Normal fetal weight at 31 weeks gestation. Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. Possible complications and reasons to see a doctor


Hormonal changes, an increase in the uterus and a load on the musculoskeletal system provoke pain in different parts of the body. The intensity and frequency of these sensations depend on the individual characteristics of the body of the expectant mother. It is very important not to endure the pain, it is better to immediately tell the doctor about it, even if it was minor. Only a gynecologist can tell if there is a threat of pregnancy.

  • Lower back pain occurs due to the increase in the weight of the pregnant woman and the load on the back. To minimize discomfort, doctors advise using a bandage that fixes the stomach and relieves the lumbar region.
  • Pain in the intestines and in the anus is a common ailment when the 31st week of pregnancy comes. Occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the digestive organs, food processing slows down, which leads to constipation and hemorrhoids.
  • Pain in the calf muscles appear due to the increased load on the legs and swelling. Sometimes the cause of cramps is a lack of calcium.

Childbirth at 31 weeks

31 obstetric weeks of pregnancy are fraught with various dangers, one of which is premature birth. The early birth of a child threatens his life, because the body is not yet ready for independent functioning. However, with the provision of quality medical care and the availability of the necessary equipment, the baby will be able to survive and develop normally. The causes of premature birth can be various pathologies in the development of the fetus, bad habits, the age of the pregnant woman, miscarriages in the past, stress and physical overstrain.

Symptoms of preterm labor include lower abdominal pain, spotting, amniotic fluid leakage, and frequent urination. A sure sign that the baby is preparing to come out into the world is strong and frequent contractions. You need to urgently call an ambulance or go to the hospital on your own.

Allocations at the 31st obstetric week of pregnancy

With a successful pregnancy, the expectant mother daily finds odorless light milky discharge and various inclusions on her underwear.

A sharp change in the color of the vaginal secretion, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching or pain is a reason to go for a gynecological examination.

Quite often, at 31 weeks, pregnant women suffer from thrush, an infection that affects the vaginal mucosa. This disease can be effectively treated. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prevent intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Pressure and swelling

After the 30th week of pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor blood pressure and swelling. The fact is that in the last few months before giving birth, some women are at risk of developing late toxicosis - preeclampsia. This is a very serious disease, in which the life of not only the child, but also the mother is at risk. Need urgent medical attention, any delay can be fatal.

What are the symptoms of gestosis? These include nausea, vomiting, fainting, weakness, high blood pressure, fluid buildup in the body. If a woman is constantly sick and at the same time she has severe swelling at the 31st week of pregnancy, this may be late toxicosis. When the diagnosis is confirmed, doctors perform a caesarean section to save the life of the mother and child.

intimate life

In the absence of ailments in the expectant mother, it is possible to continue intimate relationships. However, it is worth remembering that the 31st week of pregnancy is on the calendar and any negligence in this matter can lead to undesirable consequences. In order not to harm the health of the child, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her well-being.

Doctors may prescribe sexual rest if it is a twin pregnancy or there is a risk of premature birth of a child.

Required Research

Twice a week, the gynecologist conducts an appointment at which he assesses the well-being of the mother and baby. Before going to the doctor, a woman must pass the necessary tests:

  • general clinical blood test;
  • general urine analysis;
  • smear on the microflora of the vagina;
  • antibody titer (only if there is a Rh conflict).

Regular examination by a doctor is an opportunity to maintain your well-being in the norm and prevent the development of diseases. The doctor monitors the condition of the fetus by listening to its heartbeat, and also monitors the mother, measuring pressure, weight, and abdominal circumference. All data is recorded on an exchange card, which a woman must carry with her. In the later stages, childbirth can begin at any time, and when the pregnant woman enters the maternity hospital, the obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to understand from the medical record which method of delivery to choose - natural or artificial.

baby ultrasound

For many expectant mothers, the thirty-first week of pregnancy is the time for the third planned ultrasound. This research method, along with a triple test (blood test for hCG hormones and free estriol, alpha-fetoprotein protein), gives a complete picture of the child's health status. With its help, the doctor can identify developmental abnormalities, as well as analyze the state of the child's place: placenta previa and the degree of maturity of the placenta, the amount of amniotic fluid.

Sometimes it happens that at the first scheduled ultrasound, the doctor cannot name the sex of the child due to the “closed” position of the fetus or outdated equipment. For parents expecting girls and expecting boys, the third ultrasound examination is an opportunity to find out who will soon join the family.

Now you have much more free time. Perhaps in the first days of your prenatal leave, you still wake up out of habit early in the morning, even if the alarm is no longer ringing. Soon this will pass, and you will be happy to luxuriate in bed for an hour - another longer. Now you can do all sorts of little things that previously did not reach your hands.

What does 31 weeks mean?

Congratulations, you have already reached the finish line, quite a bit - and you will see your baby. In the consultation, you are given a period of 31 obstetric weeks, which means that you are on from the conception of the baby and from the delay of the last menstruation.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 31 weeks

  • Your tummy grows in size, now there is about a liter of amniotic fluid in it, and the baby has enough space to swim;
  • The uterus has risen above the pubic symphysis by 31 cm or a little more. It is 11 cm above the navel. By the 12th week, the uterus filled only the pelvic region, and by the 31st week, most of the abdomen;
  • Due to the fact that the growing uterus presses on the stomach and intestines, in recent months, the expectant mother may have heartburn;
  • Heartburn, shortness of breath, fatigue, back pain, swelling- all this continues to bother you and will leave only after childbirth;
  • But now you can alleviate these discomforts. Walk more in the fresh air, eat small meals, avoid salt, keep your posture and do not cross your legs when you sit. And, of course, rest more;
  • Weight gain by the 31st week, it averages from 9.5 to 12 kg;
  • Now your body produces a special hormone relaxin. This substance causes weakening of the joints of the pelvic bones. The pelvic ring becomes more extensible. The more compliant the mother's pelvic ring, the less difficulty for the child during his birth;
  • Due to the weakened protective forces of a pregnant woman, it may appear.
  • If you have negative Rh factor, you cannot avoid frequent tests for the presence of antibodies in the blood (blood test);
  • If you are strong worried about puffiness, be sure to consult a doctor, this means that the kidneys cannot cope with the processing of fluid and the removal of salts from the body;
  • still help your doctor make a comprehensive assessment of your condition. Once every 2 weeks required general analysis of urine and blood. If pregnancy is accompanied by diabetes mellitus or a pre-diabetic condition develops, the level of glucose in the blood must also be monitored every 2 weeks;
  • After the onset of the 31st week, many women develop or rather develop the most difficult toxicosis which is quite hard to bear. It is also called late toxicosis. It is characterized by edema and may even be in the 31st week of pain. Therefore, in order to find out what the matter is, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time. Now you have to think not only about yourself, but also about your baby;
  • If you still missed (which should not be), remember: a sharp headache, flashing flies before your eyes, convulsions are signs of eclampsia, a severe complication. This is a serious threat to the life of the mother and child. Save them only urgent hospitalization and immediate medical attention.

Reviews from the forums:


I’m already on my 31st week…I found out that I’m going to have a cesarean because I had problems, I’m very worried…the baby will be born at the 37th week, is this normal?


We are already 31 weeks old. Yesterday I bought a dowry for a baby, I liked everything so much, and it's so cool! Next week for the third ultrasound, we'll see what's there and take all the tests again. We are very active, especially at night (now it is clear that we will have to stay awake at night). Gained only 7.5 kg, the tummy is small, and almost does not interfere. A little heartburn torments if you eat or overeat at night, and so no swelling and pain in the back.


Today I felt like I'm pregnant! I went home from the doctor in a minibus. The heat is unbearable, but at least they gave way to a place, otherwise it happens that everyone looks out the window, like they don’t notice. I got off at the bus stop and walked slowly towards the house. Then a man of 30-35 years old catches up and asks if I am pregnant (and my stomach is huge). I looked at him questioningly, and he takes out my wallet from somewhere and says: “Sorry, we just noticed that you are pregnant. Everything is in place, sorry, this is our job. And left. I was left standing there in shock. There was not so much money in the wallet, but he might not have returned it. I didn't even notice how he pulled it out. And most importantly, the minibus was not packed, so I'm sure that everyone saw how he pulled this wallet from me, but no one even gave a hint. Here are some of our cases...


My 31st week has begun, and the baby has stopped kicking distinctly! Maybe 4 times a day, or even less knock and that's it. And on the Internet I read that there should be at least 10 movements per day! I'm really scared! Tell me, please, is everything going to be fine with the child or is it worth contacting specialists?


I was told that the baby is very low, his head is very low and that he may be born prematurely. It turns out 7 months, scary.


And my lady turned over! They didn’t do an ultrasound, but the doctor felt there - felt, listened to the heart and said that everything was already in order! Yes, I myself feel: I used to beat at the bottom, but now everything kicks in the ribs!

Fetal development at 31 weeks

At this time, the nature of the baby's movements usually changes - they become rarer and weaker, since the child is already cramped in the uterus, and he cannot spin in it, as before. Now the baby only turns his head from side to side. The child has already gained about 1500 grams of weight, and his height is already reaching 38-39 cm.

  • Future child growing and getting better;
  • He starts smooth out wrinkles, arms and legs are rounded;
  • He already reacts to light and dark, eyelids open and close;
  • The baby's skin is no longer so red and wrinkled. White adipose tissue is deposited under the skin, which gives the skin a more natural color;
  • Marigold already reaching the fingertips;
  • More and more improved lungs in which a surfactant is produced - a substance that prevents the alveolar sacs from sticking together;
  • The brain continues to develop actively, nerve cells are actively functioning, nerve connections are formed. Nerve impulses are now transmitted much faster, protective sheaths appear around the nerve fibers;
  • Keeps improving liver, the formation of liver lobules, which are responsible for cleansing the blood of all kinds of toxins, ends. Liver cells also produce bile, in the future it will take an active part in the process of assimilation of fats that come with food;
  • Pancreas increases its mass by increasing the number of cells. After the birth of a child, she will produce enzymes that will break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • With ultrasound, you can notice that by the 31st week the child has already formed the so-called corneal reflex. If the baby accidentally touches an open eye with a pen, he will instantly close his eyes;
  • Don't worry about what your dyspnea after walking or climbing stairs, it can harm the baby - the placenta performs its functions clearly and in full, so that the experience is in vain - the child has enough oxygen.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child

Photo of the fetus at 31 weeks

Ultrasound of the baby at 31 weeks

Photo of mother's abdomen at 31 weeks

Video: What happens at 31 weeks?

Video 3D ultrasound at 31 weeks

  • Contact the birth preparation center, where there are masseurs who work specifically with pregnant women and know all the features of massage in an “interesting position”. Some of them can also come to childbirth in order to make a relaxing and pain-relieving massage;
  • If your doctor recommends reducing activity, don't disregard this advice. The well-being of not only yours, but also of the child may depend on this;
  • If you have not yet asked your doctor about childbirth preparation courses, ask about them during your next visit;
  • When you are at the doctor's appointment, ask what kind of presentation the baby is, as this is very important. The most correct is the longitudinal presentation of the child head down. Childbirth with such a presentation is the safest;
  • Do not neglect wearing a bandage, you will feel how much easier your back will become. But, do not rush to put on a bandage, if you have a breech presentation of the baby, he may still roll over;
  • Incorporate daytime rest into your daily schedule and lie down on your side instead of your back. Now is the time to follow this advice. You may notice that when you lie on your back, fluid begins to leak. Your well-being will immediately improve if you lie on your side;
  • It will also be necessary to do an ultrasound at the 31st week. Thanks to him, the specialist will be able to find out what position the fetus is in, look at the amount of amniotic fluid and find out if there will be no difficulties during childbirth. In addition, due to changes in the hormonal background at the 31st week of pregnancy, the discharge may be increased, it will be necessary to take tests and find out if there is an infection. But pregnancy at 31 weeks, the uterus increases significantly. It is placed fourteen centimeters above the navel.

The most detailed weekly pregnancy calendar

If one baby grows in your stomach, it means that at exactly thirty weeks you received a “release” from work for the next 140 days, it is for this period that a sick leave is issued.

Now you will have more free time that you can spend on yourself and your future baby.

It is time to realize all our plans - to knit a dowry for the baby, go shopping, collect a first aid kit, buy a stroller and much, much more.

It doesn’t mean at all that you yourself have to do repairs in the apartment, or general cleaning - just enjoy, relax, it’s unlikely that you will succeed after giving birth.

Your baby is the size of...

1600 grams
380-390 mm
120-160 bpm

Fetal development

The baby in the mother's womb becomes crowded, his movements are constrained, rarer, but strong.

This is what your baby looks like at 31 weeks

The fetus continues to gain weight, because in the remaining time it needs to grow at least another 1000 g in order to be considered full-term and mature.

The baby reacts to light, which becomes clear by the increase in activity, when bright light hits the mother's stomach.

Subcutaneous tissue evens out skin color, making it less red, more natural.

The nervous system continues to mature and develop, convolutions and grooves are formed in the cerebral cortex, nerve fibers are covered with a protective sheath, which significantly increases the speed of impulses passing through them.

The production of surfactant in the lungs continues, but it is not yet enough for independent breathing - the baby is too early to be born.

The liver prepares to perform its functions, its structure becomes more perfect, liver lobules are formed. The number of cells in the pancreas increases significantly; immediately after birth, its secret will be involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The nails grow and already almost reach the tips of the fingers, the hair on the head becomes thicker. But the cannon on the body gradually fall out.

Ultrasound at 31 weeks pregnant

It is possible that this week you will be assigned a third and final scheduled ultrasound.

If during the last study the baby was shy and did not show you his gender, you can find out everything this time. The specialist, according to the protocol, will make all the necessary measurements, exclude organ malformations, measure the heart rate, the amount of amniotic fluid.

Already at this time it is possible to detect malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system. It is mandatory to assess the condition of the placenta and blood flow in it. The condition of the uterus, wall thickness, muscle homogeneity are also assessed, the length of the neck is measured, the degree of opening of the cervical canal.

What happens in your body at 31 weeks?

Not only your baby is changing, but your whole body:

  • the stomach grows due to an increase in the uterus (its bottom is now located 11 cm above the navel), as well as due to the deposition of fat in the lateral parts;
  • the amount of amniotic fluid increases up to a liter, this is quite enough to protect the baby from compression by the uterus and injury - water plays the role of a protective buffer;
  • weight gain this week will average about 9.5 kg;
  • under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic bones expand - it is preparing to let your baby through itself into the light;
  • excessive weight gain and increased swelling may indicate that it is very difficult for the kidneys to cope with the load, and without support they can simply fail, so do not hide your true weight from the doctor, especially if the increase is significant;
  • a frequent companion of a pregnant woman is candidiasis, which occurs due to a decrease in immunity /

How do you feel at 31 weeks?

The pressure of the pregnant uterus on the gastrointestinal tract leads to heartburn, which is difficult to remove without special means, and constipation.

Shortness of breath, fatigue and back pain will certainly join heartburn and constipation. Get used to it, you will part with these "friends" only after giving birth.

Dieting, walking in the fresh air, limiting salt, wearing a bandage will help to dull these unpleasant sensations a little.

Discharge from the genital tract

Be sure to continue to monitor the discharge from the genital tract.

Insignificant spotting on the panties appears when the mucosa is injured, as well as with hemorrhoids. Blood in large quantities is an alarming symptom, and may indicate the onset of labor, placental abruption, especially if combined with painful sensations, or appears after a blow to the stomach, heavy loads or sudden movements.

The appearance of green, yellow, frothy or flaky discharge with an unpleasant odor indicates the development of an infection and requires the earliest possible start of treatment - the baby must pass through a clean birth canal, and there is not much left before delivery.

Abundant watery, odorless discharge with a yellowish tint may be amniotic fluid and appear when the membranes are torn or completely ruptured. If a pregnant woman suspects such a condition, you can’t hesitate - a defect in the shell is a good entrance gate for infection. If the birth occurs in this period, it is possible to leave the baby, but it is much more difficult to nurse an infected child.

Any change in the nature of the discharge during this period should be a signal to seek medical help.

Photo of tummies at 31 weeks

Examinations at 31 weeks

On the eve of the visit to the antenatal clinic, you will need to pass a general urine test (to monitor kidney function), blood (to rule out anemia and inflammation in the body), blood for sugar (if gestational diabetes mellitus developed during pregnancy, or diabetes was present before pregnancy ). With an Rh-negative blood type in the mother and a positive in the father, it is regularly necessary to donate blood for antibody titer.

Upon arrival, the pregnant woman will be weighed, the pressure on both arms will be measured, the height of the fundus of the uterus and the circumference of the abdomen will be measured, and the heart of the fetus will be listened to with a stethoscope.

Risks at 31 weeks

The stomach at 31 weeks should not hurt, the appearance of any painful sensations should attract your attention. Drawing, aching pain that lasts for a long time may indicate uterine hypertonicity and the possible development of labor. Severe pain in the abdomen, not even accompanied by bloody discharge, can occur with placental abruption.

If any pain lasts more than 30 minutes, go for a consultation, or you can go straight to the ambulance to the hospital. If everything is fine, you will simply be sent home, but if something is wrong, the chance to save yourself and your baby life and health will increase significantly.

After the 30th week, preeclampsia often develops, which is manifested by the appearance of edema, protein in the urine and increased pressure. Without adequate therapy, it can progress to life-threatening preeclampsia and eclampsia. This is an extremely serious condition, which is treated only by eliminating the cause - i.e. only delivery, regardless of gestational age and fetal viability. Symptoms of preeclampsia - blurred consciousness, flickering "flies" before the eyes, headache. The main thing is to have time to call an ambulance.

Important at 31 weeks

Do not forget to prepare your breasts for feeding, for this, wash them daily with warm water and soap, wipe them with a hard towel. Use stiff fabric pads in your bra to help "harden" your nipples.

Be sure to wear a bandage that will prevent the baby from lowering ahead of time and help unload the spine.

If you haven't had time to attend childbirth preparation courses, it's time to sign up. You will receive information on them about the upcoming birth, learn how to breathe correctly, in what ways you can relieve pain.

Do not lie too long and do not stay in one position for a long time, this will not benefit the baby, but you should not go hiking and climb mountain peaks - everything should be in moderation, extremes are never beneficial, especially during pregnancy.

Nutrition at 31 weeks

Nutrition recommendations remain the same - to ease the manifestations of heartburn, eat in small portions, in a reclining state. Vegetables, dried apricots, prunes, sour-milk products will help with constipation. To provide the baby with everything necessary, the menu should include meat and fish, eggs, vegetables and fruits, cereals, hard cheeses. You need to drink clean water, green tea, compotes, fruit drinks.

Alcohol, coffee, soda remain banned.


Daytime sleep should become an integral part of the regimen - due to disturbing thoughts and nightmares, the expectant mother cannot always get enough sleep at night. It is best to sleep on your side, with the use of special pillows. Walking in the fresh air before going to bed, sleeping in a well-ventilated area will help provide you and your baby with enough oxygen.

Every woman goes through pregnancy differently. Feelings are especially different in women in the third trimester, after 6 months. By this time, expectant mothers have a feeling of heaviness and fatigue. You have to adapt to the sluggishness and constantly changing figure. Most pregnant women experience weakness and fatigue. This is precisely the reason for issuing maternity leave at this time, because now it is already difficult for a woman to carry out the necessary amount of work.

31 weeks of pregnancy - the middle of the 8th obstetric month. There is very little time left before the birth of the baby. For each woman, the period of bearing a child is individual. The onset of labor 15-20 days ahead of schedule refers to the normal development of events. Calculation of the date of birth is always approximate.

Fetal development at this time

Now the baby is growing and developing rapidly. By week 31, the weight of the fetus is approximately 1600 grams, and the height is about 41 cm. It is already difficult for the child to move in the womb. In search of a comfortable position, the baby takes a certain position. This is usually a "knuckle up" position, with crossed arms and legs upside down, which can be seen on a planned ultrasound. For many children, this position becomes permanent and does not change until birth.

Every day the child changes a little, grows up. The face acquires a refined outline, the nose becomes the correct shape, the auricles and neck continue to develop, become more dense. The eyes can react to bright light, the child squints, opens and closes his eyes, he has the ability to focus his eyes. In addition, the baby is forming a corneal reflex, i.e. accidental touching of the eye causes a defensive reaction, the baby squints.

The brain develops intensively, its convolutions are formed. The work of the nervous system is constantly being improved. The lungs and lung tissues become more mature, the production of surfactant begins, due to this, the child takes his first breaths of air after birth. At this period of development, hepatic bile begins to be produced, so the liver is preparing to cleanse the body of harmful substances, i.e. perform its main function. The work of the pancreas becomes more perfect, it begins to produce insulin.

At 31 weeks, the fetus acquires the features of a mature baby: the proportions of the torso change, the face stretches and acquires refined features. At 31 weeks, the baby is already becoming viable, that is, with early birth, the baby will complete its development already outside the womb

The skin of the fetus is still wrinkled with a red tint. Due to the fact that the skin is very thin blood vessels are visible through the skin. There is an active growth of the nail plate, in the near future the nails will cover the entire surface of the nail bed. Just from the third trimester of pregnancy, the unborn child begins a noticeable and rapid weight gain. An increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat contributes to the proper regulation of heat exchange processes after the baby leaves the mother's womb.

The life of the unborn child at 31 weeks

Some babies already have a daily routine, a woman can notice moments during the day when the child becomes active, moves and calms down, falls asleep. The child moves more, causing serious discomfort to the expectant mother, even causing pain. The child actively moves his arms and legs, hitting the walls of the uterus. Excessively active movements at 31 weeks may indicate oxygen starvation of the fetus, or signal that the mother's position causes discomfort to the baby.

During pregnancy, it is necessary to pay special attention to fetal movements. If a woman does not notice the baby's movements for a long time, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist in charge of the pregnancy, perhaps undergo an extraordinary ultrasound. Normally, the fetus should remind itself of itself with active movements at least 10 times in 12 hours.

At this stage of pregnancy, the expectant mother may periodically feel the movements of the baby in the tummy. You need to be very attentive to this indicator: if the fetus does not give signals about its movements for a long time, you need to contact a gynecologist - pregnancy may die


Usually, at the 31st week of pregnancy, a third planned ultrasound examination is performed, the purpose of which is to monitor the development of the child, to assess the compliance of indicators with the norm. This ultrasound allows you to assess the degree of development of the brain and other internal organs. If an ultrasound at 31 weeks is performed in 3D or 4D format, you can clearly see all the outlines of the baby's face. Poor visualization of a clear image on ultrasound can be due to several reasons:

  • increase in the subcutaneous fat layer of a woman;
  • small volume of amniotic fluid;
  • the fetus is in an uncomfortable position for studying.

It is very difficult to obtain high-quality photographs and videos of ultrasound in late pregnancy. Determining the sex of the baby is carried out at the second planned ultrasound, however, the formation of the genital organs continues now. At this time, testicular prolapse has not yet occurred in male children, and future girls are still with open labia.

Normative ultrasound indicators

The main task of ultrasound at 31 weeks is to eliminate the lag in the development of the child. This is done using fetometry. Ultrasonic fetometry is a procedure for measuring the length of bones and assessing the main structural characteristics.

The norm of the size of the fetus by ultrasound at 31 weeks:

  1. biparietal size (BPR): 73 - 87 mm .;
  2. fronto-occipital size (LB): 93 - 109 mm .;
  3. head girth (OG): 273 - 215 mm .;
  4. girth of the abdomen (coolant): 247 - 301 mm.

Normally, the lengths of the main bones measured by ultrasound correspond to the following values:

  1. thigh: 55 - 65 mm.;
  2. shoulder: 50 - 60 mm.;
  3. forearm: 45 - 53 mm.;
  4. lower leg: 50 - 60 mm.

With Doppler ultrasound at 31 weeks, the normal values ​​are as follows:

  1. placental vascular resistance index: 0.34 - 0.61;
  2. umbilical artery resistance index: 0.53 - 0.76;
  3. systolic-diastolic ratio of blood flow velocity in the umbilical artery: 2.88 - 2.96;
  4. systolic-diastolic ratio of blood flow velocity in the fetal cerebral artery: above 4.4;
  5. fetal cerebral artery resistance index: 0.8;
  6. BCA resistance index: 0.8 - 0.85.

In addition to conventional ultrasound, according to indications, dopplerometry is used - checking the speed and direction of blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, umbilical cord - the data obtained make it possible to determine whether sufficient nutrition for the fetus comes from the mother's body

Possible complications of pregnancy

From 31 weeks, the main stage of fetal growth begins. In this regard, a pregnant woman should pay special attention to her health and weight gain. Normally, weight gain should not exceed 300 grams. in 7 days. If body weight increases much more intensively than recommended, you should consult a gynecologist. Intensively increasing weight with a healthy diet indicates the possible development of edema.

This period of pregnancy is characterized by the development of various complications. Knowing the symptoms will allow you to take timely measures to prevent the development of critical complications.

The reason for an urgent visit to the doctor are the following symptoms:

  • Sensation of ripples before eyes. This is a symptom of increased pressure or the development of internal edema.
  • Persistent swelling of the extremities. Persistent swelling of the legs indicates possible violations of the kidneys.
  • Constant feeling of tiredness and seizures. Signs of late toxicosis.
  • Headache, bouts of dizziness are unfavorable signs of unstable pressure or the development of a preeclampsia.
  • Symptoms of polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios in the third trimester of pregnancy are usually detected using ultrasound diagnostics.
  • A consequence of acute respiratory diseases suffered by a woman during pregnancy can be a variety of complications.
  • Intestinal upset in a pregnant woman occurs as a result of hormonal changes in the body. However, it is worth paying attention to such symptoms, since diarrhea sometimes indicates a possible intestinal infectious disease.

Anxious highlights

At week 31, a pregnant woman should treat her health with increased attention. The presence of vaginal discharge is normal.

However, any slight change should alert them. You should consult a doctor if you notice leakage of amniotic fluid. The normal volume of such secretions should not exceed 20 ml. Any slight change in the color of the discharge, the appearance of blood in them can be an alarming symptom, indicating a threat to the health of the child. You should consult a gynecologist when the first symptoms of thrush appear: curdled mucous secretions with a specific smell.