Cut the hair of a 1 year old. Is it necessary to cut a child a year: superstitions, traditions and modern rules. The child can not be cut until the age of one

Most recently, your family has replenished with a small miracle, who is just around the corner celebrating his first birthday in his life. As with any life event, when a child turns one year old, it makes sense to listen to signs that have existed for more than one century.

Signs for 1 year old child

First of all, it is important to mention that at this age, children, like no one else, ideally feel the aura of any object. Many have heard about a certain test that will tell parents what will become a guide for a child in life, what profession he will choose. The Old Believers tirelessly repeat that in front of the child it is necessary to lay out objects that he sees for the first time and those that do not make up the list of his favorite toys. It is also important to add to this that the baby needs to be seated or put on a special bedding, which should be made of sheepskin (an inside-out sheepskin coat will do).

Parents lay out in front of their child a set of objects that symbolizes life and profession:

  1. If a child reaches out to the items listed below, then know that in life he will choose the path that suits him. So, garlic, a box of vitamins or onions is health. In other words, the child was attracted by round garlic - at a conscious age, in the first place, he will take care of health, both about himself and about those around him. The keys, whether it be from a car or an apartment, are the personification of well-being. Piggy bank or wallet - a rich life. Glasses, pointer - in the future, the baby will show unprecedented mental abilities, will strive to learn more and more new branches of science. Ring (wedding or ordinary) - a successful marriage. A ball of knitting threads or just a skein of threads symbolize a long and happy life. If a child reaches for paints, a palette or a brush, then be sure that your creativity is growing up.
  2. The next set of items will tell parents in which direction the baby will develop, what profession he will choose. Briefcase, bag - a leadership position. Wallet or piggy bank - entrepreneur, banker, accountant. A ball, a jump rope - for a child, sports will become more than just a hobby. Spoon, ladle or cup - the future chef is growing, able to change the idea of ​​haute cuisine, or in his family, the kid will always be able to feed the household with a delicious dinner. Comb, clothes - stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser.

Who should cut a child a year old - signs?

In Ancient Russia, it was believed that the life force of a person lies in the hair, and therefore, their haircut in adults, and even more so in young children, was treated with special trepidation. So, if we talk about the haircut of a child who is 1 year old, then we have the following:

Why you can’t cut a child under a year old - signs?

Our ancestors believed that with the help of hair a person receives strength and knowledge from the Universe, and therefore it is not worth cutting babies for up to a year. Indeed, in this way you interfere with the universal laws, thereby complicating the development of your child. Moreover, in no case do not cut it under the "zero" or bald - this is a terrible mistake. The Old Believers believe that in this way, first of all, the child's speech development will be inhibited.

Today, it is up to parents to believe or not to believe in these superstitions, to whom the heart will tell what to do and what not to do in relation to their little miracle.

Girls soon, and some already, our kids will be a year old. And I began to look for the rituals that are done on this first holiday. Here's what I found:
For every mother, the first year of her baby is the most exciting and joyful period of life. And when the time comes to the most important event - the first birthday, then we begin to study all the rites and customs that are associated with this event. Today we will talk about the rite of trimming. It has a number of rules that you should pay attention to.

But first of all, I want to note that this custom has a pagan basis, since an equilateral cross is a symbol of the Sun God.

Before shaving a child, it is necessary to seat him on a sheepskin. Then bring a tray of different items to him, let the child choose one. Show your imagination and give each item a special meaning. For example, if your kid chooses a mobile phone, then he will be a business person, a camera - a photographer, a comb - a hairdresser and much more. Such rules are quite modern, although the original tradition has been preserved in them.

Since ancient times, children have always been sheared at the age of one. The girl was seated on a pillow, and the boy - on the casing. In order for the life of the child to be prosperous, grain, money, sweets were poured under the casing or pillow. Parents kept their cut hair as a symbol of health and longevity. Only a native person should cut the baby. It can be mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and godparents, who “do not cut off” luck, but rather add prosperity to the child.

The second version of this rite is that the godfather and godmother take turns cutting four strands of the birthday man's hair in the form of a cross and putting them in a scarf. Then they give gifts to the baby and separately put money in his pants or blouse.

And then, on any other day, one of the relatives simply cuts the child's hair, while saying various jokes about a girl's braid or a curly forelock. Hair is added to previously cut hair and kept.

This option is also possible when a casing is spread on the floor, and grain, sweets, money, an ax for a boy are placed under it. I seat the hero of the occasion on the casing and the godfather or dad (necessarily a man) performs the ceremony, and grandparents hold a loaf over the child’s head. Then objects are laid out on the casing and the child is asked to choose something in order to predict his fate. Trimmed, it is desirable to have time to do before noon and in good weather. The collected hair must be burned, put into the water or buried, while condemning the happy fate of the baby.

For the girl, they do the same, only they plant her on a pillow, and instead of an ax they put a comb under her. Mom and godmother are cutting the birthday girl.

The rite of tonsure is of great importance, even our ancestors considered it an age dedication, when a child after a year is no longer treated as a baby. By the end of the first year of life, his physical body is being formed, and the rite of trimming is a symbol of the completion of this process, when the baby is able to show the strength of his kind.

