The crown on the left hand which means. What is the meaning and meaning of a crown tattoo. The sign of the crown on the forearm has its advantages

Our ancient ancestors left us, modern people, the tradition of decorating our bodies with drawings that demonstrate certain character traits, personal qualities, areas of interest, or individual characteristics. There are a lot of interesting images and symbols in the tattoo culture that help to stand out from the crowd and convey certain kinds of messages to others. In this article we will try to find out what mystery lies in crown tattoos, we will understand the meaning of the symbol and its historical past.

Embodiment of power and superiority

Even if in the modern world we are less and less likely to encounter the attributes of royal power, and they seem to us more like museum pieces or jewelry stored in the treasuries of a few people of royal blood. However, the symbolism of the crown, oddly enough, is still relevant in the art of tattooing.

The history of this headgear begins in ancient times, when the custom of weaving wreaths from branches, flowers, horns and other available decorative elements appeared in ancient tribes and used as a symbol of passing power, temporary superiority, possession of secret exceptional knowledge and connection with higher powers. Such jewelry could be worn by leaders, shamans, people with a special purpose or performing the duties of priests.

Over time, the design of the crowns improved and the image of temporary supremacy became the true personification of undeniable greatness. The crown, made of expensive and rare metals, replete with precious stones, towered over its owner and exalted him, now acting as a material manifestation of dominance, spiritual enlightenment, the presence of divine powers and powers.

Also in the Middle Ages, there was a tendency to distinguish the meaning of the crown, based on its shape and the materials used to make it:

  • a golden headdress with a closed rim is considered a symbol of immortality, infinity of being and unlimited power;
  • the tower crown symbolizes the divine abode, a holy place surrounded by magical walls;
  • an ornament consisting of pointed “rays” directed upwards is associated with the sun, all-penetrating light and warmth, thereby indicating spiritual ascension, wisdom and royalty;
  • a crown with many precious stones is believed to emphasize and enhance the significance, exclusivity and ambition of its owner, giving him a magical connection with the patronizing elements.

Soon the symbol of the crown appeared in heraldry, becoming widespread as a sign indicating the status of a feudal lord or a knight, often used in noble or land coats of arms. And in the 15th century in Germany, a tradition arose to wear helmets for tournaments and knightly competitions, decorated with a pattern of this invariable attribute of power, which confirmed the participant's belonging to the nobility.

Styles and plots

The designation of a crown tattoo can be very diverse, depending on the message that the future owner of the drawing would like to put into it. It can be as simple as a schematic representation, or a large-scale, detailed and colorful work. To decide how the drawing should look on the skin, it’s worth a little understanding of the styles of tattoo art.


Realistic stories always speak of a serious and thorough approach, they reflect the spiritual impulses of the owner, and, of course, the professionalism of the master working on the image. Since realism provides for the most accurate reproduction of a real object, we can safely conclude that a crown tattoo created in this style will take on the main meaning of the symbol - a thirst for power, ambition, a desire to control and manage, dominate, win and enjoy glory.


Masters working in this direction create bright, rich, catchy and extraordinary drawings that are distinguished by clear, wide, even rough contours. Often, comical, cartoonish works with a certain touch of irony are also created in newschool. Such a tattoo will demonstrate the need of its owner to be in the spotlight, his extraordinary mind, creativity and ability to be himself under any circumstances.


This style, which originated in America in the 1920s, is characterized by religious and even sacred themes. The works are created mainly in dark contrasting colors using clear, but graceful lines and shadows.
It is believed that a crown tattoo on the hand, made in this direction, will become a talisman against misfortunes, will help to gain faith in one's own strength, find the right path in life and stick to it.


Watercolor works stand out among others not only with bright colors and careless lines, but above all with the general mood of the drawing. Tenderness, lightness, weightlessness and romance seem to permeate every contour, every centimeter of the drawing. It is easy to guess that this direction originates from the technique in the fine arts, and having come to the tattoo culture, it immediately won the hearts of connoisseurs of body painting. A watercolor crown tattoo for a girl is best suited, its meaning comes down to demonstrating femininity, individuality, determination, ambition, but at the same time, the slight capriciousness that is so characteristic of a fragile and sweet princess.

