The best breeds for children and apartments. Dog breeds for apartments

As children, we all wanted to have a puppy, without really thinking about the conditions necessary for a pet. With age, the understanding has come that choosing a four-legged friend is a responsible step, and everything must be carefully weighed.

The size of the living space plays an important role. Is it possible to get a dog if you have a small apartment? It turns out that it is possible! Editorial "So simple!" is best dog breeds for children, for allergy sufferers and for owners of small apartments.

The best dogs for an apartment

Some people believe that small breed dogs are best suited for apartment living. This is not entirely true, or rather, not always true. The fact is that many small breeds of dogs are prone to constant barking.

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And many representatives of large breeds of dogs feel great in an apartment and do not experience any discomfort or inconvenience, however, if they are given due attention.

Yorkshire Terrier

children: great, especially for girls
allergy: the breed is hypoallergenic (rarely causes allergies)
apartment: suitable for small apartment

Nowadays, Yorkies are one of the most popular dogs among city residents due to their sociability, intelligence, small size and beautiful appearance.

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A special feature of these dogs is their long, unusual hair without undercoat. She requires special care, but practically does not shed like other dogs, which means she is less likely to cause allergies.

Despite the popular belief that small dogs are stupid, Yorkshire terriers are highly trainable and very attached to their owners, often following around and being true protectors when needed, despite their small size.


children: they love children very much
allergy: not suitable for allergy sufferers
apartment: the best dog breed for an apartment

This is an incredibly cute plush dog that resembles a toy bear in appearance. It is unpretentious, easily adapts to changes and does not need constant training (the dog can learn basic commands already at 5 months). Very obedient and one of the smartest dog breeds.

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The Pomeranian has a lively personality. He will be devoted to his master until the end of his days. He will share both joy and sorrow with you.

Labrador Retriever

children: No one loves children more than Labradors
apartment: a large breed, but Labradors feel comfortable even in a small apartment

The best friend is not found. Active, affectionate, without a shadow of aggression or malice, the Labrador becomes a wonderful companion, family member, and children's favorite.

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Labradors are optimists, they enjoy every minute, infecting everyone around them with positive emotions. They can lift your spirits and support you on difficult days.


children: they love children very much
allergy: not suitable for people with allergies
apartment: do well in a small apartment

The pug is one of the most ancient decorative breeds; these dogs are simply created for keeping in an apartment. They get along well with all family members, including children and other pets. Pugs have a balanced character, they train well, and their lifestyle adapts to their owner.

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Pug fur is very dense and requires frequent brushing. Insufficient physical activity coupled with a love of eating tasty things puts pugs at risk for obesity, so it is important to monitor their diet and remember that this dog requires regular walks of sufficient length. Pugs hardly ever bark.

French Bulldog

children: good with children
allergy: not suitable for people with allergies
apartment: do well in small apartments

Despite the fact that the French bulldog was originally bred for bull baiting and is more of a fighting breed, now it is bred as a cheerful companion dog that feels great in a city apartment.

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The breed is famous for its stable psyche, it can stand up for itself and its family in case of danger, and is easy to train. The French have a personality that matches their funny appearance: they are playful, lively and cheerful. Suitable for families with children. The dog is very sociable and requires increased attention from its owners.


children: very fond of children
allergy: there is no allergy to wool
apartment: the smallest dogs in the world, great for small apartments

It's hard to imagine a better pet than a friendly Chihuahua. He is very devoted to his owner and becomes so attached that he is even able to feel and convey the mood.

Chihuahuas gained worldwide fame due to the fact that one of them was included in the Guinness Book of Records. A long-haired Chihuahua named Boo Boo was recognized as the smallest. Her weight was only 675 grams and her height was 10 cm.

Adults love peace and tranquility; they can spend hours watching their owner read a book or work at the computer. Therefore, they can easily endure travel and will sit quietly in a purse or in the arms of the owner during a trip.


The breed is energetic, independent and naturally intelligent. A close emotional connection quickly forms between dog and owner, and often owner and dog become fast friends. But Basenjis are suspicious and unfriendly towards strangers, and they also do not tolerate other pets.

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One of the peculiarities of the breed is that Basenjis cannot bark at all, but only make a gurgling sound if they don’t like something. Small size, lack of smell, hair loss and barking are advantages over other breeds.

Bichon Frize

children: great with children
allergy: almost no shedding and no smell
apartment: suitable for small apartment

Bichon Frizes are very sociable, they love to be in the company of people, and love to play with children. Such dogs will bring joy and fun to any company they are in.

