How to sign a settlement colony. Love and weddings in correctional facilities (12 photos)

Hello dear readers and writers!

My name is Tatiana, I am 30 years old.

I am an ordinary Russian woman. I live, I work. I have a future husband. Why future - because soon we will have a wedding. The wedding is not quite ordinary, because this wedding will be played in a prison. Yes, my chosen one is in prison. Anticipating unflattering comments, I want to clarify - we knew each other before he was imprisoned, but we started dating when he was behind bars. I will ask in advance all ill-wishers to leave their sarcasm and "smart" comments about the fact that he is making me a parcel, etc. He does not breed, I will say right away, he sends me the money himself, so much so that it is enough for him to buy everything there, and I still have more. Therefore, I will ask everyone who wanted to sneer on the topic "girl, you are being bred," to bite their tongues.

He is 35 years old. Neither he nor I have ever been married. I had men, I lived in a civil marriage with one, but I didn’t do well with any of them before the registry office, although there were proposals. And with this person ... I don't know, you can laugh at me, but I feel with every cell of my body that it is mine. We have been dating for two years, on February 3 it was exactly 2 years from the day we first met there. From that day on, there is a report of our meetings. We see each other often, finances allow, more than once every 4 months, as it should be, but he somehow agrees that it turns out to see each other once a month, or even twice a month.

In general, so what, you say, are you going to get married - get married, etc. But I have a few questions. Maybe someone knows how the registration of marriages in the MLS goes ... I'm at a loss, he wants me to be in a white dress, not puffy, but more modest, but always in white, in a veil, so that we have rings, in in general, he wants to arrange a real holiday. And I doubt it. First, we are no longer young to have a wedding with a dress and a veil. I am 30 years old, I think that I am already too old for a white wedding dress, and even more so for a veil. Even if our wedding took place here, in the wild, I still would not wear a white dress. I have some kind of complexes about this. Secondly, the rings. I see no reason to buy rings for us now, because he still can't wear it there, and after the wedding I still have to take his ring home. So the point is to buy it? Third, guests. You can bring two more adults with you, this is by law, but he has agreed on a larger number of guests, he wants to invite his family - parents, brother, and so that on my side there were members of my family - also parents and brother.

My parents are not against our marriage, but they do not want to go there. A long road, then a difficult and slow procedure of inspection and control, in general, they refused. The future spouse was offended. Although I explained to him that my parents were not against him, but against going to the zone.

In general, these are the main questions that torment me. Maybe you, dear readers and writers, can help me decide ... About the dress, rings and inviting loved ones ... Thanks in advance to everyone!

