How to plump lips with makeup. Video: how to enlarge lips without surgery. Natural lip makeup

Some people think that thin lips give the face a special grace and nobility. And some - on the contrary, that they make the face angry, stern and gloomy. But be that as it may, sexuality is in the first place in fashion now. Photos of plump-lipped stars of the first magnitude are simply hypnotizing, forcing ladies who are less fortunate in terms of lip volume to fall into depression. Many of them, who do not want to take risks and resort to plastic surgery, injections or tattooing, are looking for ways to visually enlarge their lips using makeup. And rightly so. Why risk your health and appearance if you have cosmetics. Makeup, although short-lived, is safe. And if you don't like it, you can instantly wipe it off with a napkin and forget. In makeup, there are certain rules and many tricks that can give your mouth a sensuality and make your lips look bigger.

Light shades - yes.

Lipstick and glosses in dark shades will visually make your lips look even thinner and will draw additional attention to them. Yes, the rule that dark colors make you look slimmer doesn't just work for your figure.

And the emphasis in makeup for owners of thin lips is better to do on the eyes. The best choice is light, pastel colors of decorative cosmetics.

Sometimes saturated are also acceptable. Especially if they suit your color type.

Texture matters

Matte lipsticks for thin lips, and even more so dark ones, are generally contraindicated: visually thin lips will also seem flat, and this, you see, will fit well only into a very shocking image.

Choose cream, satin, or pearlescent lipsticks.

Although glitter is out of fashion for a long time, it is better to use it all the same. Glitter is the best reflector, and when the lips reflect light, they visually appear much more than they actually do. Use it alone or over lipstick. But only glossy, without noticeable glitters, which can visually increase the volume of your lips, but often look too cheap and outdated. And it can also ruin your appearance in the photo.

Read: The specifics of summer tonal creams

If you like bright shades, but do not want to layer glitter on your lipstick, then there is a great solution for you. There is also such a tool as varnish (not for nails, of course). It has a rich pigment and visually creates a volumetric effect, like shine.

Care and hydration

No amount of makeup will help you, but will only make everything worse if your skin is in poor condition. Stock up on quality hygienic lipsticks and special care products. By default, moisturized, well-groomed lips look fuller and overall better than dry and flaky lips. And even more so in combination with the right makeup.

Do not be afraid to use special scrubs that you can make with your own hands.

Lip pencil

Although this tool has long been out of fashion, it can be perfect for the owners of thin lips in solving their problem. To avoid the creepy image of a Soviet saleswoman, use a pencil only to match your lips and avoid too clear contours.

You can act like this: cover your lips with a thin layer of foundation and draw new ones on top with a pencil, protruding beyond the natural boundaries by no more than one and a half millimeters.

Apply lipstick or gloss to all this: with healthy skin, such manipulations will not create a plaster effect and the result will be natural and, moreover, quite persistent.

Volume simulation

By the way, you may not even try to enlarge the upper lip in this way: it will turn out badly simply because it does not cast shadows, no matter how it appears.

Heavy cosmetic artillery

Here we will not talk about the notorious injections at all, but about safe special cosmetics that increase the volume. These are the so-called plumpers... They will make your lips look more voluminous, not only visually, but also "for real". These funds are presented in the assortment of many manufacturers. And although they look like ordinary gloss, they have a special super-ability: their active ingredients increase blood flow, smooth the skin surface and make the lips slightly puffy.

Homemade recipes and methods for lip augmentation without surgery and injections. How to properly use cosmetics when performing makeup in order to visually enlarge your lips?

Voluminous, plump lips are the envy of many girls. It is much easier for the owners of expressive and puffy lips to attract attention and position the stronger sex.

For those who are unlucky enough to have naturally voluminous lips, contouring or plastic surgery for lip augmentation can help. However, such manipulations can be quite expensive. Lip prices start at $ 100.

How to visually increase the volume of lips without surgery at home?

If you cannot afford salon procedures, do not despair - there are several ways to enlarge your lips at home:

  1. Lip massage. Lip massage can be done in the evening before going to bed or in the morning before work. To do this, apply a little honey to the lips and massage them with a toothbrush. Thanks to such manipulations, blood circulation increases in the lips, and they look more voluminous and rich red. In addition, the toothbrush allows you to cleanse the surface of the skin from dead tissue, which makes women's lips softer and more tender. After the massage, the lips must be moisturized with a cream or lip balm.
  2. In addition to massage, special exercises that can be performed at home, at work and even on vacation will help to enlarge the lips. Here is a link to the most effective lip augmentation exercises:
  3. A variety of lip balms and glosses with substances that contribute to the visual increase in the volume of the lips. Full information about these funds will be provided below.
  4. Traditional medicine suggests using various masks to help influence the size of a woman's mouth. The composition of such masks may include petroleum jelly, glycerin, honey and other elements that contribute to lip augmentation.
  5. Professionally made make-up will also help to visually enlarge the lips. With certain techniques, you can add quite a lot of volume to the lips.
  6. The Internet and other sources of information offer a number of unusual, strange and sometimes somewhat absurd ways to enlarge lips on your own at home (vacuum cleaner, lid, pump, cap)

How to enlarge lips with makeup?

Any woman who has the professional skills of a make-up artist or simply knows about some of the tricks of visual deception can enlarge her lips at home.

Makeup well done can work wonders. With the help of ordinary cosmetics, you can visually enlarge the lips, even out their contours and fill them with color and shine.

There are a number of secrets, knowing which, any woman can, without leaving home, add seductiveness to her lips:

  • For those with thin lips, it is better to give up dark and bright lipsticks.
  • Lipsticks with gloss and mother-of-pearl will help add volume to your lips.
  • Matte and velvet lipsticks visually reduce lips
  • Apply lipstick and gloss, preferably on a powdered base
  • The contour needs to be drawn a little higher than its natural location, but do not overdo it.
  • It is advisable to immediately paint over the lips with lipstick, and then moisturize them with gloss
  • Highlights can be used to enlarge the lips. To do this, you need to lighten the middle of the lip with a highlighter, light pencil or shadows before applying lipstick. At the same time, it is better to make the corners of the lips one tone darker than the central color.
  • To give a certain relief to the lips and whiteness of the teeth, it is also advisable to shade the line of closing the lips a little.
  • It is better to apply the gloss to the lips in such a way that it does not touch the contour - it is desirable that the contour remains dry and matte. If the shine adheres to the contour, it will smudge it, which will look very unnatural. It will immediately become noticeable to others that the contour is drawn above the natural lip line.
  • It is recommended to use a brush for applying lipstick
  • When applying lipstick, overlap the contour pencil. The line drawn with a pencil should not be visible from under the lipstick

How to enlarge lips with a pencil?

As mentioned above, to enlarge the lips and correct irregularities on them, make-up masters primarily use a pencil. There are a number of secrets and tricks they use in such cases:

  • To add volume to the lips, make-up artists always use a light (white or light flesh-colored) pencil. They draw a line above the contour of the lips along their entire perimeter. Then shade this line a little
  • After the contour is lightened, you need to carefully draw it with a contour pencil or eyeliner pencil to match the color of the lipstick
  • It is better to outline the contour of the lips with a poorly sharpened pencil. It then turns out to be softer, which visually enlarges the lips.
  • If you hold the pencil at an angle of ninety degrees to the lips, then the contour is clearer and more stable.
  • Many stylists recommend shading the entire lip contour with a pencil before applying lipstick.

How to enlarge the upper lip?

  • Before drawing the upper lip, you must first of all find its center. As a rule, it is located clearly under the center of the nose.
  • If a woman has a defect in the shape of her lips, then she definitely needs to correct it, outlining the center where it should be according to the rules
  • The second situation is when the nose is slightly crooked. In this case, you need to skip the previous rule, and look for the center according to the symmetry of the face.
  • Now you need to draw a bow or semicircles from the center of the lips (it all depends on the natural or desired shape of the lips)
  • The final will be the connection of the tops of the bow with the corners of the mouth.
  • After drawing the contour in this way, it is necessary to shade the entire area of ​​the upper lip, first with a pencil, and then with lipstick, or immediately with lipstick
  • If the upper lip is much narrower than the lower one, it must be moistened with gloss, you can also use the glare technique

How to enlarge the lower lip?

An increase in the volume of the lower lip is performed according to the same principle as the upper lip. The only difference is that the lower lip can be embossed by darkening some of its sections in the direction from the closing line to the contour. There can be several such dark stripes - from one to five.

How to enlarge lips with gloss?

As mentioned above, lip gloss is a great way to help add volume to lips of any shape. There are several secrets when choosing and using lip gloss:

  1. Instead of liquid lipsticks, it is better to use glossy glosses.
  2. It is desirable that there are many pearlescent particles in the shine, playing beautifully and shimmering in the sun.
  3. Large crystals of mother-of-pearl are suitable only for evening outings, since in daylight such reflections will look irrelevant and vulgar
  4. To enhance the effect, you can use gloss plumpers.
  5. Double-sided gloss is very convenient. They have a colored base on one side, and a transparent shine on the other, which actually creates additional volume.
  6. Any kind of lip product, be it lipsticks or gloss, should be applied to well-groomed lips.

How to enlarge lips with balm?

  • In addition to glosses, special balms can be used to enlarge the lips. Such balms are created on the basis of plumpers
  • Plumpers are substances contained in new-generation lipsticks, glosses, balms and creams that can visually increase the volume of lips due to exposure to various irritants. As a rule, such irritants are red pepper extract, cinnamon, ginger, mint, vitamins B and E, a variety of essential oils
  • The listed components are capable of causing an additional rush of blood to the skin of the lips, which, firstly, gives the lips a more saturated color, and, secondly, slightly increases them.
  • However, for women with excessively dry and irritated lips, it is better to refrain from using plump balms. Otherwise, they run the risk of further aggravating the situation and increasing the sensitivity of their lips.

How does lip plumping cream work?

Another effective lip augmentation product is a special lip enlargement cream. Some creams of this type are made on the basis of plumpers and have an irritating effect on the lips, thereby giving them volume.

  • silicone
  • collagen
  • lanolin
  • peptides
  • hyaluronic acid

Unlike the first category, such creams are made on the basis of artificial elements, however, the benefits and effectiveness of them are much greater. In addition, they do not harm the lips, but, on the contrary, have a positive effect on them.

Hyaluronic acid attracts and retains moisture in the skin of the lips, collagen and other components moisturize, nourish and rejuvenate it. After using the lip augmentation cream, the lips become firm, smooth and plump.

Lip plumping lipstick

Lipsticks, like creams, can consist of two types of components:

  • instant and short-lived plumpers (with pepper, ginger, mint, etc.)
  • substances that gradually affect the lips and have a longer lasting effect (with hyaluronic acid, collagen, etc.)

How lip tattoo enhances lips?

  • Another procedure that does not belong to either home or complex cosmetic manipulations is permanent make-up. This method of lip augmentation allows not only to visually add volume to the lips, but also to correct their contour and paint them in a natural rich color.
  • Permanent makeup is the same tattoo, only for a certain period of time
  • During the permanent make-up procedure, a coloring pigment is injected under the skin. With the right choice of color palette, you can visually enlarge the lips and make them natural, and at the same time even more attractive
  • Permanent makeup is especially suitable for those who want to correct the shape of the lips and saturate them with color. As a bonus, you can also slightly increase them.
  • The effect of the procedure lasts up to five years. Throughout this period, it is necessary to carry out corrections at a certain time.
  • Permanent makeup is not as expensive as injections with fillers (hyaluronic acid), and has fewer contraindications, so most women prefer it.

The shape of the enlarged lips: photo

Lip augmentation with vacuum

How to enlarge lips with a vacuum
  • Today, many manufacturers produce a variety of devices for increasing the volume of lips due to vacuum. One such device is a vacuum lip augmentation massager.
  • The principle of operation of such a massager is that the lips are placed in a special device in which the piston is located
  • The piston begins to draw air from the body of the massager, thereby creating a vacuum. After the piston has completely sucked out all the air, the lips must be held in a vacuum for some time.
  • When the suction cup is removed, the lips look much larger and fuller than usual.

However, such creative and extreme methods of lip augmentation have their own contraindications and negative sides:

  1. It is better for young girls to engage in such a procedure under the supervision of their parents, as they risk damaging their lips.
  2. Using a vacuum stretches the skin around the mouth, resulting in additional wrinkles
  3. Applying a vacuum can cause bruising, bruising and bruising
  4. The effect of such procedures lasts mere trifles - no more than an hour. This is just enough to make a spectacular photo session.

However, is it worth it?

In general, carrying out such procedures is an extremely dangerous thing, therefore it is better to refrain from such artisanal methods for lip augmentation.

  • The vacuum principle also works with a cap from a plastic bottle or hairspray.
  • The lips are placed in the lid, then all the air is sucked out of it by the mouth. When the lips stick close to the edges of the lid, you need to leave them in this position for a while.
  • After removing the cap from the mouth, the lips will look visually larger than before.

How can you enlarge your lips with a vacuum cleaner?

  • Another stupid and rather dangerous way of lip augmentation is to use a vacuum cleaner.
  • Some people manage to insert their lips into the tube of the vacuum cleaner and turn it on. It is believed that in this way the lips should be significantly enlarged.
  • This is perhaps the most dangerous and absurd way to make lip augmentation at home. It is not recommended to repeat it to anyone.

Lip augmentation with a cap

Both American and Chinese inventors came up with the idea of ​​using vacuum in their device. They created a special cap into which the lips are inserted and air is pumped out through the mouth.

As in the case of a vacuum, lovely ladies need to be very careful and not blindly believe advertisements. Yes, there will be an effect, but it will be short-lived. In addition, this method of lip augmentation is not entirely safe.

A lip augmentation pump is a type of vacuum massager. Before using it, you also need to apply a cream or balm to your lips, and then draw in air. Thanks to the vacuum, the lips swell and increase in volume.

How to enlarge lips with pepper?

Traditional medicine advises using the irritating and scalding properties of red pepper to enlarge the lips.

However, it should be said right away that this method is extremely painful and almost unbearable. There are two options for using pepper for lip augmentation:

  1. For the most desperate and patient. Grind a small pod of hot red pepper, fill it with a glass of hot water and insist. We moisten a napkin or cotton swab in a still warm infusion of pepper and apply it on the lips for thirty seconds. You need to be prepared for the fact that the oven will be very strong, but the lips from such tests will swell at times.
  2. A slightly lightweight version. Mix the crushed red pepper with vazilin and apply this mixture to the lips. We tolerate unpleasant sensations for no more than three minutes. Remove the rest of the mixture with a napkin and moisturize the lips with a balm or cream

  • Dear ladies! All methods involving the use of a vacuum are not medically approved manipulations.
  • Therefore, their use can be dangerous to your health and cause irreparable harm to your lips.
  • It is better to use less radical, not so fast acting, but at the same time safer methods for giving extra volume to the lips (makeup, creams and balms)

What is still better to enlarge lips: photo "Before" and "After"

Video: How to enlarge lips with makeup?

This master class is for all girls and women who dream of plump lips, but do not dare or do not want to resort to special procedures to increase them. And this is a great solution, because with the current colossal selection of cosmetics, amazing effects can be achieved. We will consider an option that is suitable for everyday makeup and under, where the main focus is always on the eyes. But you can change the color of the lips however you like.

To create this lip makeup, you will need:

  • correcting pencil (Cinecitta # 51);
  • milk kayal;
  • lipstick brush;
  • natural shade of lipstick;
  • lip gloss.

Apply an emollient balm a few minutes before painting your lips. Then blot it with a napkin, removing excess. This recommendation is especially relevant before applying matte textures. If you have done a full-fledged makeup, then brush with a tone on the lips after moisturizing. The layer should be thin and barely visible, but it will make the lip makeup more durable and the contour will be more accurate. Fix everything with a thin layer of loose powder. If you are not using a tone, then it is best to apply the powder all over your face and lips to hide minor imperfections.

Next, we outline the contour of the lips, adjusting the shape. Please note that only 2-3 mm is allowed to go beyond the contour. Otherwise, the lips will look unnatural. Try to make your lips the same thickness. If your lower lip is larger than the upper one, then the contour of the lower lip will be inside, on the skin of the lip, and the contour of the upper lip will go beyond. Conversely, if the top is larger than the bottom. The ends should close in one corner.

Fade out the outline of the pencil towards the center of the lips. In this case, place the lead on your skin and guide it in smooth movements. The transition will be smooth.

Now let's take milk kayal. This pencil is mainly for the eyes, but if you can use it for the eyes, why not use it for the lips? You can use a lighter shade of concealer, but the texture is more oily. You can also choose a light shade of lipstick. We apply a pencil on both the upper lip and the lower in the center. We fill in the places where there is no beige pencil. The width of the applied color on both lips will be the same.

Fade two colors with a brush, joining them together. Then we apply a natural beige shade of lipstick along the contour of the lips and shade the lipstick exactly in the places where the beige pencil is painted over. We go in shading on a light tone. Already at this stage, it is clear that the lips have visually become more plump.

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How to enlarge lips with makeup

If nature has not endowed you with plump lips, then this is not a reason to seek help from a plastic surgeon, especially since the result is far from always perfect. There are several proven ways to enlarge your lips without surgery. Consider all the options that allow you to visually make your lips more plump.

Lip augmentation methods

■ The best way to enlarge your lips is with hyaluric acid fillers.

■ In addition, lips can be enlarged without injections of fillers with the help of lip tattooing, when the lips are extended beyond their own boundaries.

■ And the fastest and most non-traumatic way that you can even do on your own is to enlarge your lips with lipstick. We will talk about it in detail.

How to enlarge lips with pencil and lipstick: basic rules

1. Let's make a light massage of the lips with a simple toothbrush to remove the keratinized particles.

2. Apply a foundation that will allow you to hide the natural border as much as possible.

3. Determine the correction contour, keeping in mind that it is impossible to go beyond the natural limits by more than 1-1.5 mm. When "drawing" the upper lip, immediately define its middle. As a rule, here they are guided by the middle of the nose, but this advice is relevant only if the nose is even and symmetrical. First, draw a "bow", then, moving from the corner of the mouth, draw a neat line and connect it to the top of the "bow". Choose the shade of the pencil a few tones darker than the skin tone of the face.

4. Draw the outline of the lower lip, retreating to the desired distance from the natural line. Feather the outline.

5. Apply lipstick of a suitable shade. It is important that the lipstick is not too dark, as these shades make the lips visually thinner.

6. Blot the lipstick with a napkin and lightly powder the surface of the lips.

7. Apply the second layer of lipstick.

8. Using the gloss, apply highlights to the middle of the lips, which will make them look plump.

Lip augmentation rules at home

The lip contour is always dry and matte. This means that we do not apply pearlescent lipstick, gloss on the artificially created lip border to avoid the effect of smudged lipstick or dripped gloss.

The middle of the lips will be more expressive and voluminous if you highlight it with gloss or apply a little pearlescent lipstick of the same or similar shade.

Only matte cosmetics are applied to the area where the lips meet to make the lips appear fuller and more natural. Enlarging lips with cosmetics, as you can see, is very easy.

Cosmetics that will allow you to enlarge your lips with makeup

1. Lip liner in light shade. It can be beige, light pink or light brown. It is important to choose a good quality contour pencil that, when applied, will not spread over fine wrinkles around the mouth, because we need a neat border.

2. Choose a lipstick with a creamy or satin texture. You can pick up a matte lipstick, but it's important that it doesn't get too dry.

3. Lip gloss. The texture of this cosmetic should be stringy, dense and sticky, which ensures good durability. In this case, you should not choose oily and light sheen, which spread faster and create an untidy look.

4. Highlighter. This product is applied in the crease between the nose and upper lip and carefully blend along the upper lip. Under the lower lip, in the middle, draw a small dot and rub it in both directions.

5. Lip varnish. Slightly similar to gloss, but with a denser texture, good durability and rich color.

6. Plumper is a ready-made cosmetic product that contains menthol or pepper extract, hyaluronic acid and collagen. At the same time, skin irritation occurs, which causes an acute blood flow. Collagen moisturizes the lips, and the acid allows moisture to stay on the lips for a long time. As a result, the lips look plump, seductive, although the product causes a burning sensation.

Exercises for lip augmentation

The effect of these exercises is not long lasting, it is achieved due to a large rush of blood to the lips, since they are very well supplied with blood. The disadvantage of these exercises is the possible appearance of wrinkles.

1. Pull your lips forward and hold them in this position for 30 seconds, then relax the muscles.

2. Inflate your cheeks, pull your lips forward and gradually exhale the air.

3. Close your lips and try to draw the number "8" with your lips.

Homemade masks for augmenting lips and giving them a bright color

Plumping lips here, as well as with exercises for lip augmentation, is achieved due to the rush of blood to the lips, and therefore the effect will also not be long-term.

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Hello dear ladies. Chubby, sexy lips are in fashion, giving a woman's image a special charm, and therefore many are looking for ways to enlarge their lips. In addition to "beauty shots", there are many tricks with which you can achieve the desired effect. Let's see how you can visually enlarge your lips with makeup and cosmetics.

