Beautiful girls in hijab with closed face. Photo of a beautiful, modern hijab. Who is under the hijab

A huge number of Iranian girls took part in the massive flash mob "My stealthy freedom", which continues to gain traction on the social network Facebook. Muslim women publish their photos and videos bareheaded, thereby showing their desire to move away from the tradition of wearing headscarves (hijabs).

One of the main provisions of the Islamic Sharia is the wearing of the hijab by a woman. According to Sharia, a hijab is not a headscarf, but a garment with which a woman should cover her entire body, except for the hands and face. A woman has the right to take off her hijab only in front of her husband and close relatives, in all other cases - this will be considered a great shame.

Deviation from tradition

In 2004, Iranian journalist Masih Alinejad founded a Facebook group where Muslim girls who opposed the hijab could submit bareheaded photos under the tag # آزادییواشکی, #stealthfreedom or #mystealthyfreedom (#my secret freedom).

A year after the opening of the group, it already had more than 800 thousand subscribers.

Often the group is subjected to hacker attacks, offensive and completely unflattering reviews appear in it, but the girls continue to send their photos, because they believe that this is their only hope of being heard.

Muslim women are often photographed with their backs, so as not to be recognized and humiliated.

But in most photographs, faces are still visible.

In this photo, the girl is enjoying the fresh sea breeze - it's beautiful when her hair flutters in the wind ...

See how much determination there is in the eyes.

A brave girl takes off her headscarf in a public place.

Many women find support from their loved ones. Some husbands and brothers wholeheartedly support their efforts to be free from traditional dress.

For centuries, mysterious Saudi Arabians hide their appearance behind dense black fabric. The traditional long dress (abaya) is made of dense black material and is a must-have when appearing in public places. Few people realize that real oriental princesses are hiding behind this strict dress.

Who is under the hijab

Without the usual dress, Saudi girls are very bright and attractive. Huge eyes and a mesmerizing gaze are combined with soft features and long black shiny hair. Girls favorably emphasize natural data with cosmetics that make their faces very expressive.

Like other beautiful representatives of the East, the girls of Saudi Arabia have feminine figures. Slender and seductive in youth, they become fuller in adulthood.

Women in Saudi Arabia look after themselves and always try to look well-groomed. Underneath black robes, you can often find a stylish beauty dressed in modern brands, with hair and makeup. Oriental girls wear a large number of jewelry and prefer bright outfits, but they can only boast of this at home.

In a closed abaya, women show up, go shopping and go to work. However, this old rule is now becoming softer. Now in Saudi Arabia there are more and more women who are not afraid to reveal their faces. Along with the conservative representatives of society, you can see beauties showing their hair on the streets of large cities.

Designer headscarves adorn the heads of these contemporary fashionistas that enhance their natural beauty.

Black abayas prevail in the attire of Saudi women, but the world does not stand still and more interesting colors are replacing black attire. The outfits are strict, however, some deviation from the usual colors is allowed. They are decorated with patterns and skillful embroidery, fit perfectly on the figure and emphasize the natural grace of oriental women.

Traditional black clothes, completely covering the beauty of Saudi women, are designed to protect the weaker sex from dishonor. Now more and more Saudis prefer a more open style, so we can admire the expressive beauty of Arab women.

However, Saudi girls do not always look the way we imagine without hijabs. Sometimes, wishing to see a beautiful oriental princess behind such a dress, we find a nondescript, tired woman with ordinary features.

A pretty girl in a hijab and fashionable glasses, in a leather jacket and jeans, is probably waiting for someone.

A girl in a blue hijab, with a clutch in her hands. Most likely an evening hijab.

hijab No. 6
Glasses, pouting lips - a bombita in a hijab.
Red scarf, black dress, cool combination, especially with such a pretty face.
hijab no. 7

Also not a bad move, a red scarf, a black turtleneck and a green dress with polka dots.
The hijab and black jeans look not bad. But how cute.
White blouse and gray skirt, you can go for a walk in such a hijab.
hijab No. 11
Well, isn't it a doll, some cilia of which are worth, and shades of pink?

Well, basically yes, but not mine.

hijab No. 12
Blush, blush, oh, that blush !!

Suddenly, on a walk, they impressed a charming girl in a hijab, she didn't even have time to fix it, although it was all beautiful there to fix it.

A purple shawl, and a white dress, or perhaps a jumpsuit.

Light brown tones, the color of chocolate is pleasing to the eye.

Hijab and hat, by the sea, probably French.

Another adorable hijab smile. I like shoes))

Dark blue dress and denim jacket, legs with a cross. Well, isn't it lovely?

