How to make the skin more elastic and tightened. Photo Gallery: Effective body facility lifting. Exercise to increase elasticity

Cream, balsam, masks and tonic are funds for regular use. We must not forget about scrubs. For each woman, the face is a business card. Therefore, the skin of the face should always be perfect, and it is not so difficult to achieve this. Especially since there are recipes, proven over the years.

Essential oil for elasticity

Almost all oils are beneficial on the skin. But there are some, on the action of which the skin is transformed literally in front of her eyes. It can be toned by Anis, smooth out the wrinkles - Valerian, and an orange will help to improve blood circulation. Next, it's about elasticity. The best assistants in this - oils of carnations, ate, Mirra and Ladan.

Homemade mask for elastic skin with cottage cheese and milk

The recipe that is used by the Scandinavian beauties can be tested on themselves by purchasing high-quality milk and homemade cottage cheese in the store. You just need to mix the components and apply them on the face three times a week. The skin will be young, the wasolation will be returned. And one more secret of Scandinavian girls - a bath with two liters of goat milk will create with the body of wonders!

Oatmeal for skin elasticity

Add this component to cosmetics began in Switzerland. Do not miss the chance and try the mask with oatmeal as part: some oatmeal, pre-operated in milk, you need to apply on the face. You need to do such a mask every day all week, so that in 7 days in the mirror see the winner of the rapid skin, incredibly elastic and very smooth. The wonderful effect of the vitamins of the group B and folic acid is explained.

How to improve the skin of the skin of the face at home with honey

Easy honey massage for starters, and after a little time with a mask from honey on her face. Wash off honey warm water and enjoy the flowering appearance. Do not forget that honey needs to be additionally taken inward, and not just please the skin outside.

Potato mask

Get a sense of the face without a surgery simply - it is recommended to use water in which potatoes cooked. And you can boil potatoes in the "uniform", after cleaning it and the peel to use as a mask, imposing it on the skin of the face.

How to make the skin elastic and taut at home.Elastic skin is a dream of any woman who, fortunately, is easily achievable even at home.

Shining youth and beauty facial skin can make a beautiful any woman. But, unfortunately, constant stress, chronic lack of fresh air and vitamins, excessive use of decorative cosmetics, gas and thousands of other reasons, lead to the fact that our skin loses its shine and elasticity, and cosmetic products are not too helping to return her freshness .

There is one important rule in the approach to the restoration of the skin - systemicity. If the skin is "pamping" only from time to time, then it, of course, will also "indulge" the owner of its beautiful view periodically. Save elasticity skin cells helps intracellular fluid, elasticity of the epithelium provides the thickness of collagenic fibers, "supporting" our skin.

With age, collagen gradually thinned, slow down the process of updating the epithelium cells, the skin becomes thinner, "stretched", wrinkles and folds are formed on it. It is impossible to prevent this natural process, but it is possible to slow down its development and reduce the effect on the skin of external negative factors.

Factors affecting the appearance of the skin

The inner state of the organism - The skin refers to an excretory system, through it the human body is getting rid of an excess of unnecessary or harmful substances that litters our body from the inside. Too abundant, fatty or sweet food leads to excessive selection of sebum, blockage of internal leather ducts and to the appearance of inflammatory diseases and acne. To give a fat "greasy" skin of a fresh look and get rid of permanent acne on the forehead, chin or cheeks, you need to revise the system of nutrition and refuse to eat harmful products.

Nutrient lack and vitamins - The cells of the outer epithelium are constantly updated and grow and they need nutrients for this in large quantities, their lack leads to peeling, dry skin, loss of elasticity and the formation of unpleasant consequences in the form of rashes. Also, skin cover need vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins of group A, E, PR and others. To the skin always looked fresh and clean, you need to stick to the rules of proper nutrition and there are more fresh vegetables, fruits and porridge - natural sources of vitamins and nutrients. It is also not superfluous to be the preventive reception of multivitamine preparations and special masks with vitamins for the skin.

Enough liquid - An 80% person consists of water and the most liquid is contained just in skin cells. One of the reasons for the appearance of wrinkles and skin folds is a lack of intracellular fluid to fill its reserves, it is recommended to drink 2 cups of pure non-carbonated water per day, use air humidifiers or regularly moisturized the skin throughout the day, especially if you are near heaters, especially if you are near heaters, especially if you are near heaters, Air conditioning or other devices dried air.

Purification of the skin - Decorative cosmetics, dust and various substances in the air cover the skin of the face with a thin crust, clogging the pores and interfering with the normal process of skin breathing and cleansing. This leads to a rapid aging of cells, inflammatory diseases and the emergence of early wrinkles. Regular cleaning of the skin, washing with special cosmetics or infusion of healing herbs and necessarily cleansing the skin from all cosmetic agents before bedtime, will reduce the harmful effects and retain the skin healthy.

