Flat bauble. Thread baubles as a symbol of strong friendship

Today, floss baubles can be seen not only on little girls, but also on big fashionistas. In combination with other bracelets, floss baubles will look great with any expensive fashionable clothes and will add a bright touch to the image of their owner. And, of course, the originality of such a thing is the main advantage of floss baubles. All over the world, floss bracelets are called "Friendship Bracelets" - friendship bracelets. Such a beautiful bracelet will be a wonderful gift for a friend. Learn how to weave a simple baubles step by step and try to make a bracelet with a friend's name.

In this article, we will tell you step by step how to weave classic floss baubles in pictures. We will show the patterns of weaving baubles for beginners and explain in detail step by step how to make a baubles easily and quickly.

Traditionally, baubles weaving patterns are divided into "oblique weaving" and "straight weaving". Today we will show you how to make baubles with oblique weaving. Straight weaving is more suitable for baubles with drawings or names.

In order to weave floss baubles you will need: floss threads of 6 different colors, scissors, adhesive tape or adhesive tape.

How to weave floss baubles, weaving patterns for beginners: To start, cut two threads of each color, each 80-100 cm long. The length of the threads should be 4 times the length of the finished baubles. Connect the threads together with a knot, leaving a piece of about 8 cm. Fix the floss blank on the table or any other surface with adhesive tape. You can also pin the threads to the pillow. Divide the threads into two parts so that there is one thread of different colors on each side. Arrange them so that you get a mirror image as in the picture on the left. Start on the left side with the outer thread (here it is the red thread).

We proceed to the next stage of weaving baubles. Cross the thread with the next one as shown in the diagram and thread the end into the hole to make a knot.

Knot tightening. Repeat the knot on the same threads. Repeat the same with the red thread and each color twice. Continue tying knots on the left side until the outer color is transferred to the middle.

Now pick up the outer color on the right side and make a reverse knot through the adjacent color. Make another knot and move on to the next color, moving inwards. Don't forget to knot twice with each color!

If you did everything right, you should get the two outer threads into the middle. We have red lines. Tie two knots on them. If you make a mistake, try untying the knot with a needle or pin. Continue weaving from the left, then from the right side, moving the extreme color to the middle. At the initial stages of weaving, the order of the threads is important, but gradually, moving down, the threads will lie by themselves.

If you completed the weaving pattern of the baubles correctly, then you should get a pattern as in the photo on the left. You can finish weaving at any time by making a knot and continue to weave a bauble with a pigtail.

Try different options for weaving floss baubles. For a striped bracelet, tie knots only from left to right. You can use different colors or decorate the baubles with rhinestones. Try to make baubles from cold and warm shades, baubles in the form of a rainbow and from different shades of the same color. Combine floss bracelets with other jewelry. When you learn how to weave simple bracelets, try creative weaving options, as well as make floss baubles with names.

How to decorate floss baubles.
You can decorate the baubles in your own way and make them even more original. We present you a lesson on decorating floss baubles with rhinestones.

Baubles with rhinestones.

To decorate floss baubles with rhinestones, you will need: a thick floss bauble with 10-12 threads, a chain with rhinestones (along the length of the baubles), a thread and a needle.

Thread the needle, make a double thread and tie a small knot at the end. Take a chain with rhinestones and press your thumb to the beginning of the baubles in the place where the thread passes.

Sew on the bracelet where the chain goes, as shown in the picture. When you reach the end of the baubles, secure the thread with a knot.

These are the stitches obtained on the other side of the baubles. Cut off the remaining thread. The bauble with rhinestones is ready!

How to decorate floss baubles with spikes.

In order to make a spiked floss baubles, you will need five spikes, a 10-12 thread wide floss baubles, a marker or felt-tip pen and scissors with sharp ends.

Mark with a marker five points in the places where the spikes will be located. Use scissors to make small holes. Try not to tear the threads, but carefully thread the scissors through them.

Insert the spike tip as shown in the photo. Screw the top into it. Do the same with the rest of the spikes.

Fenechka from floss with a chain.

In order to make a bauble from a floss with a chain, you will need: a chain, a thread, a needle and a thin bauble (5-6 threads).

Thread the needle and make a double thread. Untie the end of the baubles and fasten the end of the thread into a knot as shown in the photo.

Put the chain next to the bauble. Attach the chain to the end ring.

