Pitirim volochkov the art of being a woman. “it is amazing to watch how Vladyka dances with his subdeacon…” (photos, videos, documents). The Stranger is standing at the door...

Question: Your Eminence, your words aimed at denouncing ecumenism were recently published on our website. The publication of these small notes caused an extremely aggressive reaction on the Internet from some people. What do you think it is connected with?

The devil hates reproof. Aggression and anger are his weapons. All these slanderers who write all sorts of filth and fables about our Diocese on the Internet are doing his will, because they don’t know what they are doing. Thank God that in addition to such a reaction, there is a reaction and the exact opposite - many people write to me and express support and solidarity.

Question: Why did the organization of night services in St. Stephen's Cathedral cause such, I'm not afraid of this word, madness among some "Orthodox experts"?

Here, the question itself already contains the answer - it is impossible to call all this other than demonic attacks. After all, what actually happened? The main temple of the Republic has switched to a round-the-clock work schedule. The parishioners had the opportunity to come to the Temple at any time of the day or night and pray to God. It is very important. Imagine that a person has a problem at night. Where to go? To the vodka shop? After all, many of our churches, to my great regret, are not very accessible to parishioners. The Sacrament of Confession is held once a week on Saturdays. It has already come to the point that some people consider confession to be just an integral part of the Sacrament of Communion. This is partly true - confession is a necessary condition for receiving the Holy Mysteries of Christ, but it can be performed without communion, to relieve the soul and forgive sins. We, on the other hand, gave people the opportunity to come to the Temple, participate in Divine services, confess, if the soul so desires, turn to the clergyman for advice and support at any time of the day or night. After all, many people work during the day. The need to think about their daily bread every day deprives people of the opportunity to go to church. And this is also a tool for tearing people away from God. And we removed this obstacle - naturally, this could not but cause attacks by demonic forces. How much vileness and slander was poured out on the Diocese on this occasion! For me, this is another confirmation that the work was done well and necessary.

Question: How can you comment on the fact that after these publications and the ensuing controversy in the press, many are trying to draw parallels between you and the former Bishop Diomede (Dziuban)?

This is nothing more than a provocation. Apparently there are certain circles that at this historical stage need a new Diomede. But these hopes are not only vain, but also absurd. I have always been and remain a faithful child of the Russian Orthodox Church, to which I came at a young age, and having clearly felt the grace present in it, and only inherent in it, I will never deviate from the path of obedience to the Mother Church, although I cannot hide the fact that the actions of some church politicians make me sad. But I believe that the Church will endure, Russia will rise again, through the prayers of many holy martyrs and confessors who shed their righteous blood in the name of the purity of the Orthodox Faith!

Question: Is it true that at the Council you supported Bishop Diomedes and spoke in his defense?

Yes, true, but it is important to understand here that I did not support Diomede in his delusions(Anti-ecumenism, anti-Sergianism, anti-globalism? Vl. Pitirim considers this a delusion? - Ed.), but simply tried to morally support a persecuted, unfortunate person. I got the impression that he was a victim of circumstances. It was simply used. And when countless insults rained down on him, there was no one ready to show sympathy. Moreover, I gave my voice, knowing full well that he would not change anything in the current situation and simply drown in the stream of "righteous indignation." Yes, Diomede was wrong, but why was it so violent to persecute him? As our Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' says: “When they start proving the truth with foam at the mouth, it ceases to be the truth.”

Question: Vladyka, it is not a secret for any of the Orthodox Internet users in our Republic that you are conducting missionary work on the Internet, incl. You are an active user of the VKontakte social network. Many, seeing in your friends on this resource, marginal personalities, are perplexed - how can such people be friends of an Orthodox Bishop?

All these people are my children. And children are different and they do not always please their parents. Parents may be dissatisfied with their children, but this does not mean that they should abandon them. As you know, it is not the healthy who need the doctor, but the sick. And I see my pastoral duty in not shunning such people, but in promoting their conversion to the Faith. And I see that many are turning. Even the content of VKontakte pages is beginning to change for the better. Incomprehensible pictures are replaced with Orthodox icons, quotes from Nietzsche and songs of rock bands, with sayings from Holy Scripture. I believe that the same thing happens in the soul of this person.

Question: What do you generally think about the Internet and the mass craze for social networks? Couldn't such hobbies with the Internet, even Orthodox, distract a Christian from fulfilling his direct duties? After all, going to a temple is harder than turning on a computer, isn't it?

The Lord said: "You can't do anything without me..." and, according to the words of the elder, Fr. John (Krestyankina) and the computer and the Internet were invented by man not without the Lord. Another thing is that one person uses these pieces of iron to serve God and the Church, while the other is engaged in all sorts of abominations. It's a matter of choice. On the other hand, the Internet is full of all sorts of impurity. The abundance of pornography is appalling. Note free! In other countries, all kinds of perverts are forced to pay money and not small money to access these resources. In general, as you know, nothing is free. Even cheese in a mousetrap. The cheese is bought by a man and put in a mousetrap as bait for a stupid and greedy mouse, who, in turn, will pay with his life. It is unlikely that people who distribute free pornography do it out of "love for art" in their spare time from their main job. Someone pays for their "labor", and who benefits from it is not difficult to guess. Like many other things, this is aimed at destroying the moral foundations of the Russian people. Take, for example, China. This country has organized an unprecedented Internet security system, known as the Golden Shield project or the Great Electronic Wall of China, created in order to protect the population of this country from pornography and other infections. That is, for China, information security is a strategic issue. Here we are seeing something quite the opposite. It is impossible to simultaneously create television programs like “Doma-2”, show completely immoral people on television as an example to follow, develop in people the desire to enrich themselves by any means, show films that promote alien values, violence, cruelty, sexual promiscuity and at the same time talk about struggle for the morality of the younger generation.

As for the Orthodox Internet, since there is all this abomination, then in contrast to it, the Orthodox Church is obliged to be present on the World Wide Web, and to the best of her ability, with love and patience, preach the Word of God and try to protect our children from soul-destructive influence, call them to God. And if at least one human soul is saved as a result of this activity, then our work has not been in vain. Of course, a person who is churched and seriously believes all this is no longer necessary. He must rise above that. But if a person comes to God through the Internet, then there is nothing wrong with that. You look later, and he will refuse unnecessary pieces of iron, feeling on himself the effect of the grace of God, abundantly poured out in the Orthodox Church. Believe me, I see people coming to faith through the Internet. If a person sincerely seeks the Truth, then with God's help he will find it on the Internet, because "the spirit breathes where it wants," and it is our duty to help such a person.

Question: Vladyka, how are things in the Diocese now?

Thank God for everything! To date, there are 352 churches with prayer houses in the Diocese, on average, there is one church per 2,000 people. These are good indicators. It should be taken into account that the Komi Republic differs from the central regions of Russia. We have long distances between settlements and it is often difficult for people to get to the temple. Therefore, I see our task in creating, albeit small temples, but in every settlement. Despite this, we have great demands on the level of education of priests. The diocese has its own religious school. Among our clergy are two doctors and four candidates of sciences. More than 60% of priests have higher education.

The diocese does a great deal of social work. On the basis of the bishop's dachas in the village of Vizyabozhe, Kortkerossky district of the Republic and in the village of Kapustino, Krasnodar Territory, children's health camps operate, where children from our Republic spend their summer holidays. Orphans live and are brought up in our monasteries. Two of them, Alexander and Alexei from the Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery, lived at my house for two years, because they needed to correct their speech, and this was possible only in the republican capital. They even called me dad. Now they have returned to the Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanov Monastery, which has become their home. They study at the local school and study well.

I like children very much. I often perform the Sacrament of Baptism myself and do it with pleasure and love. I arrange children's holidays in the Bishop's House, which serves not only as my place of residence, but various events and concerts are regularly held in it, all this takes place in a very warm and joyful spiritual atmosphere. Not only Protestants, but also we - Orthodox people are able to rejoice and communicate sincerely over a cup of tea. Only, unlike Protestants, we have not only spiritual communion, but also spiritual life. We have the Sacrament of the Eucharist, in which our damaged human nature receives healing from the Lord himself through the acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Therefore, I appeal to young people - come to talk to us. Announcements about upcoming holidays are regularly published on the diocesan website.

We have organized the distribution of free meals to poor people, in the courtyard of the Kyltovsky monastery in Syktyvkar, as well as in Ukhta and Vorkuta.

But of course there are also difficulties. For example, the disastrous condition of the roof in St. Stephen's Cathedral. We urgently need roofing copper, boards, rafters. We will gratefully accept not only financial donations, but also help with building materials, food products, and we will always welcome people who want to work for the Glory of God and for the salvation of their souls in restoring the churches of our diocese.

God's blessings be with you all!


The song "Orthodoxy-Fragrance" performed by Bishop Pitirim of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta and Archimandrite Philip, Secretary of the Diocese

All roads lead to Orthodoxy,

Who else found - got lost,

Subdued to earthly vanity,

I did not see the holy ideal.

Orthodoxy is a fragrance

Only it is full of life

Only in him is the understanding of the soul,

And the salvation of a sinful soul ...

Recently in LiveJournal, Deacon Andrey Kuraev in the post of the same name “Perfume!!!” quoted records from the personal VKontakte page of Bishop Pitirim of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta:

“Insolent Kuraev has always been convinced that he is not exposed and is a real analyst of everything that happens in the ROC MP. Such self-conceit of a neophyte sooner or later leads to betrayal and demonic possession.

Observing the theological thinking of the "missionary" in various institutions of the Komi Republic, I saw that it is propagated in a blasphemous and pornographic form. I had to limit the activity of this disgrace.

His ideal is his opinion. Publicity at any cost, since he was not in demand by the diocese and parishes of the Komi Republic and other dioceses.

Enemies of the Church of Christ and liberal circles want to do harm with the poison of Kuraevism and blind the people with Kuraevism. Will not work. My country and my republic will stand up for the faith. And throwing off the dirt of slander, he will appear clean before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Bishop Pitirim. Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page "VKontakte"

Question: Father Andrei, and this, if I may say so, bishop can file a lawsuit against you in the church court of his diocese, or does he need to apply to the church court of your diocese?

Kuraev: The funny thing is I didn't mention it. He got out himself.

Question: Is he in the 50s? (According to Deacon Andrei Kuraev, 50 out of 300 bishops are included in the “blue lobby” of the Russian Orthodox Church, these are the numbers he named in an interview with Novaya Gazeta, No. 3 of January 15, 2014 - E.M.)


Internet (song on the topic of the day) performed by Hieromonk Alexander (Mitrofanov)

The night passes, it begins to dawn.

What am I doing, I can not control myself.

I can't say a firm "no" to myself.

I stare at the computer, I look at the Internet.

On the Internet I look at all the dregs:

The protodeacon is at war with the dapiras, horror.

Homo scandal in the Orthodox blogosphere.

Why do I need all this, why did I read all this ...

The Stranger is standing at the door...

Bishop Pitirim, in the world Pavel Pavlovich Volochkov, was born in 1961 in the Krasnodar Territory, was a cell-attendant of the Archbishop of Krasnodar and Kuban Hermogenes (Orekhov). (Andrey Kuraev notes that "Germogen (Orekhov) is a student of Metropolitan Nikodim (Rotov)." In his interviews, Kuraev repeatedly spoke about the fixed expression "Nikodim's sin." - E.M.)

After finishing his service in the army, Volochkov went to the Archangel diocese, where, quickly rising up the church stairs, already in 1995, that is, at the age of 34, he became bishop of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta.

Screenshot of the blog http://fivep2012.livejournal.com/ (Livejournal)

Pitirim is the author of the autobiographical three-volume Life in Christ and with Christ. In December 2005, he defended his Ph.D. in the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church. And exactly one year later he became a doctor of theology at the Uzhgorod Theological Academy.

A few years ago, the parishioners of the city of Pechora created a website where they told how the bishop of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta destroys Orthodoxy in the republic.

“Extreme need and long ordeals made us cry for help,” parishioners write. They tell how, together with their priest Konstantin Kachur, they built a church with their own money, how they began to serve liturgies, how a Sunday school was opened and a newspaper began to be published ...

“That’s probably how we would have lived and developed further,” the parishioners continue, “but our father (Konstantin Kachur) has a relative, the young subdeacon Vitaly, who from the age of five served under the ruling bishop and who, when he grew up, appeared to Vladyka Pitirim a tidbit, and the bishop began to harass the young man. The guy rejected the shameless…”

“... In 2004, when I was already performing the duties of a senior subdeacon, Vladyka called me into his room and for the first time asked to massage his head, then he began to ask to massage his back and legs. and said that it was necessary, and then began to undress baldly, saying that it was generally supposed to be like that for a professional massage.

Starting around 2007, Vladyka began to take me with him on business trips to Moscow and trips to other dioceses, he began to pay a lot of attention to me, I did not attach any importance to this, because I simply loved my service to God and to fulfill the duties of a senior subdeacon. Vladyka obviously began to molest me sexually. Asking to lie down next to me after the massage, I tried in every way to avoid this, referring to the fact that there were still a lot of unfinished obediences.

When we were in Kapustino from July 22 to 30, 2010, I slept there on a couch under the stairs that led to Vladyka's chambers. Vladyka began to tell me to lie down on his bed, because the bed is large. Then I began to understand what Vladyka was driving at.”

(At the Kapustino farm in the Krasnodar Territory, children's festivals "At the dacha at Vladyka" are held annually. - EAT.)

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

Deacon Vitaly did not agree to "friendship". After that, according to Vitaly, Bishop Pitirim publicly accused him of "fornication" with the singer of the bishop's choir K. and demanded repentance.

“I had just friendly working relations with K.,” continues Deacon Vitaly. - We talked at services, she was also at a loss about slander and was outraged by such an accusation from the Ruling Bishop. She was kicked out of the choir."

Recordings of telephone conversations between Deacon Vitaliy Polishchuk and a man with a voice similar to Bishop Pitirim are available on the Internet. Here is a fragment of the transcript of these negotiations:

“... Vitalyushka, I’m reading you from a love spell, I told you that she (K.) gave you swill. You told me a thousand times that no, I didn’t drink anything from her. Why drink coffee? So not her, so her girlfriend pours her menstruation into your coffee there. Well, Vitalyushka, this is stupid, I read it, and they immediately pour it on you.

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

Well, you can’t do that, I’m telling you, don’t drink, where she is, under no pretext, don’t create conditions for her to do love spells for you. She (K.) called me on the phone (called), she insulted me, I say: my spiritual son is beloved, I say, Vitalik, and you stole him from me, and the Lord will punish you for this with a curse, she she said: “All these words of yours are up to me ...”, and I say: “The Lord will punish you again that you will have cancer in the place where you said”, and she tells me: “First you learn to listen”, Listen, they say, you have already switched to, you listen to me, what I will tell you, and I say: “So that you die, so that I listen to you,” such a conversation.

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

Vital, as long as you don’t desperately consider her (singer of the bishop’s choir K. - E.M.) a whore, a whore and such a bitch, you will be with me on different sides in all matters, in all, you understand? And this hole lay between us, damn it, you understand, this is an all-consuming hole, and such holes - there are a lot of whores, sluts and bitches on the panel, and until you condemn her as unrepentant, of course, we will not be like-minded , understand? And before it was so good, we lived in one soul, because we were good, Vital, without this whore, without this hole, you understand? We had happy evenings…”


The song "Wanderer" performed by Bishop Pitirim

The stranger stands at the door

Quietly knocking: open.

Staff in his hand

His long road.

Something happened in the house

The door didn't open for him.

Tears flashed in the eyes

And he stopped beating...

Your sin has lulled you

Forever separated from me.

If you love me,

I will lift you again.

I keep knocking

You continue to be silent.

How can I enter your house

Friend and eternal father...

Also, according to Deacon Vitaly, “my mother (wife. - EAT.) Polishchuk Svetlana, they began to send her to monasteries, deciding for us that we need to live separately ... "

“When I stopped answering Vladyka’s phone calls, he told me that I was going against the bishop, and for me all this could end badly, and that anyway, sooner or later I would divorce my husband Fr. Vitaly. Vladyka tried to convince me that I have a sick husband and he urgently needs to be seen by a psychiatrist, to which I told him: I have an absolutely healthy and adequate husband.”

From the statement of Deacon Vitaly Polishchuk to the Moscow Patriarchate:

“... In January 2011, I noticed that the behavior of Vladyka Pitirim changed a lot, he began to allow himself to publicly drink brotherhood and kiss on the lips with everyone in a row, dance tango and slow dances with young men.”

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

From the statement of Svetlana Polishchuk to the Moscow Patriarchate:

“... February 13, 2011 we, me and my husband, Fr. Vitaly Polishchuk, were at a dinner with Vladyka Pitirim, which was attended by Fr. Filipp Filippov, subdeacon Ivan Bentsa, deacon Fr. Dmitry Protsenko with his mother Protsenko Anastasia, Inna (niece of Vladyka Pitirim), Hierodeacon Clement (Lyamin), Fr. Andrei Martynov, Hierodeacon Lavrenty (Sirenko) and others, to the surprise of everyone, Vladyka was in civilian clothes. It was especially surprising for me to observe such a picture as Vladyka dancing a slow dance with his subdeacon Ivan Bentsa…”

Revenge of the Lord

Bishop Pitirim dismissed Vitaliy Polishchuk's relative, priest Konstantin Kachur, from the post of rector of the parish in Pechora with a ban on worship.

Olga Petukhova from the Orthodox community of Pechora said in an interview with Novaya Gazeta:

“The fact that the cause of all the troubles of our parish is Deacon Vitaly, we were told at the very first meeting on April 16, 2011, by representatives of Bishop Pitirim who arrived from Syktyvkar. Asking what he was to blame for and why we, the parishioners of the Pechora church and our rector, heard in response that Vitaly knew what he had to do (emphasis added by O. Petukhova. - EAT.) to fix everything. And that everything depends on him.

“A group of believers from our community,” parishioners say, “went to Syktyvkar to bow to Vladyka. He did not even consider it necessary to receive embarrassed people, but only conveyed through his secretary (after five hours of standing people in the corridor of the diocesan administration) that they clean up the best way, and whoever else dares to delegate will receive a thousand bows as punishment. With this result, we returned to Pechora. We do bows."

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

Members of the community say that they first closed the refectory of the temple, where they fed all the homeless and hungry. Then the doors were broken into the Sunday school, the locks were changed, and the children were no longer allowed into classes.

“On the site of the only parish in the city, Bishop Pitirim first tried to organize a monastic skete (surprisingly, of course, there would be a monastic skete in the city center), but nothing happened,” continues Olga Petukhova. - Then they began to create the appearance of active development of the parish. They wrote articles in local newspapers, attracted attention. For example, in December 2011, they invited children from the orphanage to a one-time tea party, led them in a religious procession around the church, filmed all this on cameras, and then posted articles and reports about the excellent work with the orphanage and about the Sunday school. Although Hieromonk Clement himself lives in Sunday school (appointed instead of rector Konstantin Kachur).”

According to the parishioners, those who supported the former rector Konstantin Kachur, the new clergymen “poured mud from the pulpit in the form of a sermon, were excommunicated from Communion, both adults and infants, the cross was removed in front of them and they were not allowed to venerate, they were not allowed into the church” .


Child denied communion

And the priest Konstantin Kachur himself was banned from visiting the church. “Vladyka called our church a “monument to a fascist tank,” the parishioners continue. - The Reverend with his retinue arrived a few months later, staged a hysteria, shamed grandmothers for disobeying the ruling bishop. Those who stood in the forefront were then tried by the diocesan court, without the participation of the accused, and they sent decisions on excommunication from Communion, some for a month, some for three. Some people could not stand it and left the Church. They turned to the Patriarchate for help more than once, they took away and sent a ton of papers there. Our parish and all parish activities are completely destroyed.

In November 2012, the priests who now serve in the church where we were expelled from, at the direction of the bishop, demanded that we declare ourselves a different (!) church, which is completely wild and unacceptable for us.”

Prayer for enlightenment

The other day Bishop Pitirim wrote on his page on the social network VKontakte:

“Let us oppose slander with prayer and a feasible explanation for those who suffered from Kuraev's speech poisoning. I bless you, read this prayer, and everything will calm down, and adversity will disappear, you will see!

Screenshot of a photo saved on Bishop Pitirim's personal Vkontakte page. (Censored by Novaya Gazeta) Prayer for the admonition of Deacon Andrei Kuraev?!

Lord God! Enlighten the erring deacon Andrei Kuraev! Instead of serving the Mother Church, which You founded and planted, he blasphemes Her, instead of filial worship of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, your faithful servant, Primate of our Holy Church sent by You, he challenges him, he sows the tares of discord and fraternal hatred. Tame, O Lord, this violent and disobedient sheep of Your flock, for his heart is swollen with the fatness of vanity, and his mind is an abomination before Your eyes. We pray to You, Lord, enlighten, cleanse, return to Your flock the verbal deacon Andrew, who has gone astray, so that he faithfully serves You and your Church. Amen".

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

Bishop Pitirim points out that Deacon Kuraev violated many church canons. Here is one of them: "If anyone from the clergy annoys the bishop, let him be deposed (55th canon of the Holy Apostle)".

“Kuraev,” continues Pitirim, “began attacks on the most precious thing for me - on the Church. The church is controlled by God. The Almighty Himself administers the final judgment. But bishops (not Kuraev) are princes of the Church. They are given by Christ all the fullness of power. Therefore, the blow of the enemies of the Church has always been directed, first of all, at the church hierarchy. How snipers in war kill first of all military leaders and officers.

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

I believe that in general it is impossible to criticize the Church and the hierarchy, and priests in particular. In no case. This should not be done by Christians themselves: as priests, clerics, monks, they participate in this evil. Now is not the time to expose this criticism publicly. Well, say it in your ear, well, say it in a narrow circle, but like this - in open letters against the hierarchy, well, of course not. I always said: what can confuse me in our church, but I felt grace in it to tears, where else can I look for grace? If I feel it in our church of the Moscow Patriarchate.”

By the way, Bishop Pitirim has repeatedly spoken out in support of the priest of the Russian Orthodox Church Gleb Grozovsky, believing that "the priest became a victim of slander." (Grozovsky is accused of pedophilia, arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list. Hiding in Israel, calling his stay in this country "an indefinite pilgrimage to the Holy Land." - EAT.)

“The priesthood must have the right of inviolability. Courts are held secretly and preferably given to internal church analysis and legal proceedings,” the Bishop of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta is sure.

Deacon Vitaly Polishchuk and priest Konstantin Kachur were forced to leave the region and now serve in the Mordovian diocese. Deacon Vitaly Polishchuk, answering a question from Novaya Gazeta about the future of Bishop Pitirim, said: “... This is a simple waste of time and, so to speak, “just kicking the air”: a lot of material and letters were sent to the patriarchate, and a lot was written in the open spaces Internet, I see no reason to raise these topics again with the inaction and silence of the patriarchate.” (Deacon Andrey Kuraev, in an interview with Novaya Gazeta, spoke about the existence of a rigid vertical of bureaucracy and “blue censorship” in the patriarchate, in which only selected complaints from clergy get to the patriarch. See Novaya Gazeta, No. 3 of January 15, 2014. - EAT.).

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

Repent, sinners, repent...

The other day, Deacon Andrei Kuraev received another confession, this time from Syktyvkar (Andrey Kuraev handed over the text of the letter to the editors of Novaya Gazeta. - EAT.):

“Father Andrey, after I read the statement of Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin, I realized that everything you have been doing lately is really serious, including the so-called. possible consequences for you. (Representative of the Russian Orthodox Church, Head of the Synodal Department for Relations between the Church and Society, Archpriest Vsevolod Chaplin called Kuraev's blog "a poisoned and unclean source." - EAT.) I myself preferred to step aside a few years ago, deciding that all the abominations that occur in Syktyvkar do not concern me, but now I think that this could help some of my acquaintances avoid many troubles, while others might are still alive.

In Nikolo-Ugresh (Nikolo-Ugresh Theological Seminary. - EAT.) had its difficulties, but what I encountered upon returning to Syktyvkar, in the face of Bishop Pitirim (although he playfully calls his usual voluptuous grimace “face”), made me regret my return. Before ordination, it was necessary to wait for the episcopal administration to receive a reference from the seminary, and then to go through a series of interviews with the secretary of the diocese, Archimandrite Philip Filippov, who asked me in great detail about the seminary hostel and insistently suggested that I confess "sins" that could "happen" there.

For the first time, to my objections that if he meant smoking, then by senior years, due to strict discipline, everyone quit smoking (or they can easily not smoke for weeks), he, giggling, poked me into a book from the series “Help penitent”, into a lengthy section describing fornication sins. Since I stubbornly did not want to “repent” of anything like this, the decision on the issue of my ordination and appointment to the parish was constantly postponed, which put me in a rather difficult position, including in material terms, since getting a job at any decent work outside the church environment with a seminary education turned out to be quite problematic and had to be interrupted. As a result, I insisted on a meeting with Vladyka Pitirim, who at the meeting said that there were not enough priests with education in the diocese, so he would ordain me as a deacon, so be it, but in order to become a priest and get a parish, I should be more "smart".

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

I pretty quickly understood what was meant. Archimandrite Philip is something like the personal doctor of Bishop Pitirim, who simply loves all kinds of traditional medicine, baths and massages (once on his VKontakte page he personally posted his photo in a dressing gown over his naked body for everyone to see), but “ massage ”makes young monks do it, whom he begins to court since school and cuts the most pliable haircuts immediately after the 11th grade and constantly keeps with him.

The chambers of Pitirim are decorated with gypsy luxury, he is generally so narcissistic that he does not hesitate to post everything on social networks. So in these chambers, Pitirim strips naked and makes his subdeacons give himself a “massage”, while Archimandrite Philip gives “medical” instructions. I do not want to describe in detail all the requirements, how to please. From talking about the archimandrite and bishop Pitirim turns back, sick. Vladyka likes to tell that the bishop is the creator of fate, mentor and guardian angel of young people. Those who refuse immediately get a heap of problems, including real tantrums from Pitirim, who squeals and curses, calling "apostates" on the phone at night.

Seeing all this and not wanting this kind of problem for myself, through my friends in Ugresh, with great difficulty, I got myself a translation. They let me go quite easily. Either I did not quite correspond to their tastes, or Archimandrite Philip gave a negative description of me, or I was already too “old” with their so-called.

The only thing I wanted right now was that the dirty Syktyvkar stories would no longer end in nothing for Pitirim and Philip.

I am ready to tell about everything that I myself have seen and know at the trial.”

From the memoirs of P., a former worker of the Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery in Komi, where Bishop Pitirim is to this day the rector:

“I was restoring this monument of pre-revolutionary architecture (monastery). When I was 14 years old, I confessed to the then hegumen Pitirim, and nothing in my confession interested him so much as the details of how I practice masturbation. I still cringe at the memory of his ingratiating questions.”

Screenshot of a photo posted on the personal page of Bishop Pitirim "VKontakte"

From the memoirs of the former monk M. from the Syktyvkar diocese:

“I sincerely believed. I’ll come to the bishop for confession… First of all, he starts hugging, kissing on the lips. I was young, 17 years old. Didn't take it seriously. Then he took the eggs. It was very shocking."


The song "Sinner" performed by Bishop Pitirim of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta and the secretary of the diocese, Archimandrite Philip

Repent, sinners, repent

Sincerely before Christ

And henceforth do not get carried away with sin,

Humiliating spirit and flesh with fasting...

The one who cries for sins

And the cross meekly bears,

The Lord will forgive and justify

And from the torments of Gehenna will save ...

Novaya Gazeta sent Bishop Pitirim an official letter asking for an interview on the topic of the “blue lobby” in the Russian Orthodox Church raised by Andrey Kuraev. The press secretary of the diocese, Archimandrite Philip (Filippov), replied that Vladyka would not have time for an interview, but he (Vladyka) asked me to convey: “Gossip and slander have always existed at all times. This is the easiest weapon with which to achieve your momentary vanity goals. That is why such a light weapon is used by those who want to harm the Russian Orthodox Church, counting on a quick and low-cost victory. The Church, on the other hand, lives according to other laws that the Lord Himself established: “Blessed are you when they reproach you and persecute you, and speak unjustly in every way for Me” (Matt. 5:11). And for those who continue the unfounded, unsubstantiated poisonous slander against the Mother Church and its hierarchy, let me remind you of other words of the Savior: “Judge not, lest you be judged” (Matt. 7:1). This is Vladyka's exclusive answer for the newspaper, while additional information has already been posted in other publications.

Bishop Pitirim's answer: Of course, each person can preach because the Lord has written the truth on the tablets of each heart. And he should know that “I teach,” as Seraphim of Sarov says. “To teach is to throw pebbles from the bell tower, and to perform is to carry pebbles to the bell tower.”

Question to Deacon Kuraev in LiveJournal: Are you aware of cases where a clergyman was prosecuted for homosexual violence?

Deacon Kuraev's answer: Former rector of the Moscow church of St. George the Victorious Abraham (Sharafutdinov) was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for molesting a young parishioner. The defendant died in 2009. Hegumen Khariton (Prostorov) from the Kostroma diocese was also convicted of pedophilia and is now serving his sentence. And all...

Bishop Evtikhiy (Kurochkin): “I began to take out a piece at each proskomedia for Protodeacon Andrei (the proskomedia is part of the liturgy, during which bread and wine are prepared for the sacrament. - EAT.). The holy work begun by him exceeds human capabilities, but it is extremely necessary.

Source http://www.novayagazeta.ru/society/62103.html

  • Biography:

    Born on February 2, 1961 in the Nizhny farm of the Korenovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory in a family of workers, graduated from a comprehensive school. Subdeacon and cell-attendant of the Archbishop of Krasnodar and Kuban Hermogenes (Orekhov).

    1980-1982 served in the ranks of the Soviet army.

    In 1982 he entered the service of the Arkhangelsk diocese and on December 23, 1982 he was ordained a deacon by Bishop Isidore of Arkhangelsk with an appointment to the Komi Republic.

    From December 24, 1982 to February 27, 1984 - deacon of the Holy Transfiguration Church with. Aikino of the Republic of Komi.

    In 1984 he took monastic vows in honor of St. Pitirim, Wonderworker of Ust-Vymsk. He entered the correspondence sector of the Moscow Theological Schools.

    On March 1, 1987, he was ordained a hieromonk by Bishop Isidore in the Church of All Saints in Arkhangelsk. Organized in the city of Pechora of the Komi Republic a new parish and a convent in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Quick Apostle".

    March 3, 1987 – August 15, 1987 - the second priest of the Holy Transfiguration Church with. Aikino of the Republic of Komi.

    August 15, 1987 - December 20, 1988 - rector of St. Lazarevsky Church in Onega, Arkhangelsk diocese.

    December 21, 1988 - April 20, 1989 - the second priest of the Church of All Saints in the city of Arkhangelsk, the Arkhangelsk diocese.

    On April 7, 1994, he was elevated to the rank of abbot. He performed the obedience of a member of the audit commission of the Syktyvkar deanery and a diocesan missionary in the Komi Republic.

    In December 2005, he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Kyiv Theological Academy.

    In 2001 he was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples by the President of the Russian Federation.

    In 2005 he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Republic of Komi.

    In 2005, for his diligent work for the benefit of the Mother Church, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his episcopal consecration, he was awarded the Order of St. Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus'. Sergius of Radonezh II degree.

    In 2011, in connection with the 50th anniversary of his birth and for his hard work for the benefit of the Mother Church, his contribution to the revival of churches, pastoral and church and social activities. Awarded by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' with the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree.

    "The path of the monastery's formation" (the history of the formation of the Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery), 2001 download pdf

    "Life in Christ and with Christ" (the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in the Komi region), 2004 part 1 download pdf

    "Life in Christ and with Christ" (the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in the Komi region), 2004 part 2 download pdf

    "Life in Christ and with Christ" (the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in the Komi region), 2010 part 3 download pdf

    Christians must respect hierarchs. I try my best, but why should I interfere with this? It’s not Kuraev’s fault here - the bishop himself posts 6 and a half thousand of his photos “in contact”, accompanied by lengthy descriptions of his interests, quotes by Andrey Dementiev and comments like: “Today I served in ... the church. I’m in a prayerful mood. On the way home we saw 4 Accident, unfortunately, with a fatal outcome. Or: "I built this temple", "I built this monastery".
    Or this entry from April 2013:
    "Today was the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. The diocesan assembly approved the successes of the diocese and condemned the organized criminal activities of a small Internet group to discredit the officials, clergy and laity of Syktyvkarsk" (author's spelling)

    Hundreds of photos with children on their knees, in colorful cassocks. I didn't even know that such playful colors were acceptable. Bishop at the altar. At worship. In the flower bushes. At the wedding. On the river. With subdeacons by the hand. Embracing monks. On the throne in the episcopal house. In correctional facilities. A lot of photos from the altar in embroidered vestments (how many of them does he have, a hundred, two hundred?). At worship services among kneeling parishioners. Photos of the icons of Daniil Sysoev and Yevgeny Rodionov, who so far have not been considered saints.
    The pictures are interspersed with sentimental-slobbery Catholic pictures on gospel stories, from which one becomes sick, however, no more than from a despotic physiognomy.

    For example, I’m unlikely to have at least a thousand photos in my whole life, and there are no accounts in social networks. But who am I, and who is Pitirim...


    Taking holy orders: December 23, 1982 Acceptance of monasticism: 1984 Episcopal consecration: December 19, 1995 Awards:

    Archbishop Pitirim(in the world Pavel Pavlovich Volochkov; February 2, Nizhny farm, Korenovsky district, Krasnodar Territory) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop of Syktyvkar and Komi-Zyryansky since December 19, 1995.


    Born into a working-class family, he graduated from a secondary school.

    In 1980-1982 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army.

    In 1982, he entered the service of the Arkhangelsk diocese and on December 23, 1982, Bishop Isidor (Kirichenko) of Arkhangelsk was ordained a deacon with an appointment to the Komi Republic.

    From December 24, 1982 to February 27, 1984 - deacon of the Transfiguration Church in the village of Aikino, Komi Republic.

    In 1984 he took monastic vows in honor of St. Pitirim, the Wonderworker of Ust-Vymsk. He entered the correspondence sector of the Moscow Theological Schools.

    On March 1, 1987, he was ordained a hieromonk by Bishop Isidore in the Church of All Saints in the city of Arkhangelsk.

    From August 15, 1987 to December 20, 1988 - rector of St. Lazarus Church in Onega, Arkhangelsk diocese.

    From December 21, 1988 to April 20, 1989 - the second priest of the Church of All Saints in the city of Arkhangelsk, the Arkhangelsk diocese.

    From April 21, 1989 - rector of the prayer house in the city of Pechora of the Komi Republic.

    Since September 20, 1994 - rector of the Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery.

    On April 7, 1994, he was elevated to the rank of abbot. He performed the obedience of a member of the audit commission of the Syktyvkar deanery and a diocesan missionary in the Komi Republic.

    On October 6, 1995, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite by Patriarch Alexy II.

    By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 6, 1995, he was determined to be Bishop of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta, the ruling bishop of the newly created diocese. On December 18 of the same year, at the Epiphany Cathedral in Moscow, he was named and on December 19 consecrated bishop; the consecration was headed by Patriarch Alexy II, he was co-served by: Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna Yuvenaly (Poyarkov), Archbishops of Odintsovo Job (Tyvonyuk), Solnechnogorsk Sergiy (Fomin), Bishops of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk Panteleimon (Dolganov), Istra Arseniy (Epifanov), Dmitrovsky Innokenty (Vasiliev ) , Orekhovo-Zuevsky Alexy (Frolov), Krasnogorsky Savva (Volkov) and Novosibirsk and Berdsky Sergiy (Sokolov).

    In December 2005 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the modern history of the Russian Orthodox Church at the Kyiv Theological Academy.

    On December 25, 2006 he became a doctor of theology at the Uzhgorod Theological Academy. In the opinion of many reputable ecclesiastical scholars and theologians, the degree of Doctor of Theology in this academy is by no means awarded for outstanding merits in the field of ecclesiastical science.

    On April 16, 2016, he was appointed the ruling bishop of the Syktyvkar diocese with the title Bishop of Syktyvkar and Komi-Zyryansk.

    On April 25, 2016, he was elevated to the rank of archbishop by decree of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

    Statements and position

    Bishop Pitirim is the bearer of monarchist views and supports the monarchist movement.

    In 2006, a scandal at the Republican Opera and Ballet Theater in Syktyvkar related to the production of D. D. Shostakovich's opera Balda based on Pushkin's fairy tale "About the priest and his worker Balda" acquired a public outcry: a performance prepared for the 100th anniversary of the composer , was subjected to censorship at the request of representatives of the Syktyvkar diocese and personally Bishop Pitirim (Volochkov), who protested.

    At the beginning of 2010, his statements and publications, in which he denounced ecumenism and democracy, as well as "Masonic ecumenism", spread. The appearance of similar material on the website of the Syktyvkar diocese in May of the same year coincided with the visit of the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeev) to Italy, during which a number of ecumenical events were held. According to some reports, he confessed his support - purely human - to Bishop Diomede (Dzyuban), who was deposed in 2008 from the rank. This kind of attitude has led some to speak of the emergence of a "new Bishop of Diomedes."

    In the summer of 2010, he spoke in support of the motto “Orthodoxy or death! "(Earlier, in March 2009, Patriarch Kirill said in his word:"<…>when we hear such an exclamation and such a slogan: "Orthodoxy or death" - we must beware of these preachers.<…>now we have, from time to time, false teachers who tempt the people with calls to save Orthodoxy, to save its purity, who repeat this dangerous, sinful and internally contradictory slogan: "Orthodoxy or death""; also, in May 2011, it was reported that the slogan was included in the federal list of extremist materials published on the website of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. )


    • Honorary diploma of the Republic of Komi (2005)
    • Honored Worker of the Komi Republic (2013)
    • Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh II degree (2005)
    • Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree (2011)

    Proceedings and publications

    • "The path of the formation of the monastery" (the history of the formation of the Trinity-Stefano-Ulyanovsky Monastery), 2001
    • "Life in Christ and with Christ" (the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in the Komi region), 2004 part 1
    • "Life in Christ and with Christ" (the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in the Komi region), 2004, part 2
    • "Life in Christ and with Christ" (the history of the formation of Orthodoxy in the Komi region), 2010 part 3

    Write a review on the article "Pitirim (Volochkov)"


    1. Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1996, No. 2, p. 16.
    2. . vk.com. Retrieved May 25, 2016.
    3. "Nezavisimaya Gazeta", September 20, 2006.
    4. May 22, 2010.
    5. mospat.ru May 21, 2010.
    6. Interview with M. V. Nazarov, June 21, 2010.
    7. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, July 21, 2010: “This wing of the Church also has a more respectable representative - Bishop Pitirim (Volochkov) of Syktyvkar and Vorkuta. He calls attempts to establish a dialogue with the Catholic Church "Masonic ecumenism" and defends those dissidents of the Cypriot and Serbian Orthodox Churches who opposed the policy of their Patriarchs, open to dialogue with the Vatican. Some even spoke of the emergence of a 'new Bishop Diomede'."
    8. NEWSru, July 15, 2010.
    9. The slogan "ΟΡΘΟΔΟΞΙΑ Η ΘΑΝΑΤΟΣ!" gained popularity among Orthodox Greeks who did not accept the ecumenism of the Patriarchate of Constantinople after an open riot in the Athos monastery of Esfigmen in 1974.
    10. // Patriarchy.ru, 03/08/2009
    11. NEWSru, May 17, 2011.


    1. Journal of the Moscow Patriarchate. 1996, No. 2, pp. 16-21.


    • on the site Patriarchy.Ru
    • on the site "Russian Orthodoxy"
    • First published in the newspaper "National Doctrine" N 1. - Syktyvkar, 2006.
    • Speech at the I Republican conference "God and the world's evil in the aspect of world globalization" August 28, 2010.
    • Interview about the 2011 Council of Bishops.
    • in the social network "VKontakte" -

    An excerpt characterizing Pitirim (Volochkov)

    Anatole sincerely loved Dolokhov for his intelligence and daring. Dolokhov, who needed the name, nobility, connections of Anatole Kuragin to lure rich young people into his gambling society, without letting him feel it, used and amused Kuragin. In addition to the calculation by which he needed Anatole, the very process of controlling someone else's will was a pleasure, a habit and a need for Dolokhov.
    Natasha made a strong impression on Kuragin. At dinner after the theater, with the techniques of an expert, he examined in front of Dolokhov the dignity of her arms, shoulders, legs and hair, and announced his decision to follow her. What could come out of this courtship - Anatole could not think and know, as he never knew what would come out of his every act.
    “Good, brother, but not about us,” Dolokhov told him.
    “I will tell my sister to invite her to dinner,” said Anatole. - A?
    - You better wait until you get married ...
    - You know, - said Anatole, - j "adore les petites filles: [I love girls:] - now he will be lost.
    - You already got caught once on a petite fille [girl], - said Dolokhov, who knew about Anatole's marriage. - Look!
    Well, you can't do it twice! A? - said Anatole, laughing good-naturedly.

    The next day after the theater, the Rostovs did not go anywhere and no one came to them. Marya Dmitrievna, hiding from Natasha, was talking to her father about something. Natasha guessed that they were talking about the old prince and inventing something, and she was worried and offended by this. She waited every minute for Prince Andrei, and twice that day sent the janitor to Vzdvizhenka to find out if he had arrived. He didn't come. It was now harder for her than the first days of her arrival. Her impatience and sadness for him were joined by an unpleasant recollection of a meeting with Princess Marya and the old prince, and fear and anxiety, for which she did not know the reason. It seemed to her that either he would never come, or that before he arrived, something would happen to her. She could not, as before, calmly and for a long time, alone with herself, think about him. As soon as she began to think about him, the recollection of him was joined by the recollection of the old prince, of Princess Mary, and of the last performance, and of Kuragin. She again presented herself with the question of whether she was guilty, whether her loyalty to Prince Andrei had already been violated, and again she found herself remembering every word, every gesture, every shade of the play of expression on the face of this man, who knew how to arouse in her incomprehensible for her and a terrible feeling. In the eyes of her family, Natasha seemed livelier than usual, but she was far from being as calm and happy as she had been before.
    On Sunday morning, Marya Dmitrievna invited her guests to Mass at her parish of the Assumption on Mogiltsy.
    “I don’t like these fashionable churches,” she said, apparently proud of her free-thinking. “There is only one God everywhere. Our priest is fine, he serves decently, it's so noble, and so is the deacon. Is it any holiness from this that they sing concerts on the kliros? I do not like, one pampering!
    Marya Dmitrievna loved Sundays and knew how to celebrate them. Her house was all washed and cleaned on Saturday; people and she did not work, everyone was festively discharged, and everyone was at mass. Meals were added to the master's dinner, and people were given vodka and a roasted goose or pig. But on nothing in the whole house was the holiday so noticeable as on the broad, stern face of Marya Dmitrievna, which on that day assumed an unchanging expression of solemnity.
    When they had drunk coffee after mass, in the living room with the covers removed, Marya Dmitrievna was informed that the carriage was ready, and with a stern look, dressed in a ceremonial shawl in which she made visits, she got up and announced that she was going to Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky to explain to him about Natasha.
    After the departure of Marya Dmitrievna, a fashionista from Madame Chalmet came to the Rostovs, and Natasha, having closed the door in the room next to the living room, very pleased with the entertainment, began trying on new dresses. While she, putting on a bodice that was still sleeveless, swept up on a live thread, and bending her head, looked in the mirror at how her back was sitting, she heard in the living room the lively sounds of her father's voice and another, female voice, which made her blush. It was Ellen's voice. Before Natasha had time to take off the bodice she was trying on, the door opened and Countess Bezukhaya entered the room, beaming with a good-natured and affectionate smile, in a dark purple, high-necked velvet dress.
    Ah, ma delicieuse! [Oh, my lovely!] - she said to the blushing Natasha. - Charmante! [Charming!] No, it's not like anything, my dear count, - she said to Ilya Andreevich, who came in behind her. - How to live in Moscow and not go anywhere? No, I won't leave you! This evening m lle Georges is declaiming at my place and some people will gather; and if you don't bring your beauties, who are better than m lle Georges, then I don't want to know you. There is no husband, he went to Tver, otherwise I would have sent him for you. By all means come, by all means, at the ninth hour. She nodded her head at the familiar fashionista, who respectfully crouched down to her, and sat down on an armchair near the mirror, picturesquely spreading the folds of her velvet dress. She did not stop chatting good-naturedly and cheerfully, constantly admiring Natasha's beauty. She examined her dresses and praised them, and also boasted of her new dress en gaz metallique [made of metal-colored gauze] which she had received from Paris and advised Natasha to do the same.
    “However, everything suits you, my lovely,” she said.
    A smile of pleasure never left Natasha's face. She felt happy and flourishing under the praises of this dear Countess Bezukhova, who had previously seemed to her such an impregnable and important lady, and who was now so kind to her. Natasha became cheerful and felt almost in love with this beautiful and such good-natured woman. Helen, for her part, sincerely admired Natasha and wanted to amuse her. Anatole asked her to set him up with Natasha, and for this she came to the Rostovs. The thought of bringing her brother together with Natasha amused her.
    In spite of the fact that she had previously been annoyed with Natasha for having wrested Boris from her in Petersburg, now she did not even think about it, and with all her heart, in her own way, wished Natasha well. Leaving the Rostovs, she withdrew her protegee aside.
    - Yesterday my brother dined with me - we were dying of laughter - he does not eat anything and sighs for you, my charm. Il est fou, mais fou amoureux de vous, ma chere. [He's going crazy, but he's going crazy in love with you, my dear.]
    Natasha blushed purple upon hearing these words.
    - How blushing, how blushing, ma delicieuse! [my charm!] - Helen said. - You should definitely come. Si vous aimez quelqu "un, ma delicieuse, ce n" est pas une raison pour se cloitrer. Si meme vous etes promise, je suis sure que votre promis aurait desire que vous alliez dans le monde en son absence plutot que deperir d "ennui. [From the fact that you love someone, my lovely, you should not live as a nun. Even if you're a bride, I'm sure your fiancé would rather have you go out into the world in his absence than die of boredom.]
    “So she knows that I am a bride, so she and her husband, with Pierre, with this fair Pierre, Natasha thought, talked and laughed about it. So it was nothing." And again, under the influence of Helen, what had previously seemed terrible seemed simple and natural. “And she is such a grande dame, [important lady,] so sweet and so evidently loves me with all her heart,” thought Natasha. And why not have fun? thought Natasha, looking at Helen with surprised, wide-open eyes.
    Marya Dmitrievna returned to dinner, silent and serious, obviously having suffered a defeat at the old prince's. She was still too excited about the collision to be able to calmly tell the story. To the question of the count, she answered that everything was fine and that she would tell tomorrow. Learning about the visit of Countess Bezukhova and the invitation to the evening, Marya Dmitrievna said:
    - I don’t like to hang out with Bezukhova and I won’t advise; Well, yes, if you promised, go, you’ll be scattered, ”she added, turning to Natasha.

    Count Ilya Andreich took his girls to Countess Bezukhova. There were quite a lot of people at the evening. But the whole society was almost unfamiliar to Natasha. Count Ilya Andreich noted with displeasure that this whole society consisted mainly of men and women, known for their liberties of treatment. M lle Georges, surrounded by young people, stood in the corner of the living room. There were several Frenchmen, among them Metivier, who, since Helene's arrival, had been her housewife. Count Ilya Andreich made up his mind not to sit down at cards, not to leave his daughters, and to leave as soon as the performance of Georges was over.
    Anatole was apparently at the door waiting for the Rostovs to enter. He immediately greeted the count, went up to Natasha and followed her. As soon as Natasha saw him, just as in the theater, a feeling of conceited pleasure that he liked her and fear from the absence of moral barriers between her and him seized her. Helen joyfully received Natasha and loudly admired her beauty and toilet. Shortly after their arrival, m lle Georges left the room to dress. In the living room they began to arrange chairs and sit down. Anatole moved a chair to Natasha and wanted to sit beside her, but the count, who did not take his eyes off Natasha, sat down beside her. Anatole sat behind.
    M lle Georges, with bare, dimpled, thick arms, in a red shawl worn over one shoulder, stepped into the empty space left for her between the chairs and stopped in an unnatural pose. An enthusiastic whisper was heard. M lle Georges looked sternly and gloomily at the audience and began to speak some verses in French, where it was about her criminal love for her son. In places she raised her voice, in places she whispered, solemnly raising her head, in places she stopped and wheezed, rolling her eyes.
    - Adorable, divin, delicieux! [Amazing, divine, wonderful!] - was heard from all sides. Natasha looked at fat Georges, but heard nothing, saw nothing, and understood nothing of what was going on in front of her; she only felt completely irrevocable again in that strange, insane world, so far from the former, in that world in which it was impossible to know what was good, what was bad, what was rational and what was insane. Behind her sat Anatole, and she, feeling his closeness, fearfully waited for something.
    After the first monologue, the whole society stood up and surrounded m lle Georges, expressing their delight to her.
    - How good she is! Natasha said to her father, who, along with the others, got up and moved towards the actress through the crowd.
    “I can’t find it, looking at you,” Anatole said, following Natasha. He said it at a time when she alone could hear him. - You are charming ... from the moment I saw you, I did not stop ....