Ginger and honey face mask. Ginger face mask: rejuvenation, tone and nutrition for your skin. Honey mask with ginger for mature skin

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Reading information about the beneficial properties of ginger, an attentive reader could not help but notice that nothing was mentioned about ginger for the face.

Therefore, we will correct this shortcoming and try to consider the beneficial properties of ginger for the face:

Ginger for the face: useful properties

The powerful antioxidant action of ginger allows it to be used with great success as a skin aging prevention faces, as well as effective care for the décolleté area and skin around the eyes . Since the root not only stimulates and tones our skin, but also has a bright tightening effect, regenerates skin cells;

For face with oily skin ginger is also very useful, as it is able to normalize excessive secretion of sebum, eliminate oily sheen;

For face with sensitive skin ginger extract is even more indispensable, so perfectly relieves irritation and redness, restores radiant skin color, refreshes complexion;

Due to its antiseptic properties, the plant has established itself as an excellent remedies for the treatment of pustular skin rashes, as well as boils. In particular, this recipe will help get rid of the boil: mix 0.5 teaspoon of ginger flakes and 0.5 teaspoon of turmeric with water to a paste and apply to the hearth, the contents of the boil will stretch.

It should be noted that ginger is used in cosmetology. Its extract is added to creams for oily skin, lotions, creams for stretch marks, slimming creams, moisturizers. At home, you can also use ginger extract to make face masks with ginger. But it should be remembered that the use of ginger is moderate, just a few drops are enough.

Ginger face masks

For care for oily skin We recommend the following mask with ginger: dilute a tablespoon of white clay with a small amount of a mixture of liquid extracts of ginger, chamomile and green tea. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

For care for aging skin a pomegranate-ginger mask is perfect: dilute 2 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger root with freshly squeezed pomegranate juice until a homogeneous gruel is obtained. Apply the gruel on the face and neck for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The mask restores skin elasticity, nourishes with vitamins and prevents the growth of bacteria on the skin.

Also, at home, you can prepare ginger cream, suitable for all skin types: grate a little fresh ginger root and squeeze out 7-8 drops of juice, add 2 teaspoons of sesame oil, apricot kernel oil and vitamin E oil, and 1/2 cup cocoa butter to them. Place all the ingredients in a glass dish and heat in a water bath until the cocoa butter has melted and all the oils have mixed. Pour the resulting mixture into a clean jar with a lid, store the cream in a dry, cool place, such as a refrigerator.

Ginger for the face - reviews:
Maria, 35 years old. About three years ago, I started having swelling. The face became somehow not so - puffy. And then I read about the fact that ginger is very useful for the face, and even when taken orally, for example, tea with ginger. Now my daily diet necessarily includes ginger and I don’t know grief. I look in the mirror and my soul rejoices. Now I periodically try face masks with ginger - my favorite is a mask of ginger and honey.

Anastasia Viktorovna, 52 years old. My years are not the same, but I read about the magic root of ginger and did not believe it. I lived all these years in ignorance. I decided to try making some masks. Now it's my favorite weekend activity when I'm home alone. Friends and relatives are surprised, they give me no more than 40 years. This ginger is truly magical.

According to

96 04/04/2019 6 min.

The active components of ginger are included in numerous tonics, caring lotions, masks for the face, décolleté and creams.

The beneficial effects of ginger are due to its composition, which includes:

  • vitamins (C, E, K, group B);
  • macronutrients (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium);
  • trace elements (zinc, iron, copper, manganese, selenium).

Cosmetologists use ginger-based products to combat acne and post-acne, inflammation, and black spots. Ginger has a rejuvenating and moisturizing effect. Owners of dull, flabby and "tired" skin should pay attention to this product.

Useful properties of ginger and the effect on the skin

The effect on the skin of ginger masks is due to the presence of trace elements in the composition of the spice. Among the main nutrients it is worth highlighting:

  • a complex of minerals such as sodium, potassium, zinc and iron- enrich skin cells with moisture, restore its protective functions, have a regenerating effect;
  • tryptophan, valine and leucine– amino acids that activate collagen synthesis, thereby contributing to the rejuvenation of the age-related dermis;
  • vitamin A- moisturizes and nourishes, heals damage to the skin, acts as an antioxidant;
  • vitamin C- known for its effective brightening effect, removes a layer of dead cells, normalizes metabolic processes in tissues.

The rich composition, which has a list of active ingredients, has the following effect on the skin of the face:

  • prevents the formation of inflammatory elements such as acne, blackheads, comedones;
  • cleanses the pores of dirt, thereby eliminating black spots;
  • corrects sagging face shape, prevents tissue sagging;
  • fights hyperpigmentation and premature photoaging;
  • exfoliates the stratum corneum of the epithelium;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • evens out the skin texture.

Operating principle

The effect of a face mask based on ginger is achieved due to blood flow to the tissues of the epidermis. Ginger spice in its own form is quite concentrated, so it is forbidden to use it without dilution with additional components. But by combining the crushed root crop with other less active substances, a healing effect can be achieved. This is because the seasoning has an irritating effect, due to which the process of microcirculation in the skin tissues is activated.

At the time of applying the finished ginger mask, a rather strong burning sensation can be felt. However, after a couple of minutes, the skin gets used to it, and unusual sensations cease to cause any discomfort.

As additional components, it is recommended to use cosmetic clay, base oils, dairy products, egg yolk, honey.

Indications for use

Ginger masks are suitable for owners of all types of epidermis, but they most favorably affect problem oily skin prone to the appearance of various rashes. Also indications are:

  • fading mature skin with pronounced signs of aging;
  • painful gray complexion;
  • saggy oval, deep nasolabial and interbrow folds;
  • acne, comedones, blackheads.

Homemade mask recipes

The following beauty recipes will help you solve a wide variety of skin problems.

The final effect of the mask depends on the presence of certain auxiliary components that activate their action in combination with ginger.

Lifting mask

The composition of ginger contains the amino acids necessary for our health, which normalize the production of elastin in the cells of the epidermis. You should prepare 50 g of ginger root, half an apple and half a persimmon, as well as a teaspoon of any base oil.

For mature aging skin, preference should be given to argan or olive oils. All solid components are crushed with a blender, after which oil is added. A thoroughly mixed consistency is applied to the face, avoiding the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with water.

With ginger and honey

This honey-ginger anti-wrinkle mask is especially useful for girls 30+, because after 30 years there is a rapid fading of the skin. In a deep container, combine two teaspoons of ginger powder with a tablespoon of sour cream. One ampoule of liquid vitamins A and E is added to the resulting mixture, and a teaspoon of honey is also placed. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous consistency, after which the mixture is kept on the face for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with cool water with gentle massage movements.

For acne

Ginger powder is mixed with turmeric and oatmeal in a ratio of 2:1:1. Dilute the dry ingredients with a decoction of thyme. You can use any other hydrosol or distilled water. Mix the resulting mixture well, and at the final stage add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil. The finished mask has an antiseptic, antimicrobial and wound healing effect. In addition, this recipe normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, eliminating the unpleasant oily sheen and giving the face a haze. Keep the mixture for 7-10 minutes.

Useful properties of turmeric.


Ginger masks not only smooth wrinkles, but also lighten age spots, which, as a rule, form at a more mature age. During the cooking process, chopped ginger root is mixed with olive oil in equal amounts, one egg yolk is added. The finished product is applied in a thick layer on the face, neck and décolleté. When applying, avoid the sensitive area around the eyes. After 20 minutes, the residue is washed off with cool water.


Designed for tired, sagging skin, devoid of the necessary tone. After the procedure, the oval of the face is noticeably tightened, and deep mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. You will need 7 g of ginger powder, a teaspoon of honey, egg white and 10 drops of aloe juice. The components are combined in a glass or ceramic bowl. For greater convenience, it is recommended to apply a mask on the face with a special cosmetic spatula, following the massage lines. This way you will prevent excessive stretching of the skin. Remove the mixture after 15-20 minutes.

With ginger oil

In a blender, grind 40 g of cottage cheese with parsley leaves. Add a couple of tablespoons of kefir and a few drops of ginger essential oil to the mixture.

Do not overdo it with the amount of oil added, otherwise a too concentrated mass will cause painful burns. If you are the owner of dry sensitive skin, then use fermented baked milk instead of kefir. The exposure time of the mask is 15-20 minutes, after which the residue is removed with a damp cotton pad.

With kelp

Laminaria powder (40 g) is preliminarily poured with boiling water and the mixture is allowed to infuse for 4 minutes. Then add the same amount of ginger powder, a teaspoon of any cosmetic oil and a couple of drops of lemon essential oil. Thoroughly stir the components. The finished mask is kept on the face for no more than 15 minutes.

with clay

For girls with dry, delicate skin, red clay is suitable, but for owners of oily problematic dermis, white or green clay should be preferred. The component is diluted exclusively in a ceramic container to prevent oxidation of the mixture. Use a wooden or plastic spoon to stir. Ginger powder is diluted separately, after which the clay mass is combined with the ginger mixture. The mask is applied to the face, and after 15 minutes, the remnants are washed off with cool water.


Ideal for beauties with an oily type of epidermis. The mask has a pronounced whitening effect, so it is useful to all those who are trying to eliminate the effects of acne in the form of red spots. Ginger powder is mixed with kefir in equal amounts. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the mixture. The exposure time of the mask is 10 minutes.

Expected effect from masks

  • the relief of the skin is leveled;
  • lightens dark spots from acne and age-related pigmentation;
  • blocking the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • age and mimic wrinkles are smoothed;
  • the oval of the face is tightened;
  • the skin acquires a more uniform healthy color.

Terms of use and precautions

Homemade ginger masks are suitable for girls of any age, but you need to choose the recipe that suits your skin type. In the process of use, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  • it is not allowed to apply pure ginger to the skin in order to avoid irritation of sensitive areas;
  • the prepared mixture must be used immediately, leaving no excess until the next use. After a while, the ginger added to the mask loses its healing properties;
  • first do a sensitivity test so that the mixture does not provoke the development of an allergic reaction;

Before using a ginger mask, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To do this, apply a small amount of the mask on the inside of the forearm and wait a few hours, if itching and burning does not occur, then you can apply the mask on your face.

  • it is not recommended to keep ginger masks on the skin for more than 20 minutes, otherwise the concentrated composition will cause redness of the epidermis and an uncomfortable feeling of itching.


Do not use masks if there is at least one of the following contraindications:

  • dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and various dermatitis;
  • burns;
  • individual intolerance to the component;
  • open wounds, cracks;
  • weeping inflammation;
  • acute form of acne.



  1. Ginger masks are very popular in India and Asia. Oriental beauties have been using this healing spice in their home care for the skin of the face and body since ancient times.
  2. Best of all, ginger products work on problematic oily skin. In addition, these masks are famous for their rejuvenating and regenerating properties.
  3. In its pure form, it is forbidden to apply ginger on the face, since the irritating effect of the root crop can cause redness and an unpleasant feeling of itching.
  4. It is best to combine ginger powder or root with cosmetic clay, base oils, as well as fermented milk products and egg yolk.
  5. The use of ginger essential oil is also widespread in cosmetology. It is enough to add just a few drops so that the finished mixture acquires all the necessary beneficial properties.

Well known as anti-aging skin. Add to anti-aging creams, to means to combat stretch marks, cellulite. Ginger masks are often used in beauty salons, at home.

The effect of ginger on the skin

  • tones up
  • is a good antiseptic
  • quickly heals wounds, cracks
  • helps with acne
  • boils
  • prevents skin aging
  • improves complexion
  • makes flabby, sluggish skin firm, elastic
  • useful ene for oily skin
  • cleanses pores
  • relieves itching

Ginger masks at home

mask from ginger for acne

  • ginger powder - 5g
  • some water

Warm up a little water, dilute the powder. Means lubricate problem areas at night. Good for inflamed, acne-prone skin. Ginger for acne until improvement is used daily.

Mask ginger tonic

  • plant root
  • olive oil

Grated root, oil is taken equally, mixed, applied for 20 minutes. Ginger mask suitable for any type. It has a rejuvenating, nourishing, tonic effect.

Tea mask with ginger

  • grated root
  • strong green tea

Dilute the gruel of ginger with tea until a thick consistency is obtained. Apply a thick layer for 15 minutes. The mask dries problematic, acne-prone skin. It will have a tonic, calming effect.

Ginger clay mask

  • crushed root, white clay - 20g each
  • some green tea
  • decoction of chamomile flowers - 15ml

With a mixture of the listed components, apply for 20 minutes. Wash off with cold water. Clay ginger mask relieves oily sheen, acne. Use three times a week for problematic, oily skin.

Ginger mask with lemon juice

  • 20 ml of green clay, green tea
  • 5g ground root
  • fresh lemon juice - 5g

The grated root is mixed with clay, freshly squeezed lemon juice, diluted with green tea. Apply for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. A mask with ginger and lemon juice cleanses well, gives a beautiful matte color. Used three times a week.

  • 20 g of decoction of chamomile flowers, clay
  • ginger extract - 5ml
  • some green tea

Connect all components. A homogeneous mixture is applied for 18 minutes, then carefully removed avoiding contact with the eyes. And the ginger mask with clay, chamomile is especially useful for oily skin. Apply twice a week to cleanse, dry, remove oily sheen.

Ginger and pomegranate mask

Dilute the crushed root with pomegranate juice. A homogeneous mass is applied for 1/3 hour. Wash off with warm green tea to enhance the effect of the ginger mask. Well nourishes, tightens. Especially useful for sluggish, aging skin.

Mask from ginger honey

  • dry ginger powder
  • quality honey - 40g

Spread the honey mixture on the face, décolleté, remove after 22 minutes. Ginger honey mask improves skin circulation, tightens, nourishes. Apply twice a week.

Mask ginger for blackheads

  • worn root, honey - 40g each
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 5 ml

All ingredients are mixed, let stand in a cold place for an hour. Time is a quarter of an hour. To cleanse the pores, remove blackheads, a mask with ginger is used three times a week for oily skin. About once a week if the skin is dry.

Mask anti-aging ginger

  • ginger powder paste - 5g
  • liquid honey - 5g
  • fresh lemon juice - 5 ml
  • sour cream - 30g
  • two vitamin E capsules

Mix the listed components. Sour cream is chosen taking into account the type of skin. If it is oily, they take fat-free and for dry skin, oily sour cream is suitable. Ginger mask is well suited for aging skin. Moisturizes, nourishes, rejuvenates. Used three times a week.

Mask ginger turmeric

  • equally powder, ginger
  • some water

A homogeneous mixture lubricates the face and neck. Let it soak in for 16 minutes. Ginger mask with turmeric destroys microbes, has a cleansing, drying effect. Apply three times a week to get rid of boils, acne.

Mask with ginger for dry skin

  • ginger essential oil - 3 drops
  • grapefruit - 2 drops
  • roses - 3 drops
  • almonds - 10ml

The oils are mixed, gently rubbed with massage movements. Ginger oil mask perfectly nourishes, softens, moisturizes. Used twice in 7 days.

Ginger Root Face Mask

  • crushed root - 20g
  • sesame oil, cocoa - 5 ml each
  • vitamin E - 5ml

A mixture of the listed ingredients is placed in a water bath. Stir until all components are completely dissolved. Use in the evening twice a week. Good for any type. Perfectly tightens, tones.

Ginger and orange

  • frayed spine
  • freshly pressed
  • watery honey - 30g
  • kefir - 10ml

Mix the listed components, apply. This ginger mask has a pleasant warming effect. It tones, has a cleansing, antiseptic effect.

Mask ginger banana

  • banana - one
  • spinach greens - 100g
  • grated ginger root - 50g
  • honey - 60g
  • mint grass - 60g

Grind greens, combine with honey, mashed banana, ginger gruel, let stand for about half an hour. Apply ginger mask no more than three times a week to rejuvenate, nourish withering skin.

Mask ginger avocado

  • ginger powder - 5g
  • half a lemon
  • half an avocado

Grind, squeeze the juice from the lemon, combine, gradually adding spice powder. Ginger mask is suitable for all skin types. Apply once a week.

Herbal mask with ginger

  • ground ginger
  • St. John's wort, elecampane grass - 40g
  • celandine herb, crushed burdock root - 10g

A mixture of these components is brewed with a liter of boiling water, simmered over low heat for 17 minutes. The resulting composition is decanted. Use in the evening, do not wash off until morning. This ginger mask is used for three weeks. Then take a break for 7 days. The tool does not lose its useful properties for 7 days, so you can prepare in advance. Used for problem skin with inflammation.

Mask ginger nourishing

  • liquid yoghurt without additives– 20g
  • grated root - 20g
  • honey if thick melt - 30g
  • pressed - 15ml
  • 3 vitamin E capsules

A homogeneous mixture is applied for 20 minutes. Ginger mask with added vitamins has a warm effect. Helps improve the condition of all skin types. Used twice a week.

Lemon ginger mask

  • ginger paste - 3g
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 10ml
  • honey - 10g
  • one egg white

A mixture of these components perfectly whitens, cleanses any type of skin, it helps especially if the skin is oily, problematic. Apply 2 times in 7 days.

Rejuvenating mask with ginger

  • half an apple and a banana
  • wheat germ oil - 15 ml
  • crushed root

Combine crushed fruits, root. Add oil drop by drop, mix until smooth. Time - 1/3 hour. Ginger mask rejuvenates, nourishes, tones. Suitable for mature, aging skin.

Mask with ginger whitening

  • ginger powder - 20g
  • oatmeal - flour or flakes 40g
  • dry skin - heavy cream 30g
  • fat sour cream 30g
  • 2 drops of essential oil suitable for skin type

Brew oatmeal with boiling water, let it swell, add the remaining components. The time of the refreshing, nourishing, whitening mask is 16 minutes. This ginger mask also helps to get rid of acne, various rashes. Apply twice a week.

Ginger mask with aloe

  • crushed ginger root
  • cream - 30g
  • aloe juice - 5g
  • apple gruel - 10g

The time of nourishing ginger mask for dry, sensitive skin is 1/3 hour. Apply once a week to relieve irritation, soothe, moisturize the skin.

Ginger mask with rice flour

  • ginger juice - 20ml
  • mashed banana, rice flour - 10g
  • - 6 drops

A homogeneous mixture is applied for 1/3 hour, removed with water with the addition of lemon. Use a mask with ginger once every 7 days to moisturize, cleanse the skin.

Ginger Shea Butter Mask

  • freshly squeezed ginger juice - 5ml
  • oat flour - 20g
  • rice oil - 10 ml (can be replaced with another)
  • 5ml avocado and shea butter

The mixture is brought to a homogeneous state, allowed to stand for a quarter of an hour. Time - 17 minutes. Use a ginger mask every other day to moisturize, replenish vitamins for all skin types.

Ginger face mask

  • crushed root - 20g
  • peel from two tangerines
  • peach oil - 10ml
  • 15 ml each of honey, beeswax, onion juice
  • glass of water

Grind the peel, leave in a sunny place for 3 hours. If winter time is placed near the battery. The remaining components are added - honey, onion juice, wax. Ginger is brewed with boiling water, kept for half an hour, then 40g of ginger tincture is added. Lubricate the skin for 40 minutes. Apply twice a week.

Egg mask with ginger essential oil

  • one yolk
  • essential oil - 3 drops
  • a teaspoon of honey

The ginger mask is prepared very simply, just mix the listed components, lubricate the face and neck for 20 minutes. Remove with infusion of yarrow herb. Use for dry skin twice in 7 days.

Ginger mask for oily skin

  • 3 drops each of ginger, eucalyptus, tea tree oil
  • one egg white
  • 1tsp honey

Lubricate the skin of the face with a mixture for 10 minutes. Remove with infusion of chamomile. The mask dries well, disinfects.

Ginger root and parsley mask

  • parsley decoction - 10ml
  • grated root - 10g
  • 3 drops of citrus oil

A mixture of the listed components is applied for 1/3 hour. Ginger mask with parsley whitens well, evens out complexion, p om fades from pigmentation. Apply twice in 7 days.

Ginger mask with cucumber juice

  • fresh, grated root - 5g
  • fresh cucumber juice - 5 ml
  • apple gruel - 10g

A mixture of these components helps with swelling, soothes. Use for any type 2 times in 7 days.

Sea salt ginger mask

  • gruel of ginger - 40g
  • fresh orange juice, olive oil - 20 ml each

FROM mix until smooth. Time - 18 minutes. Mask with ginger sea salt tightens, rejuvenates, tones mature skin.

for skin

Ginger and cinnamon for face

  • fresh, grated root - 30g
  • fresh grapefruit juice - 10ml
  • almond oil, cinnamon powder - 15g

Time 18 minutes. Action on the skin - nourishes, tones, rejuvenates.

Mask with ginger and nutmeg

  • crushed root - 40g
  • nutmeg, grape seed oil - 5g
  • honey - 60g
  • plantain leaves - 20g

Boil plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, add all the other components, mix well. Ginger mask with the addition of nutmeg evens out the color well, cleanses, disinfects oily skin.

Gelatin mask with ginger

  • 10 gelatin
  • 5g honey
  • fatter cream - 20ml
  • root juice - 5ml

Pour gelatin with warmed cream, let it swell. Add honey, ginger root juice. A homogeneous mixture is applied for 1/3 hour. Acts like a liftin G for mature skin. Used once every 7 days.

Ginger masks contraindications

  • rosacea
  • bleeding
  • heat

Any and ginger mask can cause allergies, so you need to test before use. Do not allow contact with eyes.

People have known about the healing properties of ginger for the body since ancient times. Naturally, this miraculous product is also useful for skin cells.

That is why the ginger face mask, so easy to prepare, will be a great home remedy for face care.

As practice shows, the effectiveness of a ginger face mask has three main areas: rejuvenation, tone and nutrition. With regular use of this home remedy, you can get amazing results:

  • the skin becomes more elastic, as a result of which fine wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • significantly improves complexion;
  • cells strengthen their protective functions, no longer reacting so sharply to harmful external influences;
  • blood circulation improves - cells receive enhanced nutrition with vitamins and other useful elements;
  • ginger actively fights against inflammatory processes occurring in skin cells.

Properly prepared and used wisely, a ginger face mask will be very beneficial for your skin.

Ginger face mask: indications and contraindications

  • Who has already seen in the mirror the first signs of aging of their skin (wrinkles, sagging, etc.);
  • who has a spoiled complexion (if this is not associated with pathologies of internal organs);
  • for withered, tired skin;
  • those who have problem skin (all kinds of inflammatory rashes);
  • with avitaminosis.

Remember that ginger is a rather aggressive product in its effect, so a homemade ginger face mask is contraindicated for open wounds on the face and capillaries too close to the skin surface. Individual intolerance to this product is also a serious contraindication for the use of this remedy.

The best ginger face mask recipes

A miraculous homemade ginger face mask is quick and easy to prepare. There is both a classic mask (which includes only this product) and mixed ones (ginger is supplemented with other ingredients). The choice is only yours.

  • 1. Classic Ginger Face Mask

Grind ginger root into powder, add olive oil (one teaspoon). Suitable for any skin type.

  • 2. Complex face mask based on liquid ginger extract

Mix liquid extract of ginger (one teaspoon) with white clay (one tablespoon), steep green tea (one teaspoon) and chamomile infusion (one teaspoon). This mask is especially useful for oily skin.

  • 3. Vitamin Ginger Face Mask

Grind ginger root into powder, mix (2 tablespoons) with pomegranate juice so that a homogeneous mass is obtained. This mask will give your skin incredible elasticity.

  • 4. Soothing Ginger Face Mask

Ginger root (2 cm long) grate, mix with freshly squeezed lemon juice (one teaspoon) and honey (two tablespoons). The mixture must be refrigerated for two hours before use. This mask will soothe irritated and sensitive skin.

  • 5. Anti-inflammatory ginger mask

Grated ginger root (one tablespoon) mixed with fresh orange juice (one tablespoon), honey (one tablespoon) and kefir (one tablespoon). Do not be alarmed: this mask has a pronounced warming effect. Keep it on your face for no more than 10 minutes.

  • 6. Anti-aging ginger mask

Grind a piece of ginger (3 cm long), fresh spinach (a glass) and mint (a quarter of a glass) in a blender, add honey (three tablespoons) and banana pulp.

  • 7. Toning ginger mask

Powdered ginger root (one tablespoon) mixed with honey (the same amount).

  • 8. Whitening mask with ginger essential oil

Mix ginger essential oil (3-4 drops) with the same amount of other essential oils - rose, grapefruit and almond.

  • 9. Ginger mask against blackheads

Grated ginger (tablespoon) mixed in equal amounts with liquid honey and lemon juice, add sour cream (two tablespoons) and knead vitamin E capsules.

In order for the ginger root face mask to meet your expectations, use it regularly (once a week). Only under such conditions is possible a magical transformation of your skin, which will shine with youth and beauty under the influence of this unique plant.

Ginger is a world famous spice. Everyone uses it in their own way: someone adds spice to dishes, and someone uses it for medicinal purposes. Which is not at all surprising, because even in ancient times, ginger root was considered a powerful antidote. And if the ancient generations tried to use the plant for health, then with our knowledge and technology, we can definitely say that this is the most useful thing.

According to Confucius, and we have good reason for this, ginger is ideal for rejuvenating the body, clearing the mind, and even extending our lives. You can think about the purification of the mind for a long time and lead a discussion. But about the rejuvenation of the body - here the ancient philosopher hit the mark, because ginger has long been used in cosmetology.

Useful properties of ginger in cosmetology

  1. Slows down the aging process of our skin.
  2. Effectively affects wrinkles.
  3. Tightens the skin, restores its former firmness and elasticity.
  4. Counteracts inflammatory processes in areas of the skin, heals damaged areas.
  5. Down with the dullness and lethargy of the skin - ginger will help restore a slight blush and radiance to the cells of the face.
  6. In addition to face masks, ginger root and its powder are used in body wraps and hair masks. Guessed who is an active fighter against cellulite?

Ginger in face masks - what you need to know?

This is an extremely active, one might even say aggressive component. The burning root really burns, but you should not be very afraid of this. When making any mask with ginger in the composition, we try the mixture on the wrist or on the delicate skin of the elbow. Tingling that goes away and does not get worse, leaving no marks, is an acceptable reaction. If redness appears in the area of ​​​​application of the composition, and discomfort remains even after washing off the mask, give up the idea of ​​​​rejuvenating the skin using this method.

Expert opinion

Helpful advice from the editor

Ginger masks for couperosis and rosacea are contraindicated, so be careful.

Its concentrated juice, if used incorrectly, can cause a burn. This component is not used alone, it must be combined with herbal infusions or oils. When removing the skin from the root of the plant, cut it as thinly as possible. It was there, near the skin, that all the most useful microelements of the burning plant were hidden.

Ginger face masks - TOP of the best recipes

Classic ginger mask

The classic ginger mask is very easy to prepare. Just grate a small piece of the root of the plant on a fine grater. Add just a little bit of olive oil to make it easy to apply on the face. It is desirable to do this on steamed skin. Be sure to practice light massage avoiding the eye area.

Rejuvenating face mask

  • a piece of ginger root (about 3 cm);
  • the pulp of a third of a banana;
  • 1 st. spinach leaves;
  • ¼ st. mint leaves;
  • 3 art. l. liquid honey.

Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and beat everything until smooth. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. Leftover masks can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Firming masks with ginger

A ginger mask with pomegranate juice can provide just such an effect. Before the procedure, cleanse and steam the skin. Next, you need to mix ginger powder with pomegranate juice, add the latter slowly. Constantly stir the mixture to achieve the consistency of ideal sour cream (medium density).

A face mask with honey and ginger also belongs to the category of pull-ups. It is made simpler than simple: to 2 tbsp. l. honey, add a pinch of dry ginger powder. Stir, apply on face, wait 15 minutes and only then rinse with cool water.

With lifting effect

  • 100 g of ginger;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil.

Grate the root on a fine grater, set aside. In a bowl, mash a banana with a fork, add a grated green apple (about 1 tablespoon with a slide), oil.

Mix the ingredients, add 1 tsp. juice, which was formed in a container with ginger. Bring the mass to homogeneity, apply on face for 15 minutes. Wipe your face with a damp towel. Such a mask is done no more than once a week, the course is no more than 1 month.

ginger for wrinkles

The best results are achieved in the fight against "young", shallow wrinkles. Although such procedures are shown for deep folds. Mimic, and simply age-related wrinkles are most afraid of two masks:

  • with pomegranate juice;
  • with honey.

See the recipes for their preparation in tightening masks. These are universal remedies, because they act on skin cells squared.

Ginger mask reviews:

I really wanted to try the mask with honey and ginger. I was afraid that my skin might give up, but there was no irritation on my wrist. I'm still young for all these store-bought wrinkle creams, but there is one thing that worries me. When I laugh, I frown. Just don't laugh, otherwise I'll start :). Over the years of such practices, mimic wrinkles have formed there, which are visible to the naked eye. I love homemade masks, but I understand that anointing with sour cream alone will not be enough. Among the strong ingredients, I settled on ginger. And I did not lose, after the first procedure I noticed changes. Now I have already done the mask three times, I get it twice a week. I want to do a course of 8 procedures and see the final effect. And yet - in addition to the fact that wrinkles have become less noticeable, the oval of the face has also been directly emphasized, and I also have a blush without blush.

From age spots on the face

A whitening mask will help to cope with this issue. More correctly, a mixture of essential oils. Since the task is to whiten, then use the product on areas with freckles and age spots. Take in equal proportions the essential oils of the following ingredients:

  • ginger;
  • grapefruit
  • roses;
  • almonds.

Literally 2 drops of each oil will be enough. Massage the mixture into problem areas. Mark 15 minutes and then wash off. Since it will not be easy to wash off, use a damp towel. Wipe your face first with warm water, then wash your face with cold water.

Ginger in cosmetology - features of use in the area around the eyes

We all know how delicate the skin around the eyes is. Can such an aggressive component be used in this area? Can! It is not only possible to use it correctly, but even necessary. Such a mask will also remove swelling.

  • ginger juice;
  • 10 g of calendula flowers;
  • 15 g plantain leaves;
  • 5 ml wheat germ oil.

Brew herbs, leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Strain the liquid over time. Grate a small piece of ginger, squeeze out the juice. Combine a decoction of herbs, wheat germ oil. Add juice to the mixture. Pour into molds and place in the freezer. After a working day, you wash off all makeup from your face, you can clean it with a tonic, take out a piece of healing ginger ice and apply it to your eyelids. Then rotate counterclockwise. 10-15 circles will be enough. After 7-8 procedures, be sure to take a break.

Keep another version of the ginger mask for swelling of the face:

  • 1 tsp grated ginger;
  • 1 tsp grated apple or grated raw potato.

Mixed, applied to the face, waited 20 minutes and that's it. After rinsing, you can apply a moisturizer if desired. Alternate the option with potatoes and apples, see which option is more effective for your skin.

Will the stinging root help acne on the face?

If the tolerance test is passed successfully, then you can fight acne with ginger methods. What are the options:

  1. Grate the root, squeeze the juice. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply it on the pimples. With a slight burning sensation, you can dilute ginger juice with lemon or ordinary boiled water. In both cases, stick to a 1: 1 ratio. Lemon juice is recommended for those with oily skin.
  2. Make a ginger face lotion. You haven't seen the simplest recipe yet. A teaspoon of grated root is poured with a glass of boiling water. All this let it infuse until the water turns brown. It's time to strain it. Wipe your face with this lotion once a day.
  3. No less effective in the fight against acne ginger tincture for the face. 1 tsp pour grated root with medical alcohol (330 ml), let it infuse until brown. Apply directly to the face.

Is ground ginger just as effective?

During the ginger season (roughly from November to March) fresh root can be found. What to do in warm weather? Is it possible to replace it with ground spice? Will there be the same effect as grated ginger masks?

Fresh ginger root is unbeatable. If it is sold on store shelves, definitely buy it, thinly peel it and rub it on a grater immediately before the procedure. However, this product is rarely found fresh on supermarket shelves, so the use of ground spices is not something shameful.

Feel free to pour the spice with boiling water and add to masks. Always try a quick test and check the expiration date on the package. Do not use stale, damp, lumpy seasoning at all.


I really love ginger tea. In winter, this is simply a must-have for our family. And now I also fell in love with homemade ginger beauty products. I make lotion, we use it with my mother. She is experimenting with a rejuvenating mask, I am experimenting with a ginger-honey mask. Such a direct sauna effect on the face, the mask is very warm, but after washing off I am very pleased. The skin is pleasant to the touch, calm, it feels like it is breathing for the first time in a whole day.

What ginger masks can still be made at home?

Mask with honey, ginger and lemon

  • 3 art. l. grated ginger;
  • 3 art. l. honey;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients and refrigerate for half an hour.

Apply the paste on a cleansed face, the duration of the mask is up to 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water. You can repeat the procedure every 3 days. Who has dry skin - once a week. After several such sessions, a tightening, toning effect is visible, black dots become smaller.

Face mask with ginger and honey - real reviews

For our mask you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Ginger root - 100 gr.
  2. Lemon juice - 1 tsp
  3. Honey - 2 tsp

Ginger rub on a fine grater, add lemon juice to it.

And at the end we put honey. All this is well mixed.

And put in the refrigerator. The mask should be infused for 60-90 minutes. The mask is good for soothing irritated skin. Keep on the face for 5-7 minutes.

I do this mask 2 times a week.

Ginger mask with lemon, green clay and green tea

  • 1 tsp grated ginger root;
  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 4 tsp green clay;
  • 20 ml green tea.

Make tea ahead of time. By the way, a decoction of chamomile is also suitable. So, mix all the ingredients according to the recipe, apply on a clean face, soak for 15 minutes. Wash off with plain water at room temperature. Such a mask eliminates oily sheen, actively affects acne, and is considered an antimicrobial procedure.

Ginger and Turmeric Mask

Take ginger powder and turmeric in a 1:1 ratio, dilute with a little water. You can use pre-brewed green tea, but it is not necessary. Bring the mixture to a paste. Keep on the skin for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off. This is an effective option for those who are tired of fighting with problem skin. Acne and even boils are defenseless against such a "golden" weapon.

How aloe and ginger fought acne

Prepare a miracle facial treatment with aloe and ginger juice and start your fight against acne.

Inflammations on the skin must be treated from the inside, but do not forget about the skin, soothe it with a tonic:

  • 50 g of ginger juice;
  • 30 g of aloe juice.

Just mix these ingredients, then wipe your face with a clean sponge dipped in tonic. Wash your face after half an hour.

Ginger Cinnamon Facial Mask

  • 30 g grated ginger;
  • 1 st. l. cinnamon;
  • 1 st. l. almond oil;
  • 2 tsp grapefruit juice.

Connect all components. Apply the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. You can do the procedure twice a week. Indication for use - aging skin.

Face mask with ginger and banana

  • a third of a banana;
  • 2 tsp olive oil;
  • 1 tsp ground ginger (can be replaced with ginger juice in the same amount);
  • egg white.

Whip the protein into a stiff foam. Blend banana, ginger and butter until smooth. Gently add protein to the mixture, mix. Now distribute part of the composition on the face, wait for it to dry, apply a second layer, then a third. The last layer is kept for no more than 10 minutes. Then gradually soak the mask and wash off the remnants. This procedure is also called "Minus 10 years". It sounds immodest, so my hands itch to try it on myself.

Ginger Facial Scrub

Prepare just 2 ingredients - ginger root and ground coffee. Grate our main burning component. Take about the same amount of coffee. Mix, massage with movements on the face, and if desired, on the whole body. Keep on the skin for about 5 minutes, rinse.

Ginger oil: properties and applications in cosmetology

Ginger oil is a very valuable product of wide action. It is used for facial skin, and for hair, and in anti-cellulite wraps.

For cosmetic purposes, you can cook it yourself. To do this, cut the ginger into thin slices, place in a glass jar, pour vegetable oil. Which one you choose is not so important, it is desirable that it be an odorless product. In a dark place, our root should spend three weeks. On the 22nd day, ginger oil is officially ready. However, it can only be used for non-edible purposes.

A few words about useful properties:

  • fights rashes;
  • soothes the skin;
  • has an antimicrobial effect;
  • stimulates hair growth;
  • fights orange peel;
  • tightens pores, restores water balance;
  • rejuvenates skin cells.

Now you know how to use ginger root at home. Here are masks that, in their effect, are not inferior to salon procedures. Do not be lazy and make them - pamper your skin with natural ingredients.