How to invite a guy to meet for a walk phrases. Correct words and phrases. Call and in a conversation hint at a date

How to propose a date to a guy? That's what many girls think about, who have no idea how to build a relationship with their chosen one. Of course, a few years ago, the first step was never discussed, but this only led to a huge number of unhappy marriages, which are still a real problem, affecting children. So, you need to consider how to create excellent conditions for your life, just breaking yourself.

First of all, you need to figure out exactly how a girl can act in order to not make mistakes. There are several tips that can support anyone in a difficult situation.

  • Firstly

You don't have to start dating right away. If a girl takes the first step, then he must be fully balanced and prepared. After all, it is impossible to make a mistake in such a situation in any case. The proposal is often evaluated incorrectly, so in the future you will have to say goodbye to the young man forever. It is not surprising that in practice only some beauties who are self-confident do this.

  • Secondly

Men usually choose a quiet place to propose, away from other people. A woman should be much bolder, as she needs to show her true intentions. For this reason, it's easiest to take a moment and just at home and say that it's time to take the relationship to the next level. How to propose a date to a guy? Without much difficulty, the main thing is to be confident and free.

  • Thirdly

No need to prepare for rejection, young people almost never refuse such offers, but it’s worth thinking about a possible reaction in advance. It is enough to see a slight change in facial expressions to immediately change your mind. For this reason, it is better to know exactly when to take this step. True, you need to understand that a man is an “animal” accustomed to freedom. A permanent relationship for him is comparable to imprisonment, so it is better to prepare the ground.

  • Fourth

The proposal should show the second half that the relationship will not change much. The fact is that friendship often develops into marriage, however, after several years of living together, a young man understands how nice it is to be just friends. Accordingly, a divorce follows, which is unlikely to be a welcome step for a girl. Means, it's better to just improve the relationship rather than modify them.

  • Fifth

Before you think about how to invite a guy to meet, it’s better to think about how is it necessary. Unfortunately, some young girls strive to quickly find a strong and beautiful partner, so they make a critical mistake. They are ready to take the first step and build their own life, but after a couple of months they realize that miscalculated. Similar situations occur all the time, so first you need to decide for yourself, and then think about how to act.

Advice is endless. The relationship between a guy and a girl is a complex system that differs from everyday life. As a result, you will have to constantly weigh all the pros and cons, because there are no ideal people.

How to propose a guy to meet by correspondence

It is worth taking a more serious approach to the situation when young people have not yet met in person. Today, couples are often built by correspondence, which has become a hallmark of the spread of the Internet. For this reason, the question constantly arises, how to make an offer.

In fact, with a personal presence, it is much more difficult to say just a few words about the beginning of a relationship.

The fact is that in case of refusal or the wrong reaction, the girl will be able to freely “hide” in front of the monitor and immediately change the subject.

Hence, in this case it is possible to choose any available method.

Practice shows that correspondence often gives positive results. For this reason, a young beauty should not be ashamed of anything, just write a few words to get married in the near future. And it is this step that will give the best results.

The fact is that a man is rarely able to say the right words in person, but to give a positive answer in the next letter or message. he will surely make up his mind.

How to propose a date to a guy so that he does not refuse

How to invite a guy to meet, so as not to hear a negative answer? Perhaps, many girls dream about this, since a woman, in essence, always remains a fragile creature, unprepared for severe psychological shocks. She is not ready for a negative answer morally.

However, in this case, the only advice to be given is - never try to present a young person with a fact or a choice. It is worth repeating that for the male half of the population, any relationship is comparable to the restriction of their freedom. Accordingly, they are not always ready to independently agree to the conclusion.

However, the young beauty should not refuse the first step. It is better to choose the right moment when a man is in a better mood. In this case, the woman will definitely hear consent and in no case will she be disappointed in her own act.

Perhaps, the best option is the anniversary of acquaintance or other solemn event.

The only exception is the indecision of a young man. A smart girl will surely feel that her chosen one wants to take the first step, but does not dare to take a serious step. In this case, you can safely make an offer, being sure that there will be no refusal.

Guys and girls should not just meet and spend time together. Only building stable relationships will allow in the future to form a family and have children. So, in some cases, the girl will have to take the first steps in order to help her soulmate seriously think about marriage. The main thing is not to limit a man in anything, since in this case he will probably prefer to refuse in order to remain free.