State registration of marriage of citizens serving sentences in correctional colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law "On Acts of Civil Status" dated 15.11.1997, No. 143 (as amended by Federal Law dated 02.04.2014 No. 52-FZ) the registry office serving the territory on which the correctional colony is located.
In accordance with Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On Acts of Civil Status" of 15.11.1997, No. 143, state registration of marriage is carried out by any civil registration authority on the territory of the Russian Federation at the choice of the persons entering into marriage. If a convict who is serving a sentence in a correctional colony wishes to conclude a marriage, he must apply to the head of the correctional colony with a request to provide a joint application form for concluding a marriage of the established form.
In the absence of circumstances preventing the conclusion of marriage (punishments, remarks, placement in a punishment cell, etc., i.e. if the convicted person is characterized positively), then the administration of the correctional colony supplies the convict, at his expense, with such an application form. After receiving the application form, with the permission of the head of the correctional colony, a notary is invited, in whose presence the convicted person fills out his side of the joint application. His signature is notarized after paying the state fee or the amount according to the tariff. Payment for notary services is carried out at the expense of the persons entering into marriage.
The administration of the correctional colony transfers this statement to the person with whom the convicted person wishes to marry, and at the same time informs the address of the registry office, which is authorized to register this marriage.
State registration of marriage is carried out only if there are documents proving the identity of the intending marriage (passports), in their presence, in the premises of the correctional colony, determined by the head of the penal colony in agreement with the head of the registry office.
Simultaneously with the filing of a joint application for marriage, the registry office must submit:
- documents proving the identity of the persons entering into marriage;
- a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage, if the person (s) was previously married. In the event that the state registration of the dissolution of a previous marriage was carried out by the civil registry office, to which the application for marriage was submitted, the presentation of a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage is not required and the civil registry office on the basis of the information provided by the applicant in the application, establishes the fact of termination of the previous marriage on the basis of the existing record of the act of divorce. In this case, the person (s) entering into marriage has the right to present a document confirming the termination of the previous marriage on his own initiative;
- a copy of the death certificate of the former spouse (if one of the spouses is a widow or widower);
- permission to marry before reaching marriageable age (paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation) in the event that the person (s) entering into marriage is a minor;
- receipt of payment of state duty.
Payment of the state duty for the state registration of marriage, as well as payment of transportation costs is made at the expense of the persons entering into marriage.
According to paragraph 2 of Article 26 of the Federal Law No. 143-FZ of 15.11.1997 "On Acts of Civil Status" in the event that one of the persons entering into marriage is unable to appear at the civil registry office to submit a joint application, the expression of will persons entering into marriage, can be formalized by separate applications for marriage. The signature of the application of a person who is unable to appear at the registry office must be notarized. The signature of a suspect or accused in custody, or of a convict serving a sentence in a correctional institution, certified by the head of the place of detention or the head of a correctional institution, shall be equated to the notarized signature of a person made on the application for concluding a marriage.
Thus, a person who is not able to appear at the registry office is a citizen who is serving a sentence in places of deprivation of freedom.
The second party wishing to marry in person, with an identity document and a notarized statement on the marriage of the convicted person, applies to the registry office to apply for state registration of the marriage.
In accordance with Art. 27 of the Federal Law "On acts of civil status" dated 15.11.1997, No. 143, state registration of marriage is carried out after a month and two days from the date of submission of a joint application for marriage to the registry office, in the presence of the persons entering into marriage.
The head of the registry office may refuse state registration of marriage if he has evidence confirming the existence of circumstances that prevent marriage.
Applications for state registration of marriage are accepted only with all the necessary documents.
State registration of marriage is carried out according to the schedule approved by the head of the registry office and the head of the correctional institution.

Nikolay Severin

Although serving a sentence in correctional institutions implies some civil restrictions, the status of a convicted person does not prevent.

But it imposes certain difficulties that require additional measures compared to registering a marriage at will.

It is not always possible to wait until the end of the sentence in order to register a free marriage. Factors such as too long a term of imprisonment lead to the need for marriage in places of deprivation of liberty.

For this, the convicted person must contact the administration of the institution in which he is staying and ask for permission to register.

The administration has the right to refuse this request in two cases: if there are circumstances that prevent the registration of marriage (set out in Article 14 of the Family Code, this can include incapacity due to mental disorders and the presence of a registered marriage in one of the potential spouses) and in a punishment cell ( disciplinary responsibility).

If these obstacles are not available, the administration issues an application form.

Necessary actions

For marriage, a standard package of documents is required:

  • Passports;
  • If one of the future spouses was previously married, then he must provide;
  • Citizens who have not reached marriage are obliged to provide for marriage from their legal representatives.

The form is completed by both parties. Since a convicted person cannot be present at the registry office, he can fill it out only in a correctional institution.

To do this, a notary is called, who receives permission to enter the institution and certifies the authenticity of the signature of the convicted person. After that, the form is handed over to the person with whom the convicted person concludes a marriage, and it is filled in by him.

Then it takes both (the convicted person's passport must be taken from the UCH with his prior consent), a form, a document certifying the authenticity of the signature, and carries these documents to the registry office. Registration is carried out by the registry office assigned to the ILC.

To register, you must pay a state fee, as well as pay for notary services.

After a month, an act of state registration of marriage is carried out.

The rules for its conduct are specified in the twelfth chapter of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation No. 189 "On approval of the rules of the internal order of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system."

The administration of the institution (in agreement with representatives of the registry office) determines the premises for the official registration ceremony.

Each party can invite a maximum of two people, with all people present at the ceremony must have a written permission to stay within the institution, issued by the administration.

During the registration process, the documents are signed and a mark in the passport is established, a registration certificate is issued. Rings are generally prohibited in prisons.

