Guinea pig (lat. Savia Rocklus). Watch what is "guinea pigs" in other dictionaries. Accommodation for pet

Sea pigs Self
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Guinea pigs We are widely popular as pets from the moment of their appearance in Europe in the 16th century. Their fitness, original coloring, relative simplicity of content and ease of breeding, still maintain the mass spread of these rodents as domestic animals. Oddly enough, the domestic name of this fluffy animal does not fully correspond to his lifestyle. For its content you will not need an aquarium with sea water. In principle, the aquarium can be used, only without water, in the form of a terrarium, remove the glass vessel is even easier.

So why are the guinea pigs so called? Information about guinea pigs is found in the records of Spaniards, landed on the shores of South America. When they saw these animals for the first time, they reminded milk piglets. This is one of the versions, why guinea pig - pig. In addition, the pigs were bred for meals, as well as in Europe, ordinary pigs. There are a few more assumptions why the guinea pig is the pig. First, when the animal is alarming, or vice versa, satisfied, it makes sounds similar to scattering or stroke. And secondly, the lower parts of the fines of the pigs are reminded by the empty. Definitely, these rodents were named by the Spaniards who brought them to Europe, and then this name was distributed in all countries. But they are called their marines only in Germany and Russia. It is believed that they were originally called overseas, since they were delivered to these countries by sea. Over time, the name has been simplified, and they began to call them simply.

These popular pets belong to rodents and their content in something similar to the maintenance of the house. Organizations and private breeders engaged in the content and breeding of guinea pigs, exist all over the world. They brought many different breeds of these animals, with a variety of colorful, pattern and long wool. Some of them can be viewed in the photo in the text, and just below the funny video about the guinea pig and the cat. Just keep in mind that far from always these rodents get along well with home and.

Sea pigs, unfortunately, no longer exist in the wild. The domestication of these animals began about 5,000 years before AD, they used them mainly as a source of food. They were indigenous people of South America, which they say fossil samples. Scientists believe that modern guinea pigs are descendants of now extinct such wild species that lived in North and South America. The colonization of these territories has led to the use of guinea pigs as pets in Europe, and ultimately around the world. On this page of the site "" We will look at these rodents.

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It is assumed that before its disappearance, these animals were quite a flexible species, and could exist in various conditions. For example, they adapted to survival in a wide range of heights, from sea level up to 4000 meters above it. And although research has shown that they cannot survive in extreme hot or cold conditions, guinea pigs could exist in a wide range of temperatures from 22 ˚ C, during the day and up to -7 ˚ C at night.

Guinea pigs are bumpy rodents who weigh from 700 to 1100 g, while usually males are larger than females. They have a small, compact, cylindrical body shape, from 20 cm to 25 cm long, small, petal shape of the ears, located on the top of the head. The mouth, in these animals, small, triangular shape, contains 20 teeth. As with many other rodents, the teeth of the guinea pig are continuously growing, and their length is maintained due to the heating during feeding.

As a result of the artificial selection of this animal, about 20 different phenotypes, different from each other, painting and 13 phenotypes differing in the texture of wool and its length are derived. At the same time, their wild ancestors are believed to have a short chestnut coat masking them from predators.


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Since guinea pigs no longer exist in a natural habitat, evaluating the features of their reproduction in nature is difficult. In the domestic conditions, mating strongly depends on the person, the reproduction is possible and a pair and in the group, depending on how animals contain. When the content of several individuals in one aviary or a cell is possible, serious collisions are possible between the males, especially when Saka is only one.

Guinea pigs reaches sexual maturity at the age of 2 - 2.5 months. The period of females usually occurs from 3 to 4 times a year, and lasts about 16 days. Pairing is mainly happening at night. These animals do not observe seasonal dependence in reproduction. The female pregnancy lasts from 2 to 2.5 months, depending on the age and conditions of content.

The average size of the litter is usually 3 cubs. Radiation of young mother from the mother is recommended in 2 - 3 weeks after childbirth. The females of guinea pigs are quite little care about their offspring. Puppies, as a rule, survive independently, without significant maternal concern. Guinea pigs can live in captivity in good conditions up to 14 years, but usually the average life expectancy is about 8 years. Reproductive functions of guinea pigs fade significantly earlier, they usually cease to multiply after 3.5 years.


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Guinea pigs - sociable, cleaned animals And I prefer close contacts with your relatives. They are active at dusk and at dawn, and when they do not sleep, spend most of their time to care, nutrition or study of surrounding items. The males of guinea pigs seek to establish a social hierarchy, in which one alpha male dominates the subordinates. They are quite aggressive in the competitive struggle for the territory or potential sexual partners. Guinea pigs have two main opposite protective mechanisms. When this animal faces an unfamiliar threat, for example, an unusual sound or a sharp movement, it freezes, trying to disappear before the disappearance of the alleged threat. If a group of guinea pigs faces a familiar threat, they often rushes a swarming in an attempt to confuse and disorient the potential predators.

Guinea pigs can communicate with different sounds. They creak, sing, whistling, purr and twist. Vgges and sisks are used to transfer information about the danger. Whistle and twitter, which are commonly used at large distances, indicate the presence of food. Finally, purring, as it is believed, testifies to content. Guinea pigs are sociable and often knocked into a bunch to form a dense club to preserve heat. Such pets can be kept on their hands and even teach to react to their nickname. But it must be borne in mind that these rodents during the reproduction period or with poor well-being can be aggressive and able to bite even the owner. It is also not worth giving them to small children. The literature has information that for these animals is dangerous drops even with a small height.