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If you go on dates with a guy, then at some point there is a desire to go to the next level and start a relationship. It is likely that you are the only partners for each other or are ready to recognize the importance of this person. Before asking a guy out, you should carefully consider how ready you are for new commitments. The right moment is key to such an offer, so choose the right time and place. The conversation should not be tense. Start with positive phrases to get the desired response.


Part 1

How to Know You're Ready

    Determine how committed you are. Such a decision can be very difficult. Regardless of your thoughts, readiness for a strong relationship can be determined by a number of factors. Each case is unique and you may have certain expectations about the relationship. Ask yourself the following questions:

    Consider the length of your relationship. If you offer to meet too early, then in the absence of mutual feelings, the guy will be scared. Waiting too long can lead to confusion and resentment. Every relationship is different, so there is no specific time period to wait. Trust your intuition. If it seems that the right moment has come, then do not hesitate.

    Determine if the guy is interested in the relationship. Try to understand how the guy feels about you. The only way to know the exact answer is to ask a direct question, but you can also pay attention to external signs.

    Get ready for rejection. Despite all the hopes of hearing a positive answer, it is important to be prepared for rejection. The guy may not be ready for a serious relationship with you or not want to change something. Think about how you should respond to rejection.

    • If you want to build a serious relationship with a person, and he refuses you, then sometimes it's better to just leave. This makes it easier to find a person who also wants a strong relationship.
    • If you are happy with your current relationship, then you can wait until the guy is ready.
    • If you have strong feelings for him, then it is important to decide whether to continue communication after the rejection. You can remain friends or cut off any contact.

    Part 2

    How to choose the right moment
    1. Plan ahead. It will be easier for you if you know exactly when the decisive conversation will take place. You can rehearse the conversation in advance or determine the right moment. There is no single right moment to propose a date. Carefully evaluate personal circumstances.

      Get ready to meet in person. Sometimes you just want to send a message to a guy, but such issues are best resolved in person. Face-to-face conversation allows you to consider different options for relationships. If a guy has questions or concerns, then you can immediately discuss them.

      • If you're in a long distance relationship, it's not always easy to meet in person. When deciding to talk during a meeting, it is better to wait until the end of the date so as not to spoil the conversation in case of a negative answer. If there is no opportunity to meet, then you can just call.
    2. Choose a suitable location. There is no one right place to discuss relationships, but the setting should not prevent you from expressing your feelings and discussing the future. It is important to choose an option that is suitable for both you and the guy.

    3. Ask a question at the right time. While having fun on the appointed day, focus on relaxing. Wait for the right moment to start a conversation. Such a moment even feels like “right” or “special”. If you find it difficult to choose the right time, then follow the general recommendations.

      • If a guy compliments you, return the favor and start a conversation about what you like about each other. This is a natural transition to talking about relationships.
      • Start a conversation in a moment of awkward silence. Tell me how happy you are now and see if it's worth continuing.
      • At the end of a date or meeting, say the following: “Listen, before you leave, I would like to discuss something.”
    4. Wait until the guy himself offers to meet. If it's not very important for you to call the guy your partner as soon as possible, then wait until he comes to this himself. This will allow you to understand how ready he is for a serious relationship. If you are not sure about your feelings or do not know the guy's plans, then this option is the most suitable.

      • You don't have to wait indefinitely. Set a deadline for yourself. For example, if within a month the guy does not offer you to meet, then do it yourself.

    Part 3

    How to propose a date
    1. Give a compliment. Tell the guy what you like about him. Flattering words allow the guy to relax and prepare for the conversation. By praising the guy's sense of humor, intelligence, kindness, you will show your attitude towards him.

      • Say, “You are very funny. I have never met such funny guys before.”
      • Here is another compliment: “You are so caring. I am very touched by this attitude.”
      • If he smiles, thanks you, or compliments you back, that's a good sign.
    2. Talk about your feelings. By starting the conversation on a positive note, it will be easier for you to express your feelings. If the compliment brought a positive reaction, move on to the more serious part of the conversation. Talk about how you feel about the person. Say that you really enjoy spending time together or confess your feelings.

      • Say, “I feel very good with you. You are a wonderful person and I have thought a lot about our relationship.”
      • At this stage, it's best not to tell the person that you love them. He may be scared or worried that the relationship is moving too fast. Instead, you can say that you "have feelings" or the guy "really likes" you.
    3. Invite the guy to meet. It's best to ask directly if the guy is ready to date you. Depending on the situation, the issue can be approached from different angles.

