Medical abortion: drugs, technology, consequences. Medical interruption of pregnancy in early terms: in priority Security

Medical interruption of pregnancy sometimes saves a woman from preserving unwanted pregnancy. Scientists were looking for a method of abortion without tools for many years. Gynecologists of Ukraine use medicinal abortion since 2004.

Preparation for medical interruption of pregnancy

Preparation includes smear on the flora and intravaginal ultrasound to establish the period of pregnancy and the location of the fetal egg. Also specifies the presence of a woman of chronic diseases that can become contraindications for drug interruption. Before the procedure, do not eat anything salted and fat, smoked, after the medicinal abortion you can not take a bathroom and go to the pool until everything is over. It is impossible to eat 3 hours before interrupting and less than 2 hours after.

Efficiency of drug interrupting

Medical interruption of pregnancy is manifested as more painful than usual, monthly. Interrupt efficiency - 95%. The plus of the medicinal abortion can be called that when it does not need a common anesthesia. You just get a tablet and drink it with a doctor. After 72 hours, you go to the clinic again, where you give a tablet to reduce the uterus. A day later, abundant bleeding begins.

Dates of medical abortion of pregnancy

Dates of medical interruption of pregnancy: 5-6 weeks. The drug abortion is done after a complete gynecological inspection. Side Effects: Nausea, Headache. Contraindicated with heart defects with severe heart failure, tuberculosis, hypertension and moma, obesity and diabetes.

How is the medical interruption of pregnancy?

Medical interruption of pregnancy begins with a preliminary conversation of a woman with a doctor. It is reported on possible contraindications and complications and the very essential method. Next, they take blood tests for HIV, hepatitis, a ray factor and smear on the flora and do ultrasound to clarify the term. A woman signs consent.

As for pain sensations, it all depends on the period: the more the term of pregnancy, the more intense pain.

After the medicinal abortion, a woman pick up contraception. The conception can come immediately, so you need to start to be protected immediately.


In any case, a woman passes through such stages of drug abortion:

  • A woman calls the clinic and is recorded at the reception to the doctor, pointing out that she wishes to make an abortion to the drug. Food is not accepted for 3 hours.
  • At the reception, the doctor does ultrasound.
  • You are warned of possible complications of procedures and contraindications to it, conduct a familiarization conversation.
  • Together with the gynecologist, you choose one of the preparations of production of France or Russia.
  • Analyzes may also be assigned if you did not make them shortly before interrupting. Results are ready after 1 day.
  • The drug is accepted at the doctor.
  • For 72 hours, pain and selection appear, similar to menstruation.
  • After the start of the pain and bleeding are taken by prostaglandins. For 5 days, the fruit egg comes out entirely.
  • The next step is the control ultrasound.

Remember that the vagina is a house for bacteria. That is why strokes are made before the medicinal abortion. Bacteria when disclosure of the neck can penetrate the uterus. Unfortunately, there is sometimes toxic shock with a fatal outcome, but it is stubbornly silent.

Choose a clinic, the doctors of which have long been carried out the procedure of the medicinal abortion. This will help reduce complications to a minimum.

Pills for medication interrupting pregnancy

Tablets for drug interruption of pregnancy: Mithferibon, Mifhepin, Mifeprex, Mytholian, RU-486. The active ingredient of all these drugs is a mifepristone. This is a complex molecule that has a comprehensive effect on the female organism configured to preserve pregnancy. If there was an irregular menstrual cycle before taking the tablets, the problem may be aggravated.

The drug abortion is carried out by drugs, which includes myfpristone: Mifhegin, Mifeprex, Mytholian, RU-486. Experts always carefully prepare a woman for receiving these drugs. The doctor discusses with a patient anamnesis, all the diseases that she had or is.


The mifepristone blocks the hormone receptors supporting the course of pregnancy.

Medical interruption of pregnancy by mifepristone is better transferred than the operation. Before the procedure, you confirm your awareness that in the future may need a surgical abortion due to the incomplete removal of the fetal egg. After the adoption of mythiperiston, on the 2nd day you come to the clinic again and take another drug that is expelled the embryo for 1 hour. Blood selection lasts 10 days, after which you come to the control ultrasound. In isolated cases, after taking the drug, diarrhea, dizziness and nausea is possible.

Mifepristone has such contraindications:

  • Pregnancy against the background of using intrauterine spirals.
  • Scar after cesarean section.
  • Leiomioma.
  • Lack of kidneys, liver.
  • Blood coagulation disorders.
  • Anemia.
  • Asthma.
  • Diseases of the female genital sphere.

After admission, severe pain can be observed at the bottom of the abdomen, dizziness and vomiting. May increase temperature. Do not take any painkillers and antipyretic - they can stop the abortion. You can take an analogue or but-shp in the extreme case. Better call a doctor who has conducted an abortion. You will be given emergency phones for which you can get advice. If for some reason you cannot contact this doctor, with severe pain, constant vomiting and fever cause an ambulance.


Medical interruption of pregnancy with the help of Mifgyna - alternative to scraping. Unsuccessful result, incomplete extraction of fertilized eggs is possible in 5% of cases.

Mifhegin - progesterone antagonist. The mucous membrane of the uterus under his influence begins to reject. Abortion pills - serious interference in the body, it is impossible to be called completely harmless.

The first visit to the doctor includes inspection on the chair, consultation of the patient, signing the appropriate paper - an abortion for abortion, ultrasound to confirm the term and first reception of the tablets. The following visit should take place after 72 hours. During this visit, the prohibition of prostaglandin is expelled from the uterus. The clinic needs to be under the supervision of 1.5 hours. If the pain is very strong, you can give No-Shpu. Possible short-term diarrhea.

