To the best doctor on the day of the medic. Examples of congratulations from colleagues on the Day of the Medic - Wishes in prose. Congratulations on the Medical Day to colleagues

People devoted to this profession are invaluable to us. And what could be more selfless and noble than saving human lives every day. Many doctors will have to be on duty on their professional holiday, but they will be very pleased if you please him with a touching, funny or simply beautiful congratulation.

Beautiful congratulations on the Day of the Medic in verse


Every day you save a life
Sew on, cut out
You assign, you explain.
You are a reliable shoulder.

On this holiday, without a doubt,
I wish for a promotion.
Strong nerves, inspiration,
Well, and another prize.

You will help and tell me
You will be the first to help.
Bandage, bandage,
You will be with us until the morning.

Lungs of patients nearby
To be treated with one glance.
And the boss - what you need.
Happy holiday to you! Hooray!


Happy doctor's day, happy day of the triumph of salvation,
Happy noble medical work day.
May your life be like a spring day
And fruitful and beautiful, like a dream.

May your eyes never cry
May the legs never get tired
So that you live without pain and guidance.
And let the birds sing for you in the morning.

Let the sun shine on you with the smile of God,
And the sky is always smiling.
There are many good people and happiness for you,
And courage for many years!


Your holy profession,
The most important and difficult one.
You are not fixing the mechanism
A complex human body.

To the joyous "Gaudeamus"
The hypothalamus will heal
Sore throat and measles will disappear
And all kinds of other ailments.

Both internally and externally
Assign whatever is needed:
Pills, diets, regimen ...
And we all value you.

Following in the footsteps of Avicenna,
Keep your experience invaluable.
We wish you strength and good luck
Solving difficult tasks

And only excellent practice,
And a successful personal life,
Happy events and words,
Health, prosperity, love!

Congratulations in prose


With all my heart I want to congratulate you on the Day of the Medic! You take care of your patients' health every second, but on this day I would like to wish that you also do not forget about your health. May there be more happy moments and pleasant memories in life, gratitude and understanding of people. Great mood and success in every endeavor!


The work of a doctor is invaluable. You give people a happy, fulfilling life. And sometimes you even save her. It is thanks to you that millions of people around the world can see the smiles of their children, meet the sunrise and see off the sunset, enjoy every minute spent in this wonderful world. I congratulate you on the Day of the Medic and wish you even more success in this difficult and noble cause. May your sensitive heart never cool down, but always be hot and sympathetic!


It's hard to imagine the world without your profession. A healthcare professional is not just a prescriber. This is a person who saves lives, who helps babies to see the light, who gives hope even when the patient no longer believes in anything. And this work is priceless. So may you succeed not only at work, but also at home: may the children be happy, may the family hearth always burn, may harmony and mutual respect reign in your life. Simple human happiness to you, Happy Medic Day!

Cool congratulations


Medical Worker's Day has arrived!
We will arrange a carnival in your honor.
Let the paramedic dress up as a dentist
And the obstetrician will be an ophthalmologist,
The head physician will become a therapist for a while,
The surgeon will get the phonendoscope,
Let the ENT defile with a scalpel,
And the speech therapist, bursting, will join in the conversation.
Everyone has fun, because today is a holiday.
After all, tomorrow we will all get bogged down on weekdays again.
So appreciate every moment
Get enthusiasm and inspiration from it.


There are no such diplomas,
And they don't give such letters
To those people who save lives
Those people who cherish life.
Can't be described on paper
Their entire titanic work.
They are in a snow-white outfit
They are on duty for life.
We will consider it an honor to bow
Their courage and experience.
Let the joy sparkle for years
In the eyes of dear doctors.

Comic congratulations


Once upon a time they were treated with leaks,
The shaman danced to a tambourine,
And smoked different herbs,
And the needles were hidden in my pocket ...
But in the age of the latest technology,
Throwing away superstitious dust
They, like the same demigods,
All shifts are at their posts.
All, sealed by an oath of importance,
And who saved people more than once,
All dressed in white cotton
Congratulations on this important day.


Dentists and therapists,
ENT doctors and surgeons all over the country,
On this day, all odes are sung to you,
Toasts are dedicated to you alone.
It is invaluable, the contribution is huge
Yours is in the health of your nation.
So accept the gratitude of the humble
Patients, relatives and friends.
Let it cherish, undead, hug
Happiness in your arms,
May your health blind
Will be an example for others.

