Navruz-2016: How a truly national holiday was celebrated in Dushanbe. Navruz in Tajikistan: history, traditions and gifts - Tajikistan Information Network Download video and cut mp3 - it's easy with us

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Navruz is one of the oldest holidays, which is celebrated today in all corners of the world. Tajiks rightfully consider themselves to be one of those from whom this holiday came, which has been emphasized more than once. For example, at the celebrations in honor of Navruz in Moscow last year, the Tajik stand was decorated with roll-ups with the slogan "Tajikistan is the birthplace of Navruz."
In the photo: Folk festivals in the center of Dushanbe near the monument to Ismoil Somoni.

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Some associate the appearance of Navruz with religion, others with the change of seasons, but almost everyone agrees that the holiday is more than one thousand years old. Tajik classics sang it, and Abulkosim Firdavsi (Abulkasim Firdousi) even described its origin in his legendary opus Shahnameh (Book of Kings), an outstanding monument of Tajik literature, written in the 10th-11th centuries.
In the photo: Young people at the National Library.

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The main venue for Navruz in Dushanbe for the fourth year (since its foundation) has been the Navruzgokh park, which, in fact, was erected in honor of this holiday. Naturally, one of the main participants in the celebrations are musicians, especially those who play national instruments - doira, gichchak (both in the photo), karnay, dutor and others.

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This day is special for all residents of Tajikistan and therefore they treat it in the same way, in a special way. Even those who rarely wear national clothes in everyday life go out on March 21 dressed in national dresses and robes.
In the photo: A girl in the national dress of some mountainous regions of Tajikistan with doira in the metropolitan park "Navruzgokh"

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Sports competitions on Navruz for Tajiks have been an integral part of the holiday since ancient times, in fact, from the moment the holiday itself was born. However, the date is celebrated in Tajikistan for several days and the events are also stretched over several stages. Therefore, the main competitions (buzkashi or goat-wrestling, the Tajik national wrestling gushtingiri, etc.) will be held today or tomorrow, and in Navruzgokh, pupils of sports schools held demonstration performances.

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Competitions in the Tajik national wrestling gushtingiri must be held on the days of the celebration of Navruz in almost every city and region of Tajikistan. Diasporas abroad also hold competitions these days. For example, more than 100 wrestlers will take part in the tournament in Moscow on March 26.
A distinctive feature of Gushtingiri is dynamism - fights are held at a fast pace and are replete with numerous trips, sweeps, tackles and throws with a belt grab. The Tajik national wrestling is also characterized by “shock” grips, which, apart from this type, are not practiced anywhere else.

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The program of entertainment events includes performances of dorbozchi (rope walkers), maskharaboz (clowns or jesters) and others. One of the smallest participants, for example, boldly walked on broken glass under the supervision of his mentor (apparently, his father).

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If it has already happened that the main representative functions of Navruz are assigned to sprouted wheat grains (symbolizing the awakening of nature), then the main delicacy of the holiday anywhere in the world is sumanak, which is prepared from those very sprouted wheat grains and boiled for at least 12 hours. Ancestors considered it sacred and healing.

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Navruzgokh also hosted a concert of Tajik art masters and representatives of all city districts. Visitors were pleased by popular singers with their favorite songs, and dance ensembles with incendiary performances.

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There are legends about the history of Navruz and no one can say exactly how and when it appeared, and literally from Tajik it is translated as “New Day”.

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According to Firdousi's Shahnameh epic, King Jamshed established the holiday in the third period of his 700-year reign (each consisted of 50 years), and for the next 300 years, people under his rule lived in peace and tranquility. Hence the combination of "Navruz Jamshed", or "Jamshed Navruz":
...Like the Sun of heavenly heights,
That glorified ruler shone.
The people gathered for his celebration,
He marveled at the greatness of his king.
Jamshid, showering with diamond rain,
They called that joyful day New Day.

Navruz in Farsi means "new day". It is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox - March 21. Navruz symbolizes the renewal of nature and man, the purification of souls and the beginning of a new life. Navruz is a holiday of the spring equinox and the beginning of a new agricultural year among the Persian-speaking and some Turkic-speaking peoples of Kazakhstan, Central and Asia Minor, Iran, as well as among the Bashkirs and Tatars.

In September 2009, Nowruz was included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and at the end of February 2010, the 64th session of the UN General Assembly declared March 21 "International Day of Nowruz".

"Harbinger" of Navruz

The Sada holiday, which is celebrated in Tajikistan, is a harbinger of Navruz: exactly 50 days and 50 nights pass from the beginning of this holiday to Navruz.

In ancient times, it was celebrated solemnly and was accompanied by the kindling of bonfires. This holiday was included in the list of national in the republics in 2017.

History of Navruz

The Navruz holiday is one of the most ancient on Earth. It was celebrated even before Zoroastrianism. In the state of the Achaemenids (VI-IV centuries BC) and the Sassanids (III-VII century AD), Navruz was considered the main holiday. It is believed that the origin of the holiday is ancient Iranian, associated with the cult of the Sun and the name of the legendary prophet Zarathushtra.

There is a legend that several events happened on this day: Zarathushtra was chosen by God to bring people happiness", the mythical king Tahmuras "sent evil divas and ruthless people to prison", and "Goshtosp, Princess Kaetun and Jomosp adopted the Mazdayasna faith", that is, Zoroastrianism The birth of Navruz is also associated with the mythical king Jamshid, on whom the rays of the sun fell on that day.

The oldest source where the celebration of Nowruz is mentioned is the sacred book of Zoroastrianism "Avesta". According to the teachings of the Avesta, every spring people should celebrate the appearance of life on earth, which was born "in six forms" (sky, water, earth, plants, animals and man).

Why is Navruz celebrated on March 21st?

The celebration of Navruz on the day of the vernal equinox is associated with the emergence of the solar calendar, which appeared among the peoples of Central Asia and Iran seven thousand years ago, long before the rise of Islam. According to him, the year began in the spring on March 20 or 21, on the day of the vernal equinox, when day equalizes with night and spring finally comes into its own. The time is coming for a new field suffering, the time of worries and hopes of the farmer.

In ancient times, the date of the onset of Navruz was determined by astrologers. Now they have been replaced by astronomers who calculate the date of the arrival of Navruz with an accuracy of up to a minute.

The ancient Greek historian Strabo wrote: “In the most ancient, ancient times and to this day, the inhabitants of Mesopotamia (Syr-Darya and Amu-Darya) gather on this day in the Temple of Fire. This is the most revered holiday, when merchants close their shops, artisans stop working, everyone is having fun, treating each other with those drinks and foods that the fire has touched.

How many days is Navruz celebrated?

In ancient times Navruz was celebrated for 13 days. At the end of the celebrations, people went out into the field, where they celebrated the New Year. That was the omen.

It was believed that those who went out into the field these days to enjoy nature would be accompanied by happiness and prosperity throughout the coming year. This tradition has been preserved in Iran, where the celebration of Navruz usually lasts for 13 days, of which the first 5 days are devoted to meeting Navruz and visiting relatives and friends. The ninth day is known as Shahryaran Navruz (Shah's Navruz), and the thirteenth day as Sizdabedar ("The thirteenth away from home").

What should be the festive table for Navruz?

In Tajikistan, on Navruz, the whole family gathers at the festive table, which is called “haft-sin”. On the table there should be magical objects and products, symbolizing purity, light, abundance, happiness and fertility in the New Year.

According to tradition, seven dishes should be on the table, the name of which begins with the letter “sin”: rue seeds - sipand, apple - seb, black bones - siahdane, wild olive - sanjid, vinegar - sirke, garlic - sir and sprouted grain - sabzi. Another set of seven items is possible, for example, in Iran it includes a sekke - a coin; serke - vinegar; sir - garlic; sumac - spice; samanu (among other peoples, sumalak) - a dish, for its preparation grains of sprouted wheat are used; sanjed - sucker berry; sabze - greens, flax and cereal seeds sprouted in water, symbolizing the revival of nature. In Afghanistan, this set includes mushrooms (somarek).

On Navruz, dishes are prepared from lamb, fish, chicken and eggs, spices and herbs are added. On a festively served table, there must be a ritual delicacy sumalak (malt halva), boiled from the juice of germinated wheat grains with the addition of sugar and flour. A mirror and candles according to the number of family members must be placed on the table.

These candles cannot be extinguished until they burn out to the end. Be sure to serve homemade bread, nuts, almonds, milk, cheese, fish, eggs painted green, a vessel with rose water, a bowl of water in which a green leaf floats. And, of course, the Koran should be on the table.

To the guests who came to Navruz, the host holds out a dish with barely sprouted grain, eating it symbolizes the introduction to the revival of all living things.

Traditions for Navruz

Before Navruz, you need to repent of sins, reconcile with enemies, forgive debts. On the days of Navruz, good farishta angels bring abundance and prosperity to those who have pure thoughts, who have a bright soul, who have a clean house, because people believed that the purity of the space around a person reflects the clarity of his inner state.

Despite the fact that the name of the Muslim New Year in the languages ​​of different nations sounds with different intonations, the traditions of its celebration in all countries are approximately the same. So, in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, there is a tradition to fumigate dwellings on the night before the holiday with smoking juniper twigs in order to drive out evil spirits.

In addition, good angels will not even look at the vindictive and harmful dirties. Therefore, before Navruz, the owners try to put the house in order, whitewash and repair it. Also, before the holiday, they decorate houses, remove garbage on the street. Be sure to wash clothes, especially children's - after all, children are considered the most susceptible to the evil eye, and water should wash everything off.

Even before Islam, the week before Navruz was considered dedicated to the souls of ancestors. Ancestors were commemorated, making offerings to them and asking them for help in the coming year, protection from troubles. The onset of the New Year is preceded by symbolic rites of purification. On “Wednesday of Joy” (the last Wednesday before Navruz), fires are lit in the streets of cities and villages, and people must jump over one fire seven times or over seven fires once.

On the night before Navruz, it is customary to sprinkle each other with water and jump over running water to cleanse oneself of last year's sins.

It is customary to guess at Navruz itself. Girls who still have a non-groom are especially fond of this. That evening they throw a shoe over their head and determine by the direction of its toe whether they will stay in their parents' house for another year or move to the house of their betrothed.

In addition, on a festive evening with the onset of Navruz, it is customary to eavesdrop on the conversations of neighbors through windows or doors, and, depending on the pleasant or unpleasant conversation heard, determine how successful or unsuccessful the coming year will be for both the eavesdroppers and the owners.

What events are popular on Navruz in Tajikistan

Mass celebrations on the occasion of Navruz are organized in almost all cities of Tajikistan. In Dushanbe, cultural events are usually held in city parks - "Friendship of Peoples", "Poytakht", Sadriddin Aini "and in the squares. Invited groups of artists from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Russia take part in the concerts. The celebration of Navruz in Dushanbe ends in the late evening with spectacular fireworks.

In addition, in Tajikistan, the celebration of Navruz has always been accompanied by mass games, traditional horse races, and entertainment. For example, buzkashi, the Tajik national equestrian sports game, is very popular during the holiday. Hundreds of riders race at great speed, trying to keep an unusual game projectile in video goats.

Gushtingiri is a national wrestling in Tajikistan, it is traditionally included in the program of national holidays. This is one of the most popular national sports in Tajikistan. In gushtingiri, grabs by clothes up to the waist and kicking are allowed. To win, you need to throw the opponent on his back.

Traditionally, on the days of the celebration of Navruz, horse races are held in Navruzgokh (a former hippodrome) in the capital. Equestrian enthusiasts usually fill the stands of the hippodrome to capacity. Competitions are held in several races. And the main race is held at a distance of 2 kilometers.

Other Novruz traditions include local street performances, a circus in Iran called the Band Bazi, and the Buz Kashi sporting event in Afghanistan in which riders use a decapitated goat carcass to play.

How Tajiks congratulate each other

In Tajikistan, guests are greeted with the words “Navruz Muborak Bod”, “Navruzaton Piruz Bod” (“Happy Novruz Holiday”).

On Navruz it is customary to give gifts. In Tajikistan, from early morning, children from neighboring houses gather together to walk around the yards to congratulate the owners, receiving sweets and pastries in return.

How Navruz is celebrated in Moscow

In 2017, Navruz was celebrated in Moscow on April 1 at the 75th pavilion of VDNHEXPO. The guests of the spring holiday got acquainted with the history and culture of different peoples, took part in the Cult of Pilaf festival and watched the performance of Russian pop stars and national groups.

Also, an exhibition-fair of national crafts of souvenirs was launched, a number of master classes were held and everyone could taste the original dishes of the cuisines of the peoples of Central Asia and enjoy the vivid displays of national costumes.

The Embassy of Tajikistan in Russia also celebrated Navruz in a big way. Such performers as AbrorNazarov, Khasan Kamol, Sitora Karamatullo and Muboraksho Dodaliev came to congratulate Muscovites.

After the speech of Imomuddin Sattorov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Tajikistan to Russia, who congratulated all the guests on Navruz, the hall gradually began to turn into a large dance floor. Both adults and children began to dance to the incendiary national music.

In which countries is Navruz banned?

In the Middle East, Novruz is celebrated only by representatives of the technical peoples who lived there before the arrival of the Arabs, the spread of Islam, and the emergence of the Arab Caliphate.

Accordingly, Nowruz, for example, is not celebrated by the Arabs. In Turkey, from 1925 to 1991, the celebration of Navruz was officially banned. In Syria, the celebration of Navruz is still prohibited.

On the day of the spring equinox - March 21, Tajikistan celebrates its brightest public holiday.

The ancient Persian festival of spring, renewal of nature and the advent of the new year is widely celebrated in many countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus. On the territory from Turkey to Afghanistan and Iran, it is known under different names - Navruz Bayram, Novruz, Nauruz, Nuruz, Nevruz, Nauryz, Nouruz.

The universal significance of this holiday was noted in 2009 by the inclusion of Navruz in the honorary List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. A year later, the UN declared March 21 as "International Day of Nowruz". The decisive voice in this international initiative then belonged to the authorities of Tajikistan, where Navruz acquired the status of the most important state celebration from the time. It is not surprising that the annual celebration of the Persian New Year continues to be one of the most colorful and spectacular public events in this country today.

The Navruz holiday in Tajikistan enjoys the same popular love as the New Year in Russia. The customs of this celebration whimsically mixed up the ancient traditions of the fire-worshipping Zoroastrians, the establishment of Islam and the mystical teachings of the Central Asian Sufis. The symbol of Navruz is sumanak or sumalak - a ritual dish with sprouted grains of wheat, symbolizing a rich future harvest. By the morning of the main day of the holiday, sweet pasta is cooked from fresh sprouts in a cauldron, which is customary to distribute to neighbors and friends. It is believed that before you try sumanak, you need to make three wishes. They will definitely come true in the new year.

The main tradition of Navruz is to give gifts. From early morning, children from neighboring houses gather together to walk around the yards and congratulate the owners on the “Great Holiday”, receiving sweets and fresh food in return. pastries. It is customary to greet guests on the days of the holiday with the words “Navruzaton piruz bod” (“Happy Navruz holiday”). On the family holiday table during Navruz, there must be 7 dishes, whose name begins with the letter "s" : sumanak (sprout paste with flour), sipand (rue seeds) ), sirko (vinegar), semeni (sprouted wheat), sabza (greens), seb (apples), sir (garlic), sumakh (barberry). Mandatory attributes of Navruz in Tajikistan are folk amusements - wrestling "gushtingiri", goat-wrestling "buzkashi", horse racing, jumping over a fire and much more.

In the old days, it was customary to celebrate Navruz for 13 days. In modern Tajikistan, the number of days off in honor of the holiday has been rationally reduced to 4 - the country officially "rests" from March 21 to 24. If one of the days off of Navruz falls on Saturday or Sunday, then these holidays are transferred to the following weekday dates.

Mass celebrations on the occasion of Navruz are organized in almost all cities of Tajikistan. Dushanbe has traditionally become the epicenter of national celebrations. The largest city parks "Friendship of Peoples", "Poytakht", Sadriddin Aini, as well as the square of the 800th anniversary of Moscow will become the places of the most significant events of the cultural program of Navruz. Invited groups of artists from Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and Russia take part in concerts and other entertainment events at various city venues. The culminating event of the capital's festival is a large theatrical performance in the restaurant and sports complex "Navrukhgokh", where the largest tea house in Central Asia is located. The celebration of Navruz in Dushanbe ends late in the evening with spectacular fireworks.

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