How to inspire a man to success. How to inspire a man: useful tips

Tell me, what woman does not want to be loved, desired, receive gifts and attention from her man? So that the husband successfully advances in his career and at the same time devotes time to his wife and children. A new coat, a trip, a car, diamonds…

Fairy tale? Not at all! Inspiration is the main driving force of men. But how exactly to inspire your man to accomplish, we'll talk about this.

When we love, we want to give the best to the beloved. And it seems to us that He needs the same thing as I do. And the woman begins to stuff the man with care, caress, attention, understanding. Without thinking at all that her man needs something completely different. Absolutely other things will inspire a man to accomplish things, make him move mountains and lay down the whole world at your feet. So it turns out that we wholeheartedly give all of ourselves, and the result is completely opposite.

So what's the secret? What exactly inspires a man?

By giving your man what he needs in full, you will easily achieve your desired goal:

  1. Confidence. Imagine that you need to fall back with your eyes closed ... into the arms of your man. Will it be easy for you to do this? Do you want to control whether he catches you or not? The ability to trust a man is perhaps the most important thing in a relationship. You know, a mature attitude is when a woman is ready to trust, and a man is able to take responsibility for his woman. And, unfortunately, very often our men behave immaturely, weakly and irresponsibly through the fault of a woman. Women themselves are not ready to give all responsibility into men's hands. It always seems to them that he will do everything wrong, he thinks for a long time, does it slowly, or does not do it at all. It's very sad, because it's a road to nowhere. If you want to inspire a man, learn to trust him!
  2. Acceptance for who he is. What woman does not dream of remaking her man. We are constantly striving to adjust it for ourselves, here a little bit to reduce, here - to add. But for a man it is very important to feel inner freedom, to understand that a woman loves and accepts him as he is. We are women, we forget that men do not change. It is we who belong to the water element, and internal and external changes are our native space. A man by nature is very static. And he is greatly hurt and humiliated by our rejection of him. And when he sees and feels that a woman accepts all of him without a trace and does not seek to change him, he is very grateful to her and is ready to give her in full.
  3. Appreciation. In fact, the main task of a man is to make his woman happy. And therefore, he must feel that everything he does - she likes it, she approves of it and is grateful to him for everything. Even if your man did not quite what you wanted, or not at all, the best way to get the desired result is to praise him for what you have now. Only in this way and in no other way will you be able to move your man to move forward. Be grateful to him for every little thing, and he will do even more for you!
  4. Delight. Male ego is a serious thing. Absolutely every normal man strives to meet the standards of masculinity. And if suddenly for some external or internal qualities he falls short, he will try by all means to hide it. Therefore, your admiration for his external and internal qualities, emphasizing his masculinity, will make him happy. He will be grateful to you that next to you he feels like a real man. What can you admire? His appearance, which emphasizes his belonging to the male sex - strong muscles, hairy chest, deep voice, etc. His qualities - confidence, purposefulness, responsibility, self-control, etc. His actions, which are characteristic of men. Just express your admiration to him sincerely. And let it be a trifle - soon there will be a reason more serious. Your admiration will incredibly inspire a man.
  5. OK. You need to believe in a man and praise him more often. Yes Yes exactly! Our upbringing forces us to focus only on failures and failures. Remember your studies at school and the fact that it was the twos in your notebook that were highlighted in red. We are accustomed to not paying attention to something good and taking it for granted. But on everything that did not work out, we concentrate our attention. And as you know, everything where we invest strength and energy tends to grow at a gigantic speed. It is very important for a man to realize that everything he does is what you like. And having received from you a simple approval of even the smallest of his actions, he will strive to repeat them. This is the best way to "grow a general out of your man" and inspire him to act.
  6. promotion. By receiving encouragement from you, your man will know that he is on the right track. A man's life is full of obstacles, stresses and problems, and at home he wants to relax and find himself in a calm harbor. Therefore, it is so important for him not only to know that he is doing well, but also to receive his "gift".

