Lactation crisis at 12 months. Lactation crisis: periods and recommendations for increasing lactation. Lactation tablets

Lactation crisis: periods and timing. What to do to get out of the crisis

Any young mother who starts breastfeeding a newborn hopes that this process will go smoothly for her, there will be plenty of milk, and the baby will immediately learn how to take the breast correctly and begin to eat “on schedule”, satisfied with the amount of milk that the mother produces.

In practice, women often face certain difficulties: either the child does not grasp the nipple correctly, or “hangs” on the breast for too long, or constantly eats and does not eat up, or refuses to suck ... One of these not very pleasant moments, sometimes waiting for a woman in the first month after childbirth, lactation crisis. Let's see when it comes, how it manifests itself and how long it can last.

  1. Lactation crisis: what is it and who can face it
  2. Lactation crises: when they happen and how they differ from signs of a real lack of milk
  3. How to survive a lactation crisis

Lactation crisis: what is it and who can face it?

It is customary to call a lactation crisis such a state of the mother's body when milk production becomes unsatisfactory in relation to the increased needs of the baby. There is nothing terrible in this phenomenon: this is a variant of the norm for a growing child. Its development is uneven, therefore, against the background of the already established, suddenly, at one moment that is not very beautiful for the mother, the child begins to behave unusually:

  • he may not let go of his mother for a long time;
  • all the time requires breasts;
  • capricious;
  • crying, sleeping badly.

The reasons for this behavior lie in the fact that the baby began to need more milk, and the mother's body does not have time to adapt to its changed needs. If you notice symptoms like the above, do not panic, but you need to observe the situation and see how to help yourself and your baby overcome a difficult stage.

Lactation crisis: periods, timing and signs

When can you face a lactation crisis? The first step of one of the transitional stages is overcome by the baby at about 3 weeks. Milk is already arriving, it seems to be a lot, and the baby began to act up. This is due to the adaptation of mother and baby to each other. The process of "lapping" in 1 month is not over yet, and therefore a young mother should be prepared for such "surprises".

At 2 weeks and a little older, the baby himself does not yet understand how much mother's milk he needs, and therefore the “nutrition supply” can go unevenly: milk is produced either more or less. To avoid such a phenomenon as a crisis of 3 weeks, measures should be taken immediately after childbirth, namely: attach the newborn to the breast in the very first hours after it is born. Then lactation will be established faster, and it will be easier for the child to adapt to a new world for him.

The period of the next lactation crisis is 3 months (in some children it occurs at 2 months - everything is very individual). At 3 months, a crisis can not only alarm, but even frighten a young mother: after all, she is already used to the fact that lactation has been established, the child asks for breasts at certain intervals, eats up, and sleeps peacefully. And suddenly everything changes, the baby again behaves like a newborn. The lactation crisis at 3 months has the same signs as the previous one.

The third crisis can begin in another three months, when the baby is about six months old.

In all cases, crises appear approximately the same, lasting from 2 to 6 days, but there are some age differences.

Lactation crises: when do they happen and how do they differ from signs of a real lack of milk?

Sometimes, not knowing how to cope with a naughty baby, not knowing what to do to calm him down (after all, the situation often seems too frightening to the mother), a woman buys formulas and begins to supplement the baby. Meanwhile, such behavior is not always justified if the mother plans to continue.

Thinking about what to do, what measures can be taken to combat the crisis, take a look at the calendar: is the child 3 weeks old? 3 months? half a year? You should not immediately resort to the help of artificial mixtures: perhaps the time has just come when the baby has approached a new stage of development. A little patience - and everything will slowly get better.

A lactation crisis, the timing of which is slightly different and may not coincide in different children, in any case will have the following signs:

  • duration no more than 6-7 days;
  • lack of symptoms of serious diseases;
  • no noticeable weight loss.

Do a wet diaper test. If the baby urinates at least 10-12 times a day, continues to gain weight, willingly continues to suck and actively demands breasts - most likely, it is not about the fact that there is less milk, but about a crisis.

In the case of real problems with lactation, the child will urinate less often, begin to gain weight in amounts less than the norm for his age, and the situation will not improve after a week, but will only worsen. Then only mixtures are needed.

How to survive a lactation crisis?

