Very oily skin of the face - what to do? Causes of oily skin of the face in men and women

Overall leather - loose and brilliant skin, which looks outwardly reminds lemon crust, is characterized by an excess of the skin. Oily skin is more often characteristic of adolescents and young people, with age even very oily skin becomes normal, this is due to the natural age-related changes in the body. Such skin, no doubt, has its advantages - it is unusual for the appearance of early wrinkles, it does not require constant nutrition with creams, as it happens with dry skin, but a significant disadvantage, of course, is its excess glitter, extended pores and it is inclined to the appearance of comedones, Gnove formations of various etiology. Increased fat areas, forehead, shoulders, back, chin, chest.

Causes of oily skin

  1. Heredity: Shan glands in all people are equally reacting to the emission of hormones, but the sensitivity of everyone will be different. Sensitivity depends on genetics and even with the same hormonal level the fatness of the skin will be different in humans. In this case, nothing but the right care and torture does not remain.
  2. Hormones. They affect the production of fat in the sebaceous glands. The second phase of the menstrual cycle in women is marked by the increased production of subcutaneous salts. This condition is due to the hormonal background. Due to the predominance of testosterone in the body, more often oily skin is found among men. In connection with the period of puberty, the problem of oily skin is mainly found among young women, girls, guys. In this case, we can talk about the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands.
  3. Disorders in the diet: excess fat, fried, sharp, acidic, sweet, spicy food. Harmful in large quantities will also be coffee, soda, food, food, eating dry. It affects the state and lack of vitamins, minerals. It is necessary to exclude fast food, less use fatty and sweet. Very well affect the skin of the skin such products like buckwheat porridge, bran, fruit, low fat kefir.
  4. Environment factors, such as tobacco smoke, stress, polluted air also have a negative impact on the skin condition.
  5. Increased ambient temperature stimulates skin production.
  6. Ultraviolet irradiation: dries and thickens the horny layer of the skin, skin fat is more problematic, acne appears, acne.
  7. Failure to comply with hygiene: It is important to wash every day in the mornings and process areas of the skin that are prone to elevated salinity.
  8. The use of low-quality cosmetics. Oil or fatty base of such tools can only aggravate the skin condition.
  9. Violation of the immune system: The skin is a protective layer if there is a violation of immune processes, it is the likelihood that the skin will stop cope with its main function, it will begin to produce an excessive amount of skin.
  10. Violations in the work of the internal organs: pancreas, intestines, thyroid gland. In this case, it is important to exclude the cause and ensure the skin of reliable care.
  11. Passion for active cleansing means that contain alcohol. In the treatment of oily skin, it is also important not to overdo it. The constant use of alcohol-secreting agents will only aggravate the problem. On rigid degreasing, the skin can react aggressively and start hardly producing skin fat.
  12. Fresh peeling. Mechanical cleansing of the face gives a quick and noticeable result, but often women simply begin to abuse this tool. As a result, inflammation arise due to the microtrams of the epidermis and the selection of the skin in an enlarged scale.
  13. Increased environmental humidity or industrial premises.
  14. Long stress, increased excitability, constant fatigue. Nervous endings can stimulate the production of skin salts. It is necessary to avoid these factors.
  15. Disorders of the central nervous system, mental illness. It will be necessary to help a specialist.
  16. Gyperandrogenism in men. Male hormones are contained in increased quantities. Often you can observe among men who are professionally engaged in bodybuilding. But such a violation is found and for a natural reason. Treatment is due to the elimination of symptoms.
  17. Vegeta dystonia.
  18. Climax.
  19. Pregnancy.
  20. Diseases cookies.
  21. Diabetes.
  22. Hypertrichosis can be accompanied by fatty skin.
  23. Overweight.
  24. The diseases of the ovaries that increase the production of men's hormones.
  25. Long use of some drugs, chronic infectious diseases. It is important to closely monitor the instructions of all medical drugs that you have to take.

The causes of oily skin, as we see from this list, can not only be cosmetic, but also medical.

Featuring fatty skin

The basis of oily skin is thick on nature layer of epidermis and reinforced work of the sebaceous glands. Active and permanent skin chipping clogs, so the black point, inflammation or acne is formed.

The process of thickening the upper layer stimulates fatty acids, which leads to comprehension of pores and their expansion, and a large amount of moisture leads to their swelling at the edges.

Because of the blockage of pore, the breath of the skin is complicated, its natural process of exfoliation and purification is violated. Bacteria that fall into the natural environment of their habitat are the cause of all sorts of inflammation. All these defects increase the pores even more. Oily skin is covered with fatty film, it is weakly supplied with blood.

Features of oily skin care

For oily skin, it will most importantly be cleansing it with the help of special means that normalize the activities of the sebaceous glands. Also important will be an increase in skin immunity to confront infections and other diseases. Soap or special gel is suitable for cleansing, water should not be too tough. Also, after purification, you can rinse the face with cold water with the addition of lemon or vinegar.

Very helpful for oily skin compresses or vapor baths. Moisturizing and nutritious cream will help look like a healthy skin. Several times a week you can make cleaning and nutritious masks.

Do not forget that it is impossible to degrease the fatty skin too much. It is better to use more often, but soft and gentle means.

You can also independently and very often squeeze acne, acne on my face. This should be engaged in a specialist.

Grease skin treatment techniques

Treatment of oily skin should be full and complex. It is important at the first stage of treatment to identify the reason for the fatness of the skin and eliminate it if possible. In case of improper care, the use of poor-quality cosmetics, defective and harmful food, the causes of oily skin will be obvious. To get rid of the problem, it will be enough to get rid of the factors that provoke it.

In the case of applying only external therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the manifestation of the disease, it will not be possible to achieve a strong result. Experts typically use the combination of different methods, which makes it possible to achieve the most efficient result.

Proper nutrition

To improve the status of the skin, regardless of the factor that provoked the fatty skin, an important point will be the right nutrition. In the diet, it will be necessary to include the maximum number of fruits and vegetables, of course, for the lack of allergies on them. Clean water is also a very important composite treatment scheme.

All harmful products from the diet must be excluded or at least minimize. Beneficiously affects the health of the skin eating in the morning of the portion of oatmeal.

Treatment at home

In general, the treatment of oily skin in home is ineffective. First of all, of course, you need to consult with a dermatologist, a beautician and other specialists. Most likely it will be necessary to change the diet, the features of the care, but regardless of the designated procedures, there are always general recommendations, such as washing room water, rubbing the face with cleansing lotions.

Effective in the case of oily skin and thermal waters, they allow not only to refresh himself in a hot summer day, but also make it possible to eliminate the abundant selection of sebum. In this case, the effect of moisturizing, relieving redness and elimination of oily shine will be noticeable.

Treatment of oily skin in cosmetology

Treatment in the salon of oily skin requires the development of an individual program, a whole range of procedures is usually appointed. Effective in the case of bold leather such techniques:

  • Massage;
  • Cream for oily skin;
  • The use of special masks;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • A liquid nitrogen;
  • Darsonvalization;
  • Steam baths;
  • Mechanical cleaning;
  • Vaporization;
  • Deep cleansing of the skin;
  • Demacia with bactericidal drugs.

Read more about each procedure:

  1. Massage for oily skin affects it very deeply, which is achieved by quite strong pressure. So the blood circulation is enhanced and the skin is improved. Activates the development of the secrets of the sebaceous glands, the muscle tone increases. Usually performed on the talc, in the cabin before carrying out the procedure, the skin is necessarily cleaned. The duration of the session is 5-6 minutes, you will need about 20 procedures, which are desirable to repeat periodically.
  2. Cream for oily skin: a beautician will select a special moisturizer that is suitable for a specific type of skin. The opinion is that without that fatty skin does not need to moisten - erroneous. You just need to choose the properly moisturizing component. The thick and fat cream is not suitable, preferred options are hypoallergenic with a light texture. The composition must be vitamins, oils, collagen.
  3. Masks for oily skin - a real find, they are more than appropriate in this case. Most often it is a mixture based on hyaluronic acid, which includes antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory components.
  4. The ice dries well and tones the fatty skin, so cryotherapy is so popular in the treatment of oily skin. For this type of skin, wiping with cosmetic people after washing in the morning will give a good cosmetic effect.
  5. For liquid nitrogen, high therapeutic efficacy is characteristic. It can cause both the destruction and death of the tissues (for example, affected by the pieces of acne), and contribute to the narrowing of the vessels, the improvement of the colors of the face and its tone.
  6. Darsonvalization: Using the action of variable currents of different frequency, the fatty skin is eliminated, acne is cured, the face of the youth and pulls up. The skin acquires a healthy and fresh look, pulls up.
  7. Steam baths are one of the most affordable, but at the same time effective ways to purify the skin of the face. Couple improves blood circulation, the skin becomes soft and smooth, the pores open and cleaned from dirt, the skin becomes healthy, its color improves. The duration of such procedures is 8-10 minutes and for oily skin, they are carried out about 2 times a month.
  8. Mechanical cleaning is particularly shown for oily skin with scored pores. With the help of mechanical cleaning of the face, the upper burned layer and the excess secret of the sebaceous glands are removed. This is the most thorough of all cleaning methods, but it gives the desired result, although it is considered a little outdated.
  9. Vaporization: Ozone has an antibacterial effect, activates metabolic processes in the skin. Thus, the pores are cleaned and blood circulation is improved. The procedure can be carried out using infusions and herbs, which has an additional positive effect.
  10. Deep purification of oily skin should be carried out at least once a week, optimally - twice. The best to this means will be peeling. Surveated skin scales that themselves are not deleted in normal cleansing may contain dirt that clogs even more pores.
  11. It is very important to correctly and systematically clean the skin. This is a mandatory procedure before any of cosmetic interventions and simply as daily care.

Fatty skin face is a real problem for its owner. The abundance of the skin fat, which produces the sebaceous glands, clogs the pores, forming black dots and inflammation, make the face with unnaturally brilliant and loss. To solve the problem, you have to search for answers to many additional questions: how to narrow how to get rid of the comedones and acne, how to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and much more. All who do not know what to do with oily skin of the face, I want to calm down: these are temporary difficulties.