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Previously, this breed could often be found in the circus, but today the dog more often entertains people at home than in the arena. Bichon Frize practically do not bark, which can be considered an important advantage in a city apartment.


children: great with children
apartment: one of the best breeds for keeping in an apartment

The Poodle is one of the best dog breeds to keep in an apartment. The poodle is rightfully considered one of the smartest dogs: it ranks second in the ranking of the smartest breeds.

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Dogs of this breed understand people very well, are inquisitive and easy to train. They are friendly towards all family members and are happy to demonstrate their acquired skills.

The poodle's coat is unusual: dead hairs are retained in curls without polluting the apartment, but because of this, careful combing is required at least 2-3 times a week, as well as regular washing and haircuts.


children: they love children very much
allergy: practically do not cause allergies
apartment: love to bark

The Dachshund is especially good for small apartments, it is very smart, gets along well with children and is always ready to play with them or run for a walk. In order to somewhat moderate the dog’s hunting ardor, he definitely needs to buy toys that he can tear and torment, leaving the owner’s shoes alone.

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When choosing which dog to have in your apartment, you should take into account the willfulness and some stubbornness of the dachshund. Therefore, keeping her in an apartment must be accompanied by mandatory training and accustoming her to order and subordination.

Remember that the best dog breeds for an apartment these are the ones you like the most. Of course, small and medium-sized dogs will feel better in an apartment, but only with love and care.

No matter what breed the dog is, it will still be devoted to its owner. But the intellectual abilities of all dogs are different. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you...

Man's best friend will create a favorable atmosphere in the house for raising a happy and confident baby.

Nikolai Laduba loves to spend time actively and goes hiking. He is a big fan of science fiction. Nikolai’s son is only 7 years old, but he shares his father’s hobbies: what could be better than cozying up and watching the Star Trek series with the whole family? Our author approaches all issues in detail, as evidenced by the quality of his articles. Nikolai's favorite book is “The Black Prince” by Iris Murdoch.

In the apartment? Indeed, the question is quite relevant, given the fact that not each of us has sufficient living space to keep a large dog at home.

Moreover, not all dog breeds are equally suitable for indoor living, especially when there is a child and another pet in the house. This further complicates the choice, making its correctness and balance the key to future well-being in the home. Let's look at the most popular breeds suitable for limited spaces.

Alas, in our area, not everyone lives in multi-storey mansions. However, living conditions do not reduce the number of dog lovers, including large breeds, who are ready to endure any hardships associated with living under the same roof with a husky and a mastiff.

Let's list the basic rules for choosing a barking pet in order to create comfortable living conditions in a city apartment in a residential building.


  • the dimensions of the dog should be taken into account in the context of the place it requires;
  • toilet issue;
  • tendency to bark and vocal power;
  • thickness and length of fur;
  • the need to leave the dog at home alone;
  • presence of children in the house;
  • relationships with other pets;
  • neighbors question;
  • personality traits and breeds.

Let's go in order now.

Things to remember

Of course, a large dog, regardless of breed or mongrel, requires more space in the house than a conventional lapdog and Pekingese. However, both large and small dogs need to relieve themselves, and a place where the animal can run around to its heart’s content, play enough and throw out all its energy. This smoothly implies the need to regularly walk a large dog to go to the toilet, because cleaning up after a Great Dane is not at all the same as changing a rag after a toy terrier.

Keeping a dog often causes hostility among neighbors in a residential building. This is understandable, because the loud barking and howling of a bored pet can make the life of other residents of the house unbearable. But you will have to leave the animal, especially if you have work and personal life, and you don’t have permanent homebodies in your apartment. Many dogs, left to their own devices, howl like a timber wolf. And the howl can be heard through the house, not to mention the immediate neighbors.

Another point to consider when choosing a pet is the long-hairedness of the dog and, accordingly, the molting problem that comes from here. This point is especially important if there are allergy sufferers in the household. With allergies, a person reacts poorly to dog hair, so it is important to take this factor into account.

The most important point when choosing a pet should be considered the livability of a particular given breed with children, as well as with a cat, for example, and other pets. Not every dog ​​can cope with a child. To cope not physically, but mentally. All dogs have their own character. Someone calmly and patiently takes down all the persistent harassment of the baby, and someone quickly breaks into aggression. With all the ensuing consequences.

We have already talked about neighbors. It is unlikely that people will have big claims through the wall if from time to time one hears a sonorous, but still not too loud yelping of a dog of a room breed. Another thing is when you hear the constant thick barking of a shepherd dog from the apartment above and a St. Bernard from the house opposite.

And finally, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the breed. The nature of dogs of some breeds does not allow you to coexist peacefully in the same house. There are pets with a complex, primordially militant character, the breakdown of which is more than real, and such a situation can occur at the most unexpected moment.