The ancient attribute of royal power has firmly established itself in the world of tattoo lovers and, of course, has acquired a lot of accompanying symbols and images that enhance its meaning and add new aspects.

Symbolism and character

It is believed that the crown, as an indisputable sign of superiority and power, is applied to their bodies by people who are extremely vain, excessively ambitious, arrogant and proud. However, is this true?

Tattoos, like any of the attributes of the external appearance, are aimed at conveying a certain idea to others, creating an impression or hiding flaws. It is not at all necessary to be a “king” to receive your “crown”. We often hear that a person with a certain tattoo most likely has character traits that correspond to its meaning, but we should not forget that each of us puts our own purely personal meaning into the drawing on our body.

The recent trend to judge people by their tattoos, of course, appeared for a reason, but nevertheless, for the most part, it arose on the basis of speculation and fiction. The crown on the arm or on the chest can be either a demonstration of strength and greatness, or a momentary impulse of the soul, or perhaps it is self-irony or an attempt to protect oneself from adversity caused by indecision. Each of us is free to decorate our body with those symbols, drawings and plots that bring happiness, delight on bad days and are a reason for pride in ourselves. You should not think in stereotypes, because even the “crowned lady” can easily turn out to be a kind-hearted person.

For girls, a tattoo with a crown pattern has become very popular at the present time. They try to fill it in open places: arms, legs, shoulders, back, since this symbol determines authority, leadership, strength.

The crown is a royal and princely attribute, confirming the qualities that allowed these people to rise above the population of their empire, give them the role of leader and protector. But, depending on the surrounding background, country, religion, variety of the crown itself, the interpretation of the symbol varies greatly.

Meaning of the crown symbol

The crown is a noble symbol of power. In ancient cultures, it indicated the divine principle and was a sign of the gods. In ancient Greece, Apollo had a crown, it was a crown of laurel leaves. In Christianity, the tiara was the halo of angels and saints, but the main crown was the crown of thorns of Jesus Christ.

The meaning of the crown for a girl

The crown tattoo demonstrates the power and ascension of its owner over others. The girl who makes such a tattoo positions herself as a strong, dominant and rebellious person. Also, such a pattern may indicate a weak, tender and romantic nature. The meaning of a tattoo can be different, it all depends on the style in which it is made and where it is applied.

The meaning of the crown on the hand

  • Power in my hands is what the crown tattoo says about itself. Girls prefer this pattern on their hand so that everyone around them sees this symbol and knows that she is a queen.
  • Often, young females choose a small and neat crown so that it looks gentle on the hand. Such images do not have a serious meaning and meaning, they simply show others that in front of them is a girl with a pure soul, very trusting, but wayward, who is waiting for a prince.

Also, the sign in the form of a crown demonstrates the exaltation of the owner above her surroundings, and the fact that the young woman belongs to the cream of society.

The value of the crown on the hand in the zone

  • A crown tattoo on the arm of girls in the underworld shows that the owner has committed especially serious crimes and refuses to correct herself.
  • A tattoo with a crown, which is located above the snake, indicates that the girl has a certain authority in the criminal world.
  • If the image contains a crown next to the skull, then this symbol in places of detention identifies a person prone to violence.

Crown on the wrist

The wrist is a popular place to get a crown tattoo.

Most salon clients prefer this particular area for drawing because:

  • this place is distinguished by its versatility for applying the crown in men and women;
  • stuffing a sign on the wrist occurs with virtually no pain;
  • you can constantly keep the printed symbol in sight;

In addition, the crown on the wrist gives the girl a zest.

Cons of tattoos on the wrist are also available:

  • Any person can see the tattoo made. But, despite the massive popularity of body tattoos, many people have a negative attitude towards such things;
  • A problem due to the pattern on the body can also arise at work if there are strict requirements for appearance. Then it is better to apply the image to a less noticeable part of the body;
  • If in the future you have a tattoo on your wrist and decide to remove it with a laser, then traces and damage will remain, since the skin there is very thin and delicate.

