Applying makeup. Differences between daytime and evening makeup. Video on how to properly apply makeup

Determining who wore makeup - an inexperienced girl or a professional make-up artist - is very easy for people close to the empire of fashion and beauty. For a novice beauty, cosmetics on the face are too noticeable, colors sometimes do not match, the lines do not emphasize, but hide their natural advantages. And a professional in make-up applies shadows, powder, lipstick so that they are almost invisible, but at the same time they retouch the flaws and highlight the advantages.

Professional make-up at home

Professional make-up at home

The secret to the success of professional make-up is even, shiny skin. Any cosmetics looks good on it, does not roll into lumps, does not clog into wrinkles. But perfect skin is rare. Therefore, makeup artists use special tools to make it smoother.

These funds are selected depending on the type of skin:

  • for oily skin, professionals use a water-based leveling gel. It does not clog pores, removes shine and prevents cosmetics from blurring
  • for mixed to normal skin, make-up artists choose a light cream. It has a moisturizing effect, evens out skin tone, hides fine wrinkles
  • for dry skin, apply a dense cream with vegetable oils. It fixes cosmetics on the face, makes the skin shine, makes it smoother

And in home make-up, it is worth starting precisely with smoothing the skin, preparing it for applying makeup. Choose one of the products, apply it on your face, wait a few minutes for the composition to be absorbed, and only then apply powder or foundation.

The minimum set that should be in a home cosmetic bag: makeup base, foundation or powder, eyeshadow palette, pencil, mascara

After that, eye makeup is done. For daytime, it is quite possible to do with a brown pencil and black ink. In the evening, you can add eye shadow and liquid eyeliner. First, a pencil or eyeliner is applied (along the line of the upper eyelid). Then step by step shadows and mascara. In daytime make-up, calm natural shades are acceptable, in evening make-up - bright, making the make-up festive.

After applying makeup to the eyes, pay attention to the cheekbones. You can highlight them with a darker powder or apply a tanned blush. The bright pink shades that were once in vogue are now used only to create oriental makeup, which is very suitable for brunettes with slanting eyes.

Lipstick is the final touch of makeup. During the day, it is better to use glitter instead. It makes lips juicy, bright, without shifting accents. With this tool, the makeup looks natural and very organic. But in the evening, lipstick will emphasize the solemnity of the make-up, make the image more sexy and open.

Any master class for beginners is performed step by step and consists of several stages.

  1. Cleansing the face.
  2. Moisturizing.
  3. Application of a primer.
  4. Applying a foundation.
  5. Correction of the shape of the face.
  6. Masking flaws.
  7. Drawing the eyes.
  8. Applying blush and lipstick.

Now let's look at each action in more detail. This is very important, because it is quite difficult to perform professional makeup for beginners, any missing detail can ruin the whole result.

Applying a foundation

A cream or a special base is applied only after cleansing and additional moisturizing of the face. It is also advisable to apply a primer that will help smooth out the texture of the face and hide minor skin imperfections. Apply the tone with a brush, sponge or apply with your fingers (you should choose a more familiar method).

The application technique is always approximately the same and includes three stages.

  1. Apply the cream in small amounts to the nose, forehead, chin and cheekbones.
  2. With light, slightly patting movements, distribute the base from the center to the hairline. Be sure to make sure that there are no clear boundaries between your skin and the foundation.
  3. Correct the shape of the face. You can understand how to do this at home on your own by watching the video tutorials below.

Experienced makeup artists say that eyebrows hold the entire face. This is actually the case. It is especially important to take this fact into account when performing makeup for beginners for every day.

Correct the shape of the eyebrows step by step:

  1. We comb the eyebrows down.
  2. Lightly paint over the gaps in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Especially carefully draw the ponytails of the eyebrows.
  4. Using a brush, distribute the pencil along the length of the hair.
  5. Apply the fixing gel.

