How to retire. Video: Is it necessary to equalize the retirement age

According to the new law, in accordance with which, from January 1, 2019, a phased increase in the retirement age began in Russia, it will provide new pension benefit- the possibility of early retirement (2 years earlier than the generally established dates). This right can be exercised women in the presence of 37 years and men with 42 years of experience.

However, this does not mean that the new law increases the requirements for . On the contrary - such a benefit was proposed by the Government and the President of Russia as mitigation measure the pension reform planned for 2019.

If a citizen earns the specified number of years, then he will be able to retire 2 years earlier the retirement age established in the relevant year, but not before the age of 55 for women and 60 for men. Due to the fact that the retirement age, in 2019, with a long service, it will be possible to become a pensioner ahead of schedule only six months ahead of schedule(so the general retirement age in 2019 will be 55.5 and 60.5 years, respectively - see).

Eligibility for early retirement

Since 2019 an additional preferential basis is planned for the opportunity to become a pensioner ahead of schedule - the presence at least 37 years of experience for women and at least 42 for men. With the adoption of such changes, the Russians will have the opportunity to issue payments earlier by 2 years than this will be provided for by the new retirement age (and from 2019 it will begin to rise from 60 to 65 years for men).

It should be noted that initially the Government proposed to establish a standard for early retirement at the level of 40 and 45 years old(women and men respectively). It is with these parameters that the government bill for consideration by the State Duma on June 16, 2018.

However, the President's seniority requirements were softened for 3 years - up to 37 and 42 years. Corresponding amendments Vladimir Putin to the State Duma on September 6, 2018. During the second reading of the bill on raising the retirement age for Russians, such amendments were approved by the deputies, on September 27, 2018, the bill was adopted in its final content and signed by President Vladimir Putin on October 3.

It is also necessary to clarify that this standard (37 years for women and 42 years for men) for receiving a pension in the general case - it only allows early processing of payments “on preferential terms”. And for registration of an insurance pension in the general order of such long-term employment not required. For example, in 2019, in order to become eligible to become an old-age pensioner, you will need to earn only 10 years of experience.

What does 37 and 42 years of seniority mean for early retirement (what does it include)?

Since 2015, to determine the citizen's right to registration, the concept has been used insurance experience. But the procedure for calculating it to determine the right to early retirement will differ from the standard rules - not all insurance experience will be taken into account for early retirement. Such a restriction was introduced by paragraph 4 of Art. 8 of the new Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018, on the basis of which it does not include periods that are generally included in the insurance period (for example, caring for a child under 1.5 years old).

Only work periods and (or) other activities in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, during which the citizen was officially employed and paid for him, and the period of being on sick leave.

Note that the rules for calculating the total insurance period with the introduction of the new law do not change in any way - restrictions will only apply when calculating the length of service for early retirement, for which you need to have 37 and 42 years of work experience.

For reference

According to Art. 12 of the same law No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", now the following non-working periods are included in the general insurance period, during which a citizen:

  • (but not more than 6 years in total);
  • received temporary disability benefits (compulsory social insurance payments);
  • received unemployment benefits, participated in paid public works;
  • moved or moved to another area for employment in the direction of the employment service;
  • cared for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or a person who has reached 80 years of age, and other periods.

    All listed periods are counted only if before or immediately after them there were periods of official work during which the employer paid insurance premiums for the employee.

Retirement by length of service in Russia (table)

As mentioned above, the presence of a long service will allow you to retire early - 2 years ahead of schedule. But it is necessary to remember about the restriction - in this case, the age cannot be less than 55 years for women and 60 years for men (which corresponds to the old retirement age that was valid until 2019).

This actually means that during the first years of the reform, when the retirement age will be gradually increased in increments of 1 year (in 2019 - 0.5 years), with a long service life, it will be possible to retire not 2 years earlier, but for a smaller number of years (in 2019-2020).

Below is a schedule (table) of early retirement by seniority by year of birth:

WomenMenWhen will they retire
GRTotal PVPreferential PVGRTotal PVPreferential PV
1964 55,5 55 1959 60,5 60 2019
1965 56,5 55 1960 61,5 60 2020
1966 58 56 1961 63 61 2022
1967 59 57 1962 64 62 2024
1968 60 58 1963 65 63 2026 etc.

Note: PV - retirement age, GR - year of birth.

Thus, in the presence of a long period of labor activity according to the old standards of retirement age (at 55/60 years old) will come out:

  • women born in 1964 and men born in 1959 - in fact, a decrease of only six months relative to the new age standard;
  • women born in 1965 and men born in 1960 - reduction by one and a half years (instead of 2 full years).

