situation differ?

With individuals figured out. And now about the ways of addiction to spend the night time only in panties.

  1. Prepare a sleeping place, more precisely, equip. Love the liner under the oven. You can put a terry towel to the top, it will help not spread the pool on the bed. On sale disposable glue, but check if the chaduker does not have. Be sure to have a spare kit, in case of "accidents", to change everything quickly.
  2. Some will be in certain hours of their buttons. But this option is more suitable for those who have long come down without diapers. Although how the baby will be configured.
  3. I read that you can feed a piece of salted bread overnight and limit the fluid reception. But does the children's body refer to such events? Salt and adults are not recommended.

In all variants, accidents cannot be avoided. More or less, but misses will take place. I think that you should not guess over the child, but simply talk to him, putting sleeping in a simple cozy pajama. Pick it up together so that the baby is sorry to swallow. And blur, calm. Fuck!

How to teach how to go to the right place

It happens that the baby produces urinating on purpose, and pooping somewhere, squeezing in the corner. What can it mean? It happens that this is accompanied by solitude in another room. Causes can be both elementary simple and quite complicated.

  1. Fear. Talk to all the households, with whom they left Crochtul, maybe they can tell. What if the kid just scared something? Probably, he wanted to hold it over the toilet, the moment of surprise could make such an effect.
  2. Physiology. And again the structure of the body of human! How much and how little we know about it! Here you knew that the act of defecation is more convenient to produce, sorry, standing? Children to compare nothing with what they do as more convenient. Note that they are writing while sitting. So people are arranged. Do not interfere, and then explain, but better show. Let the example of the dolls, the older brothers, at least you yourself.
  3. Change of furnishings, relocation, human disease. Load a little, go to settle.

In any case, you will need a mass of patience. Remember that the baby needs help! This is a great unknown and novelty.

On this, my dear, let me say goodbye. And do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. Here you expect many interesting topics!

How much is your child now? How does he belong to the pot? When do you want to accustom to crumb? Waiting for you comments. Do you agree with the following techniques?

In the first year of the life of the crumbling process of emptying the bladder and intestines occurs reflexively. The child is not yet able to feel the filling / devastation of excretory bodies and to control this process consciously. The question arises: when to teach a child to the pot, and how best to do it?

Many young parents are concerned about the "taming" of the baby to the pot, put it in the head of the corner. They listen to joyful reports of girlfriends and their neighbors about how smart they have a son / daughter - after all, already at 7 months he / she empties on the teams "Pi-Pi, Aa"! Is this a conscious process actually?

Doctors argue that in its physiological state of the development of crumb to twelve months simply does not feel the filling of excretory organs, does not feel the pressure on the walls of the bladder and the rectum. Accordingly, the baby to the year cannot control the excretory processes.

Why then kids empty by team? Because the stubborn parents do not get tired of planting the pot on the pot and keep it over the bathroom, calling for the "Pi Pi". The kid naturally produces a conditional reflex on these requirements, and it empties.

According to the observation of doctors, the readiness for conscious emptying is formed together with the development of the central nervous system and undergoes the following stages of formation:

  • after twelve months, control over the discharge;
  • after 1.5 years, the child begins to acquire stable (less) toilet skills;
  • by three years, acquired skills are fixed in consciousness for life.

Based on these observations, it can be concluded: to teach the baby to potter affairs up to 12-18 months is useless.

He just does not realize what should do. You can get a little baby on the pot on the day, achieve reflex emptying - but it will not be a conscious desire to go to the toilet.

First of all, in order to consciously ask and walk on the pot, you need to feel the pressure on the walls of the selection organs. Next, you need to be able to consciously hold Urin's filled bladder. If the baby does not have such sensations (and they will not be up to 12-18 months), to start learning to go on a pot pointless.

Signs of child readiness for learning

When should I get a crumb to the pot for the first time? There are some signs for which mom will understand: the time to go to the pot came. Whether this event will occur at 12 months or delay until 18 months, no one will answer. The persistent signs of the readiness of the baby include such:

  • knows how to squat and get up independently;
  • consciously leans and raises items from the floor;
  • with him you can "agree", he understands everything;
  • can express the desire to go to the toilet with sounds or signs;
  • wakes up dry after day rest;
  • may be dry more than two hours in a row;
  • i developed a rhythm of empties: after sleeping and eating;
  • feels discomfort in wet pants.

The ripening of the kid to the physiological recovery is manifested gradually. By this time, the child should understand the words "write, caught", be able to distinguish the handle from the leg, to show a desire to warm up / dressing and unwillingness to be in dirty panties. On the path of psychological ripening towards the pots, the babes are formed by the corresponding response to the physiological manifestations occurring with it:

  • notes that a warm stream of Urin flows on the feet;
  • trying signs and voice to show what he wants to recover.

Important! If you started actively teaching emptying in a pot, do not wear pampers for a walk. The baby simply will not understand your intentions: it is impossible to the pants, then suddenly resolved.

Acquaintance with Poker

When to plant a child to a pot, we found out. How to sit down the crumb on the pot, how many times a day do it, and whether to stick to some kind of scheme? Common mistakes of young parents lead to the fact that:

  1. croach perceives the pot toy;
  2. the kid is afraid of pot, because it does not understand his destination.

Before the first time, put the baby to the new item for him, you must first introduce it to this wonder. Psychologically, the baby should be ready for this manipulation and do not be afraid to tears. Fear leads to the fact that the crumble at the sight of the pot floats with tears and shouts.

What should be a pot? Parents seek to acquire a bright elegant subject, which, in their opinion, will certainly attract the attention of crumbs and like it. It lies here: the baby must feel the practical purpose of this subject (walk to the toilet) and not confuse him with a toy.

Important! You can teach the baby to the pot after it realizes what exactly needs to be done with it. If a child perceives the toilet toilet, you can empty without a result for a long time and stubbornly.

How to explain baby appointment pot? For this, mom / dad should carefully watch the crumb and have time to reduce the moment when he "freezes" or begins to walk and groan. You need to urgently remove the pants and sit down the baby to the pot. How many times you have to catch the moment so that the crumb to realize the appointment of this toilet object is unknown.

Do not turn on the water to initiate urination in the pot! This can provoke unexpected problems in adulthood: on the subconscious level, reflex emptying on the current water can be recorded.

Stage addiction

Addictive to the subject of hygiene and a clear awareness of the need for this process occurs consciously and fixed for life. Responsibility for the development of the necessary skill lies on parents. How much effort they will make how much patience will work out - they know only themselves.

To work out a steady skill to go to the pot, you need to devote a lot of time to this process. It is better to accustom to crumb at such a time when he needs to be emptied: immediately after night sleep or after eating. He will get used to cope with a certain place faster. Stages of learning can be characterized as follows:

  1. familiarity with the new object of hygiene;
  2. the need of crumbs go to the pot;
  3. final formation of the resulting skill.

The results of the first stage of training should be formed positive emotions from the process of interaction with the new object of hygiene. Baby need to emotionally praise for success and never scold for wrays.

How much can the stage of dating and getting used to the pot? You can start getting used to empty from six months when the baby learned to sit. Usually by age 12-14 months, it adapts to this hygienic procedure and sitting down with pleasure, although it does not feel the need.

Stage fixing skills

After a year, the baby already feels the filling of the intestines and the bladder (intestines - earlier), he has a need to go to the toilet as needed. This is a very important point that needs to be consolidated in the consciousness of a small little man.

The baby begins to understand that wet pants are uncomfortable and cold. Of course, at this stage, inspires are not excluded: played and shoved in the pants. At this time, the baby can be trained not only to empty at the request of the body, but also to serve themselves:

  • be able to remove pants;
  • report on the end of the process with the words;
  • ask to wipe the ass;
  • put the pants;
  • close the cover of the pot.

Initially, the baby cannot cope with all the requirements of this procedure. He learned to shoot pants, but can not wipe the ass. It is necessary to help him show independence, encourage success.

The last stage of training is completed by the formation of a logical chain in the consciousness of the child:

  • calling for emptying;
  • removing pants;
  • emptying;
  • cleansing ass;
  • dressing pants;
  • deposancy of the contents of the pot.

When the baby is formed a chain of a logical sequence, depends on the efforts of mom and its patience. You can help the child, but not to cause a negative attitude towards the toilet criticism and slaps for confusion in the pants.

Important! Do not compare the successes / failures of your child with others: Your baby is an individual.

Errors learning

To accustom to crumb to a conscious desire to walk on a pot can be in different ways, but not all of them are correct. What you need to do, you know. Here is a list of actions that do not need:

  • scold a baby if he overturned;
  • long hold on a pot;
  • pass to the pot in a state of indisposition;
  • turn a hygienic procedure into entertainment with toys.

Upon not dissolution, Mom can take a little baby on a cold pot, which will cause natural rejection due to discomfort.

During the teething of the tooth, all the attention of the baby is distracted by pain - he is not up to the pot. It is necessary to catch the condition of the child and do not force it to sit on a pot and cry. Do not forget that the pot needs to be left in front of the child so that he does not seek him in the apartment and did not sleep the pants during the search.

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