Sew the chain to the bauble with neat stitches as shown in the picture. Tie the ends into a knot.

You can also come up with your own options for decorating baubles. Combine floss with beads, sequins or other bracelets.

A bauble is a handmade bracelet made of beads, thread, wool or leather. Historically, the art of weaving such bracelets originated in the tribes of North American Indians, where they were decorated with feathers, beads and embroidery. Baubles gained immense popularity in the 60s of the XX century with the development and spread of such a subculture as hippies. Then, these little things began to include not only thread bracelets, but also headbands, decorative bags for documents and small things.

Initially, a bauble is a symbol of friendship and sincere sympathy. They were given as a recognition of eternal devotion, as a symbol of involvement in something, and even as wedding bracelets.

Moreover, even combinations of colors and patterns had their own meaning, which was easily interpreted by those who knew the symbols. Therefore, the colors of the future product were selected carefully and taking into account the personal qualities of the person to whom the bauble was prepared as a gift. Bracelets were made for friends, relatives and loved ones, and it was considered bad form to weave them for yourself.

In principle, you can weave baubles from any convenient material at hand, however, being one of the special types of macrame, they are more often made from woolen threads, iris or floss.

Thread baubles can be woven in two ways - straight and oblique weaving. The first is considered the simplest, but often it is with him that more questions arise. You can learn how to weave beautiful patterns with oblique weaving from special patterns, which will be discussed a little later.

The second, direct weaving, requires great concentration and skill, however, using all the same patterns, you can weave a beautiful name bracelet, a picture bauble or your own original print with this type. Cross-stitch patterns, or self-drawn on a notebook sheet, are well suited as patterns.

Direct weaving involves two types of knots - direct and reverse. Moreover, the warp thread and pattern threads always cross (to meet each other).

Before you start weaving your bauble, you need to roughly determine the length of the future product, choose the colors that you like best and arrange them in the required order. It should be remembered that knitting knots significantly shortens the leading thread, which means that it is necessary to take threads 60-80 centimeters long.

Learning how to weave baubles is not difficult, the main thing is desire and interest, as well as positive emotions invested in your creation.

How to fix the threads for weaving baubles?

When weaving, the threads twitch, fall apart and crawl away, which greatly complicates the work. Therefore, weaving baubles begins with its fastening.

You can fasten the future bauble with anything and on anything - even on a hard surface of the table, even on a soft pillow. It all depends on what position and under what circumstances you do it.

The easiest and most convenient way is to fix with tape. To do this, the threads are laid out in the required order and fixed with a piece of adhesive tape or electrical tape.

All that is needed is to make sure that the thread does not come out from under it and sometimes, for convenience, as we weave, attach the “overgrown” tail to the surface. Thus, you can weave both at the table and by attaching the future product to any other hard surface - a board or a book.

The next method assumes the presence of an ordinary safety pin. Each thread, taking into account the tail for the tie, is tied in the right order, and the pin itself is attached to the fabric of the pillow, tablecloth, carpet or clothing. However, there is a significant minus - the beginning of the baubles does not always turn out to be even, sometimes you have to straighten it yourself.

You can immediately make a loop fastener on a bauble - the required number of threads is folded in half, the leading one is tied to the place where the loop begins, then the warp threads are braided once as many times as required for the required size of the future loop.

Once you feel enough, you can start weaving itself. The method is convenient for starting direct weaving, which has already been discussed earlier.

You can also use stationery clips, clothespins, fasteners from hardware stores, paper clips or paper tablets.

In general, there are a great many ways to start a bauble. It all depends on the imagination and the means at hand.

Baubles are often woven on the road, in cars, in field conditions. All the methods listed above are good for securing threads in any conditions.

Learn about weaving baubles from threads from the proposed video.

Knots for weaving baubles from threads

In order to start weaving beautiful thread baubles, you need to remember the four main knots and their designations in the diagrams.

Only two simple (loop) knots are distinguished - the right and left loop knots.

To make the first of them, it is necessary that the working thread is to the right of the knotted one. Rows consisting of such nodes go from right to left.

The working thread for the left loop knot should be in the opposite position. The rows go from left to right.

These knots are usually tied in pairs.

There are the following types of nodes:

  • straight (left-left);
  • reverse (right-right);
  • left tatting (left-right;
  • right tatting (right-left).

The execution of these knots can be found out by carefully studying the weaving patterns.