For women born in 1968 and men born in 1963 and younger, who have a long work record (37 years and 42 years or more, respectively), according to the new law, taking into account, according to the table above, the final values ​​\u200b\u200bof the preferential retirement age will be established - respectively 58 years old and 63 years old(which is 2 years less than the new generally established standards).

Question answer

Will the mandatory length of service be 37 years for women and 42 years for men?

No, statutory limits are 37 for women and 42 for men are not mandatory for the appointment of payments, but only in order to provide early retirement. If a citizen does not work out such a number of years, he will simply become a pensioner on a general basis - without benefits for early registration. And the so-called "mandatory work experience for retirement" under the new pension reform does not change.

In general, according to current legislation, in order to reach, it is enough to fulfill three prerequisites:

  1. Achievement of the established - will gradually change, starting from 01/01/2019, until it is established at the value of 60/65 years for women / men, respectively.
  2. The presence of a mandatory (minimum) - these values ​​​​are gradually adjusted from 01/01/2015 with an annual increase of 1 year.
  3. The presence of the minimum required amount - this value is also adjusted annually with an annual step of 2.4 points.

For example, to become a pensioner in 2019, you will need to have 10 years of insurance experience and 16.2 pension points. If in 2019 a citizen will lack these indicators, then it must be borne in mind that next year the requirements will be even higher - already 11 years and 18.6 points.

The schedule for increasing the minimum (mandatory) requirements for obtaining an old-age pension in Russia by year is given in the table below:

The final mandatory values ​​after the end of the transition period are noted in the table in bold- these are, respectively, the retirement age of 60 years for women and 65 years for men (from 2023), 15 years of insurance experience (from 2024) and 30 pension points (from 2025).

Monthly receipt of funds for own maintenance is issued upon reaching a certain age and completing the length of service. However, there are some exceptions; in particular, the right to early retirement. What categories of citizens have the opportunity to receive early cash payments? How to retire early? All these questions will be answered in detail in the article.

general characteristics

Unfortunately, not all citizens have sufficient legal culture. That is why many workers are not aware of some of the nuances of the current legislation governing the right to early retirement. All benefits, rights, surcharges and many other important legal elements are enshrined, first of all, in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But in addition to it, it is also worth highlighting a large number of government decrees and regulations (in particular, the Federal Law on the assessment of labor conditions). All the presented normative acts regulate the following concept.

Early retirement (Article 27 of the Federal Russian Federation ") is a direct connection with the professional activity of a particular person, carried out under specific working conditions or stipulated by certain social norms.

Thus, a person who carries out his labor activity in production with unusual working conditions has the right not only to various kinds of benefits, but also to early payments. At the same time, the profession must be really "harmful": a complete list of heavy jobs was approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR, but has not changed to this day. Who retires early? This will be discussed further.

Early retirement pension: who is eligible?

Early retirement is called the option of receiving monthly payments, in which the onset of the allowed age will take place in no more than 2 years. Persons who are in the Russian employment center as unemployed, as well as those who have an appropriate length of service (20 years for females and 25 years for males) can apply for such a pension. Accordingly, early retirement in the Russian Federation is issued only to those persons who meet the above criteria.

The presence of harmful or difficult working conditions in labor activity invariably entails the possibility of receiving an early pension. Harmful working conditions are considered to be physical or psychological stress, and more recently, work in the Far North. Russian legislation enshrines the possibility of obtaining the so-called reduced work experience. It is thanks to him that it will be possible to receive early pension payments.

Separately, it is worth noting that the worker has some serious illnesses. If the continuation of work activity is impossible for health reasons, then early retirement can be issued only if a special medical certificate is submitted to the employment center.

List of harmful professions

If an employee carries out his labor activity at work with harmful features of work, then the possibility of early retirement increases significantly. What kind of professions fall under the category of "harmful"? Since Soviet times, a classification has been preserved that allows you to accurately determine the severity of labor. So, there are four levels of professional activity:

The issuance of each such degree is possible only if attention is paid to the following points:

  • increased dust content in the air, the presence of dirt;
  • low-quality lighting;
  • loud noises;
  • harmful radiation;
  • work with harmful microorganisms, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, etc.;
  • increased vibrations;
  • high level of humidity;
  • too low or too high air temperature;
  • the duration of stress in work activities and much more.

From all the presented criteria comes another classification: list 1 - these are professions with a critical degree of harmfulness, and list 2 - certain types of difficult professions and positions. Both of these lists can be easily found on the official website of the Ministry of Labor.