I am often asked this question, sometimes directly, sometimes veiled. For example, my husband does not want to work or he is not interested in anything. Since we look first of all at ourselves, looking for our opportunities for growth, then in this case we should ask - what am I doing wrong? How can I inspire my man and

A man needs a woman's energy
God created man as the driving force. He gave him all the necessary qualities so that a man could achieve any goals. Only in one thing did God limit its capabilities - it left it without the ability to generate energy on its own.

The man eventually became like a multifunctional computer. Which can be very, very much. He knows how to perform different tasks - and go to the store, and earn money, and build a house, and repair the sink. But only if it is connected to the mains.
Two options are possible here - either it is connected to an outlet where universal electricity flows, or it can be powered by some kind of mobile generator. That is, a man can receive energy either from God or from a woman.

Since a computer without a network connection is just a box of pieces of iron, it is useless to demand accomplishments, tasks solved and promises kept.

It is difficult for modern men to build relationships with God - due to their upbringing, traditions and beliefs. Therefore, the universal electrical network remains inaccessible to them. Then all hope remains on the generator.

A woman is created to generate energy. She can create it out of thin air - out of nowhere. And for her, this is one of the most important functions. Every woman creates this energy, accumulates it and somehow spends it. The most important question is where do we send it?

The most logical way is to connect to a computer and feed it with energy so that it, in turn, solves all the necessary tasks. And the computer will gladly do it - after all, it is better to solve some problems and move somewhere than just to be covered with dust. It is better to fulfill the desires of a woman than to lie on the couch and drink beer.

But sometimes there is a rebellion of generators. When they take to the streets with posters: “Give equality!”, “Computers are a relic of the past”, “We produce, we should spend!”, “Down with exploitation of computers!” and so on.

Then women begin to be independent - and try to do everything themselves. They themselves build houses, make repairs, repair plumbing, earn money, raise children, achieve equal rights.

What is left for computers without electricity? Just rot. become obsolete. To be used as furniture.

Do generators become happy because they achieve a lot, but at the cost of insane effort? I'll leave the question open.

If my husband doesn't want to move, where is my energy?

This is the most important question that every married woman should ask herself. If a husband does not want to work, achieve something, is not interested in anything - where is my energy?

  • Am I spending it on overworking and making money?
  • Did I get carried away raising children and forgot that I was also a wife?
  • Have I gone into self-development, leaving behind my duties as a wife?
  • Or maybe I'm still sure that I could find a better husband?
  • Or am I greedy and not ready to give my energy?
  • Have I decided to be strong, self-reliant and independent at all costs?
  • Am I able to produce it myself, save and share it?

How to inspire a man to exploits?

Let's remember children's fairy tales. How did princesses inspire princes? Immediately before your eyes there is a picture of a princess in a tower guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. Prince Charming on a white horse defeats the dragon and takes the princess away with him.

What was so special about the princess?

1. The princess was notoriously weak and could not save herself.

This step is a rejection of our female independence and self-reliance. Becoming weak, we awaken in men the strength and desire to take care of us. As long as we try our best to be strong, we have no chance of being cared for. Remember how at Rozhdestvensky:

“It’s very difficult for me with you, so confident.
At least on purpose, at least for a moment - I ask, timidly -
help me to believe in myself, become weaker.

2. The princess believed that the prince would save her.

How often do we know how to believe in our own? How often can we completely trust them and not control them? And can a man really help if we don't believe he can and will?

3. At the same time, she did not just sit and wait, but was engaged in women's affairs - she embroidered, painted.

The habitual way of life of a modern woman practically excludes women's affairs. Clothes can be bought ready-made - and there is no need to sew them. Dishwasher washes dishes, laundry is washed by a washing machine. Embroidered shirts are no longer in fashion. There are so many children's toys in stores that there is no need to sew and embroider them. Even cooking in the full sense of the word is not necessary. You can buy a semi-finished product and heat it up.

Our life is becoming easier and more technologically advanced, and most importantly, where does the energy that we have saved go? And do we know how to replenish it, because many women's activities just exist in order to recharge with energy.