      • Ask directly: “I would like to date you. Will you be my boyfriend?".
      • If you are not completely sure about the relationship, then ask: “Where do you think our relationship can lead?”.
      • If you're both dating different people, then ask, "How do you feel about being each other's only partners?"
      • If you need to understand how he perceives you, then say: “What should I tell other people when they ask about our relationship? Can I call you my boyfriend?".
    4. Define expectations. People may perceive strong relationships in different ways. Perhaps he is ready to meet only with you, but not ready to meet his parents. Perhaps the guy wants intimacy, but you are willing to wait. During the conversation, you need to clearly discuss your own expectations.

      • At the beginning of the conversation, you can ask the question: “What does dating mean to you?”.
      • Answer honestly if a guy asks what you expect from a relationship. For example, tell him the following: "I expect a guy to be faithful and honest with me. I'm not ready for marriage yet, but I want to explore the possibility of a more serious relationship."
    5. Allow time for a response. The question can put the guy in a difficult position. If he is anxious, nervous, or hesitant, then give him time to think about the answer. It may seem that he is not ready for commitment, but sometimes people just need to weigh the pros and cons.

      • Say, “If you need time to think, that's all right. Say the answer when you're ready."
      • Let the guy be alone. Ask: “How much time do you need to think it over?”. Do not return to the question at least for a while.
      • Don't rush to move on to the next stage after a few dates. Every relationship moves at its own unique speed, but a guy may not be ready for the big step of meeting his parents or living together.
      • Tell what you expect from the relationship so that no one feels hurt.
      • Different relationships develop on different schedules and under different conditions. There is no need to be ashamed or worried if your relationship is not like the relationship of your friends.


      • After a rejection, it's natural to feel sad, sad, or overwhelmed. Spend time with friends and do things you love to take your mind off sad thoughts.
      • Do not chase the guy and do not impose. If he doesn't want to date you, then it's best to just move on.
      • Don't get mad if the guy doesn't want to date you. Rejection can be due to many reasons. Perhaps he is not ready for a serious relationship or you are not suitable for each other.

Women have fought for their rights for centuries. In fairness, we note that they did receive them. But along with the rights, they received many other additional features. Now, women and girls are much more likely to take the initiative in any domestic and not only issues. Also, no one will be surprised by the situation when the fair sex offers the guy to be a couple. But in this case, the girl has a lot of questions, she does not know how to invite the guy to meet. The fact is that the male population still does this more often, they have much richer experience in this area. In extreme cases, their father will always help them with advice. And what about a girl? Who should she contact? Mom is unlikely to help in such a situation, since during her youth there were very, very few such precedents. So the girl is tormented by thoughts about how beautifully and unobtrusively to invite a guy to meet, or how to make him offer it to her himself. We will try to help resolve this issue.

How do you propose to a guy on a date?

If you have warm feelings for a young man, but you don’t know how to take the first steps towards him, then you can follow our algorithm.

First, the girl needs to find out why the guy does not invite her to meet. There may be several reasons, as well as, respectively, several options for the further development of events.

The first reason is that the guy is busy with another girl. In this case, of course, you can try to beat him off, but perhaps only the guy himself knows how successful your undertaking can be.

The second reason is that he is not interested in you. Well, no one said that it would be easy, and even more so, they did not guarantee that your feelings are mutual. But even in this situation, not all is lost. Today he is indifferent to you, and tomorrow he may well be interested in yours. And your task is to make sure that he learns as much as possible about your positive qualities.

And the third reason is his shyness. In this case, it will be easiest for you to act, because the guy actually wants to date you, but he does not dare to take the initiative. Therefore, everything is in your hands, invite him to meet yourself, but at the same time, do not be very assertive, you risk scaring the guy away.

Now we will offer several ways how you can invite a guy to meet.

There is an opinion that the one who initiates the beginning of a relationship often determines the scenario according to which they will develop. Most girls know that it is useless to rely on male logic to allow a guy to competently manage relationships. That is why we advise you to take the initiative in your own hands and share information on how to make a guy propose to meet.