Help: when a person enters a pre-trial detention center, all procedures are similar, with the exception that instead of the administration, the process is led by an investigator.

comparison table

Let's present the differences between the registration of marriage in the ILC and in freedom in the form of a table:


After the marriage ceremony, the convict and his spouse are given a longer visit than the standard one.

Of course, it is possible to formalize relations with a person serving a sentence of imprisonment. Nobody takes away this right from a prisoner.

Most often, painting behind bars is a forced step.... The fact is that since 2013, there have been changes in the procedure for long-term visits by convicts. Article 89 of the RF Penal Code indicates that, unlike short-term meetings, which are possible with an unlimited circle of people, not everyone can get on a long meeting.

“Third parties” (which include civil (unofficial) spouses) can go on a date with the permission of the head of the colony. Previously, this permission was issued freely in many colonies. It was enough to bring the common-law spouse into a personal file. In recent years, the administrations of correctional institutions very often deny civil spouses permission to enter the room for long visits. The way out is to enter into an official marriage.

What documents are required for this?

  • You will need the passports of the bride and groom.
  • If either or both of them were previously married, you must provide a certificate of divorce or death of the former spouse.
  • Also, those getting married fill out a marriage application.
  • The applicant at large pays and provides a receipt for payment to the registry office.

You will find out what list of documents is usually required for the official registration of marriage.

Step-by-step instructions on how to formalize a marriage relationship

So you've made the courageous decision to marry someone from MLS. The pre-wedding chores will look a little different than if you had conceived a "standard" marriage. However, you will not face any insurmountable difficulties. If the penal colony where the future newlywed is serving time is in another city, then you will need to make several trips there: visit the special unit of the colony, the registry office and the savings bank to pay the state duty.

Attention! In correctional colonies and registry offices of different regions, some of the nuances may differ slightly. The best option is when all the small details of how this happens in a particular correctional colony is clarified by the convicted person himself and explains everything in detail to the bride.

We will tell you about the basic steps that need to be taken to enter into such a marriage.

Filling out an application by a person in prison

The simplest option is when the prisoner first performs his part of the actions. He appeals to the administration of the colony with a request to provide a marriage application form. If there are no obstacles to marriage (the convicted person is not placed in a punishment cell or other penalties are not imposed), the head of the colony gives his permission and the prisoner receives a form.

The inmate fills out a marriage application in his presence. If the data is entered correctly, the head of the colony certifies the completed form with your signature.

Is the presence of a notary required?

Important! Marriages with prisoners are made in a certain registry office, which is assigned to the colony. Call in advance and find out on what days applications for marriage with a convict are accepted. Sometimes a single day of the week is allocated for this.

In the registry office you need to fill out an application for yourself, provide the collected package of documents and receive a so-called invitation with the date and time of the wedding. The applicant transfers information about the appointed marriage to the special unit of the penal colony. In the same place, in the special unit, the employees will say at what time it will be necessary to drive up to the correctional colony on the wedding day, and what is the further procedure.

How long to wait for registration?

You cannot choose the date of the wedding yourself, the registry office employee will call it... According to the law, you will have to wait at least 30 days (we talked about the timing of marriage registration in).

In the registry offices there is a certain day of the month when the employee goes to the IR for registration of marriages. This day is a weekday (when regular weddings are not held). It often happens that several couples are registered in a colony on one day. They are invited to register on a first come, first served basis.

Where does the wedding take place?

On the day of registration, you come to the registry office, put the necessary signatures in the registration log and ensure the arrival of the registry office worker in the colony. Then you, together with the registrar, receive passes and go to the territory of the correctional institution, where the marriage is registered.

Who should and can attend?

Can guests be invited to the ceremony, such as parents? Depends on the order in a particular colony. In rare establishments, bosses may allow a couple to host two guests.

However, more often than not, unauthorized persons are prohibited from being present at the registration of marriage in the PS. Check this question with the prisoner in advance. Mentally prepare yourself for the fact that only you, the registrar from the registry office, an employee of the special unit, possibly other couples and employees of the colony will be at your own wedding.

If there is a deliberate desire to marry a prisoner, you will have to spend some time, energy and money to implement the idea. However, everything can be solved. There is no special bureaucratic red tape in the procedure, and you can implement your plan literally within a month, as in the case of freedom.

Useful video

We offer you to watch an informative video about marriage with a prisoner: