Calendar for the conception of a child for a year. How is the process of conception. Positive factors for conceiving a boy

The moon is involved in any process in the life of every person, and pregnancy is no exception. If you decide to choose the sex of the child in advance or find out what time of pregnancy is best, then the lunar conception calendar for 2017 can help you with this.

This calendar is not tied to a woman's period, as every girl has her own menstrual cycle. Astrologers say that the best option to find out a favorable day for pregnancy would be to check with a gynecologist at the same time as an astrological forecast. In this case, you will have the maximum chance of a favorable start of conception and there will be an accurate prediction of the sex of the unborn baby. The conception calendar can help you predict the future temperament of the child and his character.

Choosing the time of conception based on the cycle of menstruation

For any girl, from the point of view of physiology, there are only three days when it is most likely to conceive a child, without difficulties and any complications:
. 2 weeks after the start of menstruation;
. three days before them;
. three days after menses.
At this time, you are most likely to become pregnant. With this in mind and the forecast that gives the lunar conception calendar for 2017, choose the best time for yourself.

Baby character

Given the phase of the moon, you can find out the temperament and character of your baby, because the time of conception is sometimes more important than the day when your unborn child is born.

Full moon. A bright choleric who needs to be taught emotional control.
. New moon. The baby can adapt to the difficulties in life for a long time. The child will grow up kind, but will take everything to heart.
. Lunar phase #1. The unborn baby may have an excessive sense of justice. Probably a phlegmatic character.
. Lunar phase #2. The baby is dominated by great willpower and harmony.
. Lunar phase #3. The baby's intelligence will be so powerful, but later on, he may choose the wrong path. There will be no problems in communicating with people, so the child will grow up sanguine.
. Lunar phase #4. The kid will certainly have a craving for art. At the same time, the lunar calendar of conception for 2017 indicates that the child will be vulnerable and withdrawn. Most likely, he will grow up a melancholic.

How to choose a lunar day, taking into account the birthday of mother and father?

The human body has great strength on that Lunar day in which the birth took place. Good days to start pregnancy are 2-4 days before. The reason is that the cycles of human life repeat themselves. At the same time, in a person in 99% of cases, equally every month.

This narrows the time of conception as much as possible, so you need to carefully consider this information when choosing a day to start fertilization.
It is advisable to do this before the Full Moon, with the growing moon. In this case, the child has the maximum chance of being healthy and successful in the future.

The lunar calendar of conception for 2017 determines the best days to start pregnancy

On January 6-11, the beginning of pregnancy is successful. There is no other time to choose. This month, try to reduce the consumption of unhealthy food and walk more often for a normal conception.

Dates 1-5 and 26, February 28, at this time you can try to conceive a baby - favorable days. Dates in the period 5-10 are the best. Avoid fatigue and strong emotions this month.

The period of March 1-5 and March 29-30, the energy of the Moon is favorable, but only in case of positive harmony within oneself. If parents want a child themselves, then he will grow up strong.

In April, 4-11 numbers make it easy to conceive a child. Pregnancy will pass favorably and asymptomatically.

In May 2017, it is better to start pregnancy on the 1-4th. Moderate physical activity can help increase the effect.

1, June 26-30, the lunar conception calendar for 2017 does not recommend starting a pregnancy during poor health. The 3rd-8th of this month is best for pregnancy.

At 1-5, and the last day of August, you can safely start pregnancy. From 22-29 numbers, it is even easier to conceive a child than usual.

In September, without special conditions, you can safely start pregnancy on the 1-4th and 28-30th. From 22-27, parents need to be as careful as possible in their emotions. The lunar conception calendar for 2017 warns that negative emotions can significantly reduce the development of the unborn baby.

October 1-3 will be favorable for conception. The same for lunar energy are the numbers 28-31. If at this time there is no opportunity to get pregnant, or other conditions are not exactly met, then you can try to get pregnant from 22-28, but you need to make preliminary preparations by relieving stress and negative emotions.

November 2017 is great for starting a pregnancy. Between November 1-4 and November 18-30, lunar energy will be at its peak.

December 2017 will provide an opportunity for a favorable time for the start of pregnancy on the 1st, 2nd and 26th-31st. This time is the best. It is also possible to conceive on the 18-26th. At the end of December, you need to be careful. In the case when the lunar calendar of conception for 2017 gives a positive forecast, you can harm the unborn baby by smoking or drinking too much alcohol.

What time should be feared?

Do not try to conceive during an Eclipse, New Moon or Full Moon. This time is difficult to predict and can sometimes be dangerous for the child. They will also affect the character of the baby, while it is difficult to predict in advance how these days will affect.