Categories of citizens

Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 400 contains more than 20 clauses, which indicate both the conditions for early retirement and some professions, working in which you can qualify for early retirement. What exactly is worth highlighting here? Here are some specialties specified in the law:

  • railroad workers;
  • search engines and geologists;
  • miners;
  • public transport drivers;
  • employees of river and sea vessels;
  • aviation workers;
  • rescue workers;
  • persons working underground (miners, metro workers, etc.);
  • workers in the field of execution of sentences (prison workers);
  • teachers;
  • public health professionals;
  • theatrical figures and some other workers.

Among other things, there are also special categories of citizens:

  • (bringing up more than five children);
  • visually impaired;
  • persons injured as a result of hostilities;
  • dwarfs and midgets;
  • workers of the Far North.

All of the above persons can be issued an early pension. At what age is retirement possible? This will be discussed further.

Conditions for applying for early retirement

How to apply for early To begin with, you should pay attention to the following conditions:

If the relevant conditions are met, it is worth paying attention to the contents of the so-called lists 1 and 2, which were mentioned above. Thus, a woman belonging to the list of list 1 is entitled to a pension upon reaching the age of 53, with a total working experience of 15 years. The duration of work in hazardous production should not be less than seven years. In accordance with list 2, a woman can apply for a pension from the age of 45. The length of service must not be less than 20 years.

And what do the lists say about male workers? In accordance with list 1, a man who has reached the age of 50 can apply for a pension for the accumulation of service of 20 years. Schedule 2 sets the minimum age for a worker at 55 and 25 years of work experience (12 under harmful conditions).

Thus, it can be issued by far not by all persons, but only by those that meet the above criteria.

Early retirement in the Russian Federation: the procedure for registration

What steps need to be taken to apply for early retirement benefits? To get started, you should contact the local Employment Center with the appropriate application. They will give you a document to fill out. The organ will definitely help to draw up paper with high quality. Within a month, the Employment Center will provide the citizen with an answer - with the consent to carry out further work or with a justified refusal.

What must be submitted to the Employment Center in addition to the application? As a rule, these should be the following documents:

  • passport and its photocopy;
  • military ID;
  • birth certificate of the child (if the employee has children);
  • original and copy of the work book.

Also, the Employment Center may request the following papers:

  • certificate of dependents;
  • address statement (about the place of residence);
  • disability certificate;
  • certificate of upbringing of a child under eight years of age;
  • document on the composition of the family;
  • certificate or certificate of guardianship.

The body may also request many other references - for example, individual documents from work. It is very important to correctly and correctly draw up all the papers, check the presence of seals and signatures.

Citizen's rights

The question of how to retire early is regulated by many Russian federal laws. What rights does a citizen who is about to retire early have?

A citizen is able to demand from his employer all the necessary documentation necessary for transfer to the employment center or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the employer of the enterprise must confirm the preferential length of service of the worker. If the employer for some reason does not do this, then such a task is assigned to the appropriate state body.

As soon as an employee receives an insurance pension certificate, all information about his "movements" will be taken into account by the Russian Pension Fund.

It is also worth giving the classic formula for calculating early retirement:


  • PV - basic payment;
  • C - the cost of one coefficient at the time of registration of the pension;
  • PC is the total amount of pension type coefficients earned;
  • K - increasing indices to PV.

All persons who correctly completed the necessary paperwork at the Employment Center and the Pension Fund have the right to early appointment of a labor pension.

Reductions or liquidation of the enterprise

It is far from rare that an employee of pre-retirement age suddenly loses his job. The reason for dismissal can be in the organization, the elimination of jobs and much more. Naturally, practically no organization expresses a desire to hire a person who has very little time left before retirement. The situation, I must say, is very uncomfortable, and often completely hopeless. Still, a citizen wants to "finish off" his seniority, but there are no opportunities for this. What to do in such situations? Here it is just worth asking yourself the question of how to retire early. The first thing to do is to compare your indicators with those necessary for premature payments, compare past working conditions with the necessary "harmfulness". At what age do they retire early? As already mentioned, men should not be less than 58 years old, and women - less than 53 years old. The following conditions must also be met:

  • dismissal from work was built only due to a reduction in staff or the elimination of the workplace (one's own desire and medical indicators are not taken into account);
  • the presence of a certain length of service (25 years for men and 20 years for women);
  • the citizen is in the employment service;
  • there are no suitable vacancies on the labor exchange.

If citizens have faults that led to the termination of social payments, then one should not expect an early pension.

Can they refuse?

Quite often, the Employment Center or the Pension Fund of Russia refuses citizens to apply for an early pension. As a result, applicants have to apply to the courts, and resolve cases already there. Naturally, such examples illustrate the unsatisfactory level of state protection of citizens' rights to receive pensions. And yet it is worth giving the main reasons for refusing early retirement. Here you need to highlight:

What should be done if a refusal was received in the named instances? How to retire early no matter what? There is only one way out - to contact higher authorities. A complaint is filed in the same Pension Fund; all necessary documents must be attached to it. The complaint will be considered within a month. If the refusal comes again, then there will be only one way out: to apply to the courts of general jurisdiction. You will need to draw up an appeal against the refusal.