How to make the skin of the face elastic

First of all, you need to clean and moisturize the skin daily, and also several times a week to make nutritious masks. If the face began to be covered with small wrinkles, then it means that the skin is not enough and moistened: the night cream against wrinkles will become a systematic support, but, in addition, you need to do special masks.

The elasticity of the skin of the face can be returned with this domestic way: Mix 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, ? h. l. Jojoba oil, 1 tsp. Cream and add pink clay in such a quantity so that the creamy mass is turned out. Then apply a mixture on your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply cream from wrinkles. You can make a mask every other day for two weeks, and then go to normal mode and carry out a procedure 2 times a week. This mask on one side nourishes the skin due to oils, and on the other hand pulls it with clay.

It is also useful to do in the morning and in the evening after washing the light patches on the face: it removes swelling and speeds up the skin update.

Avoid harmful to skin products, but in general it is better to go to proper nutrition. The products are harmful to skin, fatty varieties of meat, sweet, soda, mayonnaise. Try to exclude them from your diet or at least reduce their reception. After all, the elastic and taut skin is not a myth, but a reality.

How to make body skin elastic

After a sharp weight loss, pregnancy, or due to the age reasons, the skin on the body can gain an unattractive look. Most often, problems occur in the abdomen, hips and chest, and for each zone there is an optimal procedure that contributes to an increase in skin elasticity.

We restore the muscle tone. To return the elasticity of the skin, exercise is very important, since you first reduce the fat layer under the skin, align the tubercles on the skin and securely get rid of cellulite, as a result of which your skin will look even more smooth and elastic. Exercises can be different, your taste. They should affect all the main problematic zones of the female body - these are hands, chest, belly, buttocks, hips, legs, the inner side of the thigh. You can use any exercise complexes, but must perform the so-called minimum, submitted below. It will help you systematically restore skin elasticity.

Massage and cleansing body skin. You can use the services of professional masseuses (if you have finance), the massage is an excellent tool to improve the appearance and increase the elasticity of the body of the body, since during massage the blood accelerates under the skin. You can also perform massage yourself, to rub the massage movements and torment the skin of problem areas. You can use various devices: rollers, brushes, rollers, gloves. Improves blood circulation is also a cans massage that you can do yourself.

Elastic skin and exercise

Exercise helps us support in the tone not only our body, but also the skin. Physical exertion improves blood circulation, stimulate the metabolism and the removal of slags from the body. For a good tone of the skin and muscles, quite morning gymnastics for 15 minutes daily or regular visits to the gym, dance studios or pool. The perfect combination of physical classes and fresh air is running in the morning or charging in the fresh air.

Unfortunately, very few people are engaged in sports, and the number of women burdened by work, household problems and the education of children engaged in sports at all. But only the regular physical activity will help save the muscle tone and skin elasticity, and even the most busy women can find 15 minutes a day. For example, you can do the morning exercise while cooking breakfast, ironing clothes or daily housekeeping, the main thing is desire.

Massage and water procedures

Another way to make the skin elastic and strengthen your health as a whole is a massage and water procedures.

Massage Stimulates blood circulation, it has a beneficial effect on the state of muscles and skin, accelerates cell regeneration, reduces fat clusters and struggles with cellulite. To return the elasticity of the skin of the face and the chin, you need to try to massage the skin for 5-10 minutes daily. Such a massage starts with strokes of cheeks, forehead and chin, then proceed to patting, light kneading and rubbing.

Contrast shower and warm baths also have favorably affect the state of the skin and body. Cold water trains vessels, narrowing them, and hot causes the extension of the vessels, the "sparking" of the skin and stimulates blood circulation. Strengthen the effect will help various shower gels, body scrubs and rubbing the skin with a rigid washcloth or a towel.

Skin rejuvenation bath

Warm baths will help relax, relieve muscle tension, calm the nervous system and return the skin freshness and elasticity, for this you can add a variety of components to the water:

Milk with honey - the more, the better, the ideal option is to take a bath of milk and 1 liter of natural honey;

Infusions of medicinal herbs - souls, rose petals, melissa, chamomile, thyme and others;

Citrus juice - Pour several glasses of freshly squeezed juice of oranges, lemons or grapefruits in a warm bath, the main thing is that the water is too hot, then the essential oils will actively affect the skin;

Aromatic oils - a budget version of the bath with fruit juice or in the infusion of herbs, in hot water you need to add 10-20 drops of alcoholic beverage oil, orange, rose oil, mint or any other.

Daily face care

In order for the skin to be elastic and smooth, she needs daily care and moisturizing.

In the morning it is useful to wipe the face with a ice cube of healing herbs or soft boiled water - it will increase the tone of the vessels and refreshes the skin. It is very important to properly clean the skin from all pollution and decorative cosmetics after a difficult working day, for this you need to carefully clean the skin with a special lotion or cream, rinse the face with cool water and apply nutritious night cream to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and neck.