Naturally, the stars cannot always predict and do not predict the exact result all the time, but, of course, it is possible to increase the chances of having a baby with the help of them.

Try to use the information that the lunar conception calendar for 2017 predicts and find the best days for your menstrual cycle. Take into account the maximum number of factors and try to observe all the little things.

Pregnancy is a touching and at the same time exciting period in the life of every family. In anticipation of meeting with the baby, it is important to know what changes are taking place in the body of the mother and baby. Our pregnancy calendar will help with this.

If you are in doubt whether you are pregnant or not, go through.

  • Negative test result? Maybe it's not time yet, try it later.
  • Did the test show a positive result? Congratulations!

In the calendar you will find the most important information and useful tips. Here you will find out what happens to your baby in every week of pregnancy, in every trimester. The calendar will tell you what sensations a mother may experience during pregnancy, as well as under what conditions you need to be vigilant.

First, the calculator will help calculate the gestational age and the approximate date of delivery. To do this, you need to enter the first day of your last period, as well as the length of your cycle. Recall calculation of the menstrual cycle: you need to take the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the last day before the next menstruation (inclusive). Usually averages are taken. A normal menstrual cycle is 28 plus/minus 7 days.

The calendar is divided into 3 stages - trimesters (1 trimester = 3 months). Each trimester includes weeks of pregnancy. Yes, it is in weeks, not months, as many of us are used to, that pregnancy is measured. And mom needs to get used to it, because the gynecologist will calculate the term in this way. In our calendar calculator, the gestational age is also calculated in weeks.

First trimester - 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most responsible. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are theoretical, they are needed for ease of calculation. Fertilization has not yet occurred. But in the third week, the nuclei of the germ cells merge and a small “pea” appears in the tummy. The baby has not yet formed any arms or legs, but from the moment of fertilization it is endowed with a soul. In the first weeks of the first trimester, the mother's immunity decreases so that her body does not perceive the baby as something foreign. Often there are symptoms of toxicosis. By the end of the trimester, the baby looks like a person, only very small. The doctor recommends an ultrasound.

Second trimester - 13-26 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis is over, during this period there is less risk for the baby. Mom's tummy is round. Very soon, she feels the first tremors - the stirring of the crumbs. Toward the end of the second trimester, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination.

Third trimester - 27-42 weeks of pregnancy. The baby grows, and his "house" increases. In some cases, it becomes difficult for the mother to breathe, because. the uterus rises very high. It goes away before childbirth. Closer to the cherished day of childbirth, immunity decreases again. So the hormonal background is being rebuilt, preparations are underway for an exciting meeting with the baby.

A baby is considered fully term at 38 weeks of gestation. Most often, childbirth occurs at the 38-40th week, but there are cases when the pregnancy is delayed up to 41-42 weeks. This is quite normal, especially for primiparous mothers. We have included these weeks in the pregnancy calendar so that we can continue to be with you until the birth.

The doctor observes the mother and baby throughout the entire period of pregnancy in order to track the slightest violations and cope with them in time.

At all times Japanese renowned for their resourcefulness and wisdom. The advice of the representatives of this nation is heeded all over the world. And this applies to many areas of modern life. Japanese achieved great success in culture, technology and medicine. Japanese films, cars, medicines and even crossword puzzles are very popular in different countries.

Japanese calendar (table) for planning a child of a certain gender also came to the court. Now to this calendar (table) many young mothers and fathers come from all over the world.

The thing is that for the Japanese at all times the question of the birth of a boy has been a matter of principle. The position of a man in society directly depended on this. That is why everyone, without exception, from simple peasants to emperors, was concerned about the problem of the appearance of an heir in the family.

By the way, even today Japanese Most parents dream of having a boy. If only girls are born in a family, then such a family is considered unlucky. Well, the childlessness of a married couple Japanese and is generally regarded as a misfortune. There are even situations when spouses decided to adopt a boy, desperate to conceive their own. child male gender.

Japanese calendar (table) for the conception of a child of a certain gender: pros and cons?

The popularity of the described calendar (table) comes with a list of the following benefits:

- allows determine the sex of the child;
– is easy to use;
- if you believe the reviews of parents, it has a high level of accuracy;
- helps plan the floor baby by date conception.
Whatever it was, Japanese calendar (table) is not a 100% guarantee. That is why you should not blindly believe him. Some dads and moms admit that nothing worked for them.

The essence of the Japanese calendar (table) for determining the sex of a child?