How to congratulate a woman on Medic's Day?


I wish you simple female happiness
I wish you good, good luck, wealth,
I wish to decorate the whole world with beauty,
I wish you never suffer!

Also, only good patients
There are many cases, but not difficult ones,
More obedient, wealthy patients,
To lie in private wards.

A lot of rest, high wages,
To make your dreams come true by the way,
So that she does not know grief and evil,
Happy medic day, I congratulate you!


You took the Hippocratic oath
Now you are treating all the sick.
Happy to congratulate you on the holiday
And wish all the blessings of the earth!
For mercy and generosity
Souls whiter than a robe
I wish not to learn about poverty,
May you be happier than everyone!


Congratulations to my beloved girl today
I carry it now with the Day of the Medic in verse!
I wish you a lot of inspiration in life,
So that you leave a trace in the hearts of the century!

For a wonderful mind, great knowledge
Today I will raise a toast!
You better always be than the rest!
I wish everything to come true in life!

Official congratulations on the day of the medical worker


Dear healthcare professionals! Please accept my congratulations on your long-awaited professional holiday. We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the health that you tirelessly and every day give your patients. May there be more happiness, joy, love in your life. And may you get a piece of that great health that you sincerely and generously give us. Congratulations!


Dear nurses and doctors, congratulations! Your profession is noble and unique. And it’s you who receive the most generous pay in the world for your work: the gratitude of happy, healthy people. May your experience multiply, and patients recover easier and faster. Continue to give people hope and boundless faith that everything will be fine. More kindness and tolerance for you. Happy Holidays!

Congratulations to the man on the Day of the Medic


May the Lord reward the daring,
Unprecedented and good health,
So that you feel young
To make life seem like a dream.
You always help people
Although your work is not aesthetics,
Let the star burn above you
On the noble and glorious Day of the Medic!


There is no nobler occupation
Than to restore health to people.
And I congratulate you today
With particular love.
You keep people's lives
And I want to wish you
So that the guardian angel takes you
And did not let you lose heart.
I wish you big salaries
And even more patience
So that the white doctor's coat
You wore it without regret!


Day of the medical worker congratulations sms
Let the mood be on the rise
There is always prosperity in your home,
Hearts are filled with kindness and love
Happy Medic Day! And happiness without end!


May medicine flourish
And the doctors do not know the problems.
Let everything be in order:
Love, family and life in abundance!


If all doctors were like you, there would be fewer patients. If all people were like you, there would be more happy people. Thank you! To be a doctor is your vocation, and on the day of a doctor, I sincerely wish you health, love, kindness and happiness!

Short congratulations on the day of the medic


I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Medic and wish you deftly and skillfully cope with your work, overcome any diagnosis and eliminate any ailment, be proud of your vocation and love your profession, never break the oath given to Hippocrates and find happiness and joy in every day ...


Congratulations on the Day of the Medic and from the bottom of my heart I wish to be sharp, like a syringe needle, with my ill-wishers, to remain soft and fluffy, like cotton wool, with loved ones and loved ones, be able to heal any bodily or mental wound, always have asepsis and antiseptics at hand for envy , grievances and life bad weather.

Congratulations to the students on the Medical Day


Medic's Day! Day of the medic
Came to us today!
All Medics! All Medics!
We wish you happiness!

We wish you a mood
Good luck and love
Mutual understanding
With loved ones on the way!

We also wish you
Rest more often
And, which is quite natural,
Help all people.


Today, on a wonderful day,
On the medic's day adorable
I want to congratulate you
And I want to wish loving:

So that the days of life are bright,
Didn't have to put enemas
To heal patients,
He gave them hope in life.


Eyes have long been accustomed to pain
And your souls are torn all the same,
When someone else has a share
Pulling from a world where it's always dark ...

Don't let your hands get tired of beating
For life, health, joy and warmth.
The saved eyes will look at you wearily
And they will thank you for your kindness!

May your relatives love you
And they give happiness every single day.
And let all things be in order
No shadow will fall on the brow of sorrow!

Congratulations in pictures

Happy Chemist Day

You will find even more texts on professional and public holidays in our permanent.


Medicine is akin to creativity, in which there is no room for mistakes, where human life and health are the ideal result and the main reward for work. A person who decides to become a doctor is obliged to cultivate the most unique character traits: mercy, dedication, honesty, frankness, patience, the ability to sympathize and empathize.