Crown on forearm

The sign of the crown on the forearm has its advantages:

Cons - the process of stuffing may be accompanied by a slight pain sensation.

Crown on the shoulder

Advantages of the location of the tattoo with a crown on the shoulder:

Cons - when gaining or reducing body weight, the tattoo can be significantly deformed.

Paired crown on hand

Paired crown tattoos are very popular. The meaning of this symbol is devotion. Most often, newlyweds or those couples who have a long and serious relationship make a couple tattoo in the form of a crown.

For such people, this image means loyalty to their soulmate. At the same time, such paired tattoos look unusually beautiful, they serve as a reminder of their oaths and promises to their loved ones.

Other cultures attribute additional meaning to such images: a paired crown on the hands of loving people is a symbol of a strong family, true love and longevity.

Crown inscriptions and their meaning

Most often, girls make inscriptions of their name or initials under the tiara.

Also popular expressions are:

  • queen;
  • one Love - one Life;
  • always number one.

All these inscriptions can be depicted in any language, but Latin or English is more often used. Such signatures under the crown mean that the owner of such a tattoo has a high opinion of herself and demonstrates her superiority over other people.

Crown with a letter and its meaning

Most often, girls accompany a tattoo in the form of a crown with a letter symbol, choosing for this their initials, a loved one or children, thereby emphasizing their love.

But the following letter meanings are also common:


Realism in a tattoo indicates a serious approach to business and implies the reproduction of a real object with the highest accuracy. The image of a tiara, executed in a similar style, declares the desire to control and manage others.


This direction involves original, bright, catchy saturated images, characterized by a clear, wide and rough outline. For this style, masters often create works with ironic nuances. The crown, implemented in a similar style, will show the owner of an outstanding mind, extraordinaryness and the need to be in the spotlight.


This style is characterized by church and sacred themes. The images are in dark colors. The drawings are executed with distinct lines, a shadow is drawn necessarily.

People believe that a Chicano-style crown tattoo on the hand will serve as a talisman against various troubles, guide them on the right path in life, and betray faith in their strength.


Works made in a similar style are distinguished by careless lines, bright colors. Watercolor tattoos are filled with sensuality, carelessness, lightness and romance.

A crown tattoo on the arm for girls, on the wrist looks gentle and emphasizes strength and beauty

This tattoo technique will be relevant for lovers of body painting. The crown tattoo of a girl in a watercolor technique demonstrates elegance, originality, determination, self-esteem. Such a crown will emphasize the fragility of the princess.

Golden crown with a closed rim

A tattoo in the form of a crown with a closed rim declares the infinite power, power and immortality of its owner.

tower crown

The tower crown symbolizes a holy place, a divine house, which is surrounded by a magical wall.

Crown with upward rays

The crown, consisting of pointed rays that are directed upwards like the sun, shows the wisdom, greatness and spiritual predominance of its owner over others.

Crown with precious stones

Precious stones, located on the crown, focus the attention of others on the importance, arrogance, extraordinariness of their owner.

Crown with royal attributes

Such a tattoo indicates the exaltation of the owner above others, her arrogance and pride.

crown with wings

A crown with wings, along with semi-precious or precious stones, has a philosophical meaning.
This tattoo symbolizes the search for the meaning of life. As a rule, such a crown is applied to the forearm, thereby emphasizing one's power and desire to control others.

Crown on the head of a lion

A similar tattoo is a crown on a lion's head. This drawing displays wisdom, strength, justice, fearlessness. The tiara emphasizes the royalty and nobility of the predator, declares the desire of the mistress to control others and, in her power, become like the king of beasts. In such a tattoo, a girl may additionally have inscriptions on her arm that emphasize the individuality of the owner and help to convey to others the meaning embedded in the image.

Crown with cross

A crown with a cross indicates that its owner serves God and lives according to his commandments.

It is better to make large images on the shoulder, then the picture will look as impressive as possible, the master will be able to convey the detail of the image.

Before filling a permanent tattoo, the masters recommend first making it with henna and vilifying it for a while. This will help to establish (especially for a beginner) the correctness of their choice.

