Coral, linen wedding (35 years). Thirty-five years of marriage 35 years of marriage

35 years old and what kind of wedding is this? Such the wedding is called coral (linen or linen). When the number of years lived by a married couple approaches 35, the spouses begin to think about how best to celebrate this event in their lives.

It is known that each wedding anniversary has its own name, which is associated with certain symbols. If people are already celebrating their 35th anniversary, then their marriage is as strong as coral.

Briefly about the symbols of the anniversary

Ever since the time of Kievan Rus, this wedding was called linen, and, accordingly, the canvas was a symbol. It, in turn, symbolizes not only a fortress, but also home comfort and harmony. This symbol not only refers to the 35th wedding anniversary, but is also an ancient Slavic amulet.

The second symbol is coral. It symbolizes unity, because only thanks to joint work and efforts, spouses can wait for such a glorious date from the day of their marriage. Joint family life is like a coral reef made up of various everyday trifles, joyful moments, pleasant events, sad memories that have been accumulated for many years.

How to celebrate such an event

For the 35th wedding anniversary, the beach is the perfect venue for the event. It is also advisable to dress in linen outfits. With a little effort, you can find a coral-colored canvas. The sea air, the sea waves playing with the wind, the flight of seagulls and the smell of the sea will add a special atmosphere to the anniversary.

Do not be upset if you do not have the finances to rent a restaurant or a ship on the seashore, or if your anniversary fell on a rough time of the year. The main thing in organizing this holiday is to stick to the marine theme.

If a large number of guests are planned, then you can rent a cozy cafe or restaurant, which can be decorated with starfish, corals, inflate a lot of balloons to add solemnity. Also, do not forget about the table setting, because there you can also emphasize the symbolism of the 35th anniversary. You can add an element of coral color to wine glasses or napkins. Coral colors can be either candlesticks or flowers. But, you need to be very careful, because you can turn everything into a solid coral lump. To give freshness, brightness, sunshine and light, use additional white colors.

If you want to celebrate in a small circle of relatives and close friends, then you can decorate the hearth in a marine theme, choose the appropriate outfits, as well as cook fish dishes and serve red wine to the table.

What to give to your soulmate

Gift for wife

As you know from life experience, the best gift is jewelry. For the 35th wedding anniversary, you can give your wife jewelry with coral elements. If suddenly the wife does not like corals or still wants a classic gold jewelry, then do not be discouraged, but feel free to buy gold earrings, a ring or a bracelet and pack it in a linen bag.

Probably every woman loves flowers and dreams that a man would give her a huge bouquet of roses. So why not bring such joy to your wife as an armful of 35 roses. Now everything depends on your imagination: you can just give a bouquet of burgundy (scarlet) or white roses, or you can combine them, make a very beautiful drawing and give a romantic shape to the bouquet.

gift for husband

But with the choice of a gift for a husband is more difficult than for a wife. Of course, you can choose a beautiful gift from jewelry, or you can give a chic beautiful classic suit made of linen fabric. A wise woman will also listen to what her man really wants. Remember that no matter what the gift is, you can always wrap it in linen or attach a coral ribbon. The main thing in a gift is that it brings positive emotions.

And what kind of gifts to expect from guests

Bed sheets

On the wedding anniversary of 35 years, the heroes of the occasion can be presented with a bed set as a gift. We must not forget that good bed linen is one that is of high quality and made from natural materials. As for the color scheme, it's up to you to decide. Of course, you can follow the symbolism of the anniversary, or you can give a canvas in pastel colors as a gift.

linen curtains

Another alternative to bedding are gorgeous linen curtains. But, with such a gift, you need to be very careful, because not in every room such a gift will fit the interior.

Set of coral terry towels

One of the good gifts will also be a set of coral terry towels, a beautiful tablecloth with napkins (there is a good assortment of such goods on sale now, for every taste and color). Of course, you can donate kitchen utensils, this will especially please the hostess. And the owner will not refuse new household appliances.