4. She did not shout to him from the tower how to properly cut off the dragon's head.

How often do we think that we know better what is right. I myself am like that - and I constantly catch myself thinking that sometimes I “help” too much where

And at the same time, we are very often ready to poke a man into every mistake he makes. We do not attach so much importance to his victories, so much to his defeats. Favorite phrases: “I told you”, “I knew it”, “As always” and “Again” ... How many knightly hearts they broke ...

The ability to ignore his mistakes, to support him in time, without humiliating him - this is what can make a woman the best for him.

5. The princess openly admired the valor and courage of the prince

How often do we admire a husband's ability to fix a faucet or fetch heavy bags? Do we see the virtues of our men - or fixate on their weaknesses?

What we pay attention to increases. And if you constantly nag and be dissatisfied, new reasons for discontent will appear. And if you admire courage, responsibility, the ability to care, they will also grow.

6 After The Prince Saved Her, She Completely Surrendered To Him

She threw herself on his neck and at his feet. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. And he took her to his house. Who saved her - he became a husband.

When a man got a mammoth - do we always thank you joyfully? Or do we sometimes take it for granted? Or even evaluate the extracted mammoth, comparing it with yesterday's and neighbor's?

The choice is ours

Each of us has it. We can choose what to do with the energy that the Lord has given us. We can go against his will - and spend it ourselves. And we can try differently.

What if you become a princess and inspire a man who is nearby to a feat?

5 basic recipes from psychologists on how to inspire a man for daily exploits! Girls, be smart.

The main theme of any women’s gatherings is complaints about their men: “Mine will never give me flowers for no reason”, “But mine is still sitting at his low-paid job, you can’t knock him anywhere”, “But you can’t force me to shave once again, he walks like a scarecrow”, “But mine, as soon as the weekend, then immediately runs to his damned fishing, you can’t force anything to be done at home”, etc.

The ladies whined, complained about their woman's share and crawled along the minks to their "bad" men.

And the girls do not even realize that a man (with the exception of very hopeless specimens) can be changed for the better.

But it’s better to do it not with screams and scandals, but with ... inspiration!

About, how to inspire a man we will talk about daily deeds today.

They inspired their men...

Writers often in their works, where the main character is a male hero, create an interesting image of his woman.

In the course of the story, it turns out that it was thanks to his wife or girlfriend that the main character could accomplish all these feats.

And believe me, such a situation is not the author’s fiction at all, history knows enough examples when it was ladies who acted as the energy force that pushed gentlemen to commit unique acts.

Here we take at least the Decembrists.

In some study, I read that one of the main reasons why the nobles were not afraid to go to the Senate Square, despite the danger of demotion and exile, is their wives behind their backs. They knew that they would share all the hardships with them.

Modern women have lost the secrets that helped their predecessors inspire a man.

Often they do something completely stupid: they themselves clip the wings of their husbands.

My ex-colleague got married 2 years ago.

A month after living together, the happy husband decided to surprise her and come to our office with a bouquet of flowers.

The employee just received a scolding from the boss and instead of thawing at the sight of a bouquet from her beloved husband, she decided to take all her anger out on him.

After six months of marriage, she indignantly told us over morning coffee that she gave her husband a scolding, because on March 8 he bought her a large bouquet of roses: “And this is such big money, it would be better if I spent it on something useful!”.

Now a colleague complains to us that her husband is inattentive to her: “And he will never bring a flower” ...

How to inspire a man: 5 directions

My colleague, of course, is not a very smart creature, which itself killed all the best intentions in her husband.

But any lady can do everything exactly the opposite.

« How to inspire a man?", - you ask.

I will answer: it is quite easy and simple if you use a set of exercises.

“If the task of a man is to change the world, then women are to inspire him to do it!”

So, 5 main principles that you can inspire your man

  1. Beauty.
  2. Self-inspiration.
  3. Emotionality.
  4. Pleasure.

As you can see, nothing complicated.

And now we will deal with each item separately.

How to inspire a man with beauty?

What do you wear at home?