The profession of a doctor is the most noble and revered in the whole world, it is not surprising that a separate profile holiday is dedicated to it - the Day of the Medical Worker. Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians celebrate it annually on the third Sunday of June. On this day, a concert and addresses of official figures are broadcast on radio and television, the best specialists in the field are awarded for high achievements, all other men and women working in the field of health are given congratulations on the Medical Day 2017 in solemn prose and beautiful poetry. Even at home or in the work team, doctors are presented with bouquets of flowers, small awards and themed postcards with pictures.

Beautiful congratulations to colleagues on the Medical Day 2017

Health care workers are not just doctors and nurses. These include chemists and biologists, pioneering scientists of important drugs and devices, engineers and technologists who create whole batches of new equipment, laboratory assistants and orderlies who provide all kinds of support to doctors, teachers and students of medical schools, striving to become the best specialists in their field. All healthcare workers deserve the most beautiful and kind congratulations on the Medic's Day from colleagues, relatives, friends and ordinary linear consumers. Not only the life of every person depends on doctors, but also its quality. Beautiful congratulations to colleagues on the Medical Day - a kind of gratitude to doctors from employees for their close and mutually beneficial daily work.

Texts of beautiful congratulations on the Day of Medic 2017 to colleagues and the boss

One Sunday afternoon
July sultry summer
This is not a day of fools
And not even a holiday of the planet -

We honor all doctors
From chiefs to orderlies,
We wish, upon seeing success,
Create a sincere couple with him!

May the eyes of the sick heal
(Just your wonderful looks).
Long live the medic! Vivat!
Everything will come true as it should!

"Hooray! Hooray!" I shout to all the doctors today,
To nurses, orderlies, everyone - hurray!
Interns to humble and venerable doctors,
And even for those who have to retire.

You are enemies of microbes and dangerous viruses,
A syringe helps you fight disease.
"Hooray!" today to all the beautiful magicians
Outpatient clinics, clinics and hospitals.

May everyone love, appreciate, respect you,
Prizes, gifts and flowers are handed over.
Suffer love for you and lose
Consciousness from your beauty.

Happy Doctor's Day - souls and bodies of the healer,
Walking proudly under the red cross!
I wish you to live happily ever after
With a contented, happy and well-fed face!

Let your patients get better
"Thanks a lot!" they tell you.
Let your colleagues smile at you
Success and luck are knocking at the door!

Congratulations on the Medical Day 2017 to the woman in verse

Women have a hard time in health care. Often, excessive emotionality and sympathy becomes a difficult obstacle to overcoming terrible diagnoses and rare diseases. But as hundreds of years ago, today, women doctors work hard on the health of patients, prevention of diseases, etc. Since 1980, by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a professional holiday of medical workers has been established on the third Sunday of June. On this day, I would like to congratulate all women on the Medical Day with kind and sincere verses, wish them success in their work, grateful patients, decent wages, patience, health, peace and quiet in the house. We have collected the best congratulations on the Medical Day to the woman in verse in the next section of the collection.

Examples of congratulatory verses for women on Medic's Day

Happy Medic Day, I congratulate you!
May you have enough will and strength
Treat any patient
No matter how difficult it is!

May there be enough hope and faith
Let there be enough love, warmth,
Put the patient on his feet,
Forget injections and bandages!

I know that you are merciful,
No doubt about it - Hippocrates
With the likes of you to work with
I was madly happy and happy!

I'll decorate the syringe with ribbons,
I will attach flowers to it ...
Search a hundred hospitals
You are the best paramedic!

Medicine is your strong point
People in a noisy crowd
Cheerfully rush at full speed
Your office will be treated.

Congratulations, accept
Happy sisters and doctors day!
Into the hands of your patient
If you get it, you are already healthy!

Like a fish in the sea, yeah
You are not easy at work.
Be you always like this -
The paramedic one hundred percent!

Put down the bandages, needles, stethoscope
After all, today is your personal holiday!
Rest the bacillus, the virus and the germ,
May everyone have a day off!

I wish you, my main employee,
Our medicine, very expensive ...
For every patient to be glorious
Already healthy and with a generous soul!

Congratulations to the man in prose on the Day of the Medic 2017

There is nothing more important in life than good health. Everyone dreams of living a century without diseases, injuries and other ailments. Health is our most valuable asset! But, alas, no one has yet been able to live life without getting sick. Viruses, bacteria, infections and other pathogens are ruthless and not picky when choosing a victim, so sooner or later they overtake each of us. At such moments, you stop hoping for a lucky break and completely trust a specialist. It is the doctors - men and women - who help us to competently cope with diseases, for which we will thank them with beautiful congratulations in prose on the Medic's Day.