If I'm not mistaken, a girl at a wedding in the "Marakesh" banquet hall in Makhachkala. The leopard doesn't look bad either.

Just a beauty in a hijab.

hijab No. 29

Pretty girl, but these pants are not mine.

Hijab for walking. Trousers - sultans.

Full lips, look, a regular hijab, but again it looks super.

Hijab and legends, hmm .. Or is it skinny jeans

Light blue jeans and a hijab are not bad, but ... Could you catch a cold sitting on the floor.

hijab No. 38

Hijab of the bride, I guess. Wedding hijab.

The smile is stunning :)

hijab No. 41

Hijab, with patterns, red - I really like it.
hijab No. 42

Beautiful girl at the fence.

very much too

Nice, the Amazon seems to be called.

A beauty in a translucent shirt, but for that with a ring)

hijab No. 50

Zebra shirt, with wrapped sleeves.

The hijab and the hat is a bandit. T-shirt "Calvin Klein"

hijab No. 54

hijab No. 55

Generally chic, black hijab.

Lilac hijab. The girl was thinking about something)

Hijab and leather jacket.

Coquette girlfriends, black and white trousers.

Sports hijab, apparently "Adidas"

Pretty woman.

hijab with flower
hijab no.68

Beautiful in hijab

Beautiful look

hijab No. 73

Hi girls!

I decided to devote today's article to girls who are especially sensitive to their style. It's about girls who wear hijab for religious reasons. Lately, a lot of questions have accumulated from them. Well, I'll try to answer them with this article :-)

What should a girl put on when she has to cover her head with a scarf? And even so, to look stylish? Yes, in fact, almost anything is possible. Re-read the article about 2017, embrace the trends in which you do not need to expose body parts and feel free to dress up. Believe me, the field for maneuver is huge. I'll show you with an illustrative example!

And you, of course, will correct and adapt my ideas for yourself, because everything is sooooo individual and there are no two identical girls and two identical wardrobes :)



The super hot trend of recent seasons "sport chic" perfectly adapts to the oriental style. A hood or a cap right on top of a scarf looks bold, but very cool.


But what if you tie a scarf in some unusual way? There are a lot of videos on this topic on the Internet. Worth trying.


Cotton shirt dress + skinny pants = a win-win combination. In my opinion, in combination with a scarf it looks even more interesting than without it!



Jumpsuit is a great alternative to skirts and dresses. Solves 2 problems in one fell swoop. And it looks stylish, and covers everything.


And, continuing the theme of overalls, another alternative to a dress is wide leg pants. Let me remind you that this season is one of the most relevant.


The main thing is to wear it correctly to avoid the feminine style. How to wear? See the photo below and re-read it, dedicated only to these skirts.


If you want to look stylish and modern, pay attention to basic dresses. Try on a straight silhouette dress without an abundance of ruffles and other details in the cut.

Girls, I hope you got some new ideas for your beautiful wardrobes!

And once again, like a mantra, I will repeat the important words: EVERYONE CANNOT FIT EVERYONE! Each wardrobe is unique. Each of you is UNIQUE!

With its own requirements for clothing, tastes, likes and preferences, features of the figure and lifestyle.

Therefore, the wardrobe must be created inside and out carefully and painstakingly, taking into account all the nuances.

Militta has devoted many publications to the hijab and other garments. We told the story of the origin and the rules of wearing. And today we will see the most beautiful images with a hijab. This will be useful not only for girls of Islam, but Orthodox Christians can also get a lot of ideas for creating images.

It must be said right away that God does not require a person to give up material goods and luxury. In parables there are examples when the Lord calls to do generous alms and even give away your property, the saints also speak about this. But such a path is not imposed on everyone and everyone, but is offered as an ideal. Simply put, if you want to achieve maximum perfection in spiritual life on Earth, leave only God in your thoughts, and let your soul not care about the rest.

Perfection in any business is the lot of the elite. The Lord knows our weaknesses and does not demand the impossible from us. Therefore, no religion denies wealth and luxury, the main thing is that they do not harm our soul. If you have the opportunity to buy expensive outfits and this please yourself and your loved ones - that's good. And if expensive clothes are needed to satisfy your own vanity and bragging rights on social media, this approach hurts your soul.

God created the Universe and our Earth beautiful, in general, all God's creations initially shone with beauty, and then under the influence of man's sinful nature, much was distorted and took on ugly disgusting forms. But the desire for beauty is inherent in us from birth, which means that the desire to decorate ourselves with luxurious things is not sinful in itself. Therefore, get inspired by beautiful stylish images in the photo, buy scarves and create your own.