Old sportswear, a stretched T-shirt, a dirty bathrobe and other "beautiful" things?

And sometimes it’s too lazy to comb it - they gathered their hair in a disheveled bun and that’s it. And to paint, it's completely pointless.

So those, for the most part, have generally forgotten what manicures, pedicures and other female tricks are.

But, at the same time, this “something” blurred at the waist, in an eternally dirty dressing gown, requires admiration, adoration, gifts, compliments from her man.


And what should he compliment: dirty nails, greasy hair or folds of fat?

Take care of yourself - this is the direct duty of every lady, regardless of her income, status, profession or age.

Only a beautiful queen, not a fat dragon, can inspire a man!

To inspire a man, you need to be inspired by yourself!

Long gone are the days when a woman was required only to be able to cook something tasty and keep the house clean.

Today's woman must:

  • to be an interesting person;
  • have a hobby
  • love life in all its manifestations and enjoy every minute of it;

Next to such a lady, any dork will turn into an exquisite gentleman.

How to inspire a man with emotions?

A woman should be a ray of happiness for her man.

Of course, we all experience difficulties sometimes, but constantly walking around with a sour expression that I see on aunts in public transport, you can’t whine and complain!

This will drive any member of the stronger sex crazy and certainly will not inspire him to any human act.

Better charge him with optimism, love of life, confidence that he will be able to overcome any difficulty.

To inspire a man - give him pleasure

In the specialized literature, I found two types of definitions of pleasure:

  • rough - sex, massage and other options for physical impact;
  • subtle - coquetry, a smile, a funny story told, a pleasant aroma of perfume, etc.

Your man should have enough of both, otherwise he will focus only on sex (and not the fact that he is always with you), or he will look for human warmth and female charm somewhere on the side.

To inspire a man to be a man, be a woman

P.S. Do not learn to hammer nails or use a drill, pretend to be weak and defenseless, then your spouse will just have to fix the faucet or nail the picture.

What is he, not a man or something, to offend a fragile lady?

Girls/Women, take note...

I advise you to watch a strong excerpt from the film "Revolutionary Road",

how to actually communicate with your man

and inspire him at the same time!

Under no circumstances should you:

    Lower your bar.

    Pull a man to your high level, and do not sink with him to the bottom.

  1. Use screams and scandals as a weapon - you will achieve the exact opposite effect.
  2. Give up at the first failure (this is perhaps an axiom that applies to any situation).
  3. Demanding your spouse to change and be inspired, while doing nothing yourself.
  4. Use the phrase "You must!" as an argument.

People in a relationship (whether they are male or female) don't owe anything to anyone at all.

They must be happy!

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What do women talk about when going to a bachelorette party? Of course, among other topics there is also a conversation about men. Most of them complain about their faithful: even then he does something wrong, and earns little, and you can’t make him do anything around the house, he only comes home to sleep, and when he has a free minute, he runs fishing or to the garage.

Common situation? But everything can be changed and ensure that the faithful change radically and become the best on earth. Don't believe? You just need to know how to inspire a man to act. In fact, the process of inspiration is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Psychologists and other experts in the study of human souls identify 5 aspects, focusing on which, a woman can inspire her man for many things, including exploits, gifts and success:

  • personal care;
  • self-sufficiency;
  • sex;
  • positive;
  • female weakness.

It is necessary to touch on each of these aspects in more detail.


As you know, beauty is a terrible force. Indeed, even from kindergarten age, it is noticeable what privileges beautiful girls have: boys not only do not offend them, but also look for ways to attract attention, for example, treat them to something tasty, share toys, etc.

Nothing changes with age, and beautiful women are in a much better position than those who cannot be called beautiful. But beauty is different for beauty. You can have the right features, a beautiful figure, but be so unpleasant, rude and vulgar that the word "beautiful" will not fit this woman.

Even if God has deprived you of an ideal appearance, everything is in your hands. You can make yourself beautiful by taking care of your face, body and hair. Take care of your weight if you have something extra, change your hairstyle and hair color, do not forget about makeup, even when you leave the house for bread.