According to old beliefs, a child from birth to three years old is the ward of Kolyada-Bozhich. And the rite of trimming becomes the blessing of this god, which brings spiritual and physical harmony. Do not invite insincere people to your house on this holiday, all guests should be positive and wish the child only good things. If there are disagreements between relatives in your family, try to settle them, as it is very important to have harmony in the clan on this day. Remember those departed people that your family is proud of, naming those character traits that you would like to see in your child. And then your little one will be blessed with their wisdom and righteousness.

And if you look at this ceremony from a purely practical side, then the first hairs of the child are cut so that thick and healthy hair grows well in the future.

And what are you preparing for your children, let's share, so as not to forget, not to miss anything.

Also found:

Previously, according to the scriptures, society was divided into 4 categories:
1. Head - clergy, scientists.
2. Hands - rulers, military.
3. Belly - traders.
4. Legs are working.
To determine what a child is inclined to, regardless of what class the family belongs to, the following things were laid out in front of him for a year:
book - head
weapons - hands
money - belly
hammer - legs
Later this rite was repeated at the age of three. And already in accordance with the choice of the child, they were taught certain skills.

Now this legend has already sunk into oblivion, but the tradition of laying out various objects in front of the child for a year has remained.
Mom or dad lays out objects on a casing (sheepskin coat), seat a child on it with the question “What kind of life will you choose, baby?” and wait for which item will be selected:

Garlic - symbolizes health
Keys - symbolize well-being
Purse - symbolizes wealth
Chocolate - symbolizes a sweet and cheerful life
A ball of wool - symbolizes long life
Book - symbolizes knowledge and intelligence
Brush - symbolizes the ability to science
Coin - symbolizes prosperity
Ring - symbolizes a successful marriage.

Traditionally, on the first birthday, a child is presented with a plate of cake. The cake symbolizes the whole world. And how the child will behave in relation to the cake, will he live in this world - will he hesitantly inspect it or immediately throw pens into the cake? Will he start licking his fingers or will he wipe them on his hair? Values ​​are interpreted at their discretion.

It is also customary for grandmothers and godparents to give the child a whole set of new clothes to dress him from head to toe: tights, socks, panties, a suit, a hat and some outerwear. This symbolizes the transition to a new life.

The godparents of the baby cut off the child's hair on the head from 4 sides, which symbolizes the deliverance of the child from negative energy from the north, south, west and east. It is desirable that this is done by the godmother or grandmother. If the child is not baptized. This hair is folded into a special envelope and placed in an album, where it is subsequently placed: the first tooth, the handprint of the photo of the first step, and so on.

Surely, you have heard the question from relatives and friends more than once: “Will you get a haircut when you are a year old?” And involuntarily thought: is it true - is it necessary or not? And in general - why cut a child a year? The most common answers to this question are: “To make the hair thick”, “So it is necessary” and “But how!”

There are many myths surrounding the ritual of the first haircut or shaving of babies, and most of them are rooted in the ancient traditions of the peoples.

Why they cut babies: traditions

In many cultures of the world, it is customary to cut or shave children bald at a certain age, following religious rituals, folk traditions, and simply superstition. For example, in India babies cut their hair as a sign of farewell to the past life and movement into the future. In Mongolia the first haircut of the baby is a holiday to which the whole family is invited. Each guest cuts off a strand, presents a gift to the baby and says wishes. In Israel it is customary not to cut boys' hair before the age of three (this is also followed by many non-religious families).

In Slavic culture the ritual of the first haircut is also associated with religious traditions and folk culture. The main rule is not to touch the hair for up to a year. There was a belief that if a baby was cut before the age of 12 months, he would be weak and often get sick, he would not be lucky, rich, etc. Shaving a child baldly symbolized the transition to a new life and served as a way to drive away evil spirits from a precious child.

In ancient times in Russia there was a rite when in a year the godparents cut off the baby's curls in four places, in the shape of a cross. Then they were placed behind the images (icons) and kept as a powerful amulet against troubles and illnesses. The first haircut of the baby was made according to the lunar calendar, and in particular - to the growing moon. To this day, such calendars are annually compiled and released for free sale.

Nowadays, there are also many different signs regarding the haircut of children in a year. For example, some parents believe that if a curl cut off in a year is shown to the baby when he goes to first grade, then he will study well. Another sign says that a cut curl placed under the baby's pillow will bring him good dreams.


Today, many parents cut their children's hair at a year old because they are convinced of the benefits of this action - supposedly the hair will become thicker, thicker and healthier (the same myth goes in the army). And indeed, when hair begins to grow after shaving, it seems that they have become thicker. In fact, this is just an appearance, because there are no more hair follicles.

"Pros and cons"

Some two or three decades ago, we did not even ask ourselves whether it was necessary to cut a child baldly a year, but simply cut it. Moreover, both boys and girls were shaved equally, and by this “original hairstyle” it was easy to determine that the baby had recently had its first birthday.

Why you shouldn't cut

Today, trichologists and hairdressers unanimously claim that cutting a child's hair at one year does not make any sense and in some cases can be harmful. The hairline begins to develop in children even in the prenatal period, so babies are born with fluff on their heads and all over their bodies. In the first months of life, the birth hairs fall out and thicker and more mature hair begins to grow, which can vary in color and texture. Do not be alarmed if the fluff has already fallen out, and new hair does not appear - this is normal.