Breeds suitable for apartment living

We will be guided by a combination of moderation in the size of the dog and his good nature towards children. So, we offer:

  • Labrador Retriever;
  • beagle;
  • Irish Setter;
  • poodle;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • pug;
  • collie;
  • dachshund;
  • Chow-chow.

This list includes the most accommodating of the popular and affordable dog breeds, the presence of which next to the child will not be a cause for concern for parents.

Large breeds

Large dogs are able not only to protect, but also are devoted companions, best friends and intellectual interlocutors, because their “talking” eyes are hard to underestimate.

Medium breeds

Small dogs

Small, decorative dogs are also kept in the apartment. Of course, these dogs will not protect your property in the event of a burglary, but they can make a deafening bark that scares away both well-wishers and spiteful critics.

The most suitable small dogs that feel comfortable even in small spaces are the following:

  1. Affenpinscher.
    It is difficult to find a more amusing shaggy creature than the Affenpinscher or the monkey pinscher. Initially, this breed was used to fight rats. Little pinschers cheerfully caught rodents, ridding their owners of pests just as well as any other cat. Nowadays, Affens are an exclusively decorative breed, and, by the way, very expensive. The Affepincher has a possessive character and is not suitable for families with children. In addition, the dog is small in size, brave, and no one will dare to offend you with him on the street. Small, but remote - this is what they say about pets of this species, because they are ready to protect their owners from any danger, even larger than themselves.

  2. A good solution would be to choose a Japanese Chin puppy, which is a cheerful and easy-going pet of small size. The dog has a friendly character, allowing the chin to coexist normally even with a cat in the same apartment. And the fact that this variety is quite small in size implies a very small budget for

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Are you planning to get a dog or want to know if you did everything right when choosing a certain breed? We have selected the best!

A dog is a sincere friend, a reliable companion. Small and beautiful decorative species are often chosen for city apartments. Such pets are easier to keep, and they bring no less joy than their larger counterparts.

Yorkshire Terrier

The dog, bred in England (height up to 22.5 cm, weight around 3 kg), is sociable and cheerful.

Owners love to pamper their Yorkie with interesting haircuts. Almost does not shed, ideal for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

But you need to take care of the fur - wash, comb, cut.

The Yorkshire Terrier is smart, but it is not easy to train - the dog is independent.

Important: in cold weather, you should dress your pet; weak points - teeth and gums, there may be allergies, a dislocation of the kneecap may occur.


Ideal dogs for apartments are short-haired and long-haired Mexican Chihuahuas. The height of an adult dog reaches 22 cm, weight does not exceed 2.5 kg.

Chihuas tend to single out one owner, become attached and jealous. Other features include:

  • the ability to stand up for oneself;
  • suspiciousness and vigilance towards strangers;
  • ringing "voice".

The dog is easy to care for - just examine the ears and eyes, brush the teeth and get a manicure regularly. Long-haired dogs are combed with a furminator. All his life, the Chihuahua retains a soft "spring" on the skull.

Toy Terrier

This small dog is good for keeping in an apartment. The weight of the dog is from one and a half to 2.6 kg, it grows up to 26 cm.

Basic care procedures:

  • cleaning eyes, ears, teeth;
  • nail trimming
  • combing (smooth-haired can be scratched with a rubber mitten).

Toy needs walks, although it can become accustomed to the tray, like a greyhound.

The dog is smart, but self-willed, so education is needed from childhood.

The weak point is the eyes; retinal atrophy and cataracts can develop with age.


The Pomeranian was bred in Germany, as well as the larger German Spitz.

An adult dog weighs no more than 3 kg, height does not exceed 30 cm. A companion for a single owner or an elderly couple. But you shouldn’t take him into a family with kids - the dog can become angry.

It is necessary to wean your Spitz from barking and aggression.

To reduce the appearance of shedding, you need to:

  • comb daily;
  • remove tangles;
  • wash with soft (or dry) shampoo, use balm.

Jack Russell Terrier

A very active, jumping dog. An adult Jack Russell Terrier reaches a height of 30 cm and a weight of 8 kg. The dog is not bad for keeping in an apartment, but it is not suitable for elderly and inactive people. Main character traits: playfulness; intelligence; independence. A terrier puppy needs to be raised persistently and patiently, to play, to teach commands and tricks.

Health is good, but may occur:

  • dislocation of the hip joint;
  • necrosis of the femoral head;
  • deafness.


The Chinese Pug is a frequently chosen medium-sized dog breed for apartments. The height of an adult “boy” reaches 36 cm, “girls” - 30 cm, a not overfed dog weighs 10-11 kg. Distinctive features are a dark “mask” on the folded muzzle and large bulging eyes. Among the advantages: balanced character; communication skills; intelligence. The main condition of keeping is the opportunity to devote time to the dog and communicate.

Main health problems: excess weight; colds; dental diseases; inflammation of skin folds (you need to wipe them daily). The pug sheds, so it is not suitable for allergy sufferers. You need to brush your dog every day and bathe it infrequently.

French Bulldog

A small dog up to 34 cm tall and weighing up to 14 kg. Affectionate, playful, appreciates communication. These are excellent dogs for living in an apartment without small children. Many people confuse them with Boston Terriers due to their visual similarities.

Bulldogs are very loyal, love leisurely walks - it is worth fastening them with a harness.

Caring for a bulldog's coat is minimal; it is enough to comb out dead hairs every 2-4 days and wash the animal once a month.

Among the health problems:

  • skin folds on the face require regular treatment;
  • paw pads become inflamed;
  • there is an inversion of the century;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • obesity.


"Hunter" bred in Germany. There are dwarf dachshunds (weighing up to 5 kg), rabbit dachshunds (up to 4 kg) and standard dachshunds (up to 12 kg), short-haired, wire-haired, long-haired - good breeds of dogs suitable for apartments.

Character is energetic and friendly. The dog is distinguished by its courage and sense of humor. She has a deep, loud bark and should be trained to behave quietly. Loves walks, trips, outings into nature. Like a burrowing dog, he loves to dig holes. Good health can be overshadowed by: problems during childbirth; epilepsy, injuries and damage to vertebral discs, diabetes mellitus.


The Maltese grows up to 25 cm, weighing up to 3.5 kg. Boundless love and devotion to the owner are manifested in the reaction to strangers. It is important to wean from barking. Maltese: intelligent, trainable and playful.

A good companion for an elderly person, it is not advisable to have it in a family with a baby. For the beauty of the coat you need to: comb it “parting” along the back every day; remove tangles; trim the hair between the fingertips. The dog does not need heavy loads.


Developed in China, this breed was the property of the emperors. The breed has an external resemblance to the Japanese Chin - also a favorite of emperors, but this time Japanese. A small (height up to 23 cm, weight up to 6 kg) fluffy dog ​​is good for apartment life.

Among the main features: pride and independence; attachment to the owner; willingness to fight for attention and love. The Pekingese is not very suitable for a family with children, but it is good for the elderly or lonely. Doesn't like to go for walks, can "master" a diaper or litter tray. In hot weather, heat stroke is possible! You need to comb the dog well, bathing it a couple of times a month - for this breed, grooming is a mandatory procedure. You can give your dog a haircut with a clipper. The dog’s ears, folds on the muzzle and eyes need constant care.

Shih Tzu

“Chrysanthemum Dog” is a decorative Chinese breed up to 28 cm tall and weighing up to 8 kg. Very affectionate and tame, they adore their owners.

Suitable for families with children, friendly with other dogs and pets. The Shih Tzu is one of those dogs that cannot live without attention, so the dog is not suitable for a busy owner.

To keep the coat beautiful, the dog:

  • comb every day;
  • bathe once a week;
  • you can get a haircut.

You need to monitor the condition of your eyes, trim your claws, and look after your pet’s teeth and ears.

Chinese Crested

This original dog can grow up to 30 cm and weigh about 5 kg. The Chinese Crested is well suited for an apartment. The most common hairless Chinese dog is with hair on its tail, head, ears and paws. Devoted friend, faithful companion. He loves affection, stroking and hugs, and can get sick when separated from his owners. Does not fade, suitable for allergy sufferers. Left unattended for a long time, he begins to chew things.

Well trained, smart and quick-witted. On a hot day, you should protect your skin from burns. Long-haired areas need to be combed, hairless areas need to be moisturized with cream or lotion.

In winter, the dog will have to be dressed very warmly or trained to use a litter tray so as not to walk in the cold.


A toy poodle (up to 38 cm tall, weighing up to 7-8 kg) and a toy poodle (the dog grows up to 24 cm and can weigh about 5.5 kg) are suitable for the city.

These are not only suitable dogs for living in an apartment, but also cheerful family members. The poodle understands speech well, loves children, and becomes attached to the family.

Loves walks, games, tricks. Gourmand, obesity must not be allowed.

Poodle coat requires:

  • weekly bathing;
  • haircuts every two months;
  • combing, removing tangles.

In old age, a dog can be affected by deafness, retinal atrophy, and allergies.

American Cocker Spaniel

An active and agile dog up to 39 cm tall and weighing up to 15 kg. You can keep a spaniel in the city, but it is advisable to take him for walks a lot. The dog has a wonderful character: kind, cheerful, flexible and sociable. Spaniel plays with children and other animals.

He is affectionate and does not like to be left alone. Loves long walks and is well trained. Can learn tricks and loves agility. The coat should be brushed at least every other day.

Nails are trimmed as needed. Eyes and ears need examination.

English bulldog

A medium-sized dog (height up to 41 cm, weight up to 26 kg) with a calm character. A friend to adults, an indulgent companion to children. The English Bulldog adapts well to an apartment; short walks are enough for her. In hot weather you need to be wary of heatstroke, and in cold weather you need to wear clothes. They are well trained and trained, they are smart.

Predisposed to: eye diseases; ailments of the gastrointestinal tract; dermatitis; joint diseases. The folds on the face need to be taken care of. But the dog’s coat requires almost no maintenance - an infrequent massage with a brush or mitten removes lost hairs.

When thinking about how to choose a dog and reading the descriptions, it is important not to forget that each dog has its own character, which can be formed by the kind attitude and love of the owners.

So, you have finally decided to add another addition to your family. It doesn’t matter whether your child has asked for a new friend or it’s simply time to realize your old dream: in any case, this is a very important step. The main thing to remember is that a dog is not a piece of furniture or a fashionable toy. By planning to take home a dog, you are taking a step into the future, because it can become an important part of your life for the next 10-15 years. Agree that such an action requires a balanced approach.

Why a dog is good for a child

Photo: PuppiesAreProzac

When can you get a dog for children?

A picture familiar to many: a child, clinging to the sleeve of his mother (father, grandmother...), begs to buy him a dog, promising at the same time to walk, feed, clean, walk, etc.

Under no circumstances should you immediately give in to your child’s persuasion to get a dog. This decision requires a balanced approach

Return home, hold a “family council” and discuss the possibility of getting a dog with all members of your family.

Moreover, you will definitely need to discuss several obvious things that will affect every member of the household in one way or another. So:

Let's admit: we've exaggerated things a bit. Getting a dog is actually not that scary. Scary is when a living creature suddenly becomes unwanted in the house, turns into a burden, or finds itself thrown out onto the street.

It is very important to imagine the most likely difficulties in advance, and if fear of them does not allow you to get a dog, then it is better to refuse rash actions. It might be worth returning to the discussion of this issue in due course.

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties and you have firmly decided to get a puppy, then it is better, at the same family council, to divide the relevant responsibilities between family members, allocating the child a feasible, but obligatory part. For example, if his duties include walking the dog, then even occasionally he should be allowed to delegate his work to others only for truly good reasons.

Predicted participation of the child in raising the dog:

  • a child under 6 years old - the dog is definitely in the full care of the parents, the child only communicates and plays with the animal under the control of the elders;
  • 6-12 years old - the child can partially take care of the animal (at first just put a bowl of food, comb it, etc., and at an older age - walk it and participate in training);
  • over 12 years old - the child can be entrusted with most of the upbringing and care of the dog.

Of course, these limits are very approximate and depend not only on the age, but also on the psychology of the child, because even a ten-year-old child can enthusiastically devote all his free time to his beloved dog, competently training him, while it will be impossible to force a teenager to go out with the dog for a walk.

Do not forget that a large dog can be difficult for an adult man to handle. If you are lucky enough to have such a giant, then you should not trust your child to walk him independently

An important issue is nutrition. Even if your little dog owner is old enough to feed his dog on his own, periodically check that the portion sizes and frequency of feedings correspond to the prescribed standards, and that fresh and clean water is always available to the dog. After all, it is often difficult for children to do routine work, and the price of an error or inattention is quite high.

What kind of dog can be for your child?

It is quite difficult to unambiguously form the image of an ideal dog: it is not for nothing that man has bred many breeds of dogs that differ from each other in appearance and temperament. But there are still a few details that you should pay attention to before a dog takes its place in a family with children.


A dog for a child should not be aggressive. Photo: nejcbole Of course, the main criteria for a “children’s dog” are friendliness and patience, but often a stern-looking guard who will never offend a child can also become a faithful friend. But if a dog shows signs of aggressiveness, it definitely does not belong next to a child.


Remember: dogs grow even faster than children. Before you know it, your miniature new pet will reach its natural size, so take this into account when choosing a breed (if you are getting a mongrel puppy, then there will be a certain element of surprise in its future height and weight).

It is risky to take both miniature dogs and giant dogs into a family with very young children: a three-year-old child can unintentionally injure a Chihuahua, and a grown-up Newfoundland with one accidental movement of the tail can easily knock down a too-small owner.

Male or female

A very personal choice. There is an opinion among dog handlers that bitches have a softer character, they are more gentle and affectionate, and are more strongly attached to their owner. Males usually look more impressive, and their well-being and psychological state do not depend on the period of estrus and pregnancy.

In fact, the gender of your future dog is not so critical: in any case, with proper upbringing, it will become the very close friend you are looking for for yourself and your child.

Dog with allergies in a child

An allergy diagnosis does not necessarily become a barrier between a child and a dog. If your child is allergic, it is necessary to determine whether dog allergens are causing the reaction (this is determined in the laboratory through a blood test). If the analysis does not reveal a specific reaction to dog allergens, then you can still think about purchasing a puppy. Before doing this, be sure to consult with an allergist.

Hypoallergenic Chinese Crested Dog. Author: SheltieBoy There are dog breeds that are considered hypoallergenic. This does not mean that all of them do not have hair (it is a common misconception that allergies develop specifically to dog fur), but such dogs release fewer allergenic proteins into the environment.

In particular, the hypoallergenic include the following breeds:

  • Bedlington Terrier
  • Miniature Poodle
  • Chinese Crested
  • Black Russian Terrier

Child protection dog

Most dogs tend to protect "their" people from a possible threat. Moreover, both a formidable Rottweiler and a miniature Pekingese can fearlessly rush at a perceived enemy - the size of the dog does not have much influence on the courage and desire to protect a loved one, but the effect produced on the offender may ultimately depend on it.

Dogs of hunting breeds rarely make good guards: such animals have been selected for centuries on the basis of the manifestation of the hunting instinct and instilled indifference to guard functions

There are methods of training dogs to protect people (so-called bodyguard dogs). If you think that your child may be in danger, then canine specialists will help prepare a reliable guard friend for him. This does not mean that you can simply buy a trained dog and assign it to your child: you will have to go to all training sessions with the four-legged student, learning to interact with him.

Overprotective dogging has its downsides. Do not forget that dogs are often distrustful of strangers. If other people even accidentally suffer from the actions of a shaggy bodyguard, you will have to bear responsibility for it. For example: a dog may take another child’s attempt to catch up with its owner, slap him on the shoulder (“slap”), etc. as a threat. The dog can, without hesitation, rush to protect the “ward”, frightening or injuring the children. The situation is unpleasant and will not always be perceived adequately.

small dogs for children

Often parents compromise with their child and allow him to have a small dog (Chihuahua, Toy Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Chinese Crested Dog, etc.), hoping that maintaining it will be easier, including from a financial point of view. But don’t think that dwarf dogs differ from other dogs only in size.

Small breed dogs often have complex personalities. They are very characterized by slight excitability and even hysteria, but good nature (typical of their larger relatives) should not be expected from miniature dogs. A child may benefit from a calm, patient dog.

Also, dwarf dogs have a rather fragile body structure, so close contact with very young children can threaten the animals with injury.

If size still matters, consider candidates such as: Welsh Corgi, Dachshund, Pug, Miniature Schnauzer, many terriers - they are quite miniature, but do not have the above-mentioned disadvantages.

Shelter dog

Taking home a dog from a shelter is one of the best examples of humanity you can give your child. Moreover, it is beneficial even from a practical point of view:

  • you will receive the dog for free, minus a small donation to the shelter;
  • you can choose a pet from a variety of animals, different in size, color and other characteristics, because sometimes just one glance is enough to understand that this particular dog is yours;
  • Most likely, you will not find a truer friend anywhere: animals know how to value goodness;
  • It is often safer to adopt animals from a shelter than from would-be breeders, of which there are more and more of them—at a shelter, dogs at least undergo treatment and vaccinations.
Photo: Trinagil Even if you are determined to get yourself a dog of a certain breed, it makes sense to look at a shelter: unfortunately, people often betray their friends and the dog you need may be there. Yes, she will not have a pedigree, but do we choose our friends only by purity of origin?

The best dog breeds for children

In many ways, a dog’s attitude towards children is formed during its upbringing. Initially, every dog ​​can get along with a child, especially from childhood and with the proper attitude towards the animal. A mongrel can always be a child’s best friend, but every mongrel dog is individual and in puppyhood it is difficult to understand exactly what the character of the future adult dog will be.

It is believed that a number of breeds have genetically fixed qualities that make them ideal for keeping in families with children. From this point of view, we will evaluate several popular dog breeds.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever. Photo: Brian Timmermeister He doesn’t just love children - he adores them with all his soul, nurses them, entertains them and never hurts them. Surprisingly friendly and energetic, it is one of the most popular breeds for keeping with children. If you decide to get a Labrador when your child is still very young, be careful - Labradors are very active and quite large. Such a cheerful bubbly simply does not know how to behave with restraint and, in a fit of expression of love, can accidentally demolish a little person.

MirSobak's conclusion: a wonderful dog for children, but it is better to get one when your baby is over 4 years old.