In addition to practical gifts, do not forget that it is advisable to make a memorable unusual gift for the 35th wedding anniversary. If you are good at video editing, then you can handle this task yourself. If this is not within your power, then now there are many specialists who will help you make a film about family life.

There may also be gift options, such as:

  • A ticket to the sea or to a sanatorium.
  • A large picture embroidered with beads or painted on canvas.
  • Wine or cognac aged 35 years.
  • Tickets for an event the couple will love.
  • Subscription to beauty and health procedures.
  • You can organize interesting adventures during the celebration.
Spouses can make themselves a joint gift, break away from work and routine affairs and organize a romantic trip for themselves (visit interesting cultural places in another country or conquer the top of a mountain).

Remember your past feelings that were in your youth, turn back time and enjoy good memories. And not only on the 35th wedding anniversary, but also on subsequent anniversaries of living together, try to organize everything so that everyone has only pleasant and sunny memories. And do not forget that you have a ruby ​​wedding on your nose, which also requires your attention!

Over many years of marriage, it becomes clear that the words that you need to find your soul mate in order to live a happy life are true. Having lived together for many years, the married couple was able to convince themselves of the strength of their love and withstand all the trials sent by fate. And if 35 years of life together are left behind, then this is an occasion to celebrate this event. Not everyone is given to live so many years and not lose their feelings.

You can invite adult children and best friends to the holiday to have fun with them, to remember the past. 35 years of marriage is a wedding anniversary, which has two names: one is a coral wedding, the other is a linen wedding. We will find out in more detail what a coral (linen) wedding should be like, how to celebrate this event and what to give.

Symbols of 35 wedding years

The main symbol of the holiday is coral. It is enough to look at this miracle of nature to understand why it was made a symbol. Coral has many branches that have grown together and turned into one.

It grows in the difficult conditions of the sea day, where difficulties await it at every step, but, despite this, it turns into a beautiful tree. The couple lived together for many days and became one for each other. Every day of their lives brought something good, and sometimes something bad. As a result, a unique pattern was formed, and marriage bonds became strong.

The wedding was also given another name - linen. The canvas is made from linen, which gives it strength and wear resistance. This is exactly what the joint life of the spouses and their feelings for many years of life has become.

In European countries, the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary is marked by jade. Jade stone is quite durable, has an attractive appearance. It carries the energy of wealth, which is why it was chosen as a symbol.

35th wedding anniversary traditions

For many years of celebrating a coral wedding, certain traditions have developed among the people.

  1. The spouses must find a reservoir, stand up to it, join hands and utter the words of an oath of allegiance to each other. Then they can go boating, during the walk you can talk about all your experiences and fears. After that, hands should be soaked in water so that it will wash away all the troubles that bother. It is believed that after this there will be no omissions between the spouses.
  2. If possible, then you need to go on a trip and do the next ceremony. Husband and wife should get up at sunrise and drive to any nearby body of water. You need to take a red handkerchief with you, which you will need to throw into the water. It is believed that all troubles float away with the handkerchief. After that, you can thank nature for all the wonderful moments that were lived together.
  3. There is a tradition among the people, according to which, before the 35th anniversary comes, the husband and wife should go to sleep in another house. In doing so, they must take one thing that is dear to them. This ritual helps to test strength.
  4. During the celebration, the heroes of the occasion can exchange rings like at their wedding many years ago. If the wedding rings have become small, then you can buy new ones.

Each couple decides to observe or not to observe traditions. The main thing is to have fun, and in order to do this, you need to organize a festive party in honor of this event.

How to celebrate a linen wedding

Red, orange shades should be present at a wedding anniversary party, as coral has just such a color. Spouses can dress in clothes where there are coral colors. Room decorations, napkins, gift wrapping, accessories are also selected in coral color. In accordance with the second symbol, the festive table is covered with a linen tablecloth. The clothes of the spouses can be sewn from the linen.

Another tradition to celebrate the wedding day is to go on a trip together. However, this does not hurt to first get together with the whole family and celebrate the anniversary.

The best idea is to visit a country where there is a sea with corals. There are many such countries, where you can buy souvenirs made from corals.

What to give for a linen wedding

It is assumed that coral or linen items are given for the 35th wedding anniversary. But it is quite possible to move away from generally accepted standards and present other gifts for the wedding. For example, a coral wedding is a great occasion for a husband to give jewelry to his wife with or without coral. It would be best to present gifts for 35 years of the wedding in a linen bag.

A bouquet of flowers will decorate the holiday and cheer you up. It doesn't matter what kind of flowers it will be, the main thing is that they are loved. The bouquet should contain 35 flowers.

A wife can sew a linen shirt for her husband or call for a ready-made one and embroider some pattern on it. But if there is no craving for needlework, then it is better to buy a ready-made product - for example, a light, linen jacket or a summer suit.

Not all men will be delighted with trinkets, so you need to think carefully about what to give for the wedding. And it should be what he really needs. A man will appreciate new gadgets or fishing tackle better than jewelry. But in order not to deviate from the theme of the holiday, the gift can be packed in a linen bag or wrapped in coral-colored paper.

It is better to give practical gifts for a linen wedding to friends and relatives. Linen bed linen, linen tablecloth will serve for a long time, because this material is quite durable. Linen curtains will decorate the room, protect well from sunlight, create a good mood. But if you are not sure about the preferences of the spouses, then it is better to give them beautiful table linen, which will always come in handy.

A set of towels, aprons, potholders will always be needed in the kitchen. You can also present terry towels for spouses. Any practical thing that is useful in the house is suitable for a gift. It can be a tea set or tableware, household appliances and other things. Guests can even stack up together to get the gift they really need.

But if you don’t want to be banal, then give an adventure gift, for example, a ticket to an exhibition, cinema, theater, etc. If the spouses are creative people, then you can give them a beautiful picture where the sea, corals and other things are painted.

The children of the spouses should think about the gift more carefully so that their gift is memorable. Making a clip using family photos and videos is a great idea. Such a gift will be the best reminder of this anniversary.

Parents can organize a great vacation by buying them a tour to another country or a ticket to a sanatorium. The grandchildren of a married couple can also prepare gifts, for example, draw a wall newspaper or make a postcard using the scrapbooking technique. You can also organize a home concert, where all guests will participate.

Congratulations on a linen wedding

It is impossible to do without congratulations on a holiday. Guests friends choose beautiful words, compose poems, toasts to express their love to their spouse. Congratulations can be original and funny. Wishes can be written on a postcard or on a canvas. Sometimes it is difficult to find words, but do not worry. Take ready-made, suitable for the theme of the holiday and the spouses will be satisfied!

SMS - congratulations

Your children are already over thirty, and every day, every minute of all 35 years you feel the beating of each other's hearts! We congratulate you on a coral, well-deserved wedding! Wish your strong. The already cemented union lasted at least as long, so that we all gathered for your golden wedding, and twenty years later - for the seventieth anniversary of married life! May there be more smiles and fewer tears, more joy and less sadness, a lot of mutual understanding and even more love! Health and happiness to you, your children and grandchildren! Wait for your great-grandchildren and show them by your own example what true love is!

You are the real proof that time has no power over true love. Thirty-five years together, and through all these years you managed to carry your feeling. We wish you health, prosperity, happiness, family comfort. Let your hearts beat just as gently and tremblingly when you look at each other. Congratulations on the coral wedding and, of course, shouting “Bitter!”.
For 35 years, your family union has lived in this world and continues to walk along the path of life, delighting your relatives and loved ones. We express our appreciation and gratitude to you for being one of the most worthy examples of family happiness and prosperity. We wish you good health, long life and many joyful moments that make everyday life magical and beautiful.
In the depths of the clear blue ocean
Coral reefs captivate with beauty ...
Who lived his life in a damp closet,
Considers these tales just a myth.
And thirty-five wonderful years you knew
What is love in this wonderful world.
While others were wondering:
“How can you live in a year-round summer?”
Congratulations, beloved children, on the 35th anniversary of your married life! The canvas symbolizes strength - the main quality of your family. Carry it further with honor and dignity, keeping faith in each other.

Spouses celebrating their 35th anniversary of marriage are like inseparable doves, treating each other with love, understanding and tenderness. Having lived together for more than a decade, overcoming many difficulties, they even outwardly become similar.

Behind 35 years of marriage, by this moment the husband and wife are stepping over a half-century milestone. Most of the throwing has long been over, the ability to find a compromise has been honed, the children have grown up and build their nests, a career has developed, health does not yet create serious problems. And their love has already gained such depth that they sometimes understand each other without words and even feel at a distance. Preserving a family hearth for many years and saving your love is both a great happiness and a lot of work that deserves admiration and respect.

Family anniversaries are counted each year, and each of them bears the name of a special object or material. The thirty-fifth anniversary of living together is special. 35 years of marriage - what kind of wedding? She is called coral or linen wedding. It is believed that it was by this period of living together that one can confidently say that the marriage took place.

Each name of the 35th wedding anniversary has its own explanation.

coral wedding

Coral not so much a stone as a living being. Only its outer hard shell is of value. In some countries, tourists are prohibited from exporting its particles outside the state. The coral grows in colonies, forming reefs and islands, which symbolizes the family, which, as a rule, has already replenished with grandchildren by this anniversary. In this case, we can say that the coral is a symbol of the indestructibility of the union and its aspiration to eternity. According to popular beliefs, it removes misfortune and the evil eye from the owner, gives wisdom, protects from natural disasters, enhances intuition, gives femininity to women and masculinity to men.

linen wedding

canvas clearly demonstrates how closely and inseparably the threads of the fate of the spouses are intertwined, how innumerable these weaves are, how one thread loses its strength without the other, how much work has been invested in the work. The canvas of a jointly woven family life, if you look back, will show the pattern of the fabric, and every uneven stitch, and every speck. Linen fabric creates coziness in the house, and the more such products in the house, the more harmony, warmth and well-being in it. And those who have seen flowering flax will never forget its sky-blue phosphorescent overflows, enchanting like love itself.

What to give for 35 years of marriage

Gifts for the 35th anniversary of living together are recommended to be chosen in the thematic area. It can be a linen set for the kitchen and bed, linen clothes, collectible red wine, jewelry or interior items made of coral or jade, a calm seascape in coral or jade tones or in a frame made of these minerals, expensive leather accessories, including mother-of-pearl, a romantic trip to the islands. You can give traditional practical things that will definitely appeal to the anniversaries. The main thing is that the gift should be made from the heart, with love and with meaning. And if it is made with your own hands, its presentation will be one of the most touching moments of the celebration.

How to celebrate your 35th wedding anniversary

According to a long tradition, the night before the 35th anniversary, the spouses spend separately, with relatives or friends, and best of all with their parents. And everyone needs to take with them a special thing that belongs to their soul mate. For many, the condition of spending the night apart becomes a serious emotional test, because many couples have not parted for a single night before, and few of them will be able to spend these hours in a serene sleep.

It is recommended to celebrate this holiday outside the home, on the road, as the coral is the talisman of travelers.

If possible, it is better to go to a restaurant, rent a bungalow by the sea or a house at a camp site, spend the whole day on a boat if the season allows, or go to the islands if possible.

In the morning after a night spent apart, the husband and wife should ask forgiveness from each other for past offenses and forgive themselves. If the anniversary is celebrated near a lake, river or other body of water, the spouses can perform this ritual in a boat away from the shore and from prying eyes.

Having let go of old grievances, forgetting quarrels and getting rid of secrets in front of your half, you should wash your hands in water and let a new plain scarlet or green scarf go with the flow as a gift of the elements and a sign of purification. After that, you can return to the guests as the bride and groom.

It is important that the husband and wife on this day be dressed in the chosen festive colors, and the guests attach bright accessories so that the drinks are expensive and seasoned, and the fabrics used in the decoration are linen, not synthetic.

You can't do without a luxurious wedding cake with lots of scarlet berries and a bouquet for the beautiful half of 35 red roses. One of the new customs is to make 35 wishes to your spouse, which, of course, will certainly be fulfilled on such a day.

It's great if the couple has maintained a warm relationship with the witnesses who were present at their wedding 35 years ago. This will be a great occasion to re-marry, albeit informally, and the deja vu effect will resurrect the events of that distant day when the newlyweds said yes to each other.

Recently, musical gifts are gaining more and more popularity: a video composition based on the photo archive of anniversaries accompanied by music or a song of one's own composition and performance. If someone from the close circle of the heroes of the occasion has the talent of a screenwriter and director, you can come up with and implement a mini-performance on the theme of the celebration.

The menu, compiled according to color and thematic features, will only add romance to this day. Red or green fruits and vegetables, special seasonings and fragrant seafood will create an additional atmosphere of immersion in the holiday.

In other words, based on the chosen theme, you can turn the celebration of the 35th wedding anniversary into a truly magical day, because love carried through the years is truly a wonderful gift of fate.

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The uniqueness of ombre nail art lies in the flow of one shade of varnish into another. There is no clear boundary...

linen wedding,
Coral, peaceful...
A bit homey
Quiet, happy...
35 is awesome!
You are like branches of coral,
Slowly, they grew into a "reef", -
Falling in love more every day.
unique creation,
Charm Anniversary
The skill of a beautiful lady,
Glorification of the hostess!
Newlyweds are still attractive
Adorable and wonderful!
You need to accept, without hesitation,
The wisdom of older generations
So that the hearth does not go out at home,
To extraordinary comfort,
Never left
Fate was kind!
So that the “reef” of the family is strong,
"Platform" built for children.
To linen tablecloth
From a fairy tale, self-branched,
More than once at this table
Met happy names...
To please children, grandchildren,
They did not know grief, troubles, separation ...

Thirty-five is not a short time.
You are worthy of admiration!
We know that to live in love,
So many more capable.

Congratulations on this day
You accept the heart.
Difficulties will not break you!
Hope, believe and love!

Congratulations on a wonderful date of living together, on your 35th anniversary, on a coral or linen wedding! I wish the canvas of your life and your happiness to be strong, strong, colorful and rich, I wish health and well-being to the family, may your home always remain a full bowl of joy, fun, family celebration and smiles.

Let this wedding be called linen,
What can be seen in thirty-five years,
Coral though, a little weird
But, after all, the family is growing by leaps and bounds.

Such a day will have to be worthy
And bring a piece of cloth
And yet more important and decent
Say: "You are well done, husband and wife."

May it be easy for you to carry with love,
Such linen years
And quarrels and strife verbosity,
May life never be clouded.

You are together - thirty-five happy years ...
Earthly love cannot be measured by a yardstick.
Pure, quiet light emanates from you
Love that has passed a rigorous test -

The test of time. And I, friends,
I want to shine in love for many years
Experienced, friendly family,
What is stronger than stone and more valuable than coral!

Happy coral wedding, happy anniversary!
For thirty-five years you have been one family.
May your life path be long,
Joint and smooth, without pits and ditches.

And the thinnest shadow of misfortune
Let him bypass you without touching you,
And you will always be in love, in quiet happiness,
With each other for a moment without even parting.

You have come a long way,
You've been together for thirty-five years.
May fate give you happiness
And more happy days.
We wish you a happy marriage
For the joy of children and fathers.
We wish your wife to always be beautiful -
And to her husband - a bowl full of house,
So that you are like this, hand in hand,
Reached the golden wedding.

linen tablecloth
We will cover the table
Let's be young
"Bitter!" we scream.

This is not a joke to you -
35 years together
We wish happiness
Groom with the bride.

Through storms, thunderstorms
Together you passed
Caress and love
Were able to save.

We wish the same
Happy years to live
And as in distant youth
We want you to love.

How corals merged your destinies into one,
As if the threads were woven into a canvas.
Congratulations today to your family.
You have one heart.

With 35 years of marriage joyful bonds!
Let the house stand inviolably.
And, like a block, the union will be unshakable,
After all, it was built out of love.

Well, with a coral wedding, loved ones, you!
May the light not go out at night.
May this story always be happy
Your life friendly path.

Fabric of family life
You painted with love
Quiet tenderness to each other
And health care.

The children have grown up
35 is a long time
Continuation of the road
I wish you, perhaps.

35 years together
This is true happiness.
Tell your secret
Be the whole, not a part.
This term is so serious
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts.
linen anniversary,
The name is off the top.
You wove the fabric
From strong marriage threads.
And now it's for you
Symbol of happiness, joy,
And general life events.

Many are confused about which wedding - 35 years from the date of registration - Coral or Linen? What exactly is the symbol of this anniversary. The site is ready to tell you about it.

Coral wedding or Linen wedding (the second name of the anniversary) is not named so by chance. After many years of marriage, family relationships become as strong as coral. It is fair to say that this long union is united not only by the romance of relationships and the love of two hearts, but it is also strong due to the respect of the spouses, care for each other and affection.

Happy spouses know exactly how deep their mutual love is. And although some do not believe that after so many years together, a married couple can have tender feelings, the experience of living together proves that the choice that was made once in their youth is truly the right one.

Coral wedding symbols

The wedding anniversary - 35 years has two symbols, hence the double name. It's coral and canvas. Coral sprigs are created by rapidly accumulating lime from algae and rocks. By the time of the anniversary, your family has “overgrown” just as quickly and numerously: children and grandchildren have appeared. The canvas symbolizes peace in the family, comfort in the house. Our ancestors believed that if there is a lot of linen in the house, everything is fine in the family.

According to ancient tradition, the spouses should spend the night before the Coral wedding in a strange house separately. You can go to friends or relatives, but at the same time, you should definitely grab the most precious thing for your heart from home, which reminds you of your spouse.

How to properly celebrate the anniversary of the 35th anniversary of marriage

Like any big celebration, the Coral wedding is celebrated on a grand scale. On this day, do not forget about wedding traditions, rituals and symbols.

As for the scenario of the celebration, there are no restrictions here, because you are not held back by worries about children, about the house, about your daily bread. It all depends on your desire and means. Moreover, the funds of your relatives, because they must prepare this holiday for you themselves.

The only condition for holding a Coral wedding is that this anniversary is not a home holiday at all. If you have the opportunity, then the sea coast will be the most suitable place for the celebration. Let this be an anniversary gift from your relatives. If it is impossible to make a long journey, then it is worth relaxing in the countryside, at the base, going for a walk in the forest, going around all the memorable places in your city, going to the cinema or a museum, and then gathering your loved ones for a home celebration.

Mandatory trifles of the celebration and gifts for the Coral wedding

The color of the main symbol of this anniversary, coral, is red, which means red rules the show at the Coral Wedding.

What wedding of 35 years is not complete without guests. Invite all your relatives and friends who have witnessed your long and faithful union. A festive banquet can be held both at home and in a restaurant. There are no mandatory requirements for the menu, but drinks should be chosen specially: red wine or strong drinks, such as cognac, personifying the strength of the union, will be the best choice.

According to tradition, the husband presents his beloved wife with 35 roses, always scarlet, for each spent year of a happy family life. Gifts from guests can be any red or marine-themed items. In addition, you can donate sleeping sets, tablecloths, curtains and more.