There is a few reasons why you shouldn’t cut babies a year old:

  • Doesn't make sense. Hair begins to grow inside the skin in the hair follicles, and what you do to them from the outside does not affect their development inside the follicle.
  • deceptive effect. Sometimes it seems to parents that after cutting the hair becomes thicker - in fact, this effect creates uniform hair growth (that is, the length of all hairs is the same).
  • Can hurt. No matter how carefully we work with tools, there is always a risk of damage to the hair and follicles. Accidentally pulled with scissors or scratched with a typewriter - several weak children's follicles are damaged.
  • The discomfort. After shaving the head, the stubble that appears soon can cause irritation on the delicate baby skin and, as a result, severe discomfort. In addition, without hair, the baby may simply be cold.
  • risk of infection. The smallest scratches from a typewriter or pimples on irritated skin can cause inflammation due to the ingress of pathogenic microorganisms (for example, streptococcus).
  • No scientific evidence the fact that after shaving in babies, hair grows faster, becomes healthier and thicker. The beauty of the hair is provided by good nutrition, proper hygiene and heredity.

Why cut a child bald a year? The answer is simple - there is no need.

When You Might Need a Haircut

Although cutting children's hair will not make them look beautiful in the future, there are times when when you really need to get rid of excess hair(we are talking about cutting, not shaving):

  • it is difficult to remove infant crusts; long bangs fall over the eyes;
  • it seems to mom that her hair is ugly;
  • very hot;
  • the boy has too long hair, and he is mistaken for a girl.

How to get a haircut

If you, after weighing all the pros and cons, nevertheless came to the conclusion that the child should be cut, you need to consider several important rules.

  • Cut, not shave! A shaving machine, even a very good one, can damage hair follicles, as it tends to sometimes cling to hair. In addition, she can just scare the baby. Give preference to scissors with rounded ends. But if your family or religious tradition calls for a close shave, use a trimmer (it doesn't make that much noise). But in no case should you shave your baby with a machine!
  • After bathing. Wash your baby's head and cut slightly damp hair.
  • Times of Day. Choose the right time for this procedure, when the child is usually most calm. For example, after lunchtime sleep and food. You should not start this procedure if the baby is not in the mood or is sick.
  • Situation. Make sure the child is comfortable, prepare in advance interesting (preferably new) toys or healthy treats to distract him. During the procedure, talk to him all the time. If possible, invite a hairdresser who specializes in baby haircuts to your house (and not a neighbor - just because you yourself are afraid).
  • After haircut. At the end of the procedure, it is necessary to bathe the baby in a warm bath to remove cut hair from the body. Carefully inspect all the folds of the skin so as not to leave bristles, which can then prick.
  • Disinfection. If you didn’t cut, namely shaved the baby’s head, it must be treated with a disinfectant (for example, Miramistin) and lubricated with a moisturizer. Do not use alcohol and hydrogen peroxide to treat children's skin!

For every mother, the first year of her baby is the most important and joyful. And when it comes to the most important event, the baby's first birthday, mommy starts preparing for it. Begins to learn all the rites and customs that need to be done in a year.

And I am no exception. I began active preparations for the first holiday of my twins.
The rite that I want to write about today is the first tonsure of the year.

This ritual has its roots far back in antiquity. From a long time ago, children had their first haircut at a year old. The girls are seated on the pillow, and the boy on the casing. So that the life of the baby is in abundance, grain, money, sweets are poured under the pillow or casing. Parents had to keep their cut hair as a sign of health and longevity. A close person must definitely cut the child: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather or godparents, who will not cut off luck, but rather add well-being to the child!
We decided to make such a ceremony at a celebration dedicated to the celebration of the year. Strands of hair will be cut off for the twins by their godparents and put in beautiful envelopes.
And the rest of the hair can be cut off the next day. We will entrust this to Godmother Sofochka. Since she is our hairdresser and she will cut everything with a typewriter. We decided that we would not shave, but we would cut it under the typewriter. At the same time, according to the search, you need to sentence various jokes about a girl's braid and a curly forelock. And add hair to the previously cut ones and save them.

Another version of this rite is also possible. When they spread the casing on the floor, and put grain, sweets, money for the boy, an ax should be placed under it. The birthday boy is seated on the casing, and dad or godfather (there must be a man) cut off his hair, and grandparents hold a loaf over the head of the birthday boy. Then all the items are pulled out and the birthday person must choose one of them, this will show his future fate. Now it is customary to lay down money, car keys, garlic, mobile phone, gold.
The same thing is done for the girl, only instead of a casing they put her on a pillow, and instead of an ax they put a comb. The girl must have her hair cut by her mother or godmother (must be a woman).
Postryzhiny is best done before sunset and in good weather.
This rite is of great importance, our ancestors considered it an age dedication, when a child after a year is no longer treated like a baby. By the end of the first year of life, the baby's physical body is being formed, and the rite of trimming is a symbol of the completion of this process, and the baby is already able to show all the strength of his kind.

Do not invite dishonest people into your home. All guests should be positive, and wish the baby only good things.

If you look at the ceremony from a practical point of view, then this is done so that in the future the child would grow thick and healthy hair.

Previously, you yourself coped with strands falling on your forehead and covering your ears, and it is unlikely that your child would allow someone else to manipulate their hair. But the baby is growing up, and the hairstyle requires professional care.

Overgrown strands climb into the eyes, forcing the baby to make bizarre head movements to get rid of interference. In the summer, you were rescued by panama hats and scarves, under which regrown hair was so successfully hidden. But, perhaps, it's time to put your hair in order. However, it is completely unknown how the child will react to the fact that he will have to sit quietly in a chair, while scissors will flash around his head in the hands of a master of his craft, but completely unfamiliar to him.

So that the baby does not start to be capricious and stubborn, being in an unfamiliar situation, you need to prepare in advance, taking into account the peculiarities of the child's behavior. And, of course, tell him in detail about what will happen in the hairdresser's, and what will be required of him to make the trip successful.

To the hairdresser in my mother's footsteps

Do you have a favorite stylist whom you have been going to for years and who understands you perfectly? Is it worth going to him with your baby? It largely depends on how fashionable or reputable salon you visit. If you are sure that the child's behavior will not cause discontent among other clients and will not put you in an awkward position, feel free to take him to a specialist you trust. True, it is worth asking in advance if he had a chance to cut small children.

Residents of megacities can easily find a salon where they deal exclusively with children's haircuts. But the simplest solution can be an ordinary hairdresser in your area, where they will always find time for you and probably work with masters who have experience in dealing with very different, including the smallest clients. It's great if this barbershop has video screens and chairs that rise to the desired height. If not, you can bring a few of your favorites. toys and baby books to help you distract and calm him down. Some children constantly turn and fidget in their chair and even strive to run away, others stiffen tensely, afraid to move, but in any case, for a child, the first trip to the hairdresser is an exciting and even requiring some courage event.

virtuoso technique

To cut down on time in the barber chair and avoid the risky step of washing your hair in the sink, wash your hair at home. Then the hairdresser will only moisturize clean hair. If you feel that your baby is uncomfortable sitting on a pile of telephone directories or uncomfortable in a chair that is too big for him, sit him on your lap and tell him about what the hairdresser does and how wonderful the result will be.

Usually a haircut lasts no more than fifteen to twenty minutes. In any case, it will be difficult for the baby to "hold out" longer.

Some kids start to panic when they see cut strands on the floor. In young children, the sense of their integrity is still fragile and not very stable, so they prefer not to part with what belongs to them. Be sure - better in advance, before arriving at the salon - explain to the baby that the hair grows constantly and from time to time they need to be cut so that they do not interfere. Be sure to reassure the baby that very soon his curls will grow back. Emphasize that he will get his hair done like an adult, that all people go to the hairdresser, where they get beautiful haircuts. Your admiring exclamations will greatly please the baby (as well as the hairdresser). The child will be happy to look at a new haircut in the mirror, filled with self-respect. There is something to be proud of here - after all, he has taken another step into the world of adults. As a memento of such a significant event, you can take a strand of hair with you, which you put together in a box.

To start - a haircut at home

Are your persuasive arguments in favor of going to the hairdresser met with desperate resistance? Perhaps the baby's fears are too strong and he is not yet ready for a new experience. In this case, it is worth inviting a hairdresser to your home: in a familiar environment, it will be easier for a child to trust a stranger. Having passed the first test with honor, your child will probably react more favorably to the offer to go to the hairdresser.

If the baby is naughty on the very day when you planned the trip because you didn’t get enough sleep or don’t feel very well, cancel the plan. Wait until he is in a good mood. If your child is wary of everything new, let him first be there during your haircut. The mere fact that the baby knows in advance what the hall looks like will help him feel more comfortable when the crucial moment comes. And soon he himself will demand a visit to the hairdresser, considering that his hair does not lie well enough. And you will be happy to support his desire to look fashionable and stylish.


Comment on the article "Baby's first haircut"

Haircuts per year. Achievements. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years Do you cut children's hair somehow? When did you start cutting? By yourself or at the barbershop? They won’t send them to a children’s hairdresser’s, but they will be delighted with a new client :) Even we have children in Odessa.

first haircut. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from I would be glad for advice on how to take your child to the hairdresser for the first time and get there ...

at the age of three or four it was a caret - that's where the time was spent on a haircut - all invisible hairpins where do you cut your 12-year-old children's hair? Haircut or braids. I want to weigh the pros and pros of haircuts for How to cut a child's hair. A children's hairdressing salon "Chik-chik" has been operating in the center of Moscow for a year now.

Section: Parental experience (where you can cut a child of 3 years old in Moscow). Where do you cut your little boys 3 years old? there is a good children's hairdresser Chik-chik on Oktyabrskaya. we went there until 4, only there you could cut your hair without screaming, until he...

about haircuts for small children. parent experience. Child 1 to 3. Raising a child about cutting small children. Today they called the master to cut a child 1 year 9 months old (he already had a haircut). In the center there is a special children's hairdressing salon, something like Chik-chik is called.

Baby's first haircut. There is also a play area for children and a lounge where you can wait while your little one gets their hair cut.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. How our dad likes to cut it, they say the hair will grow thicker. But they're so thick and don't get any. Has anyone taken the kid to the hairdresser?

How to cut a child's hair. A children's hairdressing salon "Chik-chik" has been operating in the center of Moscow for a year now. I once watched some program (foreign), where the girl was cut (just in this spirit), laid, etc. Q ... Tell me, who gets their hair cut where and for how much?