If the doctor stated a lactation crisis, the first thing the mother should do is calm down. If she is nervous, then little milk will actually be produced. Knowing when and how long such periods occur, the mother will be able to quickly cope with the consequences of the crisis.

In a lactation crisis, doctors prescribe:

  • maintain a calm, even mood;
  • get enough sleep, rest if possible;
  • spend more time with the child, albeit to the detriment of household chores.

It is necessary to feed the baby as many times as he will ask. No need to stop night feeding: at night and early in the morning, the body produces lactation hormone.

You should eat rationally, make sure that enough liquid gets into the body: drink tea, tea with milk, compotes and fruit drinks. Give your baby skin-to-skin contact so that he feels the presence of his mother nearby and calms down faster. Try "double feeding": after giving your baby a short break while he sucks, hold him upright for a little while and offer him the breast again.

But what you should not do during the lactation crisis:

  • give your child distracting pacifiers and juices;
  • feed him;
  • increase breaks between feedings.

The more often the baby suckles at the breast, the more milk production is stimulated.

Lactation crisis at 6 months: what to do?

Some features are distinguished by a lactation crisis at six months. At this stage, the child may really lack the nutrients obtained from mother's milk. Maybe it's time to introduce complementary foods. There are some signs that you can tell if your baby needs complementary foods. Here they are:

  • the weight of the child has doubled in comparison with that which was at birth;
  • the baby became very capricious;
  • The child constantly asks for food.

At the same time, the mother feels that the breast is often “empty”. Complementary foods can be introduced if the child can sit (with the support of an adult), he does not have a solid food push reflex. Starting with 5 grams per feeding, it is gradually worth increasing the portion of complementary foods. Normal food should be given before breastfeeding.

Lactation crises are not a pathology, but a variant of the norm. For some lucky women, they proceed smoothly and quickly, while someone has to suffer for 5 days. The main thing in the event of a crisis is not to immediately switch to artificial mixtures, but to choose a waiting tactic: time will pass, and milk production will again become what a grown-up child needs .

Take care of yourself, do not worry - the baby needs a calm, self-confident, happy mother. Then it will be easier for you and him to cope with growth difficulties and lactation crises.

Every woman looks forward to the birth of her baby. However, becoming a mother, she often encounters problems. Almost every woman is worried about the process of breastfeeding. If you already have children, then there are usually fewer questions. This article will talk about what interests many women in labor - this is a lactation crisis. Periods, deadlines, what to do in such a situation - everything will be described below. You will also learn about the main reasons for this situation.


Most practice early attachment of the baby to the breast. This means that immediately after birth, your baby will be allowed to suck on colostrum. Indeed, at the very beginning of lactation, it is precisely this that stands out. Milk comes after a few days. But don't worry. A few drops of milky liquid will be enough for the newborn to be satiated.

When milk arrives, most women feel like there is a lot of it. All for the simple reason that in the first days the baby cannot eat the volumes produced. But don't worry, everything will be back to normal soon, and milk will come on demand.

Lactation crisis: periods

Just a few months after giving birth, a woman may face the first problems. A lactation crisis is a period when there is less milk in the mother's breast. A woman can notice such a condition by the behavior of the crumbs. The baby begins to apply more often, sucks for a long time and is naughty.

The periods of occurrence of lactation crises can be different, but more often it occurs at three to six weeks from birth, then at 3, 7, 11 and 12 months. It is worth noting that many women do not notice such changes at all. They don't even know what lactation crises are. When a child has whims or if he needs frequent attachments, mothers find other explanations.


How long does a lactation crisis last? This question arises in every woman who is faced with a similar problem. In fact, everything is individual. It is impossible to specify exact dates, because a lot depends on your desire and actions.

If you try to increase the amount of milk produced and comply with all the conditions described below, then the crisis will end after a few days. It usually takes three to four days. When a woman lets everything take its course and categorically does not want to fight, the crisis can last up to a week (provided that breastfeeding continues). Many mothers make the same mistake - they offer the baby a bottle. Such a lactation crisis is more likely to end with the end of lactation. Indeed, over time, the baby understands that sucking from a bottle is much easier than extracting healthy milk from the breast.

How to deal with the problem?