Of course, the best congratulations to a man in prose on Medic Day are sincere words from the heart, supplemented by a purely masculine gift: a stylish pen or diary, a bottle of cognac, a ticket to a hockey match. But even simple good wishes will be enough to convey sincere gratitude and appreciation.

Examples of congratulations in prose to men on Medic's Day

Human life is priceless, but the medicine that supports it, unfortunately, is not. Therefore, to everyone involved in this most important profession, I wish to satisfy the needs of both doctors and patients! Namely - free medical care and unlimited wages! Happy Medical Worker Day!

Only those who have never been their patient are not afraid and are not afraid of doctors. Congratulations on the Day of the Medical Worker - the holiday of one of the most formidable, but respected and demanded professions. I wish you to carry your honorary title with pride and never lose inspiration.

On Medical Worker's Day, I wish you patience and inspiration. In order not to promise a large number visitors who are not always healthy, I wish you productive activities that bring brilliant results. Let patient satisfaction be the key to a successful career.

Congratulations on the Medical Day 2017 in cool pictures

Medical students often use cool pictures to congratulate each other on Medic's Day. Young guys and girls choose bright animations, funny cards, funny gifs and simply beautiful images with flowers and wishes in the format of quatrains. Modern electronics, supporting all possible formats, allows you to congratulate your friends on time, regardless of distance and other trifles.

Congratulations on the Medical Day in cool pictures - it's interesting, stylish, modern and very funny. Choose the best options in our library.

Beautiful congratulatory pictures for the Medic's Day

Funny and cool congratulations to the doctor on the Day of the Medic 2017

The doctor's working day is filled with a variety of processes: first aid, finding diagnoses, making appointments, communicating with patients. Indeed, often people come to the doctor not only for discharge or sick leave, but also for psychological help, support, compassion. In a tense atmosphere of general ailments, health workers have a hard time, and doctors joke to relax and defuse the situation. Medical humor is very specific and very witty. We offer you to choose funny and funny congratulations to the doctor on the Medical Day 2017, without departing from the genre peculiarities. Sometimes there is nothing funnier than making fun of yourself or others like you. And we have already prepared the coolest and funniest congratulations on the Medical Day 2017 for doctors for you in the next section.

Texts of cool congratulations to doctors on Medic's Day 2017

Dedicated to all doctors, nurses, paramedics, ambulance workers, Medic Day 2016 in Russia falls on June 19. It just so happened that this year we celebrate three big holidays on the same day - Trinity, Father's Day and Medic's Day. Don't forget to say kind words in prose to your colleagues and friends. Dedicate poetry to relatives and friends who save lives. If you yourself work in medicine, congratulate your comrades with cool SMS or sign them comic postcards with pictures depicting scenes from the practice of doctors and ambulance workers.

Official congratulations on the Day of Medic 2016

On June 19, TV programs will be shown about doctors and nurses who saved the lives of many seriously ill patients. Official congratulations on the Day of Medic 2016 will be heard on central channels and radio. Veterans of the medical service and doctors who have made a special contribution to medicine will not only be noted in words, but also awarded. Some doctors will become holders of honorary state awards, orders presented by the President of Russia.

Dear healthcare professionals! We congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for the health that you give to those around you. On this day, we wish you joy, happiness, great love and a piece of that great health that you generously give to us. May your families on this holiday see your smile and sincere pleasure from the nationwide recognition of your merits.

What you do for people cannot be overemphasized, because you help people live full life and very often you just save lives! I congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker and wish you tremendous success in your noble and so necessary work, I wish you the respect and love of colleagues and patients! Long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not cool down, but always be sympathetic and hot!

Our dear doctors, nurses, paramedics and orderlies, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you to be healthy, successful, energetic doctors. Let your salary grow exponentially, and the number of grateful patients never decreases.

Postcards and pictures Happy Medic Day 2016

Congratulating your own doctors and nurses on their professional holiday on June 19, 2016, hand them postcards with pictures about the Medic's Day. It can be funny, humorous images, and solid congratulations. Children can present their mothers and fathers-doctors with drawings by signing them in their own words.