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Homemade guinea pigs, as a rule, live in cages, although some owners of a significant number of animals use large enclosures for their content. This rodent, a fairly smart animal, and the greater the size of the cell, the better. Especially if you do not plan to produce a pet walk around the apartment. In the speed of this, externally, the animal, it is easy to make sure, trying to catch a fugitive that sent to an independent walk.

The minimum body size of the cell for the content of one animal is 30 by 60 cm. The house can be used both with solid and with a wire bottom, although the coating of a wire mesh can lead to traums of feet or provoke the development of infections. In this case, the floor must be fastened with a plastic sheet that is easy to wash. Wooden cells cannot be used, the rodent will gradually understand with them. Cardboard boxes should not be used even temporarily, the animal should not be on freedom.

The floor cells are usually lined with wooden pressed sawdust, a small chips or similar material. The layer of coniferous rocks, widely used in the past, is currently considered to contain harmful phenols and oils, so solicifications will be solid for hardwood, such as aspen, or torn paper. Guinea pigs, as a rule, were dirty, they often jump into a bowl of food, dirty bedding with products of their livelihoods. Their urine can crystallize on the cell surface, so it is difficult to remove it. Put in order a house with such animals needs 1 - 2 times a week. After the cell is cleared, the guinea pig, as a rule, is trying to mark its territory. Male may also mark the territory when they are shifted from their cells.

And about the care of the guinea pig. It is necessary to produce this animal in the apartment, since the hunt for hidden under the furniture, the pork can be great to delay. In the village or in the summer in the yard, it is impossible to leave for freedom of this rodent in principle, it is well hiding in the grass, even despite the bright color, but at the same time it quickly becomes mining cats and dogs.


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Guinea pigs - typical herbivores. At home, they are usually fed to salad, cabbage, as well as various types of herbs and fruits. In some countries, hay of perennial herbs, grown specifically for feeding home herbivores, is widespread. In more developed countries, they are often fed by industrial granular feeds. Granules contain dry plant components (barley, alfalfa), vitamins (for example, vitamin C) and minerals necessary, whatever guinea pigs remain healthy. The presence of the hay is preferably in any case, it provides the heating of growing incisors. In addition, the features of the digestion of this animal are such that it constantly consumes small portions of feed, so the hay must be in the cell all the time.

Another feature of the pig is eating their own litter, prohibit or try to exclude such actions. Part of the nutrients can only be cured when "re-" food processing. Purbitious animals have such actions quite often. For example, the offspring of elephants eats the waste of adult animals, which makes it easy to digest food. Mandatory is the presence of vitamin C in the stern, since the guinea pigs cannot produce it and receive only from food. The absence of this vitamin leads to severe animal diseases and even death.

There must be a drink in the cage, since at home the number of fresh juicy vegetables and fruits is limited. Water must be changed once a day, as these animals are quickly contaminated, or use automatic drinking. It is desirable to have in the cell of mineral salt stones purchased in pet stores. Herry their pets fill the lack of minerals and trace elements. Do not feed these animals with remnants from your table, including boar porridge. The food system of guinea pigs is not intended for this and at least they may have its disorder. As you can see care for such a pet, it does not represent much difficulty.

The future owners of guinea pigs and those who have at home these cute animals are wondering: how many guinea pigs live at home? The average life expectancy of guinea pigs is 5-8 years. Of course, pets are found, who please their owners much longer. The guinea pig was documented, which lived for 15 years, for which she, by the way, was inscribed in the Guinness Book of Records.


There are several classifications of boils of guinea pigs, which is most likely interesting only to those skilled in the art. To simplify the situation as a criterion to choose the length of the wool. Briefly consider the most popular and well-known breeds. So, depending on the length of the wool, all guinea pigs are divided into long-haired and short-haired. You can also distinguish rare rocks that are practically not found in Russia.

Shorthair guinea pigs.

Self - The whole pig is painted in one color without an impurity of any other shade, the color of the paw and the ears coincides with the main color. Can be different colors - black, white with dark eyes, white with red eyes, golden with dark eyes, golden with red eyes, purple, beige, red, saffron, brown, cream.

Satin - Wool data pigs is distinguished by special softness in its structure and glossy, brilliant effect. Any colors are possible, but more often monophonic and two-color.

Two-color - The body of the pig is painted only by two colors.

Three-color - Wool painted in three different colors. The colors are not mixed with each other, and form peculiar zones that have clear boundaries.

Dalmatians - They are characterized by the presence of a white strip on the face, dividing it on the so-called mask, throughout the perimeter of the body on the main color there are spots of another shade of the size of no more pea, there are also spots, paws and ears are also painted evenly.

Himalians - Porks are painted white, only the nose, ears and paws are scratched either in brown or black.

Agouti - The tips of the wool are usually a light shade, differing from the main color. There are gold, silver, brown, lemon, cream chocolate aguities.

Teddy - Wool short, soft, straight or slightly wavy, stands "end" throughout the body of a pig, to the touch resembles a plush. Any colors are possible.

Long-haired guinea pigs.

Sheltie - The growth of wool strictly in the direction from the face down, there is no single outlet on the body. There are different colors.

Peruvian - Wool grows forward, towards the muzzle and falls on the eyes. Ideally, the pig should only be at the bottom of 2 outlets, but more often there are individuals who have additional sockets on the body.

Texel - Curly wool growing in the direction from the face down, there is no single outlet on the body. There are different colors.

Alpaca - Curly wool grows forward, towards the muzzle. There are two single outlets from behind.

Rare breeds

Kui. - These are giant guinea pigs, whose homeland is South America. At birth, they weigh 100 - 150 g, in three months - 700-800 g, and at the age of 4 months their weight is more than 1 kg. Adults weigh an average of 2-3 kg.

Skinny - Naked guinea pigs, have wool only on the nose and legs.

Baldwin - Fully no wool on the body. Kids are born in wool, but over time it completely falls out.


Another three-color pig
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Guinea pigs at home do not suffer from natural predators. On their wild close relatives, such as Brazilian guinea pig, hunt ferrets, homemade dogs and cats, coots, wolves, owls and some types of hawks. This must be considered if you have other animals at home.

List external signs of guinea pigs:
- changes in behavior not peculiar to animal;
- Lies with closed eyes;
- rapid or difficult breathing;
- cough;
- Increased thirst;
- suspended, swept wool;
- Wool with light touch falls out;
- discharge from the nose, runny nose;
- Mental eyelids and eyes;
- education on the skin of ulcers;
- shiver shallow shock;
- frequent dry or liquid chair;
- cramps and paralysis;
- The presence of small bloodsows (fleas, lice).

Patient Animal seeks to retire, hide, looking around. If you are sure that the infectious disease is nowhere to take on, but the chair of the animal causes concern, let the sea pig crosses the purified root of the caulgan or the crust of the grenade. From medical drugs, it is possible to advise phthalazole, which is fixed and the ethazol, which removes inflammation, 1/8 tablets 2 times a day. In a small amount of water, you can add 2-3 drops of potassium permanganate (mangalls) until the formation of a slightly pink solution.

Place into the cage to the guinea pigs twig or wooden sticks, do not get drunk soft food for the animal. For its cutters, work is needed, otherwise the teeth will begin to grow too.

Having found an unusual behavior of a pet - reduced motor activity, the lack of characteristic sounds, usually published by a healthy animal, should be closer to the guinea pig. If the animal is sluggish, trembling, the wool is dismissed or his breathing is rapid, it is reduced appetite, a liquid chair, it needs to be shown to the veterinarian. The same should be done if an abortion occurred in a pregnant female.

Normal body temperature of guinea pigs is in the range of 37.5 - 39.5 ° C. An increase in temperature above 39.5 ° C says that your favorite is punished. For temperature measurement, the animal holds the belly up on the brush of the left hand. The long finger of the left hand is pressed into the inguinal area, so that the anal hole is better visible, and the right integer is administered to the renewed and lubricated the thermometer with a vaseline. Enter it in two receptions. First hold almost vertically, and then lowered in a horizontal position. The thermometer uses the usual mercury medical or veterinary.

Nowadays, these animals are sold as pets, and they still continue to eat them in South America. In addition, they are often used as experimental objects in biomedical studies.

You can buy guinea pigs in large cities without problems. For example, in Moscow, in the newspaper "From hand to hand" or its Internet version, on,, pet stores, for example, Velesans ( and similar in the presence of a large selection of these pets . Prices (2014) are small and usually make up 1500 - 2500 rubles.

He would tell who the guinea pig about how they call it, there would be no limit to her surprise. After all, big pink pigs are not at all for her relatives, and it is not connected with the sea. Where then is the mysterious name "Guinea pigs"?

Here is the answer. After all, she crossed the sea when she was brought from distant America, therefore the name "Zamar" would come more. But the "pig" her name is solely because she can rushing like a real pig, of course, she is thinner who is quieter. "Guinea", "Indian" pig or "pork mouse" - these are all European names in which the "pig" belonging remains unchanged.

About 5 thousand years ago, the South American tribes of the Andes tamed the guinea pigs and made them with homemade pets. Unfortunately, not only and not so much to care for them, more for the preparation of meat dishes and sacrificing in the usual rituals and rites. 13th century AD I pushed the Indian tribes to a more careful study and breeding of guinea pigs, because many new, interesting breeds appeared before the conquest of the Empire.

Description of the Slavkov

Many water has flowed from those times, and today breeders can boast a huge amount of different, which are very different from each other. Short, long, rigid wool or her absence at all - all this about guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs have a wide muzzle, hanging ears, a rounded shape torso, which reaches a length of 25-35 cm. The tail is missing at all. Boys pork can gain weight up to 1.5 kg, and female up to 1.2 kg. Wild representatives of the genus are painted in brown-gray colors with a lighter tummy and legs.

These animals are very good-natured and friendly, they are tied to the owner and trust him. Fluffy love to sit on their hands, they are very playful. Caution at such moments will not be completely superfluous, because the baby can fall, and the fall even with a slight height is dangerous to the health and life of the pet.

All their emotions, guinea pigs express various sounds. When they are satisfied, the sound will be purring. When the male cares for the fellowship, he can grab.

The pig-girl is waiting for the offspring, if there is no male nearby, it begins to tweet, as if a real bird, mostly at night and lasts such a song to 10 minutes. Although this phenomenon is not frequent.

It consists of: juicy vegetables and fruits, cereal feeds and hay, the presence of which in the cell should be constant, because so the animals are sharpening their teeth, plus the digestive system is settled.

Occasionally, the owner can witness shocking, at first glance, actions - absorbing his litter. This does not mean that the beasts are stupid, on the contrary, such behavior is due to such a habit of their ancestors. It is so that the guinea pigs receive vitamins of groups in and k, which are capable of assimilated in their body only with secondary passage through the intestines.

The most comfortable they feel living in small groups from representatives of one sex or couples. Alone, guinea pigs are restless and vulnerable, it can entail the overeating, reducing activity and, as a result, reducing the duration of life.

Own accommodation for guinea pig

By purchasing a domestic pet must take care of the presence of his house. Spacious one-story or aquarium will become the best option. The pigs are the owners of short paws, it means that wheels, numerous ladies and other "intractable" attributes will be superfluous.

Without what exactly the animal will be uncomfortable, so this is a secluded corner in which a foul creation can hide and wait for danger. Ideally, if this refuge will be a small building from the bark, which the sea beast will be able to sharpen a teeth.

According to veterinarians, such asylums can turn rodent into a wild animal, which all the time will hide and refuse to play with the owner. If this happens to your pet, then remove this construction and put it in a cage only for the night, soon the animal will get used and you will again play and rejoice with him again.

The bottom of the house must be filled with a litter. It can be from hay or straw, sawdust or wood pellets. Tyrs should be large, otherwise the bearer of the beast will score. It is necessary to monitor the quality and condition of the hay, there should be no moisture and mold. The hay and tyrsa need to be changed more often than other litters, since after a day or two there will be an unpleasant smell.

Wood fillers are perfectly coping with liquid absorption, such a litter can lie up to five days. The disadvantage of such litters is that they create a lot of dust. A good replacement of such dusty options can be a paper or special corn filler for small animals.

Guinea pigs love purity and determine the toilet specific place where in the future they prefer to walk on their affairs. It is in this place that the owner will be able to put a tray with low edges and fill it with sawdust. The cell will longer remain clean and carefully needed significantly less.

Feeder and smoking

The next point of an indispensable gingerbread products will be a feeder and a drink. Drinking the animal will be much more convenient from the hanging vertical drinker with a ball. A bowl for these purposes can come up, but it will have to be able to change, since the filler easily falls there and it is no longer possible to drink such water. Water in drinking every day should be fresh, even if the animal almost drank.

Better to get two troughs:

  • for dry
  • and wet food.

The prerequisite is their sustainability, because the guinea pigs are pretty moving, moving a lot through the cell and can easily hook and tip over the plate. It is practiced even gluing a feeder for dry feed to the bottom of the cell, and the second periodically remove.

Power supply guinea pigs

In the diet of overseas domestic pigs should be extremely vegetable components. The stock of the hay must be necessarily. With its help, the pig supports the health of their teeth and the digestive system. Pet shops can offer ready-made sets, but if desired, hay can be prepared independently. It is important to trace the poisonous plants or insects. Special attention should be paid to the drying of the hay, it must be careful to prevent the appearance of a shaft smell and mold.

Since the hay can contain a lot of dust, you can take care of the acquisition of special seventacles (the device is similar to a shovel, which is attached to the cell and fit tightly to it) and the balls of hay (round mesh structures filled with hay, these are fixed on the ceiling or in the corner of the house) .

Dry grass, straw (especially plantain and dandelion), legumes and cereals are an indispensable component of the diet of pigs. In the summer period, the growth of fresh herbs and fruit trees, animals are very rejoiced by the twigs of fruit trees, love the leaves and the kour of maple, birch and oak.

To speak in numbers, then dry food should be about 80% of the total diet. Special balanced rodent feed can be found in pet stores. The animal is quite conservative in food, so it can be used to new types of feed. So, the frequent change of feed is undesirable.

Where are the remaining 20%? All this is wet soft feed. This will be quite enough for the receipt of beneficial substances in the body and in order to pamper the little animal with favorite fruits and vegetables, but it is not recommended to exceed this indicator, because health problems will not wait long.

What is besides hay?

In priority, guinea pigs have such treats like:

  • apples
  • white cabbage,
  • broccoli,
  • cucumbers.

From greenery is a salad and parsley. Little cunning people can start begging to get these products and abandon other food. But the reasonable owner knows what food is in constant mode will not lead to anything good and will adhere to a well-founded interest ratio in food. Calculate the amount of soft feed can be calculated by formula 5-7 grams of feed per 100 grams of pig weight.

It is extremely not desirable from your table of domestic pets. So the ancient Inks could have come and received, as evidenced by various historical facts, for example, drawings on household subjects, vases, etc. There was a lot of time to take an example with them, and the main thing is fundamentally changed.

Dangerous for pigs can be:

  • bakery products,
  • sofob
  • cheese and cottage cheese,
  • fried and smoked products.

Do not forget that a healthy animal is the animal, the diet of which is properly called and with the mind.

Vitamins for animals

On the recommendation of veterinarian doctors, all guinea pigs should be touched by vitamin C, which is added to drinking water (1 mg of vitamin per 1 ml of water). Considering that light contact neutralizes all the beneficial properties of vitamin, you need to change the solution once a day. Other vitamins of the animal gets along with food. The vitamins of the group B and K can be assumed in the body of the guinea pig only passing through the gastrointestinal tract, so smart animals do not sway their litter and sometimes eat it.

Special care for marine pigs

Occasionally, the guinea pig appears the need for space, so it periodically needs to be released and to play insert. It is necessary to think over its safety in advance, other pets "neutralize" closing in another room. It is not recommended to take an animal on the bed, a table and other high surfaces, because a tiny creature can fall and get injured.

In general, it is not difficult to care for marine pigs, they are quite unpretentious and do not require so much attention as other pets, such as cats and dogs. Therefore, people with a minimum amount of free time with pleasure acquire such cute fluffy as guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs

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Among the small home rodents who love to start families with children, guinea pigs occupy a special place. It is very unpretentious in caring and nutrition a pet who will delight the owners daily. Care of small pets can also children who are given a sense of responsibility and accuracy.

History of the appearance of rodent breed

And representatives of South American tribes began to breed wild guidelines. These individuals were not like modern individuals with fluffy wool. After the opening of America, the Columbus of representatives of these rodents began to bring to Europe.

The birthplace of marine pets is considered to be Peru. In antiquity they met in almost every home, but they were eaten, and they did not hold them as pets. Wild breed representatives had dark color - black or brown.

They ran flies around the fields, hiding in the event of danger in dense shrubs. Rodent breeding was engaged in the purpose of eating.

Domesticated small rodents called sea not from great love them to marine fun and water procedures, but simply because they were brought from sea travel. Cute and funny individuals were brought mainly from America and due to the fact that they publish a squeak, like a grunt, and called pigs. They are able to make different sounds, especially if they are very frightened.

Read more about one very cute home rodents in the article:

Exterior of guinea pigs

An intelligent and beautiful rodent has short legs and neck, and the body itself is somewhat elongated. Wild views in contrast to long-haired and fluffy pets, more mobile and fat. Sea rodents have warm and coarse wool.

On the legs, small fingers with ribbed and sharp claws. The tail of the nautical pets, unlike mice and rats, no.

In the mouth of an animal sharp teeth that grow throughout life. The cutting surface of animals is erased, the dense stalks of bushes, root, and many other products. On the color of the rodent of this type also differ.

In nurseries and stores are presented long-haired views, with a rigid wool, as well as without a gun or with a small powder hair.

Paul sea pigs

Females and males look almost the same and have similar habits, so when buying it is important to know which gender has an animal and how to determine it. Baby pigs have a poorly pronounced sexual signs, and large individuals are quite realistic to distinguish.

When pressed to the bottom of the abdomen, the male will feel the sexual organ in the form of a fine streak. The females have a fold in the form of Y. Men's individuals also have a noticeable anal pouch, missing in females.

One of the easiest ways to determine the floor is Cal. The males leave the arc-shaped feces, and the females kathe with the dear risks. If there is no goal, multiply animals so that they are not bored, choose same-sex couples, better females, as males are often fighting due to food and territory.

How much does the guinea pig live

It is well known enough, what is the average life expectancy of guinea pigs. On average, they live 8-9 years. Some rodents with proper care and feeding survive up to 15 years.

In nature, the individual die faster, because many larger animals hunt them. The life expectancy of the animal directly depends on the care, hereditary diseases, nutrition and lifestyle.

Varieties of animals

Friendly pets are distinguished by coloring and wool long. Among them are the following colors:

Among the short-haired rodents, the following breeds are distinguished: Abyssinian, Rex, American (English), Teddy, Crested, Ridgeback. Among the long-haired representatives distinguish the sinks or shelties, Texel and Peruvian breed. There are rodents who do not even have wool - Baldwin and skinnie.

Care and proper pet content

Funny animals do not require much time. It is enough to give them such attention:

  1. Protect nails once a year.
  2. Combing the wool - several times a week for long-haired individuals.
  3. Pet body inspection at least once a week for injuries, wounds, cuts, ticks.
  4. Carrying the room. The closed cell of the animal must be periodically open to flow fresh air to the pet. It is enough to do once a day for easy cleaning and air intake.
  5. Feeding. The animal eats three times a day. Food can be left about the reserve.
  6. House cleaning is carried out every 3-4 days. If the cage leaves the stench, general cleaning is needed.

Several times a month they should give anthelminty drugs for animals. Degelminting at the same time should be carried out with all other domestic pets. For active guinea pig games, it is sometimes sometimes to produce from a cell. The main thing is that the animal is not injured by falling from the chair or table.

Guinea pigs do not like water procedures, despite its name. They are bathed only with severe pollution of wool. You can only wash part of the pet body. They are wash in a basin with warm water. Watering the pig's head is not needed.

You can lake the wool with a children's shampoo. Then they wipe it well. Sometimes animals dried with a hairdryer, especially if the wool is very long. After the procedure, a pet cannot be placed on a draft or cold so that it does not have bothered.

It is important to eliminate dust and dirt from ear shells of guinea pigs. It makes cotton swab moistened in simple water. In the presence of ear ticks or secretions, it is worth attributed to the animal to the doctor.


Most often contain a view in cells with a plastic pallet or terrariums. The main thing is convenience in changing the hay, since fluffy pigs love purity. So that the pet does not hurt, it is better to do several times a day. It will simplify the care that the pet will be accustomed to a definite place.

As a house for an animal, it is better to choose a spacious metal from a metal, having a plastic deep pallet. In wooden or cardboard capacities, they cannot be contained, since the rodent can spin the wall of such a house, and the material itself absorbs unpleasant odors.

The feeder and the drinking box should be located at the level of the muzzle of the beast. It is tightly attached to the wall of the house. To put the drinkers and feeders inside the cage is undesirable, as they can throw drink and go. The cage is divorced dirt and will remain without food.

The bottom of the cells are filled with a special filler - hay, sawdust, but not coniferous, straw. The litter is changing every 2-3 days. It is enough to pour on 2-3 cm for large individuals.

Than feeding marine rodents

Miloid rodents can often be sick and even dying due to improper diet. New products are introduced gradually. To a greater extent, they eat hay. The rest is grain mixtures that are sold in the pet store.

Fit fresh grass and vegetables. Open access should be clean water. Fresh vegetables and cereals should be given pet daily.

The grass is suitable:

  • clover;
  • sedge;
  • shepherd bag;
  • yarrow;
  • dandelion leaves;
  • plantain;
  • mallow;
  • drinking;
  • nettle.

As coarse fibers, animals give tomatoes, beets, apples, hay, various sorts of cabbage, leaf salad, moistened with water bran, dandelions, turnips, broccoli, parsley, potatoes, seeds, cereals.

It is impossible to feed the pet overdue and unsubage feed, immature or rotten berries or fruits, rotten and mold products.

Rodents are poorly transferred hunger, so it is better to feed them in the morning and in the evening, and the day to leave a bit of feed. Pregnant individuals are fed 4 times a day. In addition to the hay, it is necessary to pour into a cage with pigs of straw, legumes. In the summer you can give twigs of shrubs and fruit trees, birch birch, oak, maple leaves.

Large pieces it is better to cut the animal vegetables so that the pet squeezes the teeth. It is not necessary to often give sweet fruit - pears, bananas, melon, watermelon. Sunflower seeds are suitable, barley and wheat. The house also put the chalk as a useful mineral feeding.

Whether additional vitamins are needed

According to veterinarians, many guinea pigs lack vitamin C, so it is added to cream. For 1 liter of water, it is necessary to crush 1 mg of ascorbins. The solution varies daily, as vitamin quickly loses its properties.

Rodents should eat their litter to obtain vitamins gr. In the normalization of intestinal microflora.

How to breed guinea pigs

We usually multiply rodents abundantly, therefore it is important to determine whether you need to take the diverse pets. Pregnant pork is kept separately. It consumes more feed and hay.

To allow mating can be animals 8-10 months. The female is resolved 1-5 kids. If it can not give up more than an hour, then the help of the veterinarian is necessary.

Training and games

Active rodents love to play. Their house must have different means for running, jumping and lasagna. If the cell contains several pigs, they must have a lot of space for joint leisure.

Guinea pigs are very intelligent animals. They can learn to perform simple tricks. Love fluffy rodents to communicate with the owners, actively go to contact. They can spin around themselves, jump over the crossbar, sleep in a hammock and sit on the shoulder. To cheer a pet, he gives a small delicacy.

Unique language of sounds

With the help of certain sounds, small rodents express their mood and emotion:

  1. persistent peak speaks of strong hunger.
  2. Rod male individuals in front of each other to show their significance. This is a sign that the male or females are very angry and irritated. They can still tap and creak teeth.
  3. Long-term clothing and recovery - evidence of the complacent location of the spirit of the pet.
  4. In a pair, pigs are often grunt. These are their greetings of each other and study.
  5. The males are welcome in front of the females when they are trying to mate.
  6. Quiet or loud squealing and dissertation - a sign of pleasure.

Guinea pigs can moan or squeeze loudly. This suggests that a pet has something hurts. If the pet is sick, it will be sluggish and drowy. Loses active appetite. His eyes can whine and get worse. In these cases, it is better to go with a rodent in a vet clinic for treatment.

Where to buy good guinea pig

Basically, rodents are bought in pet stores or on the so-called "bird" markets. There are individuals of all age, gender, color. Depending on the breed there will be different costs per animal.

A good standard secondary pork can be purchased for 200 rubles. In some forums, breeders give young free. Porn rodents rare colors will cost 1000-2000 rubles. In any case, funny and interesting animals will become full and favorite family members.

Children's psychologists have long proved that when communicating and caring for animals, a child is actively developing such qualities as accuracy, responsibility and careful attitude towards other living beings. If the child has never had a pet, a guinea pig will be the perfect choice. This pet friendly and does not require much effort, so it's great for children. In order not to look for information on the Internet, when the pet has already appeared, you need to prepare in advance and find out everything about guinea pigs.

General characteristics

The body of this fluffy animal resembles a cylinder. The growth is 220 mm and can reach up to 280 mm. By weight indicators, females and males differ from each other. The weight of female representatives is approximately 1.2 kg, and the male - 1.8 kg. The head is rather large, and the teeth are very sharp. Such severity of the teeth of the guinea pig was received thanks to enamel on one side. Length, as well as wool color depend on the breed of an animal.

Where did the guinea pig get this interesting name? After all, nor to piglets, nor to the water rodent has nothing to do. The fact is that the pork of this rodent was called due to the sounds of the sounds. And the adjective "maritime" occurred due to the fact that this pet is considered "overseas".


Watch these animals is an entertaining process. In the wild, guinea pigs live whole families. The habitat is mainly holes, the surface of the earth, as well as the gorge of rocks. The main thing in each flock is the male. Rumor and smelling rodents is well developed.

love purity And they themselves wash their fur coat. Comfortable temperature for the residence of these animals in the wild is 19-20 degrees during the daytime and about 8 degrees at night. But also the guinea pigs are well transferred to other ambient temperature differences.

How many guinea pigs live?

Staying in the wild, guinea pigs for life expect the existence of other famous rodents. Animal in average able to live about 9 years. But also known cases when some guinea pigs have lived to 15 years. In the natural habitat, the guinea pig lives long. This is due to the presence of a large amount of threats and dangers for the life of the animal. From this we can conclude that the more careful the owner will take care of the pet, the longer the life expectancy.

Life life of the guinea pig depends on:

  • lifestyle;
  • living conditions;
  • quality and quantity of food;
  • care and maintenance;
  • inheritance and other factors.

Types of guinea pigs

Due to the fact that the guinea pig is a wonderful pet, it is constantly crossing, getting all new and new species.

By quantity and length of the wool exist:

Will or not start?

To determine the choice, to start or not to make such a pet, you should study all the advantages and disadvantages of this animal. And also need to know how to care for the guinea pig.


  • small size;
  • friendliness;
  • activity during the daytime day;
  • manual, funny and beautiful animal;
  • large lifespan.


How to determine the floor of the guinea pig?

If the owner is interested in a specific floor or he wants to breed these animals, you should know how to distinguish the female from the male. In adults, the genitals are well distinguishable, and the definition of sexuality will not be difficult. If a person wants to acquire a pet in a very small age, there are 3 ways to determine the floor:

  1. sexual. To determine the floor in this method, the animal should be turned over and press the area at the bottom of the abdomen. If it is a male, it will be possible to add a thin vehicle that is a gender member. If this is a female, then the abdominal will appear a fold, reminiscent of the letter Y;
  2. definition with anal pouch. If you look at this body, it is impossible to discover it in my female, unlike males, which he has a good difference;
  3. definition of gender with the help of Cala. This method is the easiest and most common. It is necessary to observe how rodent is determined. If this is a female, it will leave the feces that resemble smooth rice. At males, the arc-shaped form with curved edges.

If the future owner of the guinea pig wishes to start a couple of rodents, but does not want them to multiply, you can buy same-sex animals. For this purpose, females are best suited, because males will constantly fight and simply do not get away in the same cell.

Communication rodents

Between themselves, guinea pigs communicate with funny sounds. Surprisingly, even without words, with the help of sounds and other actions, you can understand what the animal feels or what feels:

If you have a sufficient amount of time with animals, you can understand everything that the pet wants.


This pet does not require special efforts to care, so it is suitable for both adults and children. The ideal habitat of the guinea pig will be a large cell or terrarium with the presence of a deep pallet. The main point that requires a cell is the impossibility of throwing the litter. As mentioned above, this kind of rodent loves purity, so the litter must be changed several times a day. Such simple actions will prevent animal diseases. For the bedding it is best to use fresh sawdust. If you learn to communicate with the animal, it can be used to be practiced only in a certain place, which will significantly simplify the cleaning of the cell.

Once a day, the cage must be tired, and once a week to carry out general cleaning. During the general cleaning, the cells are performed complete, as well as the wash and the feeder.

Equipment for cell

For the animal to be healthy and active, it is necessary to equip a cage with various devices. Guinea pigs love to play, run and climb on various obstacles. If there is not one animal in the cage, then they will most likely play joint games with each other. If the guinea pig lives in a cell one, it is necessary to organize its leisure and put as much as possible fixtures for games.

What and how guinea pigs eat

A very important point in the content of guinea pigs is quality nutrition. If the animal will eat badly, it will soon die.

If the owner plans to introduce new products into an animal's diet, it should be done extremely carefully and gradually. The main part of the whole diet is the hay. A smaller part of the diet makes up various feeds that are sold in special stores, as well as fresh grass and vegetables.

Sen and necessarily rodent water must be ensured constantly. Grain, as well as vegetables should be given only 2 times a day. Some types of herbs may be poisonous For guinea pigs, so it is necessary to remember the permitted greens. These grass attracts: clover, dandelor, nettle, dandelion leaf and plantain.

Marine pigs

Each owner should be aware of how to carry out the right content and care of marine pigs. This rodent does not like to swim, so the procedure must be performed as dirty. For this, the temperature of 31-37 degrees is poured with water and immerse the animal. Washing only the body, avoiding the head area, then the animal is dried with a towel or a hair dryer at low mode. Wet pets follows protect from drafts and coldotherwise he can get sick.

Periodically necessary clean the ears With a napkin wound on your finger. If you have noticed an unpleasant smell when cleaning the ears, it was possible to infection with a tick, and it is worth visiting the veterinarian. Eyes as pollution must be cleaned from crusts using a paper napkin moistened in water.

Once every six months guinea pigs need manicure. You can contact the clinic to cut the nails or execute the procedure yourself. For this purpose, a special cunning with a hole is taken into which nail animal is administered and cut. When performing this procedure, you need to follow, so as not to cut a live tissue. It is easy to determine it by translucent vessels.

Unfortunately, pets can at some point get sick. If the guinea pig behaves sluggish and apatically, refuses to eat, and the eyes will constantly leave, this is a sign that the pet should be immediately showed by a specialist for further consultation and treatment.

Pet breeding

Before buying a couple of different guinea pigs, you should think where to determine the offspring. Rodents breed quite often. It is born from 1 to 5 cubs.

To grow healthy and strong offspring, it is necessary to equip the place for the family. When the female got pregnant, it is better to select itAnd also take care of nutrition, because in this position the animal needs a lot of feed.

To mating can only be allowed healthy and strong individuals when they are fulfilled 9-10 months. If the female cannot bargain, and her childbirth lasts more than 60 minutes, it is better to show it a specialist.

Games and Training

At first glance, the guinea pig is created that the animal is sluggish and does not like active movements. But this is far from that. You can play with these friendly pets. With the manifestation of some effort and patience, the guinea pig you can exercise and train Some fun tricks. With these animals, they definitely do not get bored. Even just watching the life of the rodent, you can have fun and get real pleasure.

These rodents belong to friendly animals, so they like communication with man. If the owner wants to teach his pet tricks, it should be done in a game form. Do not teach a pet immediately after purchase, because the animal must get used and are not afraid of the owner. As soon as you have a contact with the guinea pig, you can start training.

Teams that are able to perform guinea pig:

  • "ask";
  • "Give me a paw";
  • "Spin";
  • "a place".

Many owners train pet fun focus, such as: swim, sit on the shoulder and even jump through a ring or hoop. To make the favorite secured the material passed, workouts need to repeat daily, not forgetting to encourage delicacy. In no case, during training, you can not shout on a pet or scold it. From all of the above, it can be concluded that the guinea pig is a very funny and interesting animal, which is worth noting, in order to at least distract from the urgent problems and rejoice in life.

In the temples of Limo cities and Cusco there are pictures "The Last Supper". On the canvases depicts the last meal of the Son of God in a circle of 12 apostles. On the table in front of Jesus and his disciples of dishes, among which there are fried guinea pigs.

In Peru, this is traditional food. Local artists, drawing plots for temples, and could not imagine that in other parts of the world, rodents are not only not eaten, but also do not know about the existence of a kui.

So the original name of guinea pigs sounds. By the way, they called Europeans. At first, they spoke "because of the sea", that is, from where the animals were brought from. Then, the phrase was transformed into an adjective "marine". The characteristic is hardly in the spirit of the pigs, because they do not like water and live in arid, highlands.

Description and features of the guinea pig

The guinea pig- The mammal family of swine, but does not have a relationship. The family is named so thanks to the characteristic sounds published by all his representatives. For rumor, this is not a complace, like in other rodents, and flickering.

The petty animal is at the beginning of the food chain. In nature, he has a lot of enemies. Hence the habits that inherited from wild relatives and domestic pigs. They are active at night, because in the dark less risk to be caught and eaten. In the afternoon, rodents are hiding in shelter, calm down, sleep.

Listen to the sounds of guinea pigs

As a shelter, representatives of the species choose cleaners in the rocks, or, build houses themselves - dig holes and fold "Shalashi" from the hay. In the houses, usually, the pigs are kept alone. Probably, they do not like it.

In nature, pet animals. In the community guinea pig, photoin a natural environment - confirmation of the leader obeys. He is a unquestioned leader in a flock of 10, 20 rodents.

Guinea pig to buypower cannot. The leader becomes not the most baking, but the strongest and aggressive individual. If you move the animal in the unfortunate, these qualities are not lost. Therefore, some pigs taken to the house from the street are surprised by militancy.

Surprise rodents and reproduction ability. Zologs easily provided guinea pigs videohis marriage games in nature. They are not seasonal. Pairing occurs all year round. 4-5 offspring in the litter - the average.

Only giving birth to one, the female is again ready for courtship. By the way, guinea pig careit does not particularly require, the male is enough to approach - and this is already a victory. In this regard, overseas rodents are similar.

Thanks to the continuous cycle, the reproduction, scientists consider, guinea pigs easily spread through the planet. Helped and not addiction in food. Eating vegetables, fruits, grains, grass, hay, dairy products.

Animals are not favorably for meat and citrus. Selection led to the emergence of several types of guinea pigs. Rodents are divided by length, color of wool and its peculiarities of its growth. For example, there are sockets. They grow their hair outlets, diving in a circle from central points.

Outlet guinea pig

There are just long-haired representatives of the species.

Long-haired guinea pig

There are shorthair - such as in nature.

Shorthair guinea pig

Recently brought bald pigs resembling tiny hippo.

On the photo bald guinea pig

At home, with proper care, representatives of the species live from 5 to 10 years. Standard camp - 90 to 40 centimeters. The height of the "Padon" is recommended from 38 centimeters. Such an area is sufficient for the 1st, 2 animals. The content of guinea pigsperhaps in the aquarium without a lid.

In the rodent house, the rider is hung. Pet may not use it. So, in the diet, many moisture-containing foods - vegetables, fruits. In this case, the water of the pig gets from food. But if the drink becomes missing, the animal will get from the drinker.

Homemade guinea pigsdo not differ in good manners. They cake and we run a lot and where they want. Clean convenient to the Socio. The best for cells - sawdust and compositions for feline toilets.

They absorb the impurities well, granulating them and facilitating cleaning. Suitable for filler and hay. Some linse newspapers, but typographic paint is harmful to rodents.

Harmful for representatives of the species and overheating. Some ask: - " Why guinea pigsuddenly died? " The reason just may be overheating, which caused a heart stop. True, the hypothesis of pets should not. Pigs - immigrants from warm edges. No heat, but moderate temperature without drafts.

A bright place for the cell is needed. In the twilight, some individuals develop rickets. The first signs of this and other ailments are the decline of appetite, the silence of animal, lethargy, diarrhea, washing wool, paralysis of the limbs.

Price of guinea pig

There are several factors for the price. Objective: - Porn pig or not, exhibited at exhibitions or not, has shortcomings in the exterior or not. Subjective factors: - Breeder's ambitions, master of pet store and then where the pig is.

For example, animals brought from abroad, often cost more than domestic. At the same time, the overseas individual can yield in the parameters of the Russian. We remember just for delivery and some prestige.

Sea pig breed"Peruvian" among the species most expensive. In the price tag, long-haired individuals compete with new-fashioned naked rodents. The latter is called guinea pigSkinny. The average price tag for them in the area of \u200b\u200b4,000-5,000 rubles. Shorthair and rosette animals are usually cheaper. They are asked from 600-rubles to 3,000.

If animals implements the famous nursery of guinea pig, prices, usually, divine. The most expensive animals are found from private owners and beginner breeders.

Having little individuals, they want to earn a lot on them. In large nurseries pigs thousands, reproduction is delivered to the stream, it is possible to reduce prices. Due to the number of transactions, income, anyway, decent.


Long-haired Guinea pigs. Care and contentangoret is the most troublesome. Wool fell, if not to fake her at least once every 3 days. Under the cooked cover, the skin is crushed, bacteria multiply. With the rosette and short-haired individuals there are no such problems.

Angora Guinea Pig

Guinea pig at homethere are 2, 3 times a day. The same, but a year, you should trim the rodents of your nails on my paws. On their front 4, and on the hind limbs only 3 nail.

How many guinea pigs liveoften depends on the frequency of preventive inspections. Experts advise them once a week. This is an opportunity to notice adverse changes in the appearance and the behavior of the animal and turn to doctors.