According to the Japanese, parents only need to take two simple tables. First of all, it is important to calculate the "secret number". It depends on the months of birth of mom and dad. This number is located at the intersection of the corresponding row and column.
Japanese table for determining the sex of a child | conception calendar

In the following table, you should find the resulting number, and then look at the month conception or required floor baby.

Japanese table for determining the sex of a child | conception calendar

The probability depends on the number of stars. For example, if dad was born in July and mom was born in January, then it is likely that a boy will be born in May, and a girl in October.

Despite the fact that presented calendar (table) used since ancient times, for us, young dads and moms, it should most likely be just entertainment. As mentioned above, this method cannot be 100% trusted.

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If you are currently carrying a baby under your heart and really want to know its gender, then the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of the child will come to your aid. It will come in handy at any stage of pregnancy, which is very pleasing to expectant mothers, because with the help of ultrasound diagnostics, the sex of the baby is usually determined not earlier than 20 weeks.

To calculate the sex of a child according to the Chinese calendar, you do not need much knowledge and a lot of time. You will know who is in your stomach in minutes.

Table and calculator for determining gender according to the Chinese calendar

Mother's age at conception:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Expected month of child's birth:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

What is the meaning of the ancient Chinese method for determining the sex of the unborn child and what is the essence of the calculation?

If you urgently need to find out who will be born: a boy or a girl, then with the help of a calculator you will do it without any problems. To calculate, you just need to enter your date of birth and the month of conception of your baby in the column. Be careful, because you need to know exactly the month in which a new life was born inside you. This will allow you to determine the sex of the child with almost one hundred percent accuracy. You won't have to do anything else. The calculator will immediately give the result and you will finally find out who lives inside you.

Agree, this method is very convenient, because you can use the Chinese table sex calculator at any time and in any place where there is an Internet connection. You do not have to do this with a computer, because you can also use a mobile phone to calculate the gender, the main thing is that it has Internet access.

How to find out who will be using the sex determination plate by the mother's age without an online calculator?

To independently calculate the sex of the baby, an ancient Chinese table will come to your aid, but here you will also need to know the lunar age of the mother, that is, your age is not according to your passport, but according to the moon. What does it mean? Now you will know everything. For the Chinese, the lunar age exceeds the age according to the passport. They believe that when a person is born, at that moment he is already one year old. They round the nine months of gestation to a year. That's not all. After the New Year comes, the Chinese add one more year to the lunar age. Therefore, the date of birth in the lunar age, in fact, does not matter. It turns out that in the new year all the Chinese have a kind of birthday and at that moment they all become one year older.

When you know your lunar age, you will also need to know exactly the month of conception of your baby. Here, a doctor can come to the rescue, who, together with ultrasound equipment, will determine your exact gestational age and the expected date of conception. Or, if you carefully planned your pregnancy, then you yourself probably know in what month the baby was conceived.

Now you just need to look carefully at the ancient Chinese table for determining the sex of a child and find your lunar age (the number corresponding to your lunar age) in it. This number is in the column on the left. The month of conception is located at the top right. Then just cross these two values ​​\u200b\u200bintogether and see what letter you got. If you see the letter "D", then you will have a girl. If the letter “M” appeared before your eyes, then this indicates that a boy is growing in your stomach.

Calculating lunar age: A few examples for clarity

Let's consider the first example. So, let's say that a girl named Nina was born on January 1st. It turns out that she was born before the celebration of the New Year among the Chinese. By the way, they celebrate it between January 21 and February 21. The exact date depends, again, on the moon. When the second new moon occurs after the winter solstice, then the Chinese celebrate the beginning of the new year.

Since Nina's date of birth fell on the period before the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, after the onset of the New Year she will no longer be a year old, but two. That is, according to the usual calendar, let's say March 1 would be only 2 months old, and according to the Chinese calendar, it would be 2 years old. Here is the arithmetic.

Let's consider another example. A girl named Tanya was born on February 23. At the time of her birth, like all Chinese, she turned one year old, and since her date of birth fell on the period after the celebration of the New Year, so far one more year will not be added to her age and on March 1 she will not be 2 years old, like Nina, but one year.

How true is the Chinese table for determining the sex of a child by the date of conception and the age of the mother?

To believe the sign or not is a personal matter for everyone. For some, everything converges and the baby’s gender is the same, but for someone it’s the other way around: the Chinese calendar for determining the sex of a child shows a boy, and a girl is born, and sometimes even two girls at once. Together with the table, many plan the birth of children of certain sexes. This plate was invented in ancient times along with the Chinese horoscope, when medicine was not yet able to calculate the sex of a child using special equipment, because it simply had not yet been invented.

The sex of the child, the Chinese tablet helped many to calculate, because for this it was necessary to know only the lunar age of the mother and the month of conception of the child. With the help of this method, the planning of the sex of the baby was also carried out. This plate also came to us in Russia a very long time ago, and our parents (mostly mothers) determined the sex with the help of it. They drew these signs to each other and sent them in letters by mail to future parents, since there were no electronic boxes, as there are now. Those who lived close to their girlfriends simply brought this tablet to work for a pregnant woman or home, and together with her, over a cup of tea, carefully peered into the Chinese sex determination calendar and eagerly tried to calculate the sex of the unborn baby.

At what age is it most likely to conceive a girl, and at what age a boy?

Based on the Chinese pregnancy calendar and sex determination, a study was conducted in China. As a result, it was found that women aged 18 and 20 years (according to lunar age) most often manage to conceive boys. In any of the months they can have a male child, with the exception of January and March for 18 years old and January, March and October for 20 years old.

But girls are most often conceived by women whose lunar age corresponds to 21, 30, 31 and 32 years. For women of 21 years of age, the conception of a girl is most likely in any month, with the exception of January. For women 30 years old, conception of a girl is most likely in any month except January, November and December. At 31 and 32, you can try to conceive a girl in any month except January, March and December.

This is all about the pregnancy calendar and the gender of the child, judging by the reviews of many women, it is really true. Now you know how to calculate the sex of a child using a Chinese tablet. But you should not trust this method blindly and set yourself up for the result she said. The main thing is not what gender the baby will be, whether it will be a boy or a girl - it does not matter. The most important thing is that he was born healthy! We wish you successful pregnancy planning and conception with the help of the Chinese pregnancy calendar and the gender of the unborn child! Let the pregnancy test finally show two stripes and you will become the happiest parents!

Pregnancy is not only a purely biological process. It usually means that the family will soon grow. There are times when planning the sex of the baby is necessary. The pregnancy and conception calendar 2017 can tell a lot about how to correctly calculate the duration of your pregnancy and the future sex of your little one.

How does the conception calendar 2017 work?

The principle of its operation is simple: ovulation (the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary) is taken as the reporting point. This period is considered the most suitable for conceiving a baby. And in order to correctly determine the date of its onset, you need to know the regularity and date of your "menstruation". And there are already two options, because menstruation can be regular (a cycle of 28 days) and irregular. IN in the first case, the conception calendar 2017 is not difficult to compile: the most favorable days of the cycle from 13 to 17 (from the beginning of menstruation). Alternatively, the woman should mark the start and end days. It is determined that on average it is 6 - 19 days of the cycle.

But medicine offers a more accurate method - temperature. To do this, it is worth measuring the basal temperature (in the rectum). The procedure should be strict and planned as much as possible. The most suitable moment for conception is the days before its increase by 0.6 ° C (up to 37.2 ° C). Keeping this kind of calendar, in a few months you can determine the most suitable days.

Better yet, buy a special ovulation test at the pharmacy.

The Polish doctor F. Benedo created a very simple algorithm for calculating the possible gender of the baby. The accuracy of this method is very high (with a constant menstrual cycle). For calculations, you need an ovulation calendar. If a child was conceived 11-12 days before the start, then a boy should be expected, and conception in 13-14 days promises a girl.

No less interesting is another way. French doctors learned how to calculate the sex of the baby for 2017 by the date of conception. Armed with a conception calendar, consider: sexual intercourse the day before ovulation, when the male Y-chromosomes are most active, promise a boy; if conception occurred 1.5 days before or 2 after - wait for the girl.

In addition to the above, there are other methods. You can use the wisdom of folk signs. Try using maternal blood tests. To help you, a table that will help you calculate the sex of the child in 2017 by the date of conception and the age of the woman(see table).

But the pregnancy calendar for 2017 is already directly aimed at tracking all the key points of the 40-week intrauterine period of development of the little one.

Carrying a child is a wonderful moment in the life of every woman, but it is also a difficult job. And it is easier to do it if you plan everything and keep the process under control. Of course, one of the most reliable ways to find out everything about the development of the baby is an ultrasound performed by a specialist doctor. But the ability to independently control your pregnancy is also needed (useful for monitoring nutrition, taking vitamins). And the best assistant here can be a pregnancy calendar for 2017 (download).

Usually it is conducted in a special notebook (book), where the stages of development of the hearth are described by trimesters. More convenient is the electronic calendar. You just need to install such a program on your PC or start a page on a thematic site. And then you will receive all the necessary information.