Not all, but many girls share the absurd opinion that guys should take care of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity without showing any initiative on their part. Defending such views, one can cite examples from the story of how brave knights fought for the hearts of noble ladies, beautiful princes looked after their chosen ones for a long time and beautifully, and even cavemen, perhaps, presented the skins of killed mammoths to women as a token of their sympathy. But believe that at all times even the most beautiful girl will remain unclaimed if she fails to attract the attention of a man and show him her sympathy.

There are three main reasons a guy might not propose to you:

  • Doubts. A man may think that he is not ready for a serious relationship or not be sure that his passion for you is long-term. In this case, to get an offer from a man, you need to hurt him a little more and convince him that you are exactly the woman he dreams of.
  • Uncertainty. If the guy of your dreams is a little timid and shy, it's quite possible to use tricks such as asking the guy to date on his own or hinting to him (preferably very transparently) that you are not against a serious relationship.
  • Disinterest. There are approximately 3 billion women on our planet and it is quite understandable why one particular guy cannot be interested in all the girls at once. To attract the attention of a man, there is one proven way that works in 100% of cases - let him know that you are interested in him. But even in this situation, a guy may not be interested in a relationship if you are not attracted to him as a girl.

How to prepare a guy for a serious relationship?

Of course, there are guys who only dream of a serious and long-term romantic relationship, but even they, like girls, need confirmation that you are a really good couple. Communicating with a guy before starting a relationship, you need to adhere to the line of behavior that seems to him the most attractive. Of course, it is difficult to predict what behavior of girls seems to be the most attractive for the object of your adoration, so the best way out is to focus on universal human values:

  • Be interested in them. Without normal communication, even friendship with a guy is not possible, but you intend to become much closer to him than friends, so occasionally taking an interest in his affairs and mood will not be superfluous.
  • Be interesting to him. When your communication improves, sooner or later the guy will also want to take an interest in your affairs. If you are one of those extremely charming girls who can tell fascinating stories even about how they fried potatoes the day before yesterday, it is pointless to worry about this. Otherwise, it will be good if you diversify your leisure time or even find a common hobby with a guy.

Ways to start a relationship

Some girls can read dozens of psychological works about the beginning of a relationship, hoping to find some specific phrases with which it is easy to invite a guy to meet. Fortunately, such phrases do exist and, of course, every woman should know about their existence. An overly straightforward proposal to meet sounds normal only from the lips of a girl who is not older than 14 years old. Older girls should use more elegant tricks:

“I love spending time with you. Do you think we can keep our relationship as warm (or hot) for a long time?

“How do you see our life in six months (month / week / 29 years)?”.

Analyzing the answers of the guy, you can conclude whether he gave his consent to your proposal. Ideally, your future from his words should really be “yours”, and romantic relationships should last for a long time, warm or not.

The outdated stereotype that a man should be the first to offer a relationship has long been discredited. Waiting for him to take the first step, you can simply lose precious time, and sometimes miss the chance. Men, despite their masculinity and courage, are rather timid. If the guy from the environment really likes - take the risk. Perhaps he does not dare to propose a meeting himself, or simply has not thought about it yet. Then you should take the initiative in your own hands.

What to do before you act

First you need to weigh everything and assess the situation. The girl must clearly understand that this is the only one who she needs and deserves attention. Since the lady will have to become the initiator of the relationship and make some efforts, she should take into account that when she starts dating a guy, he may show those qualities that she did not know about before.

There is a chance to be disappointed in the chosen one, but you should not be afraid of this. If you do nothing, then the man will remain inaccessible, and the lady will remain with her dreams and fantasies. While her competitors will begin to act actively, because everyone will be able to offer a guy to meet. But not everyone will do it in such a way that the young man appreciates the seriousness of his intentions and agrees.

How to invite a guy for a walk

How to hint a guy so that he himself wants to meet?

No matter what method a girl chooses to hint at a relationship to a man, she should always remain natural. In the ideal case, everything should look like it was his own initiative, and he himself took a step towards. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following points:

What to look out forWhat to do
Your appearanceIt is worth monitoring your appearance and making an effort to look charming. A wonderful move - a pleasantly smelling perfume, gentle, possibly containing pheromones
Having common hobbiesIt is advisable to choose a guy with whom you have common interests. You need to make it clear that the heart is not busy. And if a guy likes a lady, he himself will offer her to meet
The nature of communicationInternet communication should be avoided. Dialogue should take place live. In extreme cases, you can talk on the phone so that a man can hear a woman's pleasant voice
Guy moodA lady should not despair if a man answers with concise mean phrases. Perhaps the girl just fell under a hot hand or turned at the wrong time.
Character of a young manWhen the necessary contact is established, you should continue the usual friendly communication and take a closer look at the chosen one. At this stage, you can find out something new for yourself about the guy’s personality and avoid disappointment if it turns out that he is completely not the person you want to deal with.