If a lactation crisis has begun, what should a mother do? First of all, you need to contact a specialist. If you do not have an experienced adviser nearby, then you cannot do without a breastfeeding consultant. In modern and women's consultations there are always such specialists. They will definitely tell you about the nuances of the course of the lactation crisis, and also help to eliminate it in a short time.

In some situations, a woman is prescribed drugs that increase milk production. These can be special protein and taurine mixtures (Semilak, Olympic), Milky Way tea, dietary supplements Apilactin and Laktogon. You can also purchase products to enhance lactation on your own. The most popular manufacturers are "Hipp", "Grandmother's basket", "Semilak" and so on. But it is worth saying right away that it is impossible to solve the problem only with medicines. It is necessary to understand why the lactation crisis arose, eliminate its causes and normalize the process of applying the baby to the breast.

Relax and sleep

A lactation crisis at 3 months often has a cause in the form of lack of sleep. After all, it is at this time that the baby becomes more active, his daily routine changes. If earlier the baby only ate and slept most of the time, now he needs to play and stay awake. Mom can simply not cope with all the volume of cases. A woman needs to pay attention to the child, and cook food, and do some household chores. There is simply no time left for your vacation. The exhausted body can no longer supply milk in the volume that the baby needs. In addition, by three months, the need for food increases.

To eliminate this cause, you may need outside help. Ask your dad or grandparents to help you a little. Send them for a walk with the baby. In your free time, do not grab the laundry and cleaning. Lie down and sleep. The night sleep of a nursing woman is constantly interrupted. Therefore, a young mother simply needs a few hours of daytime rest. Many breastfeeding experts also recommend co-sleeping with your baby at night. This way you won't have to get up for every feed.

Eat well and drink more fluids

A lactation crisis can develop due to malnutrition and lack of fluid. As you know, more than half consists of water. Therefore, the body needs a lot of fluid to produce it. If in a normal state a woman should drink about 2 liters of water per day, then a nursing mother needs about three.

Get yourself a separate container of water that you need to empty during the day. Be sure to finish each meal with a cup of hot tea, compote or juice. Make sure that all products are fresh and do not contain a lot of spices. Prefer soups, cereals, vegetables and fruits to smoked and salty dishes. Never eat dry food. Avoid carbonated drinks. They cannot fill the body's need for fluid.

Eliminate Stress

Often a lactation crisis develops due to a nervous breakdown. This can happen due to fatigue, lack of sleep, and so on. Therefore, a nursing woman needs mandatory support from close relatives. Never turn down help. Walk more and spend more time outdoors. Prolonged planting within four walls only exacerbates your condition. Don't lock yourself in.

If you feel constant anxiety, are nervous a lot and understand that you cannot cope on your own, go to the doctor. The doctor will prescribe safe herbal preparations for you, for example, Tenoten, Persen and others. They will not harm the baby, but they can normalize your condition. Remember that self-medication is unacceptable.

The lactation crisis can be overcome very quickly with the help of some secrets. The described actions will not take you much time. With their help in the future, you can not only overcome, but also prevent a new crisis:

  • Before each feeding, do a light massage. Stretch the mammary glands along the ducts (from the base to the nipple). Please note that you can not press hard.
  • To increase the amount of milk, give the baby both breasts at once during one feeding. Let the baby first eat from one, then change the position and attach it to the other.
  • Promotes lactation pumping. After the baby is satiated, gently use a breast pump or hands to express the last drops. Do not worry that there is no milk left in the breast. The higher the need for it, the more it will abide.
  • Make warm wraps. Warm up a towel and apply it to the breast before feeding. This procedure will expand the ducts, improve blood circulation and increase the flow of milk.
  • Do not dwell on the fact that you have a lactation crisis. You already know the periods, the terms of it. Keep in mind that everything will be back to normal soon. The mental attitude of the mother is very important. Don't offer your baby a bottle. Better once again attach it to your chest.

Let's sum up a little...

Any lactation crisis that you know of is not such a serious problem for a woman who wants to continue breastfeeding. Keep in mind that this situation usually resolves itself in about a week. Subject to the above conditions and tips, you can cope with the lack of milk in just a few days. If you can easily overcome the first lactation crisis, which occurs about a month after the birth of a child, then the rest will not pose any particular danger and difficulty.