Features of a pension

For both employed and unemployed citizens, some features of the registration of pensions are provided. A working citizen should remember the following:

  • the employer is obliged to pay severance pay for a two-month period;
  • payments from a previous job will stop if a citizen registers as unemployed.

Unemployed citizens should remember that full length of service makes it possible to receive subsidies. At the same time, each year worked on top of the total length of service entitles you to an extension of state support for two weeks. If a citizen becomes an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, then the receipt of early pensions is terminated until this status is closed.

The specified list of requirements is enshrined in law "About insurance pensions", but they are introduced gradually. To receive an old-age insurance pension, 15 years of insurance experience will be required for those leaving for retirement after 2024. For 2016, the insurance experience is 7 years, for 2017 - 8 years, for 2018 - 9 years and then until 2024 incrementally.

In the complete absence of seniority (or lack of necessary for appointment), instead of an insurance pension payment, social pensions can be assigned.

  • persons aged 65/60 years, as well as citizens of other states and stateless persons who have lived in Russia for at least 15 years and have reached the above age;
  • citizens from among the peoples of the North aged 55/50 years, permanently residing in the regions of the Far North and equated to it on the date of establishment of the pension.

Can I retire before retirement age?

In connection with the peculiarities of the performance of some work, pensions may be assigned earlier than the generally accepted age. Possibility of retirement ahead of schedule provided in the following cases:

  • When working in industries with difficult or harmful working conditions (for example, in hot shops). The list of specialties that allow attributing production to this category is fixed by law. Such citizens have every right to retire for 5 years before, and in some situations - on 10.
  • If the worker worked in the territory Far North, preferential pension provision is established earlier for 5 years. And if the work was carried out in the indicated territories in production with difficult or harmful working conditions, then there is an opportunity to take advantage of a double benefit - to reduce the retirement age according to two criteria at once.
  • For health reasons - citizens who have been established disability in the manner prescribed by law.
  • If a citizen is recognized unemployed provided that the employment service does not have the necessary vacancies and the opportunity to employ this applicant.

The right to early appointment of a labor pension

Some persons, determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation, have the right to early retirement. In particular, the following can count on it professional categories of citizens:

  • public transport drivers;
  • miners and other specialties of workers employed in the mining industry;
  • health workers;
  • women men who are part of the crew of different types of ships;
  • teaching staff;
  • creative people.

The right to retire early has also been granted to a number of categories of persons, regardless of their work activity, for example, mothers of many children, certain categories of disabled people and citizens with certain diseases. Also, this opportunity exists for northerners, that is, for people who worked or lived for a certain period of time in the Far North.

Preferential harmfulness pension (List 1 and 2)

There are two fairly large lists that list industries, professions and positions that make it possible to retire early. List No. 1 includes 22 such productions, and List No. 2 - 32. But the difference lies not only in quantitative data.

List No. 1 contains a list of industries with the most difficult and harmful working conditions. This:

  • All types of work underground(geological exploration, mining in mines and mines, laying subways and tunnels, etc.).
  • Work in hot shops(glass-making, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, production of ceramic products by firing, etc.).
  • Works with very unhealthy and severe working conditions associated with oil refining, the production of electrical equipment, the production of ammunition, etc.

List #2 includes:

  • mining(construction of tunnels and subways, open pit mining, etc.);
  • work in difficult and hazardous conditions(food and light industry, production of medicines, extraction of gas, peat, oil, etc.);
  • work in transport(railway, city, sea, aviation).

Reducing the retirement age

For men who have worked in professions from List No. 1 for at least 10 years and whose insurance experience is 20 years, the retirement age reduced to 50 years. Women on this List are entitled to early retirement in 45 years if there is an experience of 7.5 years of work in a particularly hazardous industry and 15 years of insurance experience. If employees worked in the above industries for less than half of the annual norm of working time, then they are given a pension according to List No. 2.

According to List No. 2, early retirement is due to men in 55 years(experience in insurance - 25 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 12.5 years), and for women - in 50 years(insurance experience - 20 years, experience in "harmfulness" - 10 years). Medical workers (30 years of experience - in the city and in the countryside - 25 years), teachers of municipal educational institutions (with 25 years of experience) are also entitled to receive preferential pensions.

List of individual professions that give the right to early retirement

In addition to the above professions and positions, a preferential pension is available to:

  • pilots;
  • firefighters;
  • skydivers;
  • logging and rafting workers;
  • ballet, theater and circus artists;
  • emergency rescue workers.