Experts strongly advise getting a tattoo in a specialized salon, where all sanitary requirements will be observed, and professional craftsmen work.

The choice of paint should be treated with special responsibility. The use of cheap paints is not recommended, as they contain particles of toxic plastic and can cause a very strong allergic reaction. Preference should be given to eminent companies producing professional tattoo inks.

Different variations of the crown tattoo on the hand of girls are for the most part a manifestation of leadership, greatness and exaltation above others. Each girl chooses the style and theme of her symbol, starting from the meaning that she wants to convey to others. In any case, such a tattoo will be of public interest and will not leave its owner in the shade.

Crown Tattoo Video

Crown tattoo meaning:

Crown tattoo:

From time immemorial, crowns have been a symbol of exclusively royal people. Now we can meet the crown in many in the form of a tattoo on the body. And not as a separate item. Now on the neck, on the arms and on other parts of the body you can see a sketch that was transferred in the form of a crown tattoo. It looks majestic, both in the photo and in real life, so it's especially great that you can look at the numerous examples that are available in the gallery to make a choice. After all, nowadays, there are no many "kings" and "queens". Everyone claims such a symbolic title, well, and the corresponding crown tattoo on the body only helps in this.

What does this tattoo mean?

As we see in the photo in the gallery, many people choose for themselves a different sketch of such a tattoo, and for them it can mean fundamentally different things. For a girl, the crown can serve as a symbol of emancipation, it can be a feminist statement, or just a protest against society (no matter how strange it may sound). A man can depict a similar symbol on his neck, being sure that he is the master of his destiny, that he knows what he wants from life and in what direction he intends to move further. The perseverance that a person will adhere to in achieving their goals is another set of values. Nothing prevents you from investing something new. After all, the main thing is how you perceive this crown tattoo applied to the skin, what meaning you attach to it, what meaning you are trying to find.

What kind of crown can it be?

Visually, not all crowns are the same. As we can see in the photo in the album, the sketch of such a tattoo can be radically different. To begin with, these attributes of power in different countries and eras also varied within wide limits. In addition, very often all sorts of additional symbols are depicted nearby, such as their initials, name, tiger, heart, turtle, and even ribbons with inscriptions. Visually, you can make the image very realistic, you can just purely conditional, only contour, or it can be completely frivolous, cartoonish. Which, of course, will have a completely different meaning, but who knows, maybe that's what you need. When you decide that you really need a crown tattoo, you need to decide how it can be. The photos presented on the site will perfectly help you with this. Perhaps you will choose something ready-made that you liked initially, or maybe you didn’t particularly like anything - then our masters will be happy to make a new sketch of a crown tattoo that will look great both on your neck and on other parts of the body. The quality of the application will please you, you will be satisfied and will wear your “dress”, proudly raising your head. Even if it is not gold, but the "weight" is considerable.

Surprisingly, very often people who are absolutely far from thieves and the thieves' world are drawn to find out the meaning of a particular tattoo. Of course, they don’t renounce prison, everyone knows about it. “Show me a man with a tattoo and I will show you a man with an interesting past,” wrote Jack London.

Well, sometimes, when returning home by public transport, you can really notice a person “with an interesting past”, seeing fingers or a hand painted with cheap paint. In this article, we will talk about the meanings of common prison tattoos, and we will start with tattoos in the form of rings on the fingers.