Sincere congratulations on the Day of the Medic in prose

If you want to congratulate your fellow doctors, do so anytime on the eve of Medic Day. Most of this day will have a day off (Sunday), so wish them well in prose on Saturday. Patients in hospitals will not forget about the words of gratitude to their attending physicians - they are on duty at patients around the clock, protecting their lives and closely monitoring their health.

I congratulate all medical workers on their professional holiday! I wish you easy work, helpful patients and good colleagues. Thank you for the lives you saved, for taking care of our health, for your responsiveness, fantastic endurance, diligence and diligence.

Medical professionals heal us and our souls. We are especially grateful to them for the care and participation that they reward us in difficult moments of illness. We wish you patience in working with patients and a special love of life, because you, like no one else, realize the invaluableness of human life.

For the entire period of our acquaintance, and this is a certain number of years, you have always had a prerogative to help others. And it is obvious that your choice fell on medicine. Happy medic day to you! On your so significant and full of wishes day, I wish you peace of mind, vivid impressions, adequate patients and peace of mind. I also want to wish you not to forget about your leisure time and new feelings. Don't waste your life in the ordinary.

Congratulations on the Medic's Day to colleagues

Only a colleague can fully understand how the doctor who makes the decision on which the patient's life depends is feeling. Sometimes doctors seem to be cynical, but only another doctor who is constantly faced with a life or death situation can assess the resilience and endurance of such a “cynic”, who has probably not slept for a day or two, fighting for another human life. Medical Day greetings to colleagues may be a little ironic, but behind this irony lies a lot of pain, work and responsibility.

There is no health without medicine.

There is no life without him anywhere.

Colleagues, we will celebrate again.

This day, that again - in the yard!

Congratulate colleagues on this holiday

I hurry loudly, from the heart!

Let all troubles pass us by.

Doctors will find us in the wilderness!

Medical worker

So important to us, my friend.

Let him find a vaccine

So that evil passes around.

I congratulate you.

I wish that in the future

If life were like this

Once there is medicine.

It's good to have a doctor as a friend

You can, after all, turn to friendship,

If health is "oh" and "ah",

The help of the pros is very useful!

I wish you super medic

Good health for years

May your wife and children

They never get sick either!

Comic and funny congratulations on the Day of the Medic and SMS

It is practically impossible for doctors to live without humor: every day, faced with troubles and illnesses, they use a joke as a screen that saves them from the penetration of someone else's grief into themselves. Congratulating doctors on the Day of the Medic, "dress" your words in a comic form or send them cool SMS.

Oh, knights of greenery! Vassals of potassium permanganate!

Descendants of Hippocrates, whose brotherhood is x-ray!

Let me congratulate you, comrade paramedic,

On the day of your personal glory, on your medical day!

Fill the beakers and test tubes with pure alcohol,

We'll have some aspirin and a drink in two sips.

Let all other professions be forgotten -

But a doctor will always be needed. For all ages!

Let them cry over the doctor's salary

Doctors do not know another way -

Stethoscope and pen worker,

At heart, a romantic, a little altruist.

Congratulations to those who from night to morning

Heals us, not sparing the weary legs,

He's yours, June holiday, nurse,

Love to you, Aesculapius, that from God!

Today everyone is wildly happy:

The ambulance solemnly beeps,

Old Hippocrates rejoices,

Patients open their mouths

To shine with the main phrase:

Happy Medical Worker Day

Today I congratulate you!

Kind congratulations on the Day of the Medic in verse

Many doctors are very talented in other fields of science and art as well. Often doctors draw well, have the gift of a writer, write poetry. You, too, can dedicate your good poems on the Day of the Medic to women doctors by writing the lines yourself or by choosing from us the examples you like. For a male medic, more strict, formal congratulatory words are appropriate.

Your work is responsible and important

because everyone, everyone

hands over his life one day

into the hands of physicians, doctors.

Today I want to "thank you"

tell you from the bottom of my heart

and wish only to live happily

desired to reach the heights!

Guarding our health

There is a medical worker

From acute respiratory infections and anemia

He will have vaccines

He will remove tonsils instantly,

And he easily gets into a vein,

He will certainly heal everyone,

Tells everything about hygiene,

Will help to cope with the disease,

And prophylaxis will tell

About vitamins, which is more useful,

He will gladly tell you.

We won't get sick today

And we won't come for the recipe,

Congratulations on the day of medicine

Let's give flowers and leave!