Another industry in which a huge number of people work, and which should be separately noted - building. List No. 537, approved by the Government of Russia on July 18, 2002, includes both management positions and working specialties.

Groups working in construction are legally entitled to receive early retirement:

  • brigade stonecutters and masons;
  • roofers and bitumen workers;
  • machinists of pavers of asphalt concrete;
  • masters and foremen of construction and installation works.

Early retirement for various social categories of citizens

The working-age category of the population was considered above, but there is also a certain list of persons who have the opportunity to enter a well-deserved rest before the established age - the right of these citizens is determined by social circumstances. These include:

  • mothers of many children who gave birth and raised 5 children up to eight years old, and at the same time they must have 15 years of work experience.
  • Parents of disabled children whom they raised until they were eight years old. Early retirement comes earlier by 5 years in the presence of seniority (15 years - mother, 20 years - father).
  • Guardians of disabled children, whom they kept and raised up to 8 years. They have the right to receive pensions earlier by 5 years.
  • Persons who have become disabled due to war injury and worked for 25 years - men, 20 years - women. They retire 5 years early.
  • Disabled people of the 1st group for vision with an experience of 15 years for men and 10 years for women. They go on a well-deserved rest even earlier: at the age of 50 - men, at 40 - women.
  • Citizens who are disproportionate dwarfs diagnosed with pituitary dwarfism with a work experience of 20 years for men and 15 years for women: men become pensioners at 45, women - at 40.

Pension in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas

Citizens who live in the regions of the North, and persons who previously worked in these regions, regardless of their current place of residence, are granted the right to:

  1. on the preferential old-age insurance pension;
  2. on the fixed payment increase to one of the types of pension insurance: for old age, for the loss of a breadwinner, or for disability.

Early retirement granted:

  • Citizens who worked in the North 15 years or 17 years in areas that are equated to the north. They can retire 5 years earlier with a total of 25 years for men and 20 years for women.
  • Indigenous residents of the Far North who worked as commercial fishermen, hunters and reindeer herders for 25 years for men and 20 years for women. Go to retirement 10 years earlier than the general term.
  • Women who have given birth to 2 children or more and worked for 12 years in the North or 17 years in an area equated to the north, with a total experience of 20 years.

The fixed payment to the insurance pension is increased by the regional coefficient, which is established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the entire stay in these areas. When a citizen leaves their localities for another place of residence, the amount of pension provision is considered without taking into account this coefficient.

Social pension for the small peoples of the North

To establish a social pension for these citizens, there are certain conditions:

  • age 55/50 years for men and women, respectively;
  • belonging to the small peoples of the North.

Since January 1, 2015, a new condition has appeared - permanent residence in the areas of residence of the small peoples of the North.

To establish a social pension, a person must have a document that confirms belonging to the small peoples of the North. Such a document is a passport or a birth certificate, which indicates nationality. If this information is not in the documents, they are confirmed by a certificate issued by the community of indigenous small peoples of the North.

When this category of persons leaves for a new place of residence in an area that does not belong to the areas of residence of the indigenous peoples of the North, the payment of a pension is suspended, because. the right to this type of social pension provision is considered lost.

Early retirement pensions for unemployed citizens

Unemployed citizens can apply for a pension ahead of schedule, if observed a number of conditions:

  • in accordance with the established procedure, the employment center recognized the citizen as unemployed;
  • the employment service does not have the opportunity to employ a citizen;
  • the citizen was fired because there was a liquidation of the enterprise or the activity of the individual entrepreneur ceased, the number or staff of workers was reduced;
  • the availability of an offer from the employment center on the early establishment of a pension for the unemployed;
  • insurance period of the unemployed: 20 and 25 years (for women and men, respectively) and, if necessary, the length of service in the relevant jobs;
  • the minimum number of pension points (in 2018 - 13.8 points);
  • reaching a certain age;
  • application of a person for early retirement.

The PFR issues an early pension to the unemployed at the request of the employment service and with the consent of the citizen no earlier than 2 years before the right to an insurance pension on preferential terms appears, including.

In the event of the above circumstances, the old-age insurance pension will be established:

  • men with 58 years old with insurance experience of 25 years;
  • women with 53 years old with 20 years of experience.

When to contact the Pension Fund for an appointment?

Making an early pension requires a careful approach from the pensioner. timely preparation necessary documents and certificates - the key to receiving a well-deserved pension without problems and delays.

The pension provision is established from the date when the citizen applied for it, but not before the right to receive the provision appeared. The day of circulation is the date when the PFR receives all the necessary papers along with the application. When sending them by mail, the day of circulation is the date on the postmark.

The fact of acceptance of documents is confirmed by a receipt-notification issued to the person. If the documents are sent by mail, a receipt is either handed out or also sent by mail. Missing papers should be submitted within 3 months from the date of application.

Is it possible to retire earlier?

Each citizen, upon reaching a certain age, is interested in the question, is it possible to retire earlier than the period established by law? The Russian Federation provides for such an opportunity.

In an effort to take care of its citizens, the state is taking comprehensive measures to provide material support. So, one of the forms of support from the state is. What category of citizens is required and the conditions for its registration, we will consider in more detail.

In the Russian Federation, the retirement age for citizens to take a well-deserved rest in old age is set, it is 60 years for the stronger sex and 55 years for the fair half. But, according to the current legislation, early retirement is possible. To receive such a payment, you must have a certain profession and length of service. Citizens who are eligible to apply for this type of pension:

  1. Persons working in enterprises with unsafe conditions, exposed to high temperatures and harmful elements:
  • miners, workers making tunnels for the subway, cars and railway vehicles;
  • workers in oil refineries;
  • at nuclear power plants and foundries.
  1. Workers in light industry enterprises:
  • employees of pharmacological firms;
  • workers specializing in the exploration of minerals;
  • pilots, paratroopers;
  • firefighters;
  • rescuers;
  • artists;
  • forestry workers;
  • doctors;
  • teachers.

Early retirement is also due:

  • mothers of many children raising more than five children (upon reaching 50 years);
  • single fathers caring for 5 or more children with at least 20 years of experience;
  • a parent (guardian) of a disabled person since childhood, caring for one baby up to 8 years old (with a work experience of at least 15 and 20 years, representatives of the stronger and weaker sex);
  • 1 category with vision problems (with an experience of at least 15 years for the stronger sex and 10 years for the female, then they will retire at 50 and 40 years, respectively);
  • persons working in the conditions and regions of the Far North for at least 15 years.

In total, the legislation takes into account within 30 categories of professions, which are supposed to take an early vacation. Persons whose working conditions are more difficult than those of other working people can count on similar payments. The work of such employees takes place in constant tension, putting their health and life at risk.

The right to early receipt of an insurance pension is regulated by the Federal Law N 400 "On Insurance Pensions". According to the law, a citizen, if he has an IPC of 30 points, or upon reaching a specific age or the required length of service, has the right to count on payments ahead of schedule.

In the absence of work experience, social payments are provided for them at the age of 60 and 65 years, respectively (residents of the Far North are 55 and 50 years old).

According to the legislation, enterprises and professions with unfavorable labor criteria are divided into 2 lists:

  1. List of occupations with dangerous working conditions.
  2. List with heavy labor criteria.

To recognize work as unsafe, in workshops, enterprises, an analysis of working conditions is carried out. In accordance with the conclusion of the commission, the employer pays additional contributions to the Pension Fund. The amount of contributions depends on the level of danger assigned by the commission to the company. Persons who have worked in enterprises with poor working conditions for at least half of the term prescribed by law and who have the necessary work experience can count on a reduction in the age of rest in accordance with the length of service.

So, for example, after working for 7 years at an enterprise with harmful working conditions, an employee has the right to retire at 53, males, women at 48. If the employer fails to pay additional contributions to the Pension Fund, the employee loses the right to early retirement.

Residents of the Far North, in order to receive a premature social pension (at the age of 55 for a man and 50 for a woman), must permanently reside in the territory of a settlement of this ethnic group. For residents permanently residing in the Far North, engaged in reindeer herding, fishing (for 20/25 years, men and women) can retire 10 years earlier than the due date.

The formula for calculating early retirement, its average size

Since 2016, a law on a new procedure for calculating retirement has come into force. The formula looks like this

SP \u003d IPC x SIPC x K + FV x K, where:

  • SP - the amount of the old-age insurance pension.
  • IPC - the total number of pension points received at the time of calculation.
  • SIPC - the cost of the pension coefficient.
  • K - premium.
  • PV - fixed payment.

According to the legislation, persons born in 1967 and older can count on a funded pension. Currently, employees are entitled to receive only an insurance pension.

The amount of the pension depends on the amount of points accumulated during the period of employment. There is an opinion that the amount of early pension is higher than the usual one, but this is not so. At the moment, the amount of fixed payments determined by the state is 4,823 rubles, and a minimum of 11 pension points is also required. The amount of payments can be increased for disabled people of the 1st group and people working or living in the Far North. If the amount received during the calculation is less than the subsistence minimum, its amount is supplemented by social benefits.

