Congratulations on the New Year in a few words. Congratulations on the New Year in your words. Good congratulations on the New Year in your own words

Happy New Year Congratulations, Text, Official Words, Wishes

My dear!

Take the most sincere and mental congratulations on the New Year!

Let him bring joy, new impressions, hopes and optimism.

Let it be different: bright and cheerful, romantic and dreamy, successful and purposeful. Let the arrival of this year will be encountered with the most expensive and close people.

Let the new year be an excellent opportunity to continue their successful undertakings and a wonderful chance for those who decided to start all over again.

Sad and sorting moments let them go to the past, and the best and pleasant memories all life warm the soul in gentle warmth.

Let the old insults forget, opening the road for new friendship and love. Let wishes be fulfilled, the favorite work brings satisfaction, new knowledge and accomplishment.

Let the stars shine brighter, and the sun illuminates the path, full of rainbow hopes, joyful events, peace and travel.

May each person find this year his own happiness, family consent and home comfort. Done live a new year, and it will bring us only good and light!

New Year's congratulations text, words

Congratulations on your upcoming New Year!

In this, the most magical holiday of the year, I want to wish first of all the fulfillment of desires. After all, at what another holiday we are so sincerely believe in a miracle and magic.

Let the whole coming year be full of pleasant events, joyful meetings, new discoveries and only a wonderful mood.

Let the news be good, dating pleasant, things are successful, and the trouble is small. Let your home be full of friends, love, smiles and warmth!

Let all the conceived happen to happen, health will not lead, and close to the new year will always be close!


Building plans for the coming year we always hope for the best, dream, make a desire. I want to wish that all you wanted and mad for the new year turned!

So that you and your loved ones were healthy and happy that luck would accompany the love surrounding and filled you and your home.

In order for bad weather to be side, and the sun was always shone above the head, warming and giving a good mood. Let this year be full of completed hopes performed by the dream achieved goals and pleasant discoveries!

Congratulations to all happy new year!

My dear! Congratulations on you with this wonderful upcoming New Year!

Let him become one of the most successful in your life, will bring success and awareness of happiness, more joyful moments in life!

Let dreams of dreams - real, unreal - just because you want it, just because you are worth it! I wish in the new year of love, happiness, well-being and health! Heartily...

When the year ends, the circle of our concerns is completed. Spring revived life, the summer raised her, the autumn prepares his life to the respite, and the winter finishes one cycle and starts another. So let the completion of the annual cycle becomes the beginning of a new, right and bright life. I wish you in these New Year's days to see the sun in my soul and feel the premonition of spring, which will soon come to our homes. Let the miracle of the revival of all lives from the cold and gloomy winter days take you to the summer! Happy New Year!

December 31 - a completely special day. On this day, miracles are accomplished and lanterns of hope are lit. On this day, some dreams come true and new ones are coming up. New Year's Eve Time of magic and fantasies, laughter and beauty, mystery and celebration. We wish the hearts to beat stronger and more often, eyes - shine, and soul - sing when the clock is trying twelve times. Let the overall joy of the New Year's meeting unite everyone who now pours champagne into glasses!

In this bright winter holiday, I wish you the fulfillment of the most hidden desires and intimate dreams. Native, close and friends will help you to realize them in life, and the new year will bring even more good luck and energy for the incarnation of conceived. Sparky snow will be a white tablecloth on the festive night, which the magic of the new year will decorate the stars of fantasies, purposefulness and love for their work. Let dreams come true in the last night of the old year!

When gifts are waiting for us under the Christmas tree, we wish each other all that we are waiting for themselves: girls - hot nights and strong hugs, young men - long legs and heavy wallets, spouses - passion, newlyweds - grasp, pensioners - new television series, businessmen - right courses Currencies and understanding secretary, police - light duty, and all of us are a tasty olive, cold champagne, reliable rear and growing salary. Happy New Year!

What does your child want for the new year? New toy or fashion gadget. What does your wife want? Of course, the self-bacterial tablecloths from the French restaurant, the undeveloped pyatak in foreign currency and the boosters-boosters from genuine leather. What does your cat want? Personal gold fish, personal Mickey Mouse and Valerian Bucket. Well, what do you want? Wine bubble, hot hugs and cold heads. So let all the New Year's desires of all the inhabitants of our country come true! Happy New Year!