First haircut. - get-togethers. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

first haircut. - get-togethers. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

How to cut a child's hair. A children's hairdressing salon "Chik-chik" has been operating in the center of Moscow for a year now. Section: Parental experience (where you can cut a child of 3 years old in Moscow). Where do you cut your little boys 3 years old? I want to have a comfortable and cute haircut...

machine haircut. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household ...

How to cut a child's hair. Lisa: And by calling several hairdressers, I found out that they could cut my little one at 1.8 in adults Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section. How did you cut your baby's hair for the first time? she cut her eldest a year at the barbershop, and Sasha ...

Baby's first haircut. But I want to say that it’s not worth doing this much (leading to a Child of 3 years old does not want to get a haircut and does not allow to wash his hair. But when should this happen?

The first haircut .. - gatherings. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

First haircut. parent experience. A child from birth to one year. Who cuts their baby's first haircut? Maybe with a machine? What to do with cut hair?

Children's hairdresser. Where can I buy?. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness We want to go to the children's hairdresser, well, so that there is a children's environment and a normal haircut. Tell me .. are there such?

First haircut. parent experience. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development. Who cuts their baby's first haircut?

Does a haircut help? .. A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills.

For many years there has been a tradition according to which the first haircut of a child is carried out at 1 year. Many parents today adhere to this rule, cutting off the first hairs of a child at this age “to zero”. There are many superstitions and rules associated with the process, it is treated as a solemn event. Moms are in no hurry to cut even the baby’s strongly grown bangs, preferring to collect hair in a small ponytail or use hairpins. But is it medically correct? Today, specialists have formed a clear opinion on this issue, based on the physiological characteristics of the development of newborns.

Optimal age for the procedure

If you forget about all superstitions and approach the process of caring for newborn hair from a scientific point of view, the following factors should be considered.

  1. The quality of hair is laid down in a child at the genetic level. No haircuts (frequent or rare) will increase the number of hair follicles. This will also not affect the density in any way, the density of the rods will not change for the better.
  2. After the first fluff comes off the head (the first month after birth), the hair begins to grow at a rate of about 1 cm per month, so by the year the need for a haircut arises in any case.
  3. If a child is born already with a shock of hair, then the first haircut can be done 1.5 months after birth. This will not affect the quality of the hair, but it will protect against sweating, the appearance of sores and irritations, and uncomfortable sensations.
  4. Experts warn that the first haircut should not be “under zero”! Such an aggressive approach will only cause irritation and increase the risk of damage to the hair follicles. For the first time, it is enough to trim the bangs and shorten the protruding curls.
  5. A child under 4-5 years old should be cut regularly and short enough. The use of hairpins and elastic bands will only provoke fragility of the rods and can cause hair thinning. There are times when the hair falls out and is replaced with only a light fluff.

Improving the quality of newborn hair and stimulating its growth is quite simple. First, the baby's diet should contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for his age. Secondly, fragile curls need to be combed regularly and correctly. To do this, it is best to use a wooden comb with rounded teeth that are inserted into a soft rubber base. The procedure is carried out every evening, before going to bed. The hair is combed first to the left, then to the right, then against the growth of the hair and at the very end they are styled as needed. Such combing stimulates blood circulation, improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the bulbs.

Myths and truth about the first haircut of a newborn

In addition to the superstitions that accompany newborn hair care, there are also several myths that supposedly have a scientific basis.

  • Many parents are afraid that if a child has thin, unevenly growing and expressionless hair at the age of one, this problem will remain forever. In fact, the child's hair will be the same as the parents gave him. And the problem of uneven growth is explained by a long stay in a supine position and prolonged friction of certain parts of the head against the pillow.
  • Some mothers are sure that if you shave your hair up to a year or a year, it will stimulate their growth. This is the most aggressive and dangerous method. Not only is the risk of damage to the baby's skin very high, the use of a razor can also eliminate hair follicles that are not fixed in the thickness of the skin and could still sprout.
  • There are mothers who refuse to wear hats on the street, explaining this by oxygen therapy for the roots. This is fraught with colds and heat strokes, and the risk is not justified - the hair will not grow faster from this.
  • Almost all parents are sure that after cutting the first hairs, the child begins to grow thicker and denser hair. This is a visual trick, it just changes the cut plane of the hair, which makes the rods appear darker and denser. If the haircut was carried out in the first months of a newborn's life, then, most likely, the first fluff was simply cut off, after which real hairs began to grow.
  • Especially "advanced" mothers recommend using special ampoules to stimulate hair growth (they are more effective, because the skin is thin and the drugs are better absorbed). The result of this approach is the opposite of what is desired. Aggressive components in the composition of products (most often it is hot pepper) cause severe irritation of the epidermis and even chemical burns. Often, hair follicles after such a “care” are burned out and bald spots form.

Parents should understand that the first haircuts are not carried out in order to improve the quality of hair in the baby, but in order to create comfortable conditions for him. Long curls interfere with the child's view, causing visual impairment, create an unpleasant greenhouse effect, and interfere with the baby's movements.

How to cut a child's hair for the first time?

The first haircut is not recommended to be carried out in a hairdresser, only if the child does not have an increased level of curiosity and disposition towards strangers. In just a few minutes of whims, children are able to tire their parents, and the master, and themselves.

The manipulation itself is quite simple, you just need to take into account a few nuances.

  1. The child should not sit on the chair himself, he should be held by close people who inspire confidence.
  2. The process can be turned into a game, and the more actors, the better.
  3. Scissors should be safe, with rounded ends. It is recommended to act in such a way that the child does not even see the instrument (after all, most likely, he already knows that this thing belongs to the group of dangerous and prohibited).
  4. The hair needs to be slightly moistened, you can sprinkle it on everyone in the room, then it will not alert or repel the baby.
  5. Haircut starts from the most inaccessible places. If the little one starts to act up, and the work has not yet been done, it will be possible to complete everything during the afternoon nap.
  6. You need to act quickly, carefully and relaxed. The master's anxiety will be transferred to the child, and then the procedure can be completed.

Immediately after the procedure, the child needs to be washed, because even his soft hairs can cause itching and irritate the skin.

What should be done with the child's hair after the first haircut?

There are whole rituals that superstitious grandmothers recommend to carry out with freshly cut hairs of a child. This includes burying curls in anthills or in the ground at a crossroads, flushing into a river and long-term storage. In fact, the cut strands can simply be rolled up in a rag bag or paper and thrown away. For very fearful parents, the method of burning curls is suitable. Moreover, you should not peer into the intensity of the flame (according to mediums, you can see the future of the child in it). In fact, this indicator directly depends on the chemical composition of the rods, and it is not the fate of the child that affects it, but its diet.

When planning the first haircut, you need to think not about superstitions, but about the convenience of the baby. Sometimes parents cannot determine what is causing their child’s bad mood, but it turns out that increased sweating due to a dense layer of hairs or too tight ponytails is to blame.

Before the baby's first birthday, parents will definitely hear advice: cut the baby's hair, regardless of the child's gender. Why cut a baby a year? Is it just tradition or is there some rationale? When is the best time to cut a child's hair for the first time? The main thing to remember is that only parents decide at what age the first haircut of the child will take place. This procedure should not be performed just because it is customary to do so.

Every mom wants her baby to look neat and well-groomed. The same goes for the baby's hair. But is it possible to cut a newborn?

Age of first haircut

Hair has always been given special attention. In pagan times, it was believed that through the hair a person receives information from space, that they are important for energy balance, connect people with their ancestors, protect against the aggression of the outside world ... There is no consensus why it is recommended to cut a baby in a year. Let's look at the most common explanations.

History reference

Previously, the birth rate was high, but the population was regulated by natural selection. Not every baby lived to see their first birthday. Relatives did their best to protect the baby from possible death and illness, so he was not cut until about 12 months old - until the body gets stronger. It was believed that life force and energy were contained in the hair. In a year, the children were given an initiation ritual: it was believed that the child liked his family and he decided to stay in it. In honor of this, the baby had the first haircut.

In Muslim families, on the contrary, they completely shaved off the hair of newborns already on the seventh day after birth - this was considered a symbol of purification. It was customary to weigh the cut hairs and distribute the same amount of money to the needy, and bury the hair in the ground.

In the old days, children were sheared only after a year, but in our time, few people adhere to old traditions and customs.

How many nations, so many traditions. Nowadays, pediatricians insist that it is possible to cut a newborn's hair no earlier than the fortieth day, you need to give the crumbs time to get stronger and get used to the new environment.

Myths and truth about the first haircut

In our enlightened age, folk omens and superstitions still have a great influence on people, here are some of the most common statements related to the first haircut in a child:

  • There is often a superstition that says that by cutting the baby baldly, parents strengthen his hair, make it beautiful and healthy. Pediatricians have a different opinion. The fact is that hair follicles can be damaged during a haircut, because the skin on the head is still very delicate. As a result, the condition of the hair will only worsen. Also, when cutting, babies are often scared, unpleasant, and then irritation may appear on the scalp.
  • Folk experts say that it is absolutely impossible to cut a baby's hair before a year - this negatively affects the development of colloquial speech. There is no basis for such a myth. There is no connection between haircut and development of children.
  • Hair contains energy reserves. It is believed that cutting hair up to 12 months can deprive the baby of strength and health. This myth is unfounded. On the contrary, when hair constantly gets into the eyes of a child, the condition of the eye may worsen, vision may decrease, and long hair that descends to the neck contributes to prickly heat.
  • The condition of the hair does not change throughout life. Sometimes it is genetically predetermined that the hair of the crumbs is thin. You can cut them at least every month - this will not affect the thickness and density of the hair.
  • Hats (panama hats, caps, scarves, hats) interfere with the "breathing" of the hair. Some mothers tend not to wear hats on their children for a longer time so that the head is ventilated. In fact, this way you can earn a cold or heat stroke - depending on weather conditions.

There is no scientific justification for haircut myths, which means, if necessary, feel free to take a crumb and cut your hair

Each child's hair grows at a different rate. By about a year, fluff comes off the head. After that, the monthly growth is about 1 cm. It is not necessary to cut all the hair. It is enough to trim those hairs that interfere.

Haircut rules

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It’s great when the baby’s mom or dad can cut the crumbs themselves, because often the child is afraid to get a haircut, and at home it will be easier to overcome unpleasant moments. If parents doubt their abilities, it is worth taking the baby to a specialist.