Prison tattoo rings on the fingers and their meaning

Criminals in the family. Traditionally associated with the abbreviation EVIL, which stands for "precepts of the beloved father."
Youngster behind. Childhood spent in educational colonies and correctional camps.
As a rule, Muslims “wear” such rings. The crescent and the diagonal line represent the completed sentence in a maximum security correctional facility.
Solid black ring. Means the time served "from call to call." He was released according to the verdict of the court, without early release.
Can be found in both men and women. The identification mark of those who served their sentences in the famous Crosses - a prison in the city of St. Petersburg.
Seated ring for robbery.
One of the tattoos "lowered" and "parashnikov". Mostly done by force. In the 90s, you could meet card debtors with such a ring. After the release, prisoners with such a stigma often painted over the white part of the square, turning the tattoo into a black solid black square (its meaning is written above).
A black square with a diagonal white stripe. The owner of such a ring passed the zone and was released.
Tattoo in the form of a diagonal white stripe with three black dots inside on a black background. This is the so-called homosexual "cock" ring. Such a tattoo refers to the caste of the downtrodden and offended in prison.
Black and white peak part, divided by an oblique line. Usually stands for "met the age of majority in the zone."
Ring with a suit of hearts at the bottom right. The suit of a pedophile - convicted of indecent acts against a minor.
Sign of authority. On the ring are depicted hearts and clubs suits in a checkerboard pattern.
Bicolor ring, separated by a slash. In the white part is the sign of the club suit. The tattoo means "passed through the Crosses" - the famous prison in the city of St. Petersburg.
Most often, such a ring is applied forcibly. Its presence on the finger indicates the term for the rape of a minor - "Tselkarik".
Ace of diamonds tattoo. Characterizes the owner as a professional card sharper.
Such a symbol can be found not only on the fingers. Denotes a "cormorant" sitting for hooliganism. The ring looks like an inverted lance on a white background.
Both male and female tattoos. Denotes a prison term for theft. A common thief tattoo.
Tulip tattoo on a white background. Its owner served his sentence in a corrective labor colony. Rays can also be depicted around the flower, indicating the duration or number of walkers.
One of the tattoos "denied". For the owners of such tattoos, the phrase "To live means to fight" is characteristic. The owner will not back down, will not give up, is ready to resort to violence.
This ring means "godfather", a thief in law. The tattoo looks like a crown on a white background. It can be depicted with divergent rays, the number of which indicates the number of convictions.
Swastika tattoo in a white circle. Negative sign, has nothing to do with Nazism. Symbol of anarchism, cruelty, aggression in the zone.
Ring with the image of a sickle and a hammer. Its owner does not agree with the verdict. Tattoo occurs together with the abbreviation GOD: "was condemned by the state."
Ring in the form of a figured cross. Denotes the memory of deceased parents.
The famous "cathedral". It is applied both in the form of rings and on large areas of the body. Applied by convicts with at least three walkers. The number of domes symbolizes the number of terms.
A black cross with diverging rays also indicates a criminal record and the number of prison terms.
Tattoo in the form of a black cross on a white background. Also denotes a prison term. It can be displayed with numbers indicating the duration of the term or the number of walkers.
The ring of the one who started the criminal activity as a minor. The tattoo looks like a black cross with a dot and diverging rays. "Alone in a circle of friends."
The grave cross is an ambiguous tattoo. Sometimes found in denied. It can denote the memory of departed relatives.
A black cross on a white background is usually applied to the index finger. Indicates the time spent. Can be found in both men and women.
The distinctive sign of the six is ​​a convict who carries out the orders of the authorities in the zone.
A rather rare tattoo denoting a committed crime for religious reasons. An inverted star is considered a sign of Satanists.
A ring denoting belonging to the Jewish community. Classic Zionist Star of David. "I passed the zone, but did not betray my faith."
According to prison concepts, the sign of a pacifist has a completely different meaning from the classical one. Such a tattoo is applied to malicious violators of the prison regime, it serves as a sign of aggression.
Dagger stuck in shoulder strap. Denotes a conviction for a crime against a law enforcement officer. It stands for "death to the cops."
Ring "CAT": a native inhabitant of the prison. A tattoo means a long stay in prison. Thief symbol.
Originally a marine tattoo. On the ring there is a heart, an anchor and a heart. It stands for "love and freedom".
A tattoo on the finger in the form of a hare characterizes its owner as prone to depraved acts or relationships with prostitutes.
Such a tattoo can be on the finger of both men and women. Two lanes means two walkers.
Sign serving time for murder. A dagger with a snake means aggression, cruelty.
A very common ring. On the back of the spider is a white cross. The symbol of a convicted robber.
A characteristic symbol of the "man" - observing neutrality in the zone.
Often a female tattoo denoting lost youth. The ring depicts the sun and seagulls.
"Passed the bitch zone."
A former thief who follows the thieves' code. The tattoo features two white triangles on a black background. The number at the top indicates the term, at the bottom - the number of convictions.
One of the thieves' tattoos. Indicates a conviction for theft.
Classic female prison tattoo. Denotes a walker for hooliganism.