At first, it seems difficult to delve into all the nuances of such a simple matter as fenko weaving, but soon after the start of work, the fingers will automatically begin to tighten the knots, and shift the threads in the right directions.

Patterns of weaving baubles from threads

Like patterns for knitting or embroidery, all these knots in their various combinations with each other can be found in special patterns. For those who are just starting to weave and are not sure that they will be able to create their own unique masterpiece the first time, there are special patterns for weaving baubles from threads, in which everything that was described in the paragraph above is described in detail and clearly.

Finding them is always easy on the Internet or books on needlework - from simple ones with a few threads to more complex and voluminous, 20-30 or even 40 threads.

Some of the simplest baubles are woven without patterns at all. However, in order to weave an original, beautiful bracelet, it is still worth learning how to disassemble the patterns. Reading them is not so difficult - you just need to remember the special designations of the four types of nodes and determine what the circuit is - with a full or incomplete cycle.

The cycle is defined by the arrangement of threads. If the diagram shows the correct arrangement of threads and the sequence of colors on both sides of the product, then the cycle is complete.

If the threads from the end and the beginning do not match, then the cycle is incomplete.

Schemes also come with an even and odd number of threads in bundles. This means that one color will be more than another.

At first, it’s quite difficult to figure out what’s what, but constant work according to the schemes develops movements to automatism.

How to decorate baubles from threads?

The bauble itself is an original and beautiful decoration that suits almost everyone and everything (with rare, rare exceptions). However, something can still be added to it, making an ordinary bracelet made of strings unique.

There are a lot of fun, cute and beautiful decorations on sale in craft stores now that you can always add to your bauble.

For example, a thin bauble can be supplemented by sewing a small chain or a strip of rhinestones to it. And choosing cute beads, sequins and beads, the bracelet can be made in any style - from classic to punk.

Bracelets made from natural threads (such as wool or cotton) can be complemented with wooden beads or other "natural" materials.

You can decorate your Indian-style thread product by sewing a few bird feathers and beads onto the bracelet. Those who know how to embroider can embroider a name or ornament on top of a wickerwork, making a name bauble.

Such jewelry, complemented by beautiful details, can be a great gift for a holiday or a memorable event. In addition, beautiful baubles are suitable for both adults and children, boys and girls.

In contact with

Baubles are also known in the world under the name "friendship bracelets". They are extremely easy to make and wear. And a bauble made of threads is one of the most common options. Anyone can weave such a sign of friendship.

Material selection

The quality of the threads from which the baubles are woven plays a key role. First, they must be strong. Otherwise, the bracelet will fray or tear very quickly. Secondly, it is very good if the colors do not fade and do not fade. Because many friendship bracelets have been worn for years. Thirdly, it is desirable that one manufacturer has a large palette of colors. The brighter and more colorful the thread bauble, the better. Yes, and the cost of such materials should be inexpensive. Since such gifts are purely symbolic and do not carry material value, only spiritual.

All these parameters are met by embroidery floss threads. They are made from natural materials. The most durable dyes are used in their production, since embroidered paintings should please their owner for a long time. And the cost of threads is quite small, and one skein is enough for embroidery for a long time. For baubles (masters of weaving baubles), one such hank is enough to make from 1 to 5-6 bracelets, depending on their density and its width.

Is it difficult to weave baubles from floss threads?

This is one of the easiest ways to make a nice gift for a friend relatively quickly and inexpensively. What could be easier than braiding an ordinary pigtail of threads in three bright colors. That's all! The bracelet is ready. The same baubles, which will be discussed later, are made on the basis of macrame knots. The main ones are brids and a flat knot. Moreover, the latter is used much less frequently.

Weaving macrame is no more difficult than knitting ordinary knots on threads. It is only necessary to do this in a certain order, following the scheme and following the idea. For a greater decorative effect, you can add beads, beads and even nuts to the threads. Everything that is at hand and can be strung on a thread becomes an original addition to the new bracelet.

If you are interested in learning how to make a thread bauble, find the right skein, scissors, tape and a line. Now we will consider the most popular ways to make such bracelets.