Shadow application technique:

  1. Using a damp brush, apply shadows along the bottom of the eyebrow and blend towards the bridge of the nose.
  2. Apply a new batch of shadows to the top and stretch the tapering tail to the temple.
  3. Carefully comb the eyebrows with a special brush.
  4. We fix with gel

Important! All movements should be smooth, you need to fill in the gaps with stitches, imitating your own hairs.

Advice. Make-up for a beginner is best done with shadows, in this way the natural eyebrow line is easier and faster.

This video master class clearly shows how to style eyebrows at home:

Eye makeup

The design of the eyes can be very diverse. Consider the basic makeup rules for beginners at home:

  1. Start with a base under the shade, it will provide an even distribution and prevent them from rolling.
  2. It is necessary to apply shadows pointwise and be sure to shade with a brush.
  3. You do not need to paint over the eyelid with one color, you should use at least 2 shades.
  4. The eyes will be more expressive if you draw the space between the eyelashes with a pencil or shadows.
  5. Mascara should be applied at the very end.

You should also pay attention to the following video master classes:

Spectacular evening make-up:

Hollywood makeup:

Applying blush

The natural blush on the cheeks refreshes the face, makes it more youthful and embossed. In order to correctly highlight the cheekbones at home, you just need to adhere to the following rules:

Lip makeup

This stage is completed by the master class. For daytime make-up, it is enough to apply gloss to the lips; for an evening make-up, you can use bright shades.

Application technique:

  1. Apply foundation to lips to fill in gaps and wrinkles. Then the lipstick will lay down smoother and last longer.
  2. Draw the outline with a brush or pencil (the shade should match the color of the lipstick).
  3. Smoothly distribute the lipstick over the surface of the lips, then apply another layer.
  4. Apply highlighter or gloss to plump lips.

The following video master class clearly shows how to perform lip makeup step by step at home.

After you watch the video tutorials of makeup for beginners, the design of the face will seem surprisingly simple. Now you can make a make-up for any occasion at home: at work, at a party, for video and photography. And finally, we propose to look at the harmful advice, and maybe get to know yourself somewhere.

In contact with

Not everyone is endowed with bright colors by nature. Someone is ashamed of their whitish eyebrows, some have too short eyelashes, others try by any means to enlarge small and narrow lips.

In connection with this widespread problem, every woman once wonders how to do makeup at home in order to emphasize the advantages of her appearance and hide its flaws. Of course, this does not mean the application of mascara and lipstick, which is limited to most of the fair sex. It's about creating the perfect make-up using the latest products from the modern beauty industry and taking into account the secrets of leading makeup artists.

Necessary cosmetics

First, you need to decide what you need for make-up at home: you will have to completely go through and update your cosmetic bag. This does not mean that you need to run to the store and buy all 50 varieties. Let there be 5-6 of them, but they should be actively used by you, and not gather dust on the shelf.

Think, analyze which of the following will be useful to you, and which you will definitely never apply - and only after that, having corrected our list, go shopping.

For skin

Means for masking imperfections on the skin:

  • sequins / glitter / shimmer - for creating evening make-up at home;
  • concealer / corrector;
  • primer / base / make-up base - an essential tool for a perfect home make-up;
  • powder in balls, loose or pressed;
  • bronzer / highlighter / luminizer - useful only for a festive, bright make-up;
  • blush;
  • foundation with a creamy or powdery texture, depending on the type of skin.

Explore more detailed information on each of the products to know if you need them for home makeup or not. For example, from cosmetics containing reflective particles, it will be enough to have one thing: a luminizer or a bronzer. You never have to combine them with each other. The same goes for sequins and glitter.

For eyes

The hardest part of home make-up is to apply the right makeup on your eyes, which will require special diligence. For this you may need:

  • eyeliner: pencil / marker / liner / felt-tip pen - it is better to choose one thing, they differ in the thickness of the rod and the brightness of the colors;
  • shadows: the richer their palette, the more vivid images you can create with their help;
  • mascara.

A minimal amount of eye makeup does not make homemade makeup on that area of ​​the face lighter. So be prepared for the test at this stage of applying the make-up.