How do these words worry - New Year! How much is an extraordinary, unusual, new, all that I want to do in the coming twelve months. And how great that this natural desire visits us in the coldest and dark days. After all, by the time the sun will shine bright and hot, the desire will become an intention, and the intention will turn into the first small step towards the desired. So let the desire for new achievements always comes to us in the middle of winter and does not leave all year round! Happy New Year!

In the new year the new life begins. All bad memories will be erased, anxiety and excitement of previous days will be forgotten. Fresh New Year snow belling traces of failure. I wish you successful accomplishments, unusual discoveries, bright undertakings, ease in the implementation of the intended. Let the heart be filled with premonition of joy, waiting for fun and meetings with friends. A winter holiday will bring you harmony in everything, calm in the shower and positive emotions from living, happiness.

To all close and friends in the new year, I wish the fortress of families and unpreasual friendships, health to children and parents, well-being in a family and friendly circle, sustainable equilibrium in a relationship, calm in the shower and optimism in the eyes. Appreciate each other, smile more often, make it easier for everybody close, and the response emotions and feelings will charge you with energy for the whole year, and the family will become the most important support in the ocean of life. Love, hug and kiss your relatives in the new year!

When we make a desire for the battle of the chimes on the New Year's Eve, each of us is sincerely waiting for the fulfillment of the mandated, because it is this night that is the most magical, and all that is good that we want close and yourself must come true. Not only children believe in miracles, they happen to adults. So let the joy of the New Year be the most first good desire, and with each sip of champagne grows hope for the embodiment of the conceived. Happy New Year!

A selection of warm New Year's congratulations in prose will help you get close to your relatives and your favorite people. So our nature is arranged - hearing warm words, our hearts are melting, we forget about all adversities, resentment and bad deeds. That is what we need on the eve of the New Year, when the whole bitterness should stay last year, and start everything from warm and sincere feelings in the new year. We tried to collect a selection of warm New Year's congratulations in prose, which in our opinion will help you do it!


Happy New Year! With new happiness! It smells like a Christmas tree, sparkling snow falls on the magic earth, the colorful garlands flas out brighter, the time of miracles comes! Let this holiday be joining you, will be in life with a new turn, will give happiness in a circle of loved ones and friends! Love and inspiration in the new year!


Today we are glad to break up with the outgoing year. Let them remain in the past all the negative moments that we have experienced. Ahead new achievements and unforgettable impressions! Let's go on a New Year's Eve to the hidden desires together. Happy holiday!


The brightest congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let this year bring only joy and happiness, durable abundance and wealth. Happy events will not make himself wait. Love, faith and hope, excellent mood. Let your cherished dreams come true. Beautiful impressions and good meetings. Peace, consent and harmony.


Let the coming New Year be happy. Take the most sincere congratulations to good health, excellent mood, harmony and consent in the shower. Happiness, love and prosperity. Let great optimism and hope do not leave your heart. Only joyful and successful days, in all kind luck and success.


He knocks on your New Year door! Sparkling colorful balls, spilled confetti, decorated with christmas toys and serpentine ... Open his door, like an expensive guest, to bring you a lot of joy and miracles! Meet him with a smile so that all your dreams come true! Happiness to you in the new year!


Champagne sparkles, and the world is filled with a miracle and magic expectation. This wonderful New Year's Eve will make the most cherished desire, and it will surely come true! Let your life in the new year will be the same as the champagne - exciting, playful and driving through the edge! Happiness to you in the new year!


Happy New Year! Let the wine sparkles in the glasses, and a smile shines on your face. Let your star light up in these fabulous moments in the sky. Even in the cold winter stubs, your heart will always be warmed with tenderness, warmth and love. I wish to always be at the height, reach the goal.


Congratulations on a solemn new year! Let you be creative, talented, smart, modern and promising. Let the new year give rise to career and promotion. Let the salary increase this year. I wish you to fulfill everything conceived, go to the resort and relax.


Let the New Year's Eve, as in magic, will fulfill all the most cherished desires and dreams! Let the new year, as a good magician, will certainly bring joy with him, love, good luck and well-being, and the exciting dance of the snowflake will take you into a magical country of dream! All the best in the new year!


