What color of discharge during pregnancy the hematoma comes out. Brown discharge with hematoma during pregnancy


Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy is a blood clot that fills the space between the uterine wall and the ovum. She accompanies such a dangerous condition as the threat of miscarriage.

Women are interested in how a hematoma comes out during pregnancy, how is the treatment of conditions carried out?

Possible reasons

There are several reasons for this condition during pregnancy, such as retrochorial hematoma. The bulk is similar to the conditions that will be the main threat to termination of pregnancy.

Retrochorial hematoma

These include:

  • hormonal problems;
  • stressful conditions;
  • the development of inflammatory diseases of the uterus, tumor processes - fibroids, endometritis;
  • negative impacts associated with work - radiation, noise;
  • pressure fluctuations;
  • bad habits - smoking and others;
  • somatic ailments of a chronic nature;
  • bad ecology;
  • pathological conditions of the vessels, especially those that approach the uterus;
  • mechanical injury to the uterus;
  • genetic problems with the fertilized egg;
  • serious physical activity;
  • infectious processes that are sexually transmitted;
  • toxicosis at any stage of pregnancy;
  • anomalies in the female reproductive system;
  • the development of systemic diseases;
  • blood clotting problems.

Typical symptoms

The answer to the question: how long the hematoma will take during pregnancy will depend on the severity of the problem. The disease does not manifest itself and is detected as part of a routine ultrasound diagnosis. In such cases, the state of health of the pregnant woman remains satisfactory, there are no specific complaints.

In some cases, there will be symptoms characteristic of the threat of termination of pregnancy.
The main manifestation of how a retrochorial hematoma comes out is the appearance of a bloody discharge. Depending on the duration of pregnancy and the severity of the hematoma, their intensity may vary.

The appearance of discharge is not always a bad sign. If they are dark red in color, are brown, this is a symptom of a devastating hematoma.

If you have to deal with bright red discharge, it is a dangerous symptom. The situation can be aggravated by the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen. In this case, you need to see a doctor - this condition is dangerous. This is an indicator of the threat of interruption, the growth of education in size.

With this diagnosis, pregnant women complain of soreness in the lumbar region or in the lower abdomen, which will burn to be, both aching and pulling.
Such sensations are permanent, but can intensify against a background of factors, including with little physical exertion.

Consequences of a hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy

This condition is dangerous for a pregnant woman. Depending on the activity of blood secretion, the severity of the situation is judged. If blood loss reaches 15 ml or more, these are severe and dangerous conditions, since the formation occupies up to half of the total area of ​​the uterus.

The consequences of the violation can be expressed in the inhibition of the development of the fetus in the uterus, creating conditions for the rejection of the embryo. This threatens with premature detachment - after placental abruption, bleeding begins. If blood gets into the abdominal cavity, then not only the life of the fetus, but also the pregnant woman is threatened.

Diagnostic techniques

There are several informative studies that identify this kind of education. This is an ultrasound examination of the ovum and the uterine cavity.
According to its results, it is revealed:

  • violation of the shape of the attached ovum against the background of the impact that the thickened area has on it;
  • local thickening of the uterine wall, as a sign of uterine tone (the condition indicates the prevailing threat of interruption);
  • hematoma, it is important to determine its position and dimensions, the tendency to increase or decrease.

In addition to ultrasound, diagnostic techniques include a number of laboratory tests:

  • urine test;
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • the presence of ailments that are sexually transmitted;
  • dopplerometry, CTG in the late stages of carrying a baby;
  • blood clotting assessment;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • assessment of hormonal levels.

Hematoma treatment

The answer to the question: how much hematoma comes out during pregnancy is individual in each case. The tactics of treatment are also chosen depending on the situation.

For a period of time, while there is a threat of spontaneous abortion, therapeutic actions are carried out. Additionally, they are carried out during dangerous periods of pregnancy, 12-14 weeks, from 20 to 24 weeks, from 28 to 32 weeks, as well as at the final stage from 36 to 38 weeks.

If brown discharge appears, characteristic of a hematoma, with the threat of interruption, it is important to stop the existing signs, to relax the muscles of the uterus. For this, a woman needs bed rest, lying with her legs raised up in order to normalize blood flow.

Conservative treatment comes down to the following:

  • minimization of physical activity in compliance with bed rest;
  • drugs such as Dicinon and Vikasol to stop bleeding;
  • taking vitamin complexes that will smooth out the lack of vitamins and valuable substances in the body;
  • Magne B6 to relieve spasms if there are no kidney problems;
  • normalization of blood circulation through Curantil;
  • a balanced daily menu in which vegetables and fruits should be present;
  • drugs to relieve spasms, including papaverine;
  • raising the pelvis while lying down to ensure the outflow of blood from the uterus;
  • if the blood circulation in the hematoma area is problematic, Actovegin is prescribed;
  • taking hormonal drugs to minimize the risk of spontaneous abortion.

What medicine and how many days to drink it, a doctor can prescribe, taking into account the woman's condition, the duration of pregnancy, the presence of ailments. Hospitalization is often recommended for women in order to exclude physical activity and sex life during this period.

How long does a hematoma come in?

In each case, the answer to the question of how much hematoma will leave during pregnancy is individual. It is determined by the state of the woman's body, the severity of the condition and the moment when treatment is started.

In most cases, the formation resolves at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, if it was detected in a timely manner, measures were taken for treatment.
It is important to regularly monitor the woman's condition in order to prevent complications.


In the overwhelming majority of cases, a hematoma during pregnancy does not give serious consequences for a woman and her baby, the outcome of pregnancy is safe.
But an unfavorable outcome is also possible. It is typical for the most difficult cases. When education accounts for more than 40% of the size of the ovum at this stage of pregnancy, or when its volume reaches 60 cm3.

This condition can be fraught with:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • chronic fetal hypoxia.

For a woman during pregnancy, it is important to closely monitor the state of her body, to undergo prescribed examinations in order to timely detect possible problems and respond promptly to them. Then the pregnancy outcome will be favorable.

Retrochorial hematoma (RH) is an accumulation of blood in the space between the uterus and the chorion (outer shell of the embryo). The formation of RH is one of the signs of an incipient miscarriage and can lead to early termination of pregnancy.

Chorion and placenta

Chorion is the outer shell of the embryo that forms around the baby in the early stages of its development. Up to 14 weeks, nutrients and oxygen are supplied to the embryo through the chorionic villi, as well as carbon dioxide is released. After 14-16 weeks, the placenta (placenta) takes over the chorionic function, which ensures the existence of the fetus until the very birth.

Normally, there should be no accumulation of blood under the membranes of the chorion or placenta. The appearance of a hematoma is an alarming symptom, indicating a high risk of termination of pregnancy. If you suspect the formation of RH, you should urgently consult a doctor.


It is not always possible to find out the exact cause of the formation of retrochorial hematoma. The following factors can provoke the development of this pathology:

  • imbalance of female sex hormones;
  • trauma;
  • infectious diseases;
  • autoimmune processes;
  • pathology of the hemostasis system;
  • anomalies in the development of the uterus.

Retrochorial hematoma occurs before 16 weeks of gestation. After 16 weeks, placental abruption is said.


Signs of retrochorial hematoma are symptoms of a threatening or incipient miscarriage:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen, lower back, perineum;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

The intensity of vaginal discharge can vary. With a small size of hematoma, the discharge will be smearing, brown, brown. With the breakthrough of the focus, the amount of blood will increase. A hematoma located in the bottom of the uterus may not make itself felt in any way and is discovered by chance during an ultrasound scan.

The general condition of a woman during the formation of RH is not always violated. Many expectant mothers do not even know about the problem before the scheduled ultrasound screening. In the event of an infection, an increase in body temperature, the appearance of chills and general weakness are possible. Vaginal discharge becomes purulent (yellow and yellow-green) with an admixture of blood.

Brown discharge is a favorable sign of RH. This means that the hematoma is gradually emptied and the clotted blood comes out. Fresh red discharge from the genital tract is dangerous. This symptom indicates that the bleeding continues, and the chorionic detachment site becomes larger. Continued detachment of the ovum can lead to termination of pregnancy.

Warning signs of RG:

  • severe cramping pain in the lower abdomen;
  • ongoing bleeding;
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • pronounced pallor of the skin;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • delirium, convulsions.

If any of these symptoms appear, you need to urgently call an ambulance.


It is possible to detect retrochorial hematoma with an ultrasound scan. The use of modern devices and a transvaginal sensor makes it possible to detect pathology at the early stages of its formation. Often, RH is determined even before the onset of the first symptoms of an incipient miscarriage.

During ultrasound, a cavity filled with blood is visible on the screen. During the study, the doctor determines the location of the hematoma and its size. The heartbeat of the embryo, its viability and compliance with the gestational age are assessed.

Further tactics will depend on the state of the embryo. If the baby's heart beats, conserving therapy is prescribed. In the absence of a heartbeat, it is impossible to maintain a pregnancy.

Consequences for the fetus

Chorion is a shell that provides the very possibility of the existence of an embryo in the mother's womb. The formation of a hematoma disrupts the functioning of the chorion. The baby does not receive the nutrients and oxygen necessary for its development. Hypoxia develops, leading to a delay in its development. In the future, this condition can affect the condition of the fetus and the health of the newborn baby.

Small hematoma may disappear on its own. It takes 2 to 4 weeks for the hematoma to resolve. At this time, there is a gradual evacuation of blood from under the membranes of the chorion. At the site of the former hematoma, a site of necrosis is formed. In the future, this condition may not affect the development of the fetus in any way. For many women, pregnancy after resorption of the hematoma proceeds safely and ends with the birth of a healthy child.

A growing hematoma is a condition that threatens the life of the woman and the fetus. When more than 1/3 of the chorion is detached from the uterine wall, the embryo dies. The bleeding increases, the woman's condition worsens markedly. Severe blood loss can lead to the development of hemorrhagic shock and death. The longer the gestation period, the more significant the blood loss and the more serious the consequences of this condition.

Treatment methods

The goal of therapy for retrochorial hematoma is to stop its growth and preserve the pregnancy. For this purpose, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • hormonal agents;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins;
  • sedatives.

Hormonal support during the formation of RH and the onset of miscarriage is prescribed for the entire period of treatment. Often, doctors recommend continuing to take medications until 14-16 weeks of gestation. Synthetic analogs of progesterone normalize hormonal levels and allow pregnancy to be maintained until the second trimester. Further, the production of progesterone is taken over by the placenta, and there is no need for hormonal support.

Antispasmodics are prescribed for severe pain in the lower abdomen with a course of 5-7 days. In the early stages of pregnancy, drotaverine or papaverine are used in tablets and suppositories. After the disappearance of bloody discharge, it is recommended to take magnesium preparations to relieve the tone of the uterus.

Folic acid is prescribed for all women in early pregnancy. Vitamin B9 is involved in DNA synthesis, ensuring the normal growth and development of the fetus. Complex multivitamins are prescribed according to indications. In the normal course of gestation, taking multivitamins is recommended after 12 weeks.

Sedatives do not affect the course of the disease, but they help the woman calm down and cope with her anxiety. In early pregnancy, motherwort or valerian is recommended. The course of therapy is at least 3 weeks.

For the entire period of treatment, the expectant mother is recommended complete rest. Physical activity and stress are excluded. Sexual life is prohibited until the hematoma is completely resorbed. Nutrition during therapy should be balanced. The diet must be supplemented with foods rich in protein, iron and vitamins.

Retrochorial hematoma is treated in a hospital. In the presence of bloody discharge, a woman should be under constant medical supervision. At any time, the bleeding may intensify, and then the patient will need urgent help. After the disappearance of bloody discharge, the expectant mother is discharged home under the supervision of a local gynecologist.

Control over the state of the embryo and the size of the hematoma is carried out using ultrasound. If the baby's heart stops beating, scraping of the uterine cavity is performed under general anesthesia. After the operation, antibacterial drugs and agents that restore immunity are prescribed.

After a miscarriage or curettage of the uterine cavity for retrochorial hematoma, it is possible to plan a new pregnancy after 3-6 months. Before conceiving a child, it is recommended to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist in order to exclude a repetition of an unpleasant story.

Many women think that a hematoma during early pregnancy appears as a result of a serious injury, and they are extremely surprised to hear this diagnosis on an ultrasound scan. They start to get nervous, but not without reason, thereby further exacerbating the situation. Most often, in the early stages, education occurs due to an infectious or inflammatory disease, physical and nervous stress.

What is a hematoma in the uterus

A hematoma in the uterus is the accumulation of blood clots between the wall of the uterus and the ovum.

It is localized in areas of damage to organs or tissues. As a result of the accumulation of blood, a vacuole appears.

Contains liquid or clotted blood.

The most common hematoma is formed in the uterus during pregnancy in the first trimester for a period of 5-8 weeks.

The danger is that it can cause a miscarriage.


All hematomas are divided into two main types. It is retrochorial and retroplacental. The first occurs during pregnancy up to 16 weeks, the second after.

The name retrochorial hematoma is due to the fact that the outer shell that surrounds the embryo is called the chorion. In the future, it appears in its place.

Retroplacental hematoma can appear after the second half of pregnancy, when the chorion has already degenerated into the placenta. It flows in the same way as retrochorial.

Also in practice there are:

  • subchorial;
  • retroamniotic;
  • subamniotic;
  • intrauterine.

Subdural hematoma during pregnancy appears after traumatic brain injury and brain contusions. Symptoms include speech impairment, bradycardia, seizures, and headaches.

As soon as signs of subdural hematoma appear, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Until this moment, you should stay in bed and move as little as possible.

Based on the symptoms that determine the severity of the pathology, three stages of hematomas are identified.

  1. Easy... Education is small. Often it is detected during examination. There are practically no symptoms. The expectant mother feels well, and education can only be detected with an ultrasound scan.
  2. Average... During this period, there are pulling pains in the abdomen. Blood clots may be discharged. In this case, it is worth contacting the obstetrician-gynecologist who leads the pregnancy. With an average degree of education, while listening to an unborn baby, there is a violation of his heartbeat.
  3. Heavy... The woman's blood pressure drops sharply. The pains are cramping. There is heavy bleeding, the woman may faint.

With moderate and severe severity of the pathology is prescribed. It is carried out earlier than the appointed date of natural childbirth.


The main causes of hematoma during pregnancy are:

  • pathological changes;
  • underdevelopment of the genitals;
  • jumps in noise and vibration;
  • excessive loads while carrying a child;
  • stress, nervous experiences;
  • trauma;
  • intimacy;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • pressure drops.

Sometimes the formation develops due to the weakness of the vessels or the placenta. They also become weaker from improper metabolism.

The hematoma develops step by step. First, the ovum is separated from the walls of the uterus. After that, blood accumulates at the site of this separation.

Most often, this pathology occurs in women who suffer from diseases with blood clotting disorders.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Symptoms are the same for all women. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen and brown discharge. There is no discharge if the hematoma has already formed, but it has not yet been emptied.

Brown clots indicate that it comes out, and accordingly decreases in size.

This process takes quite a long time, for this reason it is necessary to carry out in order to monitor the dynamics.

Bright red discharge indicates the onset of new bleeding and an increase in the detachment of the ovum.

The most basic source of diagnostics for uterine hematoma is ultrasound.

Additionally, the obstetrician-gynecologist prescribes:

  • surveys for;

If necessary, a blood test for hormones is also prescribed to diagnose a hematoma during pregnancy.

Why is the development of pathology and complications dangerous?

The danger of education is that it carries the threat of miscarriage. If there is an initial mild degree, a woman may find out about a hematoma existence after childbirth. Since it does not manifest itself and does not pose any threat.

Considering how dangerous a hematoma is during severe pregnancy, it can be noted that it provokes a deterioration in health not only in the child, but also in the mother.

The expectant mother during the last stage of the pathology develops post-hemorrhagic. The baby does not receive the required amount of oxygen, it starts physically and psychologically.

The worst thing is that it can develop "". It happens, the blood fills the endometrium, foci of necrosis are formed.

This leads to resection of the uterus. A woman can no longer become a mother.


The main treatment for hematoma in the uterus is carried out with the use of antispasmodics (no-shpy and papaverine).

When the size of the formation is small, they can simply observe. How long the treatment will be carried out is decided only by the doctor.


Papaverine is administered both intramuscularly and intravenously. It is necessary to be careful with it for women suffering from constipation, having a disruption in work, with glaucoma and other pathologies.

No-shpa is contraindicated in women with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with problems in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

To stop bleeding, the doctor prescribes vikasol, askorutin or dicinone. When stressed, it is recommended to drink tea with lemon balm leaves and take valerian.

To prevent hypoxia of the embryo and improve the nutrition of the uterine wall, courantil and are used.

They help to increase the body's resistance.

If there is a threat to the health of the mother or child, doctors carry out an early delivery.


When diagnosing pathology, you should include vegetables and fruits in your diet as much as possible.

In large quantities, you should eat foods containing vitamins C, E and group B.

Should not be included in the menu, dishes that cause indigestion, excessive gas formation, or impair intestinal motility.

You should eat porridge and drink enough.

Signs of hematoma withdrawal

After timely treatment, the formation decreases in size and gradually exits through the cervix.

While the hematoma comes out during pregnancy, the woman begins to discharge.

At first, they have a light shade, and after a few days they begin to darken. This is due to the fact that the blood collected between the cavities coagulates, acquiring a characteristic color.

The fact that the hematoma does not come out, but, on the contrary, increases in size, is indicated by a scarlet discharge.

To make it easier for the body to exit the hematoma, for this period, lie as much as possible with a slightly raised pelvis. This allows for improved blood flow.

It is worth giving up sex life, and not lifting any weights.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid the severe consequences of a hematoma in the uterus , women need to go through before planned pregnancy or early.

It is necessary to identify hereditary pathologies in advance, timely treat diseases of the genitourinary system provoked by an infection.

You should also restore or use supportive therapy for vascular disorders.

If a hematoma is detected at an early stage, you should not abandon drug treatment, you should adhere to all doctor's prescriptions.

It is important for any suspicion of the appearance of a hematoma to seek the advice of a specialist.

Video: hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy

Retrochorial (between the chorion and the wall of the uterus) hematoma is detected in every tenth pregnant woman in the early stages. Chorion is called the part of the ovum, which is adjacent to the wall of the uterus, from which the placenta is subsequently formed. The accumulation of blood between the chorion and the endometrium - a hematoma - during early pregnancy is the first indication of a threat of miscarriage. However, timely treatment helps to maintain a viable fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and continue bearing.

Retrochorial hematoma has a different clinical course - from the absence of symptoms to active bleeding. It is a site of detachment of the fetal bladder, inside which there are blood clots. It is rather difficult to establish the true cause of retrochorial hematoma, but the treatment is approximately the same in all cases. It is aimed at stopping the progression of detachment and maintaining pregnancy.

There is no exact position according to ICD-10 (international classification of the disease from 2010), therefore the hematoma falls under the headings 000-008 - "Termination of pregnancy" or 095-099 - "Other conditions during pregnancy".

Why arises

The causes of hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy are different, many of them do not depend on the woman. Only a specialist can understand the problem and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Only by 16-18 weeks of pregnancy is the final introduction of chorionic villi into the uterine wall and the formation of a "child's place". Therefore, during the 1st and 2nd trimesters, the probability of hematoma formation between the endometrium and the chorion is quite high. Its main reasons are as follows.

  • Pathology of the ovum. The formation of a retrochorial hematoma is the beginning of the development of a miscarriage in the presence of structural or chromosomal abnormalities of the embryo. This is one of the methods of natural selection in nature.
  • Infection. Any acute infectious diseases in the early stages can provoke the threat of termination of pregnancy and cause detachment. On the one hand, viral and bacterial infections can lead to malformations of the embryo, as a result of which it begins to be rejected. On the other hand, pathogens affect the implantation process (the introduction of the chorion into the wall of the uterus), increase the fragility of blood vessels and contribute to the formation of hematomas and subsequently miscarriage.
  • Inflammation of the genitals. Genital infections or nonspecific inflammation in the uterine cavity and cervix lead to tissue inferiority, which disrupts the implantation process. Detachment of the ovum often occurs in women with chronic inflammation of the endometrium, cervical canal.
  • Injury and physical activity. Injuries in the abdomen, including as a result of surgical interventions on the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity, as well as injuries to other parts of the body, can lead to the formation of a hematoma due to mechanical stress and increased excitability of the uterus.
  • Hormonal Disorders. For a successful pregnancy, a special hormonal background with a predominance of progesterone is required. He is responsible for relaxing the myometrium, high-quality implantation. Lack of progesterone causes detachment (hematoma) and even miscarriage with the general normal development of the embryo.
  • Toxicosis. Mild toxicosis with nausea in the morning and vomiting no more than five times a day does not threaten serious violations. But moderate and severe degrees lead to changes in the content of important trace elements in the blood (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium). This provokes pathological uterine contractions, changes in the permeability and stability of blood vessels. These processes increase the risk of detachment formation. It should also be borne in mind that the body is trying to get rid of the cause of severe toxicosis - the developing embryo, and any miscarriage begins with detachment and the formation of a hematoma between the fetal bladder and the uterine wall.
  • Genital malformations. Saddle uterus, two-horned or rudimentary development, uterine hypoplasia are often accompanied by increased excitability of the myometrium. And this is a provoking factor for the formation of a hematoma. A fetal egg with an abnormal structure of the uterus can attach to the pathological site, for example, to the "saddle" area or to the septum. This will inevitably lead to the threat of miscarriage.
  • Tumors of the uterus. When the fetal vesicle is attached in the area of ​​the fibroid, the implantation process is disrupted, since in this place the tissues of the uterus and blood vessels have an abnormal structure. Especially often they provoke such fibroids of large sizes or located closer to the inner cavity of the uterus.
  • Abnormal implantation. The most favorable is the attachment of the ovum in the area of ​​the fundus of the uterus and the posterior wall. Less successful is the anterior wall. The closer the chorion is implanted to the cervix (sometimes even right above the inner opening of the cervical canal), the more likely the pathological course of pregnancy with detachment and breakthrough bleeding is.
  • More than two fetuses in the uterus. When carrying twins, triplets and more fetuses, the risks of all complications of pregnancy increase several times. Including, how a hematoma during ultrasound diagnostics can look like a second embryo, which has ceased to develop at a very short time.
  • After IVF. Assisted reproductive technologies are accompanied by the administration of numerous medications. At the same time, it is not always possible to provide "comfortable conditions" for the development of embryos, therefore, the frequency of detachment is higher than in spontaneous pregnancy.
  • Chronic diseases. Diabetes mellitus, pathology of the thyroid gland, diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system are accompanied by changes in the properties of small and medium-sized vessels, which affects implantation.
  • Stress. Psychoemotional stress leads to a spasm of the smooth muscles of the uterus, a change in the hormonal background of a woman. Prolonged stressful situations can also interfere with implantation.

The process of hematoma formation is most often simultaneously influenced by several factors. Most often these are insufficient progesterone production, chronic and acute inflammatory processes, as well as abnormalities of the ovum (with genetic and chromosomal abnormalities). This is taken into account in the treatment, so the treatment regimens are very similar in all cases.

Who is more likely to have

A hematoma in the uterus during early pregnancy is more often formed in women with the following diseases and conditions:

  • in multiparous;
  • after IVF;
  • after abortion;
  • after 35 years;
  • with infertility in the past;
  • emotionally unstable;
  • with chronic diseases, including endocrine disorders;
  • with genetic diseases, including those not diagnosed.

When can you suspect

Signs of the appearance of a hematoma in the area of ​​attachment of the ovum in pregnant women are not always obvious. Sometimes it is a "godsend" during the planned ultrasound scan in the 1st trimester. But more often the detachment manifests itself clinically, although the woman does not always pay due attention to the symptoms.

The general state of health, even with significant detachment in a short period, does not change. There may be a slight decrease in blood pressure, dizziness, weakness, a decrease in signs of toxicosis (if any). The main symptoms are lower abdominal pain and discharge.


Pain with a hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy, pulling, similar to menstrual pain. They can be permanent or appear only in the evening, after overwork. They become crampy already at the beginning of a miscarriage.


Discharge during detachment can be normal - whitish or slimy. Bloody appear when the hematoma is emptied. If it is small or located far from the cervix (for example, in the bottom), there will be no bloody and even brown discharge.

The intensity of the discharge depends on the size of the hematoma: from subtle pinkish, brownish, brown to profuse bleeding with clots. Dangerous hematoma with the following discharge during pregnancy.

  • If they get stronger. Were light or brown, not abundant, and gradually become bright and scarlet, which indicates the progression of detachment.
  • If clots appear. They talk about a large detachment area.

The hematoma may not be accompanied by discharge, but it may be large. In this case, the ovum most often dies.

Detachment can be suspected in the presence of pulling pains in the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman and with the appearance of bloody discharge. But the diagnosis can be reliably established only with the help of ultrasound. Especially if two sensors are used - abdominal and vaginal. At the same time, it is important to monitor the state of detachment in dynamics every three to seven days.

How does a hematoma during pregnancy affect the fetus and placenta

The consequences of a hematoma during pregnancy for a child depend on many factors:

  • size;
  • location;
  • reasons for education;
  • time of initiation of treatment;
  • quality of therapy.

With a successful course, the hematoma "resolves" and does not in any way affect the further development of pregnancy. But the following complications are not excluded:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • increased detachment and spontaneous miscarriage;
  • a large hematoma after eight weeks can lead to fetal growth retardation;
  • dysfunction of the placenta.


Even with the slightest suspicion of the threat of termination of pregnancy with the formation of a hematoma, you should consult a doctor. Timely treatment is already half the battle.

The therapy is carried out in a hospital, in the absence of any complaints, outpatient observation is possible, when a woman independently at home fulfills a doctor's prescription. Clinical guidelines include medication and some restrictions in daily life. The use of folk remedies, dietary supplements, homeopathy is not justified in terms of the effect obtained. Medicines from the following table are used.

Table - Drugs prescribed as part of the treatment of hematoma during early pregnancy

Drug groupActionReception scheme
AntispasmodicsRelax the smooth muscles of the uterus- "Drotaverin" - 1 tablet 3 times a day or intramuscularly 2 ml 2 times a day;
- "Papaverine" - intramuscular injection of 2 ml 2 times a day or rectal suppositories on a candle 2-3 times a day
HemostaticPromote the organization of hematoma and stop its growth- "Vikasol" intramuscularly, 1 ml per day;
- "Ascorutin" 1 tablet 2-3 times a day;
- "Dicionon" 1 tablet 2-3 times a day
HormonesAre prescribed with a lack of gestagens or with an excess of androgens- "Duphaston" according to the scheme, a maintenance dose of 20 mg per day;
- "Utrozhestan" according to the scheme, a maintenance dose of 200 mg per day;
- "Methylprednisolone" is prescribed according to the level of androgens in the blood
VitaminsThey have a gestagenic effect (Vitamin E), strengthen the walls of blood vessels (A, C)- Vitamin E 1 capsule (200 mg) 2 times a day;
- "Ascorutin" 1 tablet 2-3 times a day;
- "Folic acid" 1 tablet 1-3 times a day
SedativesNormalize the work of the nervous system, relieve spasms of smooth muscles- Valerian extract, 1 tablet 2 times a day;
- Motherwort tincture 30 drops once a day;
- "Novopassit" (dosage is individual in each case)
AntibioticsAre prescribed in the presence of colpitis, cervicitis, as well as for other infections, taking into account safety during pregnancy

The combination of drugs and the most suitable in each case is selected by the doctor individually for each woman. Schemes and doses can vary considerably. It is equally important to observe the treatment and protective regime for the prevention of hematoma progression throughout gestation. It includes the following:

  • bed rest until the discharge stops;
  • limiting physical activity until the end of pregnancy;
  • refusal from sex for a month or more - depends on the size of the hematoma;
  • do not lift weights more than 3 kg;
  • observe food with the restriction of gassing products;
  • avoid constipation;
  • undergo preventive treatment at a critical time at a later date (16-18, 26-28, 32-34) weeks.

It may happen that the expectant mother feels great, nothing bothers her, but when she comes to the ultrasound, she finds out that she was diagnosed with a hematoma during pregnancy. An ordinary person understands that a hematoma is a hemorrhage in the tissue layer, which occurs as a result of an injury.

To date, doctors call other causes of this pathology.

ICD-10 code

T81.0 Bleeding and hematoma complicating procedure, not elsewhere classified

Causes of hematoma during pregnancy

Modern obstetricians-gynecologists are increasingly faced with the problem of carrying a fetus by a woman who has been diagnosed with intrauterine hemorrhage. Quite often, it develops against the background of fragile blood vessels that provide nutrition to the uterus and placenta.

These are the main causes of hematoma during pregnancy:

  • Failure in the metabolic processes of a woman.
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases affecting the urogenital system of the expectant mother.
  • Severe toxicosis, which is especially dangerous in late pregnancy.
  • Sharp jumps in blood pressure. High numbers are especially dangerous.
  • Severe stressful situations.
  • The pathology of the development of the ovum can also become the cause of a hematoma during pregnancy.
  • Failure of hormonal levels.
  • Problems observed with blood clotting, pathological changes in the walls of the vessels of the placenta and the entire body of a woman.
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse during the period when a woman is carrying a child.
  • Congenital or acquired pathology of the development of the uterus.

Symptoms of hematoma during pregnancy

Waiting for the birth of a child is a state of complete happiness, a time of hopes and one of the enchanting moments in the fate of any woman. But at the same time, it is anxiety and concern for the health of the unborn baby. A hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy is a difficult test for a woman who is expecting a baby. Indeed, if it is present, the ovum begins to exfoliate from the surface of the endometrium of the uterus, blood gradually accumulates in this place, forming a bruise.

A hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy poses a serious danger to bearing a child, as it can provoke a spontaneous miscarriage, especially in severe pathology. With a mild severity, a woman may not even notice and find out about her existence after a successful resolution of childbirth.

The severe degree of development of hematoma during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the baby, but also for his mother. Bleeding provokes a deterioration in the general health of the mother, post-hemorrhagic anemia develops. Due to a failure in blood circulation, the fetus receives less oxygen, which leads to "oxygen starvation", and this, in turn, to inhibition in the development of the child, both physically and psychologically.

Hematoma in early pregnancy

For many, the word "hematoma" is directly associated with serious injury. Therefore, upon hearing such a diagnosis and not fully understanding its essence, a pregnant woman begins to get nervous. And it can be understood. After all, a hematoma in early pregnancy may indicate the onset of rejection of the ovum, which leads to miscarriage (termination of pregnancy). By the way, this pathology is not very rare, and a greater percentage of its manifestation falls on the fifth - eighth week of pregnancy.

There are many reasons for this pathology: this is a hormonal failure, and a burdened hereditary history, sexual intercourse, great nervous or physical overstrain.

But diagnosing a hematoma in the early stages of pregnancy allows, as soon as possible, to undergo a course of treatment, which will be the key to the normal development of the fetus and a favorable birth.

Quite often, the expectant mother is not even aware of the existence of an internal hematoma and for her the most complete surprise is its presence, which was discovered during a scheduled ultrasound examination. Symptoms of a hematoma during pregnancy mainly depend on the severity and location of the pathology.

  • Mild severity. In this case, the pregnant woman feels normal, no physical manifestations of internal hemorrhage are detected. A hematoma during pregnancy is diagnosed only with the help of an ultrasound scan or after the birth has been safely completed in a natural way, since it leaves its marks on the placenta.
  • Moderate severity. In this case, the woman experiences a pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen. May appear from the genital tract of a red or brownish tint. If you have such symptoms, you should immediately seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist who is leading a pregnancy. Whether or not there is discharge largely determines the volume of the hematoma and the place of its localization. With a moderate pathology, a violation of the heartbeat is heard in an unborn baby.
  • Hematoma during pregnancy of severe severity. The intensity of the bleeding increases, and the pain in the lower abdomen also increases. She becomes cramping. Against the background of bleeding that has opened, the expectant mother's blood pressure drops. The woman may even pass out.

Any practicing doctor knows that if a diagnosis of retrochorial hematoma is made, it means that there is a direct threat of termination of pregnancy.

Discharge with hematoma during pregnancy

If, during the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman observes light brown vaginal discharge, but against this background does not feel any discomfort and deterioration in health, you should not be particularly worried, even if an ultrasound examination (which every pregnant woman undergoes as planned) reveals a hematoma with pregnancy.

Another question is if the color of the discharge is bright red. This already suggests that the bleeding does not stop. In this situation, it is necessary to urgently take emergency measures, otherwise premature rejection of the fetus may occur, and the woman will lose the child.


We are used to seeing various kinds of hemorrhages on the surface of the skin, but many did not even realize that there are uterine hematomas that occur on the uterus during the period when a woman is carrying her baby. There is a classification of this pathology. Differentiate the following types of hematomas during pregnancy:

  • Clinic and period of development of the disease:
    • Retrochorial. This type of effusion is diagnosed in early pregnancy (up to 16 weeks) and is a detachment of the ovum from the chorion (outer fetal membrane).
    • Retroplacental. By the 16th week of pregnancy, with the normal development of the fetus, the placenta is already finally formed. If a hematoma occurs in the future, it, ahead of schedule, provokes a placental abruption, which is fraught with spontaneous abortion, that is, a woman loses an unborn child.
  • According to the severity of the pathology:
    • Pathology of mild severity.
    • The average degree of manifestation of the disease.
    • Hematoma during pregnancy, acute, severe.

A hematoma during pregnancy of mild or moderate severity is an indication for a cesarean section, while the operation is prescribed for an earlier period than the term of natural childbirth was set.

Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy

Chorion is the outer embryonic membrane that surrounds the embryo and is formed at the initial stages of the gestational period, being the predecessor of the placenta. Hence the name retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy takes its name, which is due to its timing of inception and the place of localization. This pathology develops as a consequence of the detachment of the ovum from the chorion. It is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy, before moving into the second. At the site of rejection, blood gradually begins to collect - a hematoma is formed, a clear sign of the threat of spontaneous abortion.

This pathology is accompanied by a slightly brownish vaginal discharge. In this case, the woman experiences a pulling pain in the lower abdomen. If the localization of the hematoma falls on the bottom of the uterus, there may not be any obvious symptoms of pathology. Then hemorrhage can be detected only with the help of ultrasound.

When brown discharge appears, a woman begins to worry about the fate of her pregnancy, obstetricians - gynecologists do not consider this a bad symptomatology. Since blood accumulates in the cavity between the membranes of the chorion and the fetus, coagulates there, taking on a brownish tint, discharge of this color, on the contrary, may indicate that blood clots gradually begin to come out, "dissolving" the hematoma.

When you really need to sound the alarm, it is when the discharge is scarlet. This is a clear sign that the bleeding has not stopped, the hematoma continues to grow, the ovum continues to exfoliate, and if no emergency measures are taken, the woman in labor may lose the baby, since in such a situation, premature termination of pregnancy occurs. In this case, in order to assess the growth of hematoma during pregnancy, the doctor prescribes not only an ultrasound scan, but is also obliged to control the level of fibrinogen in the blood plasma.

Retroplacental hematoma during pregnancy

In the case when the rejection of the ovum comes from the chorion, as a rule, this occurs in the first trimester, a retrochorial hematoma develops. If this process begins later (after 22 weeks of pregnancy), when the chorion is reborn into the placenta, the same process of embryo rejection is called retroplacental hematoma. It proceeds according to the same scenario as in the first case, when the appearance of bleeding is a real threat of termination of pregnancy.

Similarly, retroplacental hematoma during pregnancy is the main symptom that speaks of the threat of miscarriage. The clinic of this pathology: the emerging pulling pain in the lower abdomen, bloody discharge, increased tone of the uterus ... The behavior of the fetus itself changes: its motor activity increases, negative changes also occur in the heart rhythm (tachycardia is initially heard, and then bradycardia), which speaks of violation of its normal development. The obstetrician-gynecologist interprets these signs as untimely rejection of placental tissue, which can lead to miscarriage.

In this case, in the early diagnosis of a retroplacental hematoma during pregnancy, an ultrasound scan helps, which makes it possible to take adequate measures in a timely manner to save the fetus, and the woman in labor herself.

Subchorial hematoma during pregnancy

The most common subchorial hematoma is during pregnancy. This is a rather dangerous type of hemorrhage. He requires immediate attention to his attending physician. In the case of differentiation of this pathology, the size of the hematoma must be observed in dynamics.

Retroamniotic hematoma during pregnancy

A retroamniotic hematoma is diagnosed during pregnancy even at the first ultrasound examination (approximately 12 weeks of gestation), often does not differ in any blood secretions, but still, to be on the safe side, an obstetrician-gynecologist observing pregnancy can put the expectant mother in the obstetric-gynecological department in order to observe growth in the process hematomas.

Subamniotic hematoma during pregnancy

She does not pose a danger to the normal development of the unborn child. In the future, the hematoma, especially if the place of its localization is the uterine pharynx, can dissolve on its own or come out in the form of clots.

Intrauterine hematoma during pregnancy

This is a rather serious pathology. External or internal reasons lead to detachment of the ovum, which provokes bleeding, then a hematoma is formed at the site of rejection. If the area of ​​hemorrhage does not increase, and the pregnant woman feels satisfactory, the embryo develops normally, then there should be no reason for concern. If the obstetrician-gynecologist sees the progression of pathology, the question of hospitalization of the woman in labor and her treatment is raised.

Complications and consequences

The birth of a new person is the greatest sacrament that nature has presented to a person. But how much the expectant mother has to be nervous until the moment when her baby is born. Hemorrhages of various localization. How dangerous are they? What are the consequences of a hematoma during pregnancy? Naturally, complications can manifest themselves, and maybe everything goes well. Much in this problem depends on the parameters of the hematoma. The most dangerous is a hematoma, which occupies at least 40% of the total area of ​​the embryo membrane and whose volume exceeds 20 ml. Such a hematoma can slow down the growth and full development of the fetus, and cause spontaneous abortion. Inhibition in the growth of the CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) by more than ten days indicates an increase in the risk of an unfavorable outcome of bearing a child.

The most dangerous consequence of this course of events may be "Couveler's womb." Premature detachment of the placenta leads to the fact that the endometrium is recruited with blood, foci of necrosis appear in it, which is already an indication for complete resection of the uterus. And this is already a sentence - a woman can never become a mother.

Also, with a hematoma during pregnancy, there is a high probability of heavy bleeding, the consequences of which are difficult to predict, since it can even lead to death, both for the child and for the woman in labor.

But if a pregnant woman underwent effective treatment in a timely manner, the chances of giving birth on her own and in time to a normally developed baby increase dramatically.

Why is a hematoma dangerous during pregnancy?

The first question asked by a woman after (after undergoing an ultrasound scan) she heard this diagnosis: "What is the danger of a hematoma during pregnancy?" In many ways, the answer to this question depends on the size of the hematoma, the timing of manifestation and its localization. When a hematoma is diagnosed in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is fraught with spontaneous abortion. If the pathology occurs at a later date, the consequences of its appearance can affect the development of the fetus (lag in physical development, hypoxia (insufficient amount of oxygen for the full development of the child)).

The most dangerous in this category are effusions of 20 ml or more, which is about 40% of the volume of the ovum. In addition to inhibition in the development of the fetus itself, the risk of further detachment of the placenta increases. If the CTE (coccygeal-parietal size) of the embryo is delayed in growth by more than ten days, this is a bad sign that indicates a greater likelihood of an unfavorable resolution of pregnancy. Although with adequate therapy, the fetus continues to develop normally, a caesarean section is indicated in this case.

Diagnostics of the hematoma during pregnancy

It is advisable to diagnose any pathology in the early stages of its manifestation, when cardinal negative changes have not yet occurred, which are no longer possible to correct. Therefore, in order for the pregnancy to end with normal childbirth, hematoma is diagnosed during pregnancy.

The main source of information during this period is ultrasound examination (ultrasound) - this is a modern, rather informational, research method. In addition, the obstetrician - gynecologist prescribes another examination.

  • Clinical detailed blood test
  • General urine analysis.
  • A blood test for RW and HIV is being carried out.
  • Coagulogram. Determination of the prothrombin index (PTI), which shows how well the blood clots, as well as the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT).
  • A smear on the microflora, which is taken from the vagina.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Screening for various sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Doppler sonography (one of the types of ultrasound, is used to assess the nature and speed of blood flow in the vessels, in this case in the baby and in the placenta).
  • If necessary, a blood test for hormones is prescribed.

Hematoma during pregnancy on ultrasound

Hemorrhage during the period of gestation of the baby appears when, by coincidence, the ovum begins to be torn away from the attached place. This leads to the development of bleeding. This pathology in such a period is observed quite often and, based on the severity, can cause a miscarriage. A hematoma during pregnancy on an ultrasound scan is recognized quite easily - this is one of the most accurate and informational methods for its determination. The presence of hemorrhage in the uterus is evidenced by:

  • Increasing the thickness of one of the walls.
  • Changing the parameters of the ovum.
  • The presence in the interval of the chorion - the uterus of a blood clot.
  • Deformation of the contour of the uterus.

Treatment of hematoma during pregnancy

When diagnosing uterine hemorrhage, the expectant mother is shown bed rest (physical and emotional rest). At the same time, the treatment of hematoma during pregnancy includes not only a medication complex, but also an adjustment in the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Foods that stimulate increased intestinal motility are excluded from the diet.

To stop or prevent bleeding, the attending physician, if necessary, can prescribe drugs such as vicasol, dicinone, vitamin C.

Vikasol... This drug is injected into the muscle for three to four days, with four days off. The daily dosage is 1-1.5 mg, divided into two to three administrations. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg, single dose is 15 mg. If necessary, after a break, the course of treatment is repeated.

This drug also has side effects: the appearance of spasms in the bronchi, thromboembolism (acute blockage of a blood vessel by a thrombus), rash and itching of the skin, hemolytic anemia (increased destruction of red blood cells), urticaria, as well as erythema (redness of the skin).

Dicinon... To prevent bleeding, the doctor usually prescribes one or two ampoules of the drug, which are injected into a muscle or vein, then four to six hours later, one ampoule is administered to the woman or two tablets of the drug are taken.

Dicinon also causes side effects, which include: headache, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, decreased blood pressure, paresthesia of the lower extremities, facial flushing.

Contraindications Ditsynona:

  • Vascular thromboembolism.
  • Vein thrombosis.
  • Hemorrhage.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Vitamin C... A vitamin tablet is taken orally, chewed, with a little water immediately after a meal. The daily dosage is 250 mg. The duration of the course is 10 - 15 days. If necessary, the dosage can be doubled.

Usually, ascorbic acid is well tolerated, but there are exceptions when side effects begin to appear: diarrhea, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, agitation of the central nervous system, the formation of kidney stones, the appearance of an allergic reaction to the drug.

There are also contraindications: thrombophlebitis, a predisposition to thrombosis, hypersensitivity to ascorbic acid.

Treatment of uterine hematoma during pregnancy

In the case of diagnosing hemorrhage in the early stages, the treatment of uterine hematoma during pregnancy is carried out using such most popular medicines as papaverine and no-shpa.

But if the hematoma occupies an insignificant area, then the treatment may not be given, the attending physician will only carefully monitor its parameters and, if it grows, will begin treatment.

Papaverine... This drug is administered both intramuscularly and intravenously at 40-60 mg three to five doses per day.

Carefully enough, it is necessary to take this drug for women prone to constipation, who have a history of individual intolerance to the components of the drug, liver failure, glaucoma and other pathologies.

There are also side disorders: drowsiness, arterial hypotension, ventricular premature beats and some other manifestations.

No-shpa... The dosage of this drug is 40-80 mg once a day. Reception - three times a day.

This drug is contraindicated for those patients who suffer from hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys and liver, arterial hypotension, atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, and so on.

There are also side effects:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increasing the work of the sweat glands.
  • Dizziness.
  • Drop in blood pressure.
  • Allergic skin rash.
  • Other.

To stop bleeding, the doctor prescribes hemostatic medications (vikasol, askorutin, dicinone), they will not allow the hematoma to progress during pregnancy.

Ascorutin... This drug is taken one tablet three times a day. The course of treatment is as needed, but about three to four weeks. This drug is contraindicated for use in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in gout, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis and some other pathologies.

Drinking is good to relieve stress. Valerian tablets or drops, as well as tea with melissa leaves.

It is not bad to take vitamins of group B in this situation:

  • Vitamin B1 or thiamine. Promotes the process of energy formation from fats, proteins, carbohydrates. Its deficiency can be replenished with such foods as liver, pork and beef, spinach, yeast, grains, nuts.
  • Vitamin B2 or riboflavin. It is extremely important for maintaining vision, normal functioning of the skin and mucous membranes of a person, as well as for the synthesis of hemoglobin. They are very rich in asparagus, dairy products, eggs, meat, fish.
  • Vitamin B3 or nicotinic acid (niacin). Promotes detoxification. Contained in foods such as: liver, veal and chicken meat, kidneys, heart, milk and others.
  • Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. This vitamin is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, hemoglobin synthesis, and so on. It is found in large quantities in beans, rice bran, yeast, wheat germ ...
  • Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin. Takes part in the formation of red blood cells, has a positive effect on the nervous system. Contained in seafood, liver, dairy products.

A woman with a hematoma during pregnancy should not introduce foods with obvious strengthening and laxative properties into her diet. During this period, you should not abuse carbonated drinks, drink coffee and very strong tea, as well as dietary supplements.

To support the immune system of a pregnant woman are prescribed gestagens.

Duphaston... In case of a threat of termination of pregnancy, the drug is administered orally once at a dosage of 40 mg. Subsequently, every eight hours, the patient receives 10 mg of the drug until the symptoms disappear completely. To date, there is no data on the contraindications of the drug in question, except for the individual intolerance of its components.

Utrozhestan... A capsule of this drug is inserted into the vagina with the threat of termination of pregnancy. The daily dose is 200-400 mg, taken in the morning and evening (I and II trimesters of pregnancy).

This medicine is contraindicated for people with hypersensitivity to its components, with thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, bleeding of unknown etiology, and so on.

Attributed the same tocolytic drugs that help relieve uterine spasms.

Magnesium sulfate... The drug is injected intramuscularly in 20% or 25% solutions. The attending gynecologist prescribes the concentration and dosage individually. The prescribed dosage ranges from 5 to 20 ml.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy

Retrochorial hematoma forms when the ovum is rejected from the chorion, the precursor of the placenta. This pathology is diagnosed quite often and, with an adequate approach and timely therapy, does not lead to irreversible consequences. Treatment of retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy is carried out only in a hospital under the constant supervision of an obstetrician - gynecologist.

During this period, it is necessary for the expectant mother to reduce physical activity, rest more, and if there are medical indications, bed rest is also attributed. The diet should be balanced and complete.

Treatment of retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy includes not only dietary and lifestyle adjustments, but also drug therapy. During this period, a woman is prescribed hemostatic medications (vikasol, dicinon, askorutin). To stop pain and relieve spasms, a pregnant woman should take antispasmodics (paraverin, no-shpu). A vitamin and mineral complex is also prescribed, ready to support the body of the expectant mother. And also vitamin E (tocopherol) - an antioxidant designed to protect cells from the influence of pathogenic flora; and folic acid, a vitamin enzyme essential for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems.

For a more intensive outflow of blood from the female genital area, a woman needs to lie so that the pelvis is slightly raised. This is easily accomplished by placing a rolled-up blanket or pillow under your butt. During this period, it is recommended to stop any sexual intercourse.

To relieve uterine cramps and relax muscles, a pregnant woman is prescribed magne B6, which is taken two tablets two to three times a day. The drug is taken with plenty of water. Contraindications for this medication include the pathology of the kidneys and increased sensitivity to the components. Side effects were also identified: peripheral neuropathy, diarrhea, numbness in the limbs, pain in the abdomen.

To improve the quality of fetal nutrition, to prevent the development of hypoxia, the doctor prescribes actovegin, courantil.

Actovegin... To prevent normal blood circulation and metabolic processes in the brain, both of a woman in labor and her child, a starting dose of the drug is injected intravenously - 10 ml daily for two weeks. In the future, if there is a medical indication, this dose is adjusted - 5-10 ml several times a week (as prescribed by a doctor) for a month. You should not use this drug in the case when there is anuria (complete cessation of the flow of urine from the kidneys into the bladder), pulmonary edema, heart failure, as well as individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Curantil... The drug is prescribed at the rate of 75 to 225 mg per day, divided into three to six doses. Subsequently, the dose of the drug can be reduced to 25-50 mg. Only in acute manifestations of pathology, the daily dosage can be 600 mg.

The drug in question is contraindicated for people suffering from intolerance to some of the constituent substances, as well as in diseases such as collapse, myocardial infarction, bleeding of unknown etiology, and others.

Advice to women who are diagnosed with retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy should not neglect the recommendations of the attending doctor, since such a pathology is a rather serious condition.

Tranexam with hematoma during pregnancy

In case of bleeding or its threat, obstetricians-gynecologists quite often attribute a hemostatic drug that is an inhibitor of fibrinolysis. Well proven Tranexam

If the violation is recognized early and the volume of the hematoma does not exceed 20 ml, and adequate and timely treatment is carried out, the threat of termination of pregnancy is not observed in the future. In rare cases, when the pathology covers large areas of rejection and is accompanied by profuse bleeding, there is a real threat to the life of the pregnant woman. In this case, the question is raised about the emergency termination of pregnancy. If treatment was not carried out (and it was shown), then the prognosis of hematoma during pregnancy is unfavorable - the likelihood of spontaneous miscarriage is high, while timely treatment leads to normal childbirth and the birth of a healthy baby.

It can be concluded that a hematoma during pregnancy is a frequently diagnosed pathology that occurs at various stages of fetal development. Symptoms also depend on this. If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with such a diagnosis, you should not panic, but you should not neglect the doctor's advice. After all, a careful attitude towards yourself and your health will help not only save your life, but also give birth to a healthy strong baby.