In order for the skin of the face remained clean, irritation and rashes appeared on it, it is best to use boiled, cooled or purified water to wash, and to mitigate the rigid water, it can be added to a quarter of a tablespoon of soda to 1 liter of water.

After washing, it is impossible to rub the skin after washing, it provokes the appearance of premature wrinkles due to stretching the fine upper layer, it is necessary to gently flush the napkin or a soft towel.

Purification of the skin Useful for the elegant body skin. To do this, you can use various peelings and scrubs, both purchased in stores and cooked houses.

Peeling at home.Take the finely ground natural coffee, a little shower gel and this consistency to spread distressed places. Hand or a special mitten circular movement massage the problem areas for 5 minutes. After rush to water.

Moisturizing and skin. You will have an elastic and tightened body skin if you fulfill all the above items will be moisturized and feeding the skin. You can use various body creams, oil, can be used. You can use olive oil instead of cosmetic. Apply these funds every day, or after each bathing or soul, it is desirable to make peeling to cleanse the skin or go through a massage brush or a mitten on problem areas. Some funds. Such as baby oils are recommended to apply to a wet body, thus more moisture fall into the skin and thereby skin will be more touched.

Remember that it is not necessary to have expensive means to make the skin elastic, and the main desire and actions on your part.

Useful skin products

Milk products

Milk products Useful not only for our organism, but also for the skin. They nourish it, soften and increase elasticity. Fats contained in these products penetrate into the skin and promote the smoothing of small wrinkles and folds, and polyunsaturated fatty acids form a thin protective layer on it. In addition, fermented dairy products are able to slightly clarify the skin and make it smooth and matte.

Mask of dairy products will make the skin matte

For the skin of the face and body, you can use any dairy products, here are some of the most popular recipes:

Sour cream mask - impose on the face and area with a dense sour cream and leave for 15-20 minutes;

Mask of cottage cheese with honey - mix 3 spoons of fatty cottage cheese with 1 spoon of warm honey, apply on the face, excluding the area around the eyes and leave for 20 minutes, washed off with warm water;

Kefir or Prostokvasha - an excellent means for the skin of the face, a liquid rustier or kefir can be washed, and a more dense product is applied to the face and leave for 20-30 minutes.


Honey for a long time is considered one of the most healing products. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements and natural antioxidants. Honey masks make the skin tumaled, tender and velvety, they feed it from the inside and rejuvenate the cells, stimulating the growth of epithelial tissue.

For elasticity of the face and body, you can make a massage with honey or apply melted honey with milk or other dairy products on the face area, for this, there is enough pair of natural honey spoons to warm, mix with cream or sour cream and impose on the skin of the face, leaving a mask for 15-20 minutes. Honey honey wraps are very effective, apply honey with a thin layer onto the whole body in the sauna and suffer some time, after such procedures your skin will become tightened, clean and just glowing health.

Oat flakes

Oatmeal is an excellent natural scrub for the skin, but also, they return the skin elasticity and purity. Oats contains vitamins of group B and

folic acid, which is necessary for our skin in large quantities. To make a mask for the face and body, it is enough to mix several spoons of oatmeal with unpasteurized milk or kefir, wait until they are splashing and put the skin on their skin. Keep the mask needed for 20-30 minutes.

Some products are useful not only to eat, but also use as a mask


Yeast is very useful fungi, they not only help baking become lush, but also narrow the pores, adjusting the work of the sebaceous glands, clean and nourish the skin. To get an excellent face mask, mix 1 tablespoon of crushed yeast with a small amount of warm milk, stirre up and apply on the face, carefully rubbing in the skin with circular motions, after 15 minutes, remove the remnants with warm water.


The magic agent is capable of quickly return the elasticity and beauty of your skin. Almond Milk or almond oil, the product is extremely rich in proteins - proteins necessary for the elasticity of our skin, in addition, it contains a large amount of vitamins and other nutrients that ensure deep moisturizing and protecting our skin. To create a cosmetics with your own hands, any almond products will be suitable. From the almond crumb and warm water, you can make an excellent mask on the face, for this there are 4 tablespoons of almonds and a glass of warm water, you need to thoroughly stir in the ingredients to a homogeneous mass and apply on the face, carefully rubbing in the skin, in 20-30 minutes, wash off warm water . Almond oil or milk can be used in pure form, moisturizing the skin of the face and body after bathing or before bedtime.

Olive oil

Olive oil has long been considered a healing product, it contains a large amount of vitamins, fatty acids, nutrients and antioxidants. Such a mask is perfectly suitable for dry thin skin, it will help moisten it, nourish the useful substances and provide shine and elasticity. It is very easy to make such a mask - you need to take several spoons of olive oil, mix with lemon juice or yolk and apply on the skin of the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, the remains of launching with a paper towel and wash warm water.