Golden Retriever (Golden Retriever)

Golden retriever. Photo: Dirk Vorderstraße Friendly, active, but balanced and reliable, always happy to serve the owner, for example, bring a wand or toy on command. But the care will not be limited to play: an intelligent dog evaluates the surrounding environment and is always ready to help in case of trouble. The entire owner’s family will be under supervision, including, of course, children, whom these dogs love very much.

Conclusion MirSobak: a wonderful dog for children of all ages.

Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgi. Photo: luckyno3 are friendly, cheerful, active, people-oriented and fearless. An intelligent and quick-witted dog, despite its small size, is a shepherd dog and will gladly look after your children like a sponsored herd.

Conclusion MirSobak: an ideal small dog for older children.

Irish Setter

Irish Setter. Photo: frame.fusion A very active, intelligent, affectionate and sociable dog with a spectacular appearance. She loves children madly and will be an excellent nanny for them.

MirSobak conclusion: an excellent choice for a family with children of any age, especially for people leading an active lifestyle.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard Photo: Thomas Hawk Just a mountain of good nature. This dog is traditionally considered an excellent family dog ​​and loves to play with children. Quiet, outwardly calm and even relaxed, the St. Bernard constantly monitors what is happening around him in order to intervene if necessary - children will be completely safe with him.

MirSobak's conclusion: if you do not live in a one-room apartment, and your child has grown enough to withstand the pressure of an 80-kilogram dog, then the St. Bernard will not disappoint your expectations.


Newfoundland. Photo: Matty Sides Another good-natured giant who rightly has a reputation as an excellent dog for children. He has all the necessary qualities for this: he is good-natured, patient and gentle with children, and vigilantly watches over them.

MirSobak's conclusion: it is better to get one for an older child, but this limitation is associated only with the large size of the dog.


Pug. Photo: jllane A small dog, very kind, affectionate and affectionate. moderately active, but very smart, trainable and sociable.

Conclusion MirSobak: a wonderful dog for calm children (over 4 years old), which does not require long walks, but depends on communication with a person.


Beagle. Photo: Maskenfrei Fotografie Like most “hunters,” the beagle is a cheerful, good-natured and active dog that loves communication and games in a large company.

Conclusion MirSobak: a cheerful and energetic friend for active children over 4 years old.

American Cocker Spaniel

American Cocker Spaniel. Photo: Ryan Johnson Positive, charming, active, the American Cocker Spaniel is an excellent family dog ​​and a wonderful friend for a child. This relatively small dog, despite its high decorative qualities, leads an active lifestyle.

Conclusion MirSobak: a good dog for families with children of any age.

German Shepherd

German Shepherd. Photo: Nina`H A versatile dog that not only has excellent service qualities, but is also incredibly kind and affectionate with its family members. His high intelligence, recognized by all, makes him a wonderful friend and protector for the child.

MirSobak’s conclusion: when raised together, the “German” will patiently endure antics and protect the foolish child, and for middle-aged and older children he will fully reveal his wonderful qualities.


Collie. Photo: Ultra DM It is very difficult to mention all the qualities of a collie, among them: activity, affection, curiosity, intelligence and high ability to train, loyalty and playfulness. Scottish Shepherds love children very much.

MirSobak's conclusion: you can get a collie at any time, the age of the child is not important, the main thing is to monitor his correct attitude towards the dog.

Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terrier. Photo: Mike Miniature, energetic, smart and affectionate dog. Due to its small size and delicate structure, it is better to get one when the child is already aware of his actions and will not harm the pet.

MirSobak's conclusion: the Yorkie is a wonderful dog for children (for example, a teenage girl) and family. If you want a decorative, “dwarf” breed dog and your child is already 6 years old, get a Yorkshire terrier, just keep in mind that their coat requires special, more frequent care.

Less child friendly dogs

Once again, the child should not be in contact with an aggressive dog. For the same reason, it is undesirable to have dogs that are not quite rightly called “fighting” dogs. Although these breeds were not originally intended to participate in dog fighting, they were nevertheless selected for them due to the presence of certain qualities (for example, viciousness). In addition, some breeds simply cannot boast of patience or special love for children.

Of course, there are exceptions to any rule, but we still cannot advise having dogs of the following breeds for children under the age of 12:

This is a very controversial list. In fact, most dogs of these breeds can get along well with children: if they do not allow themselves to be treated like a living toy, then at least they will not show aggression or discontent towards the child. The whole point, as always, is in proper upbringing: it’s just that training such dogs will require much more time, effort and experience. Well, if our goal is to find the ideal dog for a child, wouldn’t it be better to choose a more suitable breed?

Whatever dog you choose in the end, you will have a difficult stage ahead – raising it. The innate qualities of an animal alone may not be enough to grow into an intelligent and devoted friend to children. Unfortunately, any dog ​​(even the most purebred) can be spoiled by incorrect and inconsistent attitude and training.
If everything is done correctly, the result will not be long in coming: you will get not only a smart pet, but also a loyal, reliable and sincere companion for your child, who will grow up with him, console him when he is sad and share his joys, and often become the reason for the fun.

Have you decided to have a dog in your apartment? How to choose a breed? Dogs for an apartment: list of breeds and care recommendations.

Selection criteria - what should you pay attention to before getting a dog in an apartment?

There is a fairly large range of factors to consider when choosing a dog for an apartment. If you live in a small apartment, then you should think about whether your pet will be comfortable living in a small space. In this case, it is recommended to avoid choosing large dog breeds.

The pet's character also plays an important role. It is worth choosing breeds that have a measured temperament, will not be bored alone and will not bark at every occasion.

If you spend the lion's share of your time at work and there is no one to pay attention to your pet, then you should give preference to independent animals that can occupy themselves in the absence of a person. Choose not too energetic breeds, otherwise you risk finding damaged things when you return home.

Pets that require careful care are also not the best option for a person with a lack of free time. Do not get dogs with long hair that needs regular combing and grooming. Otherwise, the fur coat will become tangled and its appearance will lose its attractiveness.

If in your family there are members of the household who suffer from allergies, then you should choose hairless or pet ones. Families with small children should be especially responsible when choosing a dog. Children can injure the animal during play or, on the contrary, cause its aggression. Therefore, preference should be given to calm and balanced breeds.

  • size– the larger the pet’s size, the more space it needs for a normal life. Therefore, compact and medium-sized dog breeds are suitable for city apartments;
  • activity– many breeds are hunting or sporting; they have developed working qualities and require active training and long walks. It is recommended to abandon such dogs in apartment conditions, and especially when there is a shortage of free time;
  • safety– some large breeds can get along in apartments, but owners need to take care of the safety of others, paying special attention to the upbringing and training of their pet.

A particularly important factor in choosing is the size of the pet, so we will consider this point in more detail. A large dog is good because it will become a reliable guard at home. However, such a pet cannot be placed in the bed of its owners, it has a pungent odor, and also needs large portions of meat food.

Miniature breeds will fit perfectly into the spaces of a modest apartment, and at the same time they will feel comfortable. They are odorless; the basis of their diet is dry food, which pets consume extremely economically. The disadvantages of “glamorous” breeds are the lack of guard skills; they themselves need care and require careful care.

Top 5: dog breeds for apartments

1. Funny pug

Main characteristics:

  • shedding is practically absent;
  • the complexity of maintenance is minimal, suitable for inexperienced owners;
  • guard qualities are developed quite strongly;
  • gets along well with other inhabitants of the house, gets along well with children, protects children and looks after them in the absence of adults;
  • physical activity – moderate;
  • training – the breed is inclined to learn.

Bulldogs have a smooth, close-fitting coat, a strong, square body, a broad head and a prominent forehead. There are various colors, but the traditional ones include the following: spotted, fawn, cream, black, brindle, beige, black.

The French are distinguished by their affectionate and kind disposition. The dog adores all family members and does not single out the only owner among them. He loves children very much and enjoys participating in their games. Pets are quite active, but in the absence of household members they behave quietly and calmly.

Dogs are almost ideal for apartments. Animals perfectly sense the mood of the owner: if you are cheerful, then the bulldog will spin around you, entertaining you with tricks, if you are sad, then the dog will lie down next to you, expressing support with all his appearance. The Frenchman has developed guard qualities, warily greets guests and is ready to rush to defense at any second.

The bulldog loves to frolic outside, so you should spend at least half an hour a day walking the dog. It can be hostile towards other relatives, so you should keep your pet on a leash.

Content Features:

  1. wool - does not require special care, it is enough to clean the fur coat once a month with a massage brush, which will not only increase blood circulation in the tissues, but will also affect the appearance of the wool;
  2. bathing - no more than once a month, after the procedure it is necessary to dry the dog with a hairdryer;
  3. claws - monthly circumcision;
  4. eyes - no nitrous oxide is formed;
  5. muzzle – care for folds; after eating, the dog’s “face” must be wiped with a napkin;
  6. – cleansing of excess sulfur once a week with a cotton swab;
  7. food – they enjoy eating dry food and homemade meals. When choosing the latter, the basis of the diet should be the following products: boiled veal, chicken, beef, cereals, sea fish, cottage cheese, eggs. You should not give bulldogs bones, smoked meats, beans, river fish, cabbage and flour products;
    1. poodle;
    2. chow-chow;
    3. Shar Pei.

    Small dogs for apartments

    If you gravitate toward small dogs, we recommend paying attention to the following pets:

  • Chinese Crested;
  • dwarf spitz;
  • Pekingese;
  • dwarf dachshund.