Unusual New Year's traditions from around the world. Unusual traditions of celebrating the new year around the world

New Year in different countries of the world is celebrated in different ways - the traditions and customs in each state are special. The most amazing thing is that everyone adheres to them - both adults and children. And Santa Claus is sure to be in every country, only somewhere he is called Santa Claus, and somewhere - Joulupukki.

France: to whom goose, and to whom cakes

Many of us would like to meet and spend the New Year in Paris. But few people know that the Christmas holidays begin here on December 6 - the day of St. Nicholas. It is on this date that Per Noel - the French Santa Claus - gives gifts to obedient children. He wears wooden shoes, moves on a donkey, carries presents in a basket behind his back, and leaves them after entering the house through the chimney. According to European tradition, all gifts are placed in shoes, which the children place in advance next to the fireplace.

New Year in Paris is celebrated in a special way. The table must be richly stocked with smoked hams, salads, pastries, sweets and wine. Moreover, in different provinces of the French state, the main festive dish is different: the Burgundians prefer turkey with chestnuts, the population of Brittany prefer buckwheat cakes with sour cream, and the inhabitants of the northeast always serve goose as the main dish. But the French do not have a Christmas tree - instead, they decorate the doors of their houses with mistletoe branches.

Germany: we are waiting for Weinachtsman!

New Year in Germany is always celebrated with noise and fun. Moreover, no one sits at home - young people walk around the city, and older people go out to restaurants. The traditional dish for this holiday is baked carp, however, the Germans are very fond of modern dishes. The celebration itself is called "Sylvester" - in honor of the clergyman who died on December 31, 335. Santa Claus brings gifts to children, and the children of Berlin, Cologne, Munich receive presents from the Weinachtsman Christmas man - he is wearing an inside-out fur coat, and in his hands is a rod with which he punishes naughty children. Weinakhtsman's companion is the blond Kristkind, who looks like the Russian Snow Maiden. If the kids improve and read poetry to her, she rewards them with apples, nuts and sweets. In general, the New Year in Germany is held by analogy with most other countries.

UK: real English stiffness

In the United Kingdom, as in many European countries, the first and main holiday is Christmas, and only then the New Year is celebrated. London is traditionally decorated richly and luxuriously: a large New Year tree is placed on Trafalgar Square, which is brought from Norway. There is also a New Year's parade - the most massive folk procession. The traditions of the New Year in England involve the festive decoration of houses. Gifts for children are presented by Santa Claus, dressed in red clothes. It should be noted that the British are one of the few who continue to give each other New Year cards and simple souvenirs. An interesting local custom is to let the New Year into the house - this is done at twelve o'clock at night, when the chimes strike. It is believed that you need to open the doors and thereby move from the old frontier to the new.

Spain: Santa Claus with a flask of wine

As already mentioned, the New Year in different countries of the world has its own traditions. The Spaniards, like the British, observe all sorts of customs associated with Christmas, and New Year's Eve is an occasion to just take a walk on the street and have fun. However, there are certain rituals for this occasion. For example, while the chimes strike twelve times, you need to have time to eat twelve grapes - it is believed that this will lead to the fulfillment of desires. Since the country is closely connected with viticulture, the New Year in Spain is also celebrated with an emphasis on this particular feature. For example, grapes eaten at night promises money throughout the next year. In the Spanish state, the time period from December 25 to January 6 is called the "Holy Twelve Days". As for Santa Claus, he is also in this warm country, they only call him Olentzero. He wears national simple clothes and always takes with him a flask of good Spanish wine.

Czech Republic: a rich table

On January 1, this country celebrates the Day of Czech Statehood, and the night from December 31 to January 1, the Czechs, like the Germans, call "Sylvester" - in honor of the saint, whom we have already mentioned. New Year in Prague is celebrated on a grand scale, but the locals do not walk until the morning - they prefer to go to bed early. Of course, the old New Year's customs are already forgotten here, but there are still a number of national traditions. For example, it is customary to gather at a huge table with the whole family, while the table should be very rich. The most surprising thing is that lentils or soup with small cereals must be present on it - this is a symbol of money. New Year in Prague is a wonderful time. It is worth coming to the amazingly beautiful Czech Republic to relax in the mountains and spend the beginning of the year as actively as possible.

Ukraine: first there was Karachun...

In this fraternal state, the New Year is celebrated in the same way as in our country. True, back in the days of Ancient Russia, Ukrainians called this celebration “Karachun”. One of the main traditions that has remained in some cities to this day is sowing on the first day of the new year. The ritual assumed that the children would sow for the future harvest so that it would be rich. Much attention was paid to divination. But the modern New Year in Ukraine is held in European traditions - with a Christmas tree and festive festivities.

Belarus: Zyuzya is waiting for you

This country is already interesting because Santa Claus has his own residence here. The fabulous estate is located in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha itself, and therefore now you can easily get to visit it. Residents of the country are always welcomed by Zyuzya - this is the Belarusian Santa Claus, who is famous for his hospitality. New Year in Belarus is simply not possible without this fairy-tale character, personifying the cold. He treats all his guests with delicious herbal tea from a samovar and pancakes. On this holiday, it is customary in the country to dress up in interesting costumes, put on makeup and walk the streets in this form. The New Year in Belarus is not complete without festive festivities.

Finland: birthplace of Joulupukki

Finland is a magical country, people here believe in fairy tales and miracles. Probably, this is also because the famous Santa Claus comes from Suomi. Many traditions and customs have been preserved here, so many tourists come here to celebrate the New Year. For example, the Finns love to set fire to huge barrels of tar and thus see off the old year. New Year in Finland is a holiday with an emphasis primarily on family values.

What else attracts tourists in this snowy country? Of course, Santa Claus from Lapland named Joulupukki. A huge number of people come to festivities in Lapland to see the real Finnish Santa Claus, dance with him and ride reindeer. Another interesting event that takes place in Suomi during the holidays is the Snow and Ice Festival. It has been held for many years and consists of creating ice sculptures that are very realistic.

New Year's Eve in Finland also involves a plentiful table, and the dishes on it are the simplest: potato casserole, salted salmon, chicken legs and gingerbread are must-have dishes.

Turkey: New Year in Pajamas and Slippers

It must be said right away that in this country the New Year is not the brightest and main holiday of the year. Elderly people do not consider it a significant event at all, therefore they prefer to go to bed early, and decorating a Christmas tree is not at all encouraged by Muslims. In most families, this celebration is not celebrated in any way, but takes place at the TV, as the Turks themselves say, in pajamas and slippers.

The New Year in Turkey is notable, perhaps, only for the obligatory participation of almost every family in the Milli Piyango New Year's lottery. The main prize, by the way, is a rather impressive amount of money. Nevertheless, there is Santa Claus in the country, and his name is Noel Baba. He also brings gifts to the children, but this is not so common among the locals. As for the youth, like in many countries of the world, they like to take to the streets and celebrate in the crowd. Many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in Turkey - in the country's hotels that receive tourists throughout the year, festivities are organized for vacationers.

Karelia: ride Malamute and Husky

Karelia is the northern part of Russia, so the celebration here is the same as in most domestic regions. However, there are also distinctive traditions. So, in ancient times, the Karelians called the holiday "Syundum", and it lasted from Christmas until the very Epiphany. And the most magical was the first day of the new year: no things could be taken out of the house. It was also believed that the arrival of a man, especially a bearded one, would bring prosperity to the family, but women were afraid of the visit - he promised misfortune. New Year in Karelia implies great attention to the table: it should literally burst with delicious dishes. A mandatory attribute is yarn pies, which are stuffed with oatmeal or sugar and are used for divination.

Today Karelia is very popular among tourists. Active attention is paid to eco-tourism. And beautiful landscapes, even winter ones, are worth seeing. Now a new direction is actively developing - dog sledding. To do this, you can go to the largest nursery in Russia - to the village of Kudama. Here you will be offered to meet the cutest huskies and Alaskan Malamutes.

New Year in Karelia is an opportunity to touch the beauty and picturesque nature, visit local nature reserves and world-famous islands, including Valaam.

India: instead of a Christmas tree - flowers and candles

This country is distinguished by rich traditions and customs, and in each area of ​​rather big India, the New Year is celebrated in different ways. Unlike us, Indians do not put a Christmas tree in their house - they prefer to decorate their homes with flowers, leaves, candles. Agree, it doesn’t look like Russian realities at all? The New Year itself in India is called Vishu, it is celebrated in the sign of Aries - from the end of March to April. It is noteworthy, but the celebration is rather family and even personal, so no public actions take place. True, it cannot do without traditional dances and performances.

The first day of the year is called the Cow Festival in some regions. This day is dedicated to honoring these domestic animals. On the eve of the celebration, delicacies are prepared for them. The next day is the honoring of relatives and friends, and on the third day, religious practices are held. New Year in India can be celebrated at different times. For example, Gujaratis celebrate it in autumn - in October, while all houses are decorated with lanterns and candles. It is noteworthy, but, unlike Europeans, the inhabitants of India not only congratulate each other on the holiday, but also thank the gods for giving them the opportunity to live another year.

Thailand: Fabulous Songkran

This is another magical country that does not fit in our associations with snow, cold weather and Santa Claus. However, the New Year in Thailand is still celebrated on April 13th. This date was not chosen by chance. There is a legend in the country about a boy who understood the language of animals and birds. And this skill of his did not give rest to the God of fire. He offered the boy a bet: if he does not answer three questions in a week, he will be beheaded, and if he answers correctly, God himself will lose his head. In the end, the boy could not find the answers until the eagle helped him. The god of fire had to lose his head - her child put it in a bag and hid it in a cave. Now, on the first day of the year, the daughters of God carry out a basket with a head as a symbol of worship to their father.

National New Year in Thailand is called "Songkran". It is celebrated for several days - from 13 to 15 April. The essence of the Thai calendar is in twelve cycles, each of which is dedicated to a specific animal with its own set of features. Accordingly, every year will correspond to these features. During the holiday, Thais, and especially local children, go out into the street with buckets of water and water passers-by - this is how they congratulate everyone on the New Year. Water is a symbol of all living things, it brings grace to everyone it comes across. And in Changmai, for example, instead of buckets, a pump is immediately used, pouring water on those around from the moat in the city center. Historically, Songkgran is a holiday of love, respect, so Thais prefer to celebrate the New Year at home, with their families. In addition, residents visit the temple, where they treat the monks with delicious dishes, fruits or a new cassock - this symbolizes the veneration of the clergy. Each visitor to the temple takes away a handful of sand from the territory. At home, a ritual of washing the Buddha is necessarily performed - his statue is poured with water with rose petals, jasmine, and each member of the family does this.

New Year in different countries of the world is a special holiday. It is popular among Thais to tie strings on the wrist of their guests - they symbolize happiness.

Egypt: when the Nile floods...

In most countries, December 31 and January 1 are holidays, sometimes even public holidays. The same cannot be said for Egypt. In ancient times, the beginning of the new year in this country did not fall in winter and was generally calculated based on the flood of the Nile. The first season of the year came after the ascension of the sacred star for the Egyptians Sirius. And the flood of the Nile for the territory, 95 percent of which is occupied by the desert, was a real sacred period.

The New Year in Egypt today is in many ways similar to our perception of this holiday. Accustomed to tourists from all over the world, locals even decorate their homes and shops with New Year's tinsel and garlands. Of course, it looks very unusual, given that it's hot outside. But instead of a Christmas tree, the Egyptians put a thuja or poinsettia - a flower with green and bright red leaves. In an effort to avoid frost and spend long holidays with benefit, many Russians prefer to celebrate the New Year in Egypt, on the Red Sea.

The most unusual traditions

  • In Bulgaria, before the start of the holiday, everyone is in a hurry to buy dogwood sticks - Bulgarians will hit their guests and relatives with them to wish them happiness.
  • In Denmark, it is customary to serve sweet rice porridge with a secret - this can be an almond or other nut. If he gets caught by an unmarried girl, she will get married, and the rest will just be happy.
  • New Year in different countries of the world is most often a bright event with its own characteristics. For example, the Chinese decorate the Trees of Light with lanterns, flowers, garlands. And the Chinese Grandfather Christmas Dong Che Lao Ren brings gifts and puts them in children's stockings hung on the walls.

  • The Scots also do not sleep on New Year's Eve - they take a slice of cake, a glass of wine and coal and go to friends or relatives. Thus, in their opinion, they will supply their friends with food, drink and warmth for the whole next year.
  • On the eve of the festival, the Swedes give each other homemade candles - they play an important role, because in the dead of winter in Sweden it gets dark early, and one cannot do without light.
  • In Greece, at exactly twelve o'clock in the morning, the head of the family must go out into the yard and smash the pomegranate fruit against the wall: if its grains scatter around the yard, the family will live this year happily.
  • New Year in Ukraine, as we have already mentioned above, is accompanied by fortune-telling and dancing, and in Norway at this time, children are waiting for gifts from ... a goat. And this is no coincidence: in the Scandinavian state, the goat occupies a privileged position. According to legend, King Olaf II of Norway saved a wounded animal by lifting it off a cliff. The goat was cured, and as a sign of gratitude to her savior, she brought him medicinal plants.
  • In Hungary, New Year's Eve is accompanied by a whistle, and any pipes, whistles and horns are suitable for this. With this action, the Hungarians drive out evil spirits and protect their homes from them.
  • In Japan, 108 tolls of the bell announce the beginning of the New Year. According to legend, each blow is the expulsion of one of the human vices with eighteen shades. In the first seconds of the new year, you should definitely laugh - this brings good luck, according to local residents. And in order for happiness to enter the house, the front door is carefully decorated with bamboo and pine branches. By the way, the Japanese Santa Claus is called Segatsu-san (Mr. New Year). And the rake is considered the most popular accessory - the Japanese plan to rake happiness with it every year.


The New Year is a magical holiday, because it is no coincidence that many people believe that it will certainly bring new happiness with it. And the traditions of various countries say that local residents expect more from this celebration than just a festive mood.

Due to different time zones, the time of the new year may differ from ours by as much as 25 hours. From this article you will find out when the New Year comes in different countries of the world and what are the features of the celebration in some countries

We have already talked in detail about the history of the New Year and traditions. Now let's talk about when this day comes in different countries of the world. The very first to celebrate the New Year are the inhabitants of the island of Kiritimati, which is part of the Christmas Islands, as well as the inhabitants of the city of Nukualofa (the capital of the Kingdom of Tonga). These islands are located in Oceania

+0.15 - Chatham Island (New Zealand), located at some distance from the main islands of New Zealand, celebrates the New Year for the second time. It has a special time zone

+1.00 - Then the New Year comes in New Zealand. At the same time, polar explorers from the South Pole in Antarctica also meet him.

+2.00 - The next to celebrate are the inhabitants of extreme eastern Russia (Anadyr, Kamchatka), the Fiji Islands and some other Pacific islands (Nauru, Tuvalu, etc.)

+2.30 - Norfolk Island (Australia)

+3.00 - Part of eastern Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra) and some Pacific Islands (Vanuatu, Micronesia, Solomon Islands, etc.)

Australia is worth talking about separately. There is always a grand celebration in Sydney. On New Year's Eve, the city looks like a brightly decorated Christmas tree, with branches bending from decorations. Numerous fireworks are scattered in the sky over Sydney, which are visible from a distance of 16-20 kilometers from the city. Pay attention to the gorgeous fireworks against the backdrop of the famous Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House

After a festive night, Australians often go somewhere in nature, as the climate always allows it.

+3.30 - South Australia (Adelaide)

+4.00 - State of Queensland in Australia (Brisbane), part of Russia (Vladivostok) and some islands (Papua New Guinea, Mariana Islands)

+4.30 - Northern Territories of Australia (Darwin)

+5.00 - Japan and Korea

In Japan, the New Year is celebrated on January 1st. Mandatory is the custom of seeing off the Old Year, with lavish receptions and visits to restaurants. At the beginning of the new year, the Japanese begin to laugh. They believe that laughter brings them good luck in the new year. On the first New Year's Eve, it is customary to visit the temple, where 108 bells are beaten. With each blow, all the bad things go away, and will not be repeated in the New Year. Among New Year's accessories, amulets for happiness - miniature rakes - are popular. Every Japanese necessarily acquires them, so that on New Year's Eve there is something to rake in happiness. Bamboo rakes - kumade are made in sizes from 10 cm to 1.5 meters and are decorated with rich paintings. In houses, rice cakes and tangerines are placed in a conspicuous place, symbolizing happiness, health and longevity.

+6.00 - China, part of Southeast Asia and the rest of Australia

Chinese New Year is celebrated between January 17 and February 19, during the new moon. Street processions are the most exciting part of the holiday. Thousands of lanterns are lit to light the way for the New Year. The Chinese believe that the new year is surrounded by evil spirits. Therefore, they scare them away with firecrackers and firecrackers. New Year in China is a strictly family holiday, so everyone wants to spend it with their relatives. In the evening, each family gathers in the living room for a gala dinner. During this dinner, which was held under the sign of the unity of the clan, and above all the unity of its living and deceased members, its participants eat dishes that are first offered to the spirits of their ancestors. At the same time, family members forgive each other old grievances

+7.00 - Indonesia and the rest of Southeast Asia

+7.30 - Myanmar

+8.00 - Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Part of Russia (Novosibirsk, Omsk)

+8.15 - Nepal

+8.30 – India

In India, the New Year is celebrated in different ways. In one part of the country, the holiday is considered open when a kite is struck by a burning arrow. In northern India, the inhabitants adorn themselves with flowers in shades of pink, red, purple, or white. The mothers of South India place sweets, flowers and small gifts on a special tray, and on New Year's Day the children are brought to the tray with their eyes closed.

+9.00 - Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and part of Russia (Yekaterinburg, Ufa).

+9.30 - Afghanistan

+10.00 - Armenia, Azerbaijan, part of Russia (Samara), some islands in the Indian Ocean.

+10.30 - Iran

+11.00 - Part of East Asia, part of Africa, part of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg)

+12.00 - Eastern Europe (Romania, Greece, Ukraine, etc.), Turkey, Israel, Finland, part of Africa.

In Finland, families gather at a New Year's table full of various dishes. The kids expect from Joulupukki, that's the name of the Finnish Santa Claus, a huge basket of gifts. On New Year's Eve, Finns often guess, trying to find out their future. If you decide to visit this country for the New Year - there is nothing better than a trip to Finland on comfortable buses from http://spbfin.ru

In Greece, New Year's Day is Saint Basil's Day. Saint Basil was known for his kindness, and Greek children leave their shoes by the fireplace in the hope that Saint Basil will fill the shoes with gifts. It is also customary to launch fireworks into the sky. In the photo New Year's fireworks over the Acropolis

+13.00 - Western and Central Europe (Belgium, Italy, France, Hungary, Sweden, etc.), part of Africa.

As soon as the New Year has begun, Italians are in a hurry to get rid of things that have already "served their time", sometimes throwing them right out of the window or burning them. In Italy, the custom has been preserved to bring clean water from a spring on the first morning of the new year, as it is believed that water brings happiness.

The French, even before Christmas, hang a mistletoe branch over the door of their houses, believing that it will bring good luck next year. They decorate the whole house with flowers and always put them on the table. In each house they try to place a model depicting the scene of the birth of Christ. According to tradition, a good owner-winemaker on New Year's Eve should clink glasses with a barrel of wine, congratulate her on the holiday and drink for the future harvest. In the photo, New Year's fireworks against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower

+14.00 - Prime meridian (Greenwich), UK, Portugal, part of Africa

Let's move on to the UK. The ringing of the bell broadcasts about the New Year in England, the British have a tradition to let the old year out of the house, they open the back doors of the houses before the bell rings, and then open the entrance doors to let in the New Year. New Year's gifts in the family circle of the British are distributed according to the old tradition - by lot. In the photo, New Year's fireworks against the backdrop of the famous London Eye

+15.00 - Azores

+16.00 – Brazil

On New Year's Eve, the inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro go to the ocean and bring gifts to the Goddess of the Sea Yemanzha. Traditionally, Brazilians dress up in white clothes, which symbolizes a plea for peace addressed to the goddess of the Sea. Believers bring all kinds of gifts to the goddess: flowers, perfumes, mirrors, jewelry. Gifts are placed in small boats and sent to the sea as a token of gratitude for the past year and as a request for protection in the coming year. Pay attention to how many people gathered on the beach of Rio to watch the fireworks

+17.00 - Argentina and part of eastern South America

+17.30 - Newfoundland Island (Canada)

+18.00 - Eastern Canada, many Caribbean islands, part of South America

+19.00 - Eastern parts of Canada (Ottawa) and USA (Washington, New York), western part of South America.

USA. In New York in Times Square, the traditional solemn descent of the famous Ball, sparkling with thousands of neon lights, takes place.

+20.00 - Central parts of Canada and the USA (Chicago, Houston), Mexico and most countries in Latin America.

+21.00 - Part of Canada (Edmonton, Calgary) and USA (Denver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City)

+22.00 - Western parts of Canada (Vancouver, and USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco)

+23.00 - State of Alaska (USA)

+23.30 - Marquesas Islands as part of French Polynesia

+24.00 - Hawaiian Islands (USA), Tahiti and the Cook Islands

+25.00 - Residents of the state of Samoa are the last to celebrate the New Year

This is how the New Year is celebrated around the world on a grand scale, in different countries in different ways, but everywhere there is a common feature - you need to celebrate it cheerfully, and on a grand scale.

19.12.2018, 09:52

Glasses of champagne, basins of Russian salad and herring under a fur coat, the president's speech on TV... Tired of celebrating the New Year the old fashioned way? Then, perhaps, it is worth borrowing interesting traditions from residents of other countries.


In the homeland of Carlson, on the eve of the holiday, the kids must choose the queen of light, Lucia. She is dressed in a snow-white outfit, her head is crowned with a diadem with lighted candles. The queen gives gifts to children, and various goodies to pets: sour cream for a cat, a bone for a dog, carrots for a donkey. On New Year's Eve, the streets are illuminated with colorful illuminations.


In Colombia, during the New Year's carnival, the outgoing year is celebrated. He walks on huge stilts and amuses children with funny stories. The local fabulous grandfather is Papa Pasquale. He masterfully organizes fireworks.

On the eve of the holiday, a puppet parade is held on the streets of the capital: hundreds of jesters, witches and other fairy-tale heroes, fixed on the roofs of cars, walk along the streets of the most ancient district of Bogota - Candelaria, saying goodbye to the inhabitants.


In Nepal, the holiday is celebrated at dawn. At night, during the full moon period, locals make fires and throw their old things there. Tomorrow starts a bright action - the Festival of Colors. People paint the body with interesting drawings, then sing and dance in the streets.


In Hungary, in the first second of the new year they whistle. Interestingly, they do this not with the help of fingers, but using children's whistles, horns, pipes.

According to legend, these tools drive away evil spirits from housing, calling for happiness and prosperity. When preparing for the holiday, Hungarians also take into account the miraculous power of dishes: legumes support fortitude, apples give love and youth, garlic protects against diseases, nuts protect against misfortune, and honey sweetens life.


In Iran, the New Year holiday is celebrated on March 22 at 00:00. From the first second gunshots are heard. People hold silver coins as a symbol of the inseparable stay in their native land for the next 12 months. On the first day of the coming year, old clay utensils are broken in the house and replaced with new ones.

South Africa

In Johannesburg, there is a custom to welcome the coming year by throwing all kinds of objects out of the windows - from bottles to large furniture.

South African police have already blocked the Hillbrow quarter, appealing to local residents with a convincing request not to throw refrigerators out of windows. Because of this peculiar New Year's tradition, the quarter is recognized as the most dangerous in the city.


In Ecuador, at 00:00, dolls are burned at the stake to the "widow's cry". Usually, the representatives of the stronger sex disguise themselves as widows, putting on dresses, pulling wigs and making bright makeup.

Those who want to spend the whole year on exciting trips should run around the house with a suitcase in their hands during the chiming clock. From the outside it must look pretty hilarious!

Thirsty for wealth at midnight, you need to pull on yellow shorts. And if you are more interested in success on the personal front, they put on red underwear.

In order to leave all the sorrows in the outgoing year, the locals throw a glass of water into the street: with it, all sorrows scatter into thousands of small fragments.


Local Santa Claus with a typical French name Pere Noel puts gifts in children's shoes on New Year's Eve. The lucky one who gets a piece of the festive bean pie is given the title of "bean king", and on New Year's Eve everyone must follow his orders.

Santons are placed near the festive tree - figurines made of wood or clay. The owner always clinks glasses with a wine barrel, congratulating her on the holiday and drinking to a bountiful harvest.


The Thai New Year symbolizes the change of year according to the ancient Indian calendar and the arrival of the rainy season. Locals treat Buddhist monks with festive dishes. A bath with rose and jasmine petals is performed over the Buddha statue. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to get out of the water these days: Thais douse everyone they meet with water from basins, hoses and water guns, while smearing them with talc and white clay. So they are cleansed, updated and get rid of the accumulated negative emotions.


In Panama at 00:00 something unimaginable begins: bells ring, sirens howl, cars rumble. The locals scream heart-rendingly and knock on everything that comes to hand. Noise exceeding all conceivable and unimaginable decibels is produced to appease the coming year.

New Year's traditions in different countries are amazingly diverse. If there is a desire to implement one of them, the main thing is to remember about security and the peculiarities of the national mentality.

Meeting New Year in different countries is associated with traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. Even among the ancient peoples, a belief was born - as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. To this day, in different countries resort to various tricks to "lure" good luck, prosperity and well-being.

Meeting the New Year in different countries is associated with traditions that have been preserved since ancient times. Even among the ancient peoples, a belief was born - as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it. To this day, in different countries resort to various tricks to "lure" good luck, prosperity and well-being.

Yes, in Austria It is believed that on New Year's Eve, to be happy, you need to eat a piece of a pig's head or a pig's snout.

V Hungary in the first second of the New Year they prefer to whistle in children's pipes, horns, whistles. It is believed that it is they who drive away evil spirits from the dwelling and call for joy and prosperity. Preparing for the holiday, Hungarians do not forget about the magical power of New Year's dishes: beans and peas preserve strength of mind and body, apples preserve beauty and love, nuts can protect from trouble, garlic from diseases, and honey sweeten life.

V Germany people of all ages, as soon as the clock begins to strike midnight, climb onto chairs, tables, armchairs, and with the last blow together, with joyful greetings, "jump" into the New Year. And in the villages, the medieval tradition of the bleiglessen ceremony has been preserved: a lead bullet is found, which "contains the secrets of the future." The bullet is melted to a boil and poured into a glass drop by drop. Lead solidifies again. The resulting figure will tell you about what awaits next year.

V Romania unmarried women usually go to the well, light a candle and look down. The image of the flame will draw the face of her future husband in the dark depths of the water. Those who do not risk wandering the streets at night take a branch of the basil and place it under the pillow: a dream will show the betrothed.

V Greece New Year is the day of St. Basil, who became famous for his extraordinary kindness. The children leave their shoes near the fireplace, hoping that the saint will fill them with gifts.

V Italy it is customary to throw out broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture from apartments at the very last minute of the old year. They are followed by crackers, confetti, sparklers. It is believed that if you throw away an old thing on New Year's Eve, then in the coming year you will buy a new one. And all the children are waiting for the sorceress Befana, who arrives at night on a broomstick and enters the house through the chimney. She fills with gifts children's shoes, specially hung by the fireplace.

V Spain There is a tradition to eat grapes on New Year's Eve. By the sound of the clock, you need to have time to eat 12 grapes, one for each of the twelve coming months.

V Scotland The New Year is celebrated with a kind of torchlight procession: barrels of tar are set on fire and rolled through the streets. Thus, the Scots "burn" the old year and light the way for the new. The well-being of the owners depends on who enters the house first on the morning of the new year. It is believed that a dark-haired man who comes with a gift will bring happiness.

v England according to the old custom, when the clock begins to strike 12, the back doors of the house are opened to let out the old year, and with the last blow, the front doors are opened, letting in the new year.

V Scandinavia in the first seconds of the New Year, it is customary to grunt under the table in order to drive away evil spirits, illnesses and failures from the family.

V Ancient China on New Year's Day, the only holiday of the year for the poor was announced, when anyone could enter the house and take what they need, and if you refuse, the neighbors will turn away with contempt. V modern China New Year is the festival of lanterns. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the New Year according to the lunar calendar. On New Year's Eve, countless small lanterns are lit in the streets and squares, believing that the sparks from them will drive away evil spirits. The New Year itself comes in January-February, so it is associated with the end of winter and the beginning of spring. For many centuries, the inhabitants of China, seeing off cold and bad weather with the light of lanterns, meet the awakening of nature. The lanterns are given a different shape, decorated with bright patterns, intricate ornaments. The Chinese are especially fond of placing lanterns in the form of 12 animals on the streets, symbolizing each year of the 12-year cycle of the lunar calendar.

In Vietnam The new year according to the lunisolar calendar is called Tet. This is a family holiday, during which all quarrels are forgotten, insults are forgiven. The Vietnamese decorate their homes with miniature tangerine trees with tiny fruits. Every Vietnamese home has an ancestral altar, and paying tribute to their memory is an important part of New Year's celebrations. Celebrated in Vietnam New Year and January 1, it is called "holiday of the young."

V Mongolia with the advent of the first day of the New Year, a truly nationwide festivities begin in the country. The official New Year in the country is January 1, and the New Year according to the lunisolar calendar is called "Tsagaan Sar". According to tradition, in kaTA, the family sees off the old year, the farewell is called "bituun". At this moment, you can not quarrel, argue, swear and deceive, this is considered a great sin.

new year in Japan is one of the most popular holidays in the country. Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes, believing that this will bring good luck and health. On New Year's Eve, children put a drawing depicting their dreams under the pillow, then the wish should come true. In floral arrangements, pine dominates, symbolizing longevity and endurance. And in the morning, when the New Year is already coming into its own, the Japanese go out to meet the sunrise, with the first rays they congratulate each other and present gifts. Bunches of straw are hung on the facades of houses to protect the house from evil spirits. And the most important thing for the Japanese is to laugh at the first second of the New Year - then happiness will accompany them all year.

The main New Year's accessory is a rake (kumade), with which the Japanese will be able to rake in happiness in the new year. They are made from 10 cm to 1.5 m in size and are decorated with rich paintings. To appease the Deity of the Year, which brings good luck to the family, the Japanese build kadomatsu in front of the house - a small gate made of three bamboo sticks, to which pine branches are tied. Also in Japan, exactly at midnight, a bell begins to ring, which beats 108 beats. According to an old belief, each ringing "kills" one of the human vices. According to the Japanese, there are only 6 of them - greed, anger, stupidity, frivolity, indecision, envy, but each has 18 shades.

V India as many as eight dates that are celebrated as the New Year, as many cultures intersect in the country. On one of these days - Gudi Padva - you need to eat the leaves of the neem tree, which taste very bitter and unpleasant. But according to the old belief, they protect a person from diseases and troubles and provide, oddly enough, a sweet life.

V Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria and Tanzania meet Muharram - the first month of the year of the Muslim lunar calendar. A few weeks before this date, Muslims put grains of wheat or barley in a dish of water so that they germinate. By the beginning of the new year, sprouts appear, which symbolize the beginning of a new life.

The New Year is an amazing holiday that brings the whole family together and brings with it an atmosphere of miracles and hopes for new achievements. In our state, by the New Year, according to traditional customs, a fir tree is set up and decorated with toys, a bowl of Olivier is prepared and champagne is used to chime. How is the New Year celebrated in other countries of the world? If you want to get an answer to this question, then I recommend that you read this material.


The Italians celebrate the New Year on the sixth day. In order for them to be lucky for the next 12 months, the Italians throw out any junk from their homes before the holiday. This is done directly on New Year's Eve, and things are thrown right out of the windows of their homes.

Residents of hot Italy are firmly convinced that the space freed from trash will soon be occupied by new things.

The festive table is traditionally replete with nuts, lentils and grapes, which symbolize health with well-being.


The arrival of the New Year in Ecuador attracts attention: dolls are burned there at midnight, this action is accompanied by a kind of “weeping of widows” (dedicated to their “not good enough spouses”). Usually "widows" are men who put on details of women's clothing and wigs, plus do makeup.

In addition, Ecuadorians also have a special plan for New Year's beliefs:

  • those who wish to travel a lot to the sound of chimes should run around their homes, while holding a large bag or suitcase in their hands;
  • Do you dream of wealth in the New Year? Put on yellow underwear at exactly 12 at night;
  • if you would like to meet your soul mate, use red underwear;
  • and in order to leave all their troubles in the old year, Ecuadorians throw a glass of water into the street, which should shatter into fragments.


The little inhabitants of Sweden, in anticipation of the holiday, must choose the lady of the world - Lucia. She puts on a dress of white shades, a crown is set on her hair, on which candles are necessarily set on fire.

Lucia's task is to please kids and pets by giving them gifts with treats. On the night of the New Year, it is not allowed to turn off the lights in the dwellings, and all the streets are brightly illuminated with the help of lanterns.

South Africa

Here, New Year's Eve rituals are very similar to Italian ones - for example, in the capital of South Africa, Johannesburg, it is customary to get rid of everything that has become obsolete on the main night of the year.

It should be noted that this custom causes a lot of inconvenience - for example, the Hillbrow quarter has already been blocked by the police, because there is a danger to vehicles due to the fact that large equipment, such as televisions and refrigerators, is also thrown out of the windows.


On the main night of the year, the British are engaged in playing children's scenes, ideas for which are borrowed from ancient fairy tales. All this is necessarily accompanied by the presence of fairy-tale characters: Lord of Disorder, Hobby Horse, March Hare, Humpty Dumpty and others.

The kids, going to bed, leave a special dish in which Santa Claus will bring gifts at night, and the shoes are filled with hay to feed the donkey. About the fact that the New Year has come, the bell will notify, first ringing softly, and then increasing its volume.

An interesting New Year's ritual is offered in England for lovers: they should kiss each other under a branch of a mistletoe tree if the couple dreams of living without separation next year.

What do they treat guests for the New Year? Turkey with chestnuts, fried potatoes with sauce, and also stewed Brussels sprouts, meat pies, pudding, sweets and fruits.


Here the New Year's celebration is known as "Hogmany". During its time, the streets are filled with the sounds of Scottish folk songs written by Robert Burns. Another of the traditions is setting fire to a barrel of tar and carrying it through the streets, burning it, which symbolizes farewell to the Old Year and the attraction of the New Year.

And in order to find out whether the coming year will be lucky or not, the Scots are watching who will be the first to visit their home in the new year. If it is a representative of the stronger sex with dark hair, the next 12 months promises to be very lucky.

Guests should bring a supply of coals that are thrown into the fireplace. And to the sound of the chimes, the doors open wide - thanks to this action, they let go of the Old and give way to the New Year.


New Year's Eve in Ireland is more religious than just entertainment. Based on this, on the night before this event, it is customary to leave lit candles near the window frames, designed to show the way to the lost Mary and Joseph.

Housewives bake a special treat - a seed cake, and each of the family members is entitled to their own separate cake. In addition, it is necessary to prepare three puddings - for Christmas, New Year and Epiphany.


Here everything unfolds around the Old Year, walking among the people on tall stilts and amusing the children with amusing stories. He is a firework master.

Before the New Year, the Colombians must hold a parade of dolls (puppet clowns, witches and other characters sitting on the roofs of cars and transported through the streets of Candelaria, the oldest urban area, participate in it).


The Vietnamese welcome the New Year's Day, starting from the lunar calendar in the period from January 21st to February 19th. Festive tables are decorated with flower arrangements. And on the very night of the New Year, those living in the country delight each other with peach branches. When evening comes, it is customary to make bonfires in parks, gardens or on the streets, where families gather. A variety of dishes are prepared on the fire, mainly from rice.

On New Year's Eve, you should say goodbye to any quarrels and old conflicts. The Vietnamese have a belief that deities live in all houses and on New Year's Eve they fly to the sky, where they talk about the behavior and good or bad deeds of everyone who lives in the dwelling.


Nepalese welcome the New Year not at night, like all other nations, but at dawn. From the night with a full moon, the inhabitants of Nepal build huge bonfires and burn everything that is no longer needed on them.

In the morning there will be a Triumph of Colors: you will have to decorate yourself with the help of an unusual pattern. Then dances and songs follow.


In France, the New Year's wizard is called Per Noel - his task is to come to the house on New Year's Eve and arrange presents on the shoes of the kids. The lucky one who finds a bean baked in a pie becomes the "bean king" and on New Year's Eve everyone around them undertakes to follow his instructions.


In this cold state, the main winter holiday is Christmas (celebrated on December 25th). On Christmas night, kind Santa Claus arrives at home from distant Lapland, delighting children with a huge basket of New Year's gifts.

As for the New Year itself, it simply duplicates Christmas: the whole family is supposed to gather at a table bursting with a variety of food, and the Finns also tell fortunes about the future with the help of melted wax and water.


The German Grandfather Frost, represented by Santa Claus, will come to the kids on a donkey on the main night of the year. Children are supposed to leave a dish on the table for their New Year's gifts when they go to bed.


Cubans have a separate version of the New Year for kids, called the Day of the Kings. They believe that New Year's presents for children are brought by the Magic Kings, called Balthazar, Gaspar and Melchor. The last messages with secret desires are written in advance.

And the inhabitants of Cuba, on the eve of New Year's Eve, pour water into all the containers available in the dwelling, and at twelve o'clock in the morning they pour it out of the windows. This ritual symbolizes the wish that the New Year be as bright and pure as water.

Also, to the sound of chimes, Cubans try to eat twelve grapes - in order to live in a state of kindness, harmony, peace and prosperity all year round.


On New Year's Eve in Panama, traditionally, bells begin to ring, plus car sirens turn on. At the same time, those living in the state are supposed to yell very noisily and tap on everything that is at hand. In such a funny way, the Panamanians appease the approaching New Year.


Another entertaining celebration is observed among the Hungarians - they whistle at the very first moment of the New Year, but not with the help of their fingers, but using the whistles of their babies. Due to this action, they believe that impure forces are driven away from the house and good luck with prosperity is attracted.


The Burmese New Year changes between April 12th and 17th. A special order will notify citizens of the exact date of the holiday, while the celebration is celebrated for three whole days.

Ancient Burmese beliefs tell of deities living on the stars, who sometimes move to the edge of the sky in order to have fun with each other: at this time, a downpour begins on earth - a symbol of an excellent harvest.

In order to obtain the favor of the stellar spirits, a special tug-of-war competition is held annually among the inhabitants of Burma. Men participate in the competition, and women with children support them with their applause.


New Year's holiday (Rosh Hashanah) is celebrated by the Israelis on the beginning of September (Tishrei). At the same time, Rosh Hashanah is the anniversary of the creation of the Universe and the beginning of the Kingdom of God.

Taking into account such religious symbolism of the celebration on the New Year, the Israelis pray zealously. It is also traditional to eat special food before the celebration: apples with honey, pomegranates, fish. Each meal is accompanied by a short prayer service.


Interestingly, in India, the celebration of the New Year falls at different times of the year.

  • In summer, they celebrate the triumph of Lori. In front of him, dry branches of trees with straw and junk gather near the dwellings. With the advent of night, bonfires are lit, where it is customary to dance and sing songs.
  • The autumn season is followed by the festival of lights of Diwali. Then the roofs of houses and window sills are lined with hundreds of lamps, which are set on fire on New Year's Eve. Girls are given to launch small boats on the water with burning lights.


Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are supposed to welcome the New Year in everything new: according to local beliefs, this will guarantee health and good luck for the upcoming 12 months. At night, small Japanese people hide images with boats and seven fairy-tale wizards under their pillows (they patronize happiness).

And Japanese cities are decorated for the celebration with the help of ice palaces and a variety of snow compositions.

One hundred and eight sounds of the bell announce that the New Year is officially coming to the state. At the same time, an ancient belief says that one human passion “dies” with each blow (represented by stinginess, aggression, stupidity, frivolity, indecision and envy, each vice is divided into 18 different shades, for which the bell tolls).

In order to become lucky in the coming 12 months in the first moments of the New Year, it is important to laugh. In addition, in order to attract happiness to the home, the inhabitants of Japan decorate their home with bamboo and pine branches, which personify longevity with fidelity. They also arrange branches that decorate special mochi balls, create a mochibanu - a New Year's tree.


In this state, turnips from last year's harvest are preserved for the New Year's celebration. It is hollowed out from the inside, lit candles are placed in it and given to the kids. In addition, it is customary to sing cheerful festive songs.

Czech Republic and Slovakia

In Czechoslovakia, the national version of Santa Claus is Mikulas. He acts as a cheerful character, dressed in a fluffy fur coat, with a tall ram's hat and a box over his shoulders. Which of the children behaved well all year will definitely receive their holiday present from Mikulash.


Here, the transport for Santa Claus is a ship. At the same time, the kids cheerfully wait for the wizard on the pier in anticipation of various interesting pranks with surprises and, of course, their gifts.


The date of the New Year (Navruz) in Afghanistan is March 21st. On this date, it is customary to start doing agricultural work. Of the entertainment events of the holiday - the opening of a fun fair with magic tricks, tightrope walking, music and other entertainment.


In this Asian state, the custom of washing the Buddha is used to this day. It is mandatory to wash all Buddhist statues in religious places (water is taken from mountain springs). The Chinese are supposed to douse themselves with water when their close circle congratulates them on the holiday. Because of this, on the date of the New Year, it is impossible to meet a single person in dry clothes on the streets.

As for the date of the holiday, it is different in China every time, but it is limited to the period from January 21st to February 20th.


Iranians are engaged in the celebration of the New Year celebration at midnight on March 22nd. In this state, there is a tradition to open fire from guns on New Year's Eve. And all adult residents of the country must at the same time hold silver coins in their hands, symbolizing prosperity and luck for the next 12 months.

In the morning, traditionally, all objects of obsolete pottery are broken and a new one is used instead.


In Vanga's homeland, on the most important night of the year, the whole family should gather at a generously laid table, and the lights are put out in all dwellings for three minutes. Why is this being done? Since, according to the customs of the country, this is the time allotted for New Year's kisses (no one will know about who kissed whom anyway).


The Greeks go to visit on New Year's Eve not with traditional bottles of wine or cake, but with a large stone thrown at the threshold of the dwelling with the following saying: "So that the owner's wealth is as heavy as this stone."

In the case when it was not possible to find a massive cobblestone, a small pebble is used instead. Then the speech changes and sounds like this: "So that the thorn in the owner's eye is as miserable as this pebble."

In conclusion

  • It can be concluded that the celebration of the New Year is usually celebrated in almost all countries of the world.
  • New Year's customs differ from each other, but their meaning remains the same: letting go of the problems of the past and attracting happiness, good luck and luck into your life.
  • It does not matter in which country of the world you will celebrate this New Year - the main thing is that you have a real New Year's mood and faith in the best!

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