Baubles from 2 threads

To begin with, let's try to learn how to knit the simplest knots and at the same time make an interesting simple bracelet. Take two bunches of red and green floss threads and measure them for 3 turns of the wrist. Let's step back 5-6 centimeters from the edge and fix the threads with adhesive tape on the working surface. Next, take the red yarn and tie a single knot on the green one. Now we take the green one and tie it on the red one. That's the whole scheme. We alternate knots until we get a bracelet of the desired length. Next, we form ties at the ends - and the bauble is ready. Instead of a single knot, you can knit a double knot.

You can make a bracelet of two threads and without knots. Let's take a thick bundle for the base, for example, from three strands, and we will braid it with one. We fix all the threads and begin to weave, as if it were a basket. In cross section, the threads should form a figure eight.

Flat knot macrame

Baubles from 4 threads are more interesting. This is worth considering using the example of flat and spiral macramé knots. In fact, this is the same node, but made in slightly different ways.

We fix four working threads on the surface. The main two are equal to the length of the bracelet with ties, the workers are much longer. We take the right thread and put it over the base, leaving a small loop on the side. Pass the left one from below and thread the end into the loop of the right one. We put the end of the right working thread into the loop of the left and tighten. We perform this operation until we weave a bauble of the desired length.

And now some nuances. If each time the right thread is put on top, we get a spiral knot. It will wrap nicely around the base. If the lower thread is always left at the bottom, regardless of whether it is on the left or on the right, we will get a flat weave with a clear longitudinal pattern in the middle and transverse along the edges. As working threads, you can take both plain and multi-colored.

And one more trick. The basis can be taken not 2, but 4 threads. And at certain intervals, put them on top of the workers in order to get an additional pattern on the surface of the bracelet. Thus, we figured out how to weave baubles from threads with a flat knot.


The Shambhala bracelet is not quite a bauble made of threads. But it is woven with the same flat knot. Only beads are strung on the warp thread, and the gaps between them are braided.

The clasp is also made with a flat knot. Only it seems to connect the warp threads together, forming a closed bracelet. The knots tied at the ends of the base do not allow the clasp to disperse. But with their help, the diameter of the bracelet changes, and it can be easily put on any hand.

Double knots brida

To make baubles from threads, the schemes of which are based on the alternation of different colors, you first need to learn how to knit the main knot with which they are woven. In macrame, it is called bridy. It is woven with one thread on the basis of the second. In macrame, its front side is used more;

For a test sample, we take 5 bunches of floss of small length so that the ends do not get confused. We skip the leftmost thread under the bottom of the next one, bring it up and pass it into the loop on the left. Tighten the knot and repeat the operation again. We have our first knot. Next, we take the third thread and knit another such knot around it. Having knitted all four free ends in this way, we already know how to weave baubles from threads, since we have received the first row of the future bracelet.

In the opposite direction, this knot is knitted through the top and stretched from the bottom into a loop. If you knit with one thread back and forth, we get a straight weave. If, however, we always take the extreme right or extreme left as a working one, we get an oblique pattern.

Striped bracelets

Now you can start weaving baubles. We take an arbitrary number of threads of different colors. The more bundles, the wider the bracelet will turn out. At first, you don’t have to worry too much about color, but experienced fennec weavers can use it to convey whole messages.

We leave some length of yarn for tying, make a light knot and fix the base for weaving. Next, we tie all the rest with an extreme thread using a double knot. When the yarn reaches the edge, we again return to the beginning of weaving. And we take a new working thread. Thus, after a certain number of rows, the first thread will again fall into place on the left. And one drawing cycle will be completed. We continue weaving until our baubles from floss threads become the length we need. We close the ends in the chosen way, forming a fastener or ties.

wedge patterns

In the same way, you can perform more intricate patterns. Thread baubles for beginners to knit in this way may seem complicated at first. But a few hours of training, and an excellent result is guaranteed.

Regarding the principles of weaving, it is worth noting that left-handed and right-handed knots are combined in these patterns. And the number of warp threads must be paired. Colored threads are arranged symmetrically relative to the center of weaving, otherwise the lines will not match.

First, we knit oblique knots on one side strictly to the center, then on the other. In the center, the working threads meet, and one of them becomes the basis for the second. That's the whole point of this pattern.

It is also knitted to the desired length, and the ends are closed in the same way as before: by any of the known methods. The main thing is that the clasp should be comfortable for the person who will then wear the bauble.

Complex oblique bracelets

Based on the same weaving, you can create more highly artistic bracelets. Oblique baubles with arcs look especially impressive. They are also woven in double knots. Only the warp threads stretch a little at the edges. And the knots do not fit tightly to the previous row, but on the contrary, they form a kind of zigzag. Due to this combination of strict lines and slight carelessness of the arcs, the bracelet acquires an unusual charm.

If you don't know how to make a thread baubles more elegant, add beads to the warp yarn. Firstly, the product will immediately become more decorative. Secondly, it will be easier to control the angle of the rows of oblique knots. What is important at first, while doing it by eye is not so easy. The main thing is to add beads or beads according to the algorithm, increasing their number on the base thread in the direction of weaving a number of knots.

straight weave

No less popular are straight baubles made of thread. The patterns of their patterns are real masterpieces. But achieving this level of skill is not easy. Since here it is necessary to work with several colors not in random order, but strictly according to the scheme.

In general terms, the principles of direct weaving are already known to us. There is a double knot and one working thread, which weaves the fabric of the bracelet back and forth.

Making bracelets in this way allows you to create more than just abstract patterns. Fennecweavers have learned to weave names and even pictures. But this task requires special attention and perseverance.

The ability to reproduce a complex pattern is achieved due to some mosaic arrangement of knots. Thus, it is easy for the master to calculate where the knot of one color or another should be.

Simple baubles made of cord and thread

The most simple floss baubles are made by winding a thick cord. This is not at all a difficult procedure, but the result can be obtained simply unsurpassed. In addition, these bracelets look very stylish with funny pendants strung on them with the help of rings. This is an option for those who find it difficult to understand exactly how to knit knots to make a real bauble out of them.

Clasp options

Well, a few words about how you can complete the weaving of baubles so that they become full-fledged friendship bracelets. The most common option is braided ties. During weaving, there are always free threads that are shaped into three-strand braids with knots at the ends.

Some craftsmen make a loop on one side of the bracelet, braided with one of the macrame knots, and only then proceed to create the main canvas. A button or bead is sewn on its second end. There are also special tips for flat bracelets on sale, but they are not held in high esteem by fenkoplets. Therefore, a bauble made of threads most often happens on ties.

The classic way to weave "friendship bracelets" is to weave floss baubles. For beginners, this is perhaps the easiest way to find the basis through trial and error, with the knowledge of which you can later create incredibly beautiful wicker things. There is nothing complicated in weaving floss, but you will need a lot of patience: an average one-centimeter-wide bauble is woven for at least an hour. And if such deadlines do not stop you, you can proceed to the creative process.

In order to weave floss baubles you will need:

  1. Cut 6 threads so that the length of each is 120-140 cm, divide them by color and carefully tie a knot.

  2. Fasten the bauble with a pin to the knot and separate the two leftmost threads - from them the oblique weaving begins.

  3. Put the left green thread from left to right on the right and pass it inside the loop formed. Gently tighten the knot by pulling the right thread up.

  4. All knots must be double, otherwise the bauble will twist. Tie a second knot like this: this is what you should get. After tightening the knot, the thread with which you tied the second thread should remain on the right.

  5. Now tie the left yellow thread with the same thread and the same double knot. The green thread again remained on the right.

  6. Continue braiding the row with the same thread, and when the free threads run out, take a new leftmost thread and tie the next rows in the same way.

  7. For convenience, when forming a knot, you can fix freely hanging threads with your fingers, slightly pulling them.

  8. It looks like a bauble with eight rows.

  9. So, you have woven a bauble to the length you need. Now we need to fix it.

  10. Divide the threads into three parts and braid an ordinary pigtail out of them. Fix the pigtail at the end with a knot and cut the remaining threads so that you are comfortable. Do the same on the other side, after untying the fixing knot.

  11. Your first bauble is ready!

But what if such a bauble seems too simple to you, and you want to quickly start weaving floss baubles with patterns? Since your hand is not “full” yet, you can diversify the oblique weaving with the help of “checkmarks”. You will need:
  1. Cut the threads to one length (approximately 100 cm), tie a knot and fix it with electrical tape.

  2. With the leftmost thread, tie the next two threads in the same way as in the first weaving method.

  3. Now move on to the far right thread. The node here is the same as usual, except in a mirror image. Place the rightmost thread from right to left on the left and under the left thread it into the loop formed. Tighten and make a double knot. In this case, the light thread that was on the edge, after tightening the knot, will remain on the left.

  4. In the same way, tie the second thread with a double knot.

  5. You have two light threads left in the middle of the baubles. Tie the left thread with the right thread, as in paragraphs 3-4 - subsequently, all the middle double knots will be tied with the right thread.

  6. Repeating the previous steps, weave the second row.
With the help of oblique weaving, you can weave a wide variety of baubles, correctly using the interaction of colors: with a smoothly transitional gradient, colorful, iridescent, solid ... Color combinations are truly limitless. And in the classic baubles that the hippies wove, each combination of colors had its own meaning, for example, yellow + blue is a bright sun in the sky, and the combination of white and red meant free love. Form your own combinations, and perhaps they will become as popular as hippie color combinations have spread.

Unusual and cute baubles made of threads have always attracted the attention of others. You won’t surprise anyone with the usual jewelry, but with such bracelets you can easily stand out from the crowd. Moreover, they are attractive not only for their brightness, but also for the fact that they can be made independently. Another important feature is the rather interesting meaning that connects the two friends.

Baubles - what is it?

A bauble is an accessory in the form of a bracelet, made in the form of weaving from threads, ribbons, beads and other materials. Most often, it is woven by hand, and the meaning of friendship between two people is embedded in its creation. But the last point is not necessary, since in modern times, many perceive it simply as an ornament.

The prototype of modern baubles are the jewelry of the natives and Indians, who exchanged similar bracelets to establish a spiritual connection. Later, this idea was borrowed by supporters of the “hippie” movement, who thereby confirmed their attitude towards this brotherhood.

The classic option is baubles woven from floss threads. They can be both monophonic and multi-colored. Also, depending on the type of weaving, various patterns and patterns can be depicted on them. The colors on the baubles have certain meanings, thanks to which it was possible to determine what a person is like.

Now baubles made of threads and other materials are a fairly popular accessory, while you can weave it yourself or buy a finished product. They go great with summer and spring outfits. At the same time, both girls and boys can wear them.

Ways of weaving baubles

The weaving of baubles itself is a tying of knots of four types. There are two main ways of weaving baubles: oblique and straight. Already among them you can find interesting solutions to a pattern or pattern, which will differ not only in complexity, but also in execution technique.

Those who have enough experience can even combine these two weaving methods, creating new original patterns, color mixtures.

Oblique weaving

The principle of oblique weaving is that the knots are knitted in one chosen direction - from left to right or vice versa. The simplest pattern that perfectly demonstrates the principle of oblique weaving is the classic tricolor.

So, you will need threads of three colors, the length of which is at least 60 cm.

  1. The first step will be the creation of a knot, the beginning of a kerchief made of threads. It is attached to the work surface.
  2. Weaving starts from left to right. It is from this side that you need to start tying knots. To do this, the two outermost threads are knitted together into a knot, while the outermost one adheres.
  3. The resulting knot is transferred to the base of the thread baubles, and another knot is made next.
  4. The same must be done with other threads in the direction to the right. That is, the extreme thread will tie two knots on subsequent threads.
  5. After the first row, you can proceed to the next. It is done in the same way as the first one. Only the color of the extreme thread will already be different.
  6. When the weaving of the baubles from the threads fits the size of the wrist, the final part should be fixed.

straight weave

Direct weaving of baubles is more difficult. However, those who have mastered the oblique will also cope with this. The advantage of this weaving method is a greater variety of patterns. Baubles can contain not only multi-colored patterns, but also full-fledged drawings. This can be achieved due to the fact that knots are knitted horizontally.

Weaving moves first from right to left, and then vice versa. It is better to start learning to weave baubles in a direct way with two colors. One will act as a background, and the other as knots. And the second one needs much more.

  1. A beautiful base for a thread baubles is made like this: the threads that will be used as a background must be folded in half.
  2. On the one hand, closer to the fold, a thread is tied, which has the name "leading".
  3. With a leading thread, you need to tie all the threads of the background, so that in the end you get a beautiful uniform loop.
  4. Then you need to tie certain knots on the threads of the background, moving towards the opposite side.
  5. When the first row is completed, you need to move on to the second. Here weaving will be carried out according to the same principle, but in the opposite direction. Therefore, many people call this method "snake".

Having stuffed your hand on weaving baubles of their two colors, you should try your skills on several shades or start creating real patterns.

Patterns of weaving baubles from threads

To begin with, it must be said that there are two types of schemes:

  • a full cycle means that after the weaving of the pattern has ended, it must be repeated again;
  • an incomplete cycle demonstrates the principle of tying knots, that is, there will be some colors on top and others on the bottom.

As for the nodes themselves, they also come in two types:

  • the right one is characterized by the fact that the working thread will be located on the right side of the received node,
  • left means that the working thread will be on the left side of the node itself.

There are also 4 types of nodes:

  • straight - in the diagram is depicted by an arrow pointing in the right-down direction. And for this you need to make two left nodes;
  • the reverse is depicted in the diagram as an arrow that shows the direction left-down. And that means you have to make two right knots;
  • the left tatting appears on the diagram as an arrow in the form of a right angle, looking in the lower left direction. To make it, you need to do the following: first you need to tie the left knot, after which, changing the threads in places, you need to make the right knot;
  • right tatting - on the diagram it has the designation of the direction to the right and down in the form of a right angle. It is performed according to the same principle as the previous node, only in the opposite direction: first the right node, then the left.

Often the diagrams show the colors of the nodes, however, you can replace them with others. At the beginning of the path of weaving baubles from threads, in order not to get confused, you can mark the rows that have already been made.

As for the schemes themselves, there are a huge number of them. Thanks to them, you can create various patterns and patterns on baubles. It is also possible to come up with a pattern yourself, for this special programs have been created that process the intended ornament in the form of a weaving pattern.

In the video below, you will see how diverse thread baubles can be, in which case to use direct weaving, and in which oblique. Get inspired.

To create a multi-colored baubles from threads, you will need floss threads - at least six colors, scissors and a mount.

  1. The threads are cut in half so that each color is doubled.
  2. Then the threads are arranged so that the same colors are mirrored. That is, red will be the last color on the left and right sides, green will be the second, and so on.
  3. Thread fastening is done in any way you like.
  4. Weaving can be started from any side, for example, from the left. To do this, the extreme thread makes two left knots, which must be placed right at the base of the bracelet.
  5. Then, again, the red thread should tie knots on other threads. You need to tie them to the middle.
  6. The same must be done on the other side, that is, repeat the steps, but in the opposite order.
  7. When the red threads converge in the middle, you need to tie a knot with the right leading thread.
  8. You need to start the second row already from the green color. Everything is done in the same way as with the red thread.
  9. At the end of weaving, the bauble can be tied into a knot and weaved a thin pigtail from the remaining threads. The same must be done with the threads that remained at the base.

How to decorate baubles?

The bauble itself is an original accessory, but this does not mean that the bracelet should be made exclusively from floss. It can be complemented with various decorations. The simplest option for decorating baubles are interesting locks. They can be purchased at craft stores. It can be an infinity sign, chain links, a lighthouse and much more. And in the bracelet itself, you can weave beads, spikes, beads, stones, sequins, rhinestones.

To decorate a bauble with beads or beads, they need to be strung on a thread and sewn into a bracelet with a needle.

The decoration in the form of rhinestones looks interesting. They can be glued to the finished bauble, but in this case there is a risk that the glue will leave marks. Therefore, you can buy a thread with ready-made applied small rhinestones.

So, in order to attach a thread with rhinestones, you need to do the following:

  1. In the middle along the thread baubles, you need to lay out a thread with rhinestones of the appropriate length.
  2. Then, with a thread whose color matches the bauble, you need to start sewing on a thread with rhinestones.
  3. Weaving baubles is quite an interesting process, but it can also be difficult. And the first problem for beginners is the incorrect determination of the length of the threads. First, you need to leave a length so that you can wear a bauble on your hand. Secondly, depending on the complexity of weaving, threads with a length of 80 cm or more are needed. Therefore, the more complex the pattern, the longer the thread should be.

    At the beginning of training, you can simply fasten the threads in the form of a simple knot. But to make the work look more neat, you can use one of the suggested methods:

    1. Fixing the threads with a pin. All the threads need to be tied around the pin, and then it can be attached to a piece of fabric or even to your jeans.
    2. Baubles are a great decoration that is suitable for summer. And the weaving process itself can become an interesting hobby, because there are many patterns of varying complexity, according to which you can create a beautiful and unusual bracelet. Also, a hand-woven bauble can be a nice present for girlfriends or friends.

      Finally, an easy master class on weaving the simplest thread baubles, which will allow even inexperienced beginners to catch fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweaving.