How to raise the energy of a person. The development of energy the formation of a strong aura

People with a high level of energy have dreams come true faster, they are always in a good mood, they do not lack financial resources, they are popular with the opposite sex, they feel cheerful and active. If everything in your life happens exactly the opposite, you should pay more attention to this issue and learn how to increase your energy.

Human energy is represented by two varieties:

  • physical;
  • and free (or life energy).

Thanks to physical energy, the normal functioning of the human body occurs. It is also necessary to maintain a high tone of free energy.

So that you always have a lot of physical energy, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  • fully eat quality food;
  • have a good rest (healthy sleep plays a huge role);
  • practice high physical activity;
  • regularly visit baths and saunas, in which negative energy dissolves;
  • spend more time in nature;
  • yoga and martial arts are very shown.

But in order to maintain a high vitality, physical energy alone is not enough. It is important to have enough free energy. But before you start to increase it, take care of the physical body. When it feels good, only then begin to increase your free energy potential.

But first determine what your current free energy level is. The following symptoms will indicate a lack of vitality:

  • unwillingness to take any action;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • irritability;
  • hard to get up in the morning.

The increase in the level of free energy can be carried out in 2 ways:

  • by reducing energy consumption;
  • by increasing its free energy potential.

But before we talk about how to increase energy, let's talk about what we spend our free energy on.

Where does free energy go?

Life forces leave us at such moments:

  1. When we suffer from any negative experiences. All of them actively deprive you of creative energy (especially the feeling of guilt, anxiety, fear).
  2. During stressful experiences.
  3. When we feel like a very important person.
  4. Unnatural ways to increase your energy potential (due to alcohol, energy drinks). These methods of increasing the energy balance are very similar to borrowing money at a high interest rate. You take energy today, but tomorrow (or later) it will have to be returned and in much larger quantities. Therefore, you should resort to these methods as little as possible.
  5. when we smoke.
  6. We waste ourselves on trifles. Ask yourself the question: “Are you sticking to clearly defined priorities?”. It is worth doing this so as not to waste your vitality in vain.

You spend your energy on any experience, often even those that are not of particular importance to you (worrying about the lives of celebrities, the economic state of the country, winning your favorite football team, and so on).

Pay attention only to your closest people (relatives, loved ones, friends - all those whose lives you are able to influence). You can even make a special list in which you put the things of the first importance and put the things that can wait in the last place.

At the same time, it is important that 80 percent of your vitality be spent by the first three sub-points in this way:

  • 50 percent - to the first point;
  • 20 - to the second;
  • 10 - to the third;
  • the remaining 20 percent goes to everyone else.

Remember that energy wasted on trifles will never return back to you. Therefore, invest it better in more important things, so that later it will return to you a hundredfold.

Having dealt with energy expenditure, now let's move on to methods for increasing energy.

How to increase the energy of a person

Dream, set goals

The dreams and real goals that you are trying to achieve fill you with a very significant amount of free energy. But this will only work if the dreams and goals are personally invented by you, and not another person imposed them on you. When the soul and mind are in harmonious relationship with each other for their own purposes, you get a lot of free energy to carry out your plans.

If you follow your own path, the Universe will help you in every possible way and will always provide the necessary energy fullness!


At the same time, the object of your faith does not play a significant role: it can be God, the Higher Mind, the Universe, superconsciousness, or something else. The main thing is that thanks to faith, you will also be filled with a sufficient amount of free energy.


Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When it overwhelms you from the inside, you perceive everything with great enthusiasm and it begins to seem that you can conquer any peaks! Love is a very powerful source of life force.

Practice energy gymnastics

This is a set of exercises, the implementation of which contributes to the expansion of energy channels.

give thanks

When you express your gratitude, you experience positive emotions and at the same time are filled with free energy.

Make art

Which type of art do you like the most? Art brings your soul to life.

Now, in the information age, art has undeservedly taken a back seat, replaced by the Internet and television. It is worth giving it your time if you want to always maintain a sufficient balance of energy and reveal your inner potential.

Listen to the music

Music is pure energy. Therefore, it is so important to regularly listen to the compositions of your favorite musical artists. The louder you make the music, the more the flow of energy will increase, fill the music to the brim!

Find yourself a hobby

A hobby is an occupation that is done for the soul. Any hobby fills you with additional free energy.