An egg yolk is a real pantry and vitamins, it is rich in fat-soluble vitamins A and E, the necessary skin for the update, and the protein perfectly cleans the skin, making it more smooth and light. To create face masks, you can use both parts of the egg. The yolk will go to the nutritional mask for dry and faded skin, the protein will provide a smooth complexion and will help to illuminate freckles or pigment stains. For a nutrient mask, 1 yolk is mixed with honey or olive oil and applied on a face for 20-30 minutes, the mask protein is slightly whipped and put it with a thin layer on the skin, wash off warm water after 15-20 minutes.


Pumpkin pulp includes natural antioxidants and fruit acids, they prevent the aging of skin cells and stimulate the regeneration processes of the epithelium cells. Pumpkin mask rejuvenates, relieves inflammation, cleanses the skin and gives it freshness and beauty. For a mask, you need a piece of pumpkin pulp, grinding in a blender in Cashitz, about half an hour, egg, honey or almond milk - 1 tablespoon. You need to stir all the ingredients well, put a mask on your face and neck and leave for 20 minutes, then wash off cool water

Chocolate and cocoa

Cocoa and chocolate are rich in nutrients and vitamins, they tone the skin, return to it and freshness, caffeine in the composition of cocoa products activates the metabolism and helps to fight cellulite. For a face mask, you need to mix 1 part of the cocoa powder or finely ground coffee with 2 parts of the milk product - warm milk or yogurt, add honey (for dry skin) or lemon juice (for fat), mix thoroughly and apply to clean skin and neck . After 15-20 minutes, wash the mask with warm water. Very helpful for skin elasticity chocolate wraps. This service is offered in many beauty salons, but it is quite possible to replace homemade wrapping with cocoa powder. To do this, it is necessary to dissolve 200 grams of dry powder of 0.5 liters of hot water, apply on the body, close the problem areas with a food film on top and turn around a towel, to enhance the effect, you can close the warm blanket on top, after 15 minutes, wash the chocolate with warm water. Such wraps should not be done to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, exchange disorders, chronic diseases of internal organs or pregnant women.

Estimate Elastic Oils

Essential oils are highly concentrated hoods of seeds, leaves or fruits of various plants, they contain a large number of useful substances and have many different influences on the human body. To preserve skin elasticity, it is possible to apply citrus oils, especially orange or grapefruit, anise, clove oil, ate, mirrier or incense. Such oils are added to the baths and water for washing, wipe the skin, drip in cream and masks. Each of them has its own healing effects and to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to apply according to the instructions.

Effective skin elastic masks

Here are some more simple and efficient masks for skin elasticity.

French mask - Mix 1 cup of cream with 1 egg, 100 grams of vodka, lemon juice 1 and 1 teaspoon of glycerol. The resulting mixture is needed daily to wipe the face before bedtime.

Recipe from Sofia Lauren - 100 grams of cream mix with 1 teaspoon gelatin, honey and glycerin. Gelatin is best pouring cream at night, and in the morning heat it on a weak heat until it dissolves, add glycerin and honey. The resulting mass is gently applied to the face through massage lines and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Mask with coconut - Mix 1 tablespoon of coconut pulp or coconut chips with 1 tablespoon of natural yogurt or yogurt and 1 tablespoon of oat flakes. The resulting mixture thoroughly mix and apply to the pre-sparkled skin and chest. Skin to the skin with soft massage movements for 5-10 minutes, then wash off all warm water.

Well-groomed and tender skin in women after 25 years is the result of constant care and careful relationship. It is worth starting to pay your appearance at least 15-20 minutes daily, do not forget about the reception of vitamins, proper nutrition, physical exertion and pleasant emotions and then your skin and the figure will affect your youth and freshness even at the oldest age.

How to make the skin of the abdomen elastic: accelerate regeneration

In order for the skin on the stomach more elastic, while taking the soul take the stone salt and olive oil: first lubricate the problem zone by oil, and then use salt as scrap. Olive oil remarkably feeds the skin and strengthens it, and salt has a bactericidal property, so if the skin has lost elasticity on the entire body surface, this procedure is useful for all sites, except for sensitive zones.

How to make skin skin elastic: do wraps

Wraps are perfect for this zone. To achieve elastic leather at home, take green clay, dilute it with water to a creamy state, add 2-3 drops of mint oil of the pepper and mix the ingredients. Then impose a mixture on the problem zone, wrap it with a food film, put on warm clothes and go so for a few hours (if you have enough patience, because mint oil is very "cool"). Then wash the clay and spread the skin with olive oil or nutrient cream. Do this procedure for a week every day, and then several times a week before reaching the effect.

How to make skin chest elastic

To strengthen skin In the zone, use a mixture of peach, castor and grape oils mixed in equal proportion. Lock this remedy every day while taking the soul, leave for 10-15 minutes and then wash off. The fact is that in this zone it is unacceptable to use aggressive methods, so it is better to stop on natural oils. Even stretching creams often have harmful components that cannot be applied to this zone.