Now there are children's hairdressing salons, in which employees select an approach to each small client. It is important that during the first haircut the baby does not experience unpleasant moments. Then in the future there will be no problems with the hairstyle.

For a newborn, it is better to postpone a haircut for the second half of life, the skin on the head is still very delicate, and the fontanel distorts the outlines of the skull. If, nevertheless, there is a need to cut the baby's hair, you can not use the machine, only scissors.

Haircut at the barbershop

In the children's hairdresser, the child will feel comfortable, and experienced staff will carefully put the baby's head in order.

Parents decided to cut the crumbs with a specialist hairdresser? Then you need to prepare the child for the procedure. The best solution would be for one of the relatives to take the baby with them for a haircut, so that the child gets comfortable in an unfamiliar environment and sees how the process goes. For a toddler, this will be an interesting experience. Many children are happy to follow the example of mom or dad.

To reduce stress, it is worth taking your baby’s favorite toys or books from home. If financial possibilities allow, it is better to choose a special children's hairdresser. In such salons, the chairs are made in the form of cars, the walls are decorated with fairy-tale characters, cartoons are shown, and interesting toys are given. Some institutions even organize a corner with live inhabitants (rabbits, birds, hamsters, turtles) - and your child's first haircut will pass without tears and unpleasant moments. The baby will be happy to go to the salon next time.

home haircut

If it is possible to cut the baby at home, you can save time, money and nerves. You just need to prepare in advance and believe in yourself. Fear and nervousness will indulge in the baby.

First of all, you should prepare the tools: a comb with frequent teeth, a spray bottle with warm water, sharp scissors. Pre-hairs are sprayed with water to moisten. Then a strand of hair is clamped between the middle and index fingers and its end is cut off.

A small child's haircut must be done with scissors so as not to damage the hair follicles.

A few haircut rules:

  • It is better to sit the baby on the lap of an adult (mom, dad, grandma, grandpa).
  • Near the baby it is worth placing toys that he likes to play with, you can also turn on your favorite cartoon.
  • Cartoon characters do not distract the baby? It is worth trying to give the crumbs a treat. It can be a cookie, a banana or an apple. For delicious food, children do not notice what is happening.
  • Scissors should be sharp enough, but with rounded ends. It is important not to hurt the baby. A small fidget can spin or deviate, make sudden movements. You need to be careful.
  • If you decide to shave with a machine, you must first familiarize the child with a working machine. It is desirable to demonstrate the principle of work on one of the adults.
  • Self-confidence is important. It is better to be nervous later, but in the process you need to be careful and accurate. Do not add your fears to the child.
  • Children get tired quickly, so first of all they cut hairs from hard-to-reach places.
  • After the haircut, the fidget should be praised, it is advisable to give a small gift for courage and patience.
  • After shaving or cutting, you need to change clothes and bathe the baby so that the cut hair does not bother the child.

If the child is still afraid of scissors, you need to captivate him and cut him secretly. You can try it when the child is bathing, watching cartoons or enjoying a quiet game. It is necessary to convince the baby that there is nothing unpleasant in the haircut. If the first experience is not successful - do not torture yourself and the baby, postpone the procedure for a while.

How to strengthen baby's hair?

According to popular beliefs, it is believed that for better hair growth, they should be cut on the growing moon. So before the first haircut, you should look into the lunar calendar.

It is not necessary to completely cut the girl's hair, it is enough to cut it so that it does not interfere with the eyes.

Pediatricians advise performing head massage to stimulate hair growth. It is done simply: daily combing. Hair crumbs should be combed once or twice a day for several minutes. First, the hairs are combed to the right, then to the left, brushed against the growth of the hair and laid in the direction of growth. This procedure improves the blood supply and nutrition of the hair follicles. It is important to choose the right comb: it is better if it is made of wood, and the teeth have rounded ends.

It is especially important for girls to have beautiful healthy hair. When curls appear, mothers try to make a hairstyle out of them: braids are braided, ponytails are tightened. It turns out that this is very harmful for hair follicles. Tight weaving damages fragile hairs, bald patches may appear, sometimes in these places the hair stops growing forever. Hair becomes dull and brittle. Pediatricians and dermatologists recommend cutting girls short before the age of 5, and then growing long braids.


In order for the first children's haircut to be successful, you need to combine methods and look for an individual approach to the baby. To cut a baby's hair, you need to show ingenuity, endurance and calmness.

At what age for the first time to cut a child's hair, whether to shave it baldly - parents decide. You need to focus not on traditions and superstitions, but on the health of the baby and the real need for a haircut. It is advisable to cut the crumbs at home or in special hairdressers. Shaving does not affect the condition of the hair, but tight weaving can damage the hair follicles. At preschool age, doctors recommend short haircuts for babies to make it easier to care for them, to prevent prickly heat or vision problems. It is important that the experience of the first haircut for the child is painless and does not discourage the desire to get a haircut in the future.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Our beloved crumbs grow surprisingly fast: it seems that only yesterday the baby looked at you for the first time with his unearthly eyes, and today he is already taking his first steps and laughingly brushes off his regrown bangs. According to tradition (or signs?), It's time for the first haircut. Do I need to cut my child's hair a year? Who came up with this rule? And how to cut the baby for the first time?

Why children are cut a year - folk beliefs and signs about cutting children a year

In ancient Russia, many beliefs were associated with the first haircut. All manipulations with hair (especially for children) have been endowed with special meaning - according to legend, they are continuously connected with the vital forces of a person, and it was impossible to cut them just like that - only on special days and on a specific occasion.

What ancient signs have survived to this day?

  • If you mow a child in a year "under zero" , an adult child will become the owner of a chic and thick hair.
  • It is absolutely impossible to cut before a year old so as not to bring various ailments to the crumbs, in particular, infertility.
  • The first haircut is a holiday , symbolizing the transition of the baby to a new stage of life, and it should take place in a solemn atmosphere.
  • In a year you need to cut to "erase" the information about painful childbirth and drive away the dark forces from your child.

Children's hair was considered one of the signs of wealth, and a thick mop of hair was considered a symbol of good luck. This "symbol" combed with coins, rolled in chicken eggs, and cut hairs were buried in anthills, drowned with the words “it came from the earth, it went to the earth” and hid it behind a wattle fence. A tradition saving the baby's first curl is still alive, although its roots go back to those times when a cut lock was preserved due to the fact that the soul lives in the hair. In general, there were a lot of signs, and modern mothers, driven by the demands of mothers-in-law and grandmothers “Cut to zero!”, Are lost. Few people understand - is there really a need for a bald haircut? And why cut the girl to zero? Especially if she has grown thick and beautiful hair by this age.

Is it really necessary to cut a child's hair a year - debunk modern myths

The times of superstitions and ancient rituals with rolling eggs through the hair are long gone. No one goes out at the crossroads of the seven roads at night to bury their cut hair and ask the moon for a royal head of hair for a child. But signs live to this day , confusing modern mothers - to cut or not to cut.

Let's try to figure out what is a myth, and what sign really tends to come true in reality.

  • “If you don’t cut your child to zero, then in the future he will have thin, thin hair.”
    The laying of the structure of the hair and their follicles is carried out even before birth. That is, if a shock of hair is not programmed in the baby’s genes, as on the cover of a magazine, then even a haircut a year for the growing moon by candlelight and in a magic circle will not turn thin ponytails into hair.
  • "Shaving your hair a year is the key to thick, chic hair in the future."
    You should be aware that such a radical method can permanently damage the hair follicles. Therefore, if there is no urgent need to shave your head, then it is better not to resort to this method.
  • “The fluff must be cut off, otherwise the hair will remain so.”
    In babies from birth to a year old, fluffy thin hairs that have formed in the womb grow. This is fine. Adults - dense and strong - they become gradually. Therefore, it makes no sense to panic from the fact that the baby has only an “undercoat” a year, and the neighbor’s boy already has “with might and main and hoo.”

You also need to understand that…

  • Not all babies have hair that grows evenly. If the hairs stick out in "shreds" - this does not mean at all that it will always be so. Uneven hair growth is inherent in nature. After "dropping" the fluff, the hair will grow in the amount that is laid down by genetics.
  • Shaving and cutting in no way affect the structure / quality of the hair .
  • Immature hair follicle even after shaving and cutting, it will still give out a thin hair shaft.
  • No haircut, no matter the age will not add hair follicles to the baby's head .
  • The effect of "thickness" of hair after the haircut, it is explained only by the visual effect and the “placebo” - after all, after cutting the fluff, real hair begins to grow.
  • Pediatricians do not advise cutting and, especially, shaving babies to eliminate the risk of damage to the hair follicles and painful irritation on the skin, through which infection can enter.
  • As for the quality of the hair, everything is in the hands of the parents: normal health, nutrition, care and growth promotion (regular combing with a massage brush) hair will grow quickly.

Reasons for cutting hair a year - in what cases a baby's haircut can be useful

  • Too long bangs spoils the sight - a fact.
  • A neat haircut provides a more well-groomed look.
  • Haircut is one of signs that distinguish babies of different sexes. After all, any mother frowns with displeasure when her princess is called a "charming little boy."
  • With short hair crumbs easier to bear the heat.

The first haircut of a child - important rules for the safe haircut of children a year

Ideally, if you decide on a haircut, it is better to carry out the plan at the children's hairdresser , whose experts know how to cut the baby's hair safely. There are special "distracting" chairs in the form of toys, the toys themselves, TVs with cartoons and, of course, professionals who will find an approach to even the most fidgety and shy baby.

Have you decided to cut yourself? Then remember basic tips for a safe haircut:

  • Well, if in the process of cutting take the baby on his knees someone he trusts.
  • Accompany the haircut with a game- for example, in a hairdresser's. To prepare for a haircut, practice with your child in advance on toys. Let the kid remember and love this game.
  • Turn on cartoons Give your child a new toy.
  • Use scissors with rounded tips.
  • Wet your hair lightly sprayer before cutting to make the process easier.
  • Trim your curls carefully but quickly holding them between your fingers.
  • Start cutting your child from the most problematic areas, otherwise, when he gets tired, you simply won’t get to them.
  • Do not be nervous. Anxiety is transmitted to the child.
  • A boy can be cut with a trimmer is the least dangerous option.
  • Do not cut your child's hair if he is sick or not in the mood.

AND do not forget to praise your child and show in the mirror how beautiful he looks now.