Acute intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus. Hypoxia: intrauterine, during childbirth and chronic - causes, signs, consequences, treatment. What is intrauterine hypoxia fetal

The initial stage of this state, every future motley may suspect independently, as it is characterized by a very restless behavior of the fetus. The stronger the pathology is developing - the weaker begins to move the fruit. As a result, the woman goes to a specialist doctor.

A comprehensive examination of the future mother is held - to assess the risks of development hypoxia Fetal:

  • Pregnant is a question: the age (late or young at the primary), the state of health and transferred diseases, outcomes and the course of previous pregnancies, the presence of bad habits and other factors.
  • During inspection, the presence or absence of a tone of the uterus is estimated.
  • The abdominal circle is measured, then the data is compared with weight and growth of pregnant.
  • The results of studies evaluating the state of the fetus and uterine-placental blood flow are analyzed.
The exact diagnosis can be delivered at the expense of such examination methods as:
  • Dopplerometry;
  • cardiotocography;
  • study of the accumulative water;
  • ultrasound procedure;
  • amnioscopy.

Listening to the fetal heartbeat

Performed through the front wall of the abdomen, starting from 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. Fine heartbeat Frequency (CSS) The fetus is 140-160 beats / min.

Used obstetric Stethoscope - A small tube having wide funnels at both ends. The doctor's wide funnel applies to the belly of the mother - at the point of the best listening, which depends on the position of the fetus in the uterine cavity (head, pelvic, transverse).

Cardiotocography (CTG)

It makes it possible to simultaneously register, as well as analyze the fetal heartbeat and cutting the uterus.

Ktg during pregnancy
With normally proceeding pregnancy after 32-33 weeks, according to recommendations, it is performed by all women once every 7-10 days.

KTG during childbirth
Performance is determined individually. General recommendations - with the receipt of the female in labor in the maternity department, after the dishevement of the accumulating waters, before the stimulation of labor in the case of weak generic activity and every three hours of childbirth.

The results of the CTG are variable and depend on many factors. For example, if in the morning they were within the normal range, then in the evening deviations may occur. Therefore, the study is carried out as often as needed.

Indications for KTG for women risk:

  • From the mother side: rhesus-negative blood, the presence in the past premature birth, reduced or increased activity of the fetus, serious diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the cardiovascular system and others).
  • Changes on the part of the fetus identified on the ultrasound: violation of blood flow in the placenta, discrepancy between the fetus size of the pregnancy, the abnormalities of the placenta and / or umbilical bodies, a change in the quality or the number of accumulating waters, the delay of intrauterine development, reducing the activity of the fetus.
  • Complication of the flow of real pregnancy: the prelation of the placenta, the improper position of the fetus, multiple pregnancy, rejunction, prestal.
Most often, cardiographographs write a schedule and independently process data. The doctor makes a decision after receiving them.

There are technologies for cTG-online remotely: The sensor is attached to the front of the front of the abdominal of the future mother, and the signal is transmitted to the smartphone connected to the Internet. Information enters the Internet portal and processed, and then the results are projected by the doctor for making a decision.

There are two varieties of CTG:

  • Indirect (outer) - is carried out as a whole to the fruit bubble. Sensors are attached to the front of the front of the abdomen at the best listening of fetal heartbeats.
  • Direct (internal) - it is rarely used during childbirth in the integrity of the fruit bubble. The sensor for registration of the heart rate is attached to the preemptive part of the fetus, the catheter for the registration of tone is found in the uterus cavity.
Duration of the CTG record:
  • During pregnancy - about 40-60 minutes, when obtaining normal indicators - 15-20 minutes.
  • During childbirth - 20 minutes and / or five battles.
How is CTG held?
  • During the study, the woman is in the sitting position or lying.
  • The doctor gives into the hands of the future mother, a device with a button on which it presses, when the fetus will feel.
On a note!
It is not recommended to carry out CTGs on an empty stomach, within 1.5-2 hours after eating either hour after administration of glucose. In case of non-compliance with the necessary conditions, it is possible to distort the results of the study.

KTG options

The unresponsive test is carried out in natural conditions.

Stress test - mimic generation process. It is used for additional diagnostics when the unrespensive test showed deviations from the norm.

The most commonly used stress test options:

  • Oxytocin test: oxytocin is introduced and the contractions are caused, then observed the reaction of the CSS Fetal to muscle contraction.
  • Mammar Test: A woman scrolls with her nipples to the appearance of bumps.
  • Acoustic test: CSS Fetal is registered in response to sound irritant.
  • The preliminary part of the fetus is shifting: the head or pelvis is located closer to the entrance to the uterus for natural genera.
Signs of hypoxia on KTG

Estimated on the Savelieva scale (1984)

Estimation of the state of the fetus on the points

  • 8-10 points - normal fetal state.
  • 5-7 points - there are initial manifestations of hypoxia. A re-inconsistent test during the day is carried out. If the indicators have not changed, the stress test is performed or additional research methods are carried out.
  • 4 points and less - serious changes in the state of the fetus, which require solving the issue of an urgent delivery or adequate treatment to improve the state of the mother and fetus.


The bloodstream is measured in the fetus vessels, placenta and space between the placenta vile.

The study can be carried out from 20-24 weeks of pregnancy, but the most reliable results are obtained from the thirtieth week. The procedure is harmless to the fetus and mother.

A special ultrasound sensor is used, which is rather powerful radiation, which is reflected from the moving object, in this case - blood flow. During the study, the woman is in the position lying on the side or back. Previously, a special gel is applied on the skin of the front abdominal wall - for better sliding of the sensor.

The study is carried out by all women with a normally occurring pregnancy in 30-32 weeks and before childbirth. If necessary, it is performed more often.

Indications for Dopplerometry for women from risk group:

  • From the mother: Serious diseases - for example, cardiovascular system, kidneys, diabetes mellitus and others.
  • From the fetus: the delay of intrauterine development, a decrease or enhancement of motor activity.
  • Condition or complications of current pregnancy: premature genera, prestals and others.
Indicators of Dopplerometry are estimated at indices whose norms depend on the period of pregnancy. The doctor determines the change in blood flow on special tables.

Disorders of the uterine-placental and fruit blood flow in Medvedev

I degree:
BUT - Bloodstock is disturbed in vessels between the uterus and the placenta, but remains on normal indicators in the vessels between the fruit and the placenta.
IN - Bloodstock is disturbed in vessels between the fruit and the placenta, but remains between the uterus and the placenta.

II degree: Bloodstock is disturbed simultaneously in the vessels of the uterus, placenta and fetus, but the values \u200b\u200bdo not reach critical.

III degree: Bloodstock is violated in the vessels between the fruit and the pocent before the critical values, and the blood flow in the vessels between the uterus and the placenta is disturbed.

Ultrasound Research (Ultrasound)

The most common, secure and highly informative method of examination during pregnancy for the fetus and the future mother.

It is conducted by all women in terms in accordance with the recommendations for screening research during pregnancy:

  • First screening - on July 11-13;
  • The second is July 20-21;
  • Third - for 30-34 weeks.
The principle of operation of the Uzi apparatus is based on the fact that the ultrasonic waves sent by the sensor are reflected from the organs under study. Then they are transmitted to the monitor in the form of images that the doctor analyzes. During the study, the woman is in the position lying on the back.

The procedure is carried out without prior preparation using two types of sensors:

  • Transvaginal (the sensor is entered into the vagina) - most often used in the first trimester. Before studying on the ultrasound sensor, the doctor puts on a condom.
  • Abdominal (water the belly skin sensor) - Usually used from the second trimester. Before studying, a special gel is applied to the skin - to improve the sliding of the sensor.
Signs of hypoxia fetal on ultrasound

Regarding the term of pregnancy. Also identify changes or diseases that could lead to the development of fetal hypoxia.

In the early lastings, the place of attachment of the fetal egg is determined and its formation is estimated.

In later terms

The state of the placenta is estimated

The structure, thickness, place of attachment, the presence or absence of detachment, the degree of maturity is determined.

Surfaces are investigated:

  • The amount of amniotic fluid (exercise) index is determined, which has a wide range depending on the period of pregnancy. When changing in the direction of magnification, we are talking about multi-ways, with a decrease - about lowland.
  • Attention is drawn to the composition of the accumulating waters: normal up to 28 weeks they are transparent and colorless. As the term of the water increases, they become clouded and inclusions appear in the form of white flakes - due to the dischargeable fruits of the fetal gland (droplets of fat), flush hair, lunning skin cells and some other substances. The appearance of meconium (original chair) is a sign of hypoxia, dirty water, intrauterine infection.
The fetus dimensions are determined: Heads, torso and limbs.
The data obtained compares with normal indicators in accordance with the estimated period of pregnancy. On this basis, the conclusion is made. In hypoxia there is an intrauterine delay in the development of the fetus.

The state of the internal organs is estimated - To identify the development anomalies from the fetus.

The position of the child is determined: Head, transverse, pelvic.

Evaluation of the structure of umbilical cord and location of its loops - To identify the anomalies of development and likely squeezing during childbirth.


Through the vagina in the cervical channel, an optical endoscopic device is entered, with which the lower pole of the fetus bubble is examined.

Indications for amnioscopy

  • Suspicion of transferred pregnancy, acute or chronic hypoxia.
  • Incompatibility of the Factor Factor and Fetal.
  • Previous pregnancy ended with premature childbirth or miscarriage, severe gestosis (toxicosis).
The state of the fetus and the likelihood of hypoxia is estimated in color, transparency and number of accumulating waters.

Fetal hypoxia: treatment

The standard approach does not exist, since much depends on the individuality of the physicity of the mother and the reasons leading to the insufficient flow of oxygen to the tissues of the fetus.

In the case of a minor forms of this pathology, therapy is not provided. If the case concerns the severe form of oxygen starvation, then all the efforts of specialists are sent to improving the uterine-placental blood circulation, as well as to restore the exchange processes of the fetus. In addition to numerous drugs, the future mommy can also be appointed aquaticism along with special breathing exercises. Childbirth in the presence of this pathology are taken with mandatory cardiomonitorial observation, which makes it possible to track the general state of the fetus. In very difficult cases, there may be an emergency delivery, which is carried out by cesarean section.

Treatment of fetal hypoxia without medicines

It is aimed at improving the flow of oxygen to the tissues of the mother and the fetus.

Reducing physical and emotional loads, compliance with dosage beddown
Showing in the existing hypoxia and lagging behind the fetus in development. It helps to reduce the tone of vessels and improve blood flow to the uterus.

Full nutrition
It is important to obtain the organism of the future mother of all necessary nutrients.

Hyperbaric oxygenation during pregnancy
Oxygen is applied under pressure, which exceeds atmospheric. The procedure is carried out in special medical barocamera.

With the breath of the gas mixture under pressure artificially improving the delivery of oxygen to the tissues. Indications for the purpose of the procedure - already developed hypoxia of the fetus and all states that can lead to it. For example, chronic diseases of the mother (diabetes mellitus, iron deficiency anemia), an increased tone of the uterus and others.

Oxygen therapy during pregnancy
The flow of oxygen into the mother's body is improved by inhalation of 40-60% oxygen-air mixture 1-2 times a day. It is also recommended to take an oxygen cocktail or foam for 10 minutes to 150-200 ml 1.5 hours before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Medicia treatment

He has several directions:

  • Treatment of the main disease of the mother of the doctors of adjacent specialties - for example, diabetes, diseases of the respiratory organs.
  • Normalization of blood flow in the system "Mother - placenta - fruit".
  • Relaxing musculature of the uterus.
  • Normalization of yield and blood coagulation.
  • Improving metabolism in the uterus and placenta.
  • Complex appointment of medicines, taking into account one or more reasons and individual tolerance of drugs by a future mother.

Fetal hypoxia: hospital treatment

It is carried out with pronounced changes in the royal and placental blood flow and lack of oxygen flow to the fetus. Drugs can be assigned both in the form of injections and tablets.

Group of drugs Representatives Mechanism of action Application
Improvement of uterine-placental blood flow
Estrogen The most commonly applied sietyin, which has a weak estrogen-like action.

Less often folliculin, sinestrol.

  • Increase the permeability of the placenta, contributing to the transition of nutrients and glucose from the mother to the fetus.
  • Improve the metabolism in endometrial (uterus mucosa).
Sigetin is administered intravenously 2-4 ml per 20 ml of 40% glucose solution. If necessary, the drug in the same dose is re-introduced with an interval of 30 minutes (no more than 5 times!). Not prescribed during childbirth and uterine bleeding.

The best effect is achieved with comprehensive use with drugs that are expanding vessels and blood flow.

Preparations, thinning blood, expanding vessels and impairing blood flow
Antiagregants or anticoagulants Dipyridamol (Kuraltil), Xanthing Nikotinath (Nicotinic Acid), Pentoxifillain (Trental)
  • The formation and gluing of platelets are inhibited (blood elements involved in coagulation).
  • Reduce the amount of fibrinogen - the protein base of the blood clot (thrombus).
  • Lower blood viscosity.
  • Improve blood flow in small vessels.
  • Contribute to the flow of oxygen to the tissues.
  • Mildly expand small vessels.
  • Dipyridamol is prescribed for 1-2 tablets three times a day. It is practiced in combination with acetylsalicylic acid.
  • Pentoxifyllin is intravenously drip for 7 days by 0.9% physiological solution or a 5% glucose solution, then inside 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Xanthing Nikotinate - first intramuscularly 2 ml for several days, then 1 tablet inside 3 times a day.
The general course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

If necessary, some drugs are applied longer, under the control of blood coagulation indicators, once every two weeks: fibrinogen, thrombin time and others.

Means lowering the muscle tone of the uterus
Tocolics - To prevent the development of premature birthGinipral, Athoziba (TRANCOCYL), Nifedipine
  • Lower the tone and the intensity of the contraction of the muscles of the uterus.
  • Suppress premature generic contractions, including oxytocyne (contamicuing hormone).
Ginipral has by-effect: Causes the frequency of heart rate (tachycardia). Therefore, it is used in conjunction with drugs that normalize heart rhythm (for example, verapamil).
Ginipral initially introduced intravenously droplet with the help of an automatic infusion pump (licomat) for 48 hours. Dose: 5 mg in 400 ml of 0.9% of saline. Then, if sharp contractions are suspended, the drug is assigned on one tablet every 3 or 4-6 hours. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

Nifedipineit is assigned from the 16th week of pregnancy 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The duration of use is determined by the doctor.

ATOSIBER It is introduced intravenously drip, slowly, in three stages for 48 hours. Causes less side effects, applies from 24 to 33 week of pregnancy.

Spasmolytiki But-shpa, drootaverin, papaverine
  • Suppress the cuts of the muscles of the uterus, stomach and intestines, urinary tract.
  • Expand the vessels and improve blood flow.
In the acute period, one of the drugs is appointed intramuscularly for several days. Then recommends the use of papaverine into the rectum in the form of candles twice a day. Course - 7-10 days. If necessary, treatment courses are repeated.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, antispasmodics are used with cautionAs they can soften the neck of the uterus, leading to its premature disclosure.

Magnesium preparations Magnesium B6, magnesium sulfate
  • Reduce the ability of the muscles of the uterus to shrink;
  • Strengthen the bloodstream in the vessels of the uterus;
  • Reduce vessel spasms;
  • Improve the work of the cerebral cells in the fetus and mothers;
  • Contribute to a decrease in blood pressure from the mother;
  • Protect the fetal brain tissue from damage: reduce the frequency of children's cerebral paralysis and hemorrhages in the brain ventricles at premature birth;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B 6) improves protein production.
When preeclampsia and eclampsia, magnesium sulfate intravenously is introduced to reduce blood pressure, slowly, according to the scheme to avoid overdose.

With an increased tone of the uterus and the threat of premature births, magnesium B6 is prescribed inside 1 tablet twice a day. The course is 2-3 weeks, if necessary - longer.

Preparations for improving metabolism and increasing the stability of fetus tissues to oxygen deficiency
Antioxidants - protect against damage and impair metabolic processes in the tissues of the mother and fetus
  • Vitamins E and C;
  • Amino acids - components for the formation of protein.
  • Affect all metabolic processes occurring in cells: breathing, energy formation, protein synthesis and others.
  • Implement delivery, as well as the absorption of oxygen and glucose tissues.
  • Warning the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Aktovegin Initially, an intravenously is prescribed for 4-5 ml per 200-400 ml glucose solution, every other day. Course - 10 days. Then - one handy three times a day. Course - 2 weeks.

  • Vitamin E. - 1 capsule per day (400 IU / 400 mg) inside during or after eating. Course - 2-3 weeks.

  • Amino acid solutions - 400 ml intravenously drip, every other day. Course - 5-10 injections.
Neuroprotectors- Funds warning nerve damage by the fetusInstenon is the most effective drug with insignificant and unfinished side effects.
  • Improves blood circulation in brain vessels;
  • Increases the absorption of oxygen and glucose to the nervous cloth, improves the transmission of the nerve pulse by nerve fibers;
  • Improves the work of the heart muscle;
  • Expands small vessels.
Inspenon is first prescribed 2 ml per 200 ml of 0.9% physiological sodium chloride solution 1 time per day. Course - 5 intravenous injections daily or every other day.
Then - inside 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Course - 5-6 weeks.

Poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, intoxication in infectious diseases

The lost liquid is replenished by introducing intravenous solutions to reduce acid-alkaline equilibrium: glucose, refooliglucin, sodium bicarbonate and others.

Premature placent detachment

With a slight detachment on a small area and well-being of the future mother, observation is carried out in a hospital:

  • The state of the fetus, mother and placenta is controlled in dynamics. Studies are conducted: KTG, Dopplerometry, ultrasound and others.
  • Treatment is assigned: contractions of the muscles of the uterus are suppressed, hemostatic agents (decinchenon, vikasol), antispasmodics (but-shpa, papaverine) are prescribed, drugs for improving metabolism and protection of the fetus from lack of oxygen.
Detachment on a large area with the development of massive bleeding or the appearance of minor repeated bleeding outlets

Regardless of the well-being of the mother, an urgent delivery is carried out, the cesarean operation is preferred. Stimulation of labor when detachment placenta is contraindicated.

With massive bleeding of the mother, the donor erythrocyte mass is introduced (suspension of erythrocytes, obtained from human blood) and plasma (liquid part of blood) - to replace the volume of lost blood and normalization of its coagulation.

Infectious bacterial and / or viral diseases

In bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed depending on the pathogenic microorganism, which caused the development of the disease, according to the term of pregnancy. The most commonly used cephalosporins (cefhazoline, ceftriaxone), penicillins (ampicillin, amoxycllaw), macrolides (erythromycin, viliprafen).

With viral infections during pregnancy, it is allowed to use Viferon from 16 weeks of pregnancy, acyclovir - with caution, genferon - from the II and III trimester.

To improve the work of the immune system in chronic infections, a membrane plasmapheresis is recommended. During the procedure, the liquid part of blood (plasma) is filtered through a special membrane with holes of different caliber, making large molecules containing toxins, allergens and other elements of inflammation in the membrane.

Indications for urgent delivery in fetal hypoxia

  • No effect from the treatment.
  • Detection of indicators on research: CTC, Dopplerography and others.
  • The appearance of meconium in the oily water, the rise of lowland or multi-way.
Preference should be given to cesarean operations, but the use of obstetric forceps is also possible depending on the state of the fetus and mother.

Fetal hypoxia: at home

It is carried out after the underlying treatment in the hospital or at the initial stages of hypoxia during non-disconnected changes. Mandatory condition: the ability to control the effectiveness of the treatment carried out: KTG, ultrasound and others.

The same drugs are used as in the hospital, but they are prescribed in the form of tablets, capsules for use inside, candles for introducing into the rectum.

Hypoxia during childbirth - asphyxia of the newborn

Resuscitation activities are held in the maternity hospital.

The sequence of steps is depends on two factors:

  • The degree of expression of asphyxia (choking) on \u200b\u200bthe apgar scale - is used to assess the child's condition only at birth.
  • Effective performance of previous steps.
After birth and intersection of the cord of the child are transferred to a heated table, wipe with dry root diapers to avoid hypocallation and enhancement of hypoxia.

Restores respiratory tract: The mucus and the accumulative water from the oral cavity and the nose of the child with the help of rubber pear or electric cover are suited. Then, if necessary, a neonatologist or an obstetrician-gynecologist is washed with a physiological solution of the child's respiratory tract from meconium and an oily fluid using an electric pump and a laryngoscope (medical tool with backlit).

In the absence or irregular breathing A tube for supplying an air-oxygen mixture is introduced into the respiratory tract of the child - intubation. Artificial ventilation of the lungs begins with a special cylinder, if necessary, with simultaneous indirect heart massage.

After stabilizing the general condition, the child from the maternity hospital is translated into the intensive care of newborns for further treatment.

Indications for stopping the reanimation of a newborn:

  • Lack of heart work for 8-10 minutes.
  • There is heart activity, but breathing is not restored for 15-20 minutes.

Fetal hypoxia during childbirth (newborn asphyxia): rehabilitation by hypothermia - video


The severity and frequency of complications of the lack of oxygen for the fetus depend on the period of pregnancy, duration and force of the impact of damaging factors (degree of hypoxia).

Chronic fetal hypoxia: consequences

In the first trimester The laying of organs and tissues is disturbed, which leads to the formation of congenital malformations. Changes incompatible with life lead to the intrauterine death of the fetus and miscarriage in the early stages. With the further development of pregnancy, a child with various congenital vices is most often born. For example, with abnormalities of brain development, kidneys, lungs, etc.

In the second and third trimesters
There is a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus: weight failure and / or growth.

It is possible to start the development of generic activities much earlier than the alleged period - the birth of a premature child.

Often there are centers of hemorrhage in various organs and ischemia (parts of the fabric experiencing a pronounced reduction of blood flow), necrosis develops (sections of fissure of fabrics), there is immaturity of organs and systems. Ensure such changes do not pass, and the consequences can be maintained throughout life.

Manifestations depend on the affected organ and / or tissue:

  • Nervous system - It is possible to develop epilepsy (sudden occurrence of convulsion), children's cerebral paralysis (defeat of one or several brain departments), lag in mental development, violation of the process of ripening the nervous system after birth and other diseases.
  • Internal organs - After birth, the child does not adapt to new living conditions outside the womb. For example, physiological jaundice lasts longer, there is a tendency to disease diseases of the respiratory organs, the work of the immune system and other changes are disturbed.
Often, the condition of such children at birth is severe, requiring treatment in the conditions of resuscitation of newborns from the first minutes of life. In the future, these children need a long-term recovery period and treatment in profile specialists - for example, in a neuropathologist.

The consequences of acute fetal hypoxia

Depending on the severity of the reasons:

  • maybe blood thickening and reduced its volumeWhat leads to an insufficient entrance to the tissues of oxygen and nutrients. Against this background, hemorrhages, ischemia and necrosis of individual sections of tissues in various organs arise. First of all, in the brain and adrenal cortex (hormones produce, which respond almost for all metabolic processes).
  • Massive blood loss Due to the premature detachment of the placenta. The consequences for the child: the birth in a state of hemorrhagic shock (bleeding), in which the work of all organs and systems suffers. The consequences for the mother: the ferrous ferret (blood impression) and the development of the DVS syndrome (increased tendency to bleeding). And the fruit and mother can die.
  • When untimely release of respiratory tract The death of the child is possible from the accumulation of the child due to asphyxia and the development of pneumonia in the first days of life.

Prevention of futy hypoxia

Long before pregnancy:

  • Solve chronic diseases or to achieve a resistant remission (disappearance or significant weakening of signs of the disease). Since any minor aggravation of the disease during pregnancy can lead to a violation of the overall state of the future mother and harm the fetus.
  • Abandon the bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use.
During the coming pregnancy:
  • The establishment of up to 12 weeks of pregnancy with the implementation of all necessary research according to pregnancy time.
  • A visit to the doctor's obstetrician in the female consultation in accordance with the recommended time: with normally proceeding pregnancy in the first trimester - once a month, in the second and third trimesters - once every two or three weeks.
  • Compliance with the mode of wakefulness and recreation: night sleep at least 7-8 hours.
  • Full nutrition products containing in sufficient vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats.
  • Reception of vitamin preparations that participate in all the processes of the body. The most important for the future mother of folic acid (vitamin B 9). It contributes to the absorption of iron, it is necessary for the development of all organs and systems in the fetus, significantly reduces the likelihood of formation of damage to the nervous system.

The intrauterine hypoxy of the fetus is called oxygen starvation of the fetus in the mother's womb. This condition is not an independent disease, rather this is a consequence of various pathological processes in the body of the mother, fetus or in the placenta.

How the intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus is manifested

If the oxygen starvation of the fetus began, then the future motley may notice the restless behavior and enhancing the motor activity of the fetus. Moreover, these manifestations will be intense, but there will be no connection between physical exertion and active movements of the fetus.

Unfortunately, many future mothers rarely appeal for qualified medical care with too high fetal activity, but the oxygen starvation continues to progress - the second phase occurs. For it, a decrease in the motor activity of the fetus will be characteristic, reducing the frequency and strength of the impetus. If a woman notes that the movement of the fetus decreased to 3 times an hour, then this is an occasion to appeal to the doctor.

When examining a pregnant woman with suspicion of intrauterine hypocyses of the fetus, the doctor will celebrate the greeting heartbeat of the latter up to 160 beats per minute, muffling the tones of the heart and reduce heart rate to 100-120 beats per minute.

Classification of intrauterine hypoxia fetal

The condition under consideration may flow in three different forms, the differentiation of which depends on the rate of progression of the pathological process:

  • lightning room;
  • acute - as a rule, develops during childbirth and has a duration of several minutes or hours;
  • the undercase - develops shortly before childbirth (1-2 days);
  • chronic - characteristic of toxicosis, infection of the fetus, migration of pregnancy, the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus.

Causes of the development of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus

In principle, any pathological processes occurring not only in the body of the future child, but also in a woman can lead to the state under consideration. Doctors allocate only a few reasons that are most often detected during a pregnant woman survey:

  1. Placental insufficiency. Insufficient flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus occurs due to circulatory disorders in the mother / placental system / fruit.
  2. Rip uterus.
  3. Anemia, cardiovascular diseases of the mother.
  4. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta.
  5. Heavy Late Toxicosis (Gesters).
  6. Weakness of generic activities or its discoordination (native anomaly).
  7. Matching cord.
  8. Intrauterine infection of the fetus.
  9. Long squeezing the head during childbirth.
  10. The defects of the development of the fetus of a congenital character.
  11. Partial or complete overlap of the flooded of the uterine zea - \u200b\u200bthe prelation of the placenta.
  12. Incixing the mother's body.
  13. Running pregnancy.

Diagnostic events

To determine the very fact of the presence of oxygen starvation of the fetus and understand how this pathology proceeds, doctors spend a whole range of diagnostic measures. Within the framework of such surveys, women are held:


It gives the opportunity to register the reductions of the heart of the future baby, an additional specialist will appreciate the motor activity of the fetus. For a healthy fetus, the following signs of heartbeat will be characteristic:

  • heart rate ranges from 120-160 shots per minute;
  • the frequency of abbreviations increases as the response to the movement of the fetus or a sharp change of the position of the body of a pregnant woman;
  • complete lack of heartbeat slows.

With oxygen starvation of the fetus, the specialist will identify:

  • significant violation of the rhythm of heartbeat - it will be either increased or slow;
  • the complete lack of increasing the frequency of heart abbreviations in response to movements or contractions - monotonous rhythm;
  • rhythm demolition, which will be frequent and deep.

Ultrasound with dopplerography

The doctor can determine the condition of blood circulation in the mother / placental system / fruit on the period above 20 weeks of pregnancy. If the uterine arteries are conducted, it will be possible to identify the impaired uterine-placental blood flow at the earliest stage of development, which will prevent the progression of severe hypoxia of the fetus.

As additional results, doctors determine the structure of the placenta and the level of amnoclodular (amniotic) water.

Counting fetal movements

It is immediately worth a reservation that specifically this method of diagnosis is inaccurate, therefore it is used only for pregnant low risks, that is, the future mother has no chronic diseases or there are no vices for the development of the future child. Such an examination allows you to identify hypoxia in the first stages of progression, which is determined by the change in the motor activity of the fetus.

You can spend such a test without visiting a doctor. The woman should lie on the side in a convenient position for her and concentrate on the movements of the child. If for 60 minutes the future mother will feel less than 10 movements, then it is necessary to apply for qualified medical help.

Important: this test can be carried out after 25 pregnancy.

An alternative option is test D. Pearson "Consider up to ten". It applies since 28 weeks of pregnancy. Shelling is considered from 9 am and up to 9 pm. The time of the 10th chapter must be recorded. If the movements are small, you should report this to the doctor.

Possible consequences of fetal intrauterine hypoxia

Why do the doctors insist on a woman even with dubious assumptions about disorders of pregnancy treated for medical care? The fact is that even light intrauterine fetal hypoxia can lead to the development of very unpleasant consequences.

If the acute hypoxia of the fetus is diagnosed, then the consequence of this state can be:

In the case of the presence of chronic intrauterine hypoxia, the consequences may be as follows:

  • at birth, the baby will have little growth and critical weight;
  • newborn anemia;
  • high susceptibility to infectious diseases;
  • attention deficit syndrome and in senior childhood;
  • insufficient temperature regulation of the body in a newborn age.

Most of the consequences are associated with brain hypoxia and premature births, because with the purpose of salvation of the baby's life, doctors conduct an emergency delivery of a much earlier period.

Note: According to statistics, if a child with diagnosed intrauterine hypoxia has experienced safely for the first month after birth, the considered pathological state has no consequences.

Treatment of intrauterine hypoxia fetal

The choice of tactics for the treatment of the considered pathological condition depends on the state of the health of the mother, the period of pregnancy, the presence of concomitant diseases in the future mother. Since the causes of the development of intrauterine hypoxia are distinguished by variability, there is no single principle of treatment - everything is done in a strictly individual order. If the state of health and women, and the fetus allows, the doctor can apply conservative methods for the treatment of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus:

Note: In medicine, there is not a single drug, which is able to heal placental insufficiency. All of the above methods contribute to getting rid of provoking intrauterine hypoxia factors. If the violation of placental blood flow is diagnosed, doctors only watch the future child in order to carry out an emergency delivery in time. The greater the fetus behind the development of the norm, the earlier it is necessary to carry out an emergency delivery.

Intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus is a pathological condition that can lead to severe consequences. Make some predictions about the probability of the development of the condition under consideration is practically impossible, therefore women at the stage of pregnancy planning should not only undergo a full examination in profile specialists, but also to abandon bad habits.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, Medical Observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

What is hypoxia fetus? What are its causes, symptoms and consequences? Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fetal hypoxia.

Many future mothers heard about such a concept as fetal hypoxia. Some of them had not to learn about this problem. For most women, hypoxia fetal sounds like a sentence.

They immediately fall into panic, begin to be nervous and tools. Therefore, in order to somewhat somewhat impressionable pregnant women, we will try in this article to deal with the reasons for the emergence of hypoxia of the fetus and the methods of solving this problem.

  • Hypoxia is also called oxygen starvation of the fetus. This state is when the kid is not allowed to sufficient oxygen
  • The fact is that the life of the future crumbs directly depends on the work of all the systems of the female organism and the placenta. With blood through the placenta to it, it is so necessary to him, air and useful substances and trace elements. If any failures in certain organs occur, this is directly reflected in the fruit
  • Oxygen starvation can lead to irreversible processes in the cardiovascular and nervous system of the kid. Such processes can affect the development of the fetus still intrauterine or after its birth to the light.
  • The hypoxia of the fetus in the first trimester is able to cause various kinds of problems and the pathology of the development of the toddler's brain

Later oxygen starvation (after the twentieth week of pregnancy) can lead to the following consequences:

  • problems with adaptation kid to a new habitat after his birth
  • diseases of the nervous system and problems with its development
  • the slowdown in the processes of development of the fetus inside the womb

It is believed that only four percent of women who diagnosed "hypoxia of the fetus" are diagnosed, absolutely healthy kids are born. However, it only says that the rest of ninety-six percentages simply did not have timely assistance or not appointed correct treatment. With that, in many cases, future mothers themselves are culprits. After all, when the fetus hypoxia is extremely important to begin treatment until the seventh day of the disease.

Signs of hypoxia fetal during pregnancy

  • The main manifestation of fetal hypoxia is considered to change the number of fetal heartbeats. If 120-160 shots are characteristic of a normal rhythm, then with a lack of oxygen, a small heart can extract 160 beats first, and then sharply go to 90-100 shots. At the same time, the sign of hypoxia is also considered too rare heartbeats - up to 70 blows per minute
  • Such cube heartbeat changes may notice a precinct gynecologist when listening to the hearts of crumbs with the help of an obstetric stethoscope
  • In addition to the heartbeat, the Kroch may exercise their anxiety and lack of air with the help of active or, on the contrary, passive movements in mom's tummy
  • Normally, the child must manifest itself about ten times a day. If he moves much less, it can talk about the severe form of hypoxia. If his reminders about themselves through the CHUR active and frequent, then such behavior can be a sign of light form of fetal hypoxia
  • Also a pregnant woman should be alerted if the kid in the morning is too active, and in the evening it is very passive
  • Another symptom of oxygen starvation of the fetus is considered to be the presence of meconium (original feces) in the oilyotic waters

What caused the hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy?

There are a large number of reasons affecting the emergence of such a phenomenon as hypoxia of the fetus. Basically, they become women to pregnancy or during it, the states associated directly with the pregnancy itself and the disease of the fetus.

Diseases of pregnant women who can cause hypoxia can be:

  • problems with lungs
  • diseases of kidneys
  • cardiovascular disease
  • anemia
  • incixation of the body
  • diabetes
  • genetic factor

In addition to the listed reasons, hypoxia of the fetus can manifest itself during pregnancy for those women who smoke and work in harmful enterprises related to air emissions of hazardous substances.

The reasons for oxygen starvation of the fetus can also be the following states and complications associated with pregnancy:

  • gestosis
  • multi-way
  • pelvic preview
  • pathology placenta
  • multiple pregnancy
  • violation of blood flow between the uterus and the placenta
  • transferred pregnancy

Here is a list of fruit diseases that may affect the appearance of hypoxia:

  • anemia
  • res-conflict between the fruit and mother
  • congenital defects and fetal abnormalities
  • various kinds of infections that have fallen to the baby through the placenta

In addition to the hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy, there are still sharp generic hypoxia. Such hypoxia may occur directly during the generic activity. The causes of acute generic hypoxia can be:

  • premature placent detachment
  • the use of anesthesia during childbirth
  • rapid childbirth
  • long squeezing the fruit head during childbirth

To diagnose hypoxia, the doctor's fetus often use several ways:

  1. Auscultation is a method for studying the rhythmic blows of the heart of the fetus. Auscultation is made with the help of a special obstetric stethoscope. This device has an extended funnel at one end, which must be attached to the belly of a pregnant woman, and on the second-braid, which the doctor applies to the ear. Thanks to such a simple adaptation, the gynecologist has the opportunity to evaluate the frequency of heart abbreviations of the fetus and the presence of various noise in its work
  2. Cardiography (CTG) is a study based on more accurate recognition of the fetal heartbeat. To hold it around the perimeter of the belly of the pregnant woman there are special ultrasound sensors. Sensors are placed in places where the heartbeat is best listened. This diagnosis has one drawback - the device is very sensitive, because it sometimes defines hypoxia where it really is not. To confirm or refutate the established diagnosis of KTG, it is advisable to repeat in a few days
  3. Dopplerometry is a type of ultrasound examination, designed to identify blood flow in the "Mother Flazent" system
  4. Amnioscopy - Diagnosis of ferrous water, produced using a special apparatus - an amnicopopa, administered to the uterine cavity through the abdominal wall of a woman
  5. Fence on blood test from the skin of the newborn head during childbirth
  6. Ultrasound examination allows you to judge the state of the fetus and placenta. Signs of hypoxia in ultrasound may be called hypo-or hyperplasia of the placenta, old or detached placenta
  7. The study of the accumulate waters during childbirth. It is possible to talk about the hypoxia of the fetus in case the water during childbirth dirty, muddy or green. Also often with hypoxia bind the presence of meconium in the waters

Degree of hypoxia fetal and newborn

Degree of hypoxia newborn and fetus

Newborn at birth can be observed such degrees of hypoxia:

  • easy - characterized by muscle tone, weak motor activity and respiratory impairment
  • average - there is a sinuscity or pallor of skin, slow heartbeat and pulse, uneven breathing and lack of reaction to pain
  • heavy - manifests itself in barely noticeable heartbeat and absence of breathing and any reactions.

According to the intensity of the hypoxia of the fetus, it is customary to classify on:

  • functional - Easy degree of hypoxia of the fetus, characterized only by hemodynamic disorders
  • metabolic - a more complicated degree expressed in a disadvantage of oxygen, which provokes a violation of metabolic processes
  • destructive - the most severe degree of hypoxia, manifested in the critical deficiency of oxygen and disorders of the fetal development at the cellular level

Prevent sharp hypoxia of the fetus is not possible. However, to adopt the prophylactic measures for the occurrence of chronic oxygen starvation is quite possible. For this, the future mother will take:

  • to refuse from bad habits
  • avoid visiting places in which they smoke
  • eat right
  • do sport
  • as you can be in the fresh air
  • regularly air accommodation
  • listen to the advice of a doctor
  • clearly follow the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor
  • do not ignore analyzes and various kinds of diagnostics

  • The hypoxia of the fetus at all periods of pregnancy is able to negatively affect the development of the fetus and its internal systems.
  • In the early periods (in the first trimester) there is a bookmark of all vital organs and kid systems. If at this time the blood circulating in the blood vessels of the embryo is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, the development of all systems can be slowed down and disturbed. In addition to slowing development in the fetus, various kinds of anomalies, pathology and deformities can be formed. First of all, when hypoxia suffers from the toddler's brain. The lack of oxygen can provoke underdevelopment or violation in the development of crumbs mental abilities
  • If hypoxia occurs at later deadlines or during generic activity, then the nervous system of the fetus is subject to large risk. The baby may fall behind in physical and mental development from his peers. In addition, he will grow pretty nervous and irritable child
  • In very rare cases, hypoxia can lead to the death of the fetus, both intrauterine and at birth

If the woman noticed that her baby inside the womb began to behave somehow in other things, she urgently needs to inform his district gynecologist about it. Only a doctor will be able to make a diagnosis of accurately. Tightening a visit to the doctor is undesirable, as it is necessary to treat the hypoxia of the fetus in the fastest time. Untime treatment may be useless.

If, in the process of research, the hypoxia of the fetus was diagnosed, the future mother should be unquestioned to fulfill all the recommendations of the doctor. During the treatment of such a disease, she needs to relax more, walking in the park, follow its nutrition and lifestyle.

Treatment of fetal hypoxia during pregnancy

Treatment of fetal hypoxia during pregnancy

Many doctors prefer not to treat hypoxia, but to regularly observe the state of the fetus. For future mommy, the most comfortable conditions must be created with a diagnosis of hypoxia.

If the cause of the oxygen starvation of the fetus was the disease of the mother, then all the forces need to be thrown to cure it.

If the state of the fetus is unstable, then the pregnant woman can be registered the following set of events:

  • bed regime
  • reception of drugs to reduce tone in the uterus (Papaverin, but-Shpa, Ginipral, Brikanil)
  • purpose of funds capable of reduce blood viscosity (aspirin, aspeter, curaltyl, refooliglukin)
  • reception of drugs to improve the permeability of oxygen cells (lipostabil, essential-forte)
  • course of funds for stimulating metabolism (ascorbic acid, glucose, vitamin E and glutamic acid)

If after the course of therapy the state of the fetus does not improve, but on the contrary worsening, the doctors may decide on the conduct of cesarean sections.

Acute hypoxia of the fetus, as a rule, leads to emergency cesarean section.

Hypoxia fetal during pregnancy: reviews

Although this condition is well studied, and the therapy methods have long been developed, the hypoxia of the fetus remains the cause of many diseases in a newborn baby. Parents should understand what kind of process is, and what actions should be taken to protect the crumb from trouble.

While in the womb, the child is not able to breathe independently. The bodies and systems of the kid are only developing, the formation of their functions occurs. Light crumbs are immature, and the respiratory tract is filled with liquid. Required oxygen fruit is obtained through the placenta. It is this body that ensures the flow of priceless gas into the organism of the crumbs. If oxygen is not enough, then they are talking about the hypockey of the fetus.

Although the necessary gas and nutrients are transferred from the mother to the fetus through the circulatory system, their blood is not mixed. The placenta protects the baby from the harmful substances entering the body. But, unfortunately, drugs, alcohol, narcotic substances and viruses easily overcome the obstacle.

The intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus is not released into a separate disease, and indicates the state of the oxygen deficiency in the kid. This problem may be caused by changes in the placenta, the organism of the mother or child, which caused adverse effects.

Causes of the development of intrauterine hypockey of the fetus:

  1. Mother's disease. In some situations, the woman's body does not allow to give the baby the necessary oxygen. Under anemia, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, kidney and respiratory system pathology increases the risk of oxygen fasting embryo. Adversely affect the health of crumbs toxicosis in pregnant, diabetes, bad mother habits.
  2. Disorders in the system of placenta-fruit. Pathology of placenta and umbilical umbilicals, circulatory disruption in the threat of abortion or migration, native anomalies - inevitably affect the health of the child.
  3. The reasons associated with the fruit. When infected with the baby, which occurred intrauterine, the risk of developing hypoxic states increases. Adverse factors also include congenital anomalies, a hemolytic disease of the fetus, a multiple, tight campus of a cummy neck of a child, multiple pregnancy. Also often lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus complications arising in childbirth.

The manifestations and severity of symptoms of hypoxia largely depend on the course and time of the occurrence of the pathological condition. Therefore, clinician doctors share 2 forms of hypoxia:

  1. Acute hypoxia of the fetus. This violation is developing quickly, usually during generic activity, when the baby is passing through the generic paths. For example, with rapid or protracted births, when the cord loops are lifted or the head delay in the generic channel of the woman, there is an acute violation of blood flow through the umbilical artery. The kid does not receive gas and experiencing sharp oxygen starvation. During pregnancy, the sharp hypoxia often arises against the background of the placenta detachment and can lead to premature childbirth or to demand an emergency operation - cesarean sections.
  2. Chronic fetal hypoxia. Oxygen starvation can develop gradually, the kid for a long time is not allowed to gas. The cause of chronic intrauterine hypoxia is most often pregnancy pathology, lack of proper treatment, chronic mothers diseases. Often this condition develops in women who ignore the visit to the women's consultation.

With ultrasound examination, a pregnant doctor may notice that the fruit lags behind its "peers" in physical parameters, looks the younger gestational age. If hypoxia has evolved in the second half of pregnancy, the mass of these guys does not correspond to growth, hypotrophy occurs. Newborn are more prone to the development of diseases, vegetative violations.

A nervous fabric is very sensitive to oxygen deficiency, it is her first suffering from hypoxia. Already within 6 - 11 weeks, the oxygen starvation of the nerve cells of the child leads to a delay in the development of the brain. The following bodies suffering from hypoxia are kidney, heart, intestines of the future child.

The first sign of hypoxia is the change in the motor activity of the fetus. The baby becomes little oxygen, in response to a low gas concentration, the motor centers are excited in the brain, the child is actively moving.

A woman should alert the participation of the movements of a baby, which does not pass even at rest, in the absence of loads. During the examination, the doctor detects an increase in heart abbreviations in the fetus of more than 160 beats per minute.

Although the future child makes the first movements already on the 7th - 8 week of pregnancy, the woman notices the movements at 16 - 18 weeks of the obstetric period. Starting from the 24th week of gestation, the kids actively "communicate with mothers", making about 10 jogs per hour.

If the disease was not detected in the early stages, the state of the child worsens. There is a serious lack of oxygen, which leads to a decrease in the activity of the kid. The forces of the crumbs are depleted, and movements are reduced. During the examination, the doctor notices the demolition of the heart rhythm of the fetus.

A woman is obliged to consult a doctor if the weakening or lack of motor activity has noticed for 12 hours. The formidable sign is a sharp thoughts of the child after long-term excessive movements.

Evaluation of the state of the fetus should be complex, include several methods that complement each other:

The study is carried out at each visiting a woman of women's consultation, starting from 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, when it becomes possible to dry the heart of the fetus. For this, the obstetrician-gynecologist uses a stethoscope - a device that is a tube with extensions in the form of a funnel at both ends. A wide part of the doctor applies to the mother's belly to the best-listening heart of the fetus.

With the help of an obstetric stethoscope, you can estimate the frequency of heart cuts, rhythm and sound tones. It is resorted to the execution of manipulation and during childbirth to assess the reaction of the fetus to reduce the uterus - the fight.

Due to its simplicity and low cost, the method is widely used and has no contraindications, but the accuracy of the study is inferior to instrumental. In addition, the toddler heartbeat cannot be heard during the contraction, and the error in the counting of heart cuts reaches 10 to 15 shots.

  1. Cardiography (CTG).

The method has proven itself in the diagnosis of fetal hypoxic states. The essence of the study is to register the electronic activity of heart abbreviations of the future child. To do this, a special sensor is attached to a pregnant woman with a pregnant woman who registers the palpitations of the fetus and cutting the uterus. The data obtained during the examination is recorded on a sheet of paper in the form of curves.

Then an experienced specialist interprets the results of cardiotokography. Modern devices have the function of automatic decoding, which helps the doctor put an accurate diagnosis.

The following parameters of KTG are subject to estimates:

  • basal rhythm - the average heart rate constituting in the norm of 110 - 160 beats per minute;
  • the amplitude is a violation of the regularity of the muscles reduction of the heart, fluctuating normally from 5 to 30 ice / min;
  • decelerations - periods of reducing the palpitations of the fetus, the repeated episodes of which may indicate a serious oxygen starvation from the child;
  • accelerations - the episodes of the increase in cardiac shocks, which occur when cutting the uterus or increase the motor activity of the fetus, and do not exceed 3 for a quarter of an hour.
  1. Ultrasound procedure.

The method is absolutely safe and highly informative, so it should be carried out as a screening survey to all women. Usually ultrasound is carried out three times: at 11 - 13 weeks, 20 - 21 and 30 - 34 weeks.

In addition, the doctor may assign an unscheduled study if there is a testimony. The essence of the method is to reflect the ultrasonic waves sent by the sensor from the organ under study. These signals are fixed and reproduced on the instrument monitor.

With the help of the ultrasound, the doctor defines the health of the baby, the correct development of organs, the motor activity of the crumbs. The assessment of the state of the placenta, its size, location, thickness and degree of ripening is of great importance.

To determine the hypoxia of the fetus, ultrasound examination is complemented by the Dopplerometry, with the help of which the flow of blood in the vessels is recorded. Modern devices for ultrasound studies are equipped with Dopplerometry feature.

For each period of pregnancy, a certain method of diagnosis of hypoxia is suitable. In the first trimester, the most informative ultrasound, Dopplerometry is indicative of 18 - 26 weeks of pregnancy, and the definition of biofrofil fetus from the 26th week. The cardiotokography method is most informative after reaching the fetus of 30 weeks of gestation.

Evaluation of the biophysical fetal profile allows you to comprehensively assess the health of the crumbs and reveal hypoxia. This uses ultrasound data and the results of the CTG unresolus test test, estimates of the frequency of accelerations.

The study determines 6 parameters:

  • respiratory movements of the fetus;
  • muscular activity of crumbs;
  • the number of accelerations;
  • the volume of ammunition;
  • muscular fetal tone;
  • maturity placenta.

Each indicator is estimated from 0 to 2 points, which are then summarized. The result of more than 8 points is considered normal, and less than 4 indicates a pronounced hypoxia.

As will affect the lack of oxygen on health and the extra-utilous life of the baby depends on the degree of severity of hypoxia and the period of pregnancy. Oxygen starvation in the first third of pregnancy leads to the emergence of development anomalies. It is possible to delay the growth and physical development, the defeat of the nervous system and the decrease in the ability to adapt the crumbs after birth.

Under the action of the lack of oxygen, exchange processes in the embryo are changed. Increased blood circulation in the brain, by reducing the blood flow in the lungs, intestines, kidneys. The intestinal hypoxia arises to relax the sphincter and the origin of the original feces into the oilyotic water. Dirty, mixonial waters can flow into the respiratory tract of the child, leading to respiratory failure, pneumonia.

Although the fruit is quite sensitive to hypoxia, nature awarded the future child with adaptation mechanisms that help the baby cope with oxygen starvation. Fetal hemoglobin contained in red blood cells differs from an adult and more effectively captures and holds oxygen. A high frequency of heart abbreviations contributes to a more efficient distribution of precious gas.

Minor hypoxia does not cause negative consequences in the further development of the child. While heavy oxygen deficiency is more dangerous, leads to a deep damage to organs with the development of necrosis in them. Therefore, the consequences of hypoxia vary from minor functional disorders to deep somatic violations.

Possible consequences of acute hypoxia of the fetus:

  • childbirth ahead of time;
  • damage to the nervous system of the child, cerebral palsy;
  • antenatal fetal death;
  • asphyxia, respiratory disorder syndrome, pneumonia;
  • necrosis of the intestines.

The effects of chronic intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus:

  • development Development, Low Mass and Birth Rising;
  • newborn anemia;
  • high susceptibility to infections;
  • the inability of crumbs to hold the normal temperature;
  • neurological disorders.

If the lack of oxygen is found, the woman is hospitalized in an obstetric and gynecological hospital, where treatment is carried out. An important link in the treatment of hypoxia is to identify the cause caused by pathology.

In case of detection of chronic hypoxia, assigns:

  1. Bed regime. A woman who is in the hospital should strictly observe the regime prescribed by the doctor. This will help improve blood circulation and reduce the increased tone of the uterus.
  2. Oxygen therapy. Effectively in the treatment of hypoxia inhalation of oxygen or oxygen-air mixture in the form of inhalation.
  3. Preparations that reduce the contractile ability of the uterus. To prevent the abortion of pregnancy and prevent premature birth, the woman is prescribed medication with antispasmodic activity: "Papaverin", "But-Shpa", "Guinipral", "Brikanil".
  4. Preparations affecting the rheological properties of blood. To improve blood delivery through the placenta by expanding the vessels, as well as reduced its viscosity, the doctor may appoint "Reopolyglyukin", "Kuraltil", "Trental".
  5. Means, to improve the exchange processes in the fetus. This group of substances belongs glucose, vitamins C, E, group B, "calcium gluconate", "glutamic acid".
  6. Fighting metabolic acidosis. Under the control of acid-alkaline equilibrium, the infusion of "sodium bicarbonate" is possible for various concentrations.

The volume and duration of the treatment of hypoxia of the fetus are determined individually in each particular case by a gynecologist.

Pronounced hypoxia is an indication for emergency delivery, without waiting for the deadline for childbirth. In this case, the cesarean operation is carried out. The child who moved acute hypoxia in childbirth may require resuscitation assistance to restore vital functions.

To completely eliminate the risk of the development of hypoxia is impossible, but the future mother should know what events with the high probability will help keep the health of the child:

  1. Pregnancy planning. To the decision to start the child, the family must approach responsibly. Parents should undergo pregeraward preparation, comprehensively examine, treat chronic diseases and infections. It will save the crumb from the intrauterine infection and retain the health of the Karapus.
  2. Rejection of bad habits. It has been proven that children from mothers suffering from different types of dependence are subject to chronic hypoxia throughout the pregnancy. Kids fall into a group of risk for developing diseases in newborns, have a lag in development. Even the passive inhalation of tobacco smoke leads to the spasm of the vessels of the placenta and the development of hypoxia in the fetus.
  3. Daily walks. With normal pregnancy flow, a woman should receive moderate physical exertion daily. Positively affect the health of the mother and child, quiet walks, which are best done in the park or in nature.
  4. Proper nutrition. A pregnant woman is worth paying attention to its daily diet. It is during this period that the use of healthy food rich in all necessary nutrients is very important.
  5. Medical care. A woman is obliged to consist in taking into account the pregnancy and in time to undergo surveys. Modern diagnostic methods are absolutely harmless to the child and help to identify the disease in the early stages. Timely and adequate therapy for pregnant diseases will help to avoid the development of hypoxia. At the first signs of changes in the state of the fetus, a woman should seek help from a specialist.


Pregnancy is a wonderful and happy period in the life of the future mother. It is at this time that a woman should pay high attention to his well-being and take care of the health of the baby.

Every year, the diagnosis of "intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus" is heard more than women, since the causes of the pathological state are diverse and include both the health of pregnant and environmental conditions.

The future mother should be aware of the whole degree of responsibility for the health of the baby. A woman should review her lifestyle, to rest more and in time to seek specialized help. The proper maintenance of pregnancy and childbirth, adequate treatment of somatic diseases, significantly increase the chances of avoiding the hypoxia of the fetus and its consequences.

Thank you

Each future mom is aware that the growth and development of the fetus located in its womb directly depends on its overall health of health during pregnancy. Since this fact is well-known, almost all pregnant women throughout the nine months of pregnancy are trying to be violent adherents of a healthy lifestyle. In most cases, this fact helps to make a healthy baby, but not in all one hundred percent of cases. It often happens that, when applying for another reception to the gynecologist, a woman hears the diagnosis of "intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus". This diagnosis leads to her horror, and all because most often the future mothers do not know anything about him. If you want to know about this pathology as much information as possible, then stay with us.

Hypoxia The fetus (oxygen starvation) is a state that develops during pregnancy and / or childbirth due to insufficient oxygen flow or disrupting it to master the fetus tissues.

In fact, this ailment is not independent, as it develops as a result of numerous pathological processes, which can occur both in the very body of a pregnant woman and in the placenta either in the fetal body.

According to statistics, hypoxia of the fetus occurs in 10.5% of cases from all pregnancies and childbirth.

Blood circulation of the fetus and newborn

Intrauterine nutrients and oxygen fruit receives from mother.

The first two weeks
The embryo is powered by an outer layer of a fetal egg cell that does not have vessels. From 10 days, enzymes are produced, dissolving the cells of the uterine mucosa - and the cavity filled with blood is formed. It introduces a fruit egg - implantation occurs.

From 8 to 15-16 week
The cages of the fetal egg shell are divided, forming an elongated small grown around the embryo with cavities (vysinkami), in which the vessels rotate - a placenta is formed.

From 3-4 months
The placental blood circulation is gradually installed and the features of the placenta are developing.

From 4-5 months
Functional placental blood circulation, having distinctive features from the blood circulation of a newborn baby.

Heavy conditions complicating pregnancy in the second and third trimester. The reasons are not clarified to the end, but it is believed that there is a genetic predisposition.

At the future mother, blood pressure increases, all the vessels are narrowed, and small blood closures are formed in them. Violations threaten the lives of pregnant, since she suffers from the work of all organs and systems. The same changes occur in the placenta vessels, so it does not cope with their functions: respiratory, nutritious, mining and other.

Premature placent detachment

Long before delivery, the integrity of the uterine-placental vessels is disturbed.

The impact of adverse factors in the first trimester of pregnancy can lead to the death of the fetus and miscarriage, the emergence of rude congenital malformations. For example, intestinal anomalies, nervous system, lungs.

The emergence of hypoxia in the second and third trimesters leads to a delay in the intrauterine development of the fetus, the damage to the internal organs and the nervous system. Therefore, the child can fall behind in mental and physical development from peers, often has various diseases: cerebral palsy, violations in the work of the immune system, epilepsy.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.
  • Fetal hypoxia is diagnosis and treatment for weeks of pregnancy, consequences for brain, kidney, lungs and other organs. Prevention of futy hypoxia