Is it possible to breastfeed if the mother has a fever. Breastfeeding at an elevated temperature of the baby

Natural feeding is the basis for the full and harmonious development of a newborn baby. Unfortunately, the body of a young mother is not immune from the penetration of infectious pathogens that provoke serious diseases. One of the manifestations of an infectious lesion of the body is a temperature reaction.

With the deterioration of the general condition of a nursing woman, the question arises about the safety of latching the baby to the breast. To answer this question, you need to understand the causes of this condition.


An increase in body temperature is most often caused by infectious diseases of a viral or bacterial nature. Seasonality is characteristic of such pathologies. A breastfeeding woman may also experience high fever caused by non-infectious factors. The most common causes of sickness and fever include:

  • A slight increase in indicators is triggered by the maturation of the egg (ovulation) or emotional shock.
  • In 80% of cases, this condition is formed against the background of an infectious lesion of the body. The reason for this is the flu and. Concomitant symptoms of a cold are a runny nose, cough, sore throat, muscle pain, and general malaise.
  • For a lactating mother, lactostasis and mastitis are relevant, arising against the background of stagnation in the mammary gland. This disease is characterized by persistent inflammation and fever. Purulent complications in mastitis occur against the background of the addition of a bacterial or fungal infection that penetrates through abrasions and cracks in the nipples.
  • In the first 2-3 weeks after childbirth, the body of a young mother is vulnerable to any inflammatory diseases. Weak postpartum immunity often leads to an exacerbation of chronic pathologies.
  • A common cause of this condition is foodborne infection. Banal food poisoning is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body and an increase in body temperature.

If the temperature does not exceed 38 degrees, then the nursing woman can continue to latch on the baby to the breast. If these indicators reach 39-40 degrees, then changes occur not only in the quantitative and qualitative composition of milk, but also in its consistency. Not every baby will accept such food, therefore the woman is recommended to bring the temperature to normal values.

Indications for breastfeeding

In some cases, healthcare professionals recommend that the breastfeeding chain is not interrupted, even if the temperature is elevated. This recommendation has its own rationale:

  • Breastfeeding at elevated temperatures ensures that interferons enter the child's body with mother's milk. This guarantees the formation of a reliable immune defense of the baby's body.
  • The temperature reaction is a consequence of the intensified struggle of the mother's body with infectious pathogens. Breastfeeding has a positive effect on the health of the mother and baby.
  • Attaching the baby to the breast in the usual way is.
  • Taking a break from breastfeeding, a woman cannot be sure that her baby will not refuse another portion of milk.


Despite the benefits of breastfeeding, there are prohibitions on this procedure. Elevated body temperature is a contraindication to feeding a child in such cases:

  • If the temperature readings have exceeded the figure of 39 degrees. With a significant fever, the taste and consistency of breast milk changes. To prevent the baby from refusing to breastfeed, it is recommended to achieve a decrease in temperature.
  • In cases where high temperature is the result of acute and chronic diseases of organs and systems. This group of pathologies includes diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys, liver and heart.
  • If a nursing woman is forced to undergo antibiotic therapy, then she needs to refrain from breastfeeding. Getting into the child's body through milk, antibiotics cause dysbiosis and other complications.

How to bring down the temperature

Rapid stabilization of body temperature is in the interests of the mother and newborn baby. The following recommendations will help to normalize the condition:

  • over 38 degrees, an antipyretic agent should be taken. For this purpose, it is necessary to use drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol. Such funds do not have a negative effect on the child's body.
  • Antipyretics can be used in the form of suppositories. This will reduce the likelihood of passing active ingredients into breast milk.
  • If the body temperature does not reach 38 degrees, then you should not reduce it. The temperature reaction is accompanied by active production of antibodies.
  • Body temperature should be measured before and after feeding. This will allow the condition to be monitored. When the indicators jump up, an antipyretic agent is taken. For more information on the selection of medicines and the rules of admission, see the link.
  • When infected with viral pathogens, bed rest and plenty of drink are recommended. With enough warm liquid, the body gets rid of the toxins that viruses release. As a warm drink, it is necessary to use herbal teas with raspberry jam, berry fruit drinks, dried fruit compote and warm milk. Fluid restriction applies to those women who are faced with the problem of mastitis.