Early retirement pension in case of reduction through the employment service

Unemployed citizens, recognized as unemployed as a result of the reduction or liquidation of the company, have the right to early retirement in old age. If a person was deprived of work for less than 2 years before the retirement age, then he has the right to apply for an early pension.

Payments, in this case, are made through the employment service, subject to the following requirements:

  • Reaching the established age (57 years for a man and 53 years for a representative of the weaker sex).
  • Unemployed status.
  • The presence of work experience (25 years for the stronger sex and 20 for women, the experience may be less if the citizen previously worked at work with unfavorable working conditions or in the Far North).
  • The citizen is unable to find a job.

In the event of employment, payments stop. If a suitable vacancy was provided by the employment center, and the citizen himself refused it, premature departure is not possible.

The main criterion for the appointment of early payments, in this case, is a certificate from the employment department, confirming the impossibility of employment of the dismissed citizen in the future.

Is it possible to get an early retirement pension for the unemployed?

Persons without a formal job may also qualify for early retirement if the following rules are met:

  • Be registered with the job center.
  • The employment service should officially recognize him as unemployed.
  • There is no suitable vacancy in the job center.
  • The citizen was dismissed from the previous place of work in connection with the liquidation of the organization.
  • The insurance experience of 20 and 25 years, respectively, is also required.
  • Retirement scores of at least 13.8.
  • Required age.
  • Applying for early retirement.

The Pension Fund will issue a vacation ahead of schedule, but not earlier than 2 years before obtaining the right to an insurance pension. In this case, the insurance pension is due to the representatives of the stronger sex at the age of 58 (25 years of experience), women need 20 years of experience - from 53 years of age.

Early retirement for teachers and doctors

In order to retire early, medical workers need to have an appropriate work experience - doctors working in city hospitals must have at least 30 years of work experience, for workers in rural hospitals - 25 years.

Applying for early retirement

The following employees are eligible for this type of payment:

  • nurses;
  • obstetricians;
  • paramedics;
  • medical technologists and technicians;
  • heads of the FAP;
  • dentists;
  • operating doctors;
  • pathologists;
  • assistants to sanitary doctors, disinfectors;
  • rheumatologists anesthesiologists;
  • forensic experts;
  • laboratory assistants.

A preferential pension is provided to teachers who have worked in state or municipal educational institutions. Retirement eligible occupations include:

  • director, head;
  • teacher;
  • educator;
  • teacher;
  • educator-methodologist;
  • speech therapist-teacher;
  • Physical education teacher;
  • educational psychologist;
  • music director;
  • organizer of educational activities;
  • Social worker.

But even here there are some peculiarities, so the work of an educator-methodist or an organizer of educational work is included in the preferential length of service, provided that this work was carried out before 1999.

The FIU has the right to refuse to receive an early pension if the professional experience of a teacher or medical worker is less than 25 years (for doctors, at least 30 years in cities).

Required documents

In order to receive a pension in a timely manner, you need to know what documents you need to present to the FIU. First of all, in order to apply for a premature old-age pension, you need an application for the appointment of a specific type of pension, with which a citizen applies to the FIU at the place of residence. In addition to the application, the following required papers are provided:

  • the passport;
  • work book, papers confirming the length of service in the relevant types of work;
  • birth certificate of the child;
  • papers confirming the disability of the child;
  • proof of disability in military service;
  • on recognition as a visually impaired person who is unable to work in the third category;
  • confirmation of work in the Far North and equivalent areas.

What documents need to be submitted to the FIU?

And this is not the whole list of documents provided, the list depends on the category of the citizen who applied for a pension.

Sometimes, additional papers may be needed, the applicant must provide them to the relevant authorities no later than 3 months from the moment of their request.

The payment is established from the moment the applicant received the right to apply for a pension, that is, from the moment he applied to the relevant state authorities for a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule. The review of the submitted documents should take no more than 10 days.

Registration procedure

When applying for a pension, you should:

  1. Come to the employment center to draw up an application about the desire to leave early for vacation, a certificate with the date of application will be attached to it.
  2. The application is sent to the FIU, no later than a week from the date of filling.
  3. Within the next month, the applicant submits to the FIU a complete list of documents. After that, a decision on the appointment will be made during the working week.
  4. In the case of a positive decision, pensions for citizens aged 60 and 55 for both sexes are paid by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, for persons younger than this age - by the CZN.

The Pension Fund may refuse to provide a pension if the length of service and other necessary indicators do not meet the requirement. For example, for workers in hazardous professions whose work experience is less than 7 years, early payment is not assigned.

The case of providing an incomplete list of documents, or their incorrect execution, may also be the reason for refusal.

The pension and labor legislation of the Russian Federation is constantly being reformed and improved. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the changes in the legislation. Timely check the accrual of insurance premiums by the employer, you can check it personally in the Pension Fund, or on the Internet.

Informative video about the appointment of pensions:

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Additional rates for insurance premiums

This rule is regulated by Art. and law "About insurance pensions", and usually both experience and age differ between sexes in 5 years(which is already a pattern).

However, since 2017, due to the fact that the average life expectancy of women significantly exceeds that of men, the Ministry of Finance proposed to equalize the retirement age for the appointment of old-age pensions. At the same time, there is no news about early retirement.

Pension in the Far North and equivalent areas

To assign an early "northern" pension to a citizen, compliance with following conditions:

  1. Actual residence or work activity in the conditions of the Far North.
  2. Established retirement age.
  3. The minimum length of service in the CSW or areas equated to them.
  4. Required minimum insurance period.

The table shows the necessary conditions and the age of occurrence of the right to a pension for residents of the RKS and areas equated to them.

Category of citizensRetirement ageRequired insurance experience
Persons who have worked in the RCS for at least 15 years or 20 years in equivalent districts
  • 55 years - men
  • 50 years - women
  • 25 years - men
  • 20 years - women
Citizens who have worked in the RCS for at least 7.5 yearsWhen assigning a pension, the retirement age is reduced by four months for each year worked
  • 25 years - men
  • 20 years - women
Women who gave birth to two or more children and worked for at least 12 years in the CSW or 17 years in equivalent areas50 yearsAt least 20 years old

Social pension for the small peoples of the North

If the "northerner" could not accumulate the necessary length of service, then he may be assigned a social pension before the emergence of the right to it of other citizens.

The definition of the small people of the North is exhaustively given in Article 1 of Federal Law No. 82 of April 30, 1999 "On Guarantees of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation". Preferential pension provision for representatives of small northern peoples is enshrined in law in article 11 of the Federal Law No. 166.

Mandatory conditions to take a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule are:

  • belonging to the number of small peoples of the North;
  • reaching the age of 55 for men and 50 for women;
  • permanent residence in areas traditionally inhabited by representatives of small peoples.

At the same time, if a pensioner leaves the territory of indigenous residence, the payment to him stops, and when he returns again, it is resumed.

Belonging to the composition of a small people must be documented. This document can be a passport, birth certificate or a certificate from the indigenous community.

The list of indigenous peoples inhabiting the regions of the North is enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1049 dated October 1, 2015.

Early retirement for unemployed citizens

Citizens declared unemployed as a result of the reduction or liquidation of the enterprise and who are not able to find a job, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 32 of the Federal Law No. 1032-1 dated April 19, 1994, can count on early retirement benefits, which will be offered employment service, subject to the consent of the employee and the following conditions:

  • reaching the age of 57 for men and 53 for women;
  • assignment of the official status of the unemployed;
  • the presence of an insurance period of 25 years for men 20 years for women (the length of service may be less than 25 and 20 years, respectively, for men and women, if the labor activity was carried out in special conditions or RCS and equivalent to them);
  • lack of employment opportunities.

An early pension assigned on the above grounds will be paid until a citizen reaches retirement age, after which he can make the transition to an old-age insurance pension.

In the case of employment, pension payments will and can be renewed again after dismissal.

When and where to apply for a pension provision?

An application for the appointment of pensions is submitted to the client department of the PFR body at the place of registration of the future pensioner per month before reaching retirement age or acquiring pension rights due to social circumstances. However, it is worth starting to collect a package of documents confirming pension rights 6 months before the expected date of retirement, after consulting with the FIU specialists. It needs to be done to avoid delays when assigning pensions, which may arise due to the inability to submit all the necessary documents in a short time.

  • If the Pension Fund and the MFC have an agreement on cooperation, then you can contact the Multifunctional Center.
  • You can apply for a pension through the personnel department of your company and through the "personal account" by e-mail.
  • You can also send an application to the FIU using the services of the Russian Post.

The internal regulations of the Pension Fund provide for a 10-day period for assigning a pension, subject to the submission of all the documents required for this.


Currently, citizens who began their careers back in the days of the USSR, when the functions of state control were strictly aimed at observing and protecting the rights of workers, and therefore there were very few situations when labor and pension laws were violated. The rules for calculating and assigning pensions remained unchanged decades.

Now the conditions have changed radically, and therefore, during their working life, citizens should show interest in news and changes in modern pension and labor legislation, which has been constantly reformed and improved throughout the existence of the Russian Federation.

Need to control timely and complete transfer by employers to the FIU, because not only the size of the pension, but also the right to an additional pension will depend on their size. You can do this yourself through the "Personal Account" service on the official website of the PFR or by contacting the branch in person.