With age, when the cells cannot hold moisture inside, it is this type of skin that will be able to independently free themselves from the fatty film, the pores will gradually narrow, inflammatory processes will leave. And even wrinkles on such a face appear much later and in fewer than on dry and normal skin. Well, while this time has not come yet, we decide what to do now.

Step 1. Find out and eliminate the cause of fatty skin

You can apply the most expensive cosmetics with the effect of drying, but each time the skin of the skin will be returned again and again. To get rid of this attack for a longer period and even goes away, you will have to analyze many factors that could have served the cause of improper work of the sebaceous glands. Yes, it is often such a type of skin due to genetics, heredity - those circumstances that no one can fix it. However, most of women and adolescents do not even suspect that the reasons for them are completely different. It can be:

  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, thyroid gland;
  • hormonal disorders at a certain period of life: puberty, pregnancy, after delivery - after this time, the problem will disappear too;
  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of proper skin care;
  • harmful habits: smoking, frequent drinking alcohol, drugs;
  • incorrectly selected series of cosmetics.

Finding out the reason or at least suggesting it, it is necessary to immediately enjoy it. Sometimes it happens hard, but it is worth it. If the provocation factor was defined correctly, and then consistently removed from life, not only the condition of the epidermis, but also hair, and nails, and well-being generally: all organism systems are closely related to each other. But since most often the reasons for the thickness of the skin are somewhat, you have to radically change your lifestyle.

Step 2. To establish a lifestyle

The beauty of the skin is worth changing his life and set it up on a new way.

The epidermis is a litmus piece of paper that signals the problems of the human body. If everything is in order with health, hardly the sebaceous glands will produce the monthly subcutaneous fat rate, spreading around the face with an unpleasant lumpy film. So if you unambiguously decided to get rid of this attack, get ready for work on yourself.

  1. Complete Medical Inspection: This will help identify gaps in health and eliminate them through timely treatment.
  2. Provide a stomach normal operation: follow the diet of your feed, so that it has a minimum of greasy and acute food, spices, marinades, fast food, sweets; Maximum - fresh fruits and vegetables. Fit at the same time. Refuse the alignment.
  3. Take care of your nervous system, avoid stress and depressive states. If you feel that you can not cope with your emotional state, consult a psychologist.
  4. Throw smoking or at least shorten the number of cigarettes smoked per day.
  5. Exclude alcohol from regular consumption: one red wine gland (250 ml) or a glass of brandy (50 ml) a week will be enough to maintain the desired tone.
  6. Try more to be in the fresh air.

Difficulties will only at first, two or three weeks. Then the addictive will begin, and then the first noticeable results will be inspired to continue the established lifestyle. At the same time, it will be necessary to observe simple, but compulsory rules for the care of oily skin.

Step 3. Provide bold skin full care

So that the sebaceous glands worked in normal mode, they need to be influenced not only from the inside, extinguishing food and sleep, but also from the outside. Dermatologists and cosmetologists in Tandem developed the basic rules for the care of oily skin, which make it possible to significantly improve its condition.

  1. All stores tools must contain a margin "for oily skin" and refer to one line.
  2. Do not use the sponge wash: do it only with your hands.
  3. Water should be a slight warm or room temperature. Hot provokes the sebaceous glands produce even more fat.
  4. Do not get carried away with alcohol tinctures: they also lead to intensive selection of subcutaneous sala in the future.
  5. Choose decorative cosmetics carefully. Prefer the matte tonal cream with a dense texture, which consists of a kaolin clay that controls the fatty skin. Zinc oxide will also be quite by the way: it has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is not recommended to rub the cream with your fingers: so you will stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce fat. Use the spontaneity. Matte matte, with a dense texture. Cream and liquid blush and eye shadow are contraindicated.
  6. Before the procedure for cleansing the face, make steam baths of the skin once a week. Use such grass for them as calendula, St. John's wort, Field Hall, Chamomile, Mint, Sage, Talk.

Gradually, regularly and strictly follow these recommendations - and in a short time not only you will notice the first improvements. People around you will surely begin to pour compliments about the healthy and blooming type of your skin. In this case, you will only have to congratulate: you have achieved your own. However, there are cases when the problem is specified too deep, and it does not leave even after you have passed these three steps. Then nothing will remain, how to sign up for the reception to a knowledgeable person - a specialist.

Step 4. To seek help from specialists.

Violated work of the sebaceous glands - the skin disease that can be accelerated in the hospital or cosmetology. After inspection, the test, the doctor will be able to advise therapeutic procedures that will allow for a long time to solve the problem of oily skin of the face. Effective modern methods recognized:

  • mechanical and ultrasound;
  • vaporization;
  • massotherapy;
  • liquid nitrogen-based cryotherapy;
  • darsonvalization is the use of pulse current.

The techniques are very effective, which has proven its effectiveness in practice. However, they have two essential drawbacks. First, after some time (in six months or a year), the fat film will appear again on your face, and all of the solarms will begin first. Secondly, not every person such procedures are available due to sufficiently high prices. If these two drawbacks do not suit you, do not get upset: it's time to take advantage of the people's recipes for fatty skin care.

Step 5. Apply regular means for oily skin

The use of cosmetic agents that have a drying, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect - a mandatory point in the care program for oily skin. And some masks here will not be enough: be sure to use the entire set, because each tool performs in it a specific function.

You can buy a special line for oily skin in the store, and you can prepare them yourself at home.

  • Gels and wrap

It should be gentle and soft, not injured skin, without alcohol, possess the pH level of no more than 4.5, contains cheek, antibacterial components. Gels with tea tree essential oils, basil, lemon are perfectly suitable. If you do not trust the shopping facilities, wash away with sour milk or kefir - the result will be obvious.

  • Cleansing scrubs

Twice a week, thoroughly clean the face with a scrub. This will allow and provide cells full breathing.

Salt + coffee

Mix the table salt with natural ground coffee (on the tip of the teaspoon both components). Apply on a wet face, massaging a couple of minutes, wash off.

Sugar + milk

Mix brown sugar (2 table. Little) with chilled milk (3 table. Ly.). Massage the face with a mixture of 2-3 minutes, wash off.

  • Masks for fatty skin

Masks make every time after the procedure for cleansing the skin scrub. The time of their action is from 10 to 30 minutes.

Black clay

Be sure to make masks from clay: they have excellent drying effect. You need to dissolve the black clay powder with ordinary water to the creamy state and impose on the face of minutes by 20 minutes.

Lemon + cream

Mix low-fat cream (2 table. Ly.) With lemon juice (as quantity).

Oatmeal + protein

Mix groundflakes of oatmeal (3 table. Ly.) With raw protein.

Camphor oil + protein

Beat the protein, slowly, pour into it camphor oil (15 drops). Leave for 10 minutes. It is recommended to do no more than once a week. The camphor can be replaced with lemon juice.

  • Drinking lotions

Lotions can be wiped with oily skin of the face twice a day, after washing with gel or foam. Instead of lotions, you can use ice cubes.

Wine cubes of ice

Mix dry herbs Sage and Hypericum (2 table. Little), pour boiling water (100 ml). Leave per hour, strain, cool, pour white semi-dry wine (100 ml). Pour by molds, send to the freezer to full freezing. Fit cubes face 1-2 minutes.

Boric acid

Divide the boric acid (chain. Lodge) with boiling water (200 ml), add glycerin (20 drops). Cool, add vodka (350 ml).


Fresh mint leaves crush, pour (table. Loan) boiling water (20 ml). Cool, strain.


Clear grapefruit, folded the peel into porcelain dishes, pour into a small amount of cold boiled water, leave overnight.


Dry herbs sage, chamomile, calendula, eucalyptus, yarrow, mother-and-game mix (on the table. Lies.), Pour boiling water (liter). Hold on low fire for 15 minutes, closing tightly with a lid. Leave for 4 hours. Strain, add an alcohol pharmaceutical tincture of eucalyptus or calendula (50 ml).

  • Bold leather cream

Must be light, air consistency. Applied daily after washing and rubbing with lotion.

Berry + Lanolin

Mix strawberry and currant juices (on the table. Lies.). Melt Lanolin (dessert lies.) In a water bath, add mixed juice and oatmeal (fabrics.). Mix everything thoroughly.

Multicomponent nutritious cream

We will need vegetable oil (4 table. Little), melted wax, glycerin (on the table. Ly.), Lemon juice (2 table. Lodge), Boric acid (20 drops). Wax pour oil, add acid, melt the mixture on a water bath. In the process of cooling the mass to rub it and slowly add glycerin and lemon juice. Lemon juice can be replaced.

  • Fatty Skin Compresses

Clear pore-crowded pores will help warm compresses from herbs that can be done twice a week after washing.

To make a compress, you will need to mix St. John's wort, Air, Yarrow, Calendula, Field Horsetail, Mother-and-Machu, Eucalyptus, pour the collection (2 table l.) Boiling water (500 ml). Leave for 15 minutes, strain, miss the terry towel with infusion, attach to the skin before cooling. After that, you can wipe the skin with a ice cube.

It is not necessary to treat the fat skin of the face as inevitability, to put up with the problem. If you want to shine youth and beauty, be sure to use the councils of specialists - and will soon be surprised by the new quality of your life. Enjoy the youth and health of the skin without a hint of hazard and rash. And do not forget to tell your familiar how you got rid of oily skin: perhaps your experience will be valuable for someone else.

What to do if the skin of the face is fat? Tips for care and treatment at home

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Fatty skin of the face requires careful care and attentive relationship. Problem skin - the lot is not only young girls. About 10% of more adult women are also asked: "What to do with fat skin?"

Tips of cosmetologists, dermatologists, folk healers will be useful to everyone who wants to know everything about the care of porous, problem skin. Believe me: look great at any age - easy!

Causes of oily skin

Extended pores, excess shine, inflamed areas, acne, fatness and acne, redness - the problem skin looks like this. Some women have elevated fatness of the epidermis - an individual feature.

Why oily skin on face? Causes of excess salinity of skin:

  • violation of hormonal balance during pregnancy, during menopause;
  • restructuring in adolescence, youth period;
  • excessive activity of sebaceous glands;
  • regular squeezing acne;
  • use to care for the person of potent funds;
  • diseases of the nervous, digestive, endocrine system;
  • poor-quality, unsuitable for a certain type of skin cosmetics;
  • the side effect during the reception of certain types of medicines;
  • excessive consumption of oily, sweet, acute food;
  • alcohol smoking;
  • neglect of hygiene rules.

Treatment methods

How to get rid of oily skin on the face? Comprehensive therapy will help improve the condition of the epidermis. With abundant rash, bold brilliance, be sure to visit the dermatologist and the beautician.

  • assume analyzes;
  • establish the cause of the poor condition of the skin;
  • recommend special procedures, medical cosmetics;
  • tells about the methods of face care.

Take note:

  • changing the diet - an important step towards beauty;
  • chocolate, sweets, snob - straight road to rash;
  • salurate, first, fat, sharp dishes provoke increased activity of sebaceous glands;
  • eat more milky and sour products, fruits, vegetables, cook, bake;
  • candle coffee, cocoa, alcohol;
  • the skin will be much healthier.

Medical cosmetics

How to deal with oily skin? The fat content of the epidermis requires daily careful care. On your dressing table should be:

  • cream for oily skin of the face (day and night);
  • tonic;
  • scrub;
  • cleansing lotion;
  • gel;
  • foam;
  • masks.

Advantages of therapeutic cosmetic compositions purchased in a pharmacy:

  • all means are hypoallergenic, do not contain fragrances;
  • there is no alcohol - the main component, irritating skin;
  • many compositions contain thermal water having healing properties;
  • creams, gels, tonic, masks and oil for oily skin. Faces are enriched with vitamin, mineral complexes.

Undoubted advantages of therapeutic cosmetics:

  • the presence of natural substances. Lavender oil, tea tree disinfect. Aloe, chamomile extract, horsetail accelerates tissue regeneration, relieves irritation;
  • pharmacy compounds contain dried, anti-inflammatory components: salicyl, boric acid, sulfur, kaolin. Kamfar act perfectly, magnesium oxide, zinc, talc.

Many cosmetic companies offer rules for treating problem skin care. In the pharmacy you will find products of famous brands La Roche-Rosay, Vichy, Bioderma, Uriage, Merck, Avene.

Popular brands that have deserved the confidence of women of different ages around the world are known. All therapeutic cosmetics from these brands of hypoallergenne, side effects are not observed.

Ask in pharmacies of the line of therapeutic cosmetics:

  • moisturizers - Vichy Aqualia Thermal, Bioderma GidraBio, Uriage Aqua Precis;
  • when redoing, for treatment, with high fatty - Bioderm Sensibio Ar cream, Uriage Roséliane, La Roche-Posay Rosalia;
  • acne treatment, reduction of oily shine - Vichy Normaderm, Bioderma Sebium, La Roche-Posay Effaclar, Merck Exfolia, Avene Cleanance. (About the treatment of acne and acne refer to the article).

Tip! Pay attention to the natural cosmetics of the Dead Sea.

The best folk recipes

Homemade masks, compresses, lotions will complement the treatment of reinforced salo waste. Only 30 minutes a day - and the skin will become much cleaner and healthier.

Homemade scrubs

Remember! We need only soft cleansing compositions. Apply home remedies gently, do not try your face.

Simple recipes:

  • milk + brown sugar. In cold milk (3 art. L.) Add brown sugar - a pair of tablespoons. Slightly massaging your face no more than two minutes, wash. Helps at black dots;
  • ground coffee + sea salt. Scrub is suitable for severe fatty, without explicit signs of inflammation. Components in equal shares, treat a wet face.

Fatty Masks

Conduct a pleasant procedure three times a week, after the mask, moisturize the face with a light cream.

Choose a facility from the fatty skin:

  • recipe number 1. Connect 2 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, fat cream. Reduces the saloon;
  • recipe number 2. Soak rye bread in the serum, apply Cashitz on the peeled face;
  • recipe number 3. Take 2 h. White clay, pour with water, decoction of chamomile, spoken. After 15 minutes, wash. Perfectly tightened, cleans, increases the tone, improves the complexion;
  • recipe number 4. Yoghurt - 2 tbsp. l., 1 tbsp. l. Hammer oat flakes, 1 tsp. milk. Keep 10 minutes. Perfectly moisturizes;
  • recipe number 5. Connect the teaspoon of tea tree oil, high-quality honey, protein, 1 tbsp. l. Tolokna. Facel with a mask, after 10 minutes, rinse. Smoothes, reduces pores;
  • recipe number 6. Take white clay, lemon juice, honey in equal proportions, squeeze, slightly dilute with water. Keep 10 minutes. Figures, gives skin elasticity, lines the tone;
  • recipe number 7. Dilute low-fat kefir lemon juice (2: 1). Good dry. Keep 20 minutes;
  • recipe number 8. Curd mask with yogurt. The pores sunsits, tones, reduces the selection of subcutaneous bass;
  • recipe number 9. A yeast mask whitens, narrows pores. Fill fresh yeast grape, curraned, apple juice. If it is not - take purified water. Be sure after the procedure, apply a gentle moisturizing cream. Frequency - no more than once a week;
  • recipe number 10. Aloe + protein. Hold the aloe leaf, woven into the paper, in the refrigerator. Get the pulp, grind, scroll with whipped squirrel. Keep the mask for 20-25 minutes. Removes inflammation, narrows expanded pores.

Compresses at home

  • discover the clouded ducts of sebaceous glands;
  • reduce inflammation;
  • improve the state of the epidermis.

Warm gravel compress:

  • you will need a coltsfoot, St. John's wort, a thousand chamomile, the root of Aira, Eucalyptus, a field of field;
  • fill 2 tbsp. l. Herbal raw materials 500 ml of boiling water. Wait for half an hour, strain;
  • mock in the infusion terry towel, slightly press to face. Wait until you feel warm;
  • wrap her face with a cube of herbal ice.

Homemade lotions

I smell foam, gel, then wipe your face with a lotion or tonic for oily skin. Treat the epidermis twice a day.

Popular lotions with high fatty skin:

  • mint. Fill the teaspoon of mint boiling water (200 ml). Lotion is ready after 30 minutes;
  • herbal. Collection - Eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile, sage, yarrow. All components - on a tablespoon, water - liter. Cool down, pour 50 g of the pharmacy calendula or eucalyptus;
  • with grapefruit. The pulp without films shredt. In the evening, fill in a small amount of purified cold water. In the morning lotion is ready.

Tip! Freeze the healing fluid. Process your face with ice cubes daily.

Cream with your own hands

Is it possible to prepare this tool yourself? Sure!

Proven recipes:

  • berry cream. Melt the tablespoon of Lanolin, add as many currant and strawberry (freshly) juice, dessert spoonful of the tolk. Mix well, keep in the refrigerator no more than two or three days;
  • miracle tool. Mix in a bowl a tablespoon of glycerol, as many melted wax, add a couple of dessert spoons of good sunflower oil and lemon juice. Pour 20 drops of boric acid. Keep a mixture on a water bath, stir until you see a homogeneous mass.

Modern methods of struggle

Effective procedures will solve the problem of increased fatty skin. Consult a specialist - some methods have contraindications. Remember - therapy requires an individual approach!

Cosmetology clinics offer customers a wide selection of modern techniques:

  • massotherapy. Improves the blood supply to the epidermis, increases the tone of equestrian cover;
  • cryotherapy using liquid nitrogen. There is a sharp expansion, then the narrowing of the vessels, the exchange processes are accelerated, the tone increases, the influx of blood increases. Removed from the dead layer, the epidermis is updated;
  • ultrasound, manual face cleaning. Conducted by a specialist in compliance with hygienic rules. After the procedure, a tightening mask is applied;
  • darsonvalization - the use of pulse current. The method activates biochemical processes, improves blood supply, increases the skin tone;
  • vaporization Shown before cleaning the face. Facial treatment by ferry mixed with ozone, opens the pores, preparing a person to conduct a procedure.

Correct care for oily skin

How to care for oily skin? Daily pay attention to hygienic, cosmetic procedures. Health is worth the time spent.

Remember 5 simple steps:

  • cleansing. Use the morning and in the evening gel, foam for washing, after wander your face with tonic, apply moisturizing cream;
  • food. At a convenient time for you, make masks. Alternate moisturizing, cleansing, nutritious compositions;
  • peeling. Use the exfoliating compositions twice a week. Before starting the procedure, carefully clean the face;
  • moisturizing. You will fit the lung gels, creams. Avoid the compositions with a heavy structure, scoring pores. The fat cream forms a film on the epidermis, contribute to the appearance of acne;
  • salon procedures. As need to visit the cosmetology clinic, the cosmetic salon. Professional will perform procedures that are impossible at home at home. Find a "your" cosmetologist. A good specialist is half of success.

Errors when caring for problem skin

  • the use of compositions containing alcohol;
  • passion for deep cleaning of the face, scrubs with a large particle structure;
  • the use of potent funds;
  • permanent extrusion of acne;
  • the use of "incorrect" cosmetics. Cheap, low-quality funds worsen skin condition;
  • water treatments with hot water.

You can get rid of the increased fatty skin of the skin only with a comprehensive treatment approach. Dear cosmetics can not do here.

Tips of cosmetologists:

  • review the diet;
  • pick up the medicinal cosmetics in the pharmacy;
  • take care of skin seats daily;
  • use finished creams, lotions, masks, do not forget about home recipes;
  • carefully select decorative cosmetics;
  • do not abuse unnecessary drugs;
  • control the flow of chronic diseases.

Now you know what to do with increased fatty skin. Regularly take care of the face - and the result will definitely appear!

Fatty skin face appears due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, also due to the fact that blood circulation is broken in the skin cells, the pores begin to climb, the fat shine appears. The skin is inflamed and quickly contaminated, after appearing, black dots. The advantage of such skin is that it slowly agitates compared to other types. To get rid of oily skin, you need to constantly clean it, use special means.

Features of purification of oily skin

Constantly this type of skin needs to be cleaned, it is forbidden to use the means of which the alcohol is included. After using different tinctures on alcohol, the skin begins to reinstall the amount of fat, then the bold shine appears.

It is better to give preference not to lotions on alcohol, but special gels, foam that can be washed twice a day.

In no cases, it is impossible to wash with hot water with oily skin, because due to high temperatures, the amount of sala rises. It is best to use cool water or an optimal room temperature. With the help of cold water, you can narrow the pores, cheating up and toning the skin.

It is recommended to wash the means with which you can increase the immune system, protects against infectious diseases and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. It is impossible to use soap for face, it can overwhelm skin.

Please note that cosmetics for fatty skin care should be normalized normally. It is impossible to use a gel, a foam, which contains alkali, it is better to prefer tools with antibacterial properties, also to the composition that the basil, lemon and.

Fat Leather Care Rules

1. To wash it with kefir or rustic. To do this, you need to moisten a tampon and rub the skin, all movements must be smooth, especially pay attention to the forehead, nose, chin. After everything you need to wash off with water, be sure to warm. This agent will not only clean the skin, but also bleach it, relieve from hyperpigmentation ,.

2. The use of ground coffee and salt. With it, you can get rid of black dots. The tool dries the inflamed skin, helps to clean the pores that are clogged.

Peeling for oily skin

It is necessary to use it no more than three times a week. With it, it can be cleaned by the skin from dirt, get rid of wen, restore the work of the sebaceous glands. - This is one of the best preventive means of the inflammatory process in the skin, it prevents acne, acne. The procedure must be carried out after a person washed, best before bedtime, the skin will be able to rest overnight, because the peeling is stressful for her.

Scrubs for oily skin

1. One of the best skin products is clay, using it you can absorb the extra quantity of the fatty secret, it eliminates the skin from pollution, oroging cells. Effective tool for fatty skin will be dark brown, black view of clay. To prepare a scrub mask, you need to take a mixture of clay - enough one tablespoon, add boiled water. Cream consistency should be released. Then it is evenly applied to the facial zone. To withstand to completely dry. After washing first warm, then cold water, perform a face massage.

2. It will help to get rid of bold leather scrub based on brown sugar, in order to prepare it, it is necessary to dissolve two tablespoons of sugar in cold milk. Apply a mask and gently massage the face up to 3 minutes. After washed with warm water.

3. You can eliminate the fat brilliance using such a scrub recipe, it will take sugar and a gel gel for it, to form a foam and apply on the face. Gently wipe the face.

4. An excellent prevention of acne on oily skin is such a scrub, it will take lemon juice, sea salt, all thoroughly mix and apply a large amount for problem areas of the face. You can not use if the skin is strongly inflamed.

5. If the pores are expanded with oily skin, it is necessary to prepare a green clay scrub. To do this, you will need to mix low-fat yogurt with clay. After losing in the face of massage movements.

6. For oily skin, on which acne often appear, it is necessary to cook a scrub from black bread, to pre-grind it, then add a little milk, there should be a labored cashier. After apply for 5 minutes on the face and wash warm water.

Recipes masks for fatty skin

This type of skin also needs nutrition and moisture, for this you need to cook a mask from lemon juice and sour cream. Apply for 20 minutes. Using a mask, the skin is saturated with vitamin C and perfectly refreshing.

In the summer in hot weather, when the pores are especially extended, recommended to use. For this, the berries are crushed, adds flour from rice. After the mask is applied to the area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Wash off with water.

The best tool for oily skin is a mask with oat flakes. For the preparation you will need oatmeal and egg protein, mix carefully, lubricate her face, withstand 15 minutes.

Be sure to moisturize the skin, for this use a mask with oatmeal, honey, olive oil. You need to apply on a pre-purified face.

Try to freeze the wine, then lubricate the face with ice cubes. Effective cubes with Herbs Sage, Hypericum, you can add white dry wine to them.

Food with fat skin face

To the skin is not contaminated, you need to eat right. Refuse acute - mustard, vinegar, pepper, oily, fried. Include in your diet dairy, fruits, vegetables, using them you can improve the operation of the sebaceous glands, relieve irritation with them. Use white bread as little as possible.

Thus, you have a bold skin, you need to care for it, be sure to use special tonic, creams, gels, scrubs, masks that will help get rid of oily shine and prevent the formation of fatty points. Also recommended to reconsider your power mode.

Fatty skin face delivers many emotional problems. Its owners are constantly experiencing due to a quickly emerging gloss, an untidy lumpy look. Unattractive black points are often added to this.

It is possible to bring skin condition to the norm, but it is not so simple. It is necessary to restore the optimal work of the sebaceous glands, the narrowed pores, eliminate the resulting comedones, cure acne. But these problems are characteristic only for. Therefore, the torment due to oily skin is not eternal and with age they pass.

When skin cells are modified and stopped holding moisture, there will be no trace from the fatty film. As a result, the pores will independently narrow, inflammation will disappear. Even their advantages will appear. Oily leather longer retains youth, dry and even on a normal wrinkle appear earlier. But you should not wait for mature age to say goodbye to the annoying problem. If you take appropriate measures, then you can significantly improve the condition of the skin.

The main reason for increasing the fatty skin there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

What means are used with oily skin?

Care for fatty people is reduced to the use of drying agents, as well as anti-inflammatory and disinfecting cosmetics. You can not stop your choice only on one tool. All of them must act comprehensively.

Fatty skin care products are presented in abundance. However, this is not a reason to abandon your own hands.

Means for washing

To wash it better to use gels, foams for oily skin. They are combined with the absence of alcohol, softness, tender consistency. The pH level should not be higher than 4, 5. In many gels, essential oils of lemon, tea tree, basilica are included. If you wish, use domestic remedies take ferocular products, for example,.


Sugar and milk mixture - excellent face scrub

2 times a week should be used by scrubs. They remove dead skin particles, eliminate black dots, allow the skin to breathe unhindered.

Mixture of salt and ground coffee. Take an equal amount of salt and ground coffee. Components are stirred and applied to a wet face. Masse the skin for 2 minutes and wash off the composition.

A mixture of sugar and milk. 2 spoons of brown sugar are mixed with cold milk, it is taken in the amount of 3 spoons. This composition is used for face massage. Duration - 2 - 3 minutes. Then everything is washed off.


Face mask has a beneficial effect on the skin

After using scrub, you need to make a mask that will have a beneficial effect on the skin. Standard exposure time - 10 - 20 minutes.

  • Black clay. Survened to dry the skin. Black clay powder is diluted with water. Next, the resulting cleaner is applied to the face and leave so 20 minutes.
  • Lemon with cream. Low-fat cream mixed with lemon juice. Ingredients are taken equal to the quantity, mixed, applied to the face.
  • Oatmeal with egg squirrel. 3 tablespoons of flakes are grinding and mixed with whipped egg protein. The composition is applied and held 15 minutes.
  • Camphor oil with protein. The protein is whipped, camphor oil is added to it in an amount of 15 drops. The composition insists 10 minutes. Such a mask can be used once a week.
  • Lotions with drying effect. Lotions are needed to wipe the skin after using cleansing agents. They can be completely replaced by ice cubes.
  • Wine cubes. To prepare such cubes take white wine, 100 ml volume. Better if it is semi-dry. Next you need to cook the decoction of Salfi and the Hypericum. Vegetable raw materials are taken in an equal number - 2 spoons per 10 ml of boiling water. The decoction is styled, filtered, after cooling mixed with wine, bottled according to the molds and put in the freezer. Such cubes need to massage the face for about 2 minutes.
  • Boric acid. Boric acid based lotion is prepared with the addition of water (glass on a teaspoon of boric acid), glycerin (20 drops) and 350 ml of vodka.
  • Mint. The mint leafs are crushed, take a tablespoon of raw materials, brewed 20 ml of boiling water, cool, filter.
  • Hindus grapefruit. The peel is removed from the fruit, put it into the porcelain container, poured with cold water. In this form, the peel should be a night. In the morning, such a lot can be wiped face.
  • Medicinal herbs. It is necessary for a liter of boiling water a spoonful of sage, a spoonful of coltsfoot, a spoonful of eucalyptus, a spoonful of chamomile, a spoonful of yarrow. The composition boil 15 minutes in a water bath. Insist 4 hours. Then add to the mixture of 50 ml of the alcohol tincture of calendula and eucalyptus, which are sold in pharmacies.
  • Cream. Oily leather needs special creams. They should be light, well absorbed, not leave the films. They are applied after using lotion either immediately after washing.
  • Lanolin with a berry. The berry component is the juices of strawberries and currants. They are taken on 1 spoon. Lanolin is taken in the amount of 1 tablespoon. It must be melt in the water bath before mixing. Berry juices and a spoonful of oat flour add to the melted lanolin. This mixture is used as a cream.
  • Nutritious cream. The base of the cream is vegetable oil (4 tablespoons). There is a spoonful of glycerol, beeswax in a melted form, 2 spoons of lemon juice, 20 boric acid drops. The components are stirred in the heated form in the water bath. Lemon juice is introduced the latter. It can be replaced with cucumber juice. Glycerin and juice must be poured very slowly.
  • Warm compresses. Herbs compresses that apply to the skin in warm formation significantly improve the condition of the skin. They contribute to the elimination of horny thoughts. Compresses can be used twice a week.

For the compress you can take the yarrow, Air, St. John's wort, a calendula, mother-and-stepmother, field hand, eucalyptus. When the herbs are taken in equal amounts and mixed. It is necessary to scoop out 2 tablespoons from the mixture. This amount of herbal mixture poured half liters of boiling water.

The grass will cause 15 minutes. Then, in a hot decoction, cheered fabric (gauze, folded in several layers, towel), the fabric is put on the face. Then you need to wait until the fabric will cool, remove it and rub the skin with ice. The cold will help narrow the pores. It is more convenient to carry out this procedure.

Oily skin is not a sentence. The situation, if desired, can be corrected and enjoy the blooming type of healthy skin. For nothing to live with greasy and unpleasant.

How to cope with oily skin, you will see in the thematic video material:

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