Elastic skin diet

To find out how to make the skin more elastic, you need to understand why she lost elasticity. First of all, this is due to the insufficiently high level of collagen, which is 30% of the total protein in the body. Therefore, a diet for elastic skin is mainly in increasing the use of protein. But vitamins are important: s, e, and, so in the diet you need to add kiwi (in which vitamin C is much greater than in citrus) and nuts (almond or forest walnut).

Sport for elastic leather

During sports, lactic acid is produced, which, falling into the blood, rejuvenates the entire body. Perceive at home exercises for those zones in which the skin has become a flabby: squats for the thighs, swing press for belly and push-ups on their hands for the chest. Also for the tightened and elastic skin you need to visit the pool several times a week, just do not forget to lubricate the whole body with cream after it, because In the pools, rigid water and can dry the skin slightly.


Start Morning with a light physical workout: Exercises will strengthen blood flows in capillaries, which is very useful for nutritional skin. Take a shower. With normal and oily skin, use soap or gel, with dry - baby soap. Hot shower is bad - it dries the skin. Try the body with a special mitten, brushing or washcloth, starting with your fingers and moving towards circular massaging movements. It stimulates the exchange processes in the skin, exfoliates its oroging cells.

Moisten the skin of the body in a timely manner. An indispensable component of effective moisture is considered vitamin B3 or niacin, restoring water-alkaline balance in the epidermis and has a property to minimize the manifestations of the pigmentation of the skin. With dry and sensitive skin, it is useful to apply a lotion or cream with vitamin B3 daily, in the morning and in the evening.

Dry, blushing or peeling skin "adopt" with cream or milk, which includes jojoba oils and carite. They are valuable in that they contain amino acids and proteins necessary to restore the protective layer of skin cells.

Very helpful to maintain the health of the skin of the body shungite baths. Type 36 ° C in the water bath. Lower the bag and crushed mineral into it (this tool is sold in specialized stores) at the rate of 300 g per reception. Rinse it and pick it up. Take a bath for 10-15 minutes every other day. You can use shungitis in stone, but it will have to pre-insist (at least 10-12 hours).

If there is such an opportunity, do not come around the massage packages. Experts will be prompted by looking at the type and condition of your skin, which cosmetic massage will be shown exactly to you - with what major movements: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration or other auxiliary techniques. Visit to the spa also implies individual advice on all recommended procedures.

Support the normal condition of the skin of the body will help the reception of vitamin complexes and dietary supplies. Pay attention to Ohga-3. The fatty acids of this drug will help the skin to preserve elasticity and elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles, acne, will be preventing the appearance of wrinkles.
Eat more fat fish, walnuts, take linseed oil - in these products a lot of useful fatty acids.


A special relationship requires the skin of the whole body after excessive sunbathing. If it burned, cut off the cream or lotion with the Aloe Vera gel - it has persistent reducing properties. Cool and soften the painful state of injured skin cosmetics with extract of peppermint extract, they will remove inflammation - preparations with calendula.

Helpful advice

If the skin of the cranks and stop becomes a problematic look for you, use oils that return the skin of velvety. This is arganya oil and olive oil. The first contains fatty acids, which successfully restore the desired level of humidity, the second perfectly nourishes the skin and eliminates its peeling.


  • Secret of satin skin

Weak, the flabby skin appears when age changes occur in the human body when the mass of it is sharply body And the metabolism is violated. Sorry if this problem touched you. But if you really want to return the skin a healthy look, elasticity and elasticity, you should not despair, but to act.


If you want to return your skin lost elasticity or try, so that it remains such a long time, then you can not do without exercise. It can be regular morning charging, fitness, gymnastics, yoga or dancing - who likes what, but all this charges the body with cheerfulness and energy, improves substances and blood circulation, and, it means, the skin gets the necessary nutrients and is enriched with oxygen.

After you were actively worn out, take a contrast shower. This has a beneficial effect on the state of your vessels, the pores of the skin are cleaned, the cell regeneration is accelerated, and the skin becomes a healthy appearance, good and strengthened. During water procedures, try to make a light skin massage, then apply a scrub on it for bodyAfter that, wash the shower gel. Scrub is not often necessary and only after the bath - when the skin is sprinkled, its pores are easier to cleanse. You can prepare a natural scrub in: it is cracked honey or sea salt, mixed with sour cream.

Give your skin extra food - impose a mask. The simplest, but effective - olive oil mask. She will well moisturize your skin And it will be saturated with minerals and vitamins. Many use a similar mask. Try, maybe such a way of moisturizing and nutritional skin will like it.

Professionals can work on your skin. If you have the opportunity at least occasionally visit the beauty salons or spa salons where complex skin care is carried out, you will also get a good result.

If you want to improve and your skinTake care of good, proper nutrition. Fresh vegetables and fruits, light, boiled meat and fish, minimum of flour and sweet will have a beneficial effect on skinAnd on your figure as a whole.