If the temperature reaction is within the permissible norm, then feeding the baby is an important and useful activity. Before deciding on the preservation of lactation, it is advisable for a young mother to visit a medical specialist to determine the cause of the high temperature.

If the malaise is caused by a viral infection, then it is necessary to contact the baby in a disposable gauze or cellulose mask, which will protect the baby from infection. Food poisoning is a reason for seeking medical attention. In case of severe discomfort, feeding is suspended until the mother is feeling better.

Compliance with simple rules will help a nursing woman avoid serious complications of high body temperature and keep breastfeeding at the proper level.

When the body temperature rises, it indicates that the immune system is actively fighting the disease. Fever is a normal reaction of the body, but in the case of a nursing mother, the situation is somewhat different. In the first 6 weeks after childbirth, there is a possibility of developing postpartum complications, especially if the childbirth was difficult or a cesarean section was used. In such a situation, a high temperature may indicate inflammation of postpartum scars or organs of the genitourinary system - then consultation and assistance of a qualified doctor is necessary.

In the first month and a half after childbirth, the woman's body is still very weak, and a high temperature can indicate complications and inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system.

Why can the temperature rise during lactation?

When the postpartum period (6 weeks) is over, some diseases are added to the reasons for the rise in temperature. Among them:

  • flu, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • lactostasis and mastitis;
  • intestinal infection, poisoning.

Acute respiratory infections during lactation are less common. Infection can come from someone in the family living in the same house as the nursing one. The symptoms of this disease are well known to all - loss of strength, nasal congestion and snot, sneezing, sore throat (see also :). The temperature rises above 38 degrees. Observing bed rest, drinking a lot of fluids and taking antipyretic drugs, on the fifth or sixth day, you can completely save yourself from unpleasant ailment.

Lactostasis is a violation of the outflow of milk in the mammary glands. The milk duct becomes clogged, edema appears, followed by inflammation. Naturally, during such processes, the temperature rises and pains occur in the mammary glands, and if the problem lasts, then after 3-4 days it can be complicated by a bacterial infection and mastitis will develop with an even more serious temperature - up to 39-40 degrees. It is not very difficult to prevent lactostasis. It is necessary to ensure the prevention of milk stagnation, which is achieved by frequent attachment of the baby to the breast, pumping out the residues and massage. If there is too much milk in the breast for the baby, some mothers use a manual breast pump. True, with this method there are small seals in the chest, but they are easily removed with massage.

When it did come to infectious mastitis, antibiotics would have to be treated, and in the most advanced case, surgery would be required.

In the case of poisoning and intestinal infection, in addition to high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, severe headache, severe weakness are observed (we recommend reading :). Treatment requires enveloping drugs and sorbents, as well as a strict diet. You should definitely consult a doctor, since intestinal infections are very dangerous, and they should be treated with breastfeeding only under the supervision of a specialist.

Algorithm of actions at elevated temperatures

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When the temperature during breastfeeding suddenly became higher than usual, in no case should you panic - this will aggravate the mother's painful condition and affect the baby in the worst way.

Do not rush to immediately try different methods, but try to observe your body and just assess the situation. If you act appropriately, nothing bad will happen. You will be able to quickly bring down the temperature and return to your usual way of life. Let's figure out what needs to be done.

The first is to determine the cause

If you know the symptoms of all of the above diseases, there will be no particular difficulties in determining the cause. In any case, even when you have correctly diagnosed yourself, see your doctor. This is important when breastfeeding, as the specialist may notice signs that have escaped your sight. The help of an experienced doctor will never be superfluous.

The second is to continue lactation

There is a widespread belief that you should not continue to breastfeed your baby at an elevated temperature, but there is growing evidence to the contrary. Physician Ruth Lawrence, an expert in her field, lists the diseases in which the process should not stop in the Breastfeeding guide for health care providers:

  • flu, acute respiratory infections, colds;
  • lactostasis, mastitis, breast abscess;
  • diarrhea;
  • hepatitis A, B, C;
  • herpes (with the exception of the areola);
  • staphylococcal infection;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Mom's milk is the best "immunomodulator" for the baby, so pediatricians in most cases recommend continuing breastfeeding even if you feel unwell

Nowadays, there are drugs that can be used by a nursing mother without harm to the baby. If breastfeeding is stopped during the illness, the baby will lose antibodies that are produced in the blood and pass into breast milk; and if he himself got sick, it is even more unhelpful.

The third is to measure the temperature correctly

This is not surprising - even in the absence of illness in a nursing mother, the temperature in the armpit area is slightly higher than normal - 37.1-37.3 degrees. Hyperthermia is due to the high milk content in the mammary glands. A reliable result can be obtained only half an hour after feeding by washing and well wiping the skin of the armpits.

Fourth - use antipyretic

Means that lower the temperature are oral (tablets, powders, syrups) and rectal (suppositories).

The well-known statement that when using suppositories, the active substance remains in the intestines and does not enter breast milk, is incorrect - it is absorbed into the blood, as well as from powders, tablets and syrups, therefore it does not matter which form of antipyretic drugs is prescribed to a nursing mother.

There is only a difference in the speed of action. Oral medications begin to work faster, since there is more area of ​​the mucous membrane in the stomach with which the substance interacts.

Fifth - drink plenty of fluids

It does not matter if the mother is sick with a cold or she simply has an excess of milk in her breast, at an elevated temperature she needs to drink plenty of fluids. It is advisable to drink at least a glass of water every hour. In addition to the fact that the lost fluid will be replenished in the body, the milk will not thicken and it will be easy to leave - this will help both normalize the temperature and reduce the risk of lactostasis.

Acceptable means for lowering the temperature during lactation

Not all temperatures should be brought down. If it has risen a little above 37 degrees, it is better to leave the immune system to fight on its own and produce antibodies. It is recommended to drink antipyretics when the thermometer reaches 38.5.

Which medication is allowed if a nursing mother needs help? The list in this case consists of only 2 items:

  • "paracetamol";
  • Ibuprofen.

According to clinical trials, "Paracetamol" passes the placental barrier during pregnancy and is rather highly concentrated in breast milk (up to 24%). However, the researchers argue that it is not able to harm the baby either during intrauterine development or after birth while breastfeeding. Even variants of "Paracetamol" preparations for children from 2 months have been developed due to its safety. A nursing mother, in order to normalize the temperature, needs to drink 325-650 mg of the drug and repeat every 4-6 hours until a stable result.

Paracetamol is one of the basic antipyretic drugs for nursing mothers. It does not contain substances that can harm a baby, but it should only be taken in the recommended doses.

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal drug. It acts in a complex way: it lowers the temperature, eliminates inflammation, relieves pain and soothes feverish conditions. In the international classifier of medicines "Ibuprofen" is among the medicines compatible with breastfeeding. The term of its antipyretic effect reaches 8 hours. This remedy is taken 200 mg 3-4 times a day. In an emergency it is allowed to take 400 mg, but further intake should be reduced to 200 mg. You can use 400 mg 3 times per day, but not more.

What can't be used?

It is not recommended for a nursing mother to use combined antipyretic drugs - Coldrex, Rinza, Terra Fleu and others. Many of them are available in powders, some in tablets. Although the main active ingredient in them is paracetamol, in addition to it, there are other substances in the composition, the effect of which on the child's body has not been studied.

It is not known what side effects may occur, therefore it is better to take the active ingredient in its pure form.

How to take antipyretic?

Antipyretic treatment should not be carried out chaotically, but in compliance with certain rules. Try to stick to them:

  1. Take medication only when needed to bring down the temperature. It is not at all necessary to do this for prevention.
  2. The best time to take medication is right after a feed. In this case, the benefits will be maximum, and the potential harm will be minimal.
  3. Do not adjust feedings to your medication schedule - this is not necessary.

When the need for an antipyretic arises often, many people have a natural question: is it possible to use not one, but different means? The authoritative pediatrician E. Komarovsky gives the following advice: it is possible to alternate "Paracetamol" and "Ibuprofen" if it gives a result, but do not forget that you need to take medications sequentially, and the time interval between doses should be at least 2 hours.

In conclusion, it should be said that an increased body temperature does not affect the quality of breast milk in any way - it cannot just burn out or deteriorate. It is not necessary to refuse lactation in this situation. She will protect the mother from breast problems, and the baby will provide immunity support.

After childbirth, the female body is weakened and prone to various diseases. Mom may have a cold, and then she will have to use medications for treatment. How to be in such a situation? Is it possible at a temperature? Or is it worth stopping breastfeeding for a while?

Causes of the mother's illness

There are various factors that can affect the health of a nursing mother. A woman can become ill for several reasons: an exacerbation of a chronic illness, the appearance of an acute bacterial infection, or an acute viral infection. In any case, the mother will be worried about the question: "Is it possible to feed the child at a temperature?" Everything will depend on what caused the disease. Cessation of breastfeeding may be due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease can penetrate into breast milk and be transmitted during feeding to the baby. In addition, during treatment, a woman may have to take medications that are contraindicated in infants.

At temperature or not?

A sick mother who feels bad, of course, does not want her baby to become infected. But, contrary to the opinion of "knowledgeable" people who advise to boil breast milk or stop feeding altogether, it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding.

After all, when a mother is sick, her child is especially in need of nourishing mother's milk. In addition, stopping feeding can provoke an even greater increase in temperature. Through breastfeeding, the mother provides her child with protection from viral diseases, since antibodies are produced with him.

At temperature: milk or mixture?

If the mother decides to temporarily stop breastfeeding, she will need to express milk about six times a day, otherwise stagnation in the breast may occur, which will lead to an even greater rise in temperature and the development of mastitis. Can I feed my baby with expressed milk? Of course yes. But no devices and breast pumps will empty the breast as well as a baby does. If a woman still continues to worry about the question of whether it is possible to feed a child at a temperature, then it should be noted that no changes occur in breast milk at high temperature indicators, its properties do not change in any way: it does not sour, does not curl up and does not at all changes the taste.

It should also be noted that boiling milk destroys many nutrients.

Is it possible to feed a child at a temperature and what to do to defeat it?

To reduce the high temperature, paracetamol is allowed, but aspirin should never be used. Medications can be used only if the nursing mother does not tolerate high temperatures. For treatment, symptomatic treatment is carried out using inhalers, remedies for the common cold, solutions for rinsing the throat. All these activities are permissible for breastfeeding. In addition, to date, a fairly large number of medicines have been released that are allowed to be used by a nursing mother. The right choice of drugs for a woman will help her attending physician.

No matter how we try to protect our body from viral infections, sooner or later we will still get sick. As a rule, any infection is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, and then the question arises: is it possible to breastfeed at a temperature? “Experts”, which are grandmothers sitting on benches near the entrance, will unanimously begin to assert that this is absolutely impossible to do! But is it? Should breastfeeding be interrupted for the entire treatment period or not?

The temperature during breastfeeding can rise not only due to banal ARVI, but also due to milk stagnation and other factors

Before answering the above questions, you need to understand why the temperature may rise during breastfeeding. The main reasons are:

  • mastitis;
  • stagnation of milk called lactostasis;
  • poisoning;
  • inflammatory reactions in the body;
  • infectious diseases.

In most cases, at a temperature, breastfeeding a baby is not only possible, but also necessary

There are many myths about breastfeeding at fever. Someone claims that it is necessary to boil it and only then give it to the child through a bottle. This is fundamentally wrong. First, having taken a bottle once, the child will then be able to abandon the breast altogether, since milk flows from the bottle itself into a small mouth, and in order to get it from the breast, you need to work hard.

Secondly, pumping should take place every 4 hours, which is not very convenient for the mother, since she already does not feel very well. And besides, nothing empties the breast like sucking a baby. Thirdly, when boiled, milk loses all its beneficial properties. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to do this.

Also, stopping breastfeeding can lead to stagnation of milk, which will only increase the temperature and worsen the already difficult condition of the mother.

An increase in temperature associated with infectious diseases increases the production of antibodies that are responsible for immunity, which also get to the baby during feeding. Therefore, a sick mother with her milk only strengthens the baby's immunity. The same thing happens with mastitis, so you should not stop GW.

It is believed that at elevated temperatures, breast milk becomes sour and curdles, so you should not feed the baby. It is not true! The rise in temperature does not in any way affect the taste of the milk. And besides, it becomes even more useful, since the amount of antibodies in it increases several times.

But if you exclude HS at a temperature, but at the same time be in the same room with the child, the chances of infection of the baby increase several times than with continued breastfeeding.

Therefore, whether or not to breastfeed at an elevated temperature is up to you. However, it should be understood that the temperature can also be caused by inflammatory processes in the body, in which breastfeeding is impossible. And to establish the exact cause, you should definitely consult a doctor. Indeed, at this stage, we are talking not only about the health of the mother, but also about the health of the baby.

It is undesirable for a nursing mother to take antipyretics, so it is worth starting with harmless folk remedies

Temperature and breastfeeding are two very compatible things. Therefore, you should not stop breastfeeding your baby. You just need to see a doctor who will give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Today there are many medicines that are allowed to be used while breastfeeding. These include Nurafen and Paracetomol. They rarely cause side effects, and besides, there are very few of them.

The best option are suppositories based on antipyretic components. Although they are less effective, the substances they contain do not pass into milk. In rare cases, a woman is prescribed treatment that does not provide for the continuation of hepatitis B.

Taking antipyretics, you do all the "work" for the body - it relaxes and stops producing antibodies. Therefore, the disease can last up to 10 days.

Well, if you cannot bear the temperature, then you should start taking medication. Also, don't forget to drink plenty of fluids. It is recommended to drink hot tea with lemon, fruit drinks and water. But with mastitis, you should not abuse drinking, since it only increases the flow of milk, which can lead to complications.

During breastfeeding, you are very sensitive to your health, because the development of your baby depends on its condition. But it so happened that your temperature rose. And the question naturally arises, if a nursing mother has a temperature, is it possible to feed a child? You will find out about the opinion of experts on this matter in our article.

Is it possible to breastfeed if mom has a fever

More recently, it was believed that when a woman's temperature rises, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding. But not everything is so tragic. Modern research has shown that there is no need to give up breastfeeding in the presence of fever. There are only a few contraindications, which will be discussed further.

In order to correctly answer the question of whether it is possible to breastfeed a child if the mother has a fever, you need to consult a doctor if you have such a symptom. After all, an increase in body temperature indicates the presence of some kind of disease. Most often these are:

  • acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);
  • inflammatory processes of non-infectious origin (back problems after childbirth);
  • lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the mammary gland;
  • lactational mastitis - inflammation of the mammary gland during breastfeeding;
  • intestinal infections;
  • food poisoning, etc.
With hepatitis, chickenpox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, erysipelas and typhoid, breastfeeding is prohibited. The baby should not be in contact with his mother because of the risk of infection. The baby can only be fed with expressed pasteurized breast milk.

Breastfeeding should also be avoided if fever is associated with serious kidney, liver, heart or lung disease. Do not breastfeed your baby while you are on antibiotic or other medication.

As soon as you notice manifestations of a respiratory illness - you have a runny nose, pain or sore throat, you must immediately wear a mask. Special anti-infection masks will protect your baby while breastfeeding.

At what temperature is it forbidden to breastfeed? Experts do not recommend it above 38.5 ° C. This is because your body is weakened. You can lower the temperature with drugs based on active ingredients - ibuprofen or paracetamol. They are practically harmless to babies.

If you do not want antipyretic drugs to get into breast milk, then use them in the form of rectal suppositories. With this method of application, the effect will be less pronounced than when taking pills.

If you have been diagnosed with mastitis and there are no contraindications, then you can feed your baby. Only in the case of purulent mastitis should the baby be applied to the healthy breast. And to express milk with a sick person whenever possible.