Next to a beautiful woman, not a single representative of the stronger sex wants to be an untidy dork spending the whole day on the couch.

But, as already mentioned, appearance is only half the battle. Learn to enjoy every day, fresh breeze and green leaves on the trees. Away with sorrows and sadness - life is given only once, and it is so short!

Inspire yourself to be able to inspire your husband

How can you inspire a man to success?

First of all, you need to be filled with a personality, independent of anyone and nothing. You need to be self-sufficient. Men are not interested in young ladies who look into their mouths, and here lies a very thin line between obsessive adoration and inspiration. Your other half must understand that without him, you will not be lost, you have your own hobbies, activities, your own circle of friends.

Bored at home and spending time doing laundry, cleaning and ironing, what can you tell your husband about over dinner? No, it’s understandable when the wife is on maternity leave and spends all her time taking care of the baby. But when he is old enough, you need to think about a job or some kind of hobby.

Give pleasure

How to inspire a man to do good deeds?

As for pleasure, experts distinguish two types of it: subtle and gross. The latter includes physical contact in its most simplified form: intercourse and massage. Moreover, even making love with a partner, a woman reduces the foreplay to a minimum, preferring to immediately move on to the most important thing.

But foreplay is of great importance for both women and men. Mutual long strokes, kisses and touches allow the couple to get to know each other better, to become closer and dearer.

If a woman constantly complains that the missus only needs sex, she should think about how long she hugged him just like that? Flirtatious and smiling?

On the contrary, it happens less frequently. If a couple often hugs, has mercy and says gentle words to each other, then they are probably doing well with sex. But be that as it may, the partner will compensate for the lack of one or both types of pleasure on the side.

Positive emotions

How can you inspire a man to take care of himself?

For your loved one, you need to become a source of positive emotions and happiness. Tired, exhausted during the day at work, he will return to the house with a shudder of the heart, knowing that a grumpy, always dissatisfied wife is waiting for him there. Break this stereotype, become a muse for your other half. And the muses, what are they? Beautiful, smiling, satisfied with their man and in love with him.

Do not burden him with your problems and do not tell bad news. Of course, partners should support each other, listen and give advice, but a woman should not go too far.

It is better to tell a friend about the accumulated problems, and spare the man's psyche.

His house should be associated with joy and laughter, and then he will rush there from work, not forgetting to grab something tasty to please his wife and children.

One gentle look of a loving wife, one gentle touch and a smile can work wonders. The faithful one himself will not notice how all the troubles, anxieties and excitements of the day will remain beyond the threshold, and peace and happiness will enter the soul.

To be a woman

It would seem, what is easier?

After all, nature has already taken care of this. But not all women are naturally feminine. Someone has a lot of male hormones in the blood, which is why the character becomes truly masculine. Such ladies are accustomed to take everything on their shoulders and solve all the pressing problems themselves.

Why are they then surprised that the partner is passive?

And why should he strain if he knows that she is doing just fine without him. Therefore, it doesn’t matter if life has made you this way or if you are naturally authoritarian, learn to be weak and defenseless next to your other half. It is clear that without him you can change the light bulb and drill a hole in the wall with a drill, but he does not need to know about this.

If you want to move the sofa, then inspirational phrases for men can be: “Darling, don’t you think this sofa would look better in this corner? How nice it would be if you moved it as soon as you were free.”.

Please note that this does not sound like an order that the gentleman will refuse to obey simply because of stubbornness and principle. This is the request of a beloved woman. And if she so wants and so conveniently, then he will gladly agree to fulfill the request.

Wise representatives of the weaker sex know how to present their desires as if it was a man’s idea, and now he, pleased with himself and his ingenuity, is already running to do what the woman wants, without knowing it.

It is very important for the representative of the stronger sex to realize that he himself decided, and not you pointed out to him what needs to be done.

After all, a happy family is not one in which the husband and wife pull the blanket over themselves. Let your missus be in charge if it is so important to him.