Magnification technique

Many women with thin lips have already learned the art of makeup, which can plump any lips. There is nothing difficult in this, you just need to perform a certain technique.

So, how to enlarge lips with makeup.

1. Apply base first to make makeup last longer. The excess should be blotted with a napkin, then the base should be allowed to dry for 15 minutes.
2. Powder.
3. Circle the upper lip with a light eyeliner, from the corners to the center, without drawing a hollow at its top. The eyeliner should be drawn so that it extends 2 mm beyond the contour. The area between the lip and the eyeliner must be shaded. A white pencil with mother-of-pearl is suitable for this.
4. Take an eyebrow pencil, apply a few strokes under the lower lip, blend them.
5. Take a flesh-colored pencil, draw your natural contour of the mouth (with the upper hollow) and paint over all lips with it, shade it.
6. Apply lipstick of light shades: dark lipstick makes the lips narrow.
7. Then apply a shine of a light shade: it will give the desired volume. Let it be said that gloss is not in favor, it just helps the lips look plump.

This is how you can add plumpness to your lips, but this makeup does not last long.

How to enlarge lips with cosmetics

This video shows a way to enlarge lips using cosmetics.

For lip makeup, we take lipstick in two colors, which differ in color by a tone or half tone.

We outline the lips with a contour pencil and apply a darker lipstick, remove excess dark lipstick, and apply a light one to this area. Smoothing the border of the transition with a special lip brush.

It should be borne in mind that dark lipstick colors visually reduce the volume of the lips, soft pink and pastel - increase the lips.

Lips should be outlined with a light contour pencil, indenting from the natural line of the contour by approximately 1 mm. Then they are shaded with the same pencil, after which a transparent shine is applied.

A few tricks from the makeup artist

Professionals advise:

  • perform daily tissue massage with a soft toothbrush, it will improve blood circulation, strengthen muscles;
  • peel every 3 days;
  • choose a flesh color pencil that matches your skin tone;
  • do not overdo it: remember, in order to achieve volume, women put on extra makeup, getting unnatural makeup.

Make your own volumizer

Take natural ingredients: mix a few drops of clove oil with a balm or lipstick, apply to lips, this tool will visually plump them.

Another recipe: mix cinnamon with petroleum jelly. Apply to skin, hold for 5-6 minutes, blot with a napkin.

You can purchase a special lipstick that contains hyaluronic acid. It saturates tissues with collagen, moisture, adding volume.

Plumper - a new means for lip augmentation

- what it is? Many women heard about it for the first time, and this tool was created for those ladies who want to get a quick effect without risking their health.

The plumper instantly adds plumpness, making the mouth brighter, more seductive. Most often, the product is made on a silicone base with the addition of extracts of ginger, sweet pepper, mint, cosmetic oils, vitamins.

After its application, a slight burning sensation is felt - this is how natural ingredients begin to work, causing blood flow to the tissues. Only one minute will pass, and your lips will look more juicy, voluminous.

Benefits and cons

Plumper advantages:

  • perfectly safe
  • it is applied like a regular lipstick,
  • takes up little space in the cosmetic bag,
  • quick achievement of the effect.
  • retains the effect of plumpness for a short time,
  • quickly absorbed
  • eaten during meals,
  • high prices,
  • an allergic reaction is possible, carefully read the composition before buying, if you see a component to which you will have a reaction, refuse to purchase. Allergies are serious!

How to use a plumper

The plumper can be used all year round. In winter, he not only protects the mouth, but also looks after it. It is best to apply it with a brush so that the coating looks more neat, lasts longer, even on already painted sponges. But first use a pencil to keep the plumper from flowing.

How to choose a plumper

What to do if lips are not bright

All women want to have bright, red lips, but not all are endowed with such wealth, many have a soft, pale mouth right from birth. Is it worth worrying? Of course not! To eliminate this disadvantage, there is decorative cosmetics.

But first you need to figure out why your lips turn pale. Perhaps you have low hemoglobin or a chronic illness, see your doctor. After the course of therapy, you will regain their color.

Perhaps you are tired or endured real stress, then just rest, calm down, if you smoke, then immediately give up cigarettes.

In parting, I want to say: here we have solved one more problem and learned how to enlarge lips. It turns out that everything can be fixed, you just need to know how to do it. For this, I select the most effective, but simple recipes that multiply our beauty. Subscribe to my blog, invite your friends so that they too are aware of all matters related to beauty and health.