The norm of the weight of a student's backpack: Who is to blame for the fact that our children have a curvature of the spine. What should be the weight of a schoolchild's backpack Weight norms for a backpack for different age groups

The use of student backpacks for carrying books, notebooks, necessary teaching aids is more appropriate than various kinds of bags, briefcases, etc. Carrying books and other student supplies in a backpack on the back contributes to an even distribution of the load, forms the correct posture, and frees hands. Moreover, it does not impede the work of the respiratory organs, the circulatory system.

The teacher, in cooperation with the parents, can give recommendations on the choice of a backpack for textbooks and school supplies.

These recommendations are reflected in the new SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions" (Appendix 1), as well as in the Uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision.

The weight of a backpack without textbooks for students in grades 1-4 should be no more than 700 grams. At the same time, the knapsack should have wide straps (4-4.5 cm) and sufficient dimensional stability to ensure its snug fit to the trainee's back and uniform weight distribution. The material used for the manufacture of backpacks should be light, durable, with a water-repellent coating that is easy to clean.

The knapsack can have two compartments or one compartment with a pocket or insert: the main one - for books and notebooks, smaller ones - for pens, pencils, etc. The shoulder straps must be firmly fixed in the middle of the upper edge of the back wall or on the spacing in handle attachment points. At the bottom of the belts, you need a device that allows you to change their length in accordance with the growth of the child and the nature of the clothing. One of the straps should have a connector that makes it easier to put on and take off the satchel. Buckles or other devices for changing the length of the straps should be attached to the bottom of the satchel to prevent injury and damage to clothing.

Requirements for the weight of textbooks and writing materials are also included in the new rules (clause 10.32). The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, 3-4 grades - more than 2 kg, 5-6 - more than 2.5 kg, 7 -8th - more than 3.5 kg, 9-11th - more than 4.0 kg.

In accordance with SanPin "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and vocational primary education", the weight of each publication should not exceed:

  • 300 gr. – for grades 1-4
  • 400 gr. – for grades 5-6
  • 500 gr. – for grades 7-9
  • 600 gr. – for grades 10-11

The weight of publications for grades 1-4, intended for work only in the classroom, should not exceed 500 grams. An increase in the weight of publications by no more than 10% is allowed.

SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of education in educational institutions” (Appendix 1), as well as in the Uniform sanitary and epidemiological requirements for goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision, where noted that backpack weight without textbooks for students in grades 1-4 should be no more than 700 grams.

But this is the satchel itself, and how much it can weigh together with the contents. To answer this question, they often turned to the documents on labor protection for adolescents, where in Appendix No. 2 in the table of weight carrying norms it is indicated that for adolescents 14-15 years old it is possible to carry up to 2 kg, for 16-17 years old - up to 3 kg.

In the same time, orthopedic standards limit the weight of a school backpack from 10 to 15% of the student's weight. Those. if a student weighs 30 kg, then the weight of a backpack with textbooks and removable shoes cannot exceed 4.5 kilograms. In 2010 were approved new weight requirements for textbooks and writing instruments (clause 10.32). Weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing utensils should not exceed: for students of grades 1-2 - more than 1.5 kg, grades 3-4 - more than 2 kg, grades 5-6 - more than 2.5 kg, grades 7-8 - more than 3.5 kg , 9-11's - more than 4 kg.

In fact, children carry twice as much weight. Let's take the usual sixth grade, where a set of textbooks consists of 12 books. It turns out that the average portfolio of a fifth-grader weighs six to seven kilograms, which is more than 20% of the weight of an average student.

Of all the things that a student's portfolio is stuffed with, weighty textbooks are the worst. The average weight of a textbook is 600 grams, but such textbooks as "Literature" do not reach the kilogram of only 200 grams. Now it is clear why already in the first three years of school life the posture is disturbed in half of the children.

According to Sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN 2.4.7. Hygiene of children and adolescents "Hygienic requirements for educational publications for general and primary vocational education" veu textbook should not be more:

  • 300 g for 1 - 4 classes;
  • 400 g for grades 5 - 6;
  • 500 g for grades 7 - 9;
  • 600 g for 10 - 11 grades.

But it is allowed to increase the weight of the textbook up to 10%.

How to make life easier for your child. After all, the contents of a school bag affect not only posture and spine, but also vision. According to statistics, for 5 years of study, vision falls in a third of all schoolchildren.

Parents have repeatedly raised the issue of how much a school bag should weigh and tried to force school administrations to follow the rules, but no one has canceled educational standards either, and they are becoming a priority in this dispute. Many schools, of course, meet halfway: they make a schedule so that “heavy” objects are distributed by day of the week, they find a place in the school to store the student’s things, etc. But a lot depends on the parents themselves.

First, it is worth taking an inventory of the contents of your child's backpack so that there are no extra things or textbooks that are not required in the lessons.

Secondly, it is possible or rather necessary to use orthopedic satchels. Alternatively, you can pay attention to Randoseru's school orthopedic backpacks In addition to orthopedic backpacks, you can purchase a briefcase on wheels, but as practice shows, it is difficult to operate it in the winter.

What are the prospects for solving this problem?

Digital copies of textbooks will come to the rescue. We already wrote that in .

The result was a high rating from 95% of teachers who stated the need to use such publications and fully supported the project. Only 5% of teachers did not find advantages and did not appreciate the idea of ​​switching from paper to electronic publications.

The mass of the experimental electronic textbook does not exceed 200-500 grams. But the most important thing is that this is one device with materials for all subjects. Of course, the vast majority will prefer just such an innovation, which offers solid advantages. And the cost of one e-book is still in the range of 1.5-2 thousand rubles, but for many parents the health of the child will be more important.

According to statistics in Russia there is a sharp deterioration in the health of children.
30-35% of children entering school already have chronic diseases. During the years of schooling, the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system increases by 5 times. There are many factors influencing such health disorders. Specialists from the Institute of Developmental Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education argue that schoolchildren carrying weights can cause not only posture disorders, but even cause growth arrest. So how much should a student's backpack weigh?

Schoolbag weight

To reduce the load on the student, standards have been introduced for the weight of a student's backpack in various classes. In order for these numbers to become a reality, schools are encouraged to have two sets of textbooks: one is given to take home to prepare for lessons, and the second is kept in the classroom.

School bag weight

Class Maximum allowable portfolio weight
1st-2nd Not more than 1.5 kg
3rd-4th Not more than 2.0 kg
5th-6th Not more than 2.5 kg
7th-8th Not more than 3.5 kg
9th-11th Not more than 4.0 kg

P The above material came into force on September 1, 2011 in accordance with the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 No. 189 “On Approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Conditions and Organization of Education in General Educational Institutions” .

Date: 08/26/2014.

How to choose a school bag for a child? Advice from an orthopedic doctor

The end of summer is a hot time for parents of schoolchildren. You need to have time to buy everything you need for the school year. Among the many important...

A satchel or school backpack is equipped with two straps and is designed to be worn on the shoulders. In this case, the load is distributed evenly and the child's back does not bend. Of course, classic backpacks are only suitable for elementary school students. For high school students, special school backpacks are produced. They also keep their shape well, are comfortable, safe and also look stylish.

Pockets matter

Carefully inspect the seams, fasteners How well they are made. Lines should be double.

Check for glued parts, they can be shouldn't ;
with a rigid, so-called orthopedic back, which forms the correct posture and prevents the pressure of textbooks;
bright colors, equipped with reflective elements (reflectors). This is also the wish of the traffic police service, it is especially relevant for children who have to cross the road;
with adjustable padded shoulder straps. It is important that the straps can be adjusted not only to the height of the student, but also to the clothes (one thing, the baby walks in a shirt, another - in a coat or fur coat). And an additional seal and sufficient width (at least 4 cm) will not allow the straps to cut into the shoulders;
with enough compartments and pockets.
In modern models, in addition to the standard compartments for notebooks, textbooks and pencil cases, there are compartments for a mobile phone, pockets for a water bottle and a plastic lunch box. This is very convenient and will help the child quickly find the right thing.

Don't Overload

A school bag often turns into a repository of all sorts of things that are completely unnecessary at school. It is necessary from the first days to teach the baby to carry only the most necessary things with him. After all, overload leads to back problems and, as a result, to a number of other diseases.

The weight of the backpack with all its contents should be a maximum of 15% (and for younger students - 10%) of the total weight of the child. So an empty satchel should weigh from 500 to 800 g, no more.

Pay attention to hygiene standards (these include the weight of the school bag and the daily study kit with writing materials) (see above):

Also make sure that the width of the satchel did not exceed the width of the child's shoulders, the top edge was not above the shoulders, and the bottom was below the hips.

And, of course, do not forget that the choice of a satchel is a joint matter. Do not focus only on your own taste and wishes, be sure to involve the child in the process.

For a first-grader, a beautiful satchel is an additional incentive to go to school, and the concept of convenience for high school students and parents can be completely different ... So do not neglect the opinion of the child, but you should not let this process take its course. After all, going for a satchel or rucksack can be extra time you spend with your student together.

Expert opinion

Alisa Khlebnikova, orthopedist:

When examining children 7-8 years old, I often see a violation of posture. Moreover, the babies, whom I examined two or three years earlier, did not have such a problem yet. It turns out that in such a short time, kids manage to make quite adult problems. This is connected with the lifestyle of modern children, and with their school backpacks.I think that the choice of a backpack is the choice of the health of the baby . Therefore, you don’t need to save money, you should buy orthopedic backpacks (it doesn’t matter if your child has back problems or not). And, of course, you need to teach your baby how to put on a backpack correctly. It must be put on a desk and put on both straps at the same time. You should also do relaxing exercises for the back from time to time.

It is not difficult to collect a first-grader in school now. The main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what your child will definitely need, and what you can do without. We figured out the question of how much a backpack should ideally weigh and how much it comes out in practice, taking into account all the lessons.


In search of standards for school bags, we go to the website of Rospotrebnadzor, where not only weight is indicated, but also recommended dimensions: the height of the backpack should be from 300 to 360 millimeters, the height of the front wall should be from 220 to 260 millimeters, the width should be from 60 to 100 mm, shoulder strap length not less than 600–700 mm, shoulder strap width not less than 35–40 mm. In this case, an increase in size is allowed, but not more than 30 millimeters.

When buying a backpack, you need to pay attention to what age the product is designed for. Information about age is rarely written. But the weight is usually indicated. Most often, manufacturers simply write that it does not exceed one kilogram.

We weighed several satchels. The average weight ranges from 700 grams to 1 kilogram, some are slightly heavier - up to 1.2 kilograms.

Rospotrenbnadzor indicates that the optimal weight of a backpack for primary school students is 700 grams. But at the same time, school bags for children of primary school age must necessarily have a rigid back wall so that the load on the child's back is uniform. It is best if it is a special embossed orthopedic back, it helps to form the correct posture and evenly distributes the weight, relieving the load from the anchor points.


The list of stationery that a first grader will need for one school day: a notebook, pencils (plain and colored), an eraser, a ruler, ballpoint pens, notebooks (cell and line), a sharpener, felt-tip pens.

At the lessons of technology and fine arts, you definitely need watercolor, a sketchbook, a modeling board or oilcloth, colored cardboard, glue stick, scissors, plasticine, colored paper.

Textbooks and workbooks

As it turned out, the requirements for school textbooks concern not only the content, design, but also the weight of the books. The textbook for the first grade should not be heavier than 300 grams.

In reality, the weight varies depending on the program and the required set of notebooks.

The optimal weight of a first-grader backpack

The weight of a daily set of textbooks and writing materials for first grade students should not exceed 1.5 kilograms. In reality, such an arrangement is hardly possible. We packed a backpack for one busy day of school (Russian language, math, reading, technology). The total weight of textbooks and stationery amounted to almost 2 kilograms.

The optimal ratio of the weight of a backpack with textbooks, notebooks and office supplies to the weight of a first-grader is 1:10. This approach takes into account the individual capabilities of the child. By the way, the average first-grader weighs 22 kilograms.

Our assembled briefcase weighs 2.8 kilograms. And in addition to everything, children take with them a bottle of water, an apple or a banana, wet wipes, sportswear and a bunch of other little things. Many take toys to school.

It turns out that in order to carry such a briefcase without harm to health, first-graders with a weight of at least 30 kilograms are needed.

When purchasing a satchel or backpack, you need to consider several key points: size, weight, anatomical shape, design, fit, strength, practicality, quality of materials used and their safety. The advantage should be given to those options in which the load is evenly distributed over the entire shoulder girdle. This will keep the symmetrical position of the child's body and free his hands. Compliance with these rules is a preventive measure against a number of diseases, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis and hernia formation.

When choosing, the following recommendations must be observed:

- Choose a satchel / backpack with a rigid orthopedic back, which has a special frame that must be rigid, evenly distributing weight and pressure on the spine and to maintain the child's back in a straight position without deforming the spine;

- The straps should be wide and made of material that is pleasant to the touch so that they do not cut into the shoulders of the child from the weight. The handles should be adjustable in length, and the child should wear it only on two straps on the back, while not putting pressure on the child's lower back and neck;

- The size and weight of the backpack should correspond to the height and age of the child. Without contents, a school backpack should weigh no more than 1 kilogram. The weight of a school bag with all its contents should be a maximum of 10% of the total weight of a child whose physical development indicators correspond to their age according to the norms, for example:

1-3 classes - up to 1.5 -2 kg;

4-5 classes - up to 2-2.5 kg;

6-7 classes - up to 3-3.5 kg;

8 -11 (12) classes - up to 4-4.5 kg.

However, the content of the backpack is important. Often these are heavy textbooks, the weight of which should not exceed: 300 grams for students in grades 1-4, 400 grams for grades 5-6, 500 grams for grades 7-9 and 600 grams for grades 10-12.

“The sanitary and epidemiological examination of school textbooks is carried out annually. Thus, in the period 2014-2017, a sanitary and epidemiological examination of more than 2,100 school textbooks and supplies was carried out. In 2017, according to the results of 86 studies, the weight of two samples (Almaty Kitap Baspasy LLP publishing house, Almaty) did not meet the requirements of the Hygienic Standards (the textbook "Russian Language" for grade 1 with the Kazakh language of instruction - weight 402 g at a rate of 300 g; textbook "Kazakh tili" for grade 1 with the Russian language of instruction - weight 424 g at a rate of 300 g). And also, when checking the publishing house of Almaty Kitap Baspasy LLP, it was established that the sanitary and epidemiological examination of the samples of the above textbooks was not carried out and there is no expert opinion on them,” Zhandarbek Bekshin said.

As a result of the revealed violations, the publishing house Almaty Kitap Baspasy LLP was issued an order to eliminate violations in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, an administrative case was initiated and the materials were sent for consideration to the specialized inter-district administrative court of Almaty. By court order, Almaty Kitap Baspasy LLP was brought to administrative responsibility in the form of a fine in the amount of 453,800 tenge with the suspension of commission trading activities for a period of 1 month.

To solve the problems of excess weight in children's portfolios, since 2017, a project has been launched to provide each student with an individual closet for storing textbooks, removable shoes and sports equipment. “Such measures were taken after a joint discussion of the deputy group headed by E. Bekturganov with the Ministry of Education and Science and specialists of the Committee for Public Health Protection. These measures are necessary for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system among children,” Zhandarbek Bekshin explained.

Also, when choosing a backpack, do not forget that in addition to the above requirements, it must be as safe as possible. You should pay attention to such details as reflective inserts, which are necessary for the safety of the child on the road. It will be easier for drivers to see your child while crossing the road at night or in poorly lit areas.

The Committee for Public Health Protection of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan urges to remember the presence of sanitary rules and hygienic standards when drawing up a schedule, organizing the educational process, nutrition, rest regimen, for school clothes, educational publications, choosing a portfolio (satchel), as well as daily filling the satchel. Preserving the health of children and adolescents, as well as achieving academic success, is in your hands!

It should be reminded that for the period of preparation and operation of schools in the academic year, the Committee for Public Health will have a hotline at 8 /7172/74-18-64, where you can file a complaint orally or in writing if facts of inconsistency in the preparation of schools for the new academic year (in the event of an emergency), as well as violations of the sanitary and hygienic maintenance of schools, the quality of catering and the educational process.