With the arrival of the new year, we are typical of building plans, hope for the best, dream. By tradition, we make desires. I want to wish that the cherished dreams and pre-New Year expectations are fulfilled! Be happy, let love fills your hearts!


Anticipation of the holiday is a pleasant celebration itself. And you wish you a sweet expectation and superbly spent, long-awaited new year! Let the most bold dreams, let them come true for this fight of the chimes, and the incendiary euphoria of the holiday does not dispel the entire coming year!


In such holidays always expect fabulous change from the life. I wish you that all the New Year's Eve ashings not just tritely come true, and the reality surpassed even the most hidden and fantastic expectations. Let life give you wonderful travel, new accomplishments. And let the success become a companion of all undities!


New Year's Eve is a feast of Santa Claus's wizard! He performed our desires in childhood, because we believed in it. The main thing is to believe in a fairy tale and then the fairy tale will come to our life! I wish that in the coming year your most cherished dream come true!


In this wonderful holiday of the New Year, I would like to wish the fulfillment of all the cherished desires, good health, sincere laughter. Let in life there will be more bright and colorful moments, mutual love, happiness and good. All misfortunes and anxieties that have met on your way, let them bypass. All the best in the coming year!


Happy New Year! Let this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck, smiles, warmth and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone in the new year to be healthy, beautiful, loved ones and successful!


I congratulate you from all my heart Happy New Year and I wish you all the best. Let the next year will be a mustache for you with happiness, joy and achieving desirable goals. Mark this nice holiday in a circle of loved ones and favorite people, forget about care and troubles, join the new year with a smile and a wonderful mood!

Still congratulations on the New Year in prose:

Happy New Year! We wish you to leave all anxiety and adversity, troubles and misses in the outgoing year. Let in the new year you will come true the most cherished dream. We wish you everything to work: the work was pleased, the family warmed and supported, the money was multiplied, and the most fantastic ventures were implemented!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! I wish the sparkling mood, the feeling of the upcoming holiday and the implementation of everything conceived on holidays. Merry, surprises, gifts, noisy and good company, smiles and glowing eyes. Let wishes are fulfilled, new dreams appear and all plans and cases are developing. Holiday greetings!

With the coming you! Let the new year bring you peace and joy, let them be with you will be reliable friends and sincerely loving native people! I want to wish you that this year for you was filled with joyful events and positive emotions! Let new opportunities and your undertaken come to be revealed for you and success!

Let the upcoming New Year be full of wonderful events, magic gifts and pleasant surprises! I wish the festive mood, great happiness and steel health! Let all cherished dreams come true to this fabulous night!

Happy new year I congratulate you all and wish you always go in my way with time, with a smile on your face and faith in the heart. Let the outgoing year take with them all the concerns, problems and failures, and in the substitution will give happiness, good luck and luck.

With the approach of the new year there is an extraordinary magic! Bright lights are burning in the windows of houses, it is the elegant Christmas tree and buys comfort and warm. Therefore, I want to wish that in the new year every day your day is filled with magic, the house was cozy and warm, and life played bright colors! Let all the dreams, shaken under the battle of the chimes, be sure to come true, and happiness never leaves your home!

Happy New Year! I wish you fun to meet the coming year and hold it fabulously and safely. Good you have more, peace and order in the house, souncest and understanding. Let all troubles remain in the outgoing year, and you from now on shines a happy future!

Happy New Year. I wish in the outgoing year of the big shovel along with the snow to throw all the failures, troubles and anxiety, I wish in the New Year to walk confidently, beautifully, inspired, fun. Let the new year give only happiness and joy, let every day be bright, successful and kind. Health and Peace, Wealth and Love, Frequent Holidays and Present Miracles!

That's the last day of the outgoing year, it is time to stop at the threshold. Remember everything that was good, to spend good all the failures, and trouble, let them remain in your past. Watch thoughtfully in the distance and meet the coming New Year, which will bring a lot of happiness and joyful days. With the upcoming holiday!

Happy New Year! Holiday greetings! Let everything in life perfectly develops. Successes in overcoming all difficulties. Joyful days, good companies, real friends, luck and mental kindness!