Related article

So that the skin of the skin pleased you, you need to work hard. After all, the way she looks depends not only from the right care and from what money you spent on cosmetic products and beauty salons, but is also determined by meals, and lifestyle. All this and you need to take into account if you decide to go close to your appearance.


Make a long-term plan of its diet. At the heart of the health of the skin, first of all, lies with the right, balanced nutrition, in which your body gets all the substances necessary for the development of cells - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. If there are normal exchange processes, skin cells receive sufficient food, which affects their regeneration.

Sport classes make an integral part of your life. First of all, you should not ignore the morning exercise. Even simple exercise are capable of improving blood circulation, which is beneficial to the skin. And if you are also running around in the mornings or write to some kind of section or fitness club, you can be sure that you look younger than your one year old.

Normal Water Balance is the most important condition for smooth, matte and without signs of skin peeling. It is possible to restore it with the help of products of the cosmetic industry and folk agents. For moisturizing body You can prepare yourself a healing bath a couple of times a week. Fill it with warm water, add a liter of preheated milk and as many herb beams from mint, chamomile or coltsfoot (2 tbsp.). In this composition, take 20 minutes, and then take a shower.

Once or two per week, depending on the type of skin, clean the body using scrubies that remove dead cells, dirt, dust, reverges of cosmetics, toxins and skin fat. Scrub can be bought in the store or cook at home. Food or sea salt, crushed fruit bones or nuts, bran, coffee beans, etc. are suitable as an abrasive. The basis for the homemade scrub can be vegetable oil, cream, milk, sour cream, etc. Try to regularly do body massage. In particular, very well affects skin Honey massage.

Improve skin condition capable bath with essential oils. If it is prone to the formation of acne, lemon oils, bergamot, rosemary and melissa oil use. With oily skin, combinations (2 drops) of such oils such as mint, eucalyptus and lemon are helped; Bergamot and Juniper; lemon and chamomile; Bergamot, Juniper and Pine. You can remove toxins from the body using a bath with ethereal oil of fennel; Combine with cellulite - lemon oils, orange, grapefruit or mandarin.

In the evening, after the arrival home, try to immediately remove makeup, take care, take the shower to sweat and dust that accumulated the day on your skin have been removed. To clean the face, use cosmetic milk, lotion or gel. After cleansing the skin, wipe your face with tonic to better absorbed the night cream. All of these funds must match your skin type.

Before bedtime, be sure to apply night cream. For young skin, a moisturizing containing flavones and trace elements is perfect. With dry skin, it is not bad to use the cream with vitamins A, C and E. Women after 30 years should be selected with cosmetics that contribute to the production of collagen. And for fading skin, the best option will be cream with proteins, vitamins and microelements acting against wrinkles. After applying and absorbing the cream, be sure to remove it from the skin of its surplus.

Do not forget about your hands, because during the day they are exposed to various temperatures, water, chemicals, etc., but rarely who uses cream. Therefore, lubricate them for the night - the best way out.


Refuse bad habits. Smoking and taking alcoholic beverages are affected on the color of the skin and its condition.

Skin cover is the largest organ of our body. Skin area is approximately 600 sq.m. Smooth, clean, well-groomed skin is practically half of all female beauty and attractiveness. How to make your skin Shining and healthy?


First you should get rid of bacteria causing skin processes, then normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands. And then get rid of logs, small scars and. The main step towards the correct skin care is to determine its type. Three types are distinguished: leather, and mixed.

Cleansing. All day of bacteria, sweat, cosmetics and skin fats are on the skin. When cleaning them must be deleted. Soap and water are not well removed well removed all skin layers, so it is recommended to use gels, emulsions, or other cleansing agents. Couples, cold, massage and skin tones are also related to skin cleansing agents. All these procedures have a beneficial effect of your skin.

Moisturizing. Any skin type needs constant moisture. For skin moisturizing, it is recommended to use emulsions and water-based creams. But, when using moisturizers, it is necessary to remember that they all improve skin health only with everyday use.

And, of course, the most basic skin is to keep a healthy lifestyle and correct. For the skin it is useful as for yours, namely - the use of rich food, fruit, vegetables, restriction of oily food, sufficient liquid, regular physical

Elastic skin is a property of youth, health, well-maintained. With age, certain changes occur, due to which the skin slightly saves, loses its natural elasticity. And even in the absence of pronounced wrinkles, the skin with the loss of elasticity looks not too attractive, issuing age.

However, age changes are not a sentence of skin elasticity. Correct departure can be prevented by the effects of the efforts of earthly attraction, namely, it is recently accused of saving skin and loss of elasticity. Having attached certain efforts, you can return and already lost elasticity of the skin, erase from the face for several years. And for this you will not need to go to an expensive cosmetologist or plastic surgeon. Help simple means.


Useful for elasticity masks based on oatmeal. Several spoons of oat flakes soak in milk. Take this cleaner on face and hands. Wash the mask after 20 minutes, you will find that the skin has become smooth, more tightened, elastic.

In addition to the fact that honey can be added in almost all masks to increase skin elasticity, honey is good in itself and as a basis for body massage. Honey is used in baths and saunas, rubbing completely their body. The gloves assure that after such rubber, the whole body acquires youth and elasticity.

Elasticity zone decolte

Loses elasticity not only the skin of the face. Zone neckline, chest also need special care. To restore the elasticity of the neckline zone, you can spend a three-step program: peeling, massage, mask.

The peeling for the neckline zone should be gentle: one tablespoon of natural yogurt (fat kefir) mixed with a tablespoon of coconut pulp (you can take a coconut chips) and the same amount of oat flakes chopped in a coffee grinder. Add a little sea salt into the mixture.

After taking a bath or a hot soul (the skin should be placed), apply a mixture on the neckline zone, and gently massage for ten minutes, then washed off with warm water. After the peeling on the skin, the neckline apply a fat cream or launched olive oil. Peeling needs to be done twice a week for two months, then it is worth a break.

Helps return the elasticity zone with a neckline Cold massage. It is also necessary to freeze natural juice fruit or mineral water without gas. These cubes massage zone neckline. After the procedure, the skin looks markedly touched, acquires a young look.

Elasticity of body

The body also needs to restore elasticity. In this perfectly help massages and contrasting souls. After the morning gymnastics, try instead of an ordinary warm soul to take a contrast shower. Alternately include then hot, then cold water is 45-60 seconds. The body, experiencing stress, comes into tone, the skin pulls up, becomes more elastic.

The procedure may not be possible if there are problems with the cardiovascular system. In this case, it is better to first consult with the attending physician to assess possible risks.


Milk is a favorite Cleopatra drink, which not only drank it to preserve his beauty, but also took dairy baths. Two liters of milk pour into the bath filled with water. Take such a bath you need for twenty minutes every other day. Course - month.

Similarly act herbal baths. Rigging any grade collection in three liters of boiling water (insist a half-table of a dry mix for an hour). Then the infusion is filled and poured into the bath.

Skin elasticity and nutrition

You can resort to folk remedies, to make expensive cosmetic procedures aimed at improving skin elasticity, but if the skin does not receive enough power from the inside, all these procedures can be useless. Balanced nutrition, rich in vitamins and microelements, will become the most important basis for maintaining skin elasticity on the face, neck and all body.

Berestova Svetlana

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Unfortunately, among women often there is an opinion that elastic skin is one of the privileges of youth, and after 40 years there is nothing about it and thinking - age takes his own.

Meanwhile, what is age? As someone from popular authors noticed, age is just numbers, and nothing more; These people invest in them that sense who is accustomed, and in no way want to go beyond stereotypes.

The same applies to the condition of the skin: after all, it can lose elasticity even in 25 years, if you do not care about your beauty, and to lead the wrong and unhealthy lifestyle, considering the careful face care and body of Blazh, takes away the precious time.

Where to begin?

Maintain body skin in elastic and elastic condition - quite real. It is also really possible to return the skin elasticity if it is lost, but for this you have to make a maximum of effort - of course, if you really want to be beautiful and sexy.

There are many ways, and the first - exercise. Most women, having heard about it, disdained, as if they were offering something non-serious, and begin to refer to the fact that they were terrible. Of course, it is possible to dismiss, of course, however, it is sport, gymnastics, yoga and even just a fun dance - this is what helps us, and therefore our skin, wake up and cheered up, recharge your energy for the whole day, improves metabolism and blood circulation. The skin gets the influx of nutrients and oxygen, so tone and elasticity is returned to it.

Water procedures that give elasticity

After exercise, you can take a refreshing or contrasting shower - it stimulates the state of the vessels, expanding and narrowing them. Only a month regularly taking a contrasting souls, you will notice that the skin is good, it is strengthened, elasticity and softness returns to it. You can even make a massage with a rigid brush, so that the skin blocked, just not too much to injure her.

Water the skin, apply a body scrub on it (domestic), and for 5-10 minutes, rub the body with soft circular movements, and then wash the soul gel. Apply scrubs often should not: just once a week, or even less often. You can use the scrub not in the morning, and in the evening, after the bath - so even better, because it is easier to clean the pores of the sparkling skin.

The shower gels can be used every day - damage to the skin they will not bring. Choose a pleasant fragrance that you like, and this will also help create a positive, positive atmosphere for the whole day.

After the shower, use the body cream: gentle, with a light texture. Such creams quickly absorb and perfectly moisturize the skin. Perform this program minimum every day, and your skin will remain elastic, gentle and elastic.

Homemade baths for elastic leather

The bath not only improves the condition of the skin, but also calms, relieves stress and raises the mood. Excellent option is a honey-milk bath with pink oil. A cup of warm honey should be mixed with hot, but non-joyful milk, then add rose oil (2 tbsp.). The resulting mixture pour into the bath; Tell in the water while you like it.

Herbs bath - they can be bought in a pharmacy or collect themselves. Take the donner medicinal, thyme creeping, daisy pharmacy, birch leaves - 1 part; Grass of the hernik naked - 2 parts; brew all boiling water. When it is imagined, pour into the water for taking a bath. Such a bath not only cleans the skin, but also returns to it elasticity and elasticity.

Infusions made of rose petals, mint, souls, melissa, added to the bath, rejuvenate the skin and slow down its aging. Cooking them is very simple, but the effect they give amazing.

The following type of baths - mineral, does not require training at all. True, for the adoption of such a procedure will have to buy a lot of mineral water with gas, warm and pour into the bath. When you immerse yourself in a bubble liquid, your skin simply "comes with the Spirit" and will feel great.

The bath with citrus juice not only returns the skin elasticity, but also rejuvenates her, warns the emergence of early wrinkles. It is necessary to squeeze juice from six fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits) and pour it into the bath. Water in the bath should be slightly warm or room temperature - so the essential oils of fruits will be able to favorably affect the skin of the whole body.

Well, if you also drink a couple of cups of freshly squeezed citrus juice: of course, lemon juice should be drunk.

Natural scrubs helps to restore skin elasticity. The simplest and safest remedy is cracked honey, as well as mixed with sour cream sea salt.

Effective masks

Masks are an additional nutrition for the skin, especially if it is constantly exposed to negative external factors.

Take 1 tbsp. Honey, Coconut Milk and Herkules Hammer Flakes, mix everything thoroughly and apply for pre-cleaned body skin for half an hour. Wash off at the warm water, and then cool. To repeat such a body mask is preferably up to 3 times a week - it is simple.

Olive oil also moisturizes the skin, saturates with its nutrients and vitamins, retains youth and elasticity. This method is used by many women, replacing in bold oils expensive creams.

Special attention - neck

Special attention is required by the skin of the neck - otherwise she quickly saves, and returned her former species will be difficult.

Olive oil will help here: it must be slightly warm and carefully launched into the skin. To wrap the neck with a linen napkin (you can even parchment paper), and with a terry towel from above. After 30 minutes, the compress can be removed, and wash the neck with warm water. In addition to skin elasticity, such a mask provides it more efficient protection From the wind and frost during the cold season.

How to make elastic chest skin?

Return the elasticity of the skin of the chest is very difficult, however, careful and regular care for breasts gives its results. In addition to exercises and masks, peeling and contrast shower will help to support the skin of the chest.

To peel the skin of the chest, you must take 1 tbsp. Natural yogurt and coconut pulp (can be replaced by coconut chips), and 1 tsp. Oatmeal and sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly and apply a mixture on the sparkled chest skin. 5-10 minutes are slightly massaged, and then wash off with warm water from the shower. Repeat the procedure for three months, 2 times a week.

Ice breast massage helped women of all times save skin elastic and fresh. It is better to use citrus ice - frozen fruit juice diluted with mineral water.

You can also freeze the chain of citrus peel, and wipe the skin of the chest with cubes of this ice. For the preparation of infusion of 0.5 liters of boiling water of the mandarine and orange peel, and insist during the day in a closed glass container.

Another elastic breast mask is made of natural yogurt (1 tbsp), a raw egg and an oil solution of vitamin E (1 tsp). All ingredients mix thoroughly and put on the chest with circular massage movements, then put on a bra for 20 minutes. Then carefully wash off a warm water mask.

Sure, health and skin elasticity depend not only from external care, but also from nutrition. Power is the basis of health and beauty: the ratio of all substances - vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates should be correct. Otherwise, the skin acquires an unhealthy color, loses the tightness and elasticity.

Elastic and taut face

For the skin of the face, we care constantly, but there are masks that make it precisely elasticity.

To prepare a French face mask, you need to take a glass or enameled dishes, pour fresh cream there (1 cup), add whipped raw egg, whole lemon juice, vodka (100 g) and glycerin (1 tsp). Stir everything carefully and wipe the skin and neck. The resulting mixture can be used for a long time - in the refrigerator it can be stored until six months.

The next mask is also French - at least it is called "Madame Pompadur". The recipe is similar: We must grasp a whole lemon on the grater, along with the zest, pour alcohol (100 g), give to stand and strain. Then add 200 g of cream (sour cream) and glycerin (1 tsp). This composition can also be stored in the refrigerator.

The mask, called the name of the famous beauty of Sophie Loren, is also prepared from cream (100 g), with the addition of gelatin, glycerin and honey (1 tsp). Gelatin is poured with cream and leave overnight, and in the morning heated on weak heat until it dissolves. Then the mixture add honey and glycerin.

The mask is applied to face neatly, through massage lines. Such a mixture is also kept in the refrigerator, but not long - a week, and then you need to cook a new one.

Such masks are cleaned, smoothed and tone the skin. If applied regularly, the skin will become clean, matte, fresh and elastic.