What do other tattoos on the zone mean

Rings are not the only type of prison tattoo. Before I show you other prison tattoos, which are applied to completely different parts of the body, I must say that prison tattoo culture is changing as rapidly as the art of body painting.

Those values ​​that we are talking about in this article were relevant to the 90s and 2000s. Of course, the tradition of thieves' tattoos is still alive in Russian prisons and will live for a long time to come. Tattoos are still beaten with homemade paint from burnt soles with the addition of iodine. But it's hard to say how long this will be.

By the way, among famous personalities there are owners of such works. One of them is scandalous, which you can read about in a separate article.

Women's ring "thief" Women's tattoo "first conviction"
Waffler Six
Thieves authority denied Murderer Cathedral
"Round Orphan"

Real photos of prison tattoos

Surely you have heard about the famous thief star tattoo on his knees. We wrote about its significance in a separate article. This is the most famous thief tattoo, for which the prison administration without further questions beats the prisoner (based on the stories of former prisoners) in order to check whether they really do not kneel. Below you will find some photos of common prison tattoos.

We all know that the crown is a symbolic object of monarchy. This headdress, already at a subconscious level, evokes associations with sole and unlimited power. Therefore, today many seek to make themselves a crown tattoo, the meaning of which in most cases remains traditional and symbolizes superiority.

"Crown" on the body

The "royal" tattoo has no gender and can be stuffed both on the female and on the male body. However, the meaning changes slightly. The girl who has made herself a “crown” tattoo has the following meaning: she seeks to rise above her friends around her, informing the outside world about her “privileged” princess status, which she appropriated to herself. This is probably the way every little girl expresses her desire to become a princess, and then a queen, at a conscious age. the meaning of which we are considering, made by a woman, in most cases is a way of self-expression, which is designed to communicate her superiority, originality and selectivity. Girls also make crown tattoos in order to demonstrate to men their superior position and rivalry with them in all areas of life.

Tattoo "crown": meaning

All tattoos have some specific meaning, meaning. Many of them came from the prison subculture, they serve as a kind of "tags" and can often tell much more about their master than he does. Located on the shoulder or on the chest, the "crown", which crowns the head of a snake, betrays the thief in law, who keeps aloof among ordinary criminals and leads them. Another tattoo "crown" has the following meaning in the criminal world: a prisoner with this symbol has committed a serious crime or demonstrates his disobedience to the correctional system. For other cultures, the crown, made in the form of an illuminated symbol, has a divine meaning and personifies higher powers. Also, the crown as a tattoo is accepted in criminal circles, in particular among street thieves and hooligans. She is depicted with a tiger holding her in its paw. Such a composition produces an aggressive impression and is designed to inform others about the presence of a propensity and readiness for violence in its owner. The “crown” in the form of red is inherent in homosexuals, but what they want to express with such a symbol is not exactly known to a wide circle. There is evidence that such a tattoo on people with such an orientation can be performed in a violent way.

Image of a crown

Today, a tattoo with this royal crown is done on various parts of the body: behind the ear, on the ankle, wrist, neck, shoulder, back, and so on - as fantasy and a sense of proportion allow. Girls prefer small, neat and sophisticated images, guys, of course, are more ambitious and rough. By the way, the price of a tattoo also depends on this. Someone makes a tattoo in secluded places, not wanting to advertise their love for body painting (so, for themselves), and someone, on the contrary, in prominent areas to demonstrate their originality. Often the crown is depicted in combination with other objects. This is done to emphasize their importance. For example, in Korea, the crown is depicted with a turtle, thereby emphasizing its characteristic qualities - wisdom and longevity. The crown, depicted on the left side of the chest, is considered, and on the back, a symbol of the humiliation experienced. Basically, the crown is stuffed exclusively as a fashionable and iconic attribute of modern tattoo art.