We congratulate all doctors today,

And doctors, and paramedics, and nurses.

We wish you all-round success,

So that your mind is both clear and sharp.

After all, sometimes our lives depend on you,

Here you need patience, knowledge and warmth.

So that your eyes burn with joy,

Well, the soul is light, light.

The Medic's Day is a holiday that is not celebrated as widely as, for example, Trinity, which falls in 2016 on the same day with the professional holiday of all medical workers. However, congratulating your colleagues, friends, relatives on their day is not so difficult. Take a break from everyday affairs and celebrations for a few minutes and congratulate the doctors in prose or poetry. If you are far from your family doctors, send them SMS, comic messages, postcards with cool pictures. Do not forget about those to whose sleepless nights and skill we owe our health, and sometimes our lives.

Congratulations on the Day of the paramedic
And I wish you to be the best at work.
Neither duty nor calling are inseparable
And I do not know the title more honorably.

In anxiety and service to people
Labor is priceless, there is no place for excitement.
Clearly, smoothly, without delay
A paramedic is worthy of respect.

Postcards Day of the Medic,

To everyone who serves medicine
We sincerely want to say
The main word "Thank you"
And wish you health
Help people further,
Labor will be reckoned to you in full,
Never be discouraged
You just need luck!

Today I'm not on a whim
I came to you on my own two feet -
Your holiday is opening for me:
You don't even have days off!
And let the patients be different:
I am carrying a bullet into the office -
After all, with a professional holiday
I want to congratulate you today!

Doctors and nurses
Let it live very brightly!
Are you a nurse or a doctor -
Let there be a lot of luck!
And to those who put on robes for everyone,
And to all who entered the wards,
Let life be fair
Affectionate and patient!

Once upon a time you swore an oath to Hippocrates,
Since then, you have healed many
Healed, gave hope,
The diagnosis was correct before.
Today is your holiday, doctor.
In your practice, you did not know about failures,
So stay always like this
Attentive, strong, healthy, young.

Favorite medicine workers,
Doctors, nurses, miracle paramedics,
We put you on the podium,
For us, you are just a super master!
You deserve a wish -
Live healthy for hundreds of years
May consciousness be happy
And in the souls an unquenchable light!

You darn us with a needle
You smear the wounds with iodine
You put up with salaries
Be silent like partisans.

Thank you, family, for your care,
For your invaluable work,
For painstaking work,
For deliverance from diseases of the fetters!

Happy paramedic day, accept
My congratulations.
Happiness, joy, health,
And may your days be
Overflowing with love
Tenderness, family warmth.
You are hope and health
You give us your labor!

Medical professional, accept
Congratulation. There is gratitude in it.
Apply all your skill
And wait for a miracle, as a clear given.

Medicine is for the strong on the path,
I know you can't relax.
Therefore, I wish you strength
And I sincerely congratulate you.

Everyone who works in the hospital
Deserved good words
May your faces shine with happiness
And the soul is full of hope,
May all those you have healed
You are never forgotten
To make you happy with life
Smile more often, gentlemen!

June is coming; and this day has come -
Came according to the calendar dates.
Doctors, nurses, other personnel,
Medical institutions are now in shock:
All patients, ruining a peaceful mood,
They rush with gifts, like clockwork ...
I am happy to contribute:
Happy Paramedic Day, my family!

Today is a special day, special
The heirs of Hippocrates,
We honor their fiery spirit,
Keep it up, you guys!
We raise our glasses for you,
Let there be no hardships in life,
Let the salaries be considerable
The people are healthy and happy!

In your business, you are a professional
It's not for nothing that you became a doctor,
Your calling is to heal people
And in this case, you only become stronger.
Disease instantly you define
You make a diagnosis at first sight.
You have restored health to many, so be healthy yourself,
And on your holiday, accept many words of gratitude.

Be healthy, live richly,
Let your salary allow you everything,
May such work be a joy to you,
Treating people - there is no more important concern!
We wish you, doctors, healing happiness,
Love is like alcohol, harmless cash,
May the joys be without GMOs,
Squirrels and UFOs are not seen!

Nurses, laboratory technicians and doctors,
Chief medical officers, doctors and nurses.
You all have one motto: “heal”!
You give health as gifts.

We want to congratulate you and wish you
So that there are fewer patients in the wards,
By yourself so that you never get sick
And so that everyone will soon become rich!

Nurses, doctors, midwives
Therapists, surgeons and ENT specialists.
We love them, we are a little afraid
After all, they give enemas, injections.
Happy Medical Worker Day
Congratulations, be healthy!
We are like you, wonderful,
Sometimes there are not enough doctors!

Celebrate the holiday of paramedics
And celebrate with your colleagues.
There is no more humane profession in the world
Your souls are wide open, wider.

You stand at the origins of health,
The whole world, I believe you will protect.
Accept my congratulations
My bow and my admiration.

We wish you that your patients
They left you in good health,
So that the most wonderful moments
You shared this bright life,
Let every paramedic smile
Because he deserves to be happy
May childhood in every child wake up at least for a moment,
And every day will be wonderful, sweet!

Today I try to be grateful
And don't bother you on the weekend
I came ... And there is nowhere for an apple to fall -
Patients love our doctors so much!
But still, having squeezed through the doorway,
The entire staff - from the head physician to the carpenter -
I will hurry up on a wonderful June day
I wish you a Happy Medical Worker Day!

We all love doctors
Each of us is healthy!
May a good, kind doctor
Become a darling of luck!
Have a cool mood,
Respect and respect!
On a festive day, let this day
It will not be too lazy to celebrate!

Flowers around, words of thanksgiving,
Smiles on faces, fun
The spirit is in the air of the holiday,
The words of congratulations are pleasing to the ear.
Today is a holiday for all health workers,
Laughter is heard in hospitals today.
Doctors, for returning our health to us,
We lift our prayers to heaven for you.

Your work is useful and wonderful
You heal all people
I wish you hundreds of springs
Live happily among friends!
I wish you a thrill
Without a scalpel and without a syringe,
Love, darling adventures,
And happiness, happiness without end!

Oh people in white coats
You are god's hand on earth.
Walk through the chambers all your life
And cut us on the table.

In a circle, day after day, year after year
You heal your sick.
You are the ones who are always with the people!
You are Gods among the living!

Thank you for the pills
For an enema, for a duck, an injection.
Lilacs give you branches
And roses of a thousand petals!

On the holiday of doctors, let
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
You can argue with God
And save us from diseases.
May your life be beautiful
Filled with warmth and light.
After all, you, having taken the Hippocratic oath,
I have never forgotten about it!

Paramedic, your holiday has come
I found my addressee.
Congratulations. It's a pity the holiday will rush
And knocks with a timid hand.

Do you remember, disciple of Hippocrates,
For health and a holiday is not a date.
You are busy, I will celebrate your holiday
And I won't notice any problems in health.

Congratulations on the day of the paramedic,
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish today
So that your thoughts are like your robes,
They were clean, white guys.
So that you treat the sick with dignity,
To treat problems calmly,
There are difficulties - who does not?
May luck always help you!

How not to believe you? How not to listen
If you, our righteous one,
Heal the body by affecting the soul -
Aerobatics top doctor !?
In your thoughts, saints, noble ones,
There is not even a hint of a shadow ...
Well dear medical professional,
Happy holiday to you on this day!

Yes, not angels or gods
Our hands and feet heal
And all the hopes tonight
On doctors in their professional clothes!
They give patients
Life's best moments
Let Fortune spoil them
And good luck strings sound!

White robes, silence around,
With the onset of the holiday, vanity began,
Obstetricians, nurses and all doctors
Today your holiday has come in the morning.
We wish you to live this year without sorrow,
And to reach considerable career heights.
Hard decisions, correct diagnoses,
And so that you don't have bad patients.

Happy medic day, I congratulate you,
Thank you and praise you
Your work, giving us health,
Inspiring hope in us!
I wish you more joy
Earthly, as well as unearthly,
To be a hero-savior
In any situations!

One day I got caught
And I ran to the doctor.
He was a great luminary!
Said I'll pick it up

If I approach him
And I’ll even go into the office.
But I'm not mad at him,
For this advice.

Therefore, on the day of paramedics
I really want to wish
So that there are more caring among you,
Healthy, ready to receive

Every patient
Who came to the reception.
So that I leave you with a recipe,
Not with a crutch!

In general, be healthy!
Treat us conscientiously.
We are not chromosomes.
Everything. I conclude the story.

The nurse is a mother for the sick.
He sees tears, pain, saves from torment.
Thank you, dear, warmth for your hands,
They do not notice fatigue.
Happy holiday, sister, dear nurse,
Make the job a little easier.
Thank you for being there, God grant you everything.
After all, you are fighting death for us.

Every year celebrated on the third Sunday in June. In 2018, the holiday fell on June 17th.

"Glavred" has collected ideas on how to congratulate friends and medical colleagues in prose, poetry, cool and in postcards.

Congratulations on the Day of the Medic in prose

We congratulate you on your professional holiday. Your profession is everyday work that brings goodness, care and light, allowing people to become healthy again. We wish you to achieve significant results in medicine, success, friendly patients, cheerfulness and optimism.

Happy Medic Day from the bottom of my heart. I wish you not only to take care of the health of others, but also to take care of your own. Let life give you happy moments and pleasant memories, understanding and gratitude of people. Good luck in your business and good mood.

Happy Medic Day! Your profession saves people's lives, so I wish that fate would generously reward you with a loving family, loyal friends, and a friendly team. May the care that you give to people return to you doubly. Let the goals be realized, there will be harmony and joy in the soul!

Congratulations on the Medical Day are cool

Happy holiday to all doctors. I wish you that your white coat and the smell of medicines will scare away all diseases not only from you, but also from all your relatives and friends. Always be healthy, enjoy life, and may there be an inexhaustible set of reasons for joy. Give people health, and let your kindness return to you with a seething stream of gratitude. I wish you success in everything, prosperity in life and long, long years of professional activity.

Roll up your sleeves, it's time to celebrate tonight. I congratulate you doctors on the occasion of your profession. Put aside the stethoscope and enema, and take the glass not for medical purposes, but for the sake of raising the festive mood. I wish you all good health so that no one suddenly turns out to be a patient of his own colleagues. And I also wish fewer patients, more salaries and constant well-being.

Syringe workers

I send my congratulations

May all patients be as soon as possible

Awaits recovery.

I wish all troubles

And problems in life

Easily fixed

With a dropper, an enema.

X-ray to find

There is a stone behind the bosom,

Could love see you

On the cardiogram.

I wish all diseases

To win in the world

On Medic's Day I wish

Everyone should be healthy.

On the day of the medic, take a beaker

Pour something into it

And drink to yourself soon

You are on the holiday of all glorious doctors.

Let the work not get bored

Let the patient be healthy

Let a kind smile heal

No worse than a medicine.

I wish you health

To bring good and give light,

Your white robe with respect

To the profession is great to wear.

Congratulations on the Medical Day to colleagues

Dear Colleagues! Congratulations on our professional holiday - Medical Worker Day! I wish that you and I always have where to grow and develop. So that your own health is excellent. Work was enjoyable, and personal life was joy and peace of mind. Be the best in your field!

My dear colleagues,

I congratulate you on the day of the medic,

Patients obedient to you

And I wish you sympathetic!

So that the salary is enough for us for everything,

Prizes for the leadership to give us.

At home you have peace, love and understanding,

And also care, tenderness and understanding!

Congratulations, colleagues,

With our main, glorious day.

With medicine, everything in life

Walking hand in hand.

I wish you all good health,

So that you do not have to be treated,

So that everything that you dreamed of

Certainly come true.

Congratulations on the Day of the Medic in verse

People in white coats ... bow to you,

For sleepless nights, labors.

For the lives once saved,

For saving someone's dreams!

Your work is important and everyone needs it very much,

After all, a person is nowhere without you.

May the blessings of the earth come to you,

Trouble bypasses!

Paramedics, angels of God,

Many lives are in your hands.

May the Lord grant you health,

Happiness, joy, all kinds of blessings!

There is no more honorable work in the world,

More noble and more important!

Life is saved by a paramedic

He heals ordinary people.

I wish you good health,

Strong nerves, a lot of strength,

Personal happiness, good luck,

Faith, courage, love!

Happy Medic Day short

On the Day of the Medic, I would like to wish with all my heart to skillfully overcome any ailments, confidently conquer the vastness of new successes, feeling the true happiness of going through life.

2 SMS - 98 characters:

Congratulations on the day of the medic,

And I wish you all the best

Let the sorrows and worries

Do not overshadow your work.

3 SMS - 148 characters:

Congratulations and on the Day of the Medic I want to wish you never break the Hippocratic oath, never deviate from the principles of good luck, happiness and prosperity in life.

2 SMS - 130 characters:

For giving people hope,

You give yourself up to work without a trace

We wish you a bright, serene life,

And so that you have everything in order!