In the end, everyone will only benefit from this. After all, ladies so dream of being behind their husband’s broad, strong back, so let him become this very protection, emphasizing in every possible way that you can’t do without him, that only he is able to solve this problem, etc.

What not to do with a man

Many do not know how to inspire their man for gifts. But some themselves discourage their faithful from the desire to do this. Very often, ladies complain that their loved ones stop giving them flowers, but after all, at least once the thought crept into everyone’s head that it would be better to buy something edible or from clothes, otherwise the flowers would wither and be of no use. If the spouse does not see joy in the eyes of his wife, or even hears a reproach to his ability to choose presents, he will simply stop giving them. Therefore, whatever he gives you, you need to accept it with joy and gratitude.

To inspire a man means to "breathe" desire into him. The desire to grow, develop, the desire to work, earn money, the desire to get married, buy a house, the desire to have children, the desire to be devoted to your spouse, and so on ... The question of inspiring a beloved husband worries a lot of women. And this is understandable, because many of us want to see our husbands successful and fulfilled, full of fire and enthusiasm. Inspire him with flowers, compliments and gifts - not on holidays, but just like that. Just so that, going home from work, he, remembering us, suddenly went to a flower shop to surprise with a beautiful bouquet ... Is this possible? Certainly! With any man? Absolutely!

I used to hear the excuse of some men, they say, “I basically don’t give women flowers.” Why, they could not explain. After a while, I realized that they were not inspired by these women. In the soul of every man lives a romantic, even the most serious, even the most businesslike, even the most principled. To make a woman happy - that's the natural program that controls every male! A man cannot do something for himself, he does not experience pleasure from this, because his emotional field is not as wide as a woman's.

The emotions of a woman - that's what excites the mind of a man, and kindles the inner fire. Emotions are the energy on which a man rides. The higher and better the emotions of the woman who feeds him are, the better the man will “ride” through life. If the emotions are of poor quality, then the movement of a man, like a car filled with cheap gasoline, will not last long, or even a failure in the system will occur, and the engine will refuse to work. Therefore, the phrase “I don’t give flowers to women on principle” is said only by men who have never been inspired, those who were not lucky enough to meet a true woman in their lives!

In fact, the question of inspiration is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Through personal experience, I have identified several points that a woman needs to observe in order to inspire her dear husband to the exploits!

1. Be beautiful
2. Be inspired by yourself
3. Give a man pleasure
4. Give a man positive emotions, be a source of happiness
5. Not doing a man's work and not showing up as a man


Beauty is a great power that inspires a man a lot. Appearance is the first thing a man looks at when meeting a woman. If the appearance did not intrigue him, the man will not want to deepen the relationship. Being beautiful is one of the honorable duties of a great woman. Without taking into account this rule, high-quality inspiration will not work. A man is very inspired by female beauty! It is difficult to be a couch potato next to a domestic Goddess, and it is quite uncomfortable to be a parasite next to a friendly wife who wears jewelry and a beautiful hairstyle.

To inspire, you need to be a Muse. But are the Muses grouchy, touchy, in gray pants and a stretched T-shirt? .. Rather, the Muses are very beautiful creatures, very smiling, very in love with the one they inspire, very believing in him. And very much able to enjoy life! Enjoy the scent of scented soap, enjoy the sweet cherry on the cake, enjoy the kisses and the warm breeze… there is so much beauty in life to enjoy! And the Muse constantly fills herself, absorbing the beauty of the world through enjoying it...

And just such an energetically filled woman, beautiful and happy, is easily able to inspire a man to heroic deeds, without doing anything special! She just eats next to a man. In love with him and the beauty of the world. She just is. He will do the rest himself!.. It is impossible to inspire a man either with tears, or with reproaches, or with resentment. The only thing that can inspire him with such behavior is to divorce! And if a woman gets what she wants with such gross manipulations, it only shows her unfemininity and lack of inspiration. She begged, she cried. Men cannot stand women's tears, and therefore they are ready to buy everything for us and agree with everything, if only we would calm down. But is there any value in this? .. No ... But when you inspire him with your beauty, your love, your fullness, this completely different feeling gives!

be inspired

A woman must be inspired by herself. She should be interested in being alone, she should have exciting activities, hobbies. Only for women! :) If you do not know how to get high from yourself, do not know how to be happy and entertain yourself, for example, dancing, meditation, walking, bachelorette parties, then where will you get the energy of inspiration for your beloved husband?

Give a man pleasure

Pleasure can be on two levels: subtle and gross. Rough refers to physical contact, such as sex, massage, touching. And to the subtle: a smile, affectionate words, positive emotions, happy laughter, flirting, coquetry ...

Some women complain that their men are "preoccupied" with the issue of sex, they constantly pester. This can happen when the wife does not give her husband subtle pleasures. A man needs fuel in the form of female energy. But you can get it in different ways, not necessarily through sex. A woman can fill a man through a kiss, through kind words, touches and so on...

But, if a woman is not inspired by herself, and if her female center is blocked, then there will be problems with the return of pleasure ... You need to increase female hormones in your body through women's activities, through eating sweet food, through communication with your Goddess and wearing feminine clothes , as well as through nourishing oneself with positive emotions from the contemplation of beauty.

Give a man positive emotions, be a source of happiness

A wife should be a source of joy for her husband, a source of good news. This forms in the subconscious of a man the most pleasant associations associated with you, then he will always strive for you as a source of inexhaustible warmth and light. Try not to tell him bad news, do not overload him with your often changing moods. Yes, a woman has the right to be listened to by a man, so that he consoles her, regrets it, but you should not go too far. There are already so many problems in the world, so many difficult tasks that a man has to face, and if at home he sees his wife’s sour face, is dissatisfied with something or hears negative information from her, this obviously causes sympathy in him, will not be. Another thing is when the whole world talks about bad things from your lips - it hears only pleasant, only inspiring words! Can you imagine what a precious diamond you can become for your man in this case? ..

For the psyche of a man, it is very important, after coming after work, to see a beautiful smiling wife at home, speaking affectionate words (even if he was late). One gentle look of a loving wife, one gentle touch, a kind, affectionate word can relieve all his anxieties and fatigue, give peace and happiness, and a man has a subconscious strong desire to return to this apartment, where he is expected, loved and joyfully met.

Don't do man's work and don't show up like a man

To be an inspirational wife, you must avoid any activity that is contrary to your femininity. Well, for example, a woman asked a man to move a closet. But men, as a rule, do not immediately respond to a woman's request. He first needs to get out of his thoughts, think about the words of his wife, make a decision, complete things, and only then carry out the assignment. A man rarely immediately runs to do what he was asked to do, and this is normal. But the wife asked, and the husband continued to click the remote control in front of the TV. She asked a second time, and a third, but there was no response. And here there are two scenarios. First: unfeminine. Go and, straining yourself, move the closet yourself, and then be sure to throw a scandal to your husband for being a parasite, or just be very offended by him and walk all day gloomy, like a cloud.

And the second option: feminine. Having expressed a request to her husband, leave him to think it over. Do not pull every five minutes, but go about your business ... Sooner or later, but the man will move the closet. Do you know when men move cabinets? In two cases. The first, and so it should always be: whenever they want! And the second: when they force... The woman voices the request and leaves. If a man immediately goes to fulfill it, he feels like a henpecked "I was forced." So he takes time. So that she forgets about the request, and I, like, myself decided to move the closet, went and moved it. This is how they are, men, and you need to know and respect this.

That is, the first option - to do men's work herself - contradicts the female nature, and therefore does not cause inspiration. If you want to prove something to a man and do defiantly masculine work yourself in front of him, then prove to him in this way that you are a strong independent woman, you are doing great on your own, and you don’t need a man. But in the second case, which does not contradict femininity, a man will gladly take care and help, because in front of him is a weak, ignorant and incapable being. Of course, he thinks so :) We know that when a man is not at home, cabinets easily move and shelves are nailed down. But when a man is around, he should not even allow such an idea that you know how to do a man's work. The more feminine you are, the more he is inspired to be masculine!