You should not use other people's ways to win the heart of the desired man in your case. This may not work, and sometimes cause a backlash. Relationships are a purely individual process between people of the opposite sex. What is good for one couple may be bad for another.

A man wants to see a weak woman in front of him, whom he can protect and feel needed and strong next to her.

Therefore, in order to attract the attention of a guy, the methods work wonderfully: “Oh, something broke for me ... (something)” or “It doesn’t work for me .... Fix it please…. Save, help out, without you in any way ... ".

In order for him to offer to meet, the girl must become for him the most defenseless creature.

In this way, you can play on the instinct of men, laid down by nature, to be a rescuer and protector of weak women. When girls show that they themselves are doing great with everything, the guys feel that they are not needed and withdraw into themselves. If a man tries to help a girl, but does not cope with the task, you should not scold him, you must definitely praise him. Otherwise, he will not have the desire to continue to communicate with the girl.

How to tell a guy that I like him

How to avoid rejection?

When communicating with a young man, you should follow simple rules:

  • Be sincere. No need to play a role and put on someone else's mask. Bluff and falsehood is felt immediately. You should not predict the situation in advance and think about what he can say in response.
  • Give the right to personal space. Chasing the chosen one is a bad idea, so the girl will only scare him away from herself. It may seem to him that the lady has mental problems.
  • Don't impose. So that a man does not refuse to develop relationships, you should not put pressure on him, so the girl will face a wave of resistance. If a girl hears a refusal to her proposal, she should in no case be imposed. It is worth stepping aside so that the guy has a chance to understand that he is missing something in the absence of a girl. Sometimes this behavior causes interest and a desire to renew the friendship.

How to show a guy that you like him

How can you be open about your intentions?

There are cases when a girl has tried all means, but the guy still does not dare to offer a relationship or simply does not understand what she wants from him. You will have to act openly and start a conversation yourself.

It must be started correctly, choosing the right words and phrases, taking into account the character and mood of the man, as well as the appropriate situation. You can use the knowledge about the guy's hobbies and plans for the near future or for life. The ideal setting for doing this is to be alone. No need to use the hackneyed phrase: "I want to have a serious talk with you." So he just gets worried and scared. You need to act more subtly, starting a conversation like this:

  • “What a wonderful evening it was. Thank you for having such a great time. Shall we repeat our communication? Shall we go somewhere else? »
  • “I wanted to stay face-to-face with you for so long, but I didn’t know how to do it. I hope that now I will not think about it? »
  • “If I could always be with you together. How wonderful it would be to spend more time together.”
  • “I just now realized that I would like you to become my boyfriend.”

You can create a playful atmosphere and quote love poems at an unexpected moment:

You are special to me

You are not like everyone else.

You are the only one for me

You are the best on earth.

And I love your eyes

Smile and words.

When you're next to me

It's a head circle.

Believe that feelings are sincere

And not empty words.

I want to scream for joy

That I love you!

Examples of wording on how to propose a relationship to a man:

  • “I want to ask for a long time, do you have a relationship? Let's try to date? »
  • “I want to make a confession to you, I really like you and I would like something more than just friendship.”
  • “How is it, such a nice guy and still alone! I can fix this mess."
  • “Listen, well, I’m hinting, hinting ... I’ll have to admit it straight out - I like you. How are you looking at starting dating? »
  • "We are adults, it's time to tell you straight - let's meet."

If the girl got an answer

If a refusal follows, the girl should not pretend that she was greatly hurt. It is necessary to maintain pride and dignity, to react calmly, not to express any claims. After all, you can regret in the future that friendly relations with this person have ceased. It’s better to react like this: “Well, you won’t be forced to be nice ...” or “Maybe you’ll change your mind later - you know how to find me.”

It is better for a girl to find out everything at once herself than to harbor empty hopes. So she can clearly define the situation for herself and understand where to move on. If she managed to achieve the desired result, then she will begin a relationship with a man. In case of refusal, the girl will dot the i's and will try to build a new union.