After 12-16 days you need to do ultrasound. If for some reason the pregnancy is preserved, they make an ordinary abortion.

In the intervals between the visits you can not attend the sauna and take alcohol.


Medical interruption of pregnancy Pencrofton - an alternative to surgical abortion. Advantages of the drug abortion by the Russian drug Pencrofton:

  • Early abortion for the second day after conception (for example, if you have become a victim of violence).
  • The lack of danger of infection with hepatitis, as it happens when abortion, if the toolkit is poorly sterilized.
  • Lower Cost.
  • The scraping can cause a scar in the uterus or gunpowder, bleeding, threatening life. When taking Pencrofton, this is not.
  • Immediately restore fertility.
  • No narcosis need.
  • No need to go to the hospital.
  • The risk of depression after an abortion is reduced.

The drug was developed in 1990. It is expelled embryos from the uterus, opening the neck. Abortion of pregnancy Pencrofton is possible up to 7 weeks. It can only be applied in clinics. The patient gives 3 tablets once, and she goes home. Then, after 72 hours, it gives it a drug that is expelled to the fruit, which stopped its development during this time. After 16 days, ultrasound and scraping are carried out if necessary (it is rare).

When taking the panco attracton, there is a minimum of side effects, as a rule, it is only nausea and a sense of weakness, a slight increase in body temperature within 4 hours.


Medical interruption of pregnancy Mizoprostol in Kiev can be made in many specialized clinics. Mizoprostol is a drug for interrupting the pregnancy of the last generation. As a result of the operation of the uterine muscles under its action, the fetal egg is pushed.

The method eliminates psychogenic injury and best suited to young bloveless girls.

Abortion after 1-15 days happens in 65-85% of cases. Introduction After 1-3 days of an analogue of prostaglandin increases this figure to 88-98%. The same results were obtained when using Pennelofton. Thus, the optimal diagram of the procedure for drug interrupting of pregnancy today is 600 mg of mifepristone with introduction through 36-72 hours of prostaglandins.


Duphaston after medication interruption of pregnancy is prescribed in a pedaging period. On the 16th day, after the ultrasound, Dupaston is prescribed 10 mg twice a day for 10 days. Duphaston is an active progestogen. It is used in a number of gynecological diseases. With its reception there are no unwanted hormonal disorders. Duphaston does not affect liver cells and blood pressure.

Together with Duphaston, a gynecologist can assign multivitamins or special vitamin complexes that are used in stressful situations. Abortion, surgical or drug is stress for a woman. As a result, not only the nervous system, but also the heart can suffer. Sometimes a pre-headed psychosis is developing. The first reaction is always relief. But then a woman often experiences remorse, she has a self-esteem, on this day every year she can cry. Helps awareness of what happened. You can mourn your child. Very important support for loved ones, but unfortunately the husband does not always understand why the wife suddenly became cold with him. The final getting rid of the feeling of guilt is long. Medical interruption of pregnancy is usually easier to transferred to women, does not so much affect the mental state.

The consequences of medication abortion

The consequences of the drug interruption of pregnancy are mainly reduced to nausea, diarrhea and monthly delay of up to 12 weeks, headaches, chills, endometritis. Extremely rare such side effects such as swelling of quinque, uterine break and toxic shock. Toxic shock can lead to death.

Pregnancy is not interrupted in 3% of cases. Then you have to make scraping. As a result, inflammatory diseases can be aggravated, spikes and infertility are developing - not immediately, it happens, the woman will pregnant and give birth, but inflammation exacerbates several times and leads to infertility.

During pregnancy, the nervous system is rebuilt. The body is configured to getting into pregnancy. Medical interruption of pregnancy artificially stops this process. Therefore, the neurosis is so frequent, so-called. Putting syndrome. Rarely with medicinal abortion bind diseases of the thyroid gland, explaining all the accident at the Chernobyl. And in vain. The thyroid gland takes part in the regulation of hormones that support pregnancy, albeit not as explicitly as the ovaries and the pituitary. It is clear that the abortion goes because of despair, the sudden collapse of the plans. But if you think about it, then there is no safe abortion. Most of us have carious teeth, tonsillitis or rhinitis. These are infectious foci. After an abortion made by in any way, a woman's immune system will dramatically weaken. Harmful bacteria from the vagina can get into the uterus. Especially high risk of infection is from the vagina, because it is located closest, but theoretically blood flow infection can be involved in the uterus from any focus in the body, even carious tooth.

Of course, the listed consequences most often occur with a surgical abortion. But during the drug abortion, the cervix takes place during the exile of the fetal egg. Through these gates easily penetrates infection.

For the consequences to have a minimum, drug interruption should end with rest for your body. A month can not be playing sports, no sexual proximity, take a shower and do not bathe in open water bodies, do not go to the sauna, swimming pool, do not take the bathroom earlier than 3 weeks after the medicinal abortion.


Harm of medication abortion is due to the blocking of progesterone receptors. There are no injuries to the uterus, so complications are found much less often than with traditional abortion. Frequent complication - incomplete expulsion of the fetus (about 10%). Possible long-term uterine bleeding. There are cases of toxic shock after taking "tablets from pregnancy".


Rarely, but still it is possible to face serious complications after the medication of pregnancy. First of all, this is the lack of effect from the drug or incomplete abortion. Menstruation can also become irregular or very abundant. Allergy is possible. With the appearance of any alarming signs, you need to immediately ask for advice in the clinic, where an abortion was conducted.


The discharge after drug interruption is usually browned, with blood and often bother even if strong bleeding has already ended. To remove all suspicions, be sure to visit the gynecologist and do ultrasound for 14-16 days after an abortion. If one and a half months after the medicinal abortion is not stopped, this suggests that a failure in the hormonal system has occurred. To correct this state, the doctor may prescribe oral contraceptives (mini-saw or combined).

You also need to pay attention to the yellow selection. This may be a sign of purulent inflammation, which developed due to the fact that you wore a dead child for some time. Yellow discharge after drug abortion can be a sign of the reproduction of the intestinal stick.


Medical interruption of pregnancy is considered the safest way, but this does not mean its harmlessness. Sometimes it happens that after an abortion develops abundant bleeding. It can lead to blood loss threatening life. In this case, it is necessary to lie down and call an ambulance, without hiding what you made a medicinal abortion. Normal is considered small, no more menstrual, bleeding up to the occurrence of menstruation after a medicated abortion. If you have to change more than one night gasket within an hour, consult medical attention.


Pain after drug interruption of pregnancy each woman has different intensity. They are caused by a reduction in the uterine muscles. How strong will pain, depends on the painful threshold and the period of pregnancy. Anesthetic drugs with unbearable pains should be appointed by a doctor, because many of these drugs can suppress the abortion. Pain after medicinal abortion lasts for two days. Normal is considered to be painful more intense than ordinary pains during menstruation. Several menstruation cycles can also be painful. The gynecologist can appoint you a course of physiotherapy or gynecological massage if pain and bleeding are very intense, long. To avoid the development of infection in the uterus, the control ultrasound is necessary to make sure for 16 days, even if you do not have any complaints. Pain in the stomach, temperature rise, green and curls - all these are signs of attachment infection. Medical interruption of pregnancy, made in all rules, in three visits, rarely leads to such consequences. 98% of cases of complications for drug abortion is associated with ignoring medical recommendations.


The temperature after drug interruption of pregnancy usually rises not higher than 37.5ºС and lasts no more than 4 hours. Temperature up to 37.2c can hold on to about 10 days. It is associated with the increased content of progesterone. Tightening the treatment of a possible infectious process in the uterus leads to infertility. Blood clots and fever, too abundant bleeding should be a reason for the ultrasound examination of the small pelvis organs before the appointed period of the term (usually, 14-16 days after interruption). If the abortion appeared temperature and ailment, call a doctor home.


Nausea after medical interruption of pregnancy is not observed in all women and not long. If within an hour after the adoption of the drug, unfortunately, the tablets do not affect. You will be guided by a vacuum abortion.

If a woman is strongly worried about pain at the bottom of the abdomen, she can register but-shlu. Aspirin can not be taken. From nausea, you can take Cerukal. It has a contvious effect, blocking receptors. The maximum concentration of the drug is achieved in 30 minutes. Half-life - 5 hours. Adult dose - 10 mg 3 times a day. Possible side effects: headache, increased fatigue, fear, tachycardia, skin itch. Contraindications: Individual sensitivity, intestinal obstruction, epilepsy.

Restoration after drug interruption of pregnancy

Restoration after drug interrupting pregnancy should include a number of events. Abortion is a severe injury, no matter how much way it was done. After the medicinal abortion, pay special attention for 2-3 months. Do not raise gravity. Ask your homework to help you clean up. Gynecologist can assign you procedures, gynecological massage. Be sure to attend physicies, if the doctor advised you. After an abortion can progress vegetative-vascular dystonia and nervous disorders. Avoid stress and colds - the drug interruption of pregnancy weakens the protective forces of the body. From water procedures, only shower first and a half months are allowed. Warning constipation. Change underwear regularly. The first month will exclude significant strengths, sports. You can have sex after the first after the abortion of menstruation. Mythpriston is incompatible with alcohol intake. We also recommend making mammography.


Medical interruption of pregnancy, starting in 1999, made every second woman. Alas, these are statistics. Without abortions, a small number of women costs his life. Blood selection after that last another two weeks. At this time, from sex, of course, you need to refrain. The risk of inflammation, if not complying with this recommendation, increases. The same applies to the proximity during menstruation.


Pregnancy after medical abortion pregnancy is desirable to plan no earlier than in 3 months. Pregnancy, which comes before, is a great risk of complications. Medical interruption of pregnancy in 95% does not affect the further possibility of conception, you can get pregnant in the next cycle, so take care of contraception. After the medicinal abortion is often broken immunity, so if you do not restore the body, you can pick up some infection during pregnancy. Monthly after medication interruption of pregnancy monthly after drug interrupts in the norm is restored immediately. Normal is considered to be a delay of monthly up to 20 days. But 70% of women they come on time. With strong grapple-shaped pains during menstruation after the drug abortion, you need to consult a doctor - it happens if the embryo is not all.

Also, the pharmacet can be done by contacting the Demera Kyiv clinic (Poznyaki district). Here also conducts colposcopy of the cervical and prophylactic examinations of women at affordable prices, treatment of STDs, Klimaks, menstrual disorders. Remember that with a hidden course of diseases, there are no pronounced symptoms, such as bleeding and pain at the bottom of the abdomen. Regular passage of inspections helps to avoid severe diseases, incl. Oncological. The rockery tumor never occurs on a healthy fabric.

The center performs 300 types of tests. Here you can comfortably go through the rehabilitation after the medicinal abortion, get psychological assistance if necessary.

The Atlanta Medical Center is also located on the left bank of the Dnieper in Kiev. Here you can undergo a medical interruption of pregnancy in early terms (6-7 weeks). Also in the center, sex infections, gynecological and venereal diseases are treated, conduct a gynecological and common massage.

In the clinic "Klіnіtsi Doroslich" on the Lepse boulevard in Kiev, you can make a drug interruption at an affordable price of 1200 UAH (ultrasound included). Here you will find an understanding. The gynecologists of the Center know that the woman of any age is not insured against unwanted pregnancy by 100%, even if it takes contraceptive measures. Medical abortion conducted by an experienced gynecologist will not affect health. The procedure will be held in all the rules prescribed in the Pharmacate Protocol. The clinic for medical abortion uses a long time has long established, as a reliable and efficient, the drug is mifprovon. He is well tolerated by women. After the end of the bleeding, you will definitely pass the control ultrasound again.

The Medical Center "VEMAR" was also well established on the street. N. Bazhan (Kiev). Here the drug abortion is carried out on an early period - up to 42 days from 1 day of menstruation. The normal size of the uterus, the absence of an embryo on the ultrasound and uncomfortable sensations during the test inspection speaks of a successful drug abortion. The doctors of the clinic do everything possible to reduce side effects to a minimum. The gynecologists of the center are also treated with colpites, vaginites and inflammation of the appendages of uterus, polyps and endometriosis. The urologist of the Center provides assistance in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as inflammatory diseases of prostate and sexual disorders in men.

As you can see, choosing a medical clinic carrying out drug interruption, wide. The drug abortion method is called upon by the most gentle health.

Medical interruption of pregnancy (pharmacet) is not a way to control the birth rate, but a serious medical procedure, which can lead to a different kind of complications. Its essence is that the woman at the set time should take hormonal pills to make a drug abortion and provoking the exile of the fruit egg from the uterine cavity.

According to WHO, such an abortion is recognized as the most gentle method, but it does not always give a guaranteed result. With an increase in the period of pregnancy, the effectiveness of the procedure is significantly reduced.

If a woman wants to interrupt pregnancy, preference is always given to the most efficient ways - drug-based, or (for example, Kurezh is ideal if there is a placental polyp).

Is it possible to make a drug abortion at 7 weeks, eighth or later deadlines? The optimal option is 14 days after the delay. The reason is that after 6 weeks the fruit egg is already quite well attached to the wall of the uterus, therefore the likelihood of its preservation increases. For example, if a drug abortion is made for 8 weeks, its effectiveness rarely exceeds 88%.

Contraindications and indications

There are no strict indications of an abortion performed by a medication method. Woman herself must decide, save or stop pregnancy.

Relative medical testimony to its interruption are:

  • diseases threatening the full development of the baby;
  • severe genetic, somatic, infectious diseases;
  • reception of drugs that can cause ugliness and disrupt the full development of the fetus.

Social testimony:

  • minor age;
  • rape;
  • lack of husband;
  • disability I or II in the already existing child;
  • departure of the period in places of detention.

With such a fairly serious procedure, as an abortion, the main contraindications for the interruption of pregnancy with the help of drug funds will be:

  • allergies to preparations used for abortion;
  • fiber or;
  • severe renal or liver failure;
  • availability ;
  • diseases of blood coagulation system;
  • anemia;
  • receiving funds that dilute blood;
  • high blood pressure, etc.

What is a procedure

In the usual sense, the drug interruption does not look like an abortion: a woman comes to the clinic, taking a doctor's doctor under the leadership, and then she just starts abundant "monthly", during which the exile of the fetal eggs occurs together with blood.


At the first reception, the gynecologist clarifies the woman all contraindications, risks, possible complications, and how is being done in general terms, medication abortion, and what should be expected after it.

Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics

Before making this step and decide on a medical, vacuum or other type of abortion, a woman must pass a large number of research:

  • General (clinical) blood test , urine, (human chorionic gonadotropin), the level of which in the early deadlines is proof of pregnancy. An analysis on syphilis (RW) is also rented, an ECG is made.
  • Ultrasound . During ultrasound research, the fact of the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus is confirmed, an ectopic pregnancy is excluded, as well as tumor formations of uterus and ovaries.
  • Inspection from narrow-profile specialists . Their consultation is necessary if a woman has any serious diseases. Also, it may be necessary to correct the reception of drugs regularly consumed by the patient so that drugs for drug interruption of emerging pregnancy have proven to be effective.
  • Checking blood coagulation system . For this, a coagulogram is usually assigned, because if the blood is poorly folded, it may occur strong.

Direct preparation for abortion

If during the medical examination and the laboratory and diagnostic examination, there were no contraindications, the doctor gives the following recommendations:

  • For a week, exclude alcohol, smoking, reception of anticoagulants and some other drugs.
  • On the day of the adoption of the first dose of the drug, food should be easily friendly.
  • For the entire period of the abortion (3-6 days), it is necessary to take care that someone in the event of a deterioration in the state of the woman took care of her and keeping household on themselves.

How is the drug abortion

How do medicament abortion in a private or state clinic?

The procedure takes place in 3 stages:

  1. In the doctor's office.
  2. At home.
  3. Control visit to the doctor.

In the doctor's office, a woman who decided to make an abortion by a medication method, takes in the presence of a gynecologist 3 tablets of the mifepristone (600 mg), and then remains under its observation of 2 hours.

Usually before letting go home, the doctor issues a Mizoprostol tablet containing prostaglandin, leaves it its contact details and assigns the next visit to the clinic. This is done because it needs to be observed, as a woman passes the interruption of pregnancy, whether medication means have the necessary action, whether possible complications are not developing.

At home after 1.5-2 days, the patient takes 2 Mizoprostol tablets (400 μg), enhancing the contraction of the muscles of the uterus. During the abortion of pregnancy, some women have pronounced pain. In this case, medication should be used to remove pain.

How many days can the abortion of pregnancy be a medication? On average, up to 6-7 days. It is at this time that blood loss is the most significant, and allocations are abundant.

The control inspection is scheduled for 3 and 7-14 days. If, according to ultrasound and hgch-analysis, pregnancy has been prevented, they make vacuumspiration or classical scraping.

What to do after medication abortion

If a drug abortion has been made recently born to a woman, then how many weeks she can't breastfeed? According to the majority of specialists, it is necessary to refrain from breastfeeding for 2 weeks, because the drugs used in the drug abortion penetrate into breast milk, and their action on the body of the baby is unexplored.

In general, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • Avoid heavy physical exertion, lifting weights during bleeding.
  • The first month after the transferred medal in the case of menstruation to use only gaskets and temporarily abandon the tampons and menstrual cap.
  • Throughout the entire period of selection from the vagina, it is impossible to take a bath, go to the pool, etc.
  • How many weeks is shown sexual rest? Sex after a medication abortion should be postponed for 3 weeks - 1 month. After interrupting, a new pregnancy may occur immediately with the resumption of sexual life. Therefore, it is important to use.

As the reproductive system will behave after the abortion of pregnancy has been done by drugs, it is impossible to predict: at the following monthly, chest hurts and the abdomen is stronger than usual than usual, others lengthen menstruation, etc.

In general, cycle changes are rarely observed, and if the abortion passed without complications, the picture of blood release during menstruation after it was the same as it was before the drug interruption.


Although the metabort is considered the least dangerous procedure, it can lead to a number of complications:

  • Failed abortion . This state occurs if the procedure is performed on the period of more than 6 weeks, as well as when taking medication drugs that reduce the effectiveness of the mifepristone.
  • Incomplete abortion . In this case, fragments of the fetal egg remain inside the uterus, which can lead to various negative consequences, including the fatal outcome. It is possible to suspect an incomplete abortion with a sudden cessation of bleeding when the fragment of a fetal egg clogs the cervical channel, as well as with a sharp gain of the selection during the period of pregnancy with the help of medication.
  • Failure in the hormonal system . Pregnancy is a hormonal restructuring of the body. Therefore, even in the early deadlines, its interrupt causes a failure of this system, which can be perceived by the body as a stressful state. For example, as a result of this, after an abortion conducted with the help of drugs, a chest can be hurting, breaking monthly or sharpening chronic diseases.
  • Complications related to drug reception . After making drugs during the drug abortion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach hurts, headache occurs, the temperature increases, the overall weakness occurs, the sensations of tides. Also possible dizziness, a sharp drop of blood pressure, loss of consciousness, allergic reactions.
  • Uterine bleeding . Abundant bleeding can lead to a significant loss of blood up to the loss of consciousness. Therefore, if at home bleeding at a drug abortion is enhanced and exceeds the expected amount of blood secured, should be immediately contacted by the doctor.

Maybe after the medal, there is a placental polyp? Unfortunately, yes, if all particles of the fetal egg were removed.

How to avoid complications

To avoid complications, including the appearance of a placental polypa and abundant blood release, on the eve of the abortion of pregnancy, a negligivity should be a thorough examination. It does not need to hide the facts of the use of any drugs, the presence of a placental polypa after a previously conducted metataca, as well as serious diseases that can become a contraindication to the procedure.

The decision to make the abortion of pregnancy with medication or any other method should be weighted, taking into account all "for" and "against", and not be accepted on the basis of emotions. It is also important to take into account the possible psychological consequences.

Pros and cons of drug abortion

Obvious advantages Compared to other types of pregnancy interruption:

  • minimal traumatization of the walls of the uterus;
  • abortion can already be performed from the first one-day day of the delay of menstruation;
  • rapid restoration of the state;
  • in early conduct of the conduct - effectiveness of 95%.

Possible disadvantages of the procedure:

  • high risk of bleeding;
  • pregnancy pregnancy in 5-22% of cases (depends on the period of pregnancy);
  • a large number of contraindications.

What is better with placental polype: drug abortion or nevertheless scraping? In this case, the scraping, because during this procedure it will be deleted.

Medical interruption of pregnancy is not a way to control the birth rate - for this there are methods of contraception. However, in the event of some circumstances, as a result of which a woman decides to make an abortion, this method will be the most gentle. To minimize the risk of possible complications, it is necessary to undergo a survey and adhere to all recommendations of the doctor.

Useful video about medication abortion


Hello, dear readers! In the article we will talk about the drug interruption of pregnancy. We describe the procedure for conducting a medication abortion. Consider contraindications and possible side effects.

If necessary, it is necessary to interrupt pregnancy use a surgical or medicament method. For a long time, the surgical method was the only way to interrupt pregnancy. Surgical operation carries the risk of various complications. Artificial abortion in the form of a surgical operation can be healthy great damage.

In 1977, the Scientific Group of the World Health Organization (WHO) made a report by calling to develop an abortion non-surgical method. In 1988 in France, after completing all tests, the drug "Mifepristone" was on sale. Abortions began to be conducted by the doctors in the early deadlines using medicines.

Medicine used:

production Russia:

  • Mifepristone
  • Mifeprex
  • Pencrofton

china production:

  • Mytholian

Production France:

  • Mifhegin

The above-mentioned drugs include a mifprovon, open by French researchers. Posnior, Mizoprostol, and others are used in complex with myfribon.

The use of tablets reduced the number of possible complications, but did not exclude completely.

What are the reasons for abortion, it is important to understand that this is the strongest stress for the body. During pregnancy, all systems and organs are configured to dry out the child. Making an abortion is forcibly interrupted by a new mode of operation of the body. Abortion of pregnancy carries possible negative consequences.

How does drug interruption occur?

The procedure is divided into several etodsin:

  1. A complete examination of the patient is carried out. A ultrasound study is done (ultrasound), the presence of chronic diseases is diagnosed, possible contraindications to the procedure are revealed, blood for analysis is reached.
  2. Received medication. The necessary dose of the drug based on the mifepristone, causing a detachment of the fruit egg and the fetal death. There is a dynamic observation of a woman by a doctor for complications. The patient holds at least two hours in a medical institution. In the end, the doctor gives recommendations for the next stage.
  3. Prostaglandins are taken. After two days at home, the prostaglandins of misoprostol or the mirobrand causing bleeding is carried out. Depending on the selected scheme, a particular drug is selected by the doctor.
  4. A control ultrasound study is carried out (ultrasound). For the fourth day, the doctor conducts an ultrasound to confirm the end of the abortion. Results are estimated. If necessary, instrumental intervention is assigned.

On average, 3% of drug abortion fails. Doctors are forced to resort to instrumental interventions (scraping).

The success of the procedure depends on the drug, and the individual characteristics of the body of a woman.

According to the latest international data, abortion with medicines is an effective method of abortion to 14 weeks. Also, international communities have been revealed that the following aspects are not to the contraindication to the "pharmacut":

  1. scar in the uterus,
  2. pregnancy twins,
  3. obesity,
  4. breast-feeding.


  • Heavy form of anemia,
  • Possible allergic reactions to drugs
  • Presence of ectopic pregnancy
  • The presence of hereditary porphyria, diseases with a violated balance of chemicals with which Porphyrin is produced in the body,
  • Corticosteroid reception
  • Diabetes,
  • Acute hepatic and renal failure.

Possible side effects:

  • Nausea,
  • Vomiting
  • Headache,
  • Subfebrile temperature
  • Violation of thermoregulation,
  • Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract,
  • Dizziness.

Side effects continue over a short period of time and are accompanied by low intensity.

The higher the term of pregnancy, the stronger the pain in the medication abortion and the higher the risk of complications. It is possible to appoint an anesthetic drug, such as ibuprofen, but-shp.

The starting bleeding is mainly reminded of menstruation and takes place for the eleventh day. Some women have bleeding for more than two weeks after an abortion.

Success in the abortion using medicines is achieved in 95% of cases.


The recovery period on average last one month. It is necessary to carefully monitor well-being. Woman recommended full-fledged vacation. Physical exertion and sex contacts should be excluded for a while. You should avoid visiting the bath, saunas. Take a bath, swim in the pool or outdoor reservoir is also contraindicated. The correct power and reception of the multivitamin complex will help speed up the recovery period.

On the eleventh day after an abortion, another pregnancy is possible. To eliminate unwanted pregnancy, the use of contraceptives. The gynecologist will help to choose the most appropriate method of contraception. Start to be protected immediately after an abortion. The onset of re-pregnancy in the first six months is not recommended.

Artificial abortion with medicines is a sufficiently safe and effective method of abortion in the first trimester. With information about the advantages and disadvantages of the method, as well as possible side effects, a woman can choose a more appropriate way to interrupt pregnancy. Abortion in most cases is accompanied by psychological problems. To eliminate unwanted pregnancy and subsequent visits to a psychologist, you must always remember contraception. Before going to the abortion, think more than once before accepting the fateful and, perhaps the most difficult solution in your life. A few years later, "insurmountable" circumstances, detaching to get rid of the baby, may seem trivia. But you will have your greatest happiness with you. In any case, the solution is yours.

See you in the next article.

Until recently of time It was believed that the pregnancy can be interrupted only by surgical intervention. However, today there are many other ways, among which the drug abortion began to use particularly popular. Some women believe that drinking a pill, they get rid of unwanted pregnancy. This is true, but do not forget about the possible complications that the reception of just one single tablet may entail.

Abortion "This is in itself a risky business, because it is not known how the body will react to such unceremonious interference in the vane structure of the female reproductive system. Someone can transfer 5 abortions and still keep the opportunity to conceive and endure a healthy child, and a different woman after the first abortion will become fruitless. The surgical method of interrupting pregnancy has been for many years, it can be said that the scheme of execution of such an abortion is worked out for years. It is impossible to say such a drug abortion, because really the results often exceed expectations, and not in good sense. No matter how much the safety of drug abortions have the benefits, the percentage of complications after it remains rather high enough, in particular, many women after provocation miscarriage can not have children for various reasons. And if in the process of operational abortion of pregnancy, the doctor can control the situation in one way or another, using various tools, watching what happens, if necessary, using drugs, then with the doctor's medication abortion, there is no such possibility. To some extent, the reception of the pill - maybe: either everything will pass well, or there will be complications with which it will have to fight.

How carried out medical abortion? It occurs in 2 stages. At first, the woman takes the first tablet that causes the fetal death. This tablet leads to a rise in growth, and the myometrium begins to actively shrink, which leads to the separation of the fetus from the uterus wall. After 36 - 48 hours, when the fruit died, a woman takes the second tablet. It stimulates the contractile activity of the uterus, and the deceased fruit is expelled out.

What are the most common complications of medication abortion? One of the difficult consequences of receiving a tablet is incomplete miscarriage. This means that part of the fetus, its shells can remain inside the uterus. The more the term of pregnancy, the higher the likelihood of such a complication during drug abortion. Then a real chain reaction can develop, which results in irreversible changes. The remaining part of the fetus provokes the development of an infectious process in the uterus.

Infectious process Amazes the mucous membrane, sometimes muscular shell. Do not forget that in the uterus there is some time there is a wound from the place of attachment of the fetus. If the infection falls in it, sepsis can develop. Unfortunately, the death rate from Sepsis is simply huge, the chances of a woman for survival in this case are minimized. In this regard, the drug abortion is contraindicated in women who have inflammatory diseases of the uterus or ovaries. In all cases, the drug abortion should be made only in the presence of a doctor who will observe the state of a woman and, if necessary, will provide first aid.

Spinted The fruit is carefully examined, all parts and the surrounding fabrics of the embryo are compared, nothing should stay in the uterus. Then the control ultrasound examination is made. If some piece lacks, it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention - scrape the uterus or apply vacuum aspiration. In addition, with medication abortion, the risk of developing bleeding is maintained, so that this method of abortion is contraindicated to women with reduced blood clotting. The drug abortion may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, strong pain in the abdomen and growth of blood pressure.

The technique of performing a traditional abortion is shown in the section for medical workers -

However, listing everything risks Complications of the drug abortion should not be noted that this embassy of pregnancy still remains in some plane promising, but requiring serious improvements in order to reduce the number of complications. Its efficiency is high enough, but it is possible to carry out a drug interruption of pregnancy only in early terms 6 - 7 weeks, when serious rearrangements in the body of a woman has not yet happened. The earlier the period, the higher the effectiveness of this method. It must be admitted that it is physically the least traumatic for the mucous membrane of the uterus, because it does not scrape it, especially the embryo on such lasting pregnancy holds in the wall of the uterus yet not firmly. However, only one tablet contains a truly slaughter dose of hormones. Because of this, the hormonal background of women can change for a long time. Even restore the normal menstrual cycle in some women after drug abortion is very difficult.
Summing up, we note a few basic principlesSuppose to reduce the risk of developing complications after medication abortion.

1. Reception of both tablets should occur in the presence of a doctor. After the pregnancy is interrupted, the woman must go and stay under observation for some time.
2. Before drug abortion, it is necessary to undergo a survey in the gynecologist in order to eliminate the presence of infectious diseases.
3. Medical interruption of pregnancy can be carried out no later than 48 days after the menstruation delay, that is, on the 6th week of pregnancy, but no more than this period.
4. After some time after a drug abortion (about a week), a woman should visit the gynecologist again, perhaps to hand over the necessary tests to eliminate the likelihood of late complications.

Training video testimony and contraindications for interrupting pregnancy (abortion)

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Practically for all women pregnancy is a long-awaited and happy event. Unfortunately, our life is far from perfect, and sometimes two cherished stripes instead of joy cause panic, despair and thoughts about the need for abortion. One of the possible ways is a drug abortion. But it is worth considering, on what time it is possible to interrupt the pregnancy with pills and what consequences it will entail.

Medical abortion: indications, efficiency

Abortion is a serious moral problem for most people. Every woman takes this decision based on family, religious, moral, financial, social and personal values. However, in addition to the conscious desire to get rid of the fetus, the abortion may affect the decision of the T.N. Medical indications - when high risk of abnormal pregnancy or childbirth is high.

The doctor may insist on interruption of pregnancy, if:

  • a woman has serious physical diseases or mental disorders that may be aggravated during pregnancy;
  • high probability of hereditary chromosomal anomalies by the child;
  • the environmental conditions in which the woman lives can jeopardize the health of the patient or the viability of the fetus;
  • mother has a narcotic dependence.

The doctor can provide information on the risks of pregnancy and childbirth, but the final decision always takes a woman

In recent years, a drug abortion (pharmacological, chemical, tableted) has become increasingly used to interrupt pregnancy in early terms. The procedure is carried out without surgery, with the help of special preparations - mifepristone and misoprostol.

Medical abortion is highly efficient: on a period of up to 8 weeks it is 98%, on the period of 8-9 weeks - 96%. At the later deadlines, the drug abortion is not used.

In contrast to surgical methods, the drug abortion does not injure the mucous membrane of the uterus, respectively, the risk of the development of secondary infertility is much lower. In the overwhelming majority there is no need for hospitalization. The body of the woman is restored quickly, and she will be able to return to normal life every other day or two.

Mythpriston and Mizoprostol are used in medicine for more than 20 years. There is still no reliable data that they in some way affect the subsequent pregnancy or the overall state of health.

Medical interruption of pregnancy: video

Preparation for the use of tablets in the early stages

Before starting an abortion procedure, the doctor should examine the patient and appoint it necessary surveys, including ultrasound and blood test to determine the overall condition of the body and the term of pregnancy. Also, the doctor will find out whether it does not fall into a group of women who are contraindicated by a medical abortion.

Contraindications to the conduct of medication abortion are:

  • the term of pregnancy is more than 9 weeks;
  • use by patient intrauterine spiral;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • allergies at least on one active ingredient;
  • serious health problems, such as hypertension, asthma, diabetes, etc.;
  • prolonged reception of some drugs, for example, steroids or anticoagulants;
  • long smoking experience in combination with age older than 35 years;
  • age under 18 years old.

Among other things, the doctor must make sure that the patient has access to urgent medical care in the event of serious complications.

Stages of medication abortion

The procedure for interrupting pregnancy consists of several stages.

Reception of mifepristone

The first stage should be held in the clinic under the supervision of a qualified physician. The mifepristone blocks the production of progesterone - hormone necessary for the normal course of pregnancy - and causes the embryo to separate from the wall of the uterus. The cervix softens and reveals. Nausea and pain at this stage are possible and should not cause concerns. However, if within an hour after the reception of myphempristone, a woman has a vomiting, it is necessary to inform you about this, you may need another dose of the drug. Sometimes after use, bleeding occurs, but this does not mean that the abortion is fully completed and the patient does not need to take the second drug.
Myfepriston interrupts pregnancy without physical intervention in the uterine cavity

Use Mizoprostol.

At the second stage (as a rule, after 48 hours after the first), it is necessary to accept the Mizoprostol - the drug that causes the cuts of the uterus and contributes to the expulsion of its contents. After some time after receiving (usually 2-3 hours), the uterus begins to shrink, and bleeding occurs. Most women have abundant bleeding with clots lasts 4-5 hours, but in some cases this period may be longer. Perhaps the doctor will advise to take antibiotics in order to prevent an infection.

According to the reviews of most women, an abortion at this stage resembles a miscarriage in the early deadlines or very painful periods (the smaller the term of pregnancy, the easier the whole period flows).

Common symptoms are:

  • abundant bleeding with large clots;
  • spasms, abdominal pain;
  • nausea or even vomiting;
  • stool disorder;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sweating;
  • increase temperatures up to 37-37.5 ° C.

If the unpleasant feelings are too intense, the doctor can advise a painful drug: usually it is ibuprofen or codeine (depending on the intensity of pain). However, it is necessary to avoid drugs that can enhance bleeding (for example, aspirin). For the same reason, it is impossible to take a hot bath for removing pain, it should be limited to a warm shower.

Intense pain can be removed using analgesics

Especially clearly all unpleasant sensations are manifested during the first day after making misoprostol. After that, most patients feel much better.

After the end of the second stage, small bleeding can continue within a few weeks. During this period, it is not recommended to use tampons to avoid infections.

Check inspection in a week

Seven or ten days after receiving Mizoprostol, you need to visit the doctor for the control ultrasound. Do not treat it frivolous. In the control examination, the doctor can identify the problems encountered at the previous stages, and begin the appropriate treatment.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to adhere to some recommendations:

  1. If you are breastfeeding, keep in mind that a small amount of drugs penetrates breast milk. There are no reliable information that they harm the child, but manufacturers recommend interrupting breastfeeding for the entire abortion period.
  2. It is impossible to take alcohol and it is strongly recommended to refrain from smoking until an abortion is completed.
  3. Within two weeks after the end of the abortion, it is impossible to have sex, use tampon, swim and take a bath. It should also be avoided by heavy physical work and supercooling.
  4. In most cases, doctors advise attempts to get pregnant within 6-12 months after an abortion. This time is enough to strengthen the immunity and stabilize the emotional state of the woman.

Possible complications

Complications after drug abortion are rare and even if they are usually relatively easily solved using qualified doctors. These include:

  • incomplete interruption of pregnancy;
  • incomplete purification of the uterine cavity;
  • abundant long bleeding, requiring medical intervention;
  • infectious diseases.

In very rare cases, complications may not only be serious, but also life-threatening. The reason for urgent appeal to the doctor are:

  • strong bleeding for two or more hours, in which per hour requires more than two maxi-gaskets;
  • clothes size more chicken egg for more than two hours;
  • spasms and abdominal pain that are not removed by painful drugs;
  • the temperature is 38 ° C and higher, which is kept more than 24 hours after receiving Mizoprostol;
  • weakness, nausea, vomiting and / or diarrhea, which lasts more than 24 hours after receiving mizoprostol;
  • no bleeding after the use of misoprostol during the day.

Preparations for drug abortion

There are a number of drugs that are used to conduct a medical abortion. Although they are not intended for free sale, they can be bought in some Internet pharmacies. However, I want to warn from their independent use. Only a qualified doctor can evaluate all risks in each particular case and conduct a procedure with the least negative consequences.

Prices for medicines depend on the producer country.

Preparations of myfepristone can be found on the market under the following trading names:

All these drugs are most effective under the period of pregnancy up to 42 days. Reception schemes may differ in various medical institutions, but manufacturers recommend taking 600 mg of myfpristone once under the supervision of the doctor. The remedy should be used on an empty stomach or at least two hours after a light breakfast.

Mizoprostol preparations:

  • Mizoprostol (China);
  • Mizotab (India);
  • Peaceful (Russia).

400 mg of misoprostol is taken on an empty stomach 48 hours after a mifepristone.

Emergency contraception preparations

The common belief that drug contraceptive preparations and pills for drug abortion are the same, is erroneous. In fact, the first prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. The second are used to interrupt the already existing pregnancy.

In emergency contraception preparations, the dose of hormones, which delay ovulation and thereby prevent conception.

The most famous belongs:

All drugs for emergency contraception must be taken no more than 72 hours after unprotected contact.