Communicate with people with high energy

Some people naturally have a very high energy potential. They themselves spend this energy to their fullest, and its excesses come out. By contacting such individuals, you receive a piece of their energy from them.

People with strong energy unconsciously evoke positive emotions in others. Often people can not even explain their reason.

All successful people are characterized by a strong biofield, therefore, after contact with them, you feel much better emotionally. When such people enter the room, it is as if an invisible light floods it.

Practice self-hypnosis

You probably know that self-hypnosis will allow you to get everything that you can only dream of. It is quite possible to increase your energy, for this it is important to regularly use visualization and resort to energy gymnastics. You can also use pure self-hypnosis for this purpose.

Get a pet

Animals always evoke positive emotions in their owners, every time your eyes fall on a cute animal.

Exchange physical energy for free

When you practice sports and outdoor activities, physical fatigue sets in, but there is an increase in vitality. Thanks to regular jogging in the morning, swimming, fitness, dancing, you fill yourself with an additional amount of free energy.

Exchange finances for free energy

Now we are talking about money. When you give them away and don't expect them to come back to you, the Universe fills you with vitality.

Have sex!

Sex is the most powerful source of free energy, so it is worth increasing your energy potential through this pleasant and useful activity.

By maintaining your body in good physical shape and resorting to the methods described above to increase the amount of free energy, you will significantly strengthen your biofield and due to this your life will begin to change for the better.

When a flower is loved, it is watered. That is, they nourish life and give energy.

When a woman is loved, she is taken care of. She is not a flower, but without love may also fade.

And if outward love is not enough, look for love in yourself.

This is the most rewarding job. Also, increase your energy. It will give you strength and a feeling of fulfillment inside.

In young years, a woman easily becomes the object of attention of the opposite sex. Youth itself is beauty.

But with age, they attract with energy. Here lies the answer to the question “What did he find in her?” When you meet an unequal couple, where the advantage in appearance is clearly on the side of the man.

An internally free woman will be happy, she will find a resource and a way out of any difficult circumstances. Internally unfree will suffer even in a favorable situation.

Therefore, it is not necessary to wait for a good day when the Universe is with you at the same time and gives strength for the current day.

You can water the so-called flower of energy yourself, filling with true femininity and self-love.

How to increase female energy - 14 rules

1. Sleep 8 hours and go to bed before 24.00

Train your body to take time to rest. The night is made for love or for sleep.

Find motivating quotes, reading which you will feel the beauty of getting up in the morning. Ritual coffee or tea, preferably a bite with a view from the window, communication with yourself, unhurried planning of the day.

And most importantly - silence.

And also self-pride.

Believe me, space will quickly respond to these changes. And the most common saying on this topic, “He who gets up early, God gives to him,” will also work in your life.

2. Use spiritual readings, gratitude, prayer

It doesn't matter what your faith is. The main condition is sincerity.

When your brain censor has not yet fully woken up, say words important for the heart, communicate with your guardian angel. AND give thanks.

At the beginning, at least for the seven wonders of the world that are constantly with you - you can see, hear, breathe, walk, and also feel, love and smile.

3. Take time to meditate

Especially after crowded places, it is useful to come home, take a contrast shower and be alone in silence.

Five minutes is better than nothing.

This may be the study of some chakra associated with the current day. Or just a trip to the colorful world of your dreams.

In the modern world, meditation has ceased to be sacred (hidden) knowledge, and has become available to each of us. After all, these are not just abstract metaphysical practices, but a very useful and valuable tool for improving everyday life.

4. Be filled with joy and positive emotions

You can develop a habit - at the end of the day, write down in a beautiful notebook "5 things that made me happy."

It will be an invisible and constantly updated collection of interesting meetings, fleeting smiles, joyful discoveries.

Isn't it more pleasant than collecting your failures, empty wallets and bad news.

And then you will notice that during the day you began to stop more often and notice more beauty and wonder.

The best materials on femininity, female energy and strength that will remind you that everything you need is within you.

5. Create and express yourself

Even if you are not an artist, a needlewoman or a poetess, create anytime and anywhere.

This is how you share what you have accumulated inside, express yourself, leave a personal imprint in this world. In the end, this is how you calm your nerves.

Write down an interesting thought - yours, collect autumn leaves and make a bouquet, tie a scarf in a new way, decorate the ceiling insanely.

It can't work out. This is creativity.

And you can always say: I see it!»

A woman creates every moment, looking for non-standard options. She sees and creates beauty and magic even in the simplest everyday things. A dance, a painting, a game with a child or a meal - everything in her hands becomes a miracle.

6. Travel

A very pleasant and varied source of replenishment of energy.

Make it a rule once a year to visit places where you have never been before.

Go out of town at least once a month.

Once a week, travel through the unexplored streets of the area where you live.

And once a day, you can change the usual route - to work, to the store, to a friend.

Refresh the picture. The journey never fails. This is a much needed reboot.

What a pleasure to be back home!

7. Be closer to nature, forest, mountains, water

This is also a journey. But more cleansing and energizing than just visiting new places.

Embrace a tree and let its power flow through you through your spine. Greet the mountains with open arms.

Go into the river with the words "wash everything off me."

And just scream. From the heart!

8. Give yourself flowers

It doesn't matter if you get them from men or not. Wanted - buy.

We choose so carefully for others. Why not choose for yourself?

Not for a holiday. And just like that!

But this should not be a demonstrative reproach to someone who, perhaps, has not yet presented them.

Let it be your harmless whim. A little joy given to myself.

9. Eat Right

We are what we eat. A very broad topic. Try to eat 30% cooked food and 70% vegetables. Drink natural virgin oils.

Every year, the female body needs more and more Vitamin E, which is best absorbed with Vitamin C. Therefore, nourish your body and energy with a spoonful of olive oil and lemon juice, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Have pity on the liver and remove white bread from the diet.

But a woman should not be too pedantic in food. Have a day of frivolous behavior and eat what your body asks for.

Our body is a unique tool with a body mind that knows much more about our needs than we ourselves often realize. Our body can “read” what exactly we need at one time or another, and gives clear clues. For example, the body tells you what substances and microelements you lack today.

10. Move and move again

We all know about it, but we put off a new life for tomorrow. Everyone needs sports, even slim and beautiful. It just needs to be in your life.

In any form. And that's it.

The rest of the comments are redundant.

The only and effective way to stop weight gain once it has started is through exercise. I mean very intense exercise like lifting weights, cycling, running or swimming. Exercise should be enough to start building muscle mass.

11. Cleanse the body

Not too poetic point of replenishment of female energy. If the doctor approves, a castor oil cleansing once a week is useful. 1 g of castor oil is recommended for 1 kg of body weight.

In the morning there are only vegetables and fruits. From 14 to 17 drink water. And at 17, take the right amount of castor oil and 150 g of lemon juice. And there is nothing else.

To restore the acid-base balance, it is recommended to eat only fruits three days a month.

A nice bonus awaits you - a change in appearance (of course, for the better) and external changes))

12. Train your intimate muscles

In addition to additional energy, you will improve your health and surprise your loved one.

The most common option is Kegel exercises. For the shy, but purposeful, there is the Internet. Or go to a training where you will be taught how to breathe correctly.

Let's determine your current free energy level. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, reluctant to go to work or study, if after dinner you become limp and feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires than to sit near the TV, then your level of free energy is negligible. It is probably only enough to maintain the current state. So, whatever your energy level is at the moment, it can always be increased. 12 ways to increase vitality

There are 2 approaches to increase the level of free energy:

1. reduce free energy costs
2. increase the supply of free energy.

First, let's talk about what free energy is spent on:

Any kind of negative emotion. Anything that causes bad emotions drains the creative energy out of you! In particular, guilt, anxiety, fear.

— Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance.

- Waste of energy on trifles. Tell me, do you have clear priorities in life? If not, do it right now. This will save you from wasting energy on trifles. Why waste your energy on something that isn't even on your priority list? For example, do you like football? Does it really matter to you which team wins?

Worrying, you waste energy, because the result is important to you. Are you experiencing what is happening in the country, in the country's economy? If yes, then again you are wasting energy. But note that you cannot change anything with your thoughts. Until you make a fortune, you cannot affect the economy. And is it worth putting your energy into it?

But think, surely one of your highest priorities is your family, children. You can make a big difference in their lives. Maybe it's worth spending your energy on improving their lives?

Once you clearly prioritize, you will realize that anything that is not on the list is not worth the energy you spend on it! Spend 80% of your energy on the first 3 items of your priorities: 50% on the first, 20% on the second, 10% on the third, and the remaining 20% ​​on everything else! Spending energy on little things, you give it away irrevocably. When you spend energy on things that really matter, you invest it and get even more energy for it.

Now let's talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when the dreams and goals are yours, and not imposed on you by other people. When the soul and mind are united in their aspirations, you have a huge amount of energy to use. There is no better feeling than the feeling that your dream is moving towards you. If you go your own way, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and always supply the necessary amount of energy!

2. Faith
Believe in Yourself, in this Higher Being, which will give you enough free energy.

3. Love
Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you experience great enthusiasm and a feeling that you can accomplish anything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

4. Energy gymnastics

5. Gratitude
How do you feel when you thank someone wholeheartedly for a favor? Try to be grateful for all the good things you have. This will provide you with an additional large amount of free energy.

6. Art
Art revives the soul. When you make art, you are a conductor of Divine energy.

7. Music
Music is pure energy. Turn on the music you like. You can make it louder so that the flow of energy is greater, and take as much as you can.

8. Hobby
A hobby is nothing more than an occupation for the soul. Everything you do is for the soul. gives you energy.

9. Communication with people who have high energy
There are people who have a very high amount of energy. This energy is enough for them with prosperity and even overflows. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily passes to the interlocutor. Everyone feels great positive feelings towards such people. Sometimes they don't even know why. All successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore, after communicating with such people, you always leave in high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply flooded with invisible light.

10. Self-hypnosis
To do this, it is enough to use contemplation and energy gymnastics.

11. Pets
I think no explanation is needed here. Whenever you look at your pets, they always evoke pleasant feelings.

12. Exchange for physical energy
During sports, outdoor activities, you get tired physically, but your vitality always increases. Morning jogging, skating and skiing, swimming, exercising in the gym always gives you an extra supply of energy.

Physical energy is the energy that keeps the physical body alive. Physical energy is necessary to maintain a high tone of free (vital energy).

To maintain a high level of physical energy, only 2 conditions are necessary:

  1. Good and nutritious food;
  2. Good and complete rest.

Physical energy alone is not enough to maintain a high vitality. More free energy is needed. But before you take on the increase of your free energy, you must have a high level of physical energy. When you are sick, what do you want most? Sleep and rest. You can sleep 17-18 hours a day. And there is absolutely no desire to work, and especially to create something. Watch your physical body. If it is in abundance, then you can engage in the development of free energy, if not, take care of yourself. Rest, sleep a lot, eat well. In general, dedicate some time only to rest. Take a vacation, go to the sea, to the mountains, to the country, in general, to where you can have a great rest.

So, let's say you have a sufficient amount of physical energy, and now comes the most interesting moment: how to increase vital energy. The first thing you should do is determine your current free energy level. If you are too lazy to get up in the morning, reluctant to go to work or study, if after dinner you become limp and feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires than to sit near the TV, then your level of free energy is negligible. It is probably only enough to maintain the current state.

So, whatever your energy level is at the moment, it can always be increased.

There are 2 approaches to increase the level of free energy:

  1. Reduce costs free energy;
  2. Increase income free energy.

First, let's talk about what free energy is spent on:

  1. Any kind of negative emotion. Anything that causes bad emotions drains the creative energy out of you! In particular, guilt, anxiety, fear;
  2. Stress. Any stress is caused by a sense of importance;
  3. Feeling of importance;
  4. Artificial methods to increase energy:
    a. Energetic drinks;
    b. Alcohol;
    Artificial methods of increasing energy are very similar to borrowing money at interest (in other words, a loan). You take energy now, but tomorrow or later you will give much more. Therefore, try to use them and especially alcohol as little as possible;
  5. Cigarettes;
  6. Spending on trifles.

Tell me, do you have clear priorities in life? If not, do it right now. This will save you from wasting energy on trifles. Why waste your energy on something that isn't even on your priority list? For example, do you like football? Does it really matter to you which team wins? Worrying, you waste energy, because the result is important to you.

Are you experiencing what is happening in the country, in the country's economy? If yes, then again you are wasting energy. But note that you cannot change anything with your thoughts. Until you make a fortune, you cannot affect the economy. And is it worth putting your energy into it?

But think, surely one of your highest priorities is your family, children. You can make a big difference in their lives. Maybe it's worth spending your energy on improving their lives?

Once you clearly prioritize, you will realize that anything that is not on the list is not worth the energy you spend on it!

Spend 80% of your energy on the first 3 items of your priorities: 50% on the first, 20% on the second, 10% on the third, and the remaining 20% ​​on everything else! Spending energy on little things, you give it away irrevocably. When you spend energy on things that really matter, you invest it and get even more energy for it.

Well, now it's time to talk about how to increase your energy level:

1. Dreams, goals

Having dreams and goals that you strive for day after day gives you a huge amount of free energy. But this happens only when the dreams and goals are yours, and not imposed on you by other people. When the soul and mind are united in their aspirations, you have a huge amount of energy to use. There is no better feeling than the feeling that your dream is moving towards you. If you go your own way, then the Universe will accompany you in everything and always supply the necessary amount of energy!

2. Faith

It doesn't matter what you believe in: in God, in the Higher Mind, in the Universe, in the superconsciousness or in anything else, your faith in this Higher Being should give you enough free energy. If you don't feel it, then maybe. you should develop your faith. A very good affirmation: "my world takes care of me." By repeating this affirmation, in a few days you will begin to feel absolute peace and a huge influx of energy, because you no longer have to be afraid. Your world will take care of everything. You can replace the phrase my world with something you believe in, such as "God takes care of me."

3. Love

Love is a very powerful positive feeling. When your heart is filled with love, you experience great enthusiasm and a feeling that you can accomplish anything! This feeling is a powerful source of free energy.

4. Energy gymnastics

Energy gymnastics are exercises aimed at expanding energy channels. We will talk about this point in the next newsletter. I will give one very powerful exercise in the next newsletter.

5. Gratitude

How do you feel when you thank someone wholeheartedly for a favor? Try to be grateful for all the good things you have. This will provide you with an additional large amount of free energy.

6. Art

What kind of art do you like the most? Art revives the soul. In times of information, art fades into the background. It is being replaced by the Internet. But don't forget to make time for art. It is important for the soul. In general, in times of information, more and more means and activities for the mind appear, and everything for the soul fades into the background. But do not forget that the mind only with the support of the soul can realize anything in this world!

7. Music

Music is pure energy. Turn on the music you like. You can turn up the volume so that the flow of energy is greater, and take as much as you can.

8. Hobby

A hobby is nothing more than an occupation for the soul. Everything you do is for the soul. gives you energy.

9. Communication with people who have high energy

There are people who have a very high amount of energy. This energy is enough for them with prosperity and even overflows. When communicating with such people, this energy involuntarily passes to the interlocutor. Everyone feels great positive feelings towards such people. Sometimes they don't even know why. All successful people have a high level of energy, and therefore, after communicating with such people, you always leave in high spirits. When they enter the room, it is simply flooded with invisible light. There are also opposite people. The room is flooded with light as they leave. Such people always take away your energy from you.

10. Self-hypnosis

As you understand, with the help of self-hypnosis, you can achieve anything you want. You can also increase your energy levels. To do this, it is enough to use visualization and energy gymnastics. It is possible to use self-hypnosis in its purest form to increase the level of energy.

11. Pets

I think no explanation is needed here. Whenever you look at your pets, they always evoke pleasant feelings.

12. Exchange for physical energy

During sports, outdoor activities, you get tired physically, but your vitality always increases. Morning jogging, swimming, exercising in the gym always gives you an extra supply of energy.

13. Exchange for money

This is nothing but donations. You give money without expectation of a return, and in return the Universe gives you energy.

14. Sex

The most powerful source of free energy.


You can forget everything that is said above, but if you remember at least one phrase, then you have gained a lot by reading this article:
You gain energy when you experience positive feelings and you waste energy when you experience negative feelings.

4.5 We increase our energy

At the next stage of work, you must make sure that your mental energy message is heard by those performers who can come to your aid. To do this, he must be strong enough not to get lost in the countless chorus of thoughts like “I want it! I want this! ”, Which are simultaneously sent by billions of people living on the planet.

Some psychological trainings increase the energy very well, where, with the help of special techniques, the presenters sway the internal potential of the training participants. After the training, the participants are in a high-energy, euphoric state, and all their goals are realized very quickly.

But, unfortunately, the external energy "pumping" usually lasts only two or three months, then you need to repeat the procedure. People become addicted to trainings and tend to participate in them again and again.

We offer a different approach - independent work to increase internal energy. If you use these recommendations, then your future will depend only on you! From your desire and from the efforts made. We give a tool to work on yourself once and for life. Whether you take it is up to you.

Increasing inner energy and self-confidence
The term for the implementation of the events you have conceived directly depends on the internal energy with which you will go towards their implementation. If you are a very self-confident, energetic and purposeful person, then your plans can be realized in just a few days. But such people rarely study methods like ours - they simply do not need it. And people with a lot of doubts and worries always have low internal energy, and the terms for the realization of even their most ardent desires (if they exist at all) stretch for many years. This leads to a simple conclusion: to accelerate the formation of the events you need, you need to use special exercises aimed at increasing your energy potential. Such exercises are just recommended to be mastered at the next stage of studying the methodology of event formation.

Inner doubts - devourer of vitality
Very great damage to our energy is brought by internal doubts and experiences like “Did you do everything right? Didn't I say too much? Did I do the right thing by buying this dress?” etc. Internal doubts, which are the result of the uncontrolled work of your own mind, are the main devourer of your strength and health. A person who constantly doubts and, most importantly, tries to come to reasonable decisions through constant internal reasoning, is most often not well adapted to prosperity in our life. A constantly running "word mixer" takes away such a person's time and energy with a complete lack of visible results.

This does not mean at all that we urge you not to doubt anything and always have a judgment on any issue. Doubt is the lot of a thinking person. We are only trying to convince you that it is necessary to solve problems not with the help of your “word mixer”, but with the help of stronger and more knowledgeable forces. But in order to resolve your doubts and questions with the help of the subconscious (that is, with the help of controlled intuition), you must be able to silence your mind and make room in your head for answers to your questions.

Powerful energy is a guarantee of success
A person with powerful energy can, at will, come into contact with any egregors, including very high ones, and literally “force” them to fulfill their desires. There are such people, but they are few and they usually do not attach importance to their capabilities. But if you run in all directions at once, violating the second principle of the Event Formation Methodology, then even with the highest energy, you can wait a very long time for the fulfillment of desires. But if high energy and one goal are combined, then it can be realized literally the next day.

You can increase the power of your energy in many ways. Various oriental gymnastics, especially qigong, help very well with this. You can use breathing exercises from yoga or rebirthing.

In yoga, special attention is paid to the concept "prana". The word "prana" in Sanskrit means "vital breath, vital energy." According to ancient Indian beliefs, when breathing, a person absorbs not only oxygen, but also a certain energy substance, which is called “prana”. This energy, inhaled by a person along with the air, is transmitted to various organs of the body and processed by them, forming together an internal “pranic current”.
We also want to offer you one of the famous yoga breathing exercises.


One of the most effective techniques for gaining energy in yoga is “triangle” breathing, which means dividing the breathing cycle into three stages: inhale-hold-exhale and then repeat this cycle many times.

Different sources give different recommendations for the duration of these stages. Our experience shows that it is best to use the same duration of the stages and keep them in multiples of the number of heart beats - 6 beats (6 beats for inhalation, 6 beats for retention and 6 beats for exhalation). If this duration is not difficult, try increasing the duration of the stages to 8, 10 or even 12 heartbeats.

If you are conducting an exercise in a room with a large table or wall mechanical clock, then the “ticking” of the clock can be used as a unit of reference. One tick-tock usually corresponds to about one second. One stage of the cycle should also last 6 (8,10,12) tick-tock hours.

You can perform the exercise standing or lying down.

Breathing should be carried out quite freely, without interruptions and tension. Inhalation is performed according to the scheme: the lower abdomen is filled with air, then the middle part, then the top of the chest to failure. Exhale - in reverse order: top-middle-bottom.

During the exercise, with the help of the “inner gaze” or “ray of attention”, you need to mentally send energy flows from the lungs to all organs and parts of your body - including diseased organs for their healing. One can breathe through diseased organs, that is, imagine that air enters and exits through this organ (eyes, liver, knee, etc.).

If you perform it before going to bed, then you will have colorful colorful dreams. The exercise can be performed while walking - then the duration of the stage is regulated by the number of steps. The number of breathing cycles “in a triangle” is 5-10 at a time, otherwise you may feel dizzy from an excess of oxygen.

It is desirable to perform the exercise constantly, but to increase your energy and get the effect, you need to do it daily for at least a month.

Breathing exercises give a general, indiscriminate increase in energy. You will feel cheerful, confident, good mood will not leave you. At the same time, the effectiveness of the implementation of your wishes will increase several times.

To charge internal energy, visualization techniques are widely used, that is, imagining that energy flows from the external environment enter your body and fill it.

For example, if you are overcome by doubts on the basis of personal relationships or you want to impress with your cheerfulness and freshness of judgment, then we recommend charging you with light and pleasant energy.


Stand straight, stretch and release the muscles of the body, close your eyes.

Imagine that straight from the distant depths of the Cosmos, a column of slightly luminous transparent energy descends on your head. You have seen similar pillars in stormy weather, when individual rays of the Sun break through rare holes between dark clouds. The flow of energy entering you through this column can be colored in a color that is pleasant for you.

Golden energy gives fun, lightness, wit. Blue or silver - determination, inner peace, confidence in success. The incoming energy fills you completely and pours out through your heart to others.

The flow of energy should be with you all the time - when you work, travel in transport, relax, etc. You must become, as it were, a puppet - a puppet suspended on a “thread” of the energy flow.

Be a puppet for a few days and you won't recognize yourself, let alone your acquaintances.

You can be charged with energy from the sun, trees, water and other objects of nature. In general, any methods are good. Another thing is that different charging methods give energy of different “densities” - depending on which energy centers your enhanced energy supply goes through.

Accordingly, if you are going on a date and you need to muster up the courage for a love confession, you need soft and gentle energy - the rays of the setting sun can give it. Here is one of the exercises that will help in achieving this goal.


  • Stand facing the rising or setting sun.
  • Squint your eyes and try to see through them a thin ray of sunlight coming from the Sun straight into your eyes. Remember this ray and close your eyes.
  • Imagine that your body is an empty crystal vessel that must be filled with solar liquid. Start “filling in” with solar liquid through a ray of sunlight that enters directly into your eyes. The liquid will gradually fill the legs, the torso, spill into the arms, then fill the head and begin to pour out through the top of the head, creating a sunny radiant stream around you.
  • If the Sun is covered by clouds or you are indoors, you can imagine a ray coming from above and be charged from it.
  • At the end of the exercise, which should last from 3 to 5 minutes, wash the face with open palms.
To indicate the degree of "filling" of the crystal vessel with solar liquid, you can use your hands with the following actions.

Exercise “INDICATOR HANDS” (additional to the previous one).

Stand up straight, relax your arms completely and let them “hang” along the body. Start doing the exercise "Crystal Vessel". As the “filling of the vessel” your hands should very slowly begin to rise to the sides up. This should only happen spontaneously. On a conscious level, you should only watch the process of raising your hands up. Lifting speed - from bottom to top no faster than 3 minutes. The most difficult place is from the horizontal position of the arms to the vertical up, because the shoulder muscles are not used to lifting our arms up, especially through the sides. This position can be passed for the first or second time with some conscious effort.

Hands immediately begin to spontaneously rise in about 60% of people, the rest require a certain amount of effort and time to develop this ability.

This is an exercise for charging with “gentle” energy. But if you are going to sort things out with superiors or with a business partner, and it is desirable to literally impose your point of view on your interlocutors, then we recommend that you do the following exercise.

To perform this exercise, it is desirable that you be alone in the room for the duration of it and you have the opportunity to mutter or even shout something not very loudly, and at the same time no one will resort and offer to call psychiatrists.

Exercise “I AM THE POWER!”

  • Stand straight, raise both hands to your chest, clench your fists and forcefully throw them up, down or away from you (you can use only one hand, in turn).
  • At the same time, with the most emotional and expressiveness possible for you, literally shout out a short energetic phrase like: “I am power! I am the energy! I am the master (of my life)!” or “I am happy (rich, cheerful, successful)!”. The text can be more practical like: “I am the head of the department!”, “I am submitting a report!” or “I am the sexiest!”.
  • You need to perform this action 5-6 times in a row. If you do it very vigorously, you will literally feel waves of energy hitting you from the inside to the back of your head.
The exercise is very energetic, but it forms a rather tough energy in a person, which is necessary for the military, managers, businessmen, politicians and just people who want to advance their careers or demand a bigger salary. It can be performed several times a day, including immediately before important meetings or performances.

Knowing Ourselves
The next step on the path to increasing your energy is to make sure what a wonderful person you are. To do this, you need quite a bit - just remember once again how many different peaks you have already overcome on your life path. And once again to make sure that you always did it wonderfully.

It should be noted that most people do not remember their successes and greatly underestimate their achievements, and this should never be done.

To help you really appreciate your strengths and achievements, we suggest that you perform a simple exercise.


  • Take a sheet of paper and a pen. Divide a sheet of paper (across the sheet) into three equal parts with lines. Above each of the parts, make one of the following inscriptions: 1) My positive qualities. 2) What have I achieved? 3) Where can I express myself?
  • Take a comfortable position sitting at the table, relax the muscles of the body, stop the running of thoughts.
  • Mentally ask yourself the question: “What positive qualities do I have?” And start writing down the answers that appear in the first column. This can be kindness, cheerfulness, openness, perseverance, the ability to empathize with other people, a desire to help them, etc. This can also include and your very specific achievements - physical strength, beauty, the ability to play chess or speak a foreign language, drive a car, swim, fish, write or draw beautifully, play an instrument or sing songs, etc.
Experience shows that anyone, even the most modest person, can “dig up” in himself at least a dozen positive qualities. So do not be particularly shy, if one sheet is not enough, take a second one.
  • When you've completed the first column, move on to the second. In the same way, in a state of relaxation and stopping the running of thoughts, ask yourself the following question: “What have I achieved so far?”.
  • As soon as the first answers appear, start writing them down, without being distracted by memories and discussions of missed opportunities. Your "word mixer" will constantly try to seize the initiative from you and start discussing some problems - do not succumb to her attacks. In the second column, you must write down ALL the more or less significant achievements of your life. It can be entering or graduating from an educational institution, marriage or divorce, buying a good thing or an interesting trip, meeting interesting people or doing difficult work, composing a song or catching a big crucian on a fishing trip, etc. etc.
    As we have already said, there is no person who could not remember a dozen and a half or two achievements.
  • When achievements cease to pop up in your memory, without interruption, proceed to filling out the third column. Ask yourself mentally the question: “Where could I prove myself in the best way?” And start writing down the answers that appear. Again, the answers can be very different. Maybe you see yourself as an outstanding military leader or a prominent politician, preacher or intelligence officer, father of ten legitimate children or a prosperous Don Juan, etc.
  • Not bad if the entries from the second and third columns intersect and complement each other. This will mean that you write down in the third column not just your fantasies on the topic "Who would I like to be", but some aspects of your real life and activities confirmed by your very specific successes.
Similarly, any person can find five to ten activities in which he is sure to succeed. Unless, of course, he will actually deal with them.

The total time spent on the exercise is from 15 to 30 minutes.

When you finish the exercise, you will need to return to your normal state of consciousness, review and analyze the notes again. We are sure that it will be a great revelation for you to see all your virtues and achievements at once. People tend to forget and downplay their achievements and focus on shortcomings, which reduces their energy and self-confidence.

Doing the above exercise will surely increase your self-esteem and self-confidence - i.e. will increase your energy and facilitate communication with high egregors.

But do not throw away these sheets with the completed exercise, but save them! And write down your new achievements in them as they appear. And if you remember and look for new achievements, they will constantly appear in your life. And you will be more and more convinced of what a talented, successful and simply outstanding person you are! You will be filled with a sense of your own importance, and this is the high self-esteem necessary to quickly achieve the goals you need.

And don't forget that there are equally outstanding and successful people around you, so you have no reason to look at other people with contempt or arrogance. This will already be an idealization (that is, an exaggeration) of your abilities, and Life will be forced to give you a lesson in destroying this idealization. Therefore, just think: “I'm super! And the people around you are great!”, although they may not be aware of it.

And it's time for us to sum up the next results.

1. The term for the implementation of the planned events directly depends on the internal energy with which you will go towards their implementation. Therefore, by all available means, you need to increase your energy and your self-esteem.
1. To increase your energy, the first thing you need to do is get rid of constant doubts and fears. We have already considered methods for stopping the "word mixer".
2. The next way to increase your energy is to use various kinds of exercises, during which you will visualize the flow of energy into your body from external sources, which can be the Sun, trees, mountains, fields or open water.
3. To increase your self-esteem, it is very important to record on paper all your previous achievements and constantly add to this list.

This is the very first book
methods of Alexander Sviyash, which in the future
like technology
Intelligent life.