For eyebrows

The most common mistake women make when applying home makeup is ignoring the role of eyebrows in creating an image. But it is they who can open the eyes or make them narrower, hide age-related ptosis or emphasize the natural brightness of the appearance. So choose the cosmetics carefully for them:

  • eyeliner: pencil / marker / liner / felt-tip pen;
  • persistent paint will allow you not to suffer with eyebrow dyeing every day;
  • lipstick, powder or wax have two functions: giving the desired shade and fixing unruly hairs;
  • shadows and mascara only color.

There are a lot of cosmetics for eyebrow makeup, but you only need to choose a certain minimum that you will use.

For lips

Men call their lips one of the most attractive parts of a woman's face, so their makeup at home should also be approached responsibly. Although the choice of cosmetics here will be small:

  • balm;
  • shine;
  • pencil;
  • pomade.

These cosmetics will help you create simple and beautiful makeup at home without the participation of a professional. When choosing them, consider everything: the palette should correspond to your color type, the consistency - to the characteristics of the skin, the thickness of the contouring - to the flaws in appearance that must be hidden.

You may have to try different options, but in the end you will definitely shape your makeup bag. And don't forget to add some tools to it.

Set of tools

To do makeup on your own, it will not be enough to use only the fingertips and applicators that come with the makeup. You will have to expand this list, which will turn your home make-up into a professional one.

  • an applicator made of foam rubber, felt or latex - required for applying shadows;
  • brushes: fan, oval, kabuki, duofiber, domed, flat, with natural or artificial bristles - select them in accordance with the cosmetics you plan to use in your home make-up;
  • a sea sponge is hypoallergenic and will help you apply foundation perfectly;
  • tweezers for eyebrow shaping;
  • puffs / sponges;
  • a pencil sharpener specially designed for this: ordinary will not work;
  • brush-comb for shaping the eyebrows;
  • curling iron for cilia.

To make beautiful makeup at home, you have to learn to understand these and select some of them for regular use. If you limit yourself to applicators and fingers, do not expect an ideal make-up, because only brushes and sponges can blend products on the skin so that they will look natural. Otherwise, you run the risk of creating a mask from several layers of makeup, which will cause confusion, but not admiration.

After your cosmetic bag is assembled, decide on the style directions that you will have to adhere to.

Style selection

To make home makeup with your own hands that will look organic at home and at work, on a romantic date and business meeting, a noisy party and a gala event, you need to take into account the style of these events.

Choose those that are appropriate in a given situation, so as not to look too defiant or, on the contrary, nondescript and gray.

  1. - make-up, the lightest in technique. Suitable for workdays, home activities and walks. Muted tones, a minimum of makeup and naturalness are its distinctive features.
  2. / festive - make-up that is difficult for self-application. Used for solemn, chic outfits. Differs in a bright color palette, the ability to combine different scales and place the right accents.
  3. Wedding - not recommended for home application, as this is too important an event for every girl. It should be at the same time stunningly beautiful, and at the same time delicate and light. Therefore, it is better to trust the professionals here.
  4. / nude - when mastering this make-up technique at home, you can independently create both bright, festive looks and stunning everyday make-ups. It is also one of the most demanded trends today.
  5. - an ideal make-up eye for a party, but requires a responsible approach at home.
  6. Business / office - resembles everyday, but requires more careful study of details, since career and promotion may depend on the created image.

Master these style orientations - and you can create with your own hands at home. You will not need to waste time and money visiting a makeup artist. And if you have a taste and you know how to select and combine color palettes of various cosmetics, you may well offer your services to your friends and acquaintances.

Now it's time to move on to the main question - in what sequence to apply cosmetics.

Step-by-step instruction

To properly do makeup at home, you need to follow the step-by-step instructions from experts. You cannot first apply lipstick, and then apply foundation, which will lubricate the entire lipstick and blend their contour. So, no matter what style you work in, use cosmetics in a strictly defined order.


The most difficult thing that will require you to make up at home is to smooth out the skin's relief. It should be flawless, like the stars on TV screens and magazine covers. Therefore, it is multi-layered. But at the same time, he should not look like an unnatural mask, theatrical make-up.

So learn, memorize, train your arm:

  1. A primer that serves as a base, the so-called base for applying any makeup. Unfortunately, many people ignore it and do not get the desired result. It is applied to all areas of the face, including the eyelids, lips, neck and décolleté.
  2. Concealer and Corrector are concealers used to correct those imperfections on the skin that even show through the primer. For pimples and wrinkles, use it - it has a dense consistency. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes are best hidden with a more gentle and airy concealer.
  3. The foundation lays down, like the primer, on all parts of the face. If you have oily skin, use a dense powder texture. If dry - in the form of a cream.
  4. Highlighter is a brightening corrector that can be used as a safety net to mask too dark age spots or deep wrinkles. Be careful: it contains reflective particles.
  5. Powder is used in minimal amounts to hide all other layers of makeup.
  6. Blush can be applied as a last resort, blending it in the cheekbones towards the temples.
  7. As part of the evening home make-up, sequins, shimmer, bronzer, luminizer are used at the final stage, after staining the lips.

To make yourself at home, you need to learn very well how to mask skin imperfections with appropriate cosmetics. Without this, the perfect make-up is impossible.


To do your makeup at home, do not overlook your eyebrows. After smoothing the skin, do them:

  1. Eyebrow shaping with tweezers.
  2. Outline their outline.
  3. Painting over.
  4. Form fixation with wax or lipstick.
  5. Application of sequins, shimmer, if it is an evening make-up.

Remember: it is of the utmost importance in the creation of any image.

Eyebrow shape options


The most difficult stage is at home, since applying eyeshadow is a real art:

  1. Primer.
  2. The first layer of shadows is on the movable part of the eyelid and the brow region.
  3. Drawing the contour of the movable fold on the eyelids.
  4. Feathering.
  5. The second layer of shadows is only for the moving part of the eyelid.
  6. Feathering.
  7. Liner, outline drawing and arrows.
  8. Filling the voids in the inner corners of the eyes, between the lower and upper arrows.
  9. Curling cilia.
  10. Painting them with ink.
  11. Shimmer or glitter application.

Difficulties will arise when choosing a shade palette of shadows, when it will be necessary to take into account the color of the eyes and hair, as well as when shading, which will help create a natural and beautiful makeup even at home.


The last thing you have to do is apply, and at home, perhaps, absolutely everyone can cope with this without any problems:

  1. Application of a primer.
  2. Outline outline.
  3. The first layer of lipstick.
  4. Dusting (if you want your makeup to be long-lasting and not crumble).
  5. The second layer of lipstick.
  6. Lip gloss.

Now you know how to properly apply makeup at home. Stick to this sequence - and there will be no problems with shedding shadows, multi-layered makeup and blurred lip contour.

The main thing in this business is endurance and patience. Even when not everything will work out, you can always correct an unsuccessful stroke with a cotton pad or a corrector - and again take up the creation of a beautiful image, which, believe me, is worth it.

Finally, we have collected for you a few more little tricks that will allow your make-up to become flawless.

When you start choosing cosmetics and applying them to your skin, you will realize that the perfect makeup is not only a sequence of actions. Training videos will help you master it. It will be much more difficult to choose a color palette. You might find the following tips from the pros helpful here.

Tint palette of cosmetics for different color types of appearance

Little tricks:

  1. For drawing, raise the corner of the eyebrow, and the line will turn out more clearly.
  2. Follow the professional "one-accent rule" in home makeup: you can highlight either the eyes or the lips. For festive and evening make-up, this law is allowed to be violated.
  3. Glue decorative tape from the outer corner to your temple to blend the shadows neatly, otherwise there is a risk of smudging them down.
  4. If the eyes are close-set, stretch the eyeliner from the middle of the eyelid to the outer edge, gradually thickening the line. If, on the contrary, the eyes are set far away, move the arrow from the inner corner to the outer corner.
  5. Even homemade makeup is able to enlarge small eyes, if the upper eyelashes are drawn in black, and the lower ones - in white, and point out the inner corners (for more details, see).
  6. There should be no empty space between the eyeliner line and the eyelashes.
  7. Home makeup can enlarge narrow lips if you pull the pencil out of their contour (how to do this correctly, we have already told in one of ours).

As you now know, learning how to do makeup at home is a real art, but anyone can master it. The main thing is perseverance, perseverance, strong nerves and adherence to recommendations from professionals.

Not everything will work out the first time, especially with regard to the make-up of the eyes, which is considered the most virtuoso in this matter. But after you get your hands on and acquire the necessary skills and abilities, you yourself will be surprised at how harmoniously the image you have created can fit into any event. Now you can look perfect at a business meeting, in everyday office work, and at the most fashionable party.

To get a gorgeous result when applying cosmetics, you should learn how to choose it. The quality of the means used has an impact not only on the effect obtained, but also on the structure of the skin. Skin condition may deteriorate after using products containing harmful substances. Allergy is one of the dangerous consequences. Toxic components are absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause serious health complications.

Another, no less important factor is the development of makeup techniques, the use of color combinations that correspond to the type of appearance. An ideal make-up will skillfully hide overhanging eyelids, tired eyes, sore spots. A beautifully painted woman feels confident and self-sufficient.

Skin preparation

Preparatory procedures consist of two stages: cleansing and moisturizing the skin. The following agents are used for cleaning:

  • lotion;
  • scrub;
  • gel;
  • tonic;
  • milk.

A small amount of the selected cosmetics is applied to clean, dry skin and then used according to the instructions. Cleaning helps to open pores, get rid of keratinized particles. Oxygen enters through the upper layer of the epidermis, which activates the cellular biochemical process. Useful minerals and trace elements that make up the products stimulate cell regeneration and restore structure.

After cleansing, moisturizing follows, which is carried out using a cream. It is enough to apply a small amount of the product on the face and let it soak for a few minutes. Remains must be removed with a dry cloth.

Cleaning helps to open pores, get rid of keratinized particles, oxygen enters through the upper layer of the epidermis, which activates the cellular biochemical process

General rules for applying makeup

It is better to choose a powder of a light structure, then you can avoid overloading and weighing the skin

Stages of makeup

The upper eyelid is applied with a pencil or liquid eyeliner, followed by shading
  1. Cleaning the skin. Before using any cosmetics, the skin should be cleaned to prevent clogging of the pores and not to provoke the activation of the sebaceous glands. Skin scrubbing should be carried out twice a week, and daily it should be treated with lotion, tonic or milk. The result of the procedure: clean, even skin without keratinized particles.
  2. Moisturizing. Water balance is necessary for the normal functioning of all vital processes, including the epidermis. Regular use of moisturizers prolongs youthfulness and freshness. Day creams contain essential trace elements that retain moisture in cells and tissues. Before makeup, apply the cream and leave to absorb for a few minutes, then blot the rest with a napkin.
  3. Applying tone. The foundation is applied to the entire face in a thin layer. It is recommended to grab the neck as well to avoid the emphasis on demarcation. Distribute the product over the skin with a cosmetic brush. You also need to apply a foundation on the eyelids so that the shadow layer is better fixed. To correct problem areas and give shades, you can use several tones at the same time, but no more than 3. You can evaluate the result by looking in the mirror. If the skin does not look like a mask, then the desired effect has been achieved.
  4. If necessary, masking of problem areas is carried out... A corrector is also suitable for this. Concealers come in several colors, each of which masks a specific problem. For example, to hide cyanosis in the eye area, the green color of the product is suitable, and to hide black dots - white or beige. The layer should be thin. Use your fingertips to gently hammer the concealer into your skin.
  5. Powder application. You should powder your face with a thin layer. Correct use of the product involves scrolling the brush in powder, followed by distribution over the skin. The area around the eyes is not processed, since already after half an hour, ugly folds are formed on the moving areas (the effect of old age).
  6. Accentuating the cheekbones with blush. This technique is refreshing and youthful. For daytime makeup, use neutral blush tones. Before applying, you need to pull the cheeks inward to highlight the border of the cheekbones and draw on them with a brush. 2-3 strokes are enough. If the tone is more saturated, you need to lighten the area with a clean brush.
  7. . Shadows are applied first. You can combine several shades. Next, the upper eyelid is brought in with a pencil or with subsequent shading. The final touch is the coloring of the eyelashes.
  8. Lip shaping. To create a beautiful contour, you need to outline the borders of the lips with a pencil, in the color of lipstick or 1-2 shades darker. After that, lipstick or gloss is applied.
Step-by-step instructions for eye makeup

How to apply blush correctly

Makeup Secrets

  • Eyebrow shaping has recently become relevant. Gel is required to create an expressive line, but what if you don't have it at hand? The answer is simple - use a clear lip balm. The result will be as good as stability. It is enough to use a thin brush to brush over the hairs of the eyebrows, laying them in the desired direction. The balm has a similar effect to the gel, so the form will last for a long time. The use of hairspray and mascara brush will also come in handy. Spray a little styling product onto the brush and use it to comb through the brows to create the desired curve.
  • Lipstick with a soft, creamy structure can replace blush. After the base has been applied to the face, you need to draw with the rod one small stroke in the cheekbones. Use a thick brush or fingertips to blend them without rubbing into the skin. This technique will help to quickly give the face freshness in the absence of blush.
  • The rules for applying makeup provide for the use of a day cream before applying the base. Time can be saved by using a cream with the acronym BB or CC. Such products have a caring effect, mask small problem areas, and even out the color.
  • Matting wipes will help keep your appearance fresh and well-groomed throughout the day, and quickly eliminate grease when it appears.
  • To add fluffiness to the eyelashes, a technique involving two-time dyeing will help. The secret lies in a transparent powder that is applied to the first layer of mascara. It should be used in small quantities so as not to weigh down the eyelashes.
  • For a vibrant lip color, you can create a base from concealer. Applying it to the lips creates a dense base that will not absorb the brightness of the lip product.

The rules for applying makeup provide for the use of a day cream before applying the base.

Differences between daytime and evening makeup

At different light intensities, the perception of the same makeup is significantly different. This factor forms the basis for the use of cosmetics for different purposes. Natural light enhances natural beauty well. Sometimes it is enough to even out the skin tone or apply a small amount of lip gloss and the look is ready. In the evening, bright accents will not interfere, which will make the look more expressive and playful.

Features of daytime makeup are to create naturalness and freshness. Mostly neutral shades are used. Problem areas are lightened and matted. Excessive bulges are tinted with dark powder or foundation 1-2 tones darker than the main one.

Using the techniques of playing with shades, you can successfully correct the oval of the face, nose, cheekbones and other areas. The eyeliner lines must be shaded, otherwise you will get the effect of fake eyes or eyebrows. Layers of makeup are super-thin so as not to weigh down the look. A balanced combination of shades will add freshness and lightness.

You can't do without bright shades. The first thing that differs from the daytime procedure is the applied tone. Several tones are used to even out skin color. This will make it possible not only to correct problem areas, but also to emphasize the natural beauty, to make the skin structure more saturated.

For eyeliner, it is preferable to use dark tones: black, dark brown, blue, purple. The arrow is shaded slightly to blend harmoniously with the shadows. For all the expressiveness, it is important not to overdo it with tones, otherwise the so-called "combat color" may turn out. Focusing on the eyes, do not paint your lips brightly and vice versa. For a general positive perception, it is enough to express only one zone.

Common mistakes

  • Many girls try to create a tan effect using a darker foundation. You can not use a foundation that is different in color from the skin. This will create a mask effect.
  • Care should be taken when treating the eye area with a white concealer. Too much difference in skin tone will create a panda effect.
  • If the shelf life of cosmetics has expired, you should urgently replace it. Before the first use of new drugs, testing should be done to prevent an allergic reaction.
  • Often women clearly express their eyes, highlighting them with a dark eyeliner, extended thick eyelashes, and lips, using bright lipstick colors. In the right makeup, the emphasis is on one thing. If in the evening look this can still be justified, then in the daytime the brightness emphasizes the complete lack of taste.
  • The small eye shape should not be let down. Black eyeliner will make it look even smaller. You can express your look by blending dark shadows along the lash line.
  • It has become popular to use bright red lipstick in evening make-up. Before applying, you need to take into account the condition of the teeth, because the red color can only emphasize the white teeth. In the presence of yellowness and darkened enamel, the appearance will be even more unhealthy.
  • The error is considered to be the effectiveness of the reception.using a pencil and lipstick. The contour drawn above the real will create an unnatural shape and become a bad accent in makeup.

Today we'll talk about how to do makeup at home. A fresh and natural face is always in fashion. It is necessary to strive to ensure that the makeup applied to the face looks neat, as natural and imperceptible as possible. He should highlight your strengths and hide your weaknesses. An exception is the evening look or make-up for special events. So, we will analyze how to perform makeup step by step at home, both daytime and evening.

Everyday care

First, take care of your face today. Remember to remove your makeup every night. Determine your skin type and cleanse your face with the right skincare products and moisturize it daily with the right products. If you have skin problems such as acne, blackheads, age spots, choose the right series. Drink as much plain pure water as possible per day, about 2 liters. Much will depend on the condition of the skin. Before asking the question "How to do make-up at home?", You need to bring the skin to a fresh, radiant and clean state. And with such a face, believe me, it will be much easier to work.

Makeup brushes

Without special little helpers - brushes - it is impossible to do makeup at home. Photos of a fresh and natural face speak for themselves. Brushes are synthetic and natural. Find quality tools for yourself. Do not forget to take care of them: be sure to clean them, store them carefully. Then they will serve you well and become faithful helpers.

Face tone

All makeup tutorials begin with applying foundation. For a more natural look, instead of using a tonal base, use a tinted moisturizer - it's good for intense hydration, contains SPF filters and protects from the sun's rays. You can also use a mineral base. Apply concealer on any blemishes and around the eyes. Make sure it is exactly the same color as your skin. Use a concealer also to hide any minor imperfections, pigmentation and unevenness.


Correctly shaped eyebrows will "make" any face. Here, as they say, a step in the wrong direction - and everything will go to dust. One irregular line, too thin or thick, will change the natural curve. The falling line makes the face look dull, the unnatural shape of the eyebrows looks ridiculous. Too plucked or messy shaggy eyebrows will give an unkempt look. Beautiful makeup is simply impossible to do without neatly shaped eyebrows. Be patient with growing or shaping your eyebrows to suit your face type. For eyebrow makeup, use a pencil that is lighter or shade. With concealer, you can always correct the line of the eyebrows or give them expressiveness. Remember that the highest point and break of the brow should be darker in color than the rest. You can press harder on the pencil in this place.

Now naturalness is in vogue. Remember that eyebrows will make any makeup complete and even minimal - natural - they will beautify and complement. And improperly designed ones can ruin the whole image.


Correct contouring will help to make the face as embossed as possible so that it does not look like a white sheet of paper. Run a cool brown bronzer, concealer or blush along the cheekbones and T-zone for a natural shade or a natural tan look. A bronzer can be used in the summer, but a concealer and cool brown eyeshadows are suitable at any time of the year. This is especially true for those who are going to be photographed. In the photo, a face with such makeup will look embossed and natural.

Avoid using blush with reddish color, so they don't look like ridiculous spots. With the help of the corrector, you can also visually make the wings of the nose thinner. Darkening in the right places will visually bring the face closer to the natural oval. You can also darken the sides of the neck to visually make it thinner.

Eye makeup

After we have applied the tone to the face, shaped the eyebrows and finished with the contouring, we proceed to the next stage. We always adhere to one simple rule: either bright lips or bright eyes. Therefore, for day and evening makeup with bright lips, the eyes should be natural and natural. In order to make the eyes more voluminous and expressive, work out the crease of the eyelid with matte brown eyeshadows of a natural shade. To keep the shadows for a long time, do not roll and crumble, use a base under the shadows. If you have an Asian eyelid, that is, overhanging, the fold will need to be drawn with shadows. This should be done by looking directly in front of you in the mirror. If you manage to localize the cosmetic product correctly, you will immediately see how the eyes "open up" and how expressive it will become. Next, apply a darker matte shade of shadows to the outer corner of the moving part of the eyelid. This is to add depth to the look. And in the inner corner, you can add a drop of white pencil - kayala. The most important thing is to keep the lines smooth. Shadows should "go into a haze", no clear boundaries, only smooth transitions! You can draw a thin, neat arrow on the upper eyelid.

So, the daytime eye makeup is ready. If we need an evening look, then we add brighter touches. Shadows can be used in shimmery, satin, bright and dark colors. The arrow needs to be drawn with a thicker line and the neat tail should be brought out beyond the borders of the outer part of the movable eyelid.

Eyelashes. False eyelashes and bundles

Learn to paint your eyes correctly. We collect mascara on a brush and paint over the eyelashes from the roots as carefully as possible. Depending on the need, paint over the bottom row. You can also complement the image with tufted or tape eyelashes. Tufts in the outer corner will look more natural and natural. Try it - and you will see that it is not at all difficult to build up eyelashes for a gala evening on your own. You can learn to do this pretty quickly if you are patient and careful. And soon it will be possible not only to take care of yourself without difficulty, but also to tell your girlfriends how to do makeup at home with beautiful extended eyelashes!

Applying makeup to lips

Lip liner should be no darker than lipstick or gloss. Otherwise, there will be a feeling that the lips are enclosed in a "frame". This option ages. But for bright lipsticks, a pencil is needed. And it must completely match them in color. Try not to go beyond the natural contour, so as not to create the impression of smeared, sloppy painted lips.

If you want to slightly correct the shape, then do it as carefully as possible. Remember that bright shades of matte lipsticks are in fashion now, in the autumn-winter season these are traditionally dark shades - plum, brown, burgundy.

Blush and highlighter

So, literally the final touches remain. Beautiful make-up at home will not be complete without a drop of blush on the cheeks and a highlighter, which gives shine to individual parts of the face, namely: it is applied in the dimple above the upper lip, on the back of the nose, in the center of the forehead, under the eyes, on the highest point of the cheekbones ... They can also work out the eyebrows. The face will look brighter and more contrasting, the lips and eyes will look more voluminous, and thus we will complete the contouring and creation of the natural relief of the face. Blush applied horizontally to the top of the cheekbones will help to visually make the round face look more oblong.

How to do makeup at home: the main rules

  1. Use only high-quality cosmetics and carefully monitor the expiration date of the products.
  2. Daily skin care and hydration.
  3. Proper daylight lighting when applying makeup.
  4. Choose products that suit your natural color type.
  5. If you need long-lasting and long-lasting makeup, remember about the bases: under the base, under the eyeshadow, concealers and correctors, the setting base.
  6. Makeup should be accentuated either on the eyes or on the lips.
  7. Remember that even when creating bright makeup, naturalness is in fashion. Therefore, you should not change the shape of the eyes or lips too much with the help of shadows (only if they do not require correction).

These are not all the secrets of creating makeup, but we hope that the information received will be enough to try and learn. And you will see that beautiful makeup at home is not so difficult! And it's always nice to feel like a cover girl, a model at a photo shoot or a diva on the red carpet - you can make up just as well!