An important point to remember is that you should never replace bottle feeding. Do not think that your baby is starving. Check if the baby is getting enough milk. To do this, count how many times a day he urinates. If the number of wet diapers exceeds 12, then the child has enough food. Please note that this rule is valid only for babies before the introduction of complementary foods. We wish you normalization of breastfeeding as soon as possible!

Almost every woman has a lactation crisis at least once during breastfeeding. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, but it causes a lot of anxiety. Therefore, every nursing mother should be aware of the possibility of such a situation with HB, be prepared for it and know how long it usually lasts, and what to do in this case.

What is mature lactation and how is it related to breastfeeding crises?

Mature lactation is the period when a woman's milk is produced not due to hormones, but in response to breast stimulation by a child. At the same time, the breast is soft, and milk comes only directly during feeding. There is no more stock. The timing of the establishment of mature lactation during breastfeeding is different for everyone. In some women, mature lactation is established as early as the third week of feeding, but more often this occurs in the third or fourth month.

With artificial adjustment of the amount of milk, for example, by pumping, such a self-regulating system may not form at all. In this case, the immune properties of milk deteriorate. But it is easy to stop breastfeeding. It is enough to gradually reduce the number of pumping, and then feeding.

Mature lactation can proceed absolutely calmly, or it can be accompanied by temporary crises, i.e. a decrease in the amount of milk for a short time, usually a maximum of 3-7 days (usually 2-3 days). But it is impossible to stop it spontaneously without consequences for the health of the mother. It itself ends with a process of natural involution. The amount of milk decreases, while in terms of a set of antibodies it approaches colostrum and, finally, completely disappears. Usually by this time the child is already eating regular food.

What is a lactation crisis

A lactation crisis is a temporary decrease in the amount of milk during the period of established lactation. Most often, crises with breastfeeding occur at about 3-6 weeks, and then at 3, 6 and 12 months. But there may be deviations. And some women manage to feed a child without feeling any crises at all.

Symptoms of a lactation crisis:

  1. The child literally “hangs” on the chest, is applied more often and sucks longer.
  2. The baby is crying and nervous on the chest. Crying is clearly "hungry". It can be seen that the child does not have enough food, no matter how much he sucks.
  3. The mother has a feeling that the breast is not filled.

Features of the lactation crisis at 3 months

The child has grown up, he is already three months old. It seems that breastfeeding has improved, and the colic has passed, and the mother has already adapted to the baby - she would live and be happy here. But suddenly, unexpectedly, the child begins to worry at the breast: he cries, kicks his legs, throws the nipple. Or, on the contrary, it constantly hangs at the chest, not giving mom a minute of rest.

The fact is that at this age the child has an interest in the world around him, and as a result, the nature of nutrition changes. The baby stops breastfeeding during wakefulness, and sucks around daytime dreams and at night. This is absolutely normal, and it is not necessary to try to force the child to suck when he does not want to.

But in such a situation, you need to pay attention to the moment the child falls asleep. If he is used to doing this with a pacifier, then it is better to change the nipple to the chest. Otherwise, the baby may actually stop eating. Moreover, due to the fact that the child will suck out less milk, its amount may actually decrease.

There is another, at first glance, not obvious, reason for refusing the breast. Sometimes mothers take care of children so much, practically without letting go of them, that the child begins to suffer from this. He lacks freedom. The baby sometimes needs to lie down alone in the crib, watch his mother from the side, look at the hanging toys, so that later he will be happy to find himself on his mother’s arms at the warm breast with delicious milk.

Reasons for a decrease in the amount of milk

  1. Accelerated growth (growth spurt) of a child at certain periods of time. The need for food sharply increases in the baby due to intensive growth or with the development of skills that increase physical activity. The child sleeps less, learns to crawl, and then walk. And, of course, he needs more food. But the mother's body cannot so quickly adapt to the increasing needs of her son or daughter. The milk is not getting smaller, but it seems to mom that everything is exactly like that. And you just need to give the body time, gradually and fairly quickly, food will become exactly as much as the child needs.
  2. Fatigue and bad mood of a nursing mother. With the birth of a child, a woman's life changes dramatically. And no matter how beloved and long-awaited he is, life revolving only around the baby and at home does not contribute to a good mood. Long months of routine, lack of sleep, lack of communication lead to apathy and even depression. Women don't recognize themselves. This condition is bad for breastfeeding.
  3. Errors in the organization of feeding, for example, infrequent feedings, use of a pacifier, lack of morning attachments. Doctor Komarovsky talks very well about the rules of breastfeeding.
  4. People sometimes associate lactation fluctuations in women with the phases of the moon. This point of view has nothing to do with official medicine. But… Why not. After all, the increase in the number of births on the full moon is a well-known fact.

How to deal with the problem

First, you need to calm down. If mom does not do stupid things, then the milk will not go anywhere. A lactation crisis is absolutely normal. And the nervous state of the mother does not increase the amount of milk. But in this state, you can make a lot of mistakes.

Very important! The child does not need to be fed. A full-term and no longer a newborn baby may well get by with less food for several days. The lactation crisis most often lasts from 1 to 3 days, much less often up to a week.

But it is easy to make a child an artificial one by unreasonably introducing supplementary feeding. After all, supplementation from a bottle reduces the quantity and quality of attachments. The chest does not receive sufficient stimulation. And the amount of milk actually decreases. In addition, introducing artificial mixtures into a child's diet can lead to allergies and tummy problems. Especially when the mixture is introduced abruptly.

If the lactation process is adjusted correctly, then you can do nothing at all, the amount of milk will increase by itself in accordance with the needs of the child. But mother is unlikely to be able to do nothing, holding a child crying from hunger in her arms. Therefore, you can take the following actions:
  1. Increase the number of attachments to the chest during the day.
  2. Increase the number of night feedings. Be sure to feed in the early hours. At this time, the maximum amount of hormones responsible for lactation is produced: prolactin and oxytocin.
  3. Get enough sleep. Mom may have a question, how is this possible if you need to wake up and feed at night. You will have to sleep during the day with your baby for a while. And around the house you need to ask your husband or mother to help. The crisis does not last long, and nothing terrible will happen to the household in 2-3 days.
  4. Relax. Transfer cases for a couple of days to relatives and arrange a weekend for yourself. You can devote them entirely to communicating with the baby. Or you can arrange a holiday for yourself and leave home for a couple of hours: sit in a cafe with a girlfriend, go to a hairdresser or beauty salon. Positive emotions distract from worries and cheer up.
  5. Pay attention to your nutrition. A nursing mother should eat 5 times a day. Food must be complete. Usually a woman herself notices that some products have a positive effect on the amount of breast milk. It is about them that one must remember during the lactation crisis. Liquids should also be enough, at least two liters per day.
  6. Immediately before feeding, you can do a light breast massage and put a diaper heated with an iron or on a battery on your chest. The baby will be easier to suck.

Breastfeeding is an invaluable contribution to the health of a newborn baby. In order for lactation to take place with maximum benefit and comfort, a nursing woman observes many rules and restrictions.

A lactation crisis is a very common problem that takes young mothers by surprise. This condition is typical for nulliparous women, but even experienced mothers often face a sharp cessation of milk production. The correct approach to solving this problem will ensure a speedy return to normal lactation.

State Characteristics

The lactation crisis is characterized by a physiological decrease in the synthesis of mother's milk in the mammary glands. If a young mother continues to regularly apply the baby to the breast, then this problem disappears on its own after 2-4 days. The period of the beginning of the first lactation crisis is 3-6 weeks from the moment the baby is born.

The extinction of the lactation function is repeated at 3, 7, 11 and 12 months of a child's life. The likely reason for such changes is an increase in the baby's need for food, and therefore, the mother's body ceases to cope with the needs of the child.

Causes of lactation crisis

Temporary extinction of the lactation function is not typical for every young mother. The basis of this process is the temporary inability of the female body to provide the growing baby with the necessary amount of breast milk.

Other reasons for reduced milk production include:

  • violation of the rules for attaching a child to the breast;
  • feeding a newborn according to a temporary schedule;
  • regular exposure to stress, leading to the disappearance of breast milk in the mammary glands.

With a lack of necessary experience, a young mother is prone to violation of the technique of applying the baby to the breast. Improper capture by the child of the nipple and the surrounding halo provokes not only a lactation crisis, but also causes the formation of cracks and abrasions in the nipple area. Feeding on an hourly schedule is also a gross mistake. Each baby is individual, so the child should be the guide for a young mother. Experts recommend feeding on demand, which prevents stagnation of breast milk.

Signs of a lactation crisis

A young mother should recognize the onset of a lactation crisis in a timely manner. Another important point is the ability to distinguish between a temporary decrease in breast milk production and a complete suppression of lactation (hypogalactia). True hypogalactia requires increased attention and special treatment.

The main signs of a lactation crisis include:

  • the newborn begins to show signs of hunger more often;
  • the time intervals between feedings become shorter, and the duration of feeding increases;
  • a nursing woman feels devastation in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands;
  • a newborn child becomes restless, constantly naughty and crying.

Other signs of a lactation crisis include:

  • urination in a newborn occurs less than 6 times a day;
  • the child's stool acquires a hard consistency and a green tint;
  • the baby begins to refuse breastfeeding;
  • monthly weight gain in a newborn is less than 500 g.

The whims and crying of a child are not characteristic symptoms of a lactation crisis, since these symptoms can also be observed in other pathologies. The feeling of devastation in the mammary glands also cannot guarantee a 100% onset of a lactation crisis.

You can verify the absence of breast milk by counting wet diapers. The daily norm is considered to be from 10 to 12 pieces. If the baby fits into such numbers, it means that he has enough breast milk.

Methods of dealing with lactation crisis

In order to speed up the return to normal lactation, a young mother must approach this issue in a comprehensive manner.

Emotional balance

Psychological instability has a negative impact on the process of breastfeeding. A young mother should not show excessive excitement, as this will lead to an increase in the period of hypogalactia. The emotional stability of a nursing mother and compliance with the rules of breastfeeding guarantee the early completion of the lactation crisis without any consequences for the newborn.

Improving the quality of life

The cause of a lactation crisis can be general overwork, emotional and physical overload, as well as insufficient sleep. The duration of sleep for a nursing woman should be at least 9 hours.

If a young mother is overtaken by a lactation crisis, then she should temporarily protect herself from such matters as cleaning the home, washing and cooking. It is better to devote free time to a newborn baby, applying it to the chest as often as possible.

physical impact

In this case, we are talking about self-massage of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. Gentle stroking, rubbing and kneading of the mammary glands help to increase blood circulation in this area. Independent massage activities stimulate the production of mother's milk in the mammary glands.

Diet and drinking regimen

Proper nutrition plays an important role in ensuring the lactation process. The diet of a young mother should be high in calories and contain a large amount of protein. Warm drinks increase the synthesis of mother's milk in the mammary glands.

It is useful for a nursing mother to drink green tea with the addition of cream or milk. Also, it can be warm compotes from fruits and berries, fruit drinks. The daily volume of fluid during breastfeeding should be at least 2-2.5 liters. This amount includes not only drinks, but also first courses.

Increasing the frequency of feeding

It is recommended to apply the baby to the breast on demand, and not according to the hourly schedule. When feeding, the baby performs mechanical stimulation of the nipples, which leads to an increase in the production of breast milk in the mammary glands. If the newborn refuses to breastfeed and is naughty, then you need to take him in your arms, gently calm him down and repeat the attempt to attach to the breast.

In this situation, it is strictly forbidden to supplement the baby with an artificial mixture. The lactation crisis has a short duration, so expectant management is preferable. The use of milk mixtures leads to an increase in the duration of the lactation crisis, as well as the development of digestive disorders and the appearance of an allergic reaction in the newborn.

Feeding at night

During the night, a nursing woman has an increased production of hormone-like substances responsible for the synthesis of breast milk in the mammary glands. Night feeding of the child accelerates this process and enhances lactation function.

The joint sleep of mother and child has a positive effect. Body contact calms the nervous system and contributes to the comfortable flow of the breastfeeding period.

Physical activity

If a nursing woman has no contraindications to physical activity, then it is recommended that she take daily walks before going to bed, go to the swimming pool, do morning exercises or yoga. It is important not to overdo it with physical activity in order to prevent overwork of the body.

Nursing mothers are advised to take multivitamin complexes, the composition of which ensures the normal course of the lactation period. The selection of such drugs is carried out by the attending physician. Self-administration of vitamins is strictly prohibited.

In most cases, a lactation crisis does not require medical intervention, since this condition is part of a woman's physiology. A visit to the attending physician is necessary if the shortage of mother's milk has dragged on for a long time. If a young mother experiences discomfort and pain with a lack of milk, then she should immediately contact her doctor to undergo an examination for internal pathology. Any attempt at self-treatment is strictly prohibited.

Breastfeeding is a natural process regulated by the body of the mother and the baby himself. But sometimes it seems that the system is failing - suddenly there is not enough milk, the child is malnourished and naughty. Perhaps the cause was a lactation crisis, a normal process, because of which you do not need to worry.

What is known about lactation crises

The phrase "lactation crisis" in different sources give different interpretations. This is either a temporary decrease in the amount of milk produced, or a temporary lack of breast milk associated with a sharply increased demand for crumbs.
Probably, specialists fail to agree on the definition of this concept because they see different processes as the root cause. According to some, the milk in the breast rises and falls in accordance with the phases of the moon. Others are sure that milk is not getting smaller at all, it’s just that its sufficient amount yesterday no longer meets the expectations of a child who is currently experiencing a jump.

Lactation crises occur, as a rule, between the 3rd and 6th weeks of a baby's life, as well as at 3, 7, 11 and 12 months. The duration of the crisis averages 3-4 days, but usually does not exceed seven days.

These days, it seems to the mother that the baby is constantly hungry. He drinks milk from both breasts, more often applied, becomes moody and nervous.

It is not at all necessary that during all these periods every woman will not have enough milk. Many mothers are not even aware of the existence of such difficult days and safely feed their babies for a year, two or more.

Mom's mistakes

It is not yet known why lactation crises occur, but it has been observed that certain actions of the mother can provoke or aggravate them.

The nervousness of the mother, which is almost always present if the baby is naughty for a long time, can reduce the level of the hormone oxytocin responsible for the production of milk. Therefore, do not create a vicious circle, try to relax. For this, a hot shower is suitable (you can bring the baby with you to the bathroom, so that the murmur of water calms him), a decoction of valerian or motherwort. Leave all your pressing matters and sleep with your baby. In the end, give the baby to dad or other relatives for at least half an hour - this is enough to relax psychologically.

The belief that everything is in order with lactation will also help to calm yourself. There is a simple Moll method for this. It consists in measuring the temperature under the arm and under the mammary gland. When a sufficient amount of milk is produced, the temperature under the breast is 0.1-0.5 degrees higher.

Additionally, you can check whether your child is getting enough nutrition. Do not use diapers during the day. Count wet diapers. If the baby peed 12 times or more in a day, he has enough food.

Often, in caring for a baby, women forget to eat. In addition to the fact that a hungry mother has a bad mood, she also produces less milk. Eat at least 5 times a day, in small portions. Drinking enough water is also important. A nursing woman needs 2.5 to 3 liters of fluid per day.

Traditionally, it is believed that the child should be given a pacifier. But experts, including the World Health Organization, categorically advise against giving it to children who are breastfed. Milk is produced in response to nipple stimulation. That is, the more the baby sucks, the more milk you will have. By giving a pacifier, you reduce the stimulation of the breast - there is less milk. And as a result, the child may need supplementary feeding, in which it can be very difficult to maintain breastfeeding. Therefore, neither on ordinary days, nor even on crisis days, a child should have anything in his mouth except his mother's breast.

To have more milk

To make the crisis pass faster, you need to stimulate lactation. To this end, apply the baby every hour and keep him at the breast longer. It is best if the mother has the opportunity to spend a couple of days in bed with the child, so that he has free access to the breast and sucks as much as he needs. You can even give both breasts for one feeding, if the child does not fill up from one.

It is especially important to feed at night when the level of oxytocin in the body is at its highest. And if you feed the baby at this time, then there will be more milk during the day.

Pumping also stimulates lactation. The easiest way to use breast pumps, which for a few days can be rented or from friends. Do not discard expressed milk. Feed them to the baby, but not from a bottle (there is a high probability of subsequent rejection of the breast), but from a spoon, from a pipette or a syringe without a needle. If the child is not hungry, store the milk in the freezer. It might still be useful to you.
You can also increase lactation with hot baths for the breast (5-10 minutes) or warm compresses from a heated towel (1-2 minutes). A light massage just before feeding can improve milk flow and make it easier for your baby to suckle.